Descendants of Elizabeth Jackson
Descendants of Elizabeth Jackson
Descendants of Elizabeth Jackson
She died on 19 Jul 1692 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She married James Howe (son of James Howe and Elizabeth Dane) on 13 Apr 1658 in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He was born on 23 Mar 1633 in Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire, England. He died on 15 Feb 1701 in Marlboro, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. *** {Notes re Elizabeth Howe and Salem Witch Trials: {Note: Corrections in old English spelling are not made.} {Born, Elizabeth Jackson, Circa 1635, England; Died July 19, 1692, Salem, Massachusetts. Cause of death executed by hanging; Residence Salem, Massachusetts. Nationality English; Ethnicity English; Citizenship England; Known for Salem witch trials; Religion, Puritan; Spouse, James Howe; Children 6; Parents William and Deborah Jackson. {Elizabeth Howe was one of the accused in the Salem witch trials. She was found guilty and executed on July 19, 1692. {Background: Elizabeth Jackson Howe was born circa 1635 in Yorkshire. She was born to William and Deborah Jackson. Elizabeth married James Howe in April 1658; the couple had six children, and resided in Topsfield, Massachusetts. Topsfield was a Puritan community. They were a deeply pious society, with an extreme religious focus not
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only as a community but also on an individual basis. They believed firmly in the devil, and felt that he was not only an enemy to mankind, but to the Puritans specifically. The devil, as envisioned by the people of Salem, was a short, black man with cloven feet who stood about as high as a walking stick. The fight against the devil was viewed as an individual religious responsibility. Accused of witchcraft: The Perely family of Ipswich, Massachusetts, was among the chief accusers of Elizabeth Howe. They had a ten year old daughter they claimed was being afflicted by Howe. The child complained of being pricked by pins and sometimes fell into fits. In their testimony against Howe, on June 1, 1692, the Perelys quoted their daughter as saying, I could never afflict a dog as Good Howe afflicts me. At first the parents did not believe their daughters accusations. They took the child to several doctors who told them she was under an evil hand. Her condition continued for two or three years, until she pined away to skin and bones and ended her sorrowful life. Elizabeth Howe was accused of afflicting several other girls within Salem Village. The identities of the girls Elizabeth Howe was accused of afflicting are recorded in the transcript of her examination: Mercy Lewis was nineteen years old during the Salem trials. When her entire family was killed in an Indian attack she was sent to be a servant in the house of Thomas Putnam. Mercy Lewis acted as key player in the accusation of Elizabeth Howe, as well as many other individuals in Salem Village. Mercy Lewis was a major contributor of spectral evidence in the examination of Elizabeth Howe. She threw herself to the floor in a fit as soon as Howe entered the meeting house. Mary Walcott played a significant role in the Salem trials,
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being one of the original girls to become afflicted. Her name not only appeared on the arrest warrant served to Elizabeth Howe but also appeared in one of two indictments. Interestingly, her cousin Ann Putnam was one of the most active accusers. Ann Putnam was one of the afflicted girls. She was one of the most aggressive accusers, her name appearing over 400 times in court documents. Ann was twelve years old at the start of the trials. She accused nineteen people and saw eleven of them hanged. This is a significant amount when one considers the fact that only nineteen people total hanged because of the accusations against them. In 1706 Putnam retracted her actions; she was the only afflicted girl to do so. {Ann Putnam: Abigail Williams was eleven or twelve in 1692. She was one of the most well-known afflicted girls in the Salem witch trials. Her name appeared on the arrest warrant for Elizabeth Howe. She was the niece of Reverend Samuel Parris, reverend of Salem Village and was one of the first two girls to become afflicted. {Mary Warren was twenty-one when the trials began. She was employed as a servant in the house of John Proctor of Salem Village. Warren participated only a little in the afflicted girls accusations. Warren was eventually tried for being a witch herself, but escaped conviction by accusing her employer and his wife of certain deeds, although she hesitated to call them a witch and a wizard. This safely placed Mary Warren back on the accusing side of the line. {Warrant for arrest: On May 28, 1692 a warrant was released for the arrest of Elizabeth Howe by John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin. She was to be apprehended and taken to the home of Lieutenant Nathaniel Ingersolls. She stood charged with Sundry Acts of Witch-craft done or (committed)
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on the (bodies) of Mary Walcott, Abigail Williams, and others of Salem Village. She was apprehended by Ephraim Wildes, constable of Topsfield, on May 29, 1692. A copy of her original warrant can be read below. This transcript was taken from The Salem Witchcraft Papers: {To the Constable of Topsfield Your are in theyre Majestyes Names hereby Required to Apprehend & bring before us Elizabeth Howe the wife of James Howe if Topsfeild Husbandman on Tuesday next being the thirty first day of may about Ten of the Clock forenoone att the house: of Leut Nathaniell Ingersollsof Salem Village, Whoe stande Charged wth Sundry Acts of Witch-craft done or Committed on the bodyes of Mary Walcott, Abigaill Williams & others of Salem Village, to theyr great hurt, in order to hir examination, Relating to the above sd premises. & hereof you are nott to fayle. Datd. Salem. May. 28th. 1692/ In obedience to this warrant I have appreended Elizabeth Howe the wife of Jems how on the 29th of may 1692 and have brought har unto the house of leftenant nathaniell engleson according too to the warrant as attested by me Ephraim Wildes constabell For the town of Topsfelld. Dated May 31st 1692 {Imprisonment: Conditions while awaiting trial were harsh for those accused of witchcraft. The supposed witches were, bound with cords and irons for months, subjected to insulting, unending examinations and excommunication from the church. In Marion L. Starkeys The Devil in Massachusetts it says, . . . they were periodically subjected by prison officials, especially by the juries assigned to search them for witch marks. Yet while Elizabeth Howe was imprisoned in these difficult conditions she was able to rely on the support of her family. Her daughters, and occasionally her blind husband, would take turns in making regular trips to Boston. Starkey
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said they would bring her country butter, clean linen, and comfort. {Trial: Chaos in the Courtroom: Court conditions verged on the point of ridiculous during the Salem witch trials. There are many pauses in court records because of the chaos that surrounded trials of the supposed witches. For instance, afflicted girls would throw themselves on the ground in hysterical fits, and when the examinant moved their body the afflicted individuals would cry out in pain. Magistrate Samuel Sewall of Boston recorded his observation about the conditions he found in the meeting house. His diary reads, Went to Salem, where in the meeting house, the persons accused of witchcraft were examined . . . twas awful to see how the afflicted persons were agitated. Such was the case of Elizabeth Howes trial which began on May 31 of 1692. The following is a true account of the examination of Elizabeth Howe as witnessed by Samuel Parris. This account is taken from The Salem Witchcraft Papers, Transcripts of the Legal Documents from the Salem Witch Trials. {When Elizabeth Howe was brought in for examination Mercy Lewis and Mary Walcott, two of her main accusers, fell into a fit. She was accused by Mary of pinching and choking her in the month of May. Ann Putnam added her accusations to these by saying she had been hurt three times by Howe. When asked how she pled to the charges made against her, Elizabeth Howe boldly responded, If it was the last moment I was to live, God knows I am innocent of any thing of this nature. {Actual examination: The examination of Eliz: 31. May. 1692 Mercy Lewis & Mary Walcot fell in a fit quickly after the examinant came in Mary Walcot said that this woman the examinant had pincht her & choakt this month. Ann Putnam said she had hurt her three times. What say you to this
