E-Waste Management Main

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Prepared by:
Mr. Vyomesh Upadhyay Mr. Krishna Sahu Mr. Abhishek Jain

Introduction: e-waste/recycling overview

Whats the problem? Solid waste Toxic substances, materials

Toxic substances, materials

Most chemicals used in the manufacturing of computers are harmless when machines are functioning. When computers are piled up in waste disposal sites, these substances become toxic A computer has an average of 0.7 to 2.7 kg of lead, mercury, arsenic, cobalt, beryllium, cadmium and other metals which are hazardous to the environment and to human health

Waste disposal sites contain up to 3,000 tons of lead, 4 tons of cadmium, 8 tons of beryllium, 3 tons of chromium and 1 ton of mercury

Whats the solution?

The three Rs

Reduce Reuse Recycle

Whats the solution?

Recycled Donated

Functional computers can still be:

to charities Dismantled (for safe disposal or re-use of materials)

The Green IT challenge


practices for safe, proper disposal of e-waste Elimination of risks associated with toxic ewaste materials

Disposal & recycling solutions

What we do

Disposal of end-of-life IT assets De-installation, removal, recycling Certification of destruction/compliance

Business benefits

Deployment of proactive, environmentally responsible e-waste solutions Legal & regulatory compliance assured Cost-efficient services & programs Good corporate citizenship

Disposal of end-of-life assets

CPUs Hard disk drives Servers Portable computers and PCs Peripherals (mouse, keyboard, etc.) Workstations Back-up libraries Magnetic tape drives Networking devices Monitors Inkjet or laser printers Tablet PCs And more

Disposal of end-of-life assets


transport and disposal of all equipment and materials per Canadian environmental regulations Other services available:

tag removal Data wipes (Removal of proprietary data from hard drives)

Disposal of end-of-life assets

Ethical, responsible recycling with MicroAge

All recycled materials sent to approved smelters per Basel Convention guidelines No hazardous waste or substances sent to developing regions (India, Africa, China, etc.)

De-installation, removal, recycling


PCs, servers, notebooks, storage equipment Electronic office equipment (network & telecom, lab devices, broadcast equipment, etc.) Certified disconnection Total dismantling Complete removal, clean-up of premises Recycling of all metals and plastics On-site media sanitization Clear, Purge, Destroy Secure, documented Site clean-up


Optional services

Certification of Destruction

unlawful or unauthorized data recovery Assures regulatory compliance

Level 1
Certificate issued by MicroAge Destruction witnessed by law firm representative

Level 2 Certificate issued by MicroAge Destruction witnessed by customer employee

Destruction service by pulverizing physical destruction Certified complete


drives, back-up tapes, reel-to-reel tapes, magnetic tapes, discs, personal digital assistants, printers, fax films, cell phones, memory chips, memory sticks, etc.

Assessment methodology
Product Waste


Collect Function

Recover Material



Importers Manufacturers



2nd hand Market




Retailer & Trader

Disposal & recycling solutions

A fully documented process

Initiated with a quick, simple pick-up request


Price quotation sent within 24 hours

Pick-up slip issued with signature and date



Products disassembled and sorted

Certificate of destruction (CD) issued Inventory of recyclable materials provided CD indicates all stages of the process





agency: Recycling and destruction of all types of e-waste including cannons! Financial institution: Destruction of banking machines Flight simulator manufacturer: Destruction of printed circuits and hard drives Insurance company: Destruction of servers, workstations, de-installation and removal of back-up library

Examples of customers/services offered

Disposal & recycling solutions

Efficient, environmentally-friendly Fully-documented processes ensure compliance with all safety and environmental regulatory requirements


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