Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in CKD
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in CKD
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in CKD
Types of Hyperparathyroidism(SHPT)
Primary Hyperparathyroidism Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism
To learn: How secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) occurs in chronic kidney disease (CKD)? How SHPT lead to bone mineral disorder? Managing increased serum phosphorus (P) level Managing increased parathyroid hormone (PTH) Roles of pharmacist in managing SHPT
Bone Renal
bone resorption urinary excretion of calcium (kidney) urinary excretion of phosphorus (kidney) Stimulate production of active vitamin D in kidney
early stage of renal impairment and continue throughout progression loss of kidney function. Early management is crucial to improve QOL and longevity of CKD patient
Clinical Presentations
Bone pain
Muscle weakness
Bone fracture
Growth retardation
Skeletal deformity
Pruritis (Itch)
Goal of Therapy
Maintain serum calcium and phosphorus level within normal range Prevent or reduce development of hyperparathyroid hyperplasia Restore skeleton to near normal as possible Prevent extraskeletal calcification Avoid exposure to toxic agents (eg: aluminium) Reduce cardiovascular morbidity and improve long-term outcome
Corrected Ca++
-depend on albumin level
Corrected Ca++ = 0.02(40- albuminpatient) + measured Ca++ Albumin >45g/L Corrected Ca++ = 0.02 (Albuminpatient -45) measured Ca++
Ca-P product
Frequency of Monitoring
Stage CKD Glomerular Filtration (GFR) ml/min/1.73m2 30-59 16-29 <15 or dialysis Serum Ca & P
4 5
Ref: KDOQI 2003
Dietary P restriction
b) avoid Ca-P product >55mg2/dL2 (> 4.5 mmol2/L2) that may increase risk of calcifications, cardiovascular disease
- May increase [ serum Al ] & deposit in bone and other tissues --> osteomalacia, microcytic anemia, neurotoxicity -accumulation in brain -> encephalopathy, dementia -GI intolerance eg: constipation, stomach cramp, nausea, vomiting -limited as short term therapy of up to 4 weeks to avoid aluminium accumulation.
a) Vitamin D: Alfacalcidol (1-alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3) Calcitriol (1,25-dihdroxyvitamin D3) b) Vitamin D analog: Paricalcitol (19-nor-1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D2) Doxercalciferol (1-alpha-hydroxyvitamin D2)
Target Range of Intact Plasma PTH, Serum Calcium and Phosphorus by Stage of CKD
CKD Target iPTH Stage (pg/ml [pmol/L]) Target Serum Calcium (mg/dL[mmol/L]) Target Serum Phosphorus (mg/dL [mmol/L])
4 5
-selective VDRA
IV calcitriol
Intermittent dose:
Intermittent dose:
0.5-1.0mcg EOD
-preferred in patient with hypocalcemia
-preferred in patient without HD or undergoes PD as no IV access
Every 3 months
Stage 5: Phosphorus
Every 2 weeks x 1month then monthly Every month x thereafter 3months then every 3 months
Limitations of calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) Hypercalcemia Hyperphosphatemia Favours calcification -to discontinue calcitriol when Ca-P product >
70mg2/dL2 (5.6mmol2/L2)
Paricalcitol (Zemplar)
Available formulation:
Injectable CKD Stage 5 Oral capsule 1, 2 , 4 mcg CKD Stage 3& 4
MOA: -selective VDRA -Bind to and activate VDR at target tissue -Inhibit PTH gene transcription and parathyroid cell mitotic activity
Oral route
Baseline iPTH < 500pg/mL > 500pg/mL Daily dose EOD
1 mcg 2 mcg
2 mcg 4 mcg
Oral route
Ca & P level PTH level Twice weekly Every 3 months Once dose established, then monthly Every 2 weeks x 3 months Monthly x 3 months Every 3 months
Same or increasing Decrease by less than 30% Decrease by >30% , <60% Decrease by >60%
Increase by 1 mcg
Increase by 2 mcg
Decrease by 1 mcg
Decrease by 2 mcg
The dose should be reduced/interrupted if:
serum iPTH < 100 pg/mL serum Ca++ > 11.5 mg/dL (2.87 mmol/L)
Paricalcitol vs Calcitriol
Incidence of hypercalcemia?? Paricalcitol is 10 times weaker than calcitriol in mobilizing bone calcium
Paricalcitol suppresses serum intact parathyroid hormone as effectively as equipotent doses of calcitriol (1mcg calcitriol = 4mcg paricalcitol)
Cinacalcet (Sensipar)
Selectively target calcium sensing receptor at parathyroid cell Used when serum calcium > 8.4mg/dL (2.1mmol/L) Take with meal, not to break/crush Can be used alone or combine with phosphate binder and vitamin D sterol Starting dose :30mg OD (titrate every 2-4wk)
Roles of Pharmacist
Enhance Benefit Use
of OTC product
Phosphate binder
Reduce P level
Is a MUST!!!
Panduan Kandungan Fosforus dalam Makanan untuk Pesakit Ginjal, by University Kebangsaan Malaysia & Malaysian Society of Nephrology
Phosphate binder
Calcium carbonate tablet to CHEW To SWALLOW To take with MEAL To take with MEAL SPACE 2 hours with iron supplement SPACE 2 hours with iron supplement Aluminium hydroxide tablet for SHORT term therapy
High iPTH, serum calcium, phosphate and CaP will increase mortality risk and lead to many complications. Goal of therapy : to treat as early as possible and to achieve and maintain monitoring parameter at target (within K/DOQI recommendation) Therapy should be optimized to improve outcome and reduce mortality Patients compliance should be enhanced and assessed
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