Measurement: Scaling, Reliability, Validity
Measurement: Scaling, Reliability, Validity
Measurement: Scaling, Reliability, Validity
Scaling is a procedure for the assignment of numbers (or other symbols) to a property of objects in order to import some of the characteristics of numbers to properties in question
Methods of Scaling
Rating scales
Have several response categories and are used to elicit responses with regard to the object, event, or person studied.
Ranking scales
Make comparisons between or among objects, events, persons and elicit the preferred choices and ranking among them.
Rating Scales
Dichotomous scale
Is used to elicit a Yes or No answer. Nominal scale
Dichotomous Scale
Category Scale
Where in northern California do you reside? North Bay South Bay East Bay Peninsula Other (specify:_____________)
Likert Scale
My work is very interesting
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
Semantic Differential
Numerical Scale
How pleased are you with your new real estate agent?
Extremely Pleased 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Extremely Displeased
Stapel Scales
Ranking Scales
Paired Comparison
Used when, among a small number of objects, respondents are asked to choose between two objects at a time.
Paired-Comparison Scale
Forced Choice
Comparative Scale
Goodness of Measures
Indicates the extent to which it is without bias (error free) and hence ensures consistent measurement across time and across the various items in the instrument.
Stability of measures:
Test-retest reliability Parallel-form reliability
Split-half reliability
Content validity
Ensures that the measure includes an adequate and representative set of items that tap the concept.
A panel of judges
Validity (Contd)
Criterion related validity
Is established when the measure differentiates individuals on a criterion it is expected to predict
Concurrent validity: established when the scale differentiates individuals who are known to be different Predictive validity: indicates the ability of measuring instrument to differentiate among individuals with reference to future criterion
Validity (Contd)
Construct validity
Testifies to how well the results obtained from the use of the measure fit the theories around which the test is designed.
Convergent validity: established when the scores obtained with two different instrument measuring the same concept are highly correlated Discriminant validity: established when, based on theory, two variables are predicted to be uncorrelated, and the scores obtained by measuring them are indeed empirically found to be so