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charge? Here are them that charge you with witchcraft If it was the last moment I was to live, God knows I am innocent of any thing in this nature Did not you take notice that now when you lookt upon Mercy Lewis she was struck down? I cannot help it. You are charged here; what doe you say? I am innocent of any thing of this nature. Is this the first time that ever you were accused? Yes Sr. Do not you know that one at Ipswitch hath accused you? This is the first time that ever I heard of it You say that you never heard of these folks before Mercy Lewis at length spake & charged this woman with hurting & pinching her: And then Abigail Williams cryed she hath hurt me a great many times, a great while & she hath brought me the book. Ann Putnam had a pin stuck in her hand What do you say to this? I cannot help it. What consent have you given? Mary Warren cryed out she was prickt Abig: Williams cryed out that she was pincht, & great printes were seen in her arm. Have not you seen some apparition-- No, never in all my life Those that have confessed, they tell us they used images & pins, now tell us what you have used. You would not have me confess that which I know not She lookt upon Mary Warren, & said Warren violently fell down. Look upon this maid viz: Mary Walcot, her back being towards the examinant Mary Warren & Ann Putnam said they saw this woman upon her. Susan: Sheldon saith this was the woman that carryed her yesterday to the Pond Sus: Sheldon carried to the Examinant in a fit & was well upon grasping her arm. You said you never heard before of these people Not before the warrant was served upon me last Sabbath day John Indian cryed out O she bites, & fell into a grevious fit, & so carried to her in his fir & was well upon her grasping him. What do you say to these things, they cannot come to you? Sr. I am not able to give account of it Cannot you tell what keeps them off
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from your body? I cannot tell, I know not what it is? That is strange that you should do these things & not be able to tell how. This is a true account of the examination of Eliz: How taken from my characters written at the time thereof. Witness my hand Sam. Parris. (Reverse) Eliza. How Exam.Adjourt. June 30 92 How (witnesses v. Elizabeth Howe) {Indictments made against Howe: These indictments are transcripts of the legal documents taken from The Salem Witchcraft Papers (3).Anno Regis et Reginae: {Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae: nunc Angliae &c: Quarto ''Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King & Queen presents that Elizabeth Howe Wife of James How of Ipswich -- the 29th day of May in the forth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen defend'rs of the faith &c: and divers other dayes and times as well before as after certaine detestable Arts called witchcraft & Sorceries wickedly & felloniously hath Used Practised and Exercised at and within the Towne ship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one:Marcy Lewis of Salem Villiage Single woman -- by which said wicked Acts the said Marcy Lewis -- the 29th day of May in the forth Year aboves'd: and divers other dayes & times as well before as after was and is Tortured. Afflicted: Pined Consumed & Tormented and also for sundrey other Acts of witchcraft by the Said Elizabeth Howe Committed & done before and since that Time ag't. the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King & Queen, and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided (7) Witnesses. Mercy Lewis. Jurat Mary Wolcott Jurat Abigall Williams Ann Putnam Jurat Sam'll. Pearly & wife Jurat Sam'll. Pearly & wife Ruth Jurat Joseph Andrews & wife Sarah Jurat Jno. Sherrin Jurat
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Jos. Safford Jurat francis Leane Jurat Abraham fosters wife Lydia J(urat) Isack Cumins Jun'r the thirty first day of May in the forth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland. France, and Ireland King and Queen defenders of the faith &c: and divers other dayes and times. as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called witchcraft, and Sorceries wickedly and felloniously. hath used Practised and Exercised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd: in upon and against one Mary Wolcott of Salem Villiage Singlewoman by which said wicked arts the said Mary Walcott the 31st day of May in the forth Year as abovesaid, and divers other dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed wasted & Tormented and also for sundrey other Acts of witchcraft by said Elizabeth Howe Committed and Done before and since that time, ag't. the Peace. of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen, and against the forme of the Statute in that Case made & Provided. (7) Mary Wolcott Jurat Ann Putnam Jurat Abigall Williams. Sam'll. Pearly & wife Ruth Jurat Joseph Andrews & wife. Sarah Jurat Jno. Sherrin Jurat Jos: Safford. Jurat. francis Leane. Jurant Abraham fosters wife Lydia Jurat Isack Cumins Jun'r. Jurat {Evidence in the court and witnesses against Howe: There were many different types of evidence that were used to convict a supposed witch. These were confession, supernatural attributes, the witchs teat or witch's mark (any small skin growth or abnormality found on the body of the accused), anger followed by mischief, and probably most importantly spectral evidence defined by The Witches of Early America as the supernatural phenomena thought to occur when a vision or spectre of an accused witch appeared to a
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witness. {Witch examination: Anger followed by mischief is one form of evidence that was brought against Elizabeth How. The Perely family, who had also accused her of afflicting their ten year old daughter (see Elizabeth How Accused of Witchcraft), blamed the sudden illness of the familys cow upon her. This was due, they claimed, to the fact that they had thwarted Elizabeth Howes chance of becoming a member of the Ipswich Church. Samuel Perley stated it this way in his testimony against Elizabeth: the above said goode how had a mind to joyn to iPswich Church thai being unsatisfied sent to us to bring in what we knew thai se cause to Put a stoP to her coming into the Church. Samuel then went on to explain a few days afterwards his cow suddenly went mad and ran into a pond drowning herself. {Spectral evidence played a key role in the Salem Witch Trials. The Witches of Early America defines spectral evidence as, the supernatural phenomena thought to occur when a vision or spectre of an accused witch appeared to a witness. The accusation of the Perelys is not a direct example of a when an accused witch appeared to a witness. However, they did bring forth spectral evidence with the story of their daughter. Apparently she told her parents that when she went near fire or water, this witch (pulled her) in. {Another accusation of anger before mischief was raised against Elizabeth How by her own brother-in-law. From his account we learn that she asked John Howe to go with her to Salem farmes. He told her that had she been accused of any other thing he would go with her, but because the accusation was witchcraft he would not for ten pounds, he continued, If you are a witch tell me how long you have ben a witch and what mischeve you have done and then I will go with you. His
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report explains that she semed to be aingry with me. John owned a sow with six small piglets. Around sunset he recounted the sow leaped up about (three or four feet high) and (turned about) and gave one (squeak) and fell (down dead). He went on to say that he cut off the ear of the sow and the hand he used to do this became numb and full of pain for several days after. All of this he blamed upon his sister-inlaw Elizabeth How. {Witnesses on behalf of Howe: Having witnessed a conversation between Samuel Perleys little girl and Elizabeth Howe. Reverend Phillips of Rowley, Massachusetts was able to testify in her defense on June 3, 1692. {This testimony is taken from the Salem Witchcraft Papers: {The testimony of Samuel Phillips aged about 67, minister of the word of God in Rowly, who sayth, that mr payson (minister of gods word alsoe in Rowley) and my self went, being desired, to Samuel pearly of ipswich to se their young daughter who was viseted with strang fitts & in her fitts (as her father & mother affirmed) did mention good wife How the wife of James Howe Junior of Ipswich, as if she was in the house & did afflict her: when we were in the house the child had one of her fitts but made noe mention of goodwife how; & when the fitt was over & she come to herself, goodwife How, went to the child and took her by the hand & askt her whether she had ever done her any hurt And she answered no never and if I did complain of you in my fitts I know not that I did soe: I further can affirm upon oath that young Samuel Pearly, Brother to the afflicted girle looking out of a chamber window (I and the afflicted child being without dores together) and say to his sister say goodwife Howe is a witch, say she is a witch & the child spake not a word that way, but I lookt up to the
