Media: The Marketing of Messages

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Chapter 10

The Marketing of Messages


The Marketing of Messages

Today well cover Media Speak Media Building Blocks
Strengths & Weaknesses



Building The Media Plan

The Media Planning Revolution

Media Speak
Media = collective noun

Medium = one type of media

Vehicle = single carrier

Media Speak
number or % exposed to a vehicle

Audience Coverage
number or % reached by a single insertion in a specified area

Audience Composition
statistical breakdown of a media vehicles total audience

Media Speak
Reach & Ratings
Broadcast Media use Rating Points
% of Target Audience reached by a media vehicle

Print Media use Circulation

Number of copies sold or distributed

Media Speak
Above = paid advertising Below = sales promotion, PR, events

Traditional = major mass media Non-Traditional = unique media opportunities and new media forms

Media Building Blocks

Strengths & Weaknesses:
First, well examine the Strengths & Weaknesses of each Medium

Then, well take you through the steps of Building a Media Plan.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Portable Time independent Not a fleeting medium - it lasts Accommodates complex copy Good picture quality Easier to feature more than one product Versatility Can be preserved and reread Journalistic content = credibility & prestige Can deliver coupons


Strengths & Weaknesses:

Prestigious Readers upscale Readers use ads Less lead time Strong local emphasis Sense of immediacy Cataloging Value Reproduction varies Not much passalong Can be expensive Cluttered Not read thoroughly Poor demographic selectivity May have adverse editorial


Strengths & Weaknesses:

Special audience opportunities Building audience takes time


Can be long-lasting
Repeat exposure

Can be cluttered
Early closing dates

High passalong
Creative flexibility

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Frequency and repetition Large audiences. Low cost.
Visual impact


Poor demographic selectivity Limited time. Limited copy.

Complicated logistics

Blanket coverage

Can be expensive

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Various formats. Radio is cluttered Special audiences. Inexpensive Radio spots are Affordable frequency fleeting
Affordable production


Reaches mobile market Scheduling & creative flexibility Immediacy

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Impact Market coverage Intrusive Flexible Cost-efficient (CPM) Prestigious Fleeting Expensive


Big shows. Big Bucks. Production can be expensive

Best shows have limited availability

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Geographic flexibility Low ratings Inexpensive Reporting is inadequate Varied programming. Specialized audiences. Upscale audiences Wide variety of ad formats

Cable TV

Media Plan:

Building The Media Plan:

Successful media planning

is the task of selecting and scheduling media that will reach as many of the target audience as frequently as possible for the least amount of cost.

Building The Media Plan:

The Media Plan is
a blueprint for future action organizing a brands advertising into media objectives and strategies that are:
Goal-Oriented - increase sales/share
Make sense - effective/efficient Manageable - can be executed, flexible, developed before the buy.

Building The Media Plan:

Media Objectives
Media Strategies
WHAT your Media Plan hopes to achieve HOW the Media Objective will be implemented

Building The Media Plan:

Evaluation & Analysis Planning Media Objectives Media Strategies The Media Buy Post-Buy Analysis

Building The Media Plan:

Evaluation & Analysis
Brand History Budget Purchase Cycle Prime Prospect Geography Competition Promotional Activity

Building The Media Plan:

Evaluation & Analysis + Problems & Opportunities
Similar to Situation Analysis in Chapter 8

Becomes foundation for The Media Plan

Building The Media Plan:

Planning Media Objectives
Target Audience Seasonality Geography Reach & Frequency

Building The Media Plan:

Planning Media Objectives
Target Audience Profile
Demographics Product Usage (Heavy/Med/Light) Media Usage
PMN - Personal Media Network
Media Consumption Core Audience Aperture (Time/Place/Circumstance)

Building The Media Plan:

Planning Media Objectives
Seasonal sales
Media Efficiency Competitive media presence Promotions Scheduled

Building The Media Plan:

Planning Media Objectives
Geographic Considerations
Distribution Budget
National/Regional/Local Offensive or Defensive Strategy?


Sales by Market

Building The Media Plan:

Planning Media Objectives
Reach and Frequency
Consumer Motivation Purchase Cycle Purchase Decision Message Complexity Ad Effectiveness/Memorability Commercial Length Time of Day/Attention Competition

Building The Media Plan:

Planning Media Strategies
Nature of Media/Message Media Strength/Weakness Media Efficiencies - CPM Eliminate Media that dont fit Brand Consider Selling Environments National vs. Local Spending Scheduling Strategies Synergy between Media/Ad

Building The Media Plan:

Planning Media Strategies
Media Efficiencies - CPM
CPM = Cost Per Thousand, the universal form of comparing the efficiency of different media. The following is a comparison of costefficiency for reaching Women 18-49

Building The Media Plan:

Network Radio :30 Day Network :30 Cable TV :30 Print 4-color page AM Network :30 Late Night :30 Syndication :30 Evening News :30 Prime Network :30

CPM - Women 18-49

2.81 5.35 6.05 7.67 11.14 12.22 13.29 17.80 18.31

Building The Media Plan:

Planning Media Strategies
Scheduling Strategies
Four Types of Ad Schedules:

Building The Media Plan:

The Media Buy (Implementation)
Buying - a separate function
Involves tough-minded negotiating Involves long-term relationships

Media Buying Services

Growing field - specialists Part of unbundling

Building The Media Plan:

Post-Buy Analysis
Measure actual performance
Media makes guarantees Involves large amounts of $

If below guarantee, media must provide a make-good. And, if you do a good job

Building The Media Plan:

You Get to Do It Again Next Year!

Media Planning:
A New Revolution
New importance of the media function
Unbundling = New Media Agencies New Global Relationships
Mega-brands and mega-agencies

Growing # of media choices means growing need for media planning Development of account planning style media planning

Media Planning:
A New Revolution
It will be more challenging to work

in advertising in new media its a skys the limit type of thing. And advertisers have to know all the possibilities.

Jayne Spitler, Leo Burnett/StarCom

Media Planning:
A New Revolution
The creative people and the media

people must intertwine their work as much as possible. They have to understand the overall project is part of a targeting process.

David Martin, CEO/Penta-Com

Media Planning:
A New Revolution
In a rapidly changing media world,

an understanding of the consumer/ media relationship is of fundamental importance to the process.

Andy Tilley. Zenith Media

Media Planning:
A New Revolution
Todays toughest question is how

to find your customers at the most strategic time thats why media is the new creative frontier.
Keith Reinhard, Chmn DDB

Chapter 10

The Marketing of Messages


Questions Discussion:


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