Integrating BPMS With Transitions

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[6 Sigma in Transitions]


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Version Control
Version No. Date Type of Changes Owner/Author Date of review / expiry


October 17, 2007 October 25, 2007

Original document

Arvind Sagar


Changes to BPMS alignment and deliverables

Gurmeet S Sran


December 26, 2007

Capacity Planning for Call Centre Module Added

Gurmeet S Sran

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6 Sigma in Transitions

Date: 10th January 2008

Classification: Genpact Internal

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6 Engagement in Transitions

BPMS Mapping to Transition tollgates

Tools & Templates

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6 Engagement In Transitions
Sign off: Genpact Sign off: Customer & Genpact Sign off: Customer & Genpact Sign off: Customer & Genpact Sign off: Customer & Genpact

Toll Gate 0
Step 0.1: Customer Biz requirements 1. Customer Needs and Expectation 2. Handover RFP to Projects 3. Work Category

Toll Gate 1
Step 1.1: Business Case 1. Pre Migration Questionnaire 2. Process Selection Scorecard

Toll Gate 2
Step 2.1: Detailed plans

Toll Gate 3
Step 3.1: Validate E2E process metrics 1. Document and validate E2E process metrics 2. Document ops definitions 3. Develop QA/QC plan Step 3.2: Validate process FMEA 1. E2E Process FMEA Step 3.3: Create documentation 1. E2E Adapted Process maps 2. Create/Update SoPs 3. Pilot Plan 4. Issue Escalation Plan Step 3.4: Monitor Team Performance 1. Maintain training records 2. Training Dashboards 3. Knowledge Transfer Index 4. Soft Skills Index 5. Volume Analysis 6. FTE Validation Step 3.5: Finalize BCP Plan Step 3.6: Finalize SoW Step 3.7: Site readiness 1. Check IT Infra set up 2. Check Applications Set up 3. Perform UAT Step 3.8: Draft Quarterly improvement plan

Toll Gate 4
Step 4.1: E2E Process Metrics 1. Validate E2E process metrics 2. Validate process dashboards 3. Establish process capability 4. Pilot acceptance criteria Step 4.2: Site Readiness 1. Infrastructure readiness 2. IT readiness 3. Validate BCP 4. Results of UAT Step 4.3: Validate Documentation 1. Revalidate FMEA 2. Revalidate E2E Process maps 3. Revalidate SoPs

1. Detailed project plan

2. Detailed Genpact trng plan 3. Detailed OJT plan 4. Onshore offshore mix 5. Team Travel plan 6. Knowledge Transfer Plan 7. Milestone Tracker Step 2.2: Process Documentation 1. Validate E2E Adapted Process maps 2. Draft SoPs Step 2.3: Technology plan 1. Create Genpact Site readiness checklist 2. Conduct user touch point test 3. Create Customer Site readiness checklist 4. Validate BCP Solution Step 2.4: Risks & Mitigants 1. Create FMEA

Step: 0.2: Commercials, FTE, & Scope

1. Commercials 2. FTE mapping 3. In Scope Processes Step 0.3: Project Charter 1. Create Team Charter 2. Toll gate sign off grid 3. Info Technology 4. Data Availability

Step 1.2: Project Details 1. Proposed FTE allocation 2. FTE Validation 3. Scope of work 4. Validate Team Charter 5. Draft MSA/SoW
Step1.3: Transition Details 1. MGPP 2. High Level Transition Plan 3. Proposed Transition timelines 4. Proposed Transition Del 5. Transition costs Step 1.4: SLAs and Baseline Data 1. Baseline data 2. Data Collection plan 3. Volume Analysis 4. Activity Analysis Step 1.5: Adapted Design Solution 1. IT Applications 2. Proposed IT Solution 3. Proposed BCP solution 4. E2E As Is Process maps 5. E2E Adapted process maps 6. Project Risks 7. Pricing: CBA Step 1.6: HR Plan Step 1.7: Others 1. Communication Plan 2. Project Management Log

5. Legal & Compliance

6. TG0 Status 7. Project Risks Step 0.4: HR Requisition Plan 1. Job Descriptions 2. Hiring Indent Step 0.5: Search Best Practices 1. Best Practices

4. Revalidate Escalation plans

Step 4.4: Handover to operations 1. Create Handover checklist 2. Obtain Ops sign off Step 4.5: Implement Control Plan 1. Process Control Plan 2. Refresher Trainings Step 4.6: Validate 4 Qtr improvement plan

Step 2.5: Customer VoC

1. Obtain Customer VoC

Step 4.7: Transition VoC

Step 4.8: Compliance Activity*

Highlighted areas for six sigma support to transitionsGenpact Internal Classification:

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6 Engagement In Transitions
Tollgate 1

Step 1.2: Project Details 1. Proposed FTE allocation 2. FTE Validation Step 1.4 SLA & Baseline Data 1. Baseline data 2. Data Collection plan 3. Volume Analysis 4. Activity Analysis Step 2.2: Process Documentation 1. Validate E2E Adapted Process maps Step 3.1: Validate E2E process metrics 1. Document and validate E2E process metrics 2. Document ops definitions 3. Develop QA/QC plan Step 3.2: Validate process FMEA 1. E2E Process FMEA Step 3.4: Monitor Team Performance 1. Volume Analysis 2. FTE Validation Step 4.1: E2E Process Metrics 1. Validate E2E process metrics 2. Validate process dashboards 3. Establish process capability 4. Pilot acceptance criteria Step 4.3: Validate Documentation 1. Revalidate FMEA 2. Revalidate E2E Process maps Step 4.5: Implement Control Plan 1. Process Control Plan Step 4.6: Validate 4 Qtr improvement plan Classification: Genpact Internal
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Tollgate 2


