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Brand Positioning

Define competitive frame of reference

Target market Nature of competition

Define desired brand knowledge structures

necessary competitive

strong, favorable, and unique brand associations

Issues in Implementing Brand Positioning

Establishing Category Membership Identifying & Choosing POPs & PODs Communicating & Establishing POPs & PODs Sustaining & Evolving PODs & POPs

Establishing Category Membership

Product descriptor Exemplary comparisons

Identifying & Choosing POPs & PODs

Desirability criteria (consumer perspective)
Personally relevant Distinctive & superior Believable & credible

Deliverability criteria (firm perspective)

Feasible Profitable Pre-emptive, defensible & difficult to attack

Major Challenges in Positioning

Find compelling & impactful points-ofdifference (MacMillan & McGrath, HBR, 97)
How do people become aware of their need for your product and service? How do consumers find your offering? How do consumers make their final selection? How do consumers order and purchase your product or service? What happens when your product or service is delivered? How is your product installed? How is your product or service paid for?

Major Challenges in Positioning

Find compelling & impactful points-ofdifference (cont.)
How is your product stored? How is your product moved around? What is the consumer really using your product for? What do consumers need help with when they use your product? What about returns or exchanges? How is your product repaired or serviced? What happens when your product is disposed of or no longer used?

Communicating & Establishing POPs & PODs

Create POPs and PODs in the face of attribute & benefit trade-offs
Price & quality Convenience & quality Taste & low calories Efficacy & mildness Power & safety Ubiquity & prestige Comprehensiveness (variety) & simplicity Strength & refinement

Strategies to Reconcile Attribute & Benefit Trade-Offs

Establish separate marketing programs Leverage secondary association (e.g., cobrand) Re-define the relationship from negative to positive

Sustaining & Evolving POPs & PODs

Core Brand Values & Core Brand Proposition

Core Brand Values

Set of abstract concepts or phrases that characterize the 5-10 most important dimensions of the mental map of a brand. Relate to points-of-parity and points-ofdifference
Mental Map Core Brand Values Brand Mantra


Brand Mantras
A brand mantra is an articulation of the heart and soul of the brand.
Brand mantras are short three to five word phrases that capture the irrefutable essence or spirit of the brand positioning and brand values.

Authentic Athletic Performance

Fun Family Entertainment


Designing a Brand Mantra

Emotional Modifier Descriptive Modifier Brand Functions


Implementing a brand mantra

Communicate Simplify Inspire


Internal Branding
Making sure that members of the organization are properly aligned with the brand and what it represents. Very critical in service companies Continuous open dialogue with employees A mixture of resources and processes, designed to inform and inspire employees to maximize their mutually beneficial contribution to BRAND EQUITY.

Positioning a brand in the minds of the consumers-determining the desired brand knowledge structures CCBE Model- Brand positioning requires Frame of reference
Ideal points-of-parity and points-of-difference

Competitive Frame of reference understanding consumer behavior & consideration sets


Review (contd.)
PODs associations that are unique to the brand, strongly held and favorably evaluated by consumers POPs associations that are not necessarily unique to the brand but in fact be shared with other brands Category POPs-legitimate and credible product Competitive POPs-negate competitors PODs

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