RMC Civil Engineering

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Ready mix concrete which is popularly called as

RMC. The first ready mix factory which was built in 1930s. The consumption of cement in the form of RMC is about 5% in India, where as in developed countries its about 70%. The leading RMC supplier worldwide is the mexican concrete and cement company cemex.

A concrete which is specially
manufactured for the delivery to the costumer construction site in a freshly mixed, plastic and unhardened state.

The main ingradients are

Cement Sand Coarse aggregate water

Special ingradients

Admixtures Accelarators Retorders Superplastisizers Air entraining agents

Concept of Readymix Concrete

Ready-mix concrete has cement, aggregates, water and other ingredients, which are weighbatched at a centrally located plant. This is then delivered to the construction site in transit mixers and can be used straight away without any further treatment. Ready Mixed Concrete is manufactured under computer-controlled operations and transported and placed at site using sophisticated equipment and methods

Small weigh batching plant for local deliveries


For ready mix concrete supply the purchaser should specify the Following a) Designated max. size of coarse aggregate b) Desired / max. slump at the point of delivery c) Air content (for air entrained concrete) d) Mix design requirement such as cement content, max. water content & admixtures or minimum compressive strength at 28 days e) Unit weight required (for structural lightweight concrete.

Utilization of Fly ash

Though the scope for utilization of fly ash in Readymix concrete is very high, the concept of fly ash as an additive to concrete is still at very initial stage and it is not popular among majority of actual users of concrete

Hurdles to set up new Plant:


Desired properties of hardened ready-mixed concrete include durability strength water tightness resistance to abrasion.

Today, ready-mixed concrete is frequently used to construct

highways bridges dams buildings airports

sewer systems tunnels home foundations driveways sidewalks.

A centralised concrete batching
plant can serve a wide area

The plants are located in areas zoned

for industrial use, and yet the delivery trucks can service residential districts or inner cities

Better quality concrete is

produced Elimination of storage space for basic materials at site Elimination of procurement / hiring of plant and machinery

Wastage of basic materials is

avoided Time required is greatly reduced. Noise and dust pollution at site is reduced Labor associated with production of concrete is eliminated


About ACC Concrete

ACC Concrete - a wide range

High Strength Concrete High Performance Concrete Self-leveling Concrete Self-compacting Concrete Coloured Concrete Concrete made with binary and ternary blends of cements Early strength Concrete Fibre reinforced Concrete

Anticipating huge potential for the

product, cement majors, including Associated Cement Companies, Grasim, L&T, India Cements, Priyadarshini Cements, Chettinad Cement and Madras Cements, are foraying into the RMC business

To determine the most economical and practical

combination of readily available materials To produce a concrete that will meet requirements under specific conditions of use. The majority of concrete used for agricultural applications is supplied by ready-mix producers

RMC is more advantageous than site mix
concrete Easier addition of admixture Flexibility in mix design RMC which produces uniform, consistent and quality assured concrete Faster and speedier construction

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