Classroom Management Techniques
Who is Kounin?
Kounin is a classroom behaviourist theorist Best known for his two studies done in 1970 He wrote the book, "Discipline and Group Management in Classrooms" Kounin worked to combine both discipline and learning in the classroom Kounin believed that organization and planning are key to engaging students This relationship is characterized by proactive teacher behaviour along with student involvement in learning
Focuses on preventative discipline: using techniques and strategies to prevent misbehaviours from occurring.
Case Study:
Give suggestions of what proactive discipline is
Strategy 2: Withitness
Awareness of what is going on in all parts of the classroom, i.e., teachers have eyes on the back of their heads! Classroom layout benefits the teachers ability to see all students at all times
Strategy 3: Overlapping
When teachers can effectively tend to two or more events simultaneously Students are more likely to stay on task if they know that the teacher is aware of what they are doing (body language)
Thrust: Teacher forgets to give clear instructions at the appropriate time of a lesson. Teacher must then re-explain the instructions to each student on an individual level Stimulus-bound: Teacher is distracted by an outside stimulus and draws the classs attention to it
Classroom Applications
Be aware of what is happening around the classroom. Intervene before misbehaviours escalate. Use routines, explanations and smooth transitions to gain the attention of the students. Keep all students involved through constant supervision and accountability. Reduce off task behaviour and boredom by creating challenges, extending tasks, providing progress and adding variety. Be able to attend to more than one event at the same time. Note: Classroom management is most effective when these applications are applied at the beginning of the school year.
Kounin 1970 http://www.educ.uvic.ca/epls/faculty/rowles/kounin1.htm
Learning Environment Article from The Premiere Website for Health and Physical Education http://www.pecentral.org/climate/april99article.html
Maine Education Association http://www.maine.nea.org/index.htm The Kounin Model from Approaches to Discipline http://www.solwebs.net/sgfl/teaching/discplan/koun1.htm West Dunbartonshire Council http://www.wdcweb.info/home/