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Definition VSAT:
A very small aperture terminal (VSAT), is a two-way satellite ground station or a stabilized maritime VSAT antenna with a dish antenna that is smaller than 3 meters.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
It is used for the reliable transmission of data, video, or voice via satellite.
developed the world's first Ku band (1214 GHz) VSATs with Hughes Aerospace to provide portable network connectivity for oil field drilling and exploration units The largest VSAT network (more than 12,000 sites) was deployed by Spacenet and MCI for the US Postal Service
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Usage of VSAT
VSAT are used by car dealerships affiliated with manufacturers such as Ford and General Motors They are used for transmitting and receiving sales figures and orders, as well as for receiving internal communications, service bulletins, and interactive distance learning courses from manufacturers. The Ford Star network, used by Ford and its local dealers, is an example of this.
Usage of VSAT
VSAT technology is also used for 2-way satellite internet providers such as HughesNet and StarBand in the US. Nearly all VSAT systems are now based on IP, with a very broad spectrum of applications. As of December 2004, the total number of VSATs ordered stood at over 1 million, with nearly 650,000 in service. Annual VSAT service revenues were $3.88 billion.
Ku-band system
Smaller sizes of VSAT antennas at remotes Abundant in frequency resource Existing the propagation problems caused by rain
0.6 ~ 2.4 m antenna
C-band system
Larger sizes of VSAT antennas at remotes Most C-band frequency resource already used Existing the interference problem between adjacent channels because of the congestion of channels
Thursday, February 14, 2013
LEO: Low Earth Orbit. MEO: Medium Earth Orbit GEO: Geostationary Earth Orbit
Satellite up links and down links can operate in different frequency bands:
Band C Ku Ka Up-Link (Ghz) 4 11 20 Down-link (Ghz) 6 14 30 ISSUES Interference with ground links. Attenuation due to rain High Equipment cost
Advantages: Less disturbance from heavy rain fade Cheaper Bandwidth Disadvantages: Needs a larger satellite dish (diameters of minimum 2-3m) Powerful (=expensive) RF unit More expensive hardware Possible Interference from microwave links
At the Geostationary orbit the satellite covers 42.2% of the earths surface. Theoretically 3 geostationary satellites provides 100% earth coverage
Reliable Communications VSAT satellite communications provide virtually error-free digital data communications and better than 99.9% network reliability.
Remote Communications No matter how remote or dispersed your operations are, VSAT provide a link to your headquarters. VSAT can provide remote diagnostics, remote monitoring, and data streaming services from remote or hazardous sites.
Time VSAT deployment takes no more than 4-6 weeks as compared to 4 to 6 months for leased lines. Management Network monitoring and control of the entire VSAT network is much simpler than a network of leased lines, involving multiple carriers at multiple locations. A much smaller number of elements needs to be monitored incase of a VSAT network and also the number of vendors and carriers involved in between any two user terminals in a VSAT network is typically one.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Maintenance A single point contact for operation, maintenance, rapid fault isolation and trouble shooting makes things very simple for a client, using VSAT services VSAT networks offer enormous expansion capabilities. VSAT can be rapidly installed to support the network expansion to any site, no matter however remote.
A comparison of costs between a VSAT network and a leased line network reveals that a VSAT network offers significant savings over a two to three years timeframe.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
on, two way/bidirectional IP based satellite connection providing instant Internet access Speed Instant access Easy to use Secure Affordable
Point to point :
Point-to-point SCPC (single channel per carrier) links are the satellite equivalent of a terrestrial leased line connection. They are usually set-up on a permanent, 24 hour basis and are thus more costly in satellite capacity and less efficient if not used all the time. However, they do support high bandwidths (typically from 9.6 kbps to 2 Mbps) and can easily be used to carry data, voice and even video traffic.
Higher Propagation delay Used by TDMA VSATs High central hub investment Smaller VSAT antenna sizes (1.8 m typically) Lower VSAT costs Ideally suited for interactive data applications Large organizations, like banks, with centralized data processing requirements
Lower Propagation delay(250 ms) Used by PAMA/DAMA VSATs Lower central hub investment larger VSAT antenna sizes (3.8 m typically) Higher VSAT costs Suited for high data traffic Telephony applications and pointto-point high-speed links
Topology of a STAR VSAT network viewed from the satellites perspective Note how the VSAT communications links are routed via the satellite to the Hub in all cases.
This is how a star data, TDM/TDMA VSAT network works using a hub station, usually six meters or more in size and small VSAT antennas (between 75 centimeters and 2.4 meters).
VSAT Community
Topology of a MESH VSAT network from the satellites perspective Note how all of the VSATs communicate directly to each other via the satellite without passing through a larger master control station (Hub).
Mesh networks which use capacity on a demand assigned multiple access (DAMA) basis take a different approach. The master control station merely acts as a controller
Installing a dish is normally dangerous. Take care not to fall down and not to drop tools on others below. Be careful with ladders - always tie off the top to some secure point. A small electric shock may make you fall off a ladder so be extra careful. TIPS : If you are a beginner, practice the complete installation at ground level before moving everything to the roof. Accuracy The dish pointing needs to be near perfect as the transmit beam is narrower then the receive beam.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
This involves a tube lowered into a hole which is then filled in with concrete. The pole should be accurately vertical so that when you swing the dish around to find the satellite the elevation angle stays the same all the time.
indoor data processing unit (DPU)
The indoor data processing unit (DPU) should be located in a dry, cool and clean place.
Earth Stations