Unit 5
Unit 5
Unit 5
Promotion Mix
The specific mix of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations a company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing objectives.
Affects decisions related to what, how, when, and where message will be said, as well as who will say it
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AIDA framework guides message design Message content contains appeals or themes designed to
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Message Structure: Key decisions are required with respect to three message structure issues:
Whether or not to draw a conclusion - leave question to buyer One-sided vs. two-sided argument - give both sides of the coin , let the buyer decide
all problems
Message Format: Design, layout, copy, color, shape, movement, words, sounds, voice, body language, dress, etc.
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Highly credible sources are more persuasive A poor spokesperson can tarnish a brand
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Public relations
Promotion Mix
Sales Promotion
Personal selling
any paid form of non personal communication that seek to inform customers and persuade them regarding itself, product offering and services that it offer.
Large audience is attracted. The cost per viewer/reader is low. A large number of alternate media are available. Standardized format.
Inflexible Large investments Demographic &cultural factors affected due to large geographic areas.
Sales Promotion
It is an activity or material that acts as direct inducement offering added value or incentive to customers for a limited period of time.
To introduce new products To attract new customers and retain the existing ones To maintain sales of seasonal products To meet the challenge of competition:
Event marketing
Frequency Programs
It can produce short-term results. Competitors are using sales promotions. Sales promotions are attractive to price-conscious consumers. Can enhance/facilitate retail salesmanship which is often of low quality.
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Personal Selling
Personal selling is one to one communication for the purpose of explaining, informing, & demonstrating in order to make a successful transaction.
Public Relations
Public relations entail any communication that fosters a favorable image for the retailer among its public (consumers, investors, government, channel members, employees etc). It may be personal or non personal, paid or non paid & sponsor controlled or non sponsor controlled.
Direct Marketing
One-on-one communication in which offers are tailored to the needs of narrowly defined segments. Seeks a direct, immediate, and measurable consumer response. Can take many different forms.
Powerful tool for building customer long-term customer relationships Enables true micromarketing efforts
Publicity is a form of public relations that includes any communication about an organization or its products that is presented by the media but is not paid for by the organization.
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Strengths of Publicity
Can announce new products, recognize employees, report good results, breakthroughs. Key Benefits: Lower cost than advertising or personal selling. Increased readership; advertising ignored often. More information. Timeliness.
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Weaknesses of Publicity
Some loss of control over message. Limited exposure; only happens once. Not free; preparation costs.
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