As A Structure, and As A Process. Organization As A Structure
As A Structure, and As A Process. Organization As A Structure
As A Structure, and As A Process. Organization As A Structure
1) Facilitates Administration
2) Facilitates growth and diversification.
3) Permits optimum use of technological improvements.
4) Encourages use of human beings.
5) Stimulates creativity.
6) Encourages good human relations.
7) Ensures continuity of enterprise.
8) Fosters coordination
Organization Process have got these
• Identifying the work – The first step is to identify and detail all the work that
must be done to achieve the organizational objectives. Each organization will
achieve its objectives in a different way. Therefore, it must identify the tasks
which must be performed for the purpose.
• Division of Work –The need of setting up an organization will arise because
the tasks to be accomplished by it cannot be performed by a single individual.
The total workload of the organization is divided into various functions, sub-
functions and further sub functions such that these may be logically and
comfortably performed by one person or group of persons.
• Grouping of Similar Activities – The next step is to group the similar
activities and then place each group of them under the charge of specialist
individual or a department.
• Assignment of Duties –After grouping various activities into manageable
units, suitable persons are selected to be assigned each group of activities.
The assignment of duties should be appropriate, taking into consideration
qualifications and experience, and also the physical capacity of the individual
or group.
• Delegation of Adequate Authority-Assignment of a group
of activities to an individual is followed by delegation of
appropriate authority to him to discharge his duties.
To bring Delegation
proper Defining
Coordination Of
Physical relationships
&cooperation Authority
The basic principles of organization are as
• Unity of Objectives- An organization structure is sound when it facilitates
the accomplishment of objectives. Therefore, the organization as a whole
and every part of it must be geared to the basic objectives of the enterprise.
• Principle of Specialization: The organization structure should be
formulated in such a way that the activities of the enterprise are divided
according to the different functions and the same are assigned to persons
according to their specialization.
• Principle of span of control: The span of control should be minimum
because there is a limit to the number of person that can be effectively
supervised by one boss.
• Principle of exception: Only exceptionally complex matter should be
referred to the executives for their decision and matters of routine nature
should be decided by the subordinates themselves.
• The Scalar Principle: For making management effective, there should be a
clear line of authority from top to bottom of the organization. Every
subordinate should know who his superior is and who his subordinates are.
• The Principle of authority: Authority that is given to the
manager enables him to accomplish the objectives of the
enterprise. Hence, the authority of each manager should be
clearly defined and also it should be equal to the responsibility
entrusted to him.
Managing Director
Foreman Foreman
Workers Workers
From the above chart, the following special features of
the line organization come up:
Board of Directors
Managing Director
Personnel Financial
Manager Controller
Sales Research
Industrial Production Manager Officer
Engineer Manager
Asst. Asst.
Production Production Sales Sales
Supervisor Supervisor Manager Manager
1. Specialization
2. Encouragement to research and development
3. Balanced decisions
4. Less burden on line managers
1. Confusion
2. Ineffectiveness of the staff
3. Conflict between the line and staff.