Mapeh 1
Mapeh 1
Mapeh 1
Health-Related Fitness and Performance- Related Physical Fitness -according to current thinking in physical education profession physical fitness is either health related or performance related. Health-related physical fitness is concerned with the development of those qualities that offer protection against disease and frequently are associated with physical activity. For example, certain physiological and psychological factors often affected by physical activity are thought to cause some degenerative diseases, such as obesity and coronary heart disease. Thus health-related physical fitness is important to everyone and should be stressed by physical educators.
Performance-related physical fitness is associated with those qualities conductive to better performance in sport and other physical activities, such as requiring strength, endurance, agility and speed. The components of both health-related and performance-related physical fitness are similar, for example cardiovascular function, body composition, strength and flexibility. However , the degree of development of each varies with the two types of physical fitness. Compared to health-related fitness, a more extensive development of these components may be required to achieve an appropriate level of performance-related fitness. Performance related fitness is often associated with sport. For example, athletes may need to develop the fitness components of strength to a greater degree (performance-related fitness) than average citoizens interested in improving and maintaining their health (health-related fitness.
HEALTH - according to the World Health Organization, refers to such qualities as physical, mental, emotional, and social health ; it is not limited to the mere absence of disease and infirmity. It means total fitness. Today the emphasis in health care field is on wellness rather than sickness and on preventive medicine rather than remediation. One term frequently used is holistic health. Holistic health is based on the premise that an individuals health is the result of the interrelationship of several factors including physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, environmental, genetic, and social factors.
Holistic health emphasizes that each individual has the responsibility for optimizing his or her own wellbeing.
WELLNESS -is not merely the absence of disease but also optimal health. - emphasizes the individuals power to make responsible decisions that not only lead to the prevention of disease but also to the promotion of a high level of health. - is achieved through proper nutrition, regular exercise, effective stress management and freedom from destructive habits (e.g., smoking or drug use.)
RECREATION -consists of those activities performed by an individual during nonworking hours. -it is frequently referred to as leisure time activity. Recreation education is aimed at teaching people to use their leisure hours in a constructive manner. - this implies a careful selection of leisuretime activities.
Athletics -refers to the games or sports usually engaged in by highly skilled individuals. The interest in athletics in the United States has been largely inherited from Great Britain. With the introduction of athletics into colleges and universities, intercollegiate sport has rapidly grown. In recent years the interest in athletic participation has expanded to other segments of the population. Competitive youth sport programs have become very popular. The International Senior Games for older adults and the International Games for the Disabled for individuals with handicaps are two examples of this expanded interest.
AAHPERD - is the acronym for the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance . - is the largest professional organization in our field and represents professionals in physical education, sport, athletics, health , safety, recreation and leisure and dance. One of the periodicals it publishes is the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. This journal, known as JOPERD, is widely read and will be frequently cited in the text.
PHILOSOPHY - one of the most significant outcomes of undergraduate professional preparation will be the development of a philosophy of physical education. Whatever your career choice whether you are pursuing a career in education, a teaching career outside of the school setting, or fitness-related career- as a physical educator it is important that you have a philosophy of physical education. * Philosophy provides direction; it enables use of knowledge and skills learned during your professional preparation in the most effective manner.
* Philosophy promotes the development and clarification of beliefs and values, which serve as a foundation for ones behavior. * Philosophy is a process of critical examination, reasoning, and speculation undertaken in an effort to arrive at truth and reality. * Philosophy aids in decision-making; morals and values guide our conduct not only in a professional capacity but also in daily living.