This document discusses the process of wafer fabrication from raw materials to a single crystal silicon ingot. Key steps include:
1. Metallurgical grade silicon is produced from quartzite sand through carbon reduction in an electric arc furnace.
2. The silicon is further purified through chemical vapor deposition to produce electronics-grade silicon.
3. Single crystal ingots are grown via the Czochralski method, where a seed crystal is pulled slowly from a silicon melt, causing silicon to solidify around it with the same crystal structure.
4. Wafers are cut from the ingot and polished for use in semiconductor devices.
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This document discusses the process of wafer fabrication from raw materials to a single crystal silicon ingot. Key steps include:
1. Metallurgical grade silicon is produced from quartzite sand through carbon reduction in an electric arc furnace.
2. The silicon is further purified through chemical vapor deposition to produce electronics-grade silicon.
3. Single crystal ingots are grown via the Czochralski method, where a seed crystal is pulled slowly from a silicon melt, causing silicon to solidify around it with the same crystal structure.
4. Wafers are cut from the ingot and polished for use in semiconductor devices.
This document discusses the process of wafer fabrication from raw materials to a single crystal silicon ingot. Key steps include:
1. Metallurgical grade silicon is produced from quartzite sand through carbon reduction in an electric arc furnace.
2. The silicon is further purified through chemical vapor deposition to produce electronics-grade silicon.
3. Single crystal ingots are grown via the Czochralski method, where a seed crystal is pulled slowly from a silicon melt, causing silicon to solidify around it with the same crystal structure.
4. Wafers are cut from the ingot and polished for use in semiconductor devices.
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This document discusses the process of wafer fabrication from raw materials to a single crystal silicon ingot. Key steps include:
1. Metallurgical grade silicon is produced from quartzite sand through carbon reduction in an electric arc furnace.
2. The silicon is further purified through chemical vapor deposition to produce electronics-grade silicon.
3. Single crystal ingots are grown via the Czochralski method, where a seed crystal is pulled slowly from a silicon melt, causing silicon to solidify around it with the same crystal structure.
4. Wafers are cut from the ingot and polished for use in semiconductor devices.
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Why Silicon Silicon is the most important semiconductor for the microelectronics industry. When compared to germanium, silicon excels for the following reasons: (1) Si has a larger bandgap (1.1 eV for Si versus 0.66 eV for Ge). (2) Si devices can operate at a higher temperature (150 o C vs 100 o C). (3) Intrinsic resistivity is higher (2.3 x 10 5 -cm vs 47 - cm). (4) SiO 2 is more stable than GeO 2 which is also water soluble. (5) Si is less costly. ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Crystal Growth Shaping Wafer Slicing Wafer Lapping and Edge Grind Etching Polishing Cleaning Inspection Packaging Basic Process Steps for Wafer Preparation ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Si Wafer Fabrication Raw Material -Quartzite Polycrystalline Silicon Single Crystal Silicon Wafer Distillation and Reduction Crystal Growth Grind, Saw, Polish 1 2 3 ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Sand to Silicon The sand that is used to produce silicon wafers is compose of mainly silicon dioxide. This can be made to react with carbon at very high temperatures. The silicon oxygen bond is very strong so a very high temperature process is needed for this carbon reducing reaction. The carbon replaces silicon to form silicon and carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. This process is carried out in sub-merged electrode arc furnace
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Production of MGS Silicon MGS-major impurities are B and C Submerged electrode arc furnace is a power intensive process (13kWh/kg. Used to produce metal alloys Purity 98% ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Metallurgical Grade Silicon This process generates polycrystalline silicon with about 98% to 99% purity and is called crude silicon or metallurgical grade silicon (MGS).
Crude silicon has a very high impurity concentration and so needs further refining for use in the semiconductor industry.
CO Si C SiO Heat 2 2 2 + + ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Production of EGS Silicon -Requires doping element ~ppb, C< 2ppm Purification of silicon has several steps. First the crude silicon is ground into a fine powder. The powder is then fed into a reactor along with HCL vapour. At ~300C trichlorosilane (TCS, SiHCL 3 ) is produced.
This TCS vapour is then put through a series of filters, condensers and purifiers to produce ultra high purity TCS liquid.
At high temperature TCS can react with hydrogen to produce high purity polysilicon.
