The Job Application Process - The Written Job Presentation

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The job Application Process The Written Job Presentation

Chapter Objectives

To learn how to carry out self-assessment and market assessment as a prelude to writing job application.

To get acquainted with the format of resume To learn how to write an effective cover letter to resume

Self assessment - Know Your Skills - Know Your Accomplishments - Know Your Interests - Know Your Personal Values

Market assessment

- Source of career and job information

Resume preparation


The answer to the question who you are? is not very simple to answer.

Your skills, achievements, interests and even personal values.

Being aware of this qualities allows you to beeter sell your product- yourself!


Know Your Skills

Identify the areas you are good at or enjoy doing or are very comfortable at.

These are the areas where you are probably skillful. Think of certain action verbs to help you create a list of skills you may possess.


Know Your Accomplishments

Record all accomplishment however minor they may be. Remember, something that is minor to you may be important to others.

Describe the accomplishments in terms of results or outcome.

Wining scholarship, worked as a team leader etc


Know Your Interests

Know your interests, preferences and attitudes. It can help you determine the type of job you may be

interested in or may fit in very well.

Know Your Personal Values

Ones decisions are based on ones value judgments. Values can also be applied to jobs and what one wants from the job.

Market assessment

Sources of Career and Job Information

A large number of sources exists that provide relevant information on career planning, interviewing strategies, international careers, etc.

Like , library, career & placement centers. Many websites provide free registration and keep the

members posted of what is happening where, when and


Market assessment

Helpful People Regarding Employers and Jobs

Networking (remaining in touch with individuals or groups) allows one to be aware about openings and opportunities.

Some people such as alumni, counselors, employment agencies, business friends, former colleagues, etc. could also be helpful persons.


Resume is a summary of an individuals qualifications. Contents and layout of resume may vary and there is no best type.

Information in a resume is presented in phrases instead of

full sentence.

Focus on your job related achievements and be honest.


Typically, a Resume has following parts:

Opening Section Education

Work Experience
Achievements, Awards, Service Activities Personal Data References

Cover letter to Resume

Opening For Favorable Attention

Middle Paragraph For Data, Details

Last Paragraph For Easy Action

Address Details Contact Numbers Email address Date Dear, XYZ Re: Administrator Vacancy First Paragraph Second and Subsequent Paragraphs Closing Paragraph

Yours faithfully, XYZ

Enc. Curriculum Vitae/resume.

First Sample Paragraph I learned of the position of Administrator at Zzedro Inc in your advertisement in the 19th November edition of the Daily Times and I believe that I have the necessary qualifications for this role. or I learned of the position of Administrator at Zzedro Inc through online research using the Find a Job website and I believe that I have the necessary qualifications for this role.

Main Body Sample Paragraph

I have considerable experience working as an Administrator and

enclose the following relevant documentation to support my application

Closing Sample Paragraph I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my suitability for this interesting position in person. Please let me know if I can provide you with any further information or need to complete an Application Form. Thank you for your kind consideration.

Enclose relevant / supporting documentation

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