Black Beans Northarvest Bean Growers Association
Black Beans Northarvest Bean Growers Association
Black Beans Northarvest Bean Growers Association
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Look a t Me a t La be ls
Adding cardio
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North Americas Largest Supplier of Dry Beans Created in 1975 o Growers in North Dakota and Minnesota A well known producer and shipper of dry beans to thousands of farmers Funds o marketing initiatives, advertising, trade shows, public relations and communication o research to deliver the best quantity and quality of their dry beans Leading U.S production of pinto, navy, dark red kidney and pink bean o Other classes include black, light red kidney, small red, great northern, and cranberry Expand 112,000 sq. miles (292,000 sq. kilometers)
North Harvest o North Dakota/ Minnesota Grows pinto, navy, dark red kidney, pink, black, light red kidney, small red, great northern, and cranberry beans o Economy Demands = Other classes of beans o Rich, Black Soil perfect for dry bean growth o Natural, Non-GMO, Selectively Bread Planting Begins in spring o 1.5-1.8 million acres of dry bean o 7 weeks for natural pollination to begin o Mid to late May (soil reaches 60 degrees F) Season for growing beans are long, warm summer days to ensure that these beans are at the best quality and quantity for the consumers.
Plants begin to die as they turn into golden yellow o Beans begin to finish growing Combines clear harvest o Separate pods and place into trucks Delivered to modern facilities located close to the fields o They determine the grain at these facilities o Amount of dirt, damage, moisture content, temperature are important factors for quality suitability Facilities cleans, sorts and sizes dry beans to the qualities and sizes to the customer specifications Shipped around the world and across the United States o 110 pound units o Delivery with train or truck
Dry beans are rich in nutrients Contain protein, carbohydrates, vitamin and minerals, and are very low in fat Also contains several types of phytochemicals Rich in Lignans o Fighters of osteoporosis, heart disease, and certain cancers The flavonoids in these beans can general help reduce heart disease and cancer risk. Contains phytosterols o help reduce blood cholesterol levels. It provides beneficial dietary fiber o Rich of insoluble and soluble fiber Mainly containing unsaturated fatty acids (85%) Vitamin and minerals: copper, phosphorus, manganese and magnesium o Also includes iron 3 cups of cooked dry bean will meet the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Northarvest Bean Growers Association 50072 East Lake Seven Road Frazee, MN 56544 Ph: 218-334-6351/ Fax: 218-334-6360 Email: [email protected]