This high purity polysilicon is called Electronics Grade Silicon (EGS) and is ready for processing into a single crystal ingot. 2 3 ) 300 ( 3 H SiHCL HCL Si C Heat + +
CVD Reactor for EGS Temp-1100C ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Polycrystalline - Single Crystal Si Crushed high-purity polycrystalline silicon is doped with elements like arsenic, boron, phosphorous or antimony and melted at 1400 in a quartz crucible surrounded by an inert gas atmosphere of high-purity argon. The melt is cooled to a precise temperature, then a "seed" of single crystal silicon is placed into the melt and slowly rotated as it is "pulled" out. ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Crystal Growth Two things are necessary to turn the EGS into a single crystal ingot, these are: 1. High Temperature 2. Single Crystal Silicon Seed With these two items, molten silicon is produced that can be made to condense with the same crystal structure as the seed silicon. There are two methods commonly used to produce single crystal silicon: 1. The Czochralski Method (CZ) 2. The Floating Zone method (FZ) Since only the CZ method can be used to make wafers with diameter greater than 200mm and it is a relatively low cost process, it is the most popular production method. ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Si Crystal Puller for 300 mm Wafers Note Size of Person Czochralski Crystal Growth (CZ) ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Czochralski (CZ) crystal growing All Si wafers come from Czochralski grown crystals. The diameter of the silicon ingot produced can be controlled by the temperature and pull rate. The grooves on the side of the ingot are a caused by changes in the pulling rate of the crystal. ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Czochralski (CZ) crystal growing Here the high purity EGS is melted in a slowly rotating quartz crucible at 1415C (just above the melting point of silicon 1414C).
A single crystal silicon seed rod is then mounted on a slowly rotating chuck and lowered into the molten silicon.
The surface of the crystal begins to melt when it is submerged, however the seed crystal temperature is precisely controlled to be just below that of molten silicon.
When the system reaches thermal stability the seed crystal is withdrawn very slowly, dragging some molten silicon to recondense around it (with the same crystal orientation). ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Creating the Single Crystalline I ngot (cont.) The surface tension between the seed and the molten silicon causes a small amount of the liquid to rise with the seed and cool into a single crystalline ingot with the same orientation as the seed. The ingot diameter is determined by a combination of temperature and extraction speed.
Crystal Growing Theory (CZ) L(dm/dt) +k l (dT/dx 1 )A 1 =k s
(dT/dx2)A 2 k l and k s are thermal conductivities, A 1 and A 2 are area of isotherm at 1 and 2. Max. growth rate can be deduced under no thermal gradient in the melt i.e. dT/dx 1 =0 Converting the mass solidification rate to a growth rate using density and area yeilds V max.=( k s /Ld)(dT/dx), where V max. is max. pull rate, where d is the density of solid silicon.
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Crystal Growth Theory (contd.) Pull rate(net solidification rate), 30- 50% slower than theoretical value(5.4mm/min). Growth rate(instantaneous solidification rate) can exceed pull rate or be +Ve or Ve. Growth rate influences defect the defect structure & dopant distribution at microscopic level. Pull rate affects defects properties due to condensation of thermal point defects( above 950 C). A pull rate above 2mm/min. eliminate defects by quenching the point defects in to lattice. ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Effect of solid solubility C s & C l are equilibrium concentration of impurity in solid & melt at interface, C 0 -initial melt concentration, X- fraction of melt solidified, and k 0 segregation coefficient.
K e =k 0 /{k 0 +(1-k 0 ) exp(-VB/D)}is effective segregation coefficient where V is growth velocity, D diffusion coefficient of dopant in melt, B is boundary/ stagnant layer thickness K 0 =C s /C l (equilibrium segregation coefficient) Concentration at tail end:? Normal freezing relation B=1.8D 1/3 V 1/6 W -1/2 ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Float-zone crystal growth Molten silicon in float zone is not contained in silica crucibles thus not subject to oxygen contaminations as present in C-Z growth.