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window where the youth stood & rebuked him for his boldness to stirr up his sister to accuse the said goodw: How where as she had cleared her from doing any hurt to his sister in both our hearing, & I added noo wonder that the child in har fitts did mention Goodwife Howe, when her nearest relations were soe frequent in expressing theire suspicions in the childs hearing when she was out of her fitts, that the sayd Goodwif How, was an Instrument of mischief to the child. {A colleague of Phillips, Payson of Rowley, was also present at this encounter between Elizabeth and the Perleys daughter. He added his testimony as a second witness saying, their afflicted daughter, upon something that her mother spake to her with tartness, presently fell into one of her usuall strange fitts, during which, she made no mention(as I observed)of the above sd How her name, or any thing relating to her some time after, the sd how came in. {In her defense, Elizabeth Howes father-in-law testified to her good nature. He said that she, (set) a side humain infurmitys as (become) a Christion with Respact to (himself) as a father very dutifully & a wifife to (his) son very carfull loveing obedient and kind Considering his want of eye sight. He concluded his witness by saying, now desiering god may guide your honours to se a difference between predigous and Consentes I rest yours to Sarve. {Execution: Public execution was considered the most severe punishment of the time in Puritan Massachusetts. It is logical then that this severe punishment would come upon those convicted of a most severe crime: witchcraft. Convicted witches were hanged on Gallows Hill. Elizabeth Howe was hanged on July 19, 1692, along with Rebecca Nurse (her sister-in-law), Sarah Good, Sarah Wildes and Susanna Martin. {The execution methods in New England were very similar
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to those used in England. The condemned would ride to the execution spot with a minister. He would then elaborate on the saving grace of Jesus Christ and repentance. The minster would also preach a sermon to the crowd that had gathered to watch the execution. Historian Louis P. Masur wrote, The ritual of execution day required that condemned prisoners demonstrate publicly that they were penitent, and the execution sermons repeatedly pounded the chord of penitence. In an ideal situation the convicted would confess to their crime, alleviating worry from the community that they were sending an unprepared soul to the next life. {Conclusion: Elizabeth Howe, Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Good, Sarah Wildes and Susanna Martin were hanged on July 19, 1692, and buried in a crevice on Gallows hill. Giles Cory {Nineteen people were hanged for witchcraft during the Salem witch trials, and one man, Giles Cory, was pressed to death because he refused to attest to the indictment against him. {In 1709, many were encouraged to join in a petition with Phillip English; they began with approximately twenty-one accused witches and children of the accused; although, later many others added their sentiments. Among these were the daughters of Elizabeth How. They requested that their good names be restored and also wanted financial compensation for their losses during the trials. It was not until 1711 that a sum of approximately 598 pounds was distributed among the survivors.} *** James Howe and Elizabeth Jackson had the following children: (1) JAMES2 HOWE (son of James Howe and Elizabeth
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Jackson) was born in 1659 in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died in Jul 1664 in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (2) JOSEPH HOWE (son of James Howe and Elizabeth Jackson) was born on 09 Feb 1661 in Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died on 04 Sep 1701 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He married Dorothy Martin on 29 Dec 1687 in Charlestown, Sullivan County, New Hampshire Colony, British America. She was born in 1663 in Charlestown, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. She died on 29 Jul 1742 in Killingly, Windham County, Connecticut Colony, British America. (3) ELIZABETH HOWE (daughter of James Howe and Elizabeth Jackson) was born on 01 Jun 1661 in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died on 20 Apr 1701 in Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She married Caleb Jackson in 1682 in Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He was born on 25 Feb 1652 in Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died in 1718 in Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (4) MARY HOWE (daughter of James Howe and Elizabeth Jackson) was born on 25 Feb 1664 in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died on 29 Jan 1732 in Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (5) SARAH HOWE (daughter of James Howe and Elizabeth Jackson) was born in 1666 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died on 18
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Jul 1692 in Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (6) DEBORAH HOWE (daughter of James Howe and Elizabeth Jackson) was born on 01 Mar 1667 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died on 04 Nov 1743 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She married (1) ISAAC HOWE (son of Abraham Howe and Alice Mattocks) on 11 May 1685 in Roxburg County, Massachusetts, British America. He was born in Mar 1656 in Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. He died on 18 May 1719 in Charlestown, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. She married (2) JOHN BARRETT (son of John Barrett and Mary Pond) on 27 Sep 1687 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He was born in 1663 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died on 05 Oct 1715 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (7) JOHN HOWE (son of James Howe and Elizabeth Jackson) was born on 17 Apr 1671 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died on 19 May 1754 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He married Rebecca Joslin in 1694 in Marlboro, Massachusetts, USA. She was born on 14 May 1672 in Lancaster, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 22 Sep 1731 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (8) ABIGAIL HOWE (daughter of James Howe and Elizabeth Jackson) was born on 03 Dec 1673 in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died on 16
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Jan 1753 in Massachusetts Colony, British America. (9) DAVID HOWE (son of James Howe and Elizabeth Jackson) was born on 02 Nov 1674 in Sudbury, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died on 03 Aug 1759 in Sudbury, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He married Hebzibag Hepzibah in 1701 in Massachusetts Colony, British America. She was born in 1680 in Massachusetts Colony, British America. (10) ELIZABETH HOWE (daughter of James Howe and Elizabeth Jackson) was born on 16 Jul 1675 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died on 18 Aug 1764 in Shrewsbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (11) JOSEPH HOWE (son of James Howe and Elizabeth Jackson) was born on 16 Sep 1682 in Sudbury, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died on 19 May 1774 in Rutland, Worcester County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (12) DEBORAH HOWE (daughter of James Howe and Elizabeth Jackson) was born on 11 May 1685 in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died on 26 Feb 1734 in Stonehem, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. GENERATION 2 JOSEPH2 HOWE (Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 09 Feb 1661 in Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died on 04 Sep 1701 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He married Dorothy Martin on 29 Dec 1687 in Charlestown, Sullivan County, New Hampshire Colony, British