Tollgate 3


Tollgate 4


MBB Master Black Belt BB Black Belt TM Transition Manager OM Operating Manager

BPMS & Transitions

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BPMS Methodology

Infrastructure Infrastructure



VOC Validation Loop

Create Process Mission

Document Process

Document Customer & Process Requirements

Establish Data Collection Plan

Monitor Process Performance

Develop Dashboards with specification limits and targets

Identify Improvement opportunities

Identify Input, Build Process output and Management Process System & FMEA Measures

Three Phases of BPMS Deployment

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BPMS Alignment with Transition Tollgates

BPMS Action Item Toll Gate Step 1 Create Process Mission 2 Document Process- E2E Document Customer and 3 Process Requirements TG1 Identify Output and Process 4 Measures Build Process Management 5 System & FMEA Completio Plan Date n Date Responsibility Status Comments 15-Oct-07 20-Oct-07 BB/TM/OP Mgr Done Process Mission Documented 30-Oct-07 25-Oct-07 BB/OP Mgr/TM Done E2E Maps-As is and Adapted documented 5-Nov-07 BB/TM/OP Mgr TG1 Review and Sign-off 20-Nov-07 BB/OP Mgr/TM




30-Nov-07 BB/OP Mgr/TM TG2 Review and Sign-off 6 Establish Data Collection Plan 10-Dec-07 BB/OP Mgr/TM 7 Process Performance 15-Dec-07 BB/OP Mgr/TM Develop Dashboards with 8 Spec Limits and Targets 31-Dec-07 BB/OP Mgr/TM TG3 Review and Sign-off Identify Improvement 9 Opportunities 31-Jan-08 BB/OP Mgr/TM TG4 Review and Sign-off
BB Black Belt TM Transition Manager OP Operating Manager

BPMS steps alignment to Transition Tollgates Governance model built in the form of review dates
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Detailed BPMS Tracker


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BPMS Dashboard
BPMS Dashboard can be used as a effective tool to visually track the progress through various stages. A good review tool

BB Black Belt TM Transition Manager OP Operating Manager


WIP (> 50%)

To be done (< 50%)


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BPMS Steps in detail

1. Develop Process Mission Sub-Processes Steps Deliverable Timeline Reference Documents Owners
TM 1.1. Purpose A clear statement of purpose of the process TG1 RFP Docs /Transition Business Case / TG0 Documentation BB Operations TM 1.2. Importance Linkage to strategic and E2E process objectives TG1 RFP Docs /Transition Business Case / TG0 Documentation / MSA BB Operations TM 1.3. Boundaries Description of the Process ScopeBegins With, Includes, Doesn't Include, Ends With TG1 RFP Docs /Transition Business Case / TG0 Documentation /Draft Master Service Agreement or SOW BB Operations TM Preliminary Goals for The ProcessE2E Process Goals;Transition Goals;Genpact Goals;Financial Goals RFP Docs /Transition Business Case / TG0 Documentation /Draft Master Service Agreement or SOW / SLA Documentation

Owns TG1 Documenation & provision of information to Quality Validation & Documentation for BPMS project Validates Document Process & Sign-off Owns TG1 Documenation & provision of information to Quality Validation & Documentation for BPMS project Validates Document Process & Sign-off Owns TG1 Documenation & provision of information to Quality Validation & Documentation for BPMS project Validates Document Process & Sign-off Owns for TG1 Documenation & provision of information to Quality Validation for TG1 & Documentation for BPMS project Provision of inputs.Validates Document Process & Sign-off






1.4. Process Goals





BPMS Methodology alignment to Transition Toolkit

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BPMS Steps in detail

2. Document Process Sub-Processes Steps Deliverable Timeline Reference Documents Owners Owners Sign-Off
Owns for TG1 Documenation TM/Customer & provision of information to Quality Validation for TG1 & BB Documentation for BPMS project Operations Provision of inputs.Validates Document Process & Sign-off

2.1. COPIS

COPIS for the process


TG0 Documentation / Process Maps if available at the customer end



2.2. Process Boundary Sheet

List name of process owners;process start and end point;in-scope and out of scope and Suppliers, Inputs, Outputs and Customers for each subprocess steps

Owns for TG1 Documenation TM/Customer & provision of information to Quality TG1 & TG2 Process Boundary Sheet Template To validate in TG1 / TG2 and incoporate in BPMS Project Mapping in TG1 along with TM and validation and sign-off Operations in TG2 Owns for TG1 Documenation TM/Customer & provision of information to Quality Validation for TG1 & Documentation for BPMS BB project Mapping in TG1 along with TM and validation and sign-off Operations in TG2 BB Yes

2.3.E2E Process Maps (Level 2/3)

As is and Adapted E2E process

maps at Level 2 and 3.

TG1 & TG2

Process Maps if available at the customer end.


