ISO 5001:2011 Requirements

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ISO 5001:2011 Requirements


ISO 50001 What is it ?

ISO 50001:2011, Energy management systems Requirements

with guidance for use, is a voluntary International Standard developed by ISO (International Organization for

Standardization). ISO 50001 gives organizations the requirements for energy management systems (EnMS). ISO 50001 provides benefits for organizations large and small, in both public and private sectors, in manufacturing and services, in all regions of the world. ISO 50001 will establish a framework for industrial plants ; commercial, institutional, and governmental facilities ; and entire organizations to manage energy. Targeting broad applicability across national economic sectors, it is estimated that the standard could influence up to 60 % of the worlds energy use.*

ISO 50001 Why is it important ?

Energy is critical to organizational operations and can be a major cost to organizations Considering the use of energy through the supply chain of a business, from raw materials through to recycling. the economic costs of energy to an organization, energy can impose environmental and societal costs by depleting resources and contributing to problems such as climate change. The development and deployment of technologies for new energy sources and renewable sources can take time. Individual organizations cannot control energy prices, government policies or the global economy, but they can improve the way they manage energy in the here and now. Improved energy performance can provide rapid benefits for an organization by maximizing the use of its energy sources and energyrelated assets, thus reducing both energy cost and consumption. The organization will also make positive contributions toward reducing depletion of energy resources and mitigating worldwide effects of energy use, such as global warming.


ISO 50001 What will it do ?

Assist organizations in making better use of their existing energy consuming assets Create transparency and facilitate communication on the management of energy resources Promote energy management best practices and reinforce good energy management behavior Assist facilities in evaluating and prioritizing the implementation of new energy-efficient technologies Provide a framework for promoting energy efficiency throughout the supply chain Facilitate energy management improvements for greenhouse gas emission reduction projects Allow integration with other organizational management systems such as environmental, and health and safety.

ISO 50001 How does it work ?

ISO 50001 provides a framework of requirements enabling organizations to : Develop a policy for more efficient use of energy Fix targets and objectives to meet the policy Use data to better understand and make decisions concerning energy use and consumption Measure the results Review the effectiveness of the policy Continually improve energy management.


ISO 50001 How was it developed ?

ISO/PC 242 committee created Energy management, ISO/PC 242 was led by ISO members for the United States (American National Standards Institute ANSI) and Brazil (Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas ABNT). ISO/PC 242 - Experts from the national standards bodies of 44 ISO member countries participated -another 14 countries as observers. The standard also benefitted from the participation -development organizations including UNIDO and the World Energy Council (WEC). ISO 50001 has been able to draw on numerous national or regional energy management standards, specifications and regulations, including ones developed in China, Denmark, Ireland, Japan, Republic of Korea, Netherlands, Sweden, Thailand, the USA and the European Union.

ISO 50001 Whats in the standard ?

The purpose of this International Standard is to enable organizations to establish the systems and processes necessary to improve energy performance, including energy efficiency, use, and consumption. Implementation of this standard is intended to lead to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, energy cost, and other related environmental impacts, through systematic management of energy. This International Standard is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations irrespective of geographical, cultural or social conditions. Successful implementation depends on commitment from all levels and functions of the organization, and especially from top management.

This International Standard specifies requirements of an energy management system (EnMS) for an organization to develop and implement an energy policy, establish objectives, targets, and action plans, which take into account legal requirements and information related to significant energy use. An EnMS enables an organization to achieve its policy commitments, take action as needed to improve its energy performance and demonstrate the conformity of the system to the requirements of this International Standard. Application of this International Standard can be tailored to fit the requirements of an organization including the complexity of the system, degree of documentation, and resources and applies to the activities under the control of the organization. This International Standard is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act continual improvement framework and incorporates energy management into everyday organizational practices.


Plan-Do-Check-Act continual improvement framework

NOTE : This approach can be briefly described as follows. Plan : conduct the energy review and establish the baseline, energy performance indicators (EnPIs), objectives, targets and action plans necessary to deliver results in accordance with opportunities to improve energy performance and the organizations energy policy. Do : implement the energy management action plans. Check : monitor and measure processes and the key characteristics of its operations that determine energy performance against the energy policy and objectives and report the results. Act : take actions to continually improve energy performance and the EnMS.




ISO 5001:2011
1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Energy management system requirements 4.1 General requirements 4.2 Management responsibility 4.2.1 Top management 4.2.2 Management representative 4.3 Energy policy 4.4 Energy planning 4.4.1 General 4.4.2 Legal and other requirements 4.4.3 Energy review 4.4.4 Energy baseline 4.4.5 Energy performance indicators 4.4.6 Energy objectives, energy targets and energy management action plans 4.5 Implementation and operation 4.5.1 General 4.5.2 Competence, training and awareness 4.5.3 Communication 4.5.4 Documentation 4.5.5 Operational control 4.5.6 Design 4.5.7 Procurement of energy services, products, equipment and energy 4.6 Checking 4.6.1 Monitoring, measurement and analysis 4.6.2 Evaluation of legal requirements and other requirements 4.6.3 Internal audit of the EnMS 4.6.4 Nonconformities, correction, corrective, and preventive action 4.6.5 Control of records 4.7 Management review 4.7.1 General 4.7.2 Input to management review 4.7.3 Output from management review

