Balance Score Card

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Balance Scorecard

What is the balanced scorecard?

Strategic planning and management system being used in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide. Provides a method of aligning business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization.

First studied in1992 by Robert Kaplan and David Norton. In 1996, they published the book The Balanced Scorecard They revisited Balanced Scorecards after decade.

Why Balance Scorecard?

Is organization working according to our strategy and vision? What are the financial objectives of the organization? Are our customers satisfied? Are the goals of the company achieving properly? etc.

How Should the BSC Be Used?

Communication Informing learning system

Alternative approaches
The Performance Prism Results Based Management Third Generation Balanced Scorecard. Applied Information Economics (AIE)

The four perspectives

Financial perspective; Customer perspective; Internal process perspective; Innovation and learning perspective.

The four perspectives

Financial Cash flow Return on investment Financial result Return on capital employed Return on equity

The four perspectives

Customer Delivery performance to customer - by rate Quality performance to customer - by quality Customer satisfaction rate Customer loyalty Customer retention

The four perspectives

Internal business processes Number of activities Accident ratios Opportunity success rate Overall equipment effectiveness

The four perspectives

Learning and growth Investment Rate Internal Promotions % Employee Turnover Gender Ratios Illness rate

What is a Strategy?
Set of hypotheses about cause. Defining an organization's strategy involves: i.e. local, national, global. 2.customer i.e. Broad or narrow, age group, income level etc. 3.internal processes needed to capture and satisfy those customers. 4.individual and organizational capabilities required in the other perspectives.

Strategy Mapping
Strategy maps are communication tools used to tell a story of how value is created for the organization. They show a logical, step-by-step connection between strategic objectives

What do you try to Balance?

1) Short term and Long term, 2) External (for shareholders and customers) and Internal (for critical business processes, innovation, and learning and growth), 3) Leading indicators (outcomes desired and performance drivers) and Lagging indicators (outcomes),

4) Objective measures (e.g., financial) and Subjective measures (e.g., many non-financial).

Clarifying Strategy Communicating strategic objective Planning and setting goals Strategic feedback and learning

Kaplan and Norton found that companies are using Balanced Scorecards to: Drive strategy execution; Clarify strategy and make strategy operational; Identify and align strategic initiatives; Link budget with strategy; Align the organization with strategy; Conduct periodic strategic performance reviews to learn about and improve strategy.

Benefits of the balanced scorecard approach?

Improved organization alignment Improved communications, both internally and externally Linked strategy and operations More emphasis on strategy and organizational results Integrated strategic planning and management

Balanced scorecard development

1. Organizational Assessment 2. Strategy Development 3. Strategic Objectives 4. Strategy Mapping 5. Performance Measures and Targets 6. Strategic Initiatives 7. Automation 8. Cascading the BSC Throughout the Organization 9. Evaluation

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