3. Document Customer and Process Requirements Sub-Processes Steps Deliverable


Reference Documents




3.1. Capture Customer and Process needs

Common Citical to Quality needs for Customer and Process


Master Service Agreement or SOW / Voice of Customer

3.2Translation of needs and priortisation of SLA's & CTQ's

Key Customer and Process SLA's and CTQ's


QFD; Master Service Agreement or

SOW / Voice of Customer

Owns for TG1 Documenation TM/Customer & provision of information to Quality Validation for TG1 & Documentation for BPMS BB project Operations Validate and sign-off Owns for TG1 Documenation TM/Customer & provision of information to Quality Validation for TG1 & Documentation for BPMS BB project Owns responsibility for identifying and finalising the Operations SLA's and CTQ's for operating rhythm.




BPMS Methodology alignment to Transition Toolkit

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BPMS Steps in detail

4. Identify Output and Process Measures Sub-Processes Steps Deliverable Timeline Reference Documents Owners Responsibility Sign-Off
Owns for TG1 Documenation TM / Customer & provision of information to Operations / Quality 4.1. Indentify the input, process and output metrics List of Input, Process and Output Metrics TG1; TG2 and Customer Measurement System validation at Documentation (if it exists); QFD TG3 Owns responsibility for identifying and finalising the metrics for day-day to operations Validate and sign-off & Document for BPMS Project Yes




Owns for TG1 Documenation TM / Customer & provision of information to Operations / Quality 4.2. Document Process Mission Metrics-Critical to Customer; Critical to Contract; Critical to Delivery and Critical to Profitability List of Critical to Contract; Critical to Contract; Critical to Delivery; Critical to Profitability metrics TG2 Master Service Agreement; SOW; Client Measurement System; Owns responsibility for identifying and finalising the metrics for day-day to operations Validate and sign-off & Document for BPMS Project No



5. Build Process Management System Sub-Processes Steps



Reference Documents


Owns responsibility for identifying and finalising the metrics for day-day to operations Owns for TG1 Documenation & provision of information to Operations / Quality Validate and sign-off & Document for BPMS Project Builds with Operations , IT, Training and Quality team. Documentation for TG2 &3 Validate and sign-off & Document for BPMS Project



5.1. Create Process Management System for every Sub-process

Complete Process Mangement System with QC/QA Plan, Control Plan and Responsibility Grid

TG2 & TG3

Adapted Process Maps (L3); Metrics Documentation




TM 5.2. Process FMEA Detailed Process FMEA TG2 & TG3 Project, IT, Training & BCP Plans BB


BPMS Methodology alignment to Transition Toolkit

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BPMS Steps in detail

6. Establish Data Collection Plan and Collect Data Sub-Processes Steps Deliverable
Operational Definition for all Metrics; Data Collection Sheets; Sampling Plan and Strategy


Reference Documents
Measurment System Details, IT Reporting Modules and Reports

BB Create Data Collection Plan and Handover to Operations Operations to validate and implement Documentation for TG and customer information Run MSA with Operations and validate measurement system and documentation for BPMS project Assist BB and TM to do MSA and Train resources for ongoing management TM documentation for TG and customer information Collect data and create database Monitor and validate Documentation for TG and customer information



6.1. Create Data Collection Plan


Operations TM


6.2. Conduct a MSA

Perform the MSA in accordance of the measurement data type and make necessary changes and enhancements in the measurement system.

BB TG3 MSA Techniques and methodology-Six Sigma DMAIC Training Documents


Operations TM Operations

6.3. Collect Data

Database with data on all input; process and output metrics

Process Perfomance Management TG3 & TG4 System ; Data Collection Plan




7. Monitor Process Performance Sub-Processes Steps



Reference Documents


Conduct Data Analysis and provide reports to operations Conduct Reviews and Implement corrective actions Documentation for TG and customer information


7.1. Monitor Data and Analyse Variation

Runcharts; Graphical Analysis

TG3 & TG4 Variation Analysis Tools

Operations TM


BPMS Methodology alignment to Transition Toolkit

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BPMS Steps in detail

8. Develop Dashboards with Spec Limits and Targets Sub-Processes Steps Deliverable
Process Control Parameters and relevant tools for each parameter for process control- Targeted performance;specification limits, frequency of monitoring, responsibility etc.


Reference Documents


Develop Process Control Plan and train operating resources for same.Documentation for BPMS Project Review and Operationalize Documentation for TG and customer information Develop Dashboards and institutionalize VMS. Documentation for BPMS project Review and Operationalize Documentation for TG and customer information Review and revise FMEA with Operations and support teams Review and Operationalize Documentation for TG and customer information


8.1. Design Process Control Plan

TG3 & TG4


Master Service Agreements, SOW; Historical data and information; Competitive Benchmarks


Operations TM

8.2. Develop Dashboard and Visual Management System

Graphical Representation of control data & plan; Visual Management System

BB TG3 & TG4 Process Control Plan and Control Charts Operations TM BB


8.3. Revsit and revise FMEA and Create Response Plan

Revised FMEA and Response Plan

TG3 & TG4

FMEA, Governance and Escalation Plan

Operations TM


9. Identify Improvement Opportunities Sub-Processes Steps

9.1. Revalidate E2E Process Maps



Reference Documents
E2E Adapted Process Maps

Operations BB TM

Revise and document Validate and sign-off Documentation for TG and customer information Conduct Capability Analysis and review with Operations, TM and Customer Review and sign-off Review and share with customer and TG4 Documentation Conduct E2E VSM and build CI Plan Review and Sign- off the plan Documentation for TG and customer information


