Managing Data Resources
Managing Data Resources
Managing Data Resources
Challenge: Fragmented and isolated corporate systems creating a single integrated view of customers and operations Solution: single integrated corporate data warehouse, using a single data model. Oracle 9i database provides near real-time access to customer activity, customer profitability, and customer reactions Illustrates the importance of managing data resources for achieving profitability
2006 by Prentice Hall
File Organization Terms and Concepts Bit: Smallest unit of data; binary digit (0,1) Byte: Group of bits that represents a single character Field: Group of words or a complete number Record: Group of related fields File: Group of records of same type
2006 by Prentice Hall
Problems with the Traditional File Environment Data Redundancy and Inconsistency: Data redundancy: The presence of duplicate data in multiple data files so that the same data are stored in more than one place or location Data inconsistency: The same attribute may have different values.
Program-data dependence:
The coupling of data stored in files and the specific programs required to update and maintain those files such that changes in programs require changes to the data Lack of flexibility: A traditional file system can deliver routine scheduled reports after extensive programming efforts, but it cannot deliver ad-hoc reports or respond to unanticipated information requirements in a timely fashion.
2006 by Prentice Hall
Problems with the Traditional File Environment (Continued) Poor security: Because there is little control or management of data, management will have no knowledge of who is accessing or even making changes to the organizations data. Lack of data sharing and availability: Information cannot flow freely across different functional areas or different parts of the organization. Users find different values of the same piece of information in two different systems, and hence they may not use these systems because they cannot trust the accuracy of the data.
2006 by Prentice Hall
Components of DBMS:
Data definition language: Specifies content and structure of database and defines each data element
Data manipulation language: Used to process data in a database
Types of Databases:
Three Basic Operations in a Relational Database: Select: Creates subset of rows that meet specific criteria
Hierarchical and Network DBMS Hierarchical DBMS: Organizes data in a tree-like structure Supports one-to-many parent-child relationships
Hierarchical and Network DBMS Network DBMS: Depicts data logically as many-to-many relationships
Hierarchical and Network DBMS Disadvantages: Outdated Less flexible compared to RDBMS
Object-Oriented Databases:
Object-oriented DBMS: Stores data and procedures as objects that can be retrieved and shared automatically Object-relational DBMS: Provides capabilities of both object-oriented and relational DBMS
Designing Databases:
Conceptual design: Abstract model of database from a business perspective Physical design: shows arrangement of DB on direct access storage device
Designing Databases: (Continued) Entity-relationship diagram: Methodology for documenting databases illustrating relationships between database entities Normalization: Process of creating small stable data structures from complex groups of data
An Entity-Relationship Diagram
Distributing Databases
Centralized database:
Used by single central processor or multiple processors in client/server network
There are advantages and disadvantages to having all corporate data in one location.
Security is higher in central environments, risks lower. If data demands are highly decentralized, then a decentralized design is less costly, and more flexible.
2006 by Prentice Hall
Distributed database:
Databases can be decentralized either by partitioning or by replicating Partitioned database: Database is divided into segments or regions. For example, a customer database can be divided into Eastern customers and Western customers, and two separate databases maintained in the two regions.
Duplicated database: The database is completely duplicated at two or more locations. The separate databases are synchronized in off hours on a batch basis. Regardless of which method is chosen, data administrators and business managers need to understand how the data in different databases will be coordinated and how business processes might be effected by the decentralization.
2006 by Prentice Hall
Distributed Databases
Figure 7-13
Corporate and government databases have unexpectedly poor levels of data quality.
National consumer credit reporting databases have error rates of 20-35%. 32% of the records in the FBIs Computerized Criminal History file are inaccurate, incomplete, or ambiguous. Gartner Group estimates that consumer data in corporate databases degrades at the rate of 2% a month.
2006 by Prentice Hall
Ensuring Data Quality: (Continued) The quality of decision making in a firm is directly related to the quality of data in its databases. Data Quality Audit: Structured survey of the accuracy and level of completeness of the data in an information system Data Cleansing: Consists of activities for detecting and correcting data in a database or file that are incorrect, incomplete, improperly formatted, or redundant
2006 by Prentice Hall
Multidimensional Data Analysis Online Analytical Processing (OLAP): Multidimensional data analysis Supports manipulation and analysis of large volumes of data from multiple dimensions/perspectives
Figure 7-14
Data Warehousing and Data Mining Data warehouse: Supports reporting and query tools Stores current and historical data
Figure 7-15
Data mart: Subset of data warehouse Contains summarized or highly focused portion of data for a specified function or group of users Data mining: Tools for analyzing large pools of data
Databases and the Web The Web and Hypermedia database: Organizes data as network of nodes Links nodes in pattern specified by user
A Hypermedia Database
Figure 7-16
Database server:
Computer in a client/server environment runs a DBMS to process SQL statements and perform database management tasks. Application server:
Figure 7-17
Management Opportunities:
Business firms have exceptional opportunities to exploit modern relational database technologies to improve decision making, and to increase the efficiency of their business processes.
Management Challenges: Organizational obstacles to a database environment Need for cooperation in developing corporate-wide data administration Cost/benefit considerations Bringing about significant change in the database environment of a firm can be very expensive and time consuming.
Solution Guidelines: The critical elements for creating a database environment are: Data administration Data-planning and modeling methodology
Figure 7-18