1 Skop
Standard Antarabangsa menyatakan secara spesifik keperluan untuk sistem pengurusan kualiti dimana organisasi a) perlu menunjukkan keupayaan untuk sentiasa membekalkan produk yang memenuhi kehendak pelanggan dan undang-undang dan peraturan tertentu, serta b) bertujuan untuk meninggikan kepuasan pelanggan melalui pemakaian sistem yang efektif, termasuk proses untuk peningkatan berperingkat bagi sistem dan jaminan kepatuhan keperluan pelanggan serta pemakaian terhadap kehendak undang-undang dan peraturan


1.2 Pemakaian
Organisasi boleh mengecualikan keperluan ISO 9001:2008 sekiranya keperluan tersebut tidak bersesuaian kerana : (1) sifat semulajadi produk (2) keperluan pelanggan (3) Keperluan undang-undang dan peraturan tertentu


1.2 PEMAKAIAN- Pengecualian yang dibenarkan

Pengecualian hanya dibenarkan untuk keperluan yang: Tidak menjejaskan keupayaan organisasi, juga tidak mengenepikan tanggungjawabnya, untuk membekalkan produk yang memenuhi keperluan pelanggan dan undang-undang dan peraturan tertentu. Termasuk di dalam fasal 7 standard: Realisasi Produk. Dijustifikasikan di dalam manual kualiti.

Contoh pengecualian:

Pengecualian: ISO 9001:2008 Seksyen

7.3, Rekabentuk dan Pembangunan

Justifikasi: ABC Industri, tidak

mereka dan membangunkan produk. Semua spesifikasi produk diperolehi dari syarikat Induk.

2 Rujukan normatif
Rujukan dibuat kepada ISO 9000:2005 Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti - Asas dan Daftarkata

3 Perkataan dan Definisi

Produk boleh juga bermaksud perkhidmatan


4. Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti

Keperluan Am (4.1) Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti (4) Keperluan Dokumentasi (4.2) Am (4.2.1) Manual Kualiti (4.2.2) Kawalan Dokumen (4.2.3) Kawalan Rekod (4.2.4)

5 Tanggungjawab Pengurusan
Komitmen Pengurusan (5.1) Fokus Pelanggan (5.2) Polisi Kualiti (5.3)

Semakan Pengurusan (5.6)

Tanggungjawab Pengurusan (5)

Perancangan (5.4)

Am (5.6.1) Input Semakan (5.6.2) Output Semakan (5.6.3)

Tanggungjawab, Bidangkuasa Dan Komunikasi(5.5)

Objektif Kualiti (5.4.1) Perancangan Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti (5.4.2)

Tanggungjawab dan Bidangkuasa (5.5.1) Wakil Pengurusan (5.5.2) Komunikasi Dalaman (5.5.3)


6. Resource Management
Infrastruktur (6.3)

Peruntukan Sumber (6.1)

Pengurusan Sumber (6) Sumber Manusia (6.2)

Persekitaran Kerja (6.4)

Am (6.2.1)

Kompeten, kesedaran dan latihan (6.2.2)


7 Realisasi Produk
Proses Berkaitan Pelanggan (7.2)
Penentuan keperluan berkaitan produk (7.2.1) Semakan keperluan berkaitan produk (7.2.2) Komunikasi pelanggan (7.2.3)

Perancangan Realisasi produk (7.1)

Kawalan Peralatan Pemantauan dan Pengukuran (7.6)

Realisasi Produk
perolehan (7.4)
Proses pembelian (7.4.1)

Peruntukan pengeluaran dan perkhidmatan (7.5)

Kawalan peruntukan Pengeluaran dan perkhidmatan (7.5.1)
Validasi proses untuk Peruntukan pengeluaran dan perkhidmatan (7.5.2) Identifikasi dan kebolehcarian (7.5.3) Hartamilik pelanggan (7.5.4)

Rekabentuk dan Pembangunan (7.3)

Perancangan (7.3.1) Input (7.3.2) Output (7.3.3) Semakan (7.3.4) Verifikasi (7.3.5) Validasi (7.3.6) Kawalan perubahan (7.3.7)

Maklumat pembelian (7.4.2)

Verifikasi pembelian Produk (7.4.3)

Pemuliharan produk (7.5.5)


8. Pengukuran, Analisa dan Peningkatan

Am (8.1)

Peningkatan (8.5)
Peningkatan Berperingkat (8.5.1) Tindakan pembetulan (8.5.2) Tindakan Pencegahan (8.5.3)

Pemantauan & Pengukuran (8.2)

Kepuasan Pelanggan (8.2.1) Audit Dalaman (8.2.2) Pemantauan & Pengukuran Proses (8.2.3) Pemantauan & Pengukuran produk (8.2.4)

Pengukuran, Analisa & Peningkatan (8)

Analisa Data (8.4)

Kawalan Ketidakpatuhan Produk (8.3)


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