Revised E2E process maps


BB 9.2. Establish Process Capability Current Process Capability and gaps against targeted performance standards TG4 Process Data and Capability Tools Operations TM BB 9.3. Create 4 Quarter Improvement Plan E2E VSM & 4 Quarter Continuous Improvement Plan and Project Deck TG4 Operations TM



BPMS Methodology alignment to Transition Toolkit

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Tools and Template

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Tools and their Usage at different Tollgates

Tools Stages in Transition Toll Gate
- TG 0.2 FTE Mapping - TG 1.2 FTE Validation

Time on System


- TG 1.4 Baseline Date & Activity Analysis - TG 3.4 Monitor Team Performance - TG 4.1 Establish Process Capability


- TG 1.2 FTE Validation

Service Level Agreements

- TG 1.4 SLA & Baseline


- TG 2.4 Create FMEA - TG 3.2 Validate Process FMEA - TG 4.3 Revalidate FMEA
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Time on System

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Time on System

Time On System (TOS) will give us an estimate of how much resource time will be available in a year for effective capacity planning This becomes the base for the FTE calculation when we have components of Baseline Volumes and Time per transactions available. Elements of Time on system Total working days after deducting the following from total days in a year Weekends Provision for fixed leaves Provision for sick/ personal leaves Others Total working hours after deducting break time (assumption being 9 hours per day, this might vary as per location/client/contract) Annualize this figure by multiplying with total working days Communication time - Includes team meeting, One on Ones, town hall time, fire drills etc. Training & Refreshers - Includes time spent on process related trainings, quality trainings, project work, training refreshers. System Breakdowns We will have to take time in consultation with business. FMEA can give you a direction towards this. Shrinkages Summation of all the time including communication, training & refreshers, system breakdowns. Excluding break time, leaves etc. Ensure to calculate the shrinkages due to the Days on Incoming work and the net working days per employee. This must be deducted from the actual time per FTE to arrive at the effective TOS available per staffed agent.
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Time on System - Example

The fixed holidays are as per Genpact 2008

holidays list The customer holidays can be baked in as discussed Excluding the weekends and fixed holidays the work will have an inflow on other days Will vary depending on the process (5days/week to 7days/week) The assumption is that working hours is 9 hours but it vary as per Contract/ location/ client. Components of Communication must be discussed with customer Training timeliness can vary as per the process complexities and learning curve and need to have discussion with the customer. System issues can be acquired from customer if they have data around system issues or during FMEA

Yearly shrinkage is the percentage difference in

the net working days and the days of incoming work

Effective TOS will be calculated after building

the difference in the yearly shrinkage

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What it Means?
Baselining involves the study of As-Is Process and analysis of available data at Customer location or data available from initial assessment of our performance to determine the As Is Performance level of the process

How it helps?
Understand the off-shore ability of

the process Understand the present process capability in terms of volumes, timeliness, accuracy, productivity etc Understanding the data patterns like cycles, spikes etc Estimating the capacity / resource requirement Propose targets for the processes to be transitioned Create a road map for transition

Rigorous baselining reduces the time taken for stabilization

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Why Baseline?
Baselining is done to first analyze and ascertain the values for the SLAs which are achievable or if the SLAs are already decided then whether they are achievable or not. It also helps in planning the FTEs when the production starts, Expected productivity per FTE/overall, Time we should take to complete each transaction, to find out the opportunity areas for improvement, Challenges we can face during production and then we can plan for the preventive action well in advance.

When & How

When: 1. Volume Baseline - During the Strategic Assessment for arriving at the FTE requirement. This needs to be supported with Activity analysis and Time on system calculation. 2. Target Baseline - After the strategic assessment when the data is received from the customer before the Pilot/Production starts for setting the targets of the processes in SLAs Ensure that a complete Process mapping is complete before we initiate the baselining activities How: We start as soon as the data is received from the customer and then for the complete process

Rigorous baselining reduces the time taken for stabilization

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Data Collection Key Points

Data Collection is a Critical part of the Baselining exercise. The following two scenarios need to be considered Scenario 1 : Historical Data on Process Performance is Available - The customer is having historical data against the finalized set of metrics for a minimum period of 12 months. Following are some key steps: 1. Seasonal Trends in the Volume, dissect by segmentation factors 2. Identify Special Causes for variation in volume (ex: Special Projects undertaken/was there a low or a high) 3. Observe any variation of staffing (temporary staff/use information from C&B and SG&A Dumps) 4. Exception handling process (identify accuracy and non value added activities) 5. Arrive at representative productivity of the onsite team. (Target P75-80 ideally may need to change basis customer comfort and acceptability of additional headcount)

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Data Collection Key Points

Scenario 2 : No Data Available The data has to be collected for at least 3 months. We need to be careful in committing to any sort of target to the customer and it is advisable to do so only after the following steps are completed: 1. Conduct a Activity Analysis Study of the onsite team to understand the scope of work at a granular (L4) level See format attached 2. Need to capture the productivity and accuracy levels of the onsite team which can form to be a benchmark of performance standard after the transition of the process till it reaches steady state. 3. In absence of being able to do the above, arrive at a consensus with the customer that the targets for all metrics will be decided basis the performance of the GENPACT team during the pilot phase.

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Baselining At a glance

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Baselining Study as is process

1. Draw as is process maps 2. Identify key handoffs and decision points in the process map 3. Identify start and end points for the in scope processes / sub processes

Tools Use deployment charts for making process maps Deployment charts can be made by using MS Visio It is important to know the start and end points of each step as non of the steps should be missed out while establishing the time spent on per transaction or over all process time.