High resistivity (> 25 sqr-cm) silicon are essentially grown by this technique. ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Molecular Beam Epitaxy (SiGe) Similar for III-Vs or II-VIs ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Prof. Beans Si MBE Apparatus ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Defects in Crystals are classified by dimensionality Class Dimension Types Point 0 Instertial Vacancy Frenkel Pair Line 1 Dislocations Area 2 Surfaces, Twins, Stacking Faults, GB Volume 3 Precipitates, Voids ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Point Defects Shottky Interstitial Frenkel Pair Defect from Surface ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Schottky defects in thermal equilibrium ) / exp( 0 kT E N N av v = N v = #lattice sites/cm 3 E av =activation energy~2.6 eV for Si k= Boltzman constant T= Temperature (K) At room temp: N v ~5x10 -12 /cm 3 1 hop in 10 4 sec At 1000K N v ~5x10 10 /cm 3 - 10 8 hops/sec
Defects frozen in when temp is lowered i.e. crystal is not in equilibrium - # defects - large ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Other common point defects:
Interstitial extra atom not on lattice site self-interstitial interstitial dopants not usually active
Substitutional Impurities dopants
Frenkel Pair atom moves to nearby interstitial site
Di-vacancy two adjacent missing atoms only need to break 6 bonds ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Line defects ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
ECE 663 One Dimensional Defects-Edge Dislocations Positive edge dislocation extra half plane ABCD
ECE 663 Properties of Dislocations Must end at surface or be closed curve -dislocation loops
Impurities tend to migrate to dislocations metallic impurities can short junctions
Effects carrier mobilities - different or // to dislocations
ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Area Defects -Most important types: Stacking Faults & Grain Boundaries, twin defects -Can occur during epitaxy, implantation, and oxidation
Volume defects -precipitates -voids -accumulations of point defects ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
ECE 663 Properties of Dislocations Must end at surface or be closed curve -dislocation loops
Impurities tend to migrate to dislocations metallic impurities can short junctions
Effects carrier mobilities - different or // to dislocations
ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Area Defects -Most important type Stacking Faults -Can occur during epitaxy, implantation, and oxidation
Volume defects -precipitates -voids -accumulations of point defects ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
1. Reduce Contamination from environment
2. Wafer Cleaning
3. Gettering: -try to trap impurities away from device layers bad elements generally fast diffusers -chemical bonds -create crystal defects on purpose Reduction of Impurities that Effect Device Performance ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
1. Free elements to be gettered from current trapping sites
2. Diffuse to gettering site(s)
3. Trap them where they wont harm devices Gettering: ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Gettering of Alkali ions near the surface of the device
Remove ions from oxides (GOX and FOX)
Deposit PSG (phosphosilicate glass)
Na and K are fast diffusers and are trapped in the PSG layer during high temp processing
Put defects on backside of wafer to trap metallic impurities and alkali ions e.g. Fe, Au, Cu & Na + , K +
Ex: Polysilicon (lots of defects) applied to backside of wafer metal impurities trapped at dislocations Gettering- contd. ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Oxygen incorporated in Si when grown using the CZ process
Growth at >1400C results in super-saturation when cooled to room temp, causing precipitates of SiO 2 throughout the wafer
Create SiO 2 surface region for devices 1. Epitaxy usually free from O 2 2. Out-diffusion thermal process Intrinsic Gettering: ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Silicon Wafer Manufacture Objectives 1. Review in detail the purification process for the silicon 2. The CZ method of silicon ingot production 3. Discuss silicon wafer shaping 1. Sawing 2. Edge Shaping and Lapping 3. Wafer Etch 4. Polishing 4. Epitaxial silicon; purpose and process
ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
I ngot Characterization Single Crystal Silicon ingots are characterized by the orientation of their silicon crystals. Before the ingot is cut into wafers, one or two flats are ground into the diameter of the ingot to mark this orientation.
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The ingot is then ground down to the correct diameter to ensure a uniform surface and notched along one side. This notch will be used to determine the wafer orientation when it is being processed later on in the fab Ingot Grinding / Flats making Flat grind Diameter grind Notched grind ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Wafer Orientation Plane of wafer is orientation 100 most common for Si VLSI For Wafers 6 or less orientation and doping Indicated by flats: ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Wafer Saw The ingot is then sliced using a very fine diamond saw or some steel wire.
The dominant state of the art slicing technology is Multi-Wire Sawing (MWS). Here, a thin wire is arranged over cylindrical spools so that hundreds of parallel wire segments simultaneously travel through the ingot. While the saw as a whole slowly moves through the ingot, the individual wire segments conduct a translational motion always bringing fresh wire into contact with the Silicon. The sawing effect is actually achieved by SiC or other grinding agents that run along the rotating wire. ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
The wafers are sawn as thin as is possible however they need to be thick enough to sustain the mechanical handling of wafer processing. Larger diameter wafers require a larger thickness. Given that wafers are generally processed in batches of 25, the weight of a lot box of 300mm is quite substantial !!!! (~3.2Kg) Wafer Size (mm) Final Thickness (m) Area (cm 2 ) Weight(g) 50.8 279 20.26 1.32 76.2 381 45.61 4.05 100 525 78.65 9.67 125 625 112.72 17.87 150 675 176.72 27.82 200 725 314.16 52.98 300 775 706.21 127.62 ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Wafer Lapping After the sawing processing the wafer edges are ground in a mechanical process to round the sharp edges created through the slicing process. The round edges prevent chipping of the wafers in later processes.