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America. She was born in 1663 in Charlestown, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. She died on 29 Jul 1742 in Killingly, Windham County, Connecticut Colony, British America. Joseph Howe and Dorothy Martin had the following children: (1) SARAH3 HOWE (daughter of Joseph Howe and Dorothy Martin) was born on 27 Jul 1688 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died in Thompson Parish, Connecticut Colony, British America. She married Jeremiah Barstow (son of John Barstow and Lydia Hatch) on 06 Dec 1711 in Marlboro County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He was born on 28 Aug 1682 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, British America. He died on 04 Sep 1700 in Killingly, Windham County, Connecticut Colony, British America. (2) JOSEPH HOWE (son of Joseph Howe* and Dorothy Martin) was born on 19 Feb 1696 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died on 18 Feb 1775 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. *** DEBORAH2 HOWE (Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 01 Mar 1667 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died on 04 Nov 1743 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She married (1) ISAAC HOWE (son of Abraham Howe and Alice Mattocks) on 11 May 1685 in Roxburg County, Massachusetts, British America. He was born in Mar 1656 in Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. He died on 18 May 1719 in Charlestown, Suffolk County,
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Massachusetts, British America. She married (2) JOHN BARRETT (son of John Barrett and Mary Pond) on 27 Sep 1687 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He was born in 1663 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died on 05 Oct 1715 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. Isaac Howe and Deborah Howe had the following children: (1) ISAAC3 HOWE (son of Isaac Howe and Deborah Howe) was born in 1686 in Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. He died on 12 Nov 1764. (2) JACOB HOWE (son of Isaac Howe and Deborah Howe) was born on 24 Oct 1689 in Charlestown, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. He died on 06 Feb 1772 in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (3) ABRAHAM HOWE (son of Isaac Howe and Deborah Howe) was born on 29 Oct 1689 in Charlestown, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. He died in 1722. (4) ABIGAIL HOWE (daughter of Isaac Howe and Deborah Howe) was born on 04 Feb 1691 in Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. (5) JOHN HOWE (son of Isaac Howe and Deborah Howe) was born in 1695 in Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. He died on 12 Nov 1764 in Grafton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, British America. (6) JOHN HOWE (son of Isaac Howe and Deborah Howe) was born on 16 Jul 1697 in Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. He died on 12 Nov 1764 in Grafton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, British America. He married (1) MARY WOOD in 1730. She was born in
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1699 in Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. He married (2) SARAH GOULD (daughter of John Gould and Sarah Baker) on 26 Jun 1712 in Framingham County, Massachusetts, British America. She was born on 31 Jan 1695 in Charlestown, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. She died in 1730 in Wilmington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (1) NOAME HOWE (daughter of Isaac Howe and Deborah Howe) was born on 22 Apr 1701 in Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died about 1756. She married JOSEPH HOLDEN. He was born in 1695 in Wobern, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, British America. He died in 1746 in Stoneham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, British America. John Barrett and Deborah Howe had the following children: (1) HANNAH3 BARRETT (daughter of John Barrett and Deborah Howe) was born on 20 Jan 1689 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died on 10 Jan 1744 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (2) SARAH BARRETT (daughter of John Barrett and Deborah Howe) was born on 28 Nov 1692 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died on 15 Feb 1730 in Marlboro, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (3) LYDIA BARRETT (daughter of John Barrett and Deborah Howe) was born on 23 Aug 1694 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died on 12 Sep 1695 in Marlborough, Middlesex County,
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Massachusetts Colony, British America. (4) MARY BARRETT (daughter of John Barrett and Deborah Howe) was born in Nov 1695 in Marlboro, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, British America. She died in 1768 in Marlboro, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (5) THANKFUL BARRETT (daughter of John Barrett and Deborah Howe) was born on 16 Jul 1697 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died in 1768 in Massachusetts Colony, British America. (6) BENONI BARRETT (daughter of John Barrett and Deborah Howe) was born on 26 Feb 1700 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died on 23 Mar 1700 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (7) BENONI BARRETT (son of John Barrett and Deborah Howe) was born on 26 Feb 1701 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died on 23 Mar 1701 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. *** {Personal Note: I do not have an explanation for (6) and (7) above.} *** (Note to whomever attempts to read and/or study this: The following family is mixed up as far as who the particular childrens mothers are; when born, etc., inasmuch as some are listed under each wife, several born the same year; some could not be born to the woman they are listed under. I long since gave up on trying to sort them out. The names are taken from trees that are posted on and seem usually to be quite reliable, but many people seem to be only
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interested in putting down names and not checking whether they fall in correctly!) *** JOHN2 HOWE (Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 17 Apr 1671 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died on 19 May 1754 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He married Rebecca Joslin in 1694 in Marlboro, , Massachusetts, USA. She was born on 14 May 1672 in Lancaster, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 22 Sep 1731 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. John Howe and Rebecca Joslin had the following children: (1) ELIZABETH 3 HOWE (daughter of John Howe* and Rebecca Joslin) was born on 13 Sep 1710 in Marlboro, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 26 Nov 1784 in Rutland, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. (2) DOROTHY HOWE (daughter of John Howe* and Rebecca Joslin) was born on 31 Jan 1715 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. (3) ELIZABETH HOWE (daughter of John Howe* and Rebecca Joslin) was born on 13 Sep 1710 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 26 Nov 1784 in Rutland, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. (4) SETH HOWE (son of John Howe and Rebecca Joslin) was born on 13 Apr 1708 in Marlborough, Middlesex County Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died on 27 Apr 1789 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. (5) HANNAH HOWE (daughter of John Howe* and Rebecca Joslin) was born on 20 Nov 1706 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 04 Dec