Study as is process

Identify Metrics

Collect Data

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Establish process capability

Calculate Baselines

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Deployment charts





Hang Up

Contract Admin.

Initiate Call



Hang Up

Draft Contract


Review Contract

Phone Co.

Install Phone


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Baselining Identify Metrics

1. Identify metrics / measures for the in scope processes / sub processes basis the process maps and discussions with the key stakeholders 2. Freeze the operational definition of the metrics / measures 3. Categorize metrics using the categorization four blocker tool (Annexure II) 4. Prioritize customer facing and in control metrics in to critical and non critical - use Quality Function Deployment tool (QFD)

Tools Operational definition template Categorization tool Use Quality Function Deployment (QFD) tool for prioritization Points to remember Key for good operational definition of metrics is clear identification of start and end points and handoffs while mapping the process
Study as is process Establish process capability Calculate Baselines

Identify Metrics

Collect Data

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Operational Definition Template

Process Owner Owner - Data Collection Frequency Data Collection Frequency Reporting Source of Data

S. No




Defect Every ticket/incident that is not closed within 2 hours from the time ticket assigned to DBA queue


Operational Definition

Turn Around Time - Priority 0

Yield %


24 x 7

Ops Manager

Ops Manager



Time ticket has been closed - Time ticket has been assigned to DBA queue - Time HP Open the ticket has been pending with user View Time the ticket has been with Third parties (HPOV) like Oracle, HP Unix Support,; as per relevant time stamps taken from HPOV Time ticket has been closed - Time ticket has been assigned to DBA queue - Time HP Open the ticket has been pending with user View Time the ticket has been with Third parties (HPOV) like Oracle, HP Unix Support,; as per relevant time stamps taken from HPOV Time ticket has been acknowledged by DBA - Time ticked has been assigned to DBA queue HP Open View (HPOV)

Turn Around Time - Priority 1

Yield %


Every ticket/incident that is not closed within 4 hours from the time ticket assigned to DBA queue Every ticket/incident that is not acknowledged within 30 minutes from the time ticket assigned to DBA queue Every ticket/incident that is not acknowledged within 1 hour from the time ticket assigned to DBA queue

24 x 7

Ops Manager

Ops Manager



Response Time - Priority 0

Yield %


24 x 7

Ops Manager

Ops Manager



Response Time - Priority 1

Yield %


24 x 7

Ops Manager

Ops Manager



Time ticket has been acknowledged by DBA - Time ticked has been assigned to DBA queue

HP Open View (HPOV)

Sample Template

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QFD Quality Function Deployment

QFD- Sourcing Standard Reports X's
Accurate Representation

QFD- Sourcing Standard Reports Pareto






Accuracy Accurate Representation 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Accurate Reporting Customer Satisfaction Timely Reporting Current Reporting Total

5 5 5 4




95 105 55 20

99 107 69

QFD- Sourcing Ad Hoc Reports X's

Turn Around Time Accuracy

Accurate Reporting Customer Satisfaction Turn Around Time First Request Resolve
702161 N 12

# of Resolutions

QFD- Sourcing Ad Hoc Reports Pareto



Turn Around Time Accuracy # of Resolutions 0 50 100 150

5 5 5 3




55 105 95 57


122 98 92

QFD Tool
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Baselining Collect data

Steps 1. Put in place data collection plan for the identified metrics 2. Put a data collection template in place 3. Collect few sample data points on a pilot basis according to the template and ensure that the gage is correct 4. Collect data as per the plan in the template Tools Data collection plan illustration

Data collection template illustration

Study as is process

Identify Metrics

Collect Data

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Establish process capability

Calculate Baselines

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Data Collection Plan

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Baselining Establish as is process capability

Steps 1. Analyze the collected data for central tendency.. Average, median etc 2. Analyze the data for variance.. Standard deviation range, percentiles, quartiles etc 3. Look out for any special causes and Validate data for special causes Tools Use Minitab to run Descriptive statistics, Box plots, Run charts etc Sample Volume Analysis & Activity analysis Points to remember Always remember Averages are deceptive Analyze Variance

Study as is process

Identify Metrics

Collect Data

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Establish process capability

Calculate Baselines

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Activity Analysis

Steps Distribute the activities performed during the course of the processing. Process mapping done must be done for defining the steps of activity analysis Distribute it among the users Use standard measurement tool like stop watch to measure the time around each activity to arrive at the time taken per activity of the process The time arrived should be the time which should reflect the time that will be taken per transaction by the FTE

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Baselining Calculate base-lines

Steps 1. Arrive at the targets and bands of performance levels basis the as is process capability established in the previous step 2. Target P75-80 ideally basis flexibility on targets and headcount 3. Develop a road map for recalibration of performance standards Tools See sample SLA and targets / performance bands

Study as is process

Identify Metrics

Collect Data

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Establish process capability

Calculate Baselines

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Capacity Planning-TP Processes

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Capacitization Learnings / Pitfalls

Right Capacitization may be more difficult in a transactional process Look out for :
Complexity of inputs to capture time to process : Lines / transaction, PO / Non PO type of invoices No. of follow ups / dependencies to process Seasonality : We may need more FTEs to man the process when the inflow is high Extent of queries and rework required Impact of system latency due to remote access Client ERPs or GENPACT workflows

Other Levers with significant impact on Capacitization :

Cross Training possibilities with other processes Performance levels being committed to the Customer : To perform an activity if half the normal time may need double the no. of man-hours and hence higher FTE no.s During the Pilot period, productivity is typically low and takes time to come up the learning curve. If we are planning for 100% incoming volume we may need more people than what we have capacitized for, it may help to bake in stabilization resources and request Customer to pay for them for the first 6 months

Check for any Temps / Adhoc FTEs utilized during the course of the process for the last 12 months,

the C&B data or SG&A expense details can help identify usage of any temps
You may start with the head to head mapping and then fine tune requirements It is a good idea to do activity analysis (time take to process a typically transaction) for say 20 items

and then extrapolate to revalidate FTE no.s arrived at .. At a broad level.

