Catalytic Reforming Improved by Moisture Metering
Catalytic Reforming Improved by Moisture Metering
Catalytic Reforming Improved by Moisture Metering
Fig. 1
2 1 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.1
$ /DAY
2,400,000 1,200,000 720,000 600,000 240,000 120,000 240,000 420,000 480,000 600,000 660,000 720,000 840,000 1,200,000 1,800,000 2,400,000
1 2 3 4 5 13 21.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.57 0.6 0.7 1.0 1.5 2.0
33 800 58 1400 67 1600 83 2000 2200 100 2400 117 2800 167 4000 250 6000 333 8000
300 stream-days of operation. Value of gasoline: $1.00/gallon at the refinery. Optimum moisture level: 12 ppm (26 ounces)
TRACE MOISTURE MEASURMENT APPLICATION for ANALYZERS using QMB-DETECTORS IN REFINING and HYDROCARBONPROCESSING: REFINERY saves $ 291,048 in one year on a PLATFORMER with MOISTURE ANALYZER using QMB Detector Techniques. Pays for itself in a week by boosting yield 2% & decreasing fuel !
By R. T. TUCKER, Sunray DX Oil Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma with GORDON H. WEYERMULLER, Executive Editor CHEMICAL PROCESSING Example:
Inadequate control of moisture on a Platforming unit at Sunray DX Oil Company reduced yield. Efficiency of the catalytic reforming operation is tied directly to the moisture content of the hydrogen system. The stream contains C1 and C2 compounds and traces of olefins, in addition to hydrogen. If the moisture is too high, the water will wash the chloride coating off the catalyst and kill the process. If it is too low, the activity of the catalyst is reduced. Platformer input is 15,000 bpd of naphtha with an output of about 13,000 bpd of reformate gasoline. In order to obtain the maximum yield of gasoline, moisture content needed to be maintained between 25 and 100 ppm and average about 40 ppm. Close enough control could not be maintained with spot laboratory tests.
An analyzer which utilizes a pair of quartz crystals for continuously measuring and recording the moisture was placed in operation in February 1967. The polymer coated quartz crystals serves as the sensing element of the instrument. The crystals vibrate at 9 million cycles / sec. This frequency of vibration is affected by the amount of moisture absorbed by the coating on the surface of the measuring crystal. Each crystal is housed in a separate compartment. A dry reference gas flows over one crystal while the monitored stream flows over the second crystal. The absorption of water in the wet stream by the coating on the crystal results in a decrease in frequency for this crystal. Measurement of the frequency difference between the 2 crystals is then a measure of the water absorbed and thus of the water content of the monitored stream. The gas streams are automatically reversed from one crystal to the other every 30 seconds the water on each crystal being rapidly and reversibly absorbed and desorbed. While one crystal is absorbing moisture the other is drying. A change in the frequency of the crystals is created by temperature variations outside the range of 70-85 F (*). When the atmospheric temperature falls below 70F, a means has been provided at Sunray DX for heating the crystals. However, no cooling is available. The plant has found that switching between the 2 crystals and averaging the 2 readings gives acceptable results. Based on the analysis water content of hydrogen stream is adjusted with an-off proportioning pump. One of the principal advantages of the analyzer its ability to measure moisture in hydrogen streams and in hydrocarbon streams containing olefins. It also has a rapid response to changes in moisture levels and has a lack of hysteresis. Another advantage is the ability of the instrument to detect low levels of moisture down to only a few parts per million.
Measurement of moisture on a continuous basis with the QMB - analyzer has enabled the unit to obtain a 2 % greater yield. This improves the value of output obtained from each barrel of feed processed by 5.3 Cent. This results in an increased product value of about $23,850 per month. Closer control of moisture has also decreased the amount of furnace heat needed to create proper reaction conditions,
thus saving fuel. Furnace heat has been reduced 3,026,000 Btu/hr, which amounts to 2800 cfh of natural gas. This is worth $404 per month. The 2 amounts total up to $24,254 per month or $291,048 per year. The moisture analyzer has been found to be within 1 or 2 ppm of lab tests in the range of 40-250 ppm. Outside this range, the 2 methods are not as close, but it is not certain which method is more correct, especially in the lower range. ((*)) Instrument manufacturer points out that the detector cell is thcrmostated at 130F and normally will operate at an ambient temperature range of 10-100F
Reprinted from February 1969 CHEMICAL PROCESSING For E. I. Du PONT de NEMOURS & COMPANY, INC. INSTRUMENT PRODUCTS DIVISION Wilmington, Delaware 19898
A SAVING Of $404 / MONTH only in fuel costs has been achieved by more efficient utilization of fuel, made possible by a QMB Moisture Analyzer Model 510 from DuPONT. In this photo cover has been removed from sensing portion of analyser as a check is made on it. Model 510 moisture analyzer is a product of Instrument Products Division, DuPont Company, Wilmington, Del. 19S98. Remarks by Triple A: Those where the days: Models 510 and 560 are no longer available. A novel optimized QMB analyser is the TRIPLE A Quality Moisture Analyzer Model QMA 2020. But we also repair and service DuPONT / AMETEK moisture analyzers worldwide