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1757 in Northborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA. (6) EUNICE HOWE (daughter of John Howe and Rebecca Joslin) was born on 31 Dec 1705 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 02 Jul 1772 in Grafton, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. (7) MARY HOWE (daughter of John Howe and Rebecca Joslin) was born on 24 Jun 1705 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died on 19 Jun 1724 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, British America. (8) REBECCA HOWE (daughter of John Howe and Rebecca Joslin) was born on 13 Mar 1703 in Marlborough, Middlesex County Massachusetts, British America. She died in 1803 in Cummington, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA. (9) EBENEZER HOWE (son of John Howe and Rebecca Joslin) was born on 01 May 1701 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1754 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. (10) SARAH HOWE (daughter of John Howe* and Rebecca Joslin) was born on 12 Jul 1699 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, British America. She died on 12 Jan 1784 in Northboro, County Massachusetts, USA. (11) JOHN HOWE (son of John Howe and Rebecca Joslin) was born on 16 Jul 1697 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 25 Apr 1734 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. (12) PETER HOWE (son of John Howe and Rebecca Joslin) was born on 08 May 1695 in Marlborough County, Massachusetts, British America. He died on 18 Oct 1778 in Marlborough County, Massachusetts, British America. (11) EUNICE HOWE (daughter of John Howe and Rebecca Joslin) was born on 22 Jul 1712 in Marlborough,
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Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 02 Jul 1772 in Grafton, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. GENERATION 3 SARAH3 HOWE (Joseph2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on27 Jul 1688 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died in Thompson Parish, Connecticut Colony, British America. She married Jeremiah Barstow (son of John Barstow and Lydia Hatch) on 06 Dec 1711 in Marlboro County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He was born on 28 Aug 1682 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died on 04 Sep 1700 in Killingly, Windham County, Connecticut Colony, British America. Jeremiah Barstow and Sarah Howe had the following children: (1) ELIZABETH 4 BARSTOW (daughter of Jeremiah Barstow and Sarah Howe) was born on 20 Sep 1712 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (2) DOROTHY BARSTOW (daughter of Jeremiah Barstow and Sarah Howe) was born on 28 Mar 1714 in Thompson, Windham, Connecticut Colony, British America. She died in 1751 in Dudley, Worcester, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (3) JOHN BARSTOW (son of Jeremiah Barstow and Sarah Howe) was born on 30 Jan 1716 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (4) ABIGAIL BARSTOW (daughter of Jeremiah Barstow and Sarah Howe) was born on 22 Nov 1717 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died in 1759 in Brimfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts
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Colony, British America. (5) WILLIAM BARSTOW (son of Jeremiah Barstow and Sarah Howe) was born on 16 Jan 1719 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (6) SARAH BARSTOW (daughter of Jeremiah Barstow and Sarah Howe) was born on 30 Jul 1721 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (7) SUSANNAH BARSTOW (daughter of Jeremiah Barstow and Sarah Howe) was born on 28 Jul 1723 in Killingly, Windham County, Connecticut Colony, British America. She died on 29 Jun 1787 in Oxford, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. *** (8) LYDIA BARSTOW (daughter of Jeremiah Barstow and Sarah Howe) was born on 30 Jul 1725 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (9) JEREMIAH BARSTOW (son of Jeremiah Barstow and Sarah Howe) was born on 03 Jul 1727 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (10) LUCY BARSTOW (daughter of Jeremiah Barstow and Sarah Howe) was born on 04 Nov 1730 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. *** JOHN3 HOWE (Deborah2, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 16 Jul 1697 in Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. He died on 12 Nov 1764 in Grafton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, British America. He married (1) MARY WOOD in 1730. She was born in 1699 in Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. He married (2) SARAH GOULD (daughter of John Gould and Sarah Baker) on 26 Jun 1712 in Framingham County,
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Massachusetts, British America. She was born on 31 Jan 1695 in Charlestown, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, British America. She died in 1730 in Wilmington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. John Howe and Mary Wood had the following children: (1) JOHN4 HOWE (son of John Howe and Mary Wood) was born in 1718 in Wilmington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died in 1799 in Townshend, Windham County, Vermont, USA. (2) ISAAC HOWE (son of John Howe and Mary Wood) was born on 13 Aug 1721 in Wilmington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died in 1757. (3) SARAH HOWE (daughter of John Howe and Mary Wood) was born on 14 May 1724 in Wilmington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (4) EBENEZER HOWE (son of John Howe and Mary Wood) was born on 13 Dec 1725 in Wilmington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died in 1825. (5) CYPRIAN HOWE (son of John Howe and Mary Wood) was born on 29 Mar 1726 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. (6) ASA HOWE (son of John Howe and Mary Wood) was born on 31 Jan 1728 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died in 1783 in Petersham, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. (7) LYDIA HOWE (daughter of John Howe and Mary Wood) was born on 06 Sep 1729 in Wilmington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (8) DEBORAH HOWE (daughter of John Howe and Mary Wood) was born on 18 Dec 1731 in Wilmington, Middlesex
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County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died on 07 Sep 1816 in Framingham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. *** (9) PATIENCE HOWE (daughter of John Howe and Mary Wood) was born on 22 May 1734 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. John Howe and Sarah Gould had the following children: (1) JOHN HOWE (son of John Howe and Sarah Gould) was born on 06 Sep 1718 in Wilmington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died in Jul 1799 in Townshend, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He married HANNAH on 30 Aug 1741. She was born in 1718. She died in 1806 in Townshend, Windham County, Vermont, USA. (2) ISAAC HOWE (son of John Howe and Sarah Gould) was born on 13 Aug 1721 in Wilmington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died in 1757. (3) SARAH HOWE (daughter of John Howe and Sarah Gould) was born on 14 May 1724 in Wilmington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (4) EBENEZER HOWE (son of John Howe and Sarah Gould) was born on 13 Dec 1725 in Wilmington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died in 1825. (5) CYPRIAN HOWE (son of John Howe and Sarah Gould) was born on 29 Mar 1726 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died in 1790 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (6) LYDIA HOWE (daughter of John Howe and Sarah Gould) was born on 06 Sep 1729 in Wilmington, Middlesex
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County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. *** NOAME3 HOWE (Deborah2, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 22 Apr 1701 in Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. She died about 1756. She married JOSEPH HOLDEN. He was born in 1695 in Wobern, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, British America. He died in 1746 in Stoneham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, British America. Joseph Holden and Noame Howe had the following child: (1) BENJAMIN4 HOLDEN (son of Joseph Holden and Noame Howe) was born in 1718 in Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, British America. He died in Nov 1786 in Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He married Abigail Howe on 24 Aug 1743 in Farington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, British America. She was born on 28 Jan 1725 in Framingham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, British America. GENERATION 4 JOHN4 HOWE (John3, Deborah2, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 06 Sep 1718 in Wilmington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. He died in Jul 1799 in Townshend, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He married (1) HANNAH on 30 Aug 1741. She was born in 1718. She died in 1806 in Townshend, Windham County, Vermont, USA. John Howe and Hannah had the following children: (1) BENJAMIN5 HOWE (son of John Howe and Hannah) was born on 14 Mar 1743 in Wilmington Massachusetts, British America. He died on 01 Jul 1817 in West Townshend County, Vermont, USA.