Attached separately is a detailed excel based model to help arrive at Capacitization

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FTE Capacitization Model

Elements required for Capacity planning
Volume of the process expected as per the baselining done Activity Analysis Time spent by FTE done on each transaction Factor rework, QC etc Time on system As discussed and closed with the client

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Capacity Planning- Call Centre

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Call center capacity

Occupancy Calculation

Assumptions and Metrics

Tools Additional information

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Capacity Planning- FTE Required- Monthly Planning

Data Required

Call Volume: Monthly data is required based on the forecast ( client provided) AHT ( average Handled Time): This includes Talk time, Hold time and after
call work time. This could be in seconds or minutes.

Shrinkage: Based on organization and includes leaves, absenteeism, offline

activities etc

Occupancy: Depends upon staffing structure and call curve ( incase of block
staffing, occupancy would go down)

FTE Required = (Call Volume X AHT)/([Per FTE daily expected login time X number of working days in a month] X [Occupancy] X [1-Shrinkage])

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Occupancy Calculations
IST 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 Call Volume AHT (secs) Staff Req 32 240 37 240 22 240 25 240 30 240 36 240 36 240 39 240 41 240 43 240 44 240 46 240 47 240 47 240 45 240 43 240 40 240 38 240 35 240 33 240 36 240 34 240 4 5 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 5 5 Staff Schd Occupancy 5 86% 5 98% 5 60% 8 41% 8 50% 8 59% 8 60% 8 65% 8 68% 8 71% 8 73% 8 77% 8 79% 8 78% 8 74% 8 72% 8 66% 6 83% 6 78% 6 74% 6 79% 6 76%

Staffing Req Vs Actual

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33

Low Occupancy

High Occupancy

Staff Req

Staff Schd

Call Volume can be forecasted using the history ( Blue pumpkin can be used) if there is no change in the process. Usually the call volume is provided by the customer. Factors which may impact the call volume Seasonality of the product/process supported Any launch of campaign which can influence the influx of calls AHT can again be forecasted based on previous trends using Blue pumpkin.

Staff required calculation can be done using erlang C calculator (Blue pumpkin can also be used to fin d out the same). The factors which are used to calculate the same are Call Volume

AHT ( average Handled time)

Service level definition ( for example 80% of the calls to be answered in 120 secs) Abandoned rate Schedule staffing is based on shift alignment ( team alignment) done to meet the staffing required
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Occupancy is based on actual staffing (Staff schd) over Required staffing (Staff req). The factors which influence the occupancy Call curve Shift alignment

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Assumptions and Metrics

Shrinkage modal varies from organization to organization and based on the leave structure and other holiday policies of the organization . It also depends on the kind of process we would cater to. For example a more complex process would require more training time and may be it also has more frequent updates

In a normal call center scenario at least 90 to 120 days of forecasted call volume is fixed beforehand, with a variation of 5% to 10% during steady state. This is to buffer in the time required for hiring, training and coming up to the learning curve for new hires
Occupancy is another factor which is crucial for calculating FTE requirement. This factor again depends on organization. Organizations where part timers do not exist, occupancy ( utilization) remains low. In a normal call center scenario, the definition of Occupancy is[ Available Time/ (Talk time + Hold Time+ ACW Time+ Avail Time)]. It also depends on the intraday call curve ( forecasted) Service levels ( for example 80% of the calls need to be answered with in 30 secs) is one of the major metrics which is considered very important from clients point of view. This metrics defines the performance of a call center in terms of service delivery and also impacts overall customer experience. Other important metrics are ASA ( average speed to answer) and answer rate ( number of calls answered from actual delivery). Service level targets also define the FTE requirement.

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Excel based FTE calculator can be used to find out the FTE requirements based on Service level definitions

Blue Pumpkin can be used to find out FTE requirements. Blue Pumpkin can also be used to do the forecasting of Call volume and average handled time

Some of the other workforce management software available in the market are IEX, Aspect etc

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Additional Information

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Terms for Inbound Call Center

Talk Time (TT) : Hello to Goodbye Hold time : Part of talk time but not speaking with the caller Available Time (AT): Time logged in waiting for a call. After Call Work (ACW) : Immediately after call to take notes, send mails

fax etc. Average Handle Time(AHT) : TT + ACW Aux Time: Logged in but not taking calls Staff Time: TT + AT + ACW + Aux Time Abandon Rate Call Volume: Call received in a specific period Call Load: Call Volume X AHT Occupancy: In talk or ACW mode Service Level Average Speed of Answer (ASA)
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How To Decide Service Level

Function of the Industry Follow the Crowd Relate to Competition Minimize Abandonment Conduct a customer survey

To act as a service differentiator

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Understanding Service Level

Binary Metric : X% answered in Y seconds Impacts Customer Goodwill Impacts level of lost Calls Impacts Agent burnout and error Provides a link between sources and results Focuses on Planning Effected by Labor costs, Trunk costs, Caller tolerance, Organization Objective etc. Average Speed of Answer (ASA) :The average time calls have to wait

before being answered in a given interval.

