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Raising of labour productivity. Improvement in the quality of production. Participation in the planning and regulation of wages: improving wage rates. Striving for a better organization of medical assistance to the labourers and of the protection of the health of women and children. Political and general educational level.


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To achieve higher wages and better working and living conditions for the members. To acquire control over running of the industry by workers. To minimize the helplessness of the individual workers by making them stand-up unitedly and increasing their resistance power through collective bargaining; protecting the members against victimization and injustice by employers. To generate self-confidence among the workers. To encourage sincerity and discipline among workers.



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To secure fair wages for workers. To enlarge opportunities for promotion and training. To improve working and living conditions. To provide for educational, cultural and recreational facilities. To offer responsive cooperation in improving levels of production and productivity, discipline and high standards of quality.

In India, the structure of trade union consists of three levels: plant/shop or local, the state and the centre.There are two types of organizations to which the trade unions in India are affiliated: (i) National Federations, (ii) The Federations of Unions.

The National Federations have all the trade unions in a given industry as their affiliated members. Every trade union, irrespective of the industry to which it belongs, can join a general national federation. Such federations are the apex of trade union policies a national character. The central union organizations are national federations of labour based on different political ideologies. The all-India federation of trade unions has a regular structure. For example, UTUC INTUC HMS

These are combinations of various unions for the purpose of gaining strength and solidarity. They can resort to concerted action, when the need for such action arises, without losing their individuality. There are a few organizations which are local in character, such as the Bharatiya Kamgar Sena, the Labour Progressive Federation, Chennai, the National Front of Indian Trade Unions and the Co-ordinating Committee of Free Trade Unions.


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The Indian National Trade Union Congress. The All-India Trade Union Congress. The Hind Mazdoor Sabha. The United Trade Union Congress. The Centre of India Trade Unions. Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh. The National Front of India Trade Unions. The United Trade Union Congress.

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