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He married Hannah Blanchard on 19 Aug 1768 in Upton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. She was born on 02 Nov 1749 in Warwick, Franklin County, Massachusetts, British America. She died on 14 Mar 1825 in Townshend, Windham County, Vermont, USA. (2) JOHN HOWE (son of John Howe and Hannah Howe) was born on 30 Aug 1741 in Wilmington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. (3) SARAH HOWE (daughter of John Howe and Hannah Howe) was born on 13 Mar 1745 in Wilmington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Colony, British America. *** BENJAMIN4 HOLDEN (Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe,Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born in 1718 in Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, British America. He died in Nov 1786 in Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He married Abigail Howe on 24 Aug 1743 in Farington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, British America. She was born on 28 Jan 1725 in Framingham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, British America. Benjamin Holden and Abigail Howe had the following children: (1) ISAAC5 HOLDEN (son of Benjamin Holden and Abigail Howe) was born on 12 Apr 1748 in Framingham, Massachusetts, British America. He died on 05 Jun 1811 in Leverett, Franklin County, Massachusetts, USA. He married Elizabeth Whittead (daughter of William Whittead and Sarah Cleneay) on 15 Jun 1792 in Orange County, North Carolina, USA. She was born in 1770 in Orange County, North Carolina, British America. (2) JAMES HOLDEN (son of Benjamin Holden and Abigail Howe) was born about 1774 in North Carolina, British
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America. He died on 07 Apr 1862 in Nephi, Juab County, Utah, USA. GENERATION 5 BENJAMIN HOWE (John4, John3, Deborah2, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 14 Mar 1743 in Wilmington Massachusetts, British America. He died on 01 Jul 1817 in West Townshend County, Vermont, USA. He married Hannah Blanchard on 19 Aug 1768 in Upton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. She was born on 02 Nov 1749 in Warwick, Franklin County, Massachusetts, British America. She died on 14 Mar 1825 in Townshend, Windham County, Vermont, USA. Benjamin Howe and Hannah Blanchard* had the following children: (1) HANNAH6 HOWE (daughter of Benjamin Howe and Hannah Blanchard) was born in 1772 in Townshend, Windham County, Vermont, USA. She died in 1850. (2) ROGERS HOWE (son of Benjamin Howe and Hannah Blanchard) was born on 11 Apr 1776 in Townshend, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He died on 05 Apr 1836 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, United States. He married Lydia Turness in 1800 in Townshend, Windham County, Vermont, USA. She was born in 1778 in Townshend, Windham County, Vermont, USA. She died in 1840 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. *** ISAAC5 HOLDEN (Benjamin4, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 12 Apr 1748 in Framingham, Massachusetts, British America. He died on 05 Jun 1811 in Leverett, Franklin County, Massachusetts, USA. He married Elizabeth Whittead (daughter of William
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Whittead and Sarah Cleneay) on 15 Jun 1792 in Orange County, North Carolina, USA. She was born in 1770 in Orange County, North Carolina, British America. Isaac Holden and Elizabeth Whittead had the following child: (1) JAMES6 HOLDEN (son of Isaac Holden and Elizabeth Whittead) was born in 1792 in Orange, Chatham County, North Carolina, USA. He died in May 1854 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. He married MARY POLLY ALEXANDER. She was born in 1789 in Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died in 1854. He married (2) SARAH MARTIN in 1815 in USA. She was born in 1795 in North Carolina, USA. She died in 1855 in Pickens County, Alabama, USA. GENERATION 6 Elizabeth Howe Born, Elizabeth Jackson, Circa 1635, England; Died July 19, 1692, Salem, Massachusetts. Cause of death. Executed by hanging; Residence, Salem, Massachusetts. Nationality, English; Ethnicity, English; Citizenship England; Known for Salem witch trials; Religion, Puritan; Spouse, James Howe, Children, 6; Parents, William and Deborah Jackson Elizabeth Howe was one of the accused in the Salem witch trials. She was found guilty and executed on July 19, 1692. Background: Elizabeth Jackson Howe was born circa 1635 in Yorkshire. She was born to William and Deborah Jackson. Elizabeth married James Howe in April 1658; the couple had six children, and resided in Topsfield, Massachusetts. Topsfield was a Puritan community. They were a deeply pious society,
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with an extreme religious focus not only as a community but also on an individual basis. They believed firmly in the devil, and felt that he was not only an enemy to mankind, but to the Puritans specifically. The devil, as envisioned by the people of Salem, was a short, black man with cloven feet who stood about as high as a walking stick. The fight against the devil was viewed as an individual religious responsibility. Accused of witchcraft: The Perely family of Ipswich, Massachusetts, was among the chief accusers of Elizabeth Howe. They had a ten year old daughter they claimed was being afflicted by Howe. The child complained of being pricked by pins and sometimes fell into fits. In their testimony against Howe, on June 1, 1692, the Perelys quoted their daughter as saying, I could never afflict a dog as Good Howe afflicts me. At first the parents did not believe their daughters accusations. They took the child to several doctors who told them she was under an evil hand. Her condition continued for two or three years, until she pined away to skin and bones and ended her sorrowful life. Elizabeth Howe was accused of afflicting several other girls within Salem Village. The identities of the girls Elizabeth Howe was accused of afflicting are recorded in the transcript of her examination: Mercy Lewis was nineteen years old during the Salem trials. When her entire family was killed in an Indian attack she was sent to be a servant in the house of Thomas Putnam. Mercy Lewis acted as key player in the accusation of Elizabeth Howe, as well as many other individuals in Salem Village. Mercy Lewis was a major contributor of spectral evidence in the examination of Elizabeth Howe. She threw herself to the floor in a fit as soon as Howe entered the meeting house. Mary Walcott played a significant role in the Salem trials,