Close cousin of service level Not a true reflection of customer experience. Should not be used to calculate requirements Not all calls get delayed Within the delayed calls each call gets delayed for varying time intervals
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Forecast Call Load

Key to meet Service level objective Blend Quantitative findings and Judgement Call Volume Vs. Call Load Monthly call pattern in a year Days of the Month Call pattern Half Hourly Call pattern Factor in AHT and Holidays Blend in Judgement: New product Launch, Changes in system that impact AHT etc. Problems in Forecasting No Systematic planning process Forecasting Software knows best Exceptions that need to be excluded become a part of forecasting. Communication with other departments doesn't exist No one is accountable Not making connection with staffing
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Indicative Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)


Call Center Management

Agent satisfaction Turnover Meeting service level Percent abandon Calls per day Cost per Call Forecasted work load and schedule adherence Average Call Value

For Agent Management Call Quality Customer satisfaction Compliance to guidelines, state laws etc. Errors and rework Measured mostly by customer feedback (voicemail, callback etc.) or call monitoring. Quantitative Parameters Talk time, ACW Time, ACD time etc. Schedule adherence Sales Measured through reports generated from the CMS.
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Service Level Agreements (SLA)

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Service Levels

What it Means?
Service Levels are mutually agreed quantitative metrics / standards against which the GENPACTs service delivery is measured (Usually monthly)

How it impacts us?

Provides a quantitative

measurement to evaluate the performance of outsourced process Potential Penalties in the form of Service Credits for missing out on Service Levels agreed Some contracts awards Service Debits for consistent good performance

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Service Levels: Categories

Category A

Applicable from the date of handover i.e. the start of production Past data available hence base lined

Category B

Applicable after 3 months of base lining from agreed date Past data not available, hence to be base lined

Category C

Applicable from an agreed future date To allow the process to reach steady state

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Service Level: Types

Critical SLA are those


denominated as such in the contract

Failure to meet them


attracts service credits calculated as per the contract

Non Critical SLA are

those denominated as such in the contract

Failure to meet them

repeatedly may attract service credits calculated as per the contract

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Service Levels Service Credit calculations

Fees at risk

Genpact puts [ ]% of the relevant SOWs / MSA monthly Fees At Risk for the purpose of service credit calculations Fees at Risk generally ranges between 10% to 15% This is the upper cap for all the service credits that GENPACT will pay under a MSA Each Critical service level (CSL) and in some cases Non CSL is allotted a service level percentage All service level percentages under a MSA should sum up to 100% Service level percentages determine the service credit in case of a miss in the service levels

Service level Percentage


Let us say monthly fees $ 100 K and Fees at Risk is 10% There are two Critical service levels CSL 1, CSL 2 and each one has been allotted 50% service level percentage If we miss CSL 1 for one month the service credit we pay will be $100K*10%*50%
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SL misses beyond GENPACT's control are exempt from service credits.


Service Levels Other Considerations

Validation Period During the first [ ] days after Genpact begins performing the services for each process (the Validation Period), no Service Credits/Incentives Incentive Structure (may vary with contract to contract) Determined as % of monthly fees) based on slabs of achievement of a weighted average of CSL score:

>=110% >=105% and <110%

>= 100% and <105%

: :

[ ]% [ ]%
[ ]%

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Sample SLA with targets

Metric PI No Description KION Client Proposal 05.03.07 STL SCL Genpact Proposal STL SCL

Processing Time Non-PO Invoices


Processing Time NON PO Invoices

98% in 3 days 100% in 4 days

95% in 3 days 100% in 5 days

98% in 3 days 100% in 4 days

95% in 3 days 100% in 4 days

Accounts Payable

Processing Time PO Invoices


Processing Time PO Invoices

98% in 2 days 100% in 3 days

95% in 2 days 100% in 4 days

98% in 2 days 100% in 3 days

95% in 2 days 100% in 3 days

Accuracy Invoice Booking



99.50% 100% in 3 day 100% in 1 day 100% in 2 day 90% in 20 days 100% in 30 days 100% in 3 days 98.00% 99.85%

98.00% 99.85%

99.00% 100% in 3 day 100% in 2 day 100% in 2 day 90% in 20 days 100% in 30 days 100% in 3 days 97.00% 99.70%

98.00% 99.85%

AP17-K Credit/Debit notes AP18-K Vendor Master set up

Total Processing Time Other AP Documents

AP19-K Incoming Dunning letters AP210Statements K AP21-K AP other Accuracy Invoice Booking Accuracy Invoice Booking DPMO

Accuracy Invoice Booking II AP22-K DPU

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Service Level Credit Methodology (As per MSA)

Default = Any single failure to meet a service level target in a given measure period (usually 1 month)

Three factors in calculating Service Level Credits: At-Risk Amount = 10% of fees payable under SoW in the measuring period (e.g., 1 month) Credit Allocation Percentage - Allocation between 1 and 50 percent for each critical service level Pool Percentage = 250% (i.e., the total allocation among SLAs can be up to 250 percent)

