Writing Effective Emails
Writing Effective Emails
Writing Effective Emails
10 habits contd.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inadvertent replying to all. Omitting the context of a reply. Shooting the messenger. Misaddressed recipients. Displaying addresses of recipients who are strangers to each other. 10. Replying vs. forwarding.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Addressing Subject Line Message Text Signature Line Attachments Style Confidentiality and Security Managing Email References Discussion
Limit to who really needs to know. Make it clear in text who has action and who is info addressee. Use BCC to protect Email addresses unless everyone knows each other. Watch Reply All.
Addressing (contd.)
Use address book with mail groups & validate often.
Avoid typing addresses free hand; many addresses are similar; watch auto fill. Send same message to multiple recipients by editing message as new or cutting and pasting.
Addressing (contd.)
Make sure forward does not embarrass sender.
Get permission if in doubt. Never diss sender in forward or reply.
Subject Line
Headline (think newspaper). Grab Attention. Summarize message. Make it easy for recipients to triage your Email and find it later. Dont Reply All to a message to grab addressees without changing subject.
Message Text
Keep the message focused and readable. Keep it short. Use inverted pyramid (newspaper). Break into paragraphs; skip lines between. Use short sentences and active voice. Use plain text editor, not MS Word. Avoid HTML. Avoid fancy typefaces.
Dont type in All Caps like yelling. Avoid !!! Avoid using URGENT and IMPORTANT. Use * * to highlight text if you must. Proofread & spell check.
For URL links use SNIPURL to shorten long URLs or enclose in < >.
Free service http://snipurl.com/
Use sparingly. Cut and paste relevant parts of attachment into text of Email. Use URL links instead.
Upload attachments to website and cite URL. http://www.scribd.com/ is a free service.
Recipients who do not know you may be reluctant to open attachments or click URLs.
Attachments (contd.)
Post attachment first to avoid Oops, heres the attachment. Trend is posting large attachments into blogs followed by Email announcement.
Gives people a chance to comment on attachment without a series of Reply All messages. Those interested can check comments or use RSS feed to be notified.
Signature Line
Include (if you want people to contact you)
Your name Title Organization Email address (especially on listservs) Website Phones
Multiple replies can get out of hand, but continue them to maintain the tread. When they start to drift start a new thread with explanation. Formal vs. informal More common in chats and blogs, but still wrong.
Style (contd.)
Forwarding stuff, e.g., chain letters
Avoid; annoys most people. Check address list before forwarding a Did you see this? - They may have received it. Use http://www.snopes.com/ to check urban legends. If you must forward, strip out addresses and use BCC to hide your address list.
Style (contd.)
Do not overuse high priority option. Avoid delivery and read receipts. Do not ask to recall a message.
Just apologize and correct.
Do not copy a message or attachment without permission. Do not scoop someone elses message.
Style (contd.)
Chill out!
Avoid sending a snarky reply to a pissy Email. Wait 24 hours. Write, but dont send. Dont reply at all and let them wonder. Offer to speak by phone or in person; Email is not a good tool for clearing the air.
Style (contd.)
Chill out (contd.)
Leave no record of sensitive or emotional responses. Never say in Email what you wouldnt say in person or would not like to see in the press or defend in court. Once you hit Send you have lost control of the Email.
You can never be certain that it was erased from all locations. Think of all Email as Permanent.
legal advice.
The communication is made to a lawyer acting in his/her capacity as a lawyer. The communication must be made and kept
in confidence.
8. Never include personal or financial info in an Email. 9. Dont unsubscribe from anything you did not subscribe to. 10. Beware of friends Emails.
12. Never share account info, even with family. 13. Use strong passwords.
14. Encrypt wireless connections. 15. Use encryption and digital signatures for important Email.
Managing Email
Organize Email into folders.
Use company file plan for in-house Email.
Keep a copy of all sent Email. Review and clean out folders periodically.
Good for rainy day or slow day at work. Comply with company retention schedule.
1. Calvin Sun. 10 common e-mail habits that waste time and cause problems. [Online] July 2007. http://downloads.techrepublic.com.com/downloa d.aspx?docid=302381 Author unknown. Effective Email How to communicate powerfully by email. [Online] Downloaded November 2007. http://www.mindtools.com/CommSkll/EmailCom munication.htm Ellen Dowling, PhD. 10 Tips for Effective Email. [Online] Downloaded November 2007. http://www.mindtools.com/email.html
References (contd.)
4. 5. Gene Wicker, Jr. E-Mail Etiquette. [Online] January 2005. http://iwillfollow.com/emailetiquette.pdf Jessica Bauer and Dennis G. Jerz. Writing Effective E-Mail: Top 10 Tips. [Online] August 2004. http://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/etext/e-mail.htm Guy Kawasaki. The Effective Emailer. [Online] February 2006. http://blog.guykawasaki.com/2006/02/the_eff ective_e.html
References (contd.)
7. Amit Agarwal. Never Forget To Include Email Attachments. [Online] April 2007. http://labnol.blogspot.com/2007/04/neverforget-to-include-email.html Kirk Shinkle. Running an Office by Wiki and EMail. [Online] February 2008. http://www.usnews.com/articles/business/small -business-entrepreneurs/2008/02/28/runningan-office-by-wiki-and-e-mail.html
References (contd.)
9. Brenda R. Sharton and Gregory J. Lyons. The Risks of E-Mail Communication: A Guide to Protecting Privileged Electronic Communications. [Online] September 2007. http://www.abanet.org/buslaw/blt/2007-0910/lyons.shtml 10. Author unknown. The 25 Most Common Mistakes in Email Security. [Online] Downloaded March 2008. http://www.itsecurity.com/features/25common-email-security-mistakes-022807/ 11. Author unknown. Email etiquette. [Online] Downloaded March 2008. http://www.emailreplies.com/
References (contd)
12. Jason Krause. Law Hacks: 101 tips, tricks and tools to make you a more productive, less stressed-out lawyer. [Online] July 2007. http://www.abajournal.com/magazine/law_hacks / 13. Jason Krause. Eek is for E-Mail: You can manage the mess of messagesbut first let go of the paper. [Online] May 2007. http://www.abajournal.com/magazine/eek_is_fo r_e_mail/ 14. David Beckman and David Hirsch. Thumb-Thing Good: For road warriors: trailer-size space in a finger-size trunk. [Online] May 2007. http://www.abajournal.com/magazine/thumb_th ing_good/
References (contd.)
15. Tony Bradley. Why You Should Encrypt Your Email. [Online] Downloaded March 2007. http://netsecurity.about.com/cs/emailsecurity/ a/aa051004.htm 16. ARMA Intl Standards Committee. Working Collaboratively in an Electronic World. 2007 (available for download from ARMA Bookstore) 17. ARMA Intl Pamphlet. What Do I Do with All This e-Mail? [Online sample] 2007 http://www.arma.org/pdf/BKEmailHowTo.pdf 18. Author unknown. Citing Internet Resources. [Online] Downloaded March 2007. http://www.classroom.com/community/connecti on/howto/citeresources.jhtml
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