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being one of the original girls to become afflicted. Her name not only appeared on the arrest warrant served to Elizabeth Howe but also appeared in one of two indictments. Interestingly, her cousin Ann Putnam was one of the most active accusers. Ann Putnam was one of the afflicted girls. She was one of the most aggressive accusers, her name appearing over 400 times in court documents. Ann was twelve years old at the start of the trials. She accused nineteen people and saw eleven of them hanged. This is a significant amount when one considers the fact that only nineteen people total hanged because of the accusations against them. In 1706 Putnam retracted her actions; she was the only afflicted girl to do so. Ann Putnam: Abigail Williams was eleven or twelve in 1692. She was one of the most well-known afflicted girls in the Salem witch trials. Her name appeared on the arrest warrant for Elizabeth Howe. She was the niece of Reverend Samuel Parris, reverend of Salem Village and was one of the first two girls to become afflicted. Mary Warren was twenty-one when the trials began. She was employed as a servant in the house of John Proctor of Salem Village. Warren participated only a little in the afflicted girls accusations. Warren was eventually tried for being a witch herself, but escaped conviction by accusing her employer and his wife of certain deeds, although she hesitated to call them a witch and a wizard. This safely placed Mary Warren back on the accusing side of the line. Warrant for arrest: On May 28, 1692 a warrant was released for the arrest of Elizabeth Howe by John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin. She was to be apprehended and taken to the home of Lieutenant Nathaniel Ingersolls. She stood charged with Sundry Acts of Witch-craft done or (committed) on the
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(bodies) of Mary Walcott, Abigail Williams, and others of Salem Village. She was apprehended by Ephraim Wildes, constable of Topsfield, on May 29, 1692. A copy of her original warrant can be read below. This transcript was taken from The Salem Witchcraft Papers. To the Constable of Topsfield Your are in theyre Majestyes Names hereby Required to Apprehend & bring before us Elizabeth Howe the wife of James Howe if Topsfeild Husbandman on Tuesday next being the thirty first day of may about Ten of the Clock forenoone att the house: of Leut Nathaniell Ingersollsof Salem Village, Whoe stande Charged wth Sundry Acts of Witch-craft done or Committed on the bodyes of Mary Walcott, Abigaill Williams & others of Salem Village, to theyr great hurt, in order to hir examination, Relating to the above sd premises. & hereof you are nott to fayle. Datd. Salem. May. 28th. 1692/ In obedience to this warrant I have appreended Elizabeth Howe the wife of Jems how on the 29th of may 1692 and have brought har unto the house of leftenant nathaniell engleson according too to the warrant as attested by me Ephraim Wildes constabell For the town of Topsfelld. Dated May 31st 1692 Imprisonment: Conditions while awaiting trial were harsh for those accused of witchcraft. The supposed witches were, bound with cords and irons for months, subjected to insulting, unending examinations and excommunication from the church. In Marion L. Starkeys The Devil in Massachusetts it says, . . . they were periodically subjected by prison officials, especially by the juries assigned to search them for witch marks. Yet while Elizabeth Howe was imprisoned in these difficult conditions she was able to rely on the support of her family. Her daughters, and occasionally her blind husband, would take turns in making regular trips to Boston. Starkey
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said they would bring her country butter, clean linen, and comfort. Trial: Chaos in the Courtroom: Court conditions verged on the point of ridiculous during the Salem witch trials. There are many pauses in court records because of the chaos that surrounded trials of the supposed witches. For instance, afflicted girls would throw themselves on the ground in hysterical fits, and when the examinant moved their body the afflicted individuals would cry out in pain. Magistrate Samuel Sewall of Boston recorded his observation about the conditions he found in the meeting house. His diary reads, Went to Salem, where in the meeting house, the persons accused of witchcraft were examined . . . twas awful to see how the afflicted persons were agitated. Such was the case of Elizabeth Howes trial which began on May 31 of 1692. The following is a true account of the examination of Elizabeth Howe as witnessed by Samuel Parris. This account is taken from The Salem Witchcraft Papers, Transcripts of the Legal Documents from the Salem Witch Trials. When Elizabeth Howe was brought in for examination Mercy Lewis and Mary Walcott, two of her main accusers, fell into a fit. She was accused by Mary of pinching and choking her in the month of May. Ann Putnam added her accusations to these by saying she had been hurt three times by Howe. When asked how she pled to the charges made against her, Elizabeth Howe boldly responded, If it was the last moment I was to live, God knows I am innocent of any thing of this nature. Actual examination: The examination of Eliz: 31. May. 1692 Mercy Lewis & Mary Walcot fell in a fit quickly after the examinant came in Mary Walcot said that this woman the examinant had pincht her & choakt this month. Ann Putnam said she had hurt her three times. What say you to this
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charge? Here are them that charge you with witchcraft If it was the last moment I was to live, God knows I am innocent of any thing in this nature Did not you take notice that now when you lookt upon Mercy Lewis she was struck down? I cannot help it. You are charged here; what doe you say? I am innocent of any thing of this nature. Is this the first time that ever you were accused? Yes Sr. Do not you know that one at Ipswitch hath accused you? This is the first time that ever I heard of it You say that you never heard of these folks before Mercy Lewis at length spake & charged this woman with hurting & pinching her: And then Abigail Williams cryed she hath hurt me a great many times, a great while & she hath brought me the book. Ann Putnam had a pin stuck in her hand What do you say to this? I cannot help it. What consent have you given? Mary Warren cryed out she was prickt Abig: Williams cryed out that she was pincht, & great printes were seen in her arm. Have not you seen some apparition-- No, never in all my life Those that have confessed, they tell us they used images & pins, now tell us what you have used. You would not have me confess that which I know not She lookt upon Mary Warren, & said Warren violently fell down. Look upon this maid viz: Mary Walcot, her back being towards the examinant Mary Warren & Ann Putnam said they saw this woman upon her. Susan: Sheldon saith this was the woman that carryed her yesterday to the Pond Sus: Sheldon carried to the Examinant in a fit & was well upon grasping her arm. You said you never heard before of these people Not before the warrant was served upon me last Sabbath day John Indian cryed out O she bites, & fell into a grevious fit, & so carried to her in his fir & was well upon her grasping him. What do you say to these things, they cannot come to you? Sr. I am not able to give account of it Cannot you tell what keeps them off from your body? I cannot tell, I