Service Level Credit = At-Risk Amount x Credit Allocation Percentage Example: Assume six Service Levels with the following credit allocation percentages: SL1 = 50%, SL2 = 50%, SL3 = 50%, SL4 = 40%, SL5 = 40%, SL6 = 20% (Note: No credit allocation exceeds 50% and the total allocation equals 250%)

Assume monthly fees = $100,000 At-Risk Amount = $10,000 (10% of the monthly fees) Assume Genpact misses SL1, SL4, SL6 Service Level Credit Calculations: SL1 50% x $10,000 = $5,000 SL4 40% x $10,000 = $4,000 SL6 20% x $10,000 = $2,000 Total Service Level Credits = $11,000 However, Service Level Credits will be capped at the At-Risk Amount. So, Genpact will have to pay $10,000. To Earn Back any Service Level Credits, Genpact must meet the applicable Service Level target it missed for six consecutive months immediately following the month in which Genpact missed the target.

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Scenario 1
Genpact meets targeted CSL (Accuracy Measure 1) in all months Meets all the other CSLs in all 12 months
100% 98%

Accuracy Measure 1

96% 94% 92% 90% 88% 86% Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06



No Service Credits Genpact receives entire fees of $1200K for 2006

.Contd in next slide

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Scenario 2
Genpact fails to meet targeted CSL in 3/12 months Meets all the other CSLs in all 12 months

Accuracy Measure 1

98% 96% 94%

92% 90% 88% 86% 84% Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06


Genpact pays Service Credits for 3 months for this CSL Genpact receives fees of $1193K for 2006 as opposed to $1200K Formula: $1200K annual fees ($100K/month x 10% at risk amount x 25% credit allocation x 3 missed months) = $1193
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.Contd in next slide


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Scenario 3
Genpact fails to meet targeted CSL in 1/12 months Additionally, average yearly performance above target Meets all the other CSLs in all 12 months

Accuracy Measure 1

96% 94% 92% 90% 88% 86% 84% Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06

Average Target

Genpact earns-back the CSL miss in Feb-06 Genpact receives entire fees of $1200K for 2006 (pays in Feb-06 but earns back in Dec-06)

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FMEA - Failure Modes & Effects Analysis

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FMEA is a structured approach to: Identify the ways in which a process can fail to meet critical customer requirements Estimate the risk of specific causes with regard to these failures Evaluate the current control plan for preventing these failures from occurring Prioritize the actions that should be taken to improve the process

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Purposes and Benefits and Types of FMEA

Purpose and Benefits Documents and tracks actions taken to reduce risk Improves the quality, reliability, and safety of products Helps to increase customer satisfaction Reduces product development timing and cost Types of FMEA System FMEA: Used to analyze systems and subsystems in the early concept and design stages. Focuses on potential failure modes associated with the functions of a system caused by design. Design FMEA: Used to analyze products before they are released to production. Process FMEA: Used to analyze manufacturing, assembly and transactional processes.
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Who prepares FMEA and When?

Who Prepares An FMEA? The team approach to preparing FMEAs is recommended The person responsible for the system or product leads the FMEA team The design should involve representatives from all affected activities. Team members should include design, manufacturing, assembly, quality, reliability, service, purchasing, testing, supplier, and other subject matter experts as appropriate. Whenever a change is being considered to a products design, application, environment, material, or to any process When is an FMEA Updated?

Whenever a change is being considered to a products design, application,

environment, material or to any process

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Steps for FMEA

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FMEA Calculations

Risk Ratings:

Severity (SEV)
How significant is the impact of the Effect to the customer (internal or external)? Occurrence (OCC) How likely is the Cause of the Failure Mode to occur?

Detection (DET)
How likely will the current system detect the Cause or Failure Mode if it occurs? Risk Priority Number: A numerical calculation of the relative risk of a particular Failure Mode


This number is used to place priority on which items need additional quality planning

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FMEA Fishbone Model

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Numerical Ratings Analyzing Risk Potential

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FMEA Sheet

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FMEA Form How to do it?

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FMEA Form How to do it?

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FMEA Example

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Risk Meter

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Risk Meter under Testing to mitigate Good Value Claims & process failures
Based on FMEA. Its Proactive as well as a reactive strategy to mitigate risk. Severity & detection rating fixed for a period. Occurrence based on actual errors. Error occurrences linked to rating scale Risk meter can be run weekly or monthly. Needle calibrated to the Av RPN number. Also highlights the transactions that carry a high risk. Controls can be build around those failure modes. The indicated example highlights 23% Work Types that carry high risk. FMEA needs to be revisited to mitigate these risks. Raises Alarm Based on average risk estimate the process risk level can be altered up or down
Risk meter raised Alarm for ABC process. Mitigation Plan forwarded to client for Validation on Priority basis.

ABC Risk Meter

Alarm Tool

XYZ Risk Meter

Alarm Tool

Med 80-120
Low 0-79 Hi 121-1000 Low 0-79

Med 80-120
Hi 121-1000



Converting a Static FMEA in Classification: GenpactDashboard through Risk Meter to a Live Risk Internal
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Risk Meter: Integration of tools

Sampling Plan

Sample Size Error Tracking Tool SRS Risk Meter

Error Occurrence FMEA

% Red metric Av Risk Estimate

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Contact Information
Gurmeet Singh Sran and Arvind Sagar
Email address:
[email protected] [email protected]
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