After edge rounding the wafers are then rough polished to remove most of the damage caused by the wafer sawing process. This is known as lapping and is a double sided process performed under pressure using a glycerine slurry with alumina (Al 2 O 3 ) particles suspended in it.
The lapping process removes about 50m of silicon from both sides of the wafers but gives a flatness of ~2m across the wafer. ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Wafer Etch/Clean After Sawing and Lapping the wafers are etched in a solution of nitric, hydrofluoric and acetic acid. The nitric acid oxides the silicon to form silicon dioxide on the surface of the wafer, which the HF then dissolves and removes. The acetic acid helps to control the reaction rate.
This etch of the wafer surface removes about 10m of silicon from both sides of the wafer, but it helps to further smooth the surface of the wafer while removing particles and defects from the wafers.
O H NO SiF H HF HNO Si 2 6 2 3 8 4 3 6 4 3 + + + + ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Wafer Polishing A process called chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) is performed on the wafers to improve their planarity and ensure that all the wafers are of the same thickness.
Here the wafer is held in a rotating holder and pressed onto a rotating polishing pad. Slurry and water are added to create an abrasive medium which slowly and evenly grinds and smoothes down the surface of the wafer.
The slurry used is typically silica particles in a sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH). The particles have diameters of less than 100 so that scratches and gouges are not an issue.
After polishing the wafers are cleaned using a mixture of HCL, H 2 O 2 and H 2 SO 4
to ensure the surface is contaminant free. ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Wafer polishing Next, the wafers are polished in a series of combination chemical and mechanical polish processes called CMP The wafers are held in a hard ceramic chuck using either wax bond or vacuum and buffed with a slurry of silica powder, RO/DI Water and Sodium hydroxide
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Wafer Cleaning Most wafer manufacturers use a 3-step process which starts with an SC1 solution (ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and RO/DI water ) to remove organic impurities and particles from the wafer surface. Next, natural oxides and metal impurities are removed with hydrofluoric acid. Finally, the SC2 solution, (hydrofluoric acid and hydrogen peroxide), causes super clean new natural oxides to grow on the surface.
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Wafer Thickness and Roughness Changes After the CMP process the wafers are ready to ship to customers. The table below shows the changes in wafer thickness and roughness through the various processes. Procedure Thickness (m) Roughness (m) Post Wafer Saw 914 76 Post Edge Rounding 914 76 Post Lapping 814 12.5 Post Etch 750 <2.5 Post CMP 725 Virtually defect free ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Crystal Planes denoted by Miller I ndices h,k,l ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
1. Determine where plane (or // plane) intersects axes: a intersect is 2 units b intersect is 2 units c intersect is infinity (is // to c axis) 2. Take reciprocals of intersects in order (1/2, 1/2, 1 / infinity) = (1/2, 1/2, 0) 3. Multiply by smallest number to make all integers 2 * (1/2, 1/2, 0) = " (1, 1, 0) plane" a b c ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Equivalent planes denoted by {} {100}=(100), (010), (001) For Cubic structures: [h,k,l] (h,k,l) Crystal planes ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Angle Between Planes:
[h 1 k 1 l 1 ] and [h 2 k 2 l 2 ] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 l k h l k h l l k k h h Cos + + + + + + = u Example: [100] and [111] ( )( ) 3 1 1 3 0 0 1 = + + = u Cos u=54.74 ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Anisotropic Etching KOH a crystallographically selective etch for Si different planes etch at different rates Surface atom densities different
Etch rate for [100] is 10 to 40 times higher than For [111] depends on temperature Si SiO 2 (100) Wafer [100] V-groove very useful for MEMS ECE-309E Microelectronics ECE, UIET, KUK-2010
Questions? Textbooks : 1. VLSI Technology , Second Edition, By: S.M. Sze 2.VLSI Fabrication Principles, By S.K.Gandi
Other Useful Reference Material: 1. VLSI Technology by C.Y. Chang, McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN 0071141057(0- 07114105-7 2. Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology, S.M. Sze (2002) 3. Complete Guide to Semiconductor Devices 2 nd ed., K.K. Ng (2002)