Love has given His life, for his blood as sacrifice Brought salvation to the world Jesus saved us from ourselves Took us into His chamber of grace Now we live by His Grace He blesses us and keeps us, shine upon us, And be gracious to us Cause He said, "It is done".. It is done! He turns His face to us, peace upon us He puts His name on us Cause He said, "It is done"
Love of My Life
You are the love of my life You are the hope that I cling to You mean, more than this world to me I wouldn't trade you for silver or gold I wouldn't trade you for riches untold,. You are , you are my everything I wouldn't take one step without you I could never go on,,,. I couldn't live one day without you,. I don't have the strength ,,, To make it on my own,, Chorus
Until the world stops turning Until the stars fade from the sky Until the sun stops rising I need you in my life and here's the reason why!
Son of God
The busy streets and sidewalks they suddenly grew still As a man came through the entrance of the city. As He touched and healed a blind man with a piece of clay With trembling lips you could hear the people say. Reff: Jesus, Jesus , He is the son of God Jesus, Jesus, the precious son of God Sweetest rose of sharon came to set us free Jesus, Jesus, He's everything to me Yes, He's all the world to me The footprints in the sand along the sea of Galilee, Where thousands came to hear and to see Him. There He taught of love and kindness, yes He brought a better way, As He spoke they'd turn and whisper and they'd say. Reff Then the air grew cold and the sky turned black as they nailed Him to a
Hosanna in the highest Let our King be lifted up hosanna Hosanna in the highest Let our King be lifted up hosanna Be lifted higher higher Be lifted higher Jesus You be lifted higher higher Be lifted higher Jesus You be lifted higher Higher higher Jesus You be lifted higher Higher higher
Hineni My Master
Here I am Master, in humble, I lay all of my life Here I am Master, in humble, I lay all of my rights.. Burn as a sacrifice, take all of my pride (To) Be the one after Your heart..
Bring me a teachable heart to follow Your call Catch Your moves, Your words, Your taugh..
Reff: My Master, Adonai, Adonai, Adonai.. King of kings, Adonai, Adonai, Adonai.. Bridge: Because of love, because of love, I will say hineni.. Because of love, because of love, I will say here I am.
Majesty praise to our king for He is worthy to be praised all the glory,honor and praise only to our God Jehovah Shammah the ommnipresent God Jehovah Rapha You are my healer Jehovah Nissi banner of victory Jehovah Shallom Prince of peace Holy... Holy.. Holy is the Lord Jehovah Shammah The omnipresent God Holy.. Holy.. Holy is the Lord my Prince of peace the Almighty God
Finish Strong
Ayo sederap selangkah Bersama menggapai cita, s'luruh mimpi dan cinta... T'robos s'tiap aral rintangan Taklukkan badai yang menghadang di depan kita... Jangan takut,jangan lelah Kita bisa bersama Dia...
Dengan Hineni,dengan Unity Kita pasti bisa...Kita pasti bisa... Far better it is to do mighty things To win glorious triumphs Sehati sederap(ayo ayo ayo)...Sehati sederap... Sehati sederap... Finish Strong....!!!!!
To Thee We Ascribe
To Thee we ascribe glory To Thee we ascribe honor To Thee we ascribe power and majesty Holy is the Lord
Friend Of God
Who am I that You are mindful of me That You hear me when I call Is it true that You are thinking of me How You love me it's amazing (Chorus) I am a friend of God I am a friend of God I am a friend of God He calls me friend God Almighty, Lord of Glory You have called me friend (Repeat Chorus) He calls me friend
It Is Well
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul. Refrain: It is well, with my soul, It is well, it is well, with my soul. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live: If Jordan above me shall roll, No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
Agnus Dei
Alleluia Alleluia For the Lord God Almighty reigns Alleluia Alleluia For the Lord God Almighty reigns Alleluia Holy Holy are You Lord God Almighty Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb You are holy Holy are you Lord God Almighty Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb Amen
12 Gates
Come on lets enter the gates at heaven on earth Let us receive the scriptures in hand Soaring into the sky to the promised land The highest place of places Unity and enhance to the next level Together lets build this world Reaching out the finish line with strong and might Reff: Its the blessings, wonder has come Prosperity to the nation Unity, reverse, salvation filling all the earth and sky Now its time of harvest season Miraculous victorious Miracle in golden peak is speaking now 2x With unity, love, power, truth, yes united we will stand