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know not what it is? That is strange that you should do these things & not be able to tell how. This is a true account of the examination of Eliz: How taken from my characters written at the time thereof. Witness my hand Sam. Parris. (Reverse) Eliza. How Exam.Adjourt. June 30 92 How (witnesses v. Elizabeth Howe) Indictments made against Howe: These indictments are transcripts of the legal documents taken from The Salem Witchcraft Papers (3).Anno Regis et Reginae: Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae: nunc Angliae &c: Quarto ''Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King & Queen presents that Elizabeth Howe Wife of James How of Ipswich -- the 29th day of May in the forth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God (of God) of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen defend'rs of the faith &c: and divers other dayes and times as well before as after certaine detestable Arts called witchcraft & Sorceries wickedly & felloniously hath Used Practised and Exercised at and within the Towne ship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one:Marcy Lewis of Salem Villiage Single woman -- by which said wicked Acts the said Marcy Lewis -the 29th day of May in the forth Year aboves'd: and divers other dayes & times as well before as after was and is Tortured. Afflicted: Pined Consumed & Tormented and also for sundrey other Acts of witchcraft by the Said Elizabeth Howe Committed & done before and since that Time ag't. the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King & Queen, and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided (7) Witnesses. Mercy Lewis. Jurat Mary Wolcott Jurat Abigall Williams Ann Putnam Jurat Sam'll. Pearly & wife Jurat Sam'll. Pearly & wife Ruth Jurat Joseph Andrews & wife Sarah Jurat
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Jno. Sherrin Jurat Jos. Safford Jurat francis Leane Jurat Abraham fosters wife Lydia J(urat) Isack Cumins Jun'r the thirty first day of May in the forth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland. France, and Ireland King and Queen defenders of the faith &c: and divers other dayes and times. as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called witchcraft, and Sorceries wickedly and felloniously. hath used Practised and Exercised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd: in upon and against one Mary Wolcott of Salem Villiage Singlewoman by which said wicked arts the said Mary Walcott the 31st day of May in the forth Year as abovesaid, and divers other dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed wasted & Tormented and also for sundrey other Acts of witchcraft by said Elizabeth Howe Committed and Done before and since that time, ag't. the Peace. of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen, and against the forme of the Statute in that Case made & Provided. (7) Mary Wolcott Jurat Ann Putnam Jurat Abigall Williams. Sam'll. Pearly & wife Ruth Jurat Joseph Andrews & wife. Sarah Jurat Jno. Sherrin Jurat Jos: Safford. Jurat. francis Leane. Jurant Abraham fosters wife Lydia Jurat Isack Cumins Jun'r. Jurat Evidence in the court and witnesses against Howe: There were many different types of evidence that were used to convict a supposed witch. These were confession, supernatural attributes, the witchs teat or witch's mark (any small skin growth or abnormality found on the body of the accused), anger followed by mischief, and probably most importantly spectral evidence defined by The Witches of Early America as the supernatural phenomena thought to occur when a vision or spectre of an accused witch appeared to a witness.
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Witch examination: Anger followed by mischief is one form of evidence that was brought against Elizabeth How. The Perely family, who had also accused her of afflicting their ten year old daughter (see Elizabeth How Accused of Witchcraft), blamed the sudden illness of the familys cow upon her. This was due, they claimed, to the fact that they had thwarted Elizabeth Howes chance of becoming a member of the Ipswich Church. Samuel Perley stated it this way in his testimony against Elizabeth: the above said goode how had a mind to joyn to iPswich Church thai being unsatisfied sent to us to bring in what we knew thai se cause to Put a stoP to her coming into the Church. Samuel then went on to explain a few days afterwards his cow suddenly went mad and ran into a pond drowning herself. Spectral evidence played a key role in the Salem Witch Trials. The Witches of Early America defines spectral evidence as, the supernatural phenomena thought to occur when a vision or spectre of an accused witch appeared to a witness. The accusation of the Perelys is not a direct example of a when an accused witch appeared to a witness. However, they did bring forth spectral evidence with the story of their daughter. Apparently she told her parents that when she went near fire or water, this witch (pulled her) in. Another accusation of anger before mischief was raised against Elizabeth How by her own brother-in-law. From his account we learn that she asked John Howe to go with her to Salem farmes. He told her that had she been accused of any other thing he would go with her, but because the accusation was witchcraft he would not for ten pounds, he continued, If you are a witch tell me how long you have ben a witch and what mischeve you have done and then I will go with you. His report explains that she semed to be aingry with me. John
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owned a sow with six small piglets. Around sunset he recounted the sow leaped up about (three or four feet high) and (turned about) and gave one (squeak) and fell (down dead). He went on to say that he cut off the ear of the sow and the hand he used to do this became numb and full of pain for several days after. All of this he blamed upon his sister-inlaw Elizabeth How. Witnesses on behalf of Howe: Having witnessed a conversation between Samuel Perleys little girl and Elizabeth Howe. Reverend Phillips of Rowley, Massachusetts was able to testify in her defense on June 3, 1692. This testimony is taken from the Salem Witchcraft Papers: The testimony of Samuel Phillips aged about 67, minister of the word of God in Rowly, who sayth, that mr payson (minister of gods word alsoe in Rowley) and my self went, being desired, to Samuel pearly of ipswich to se their young daughter who was viseted with strang fitts & in her fitts (as her father & mother affirmed) did mention good wife How the wife of James Howe Junior of Ipswich, as if she was in the house & did afflict her: when we were in the house the child had one of her fitts but made noe mention of goodwife how; & when the fitt was over & she come to herself, goodwife How, went to the child and took her by the hand & askt her whether she had ever done her any hurt And she answered no never and if I did complain of you in my fitts I know not that I did soe: I further can affirm upon oath that young Samuel Pearly, Brother to the afflicted girle looking out of a chamber window (I and the afflicted child being without dores together) and say to his sister say goodwife Howe is a witch, say she is a witch & the child spake not a word that way, but I lookt up to the window where the youth stood & rebuked him for his boldness to stirr up his sister to accuse the said goodw: How where as she had
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cleared her from doing any hurt to his sister in both our hearing, & I added noo wonder that the child in har fitts did mention Goodwife Howe, when her nearest relations were soe frequent in expressing theire suspicions in the childs hearing when she was out of her fitts, that the sayd Goodwif How, was an Instrument of mischief to the child. A colleague of Phillips, Payson of Rowley, was also present at this encounter between Elizabeth and the Perleys daughter. He added his testimony as a second witness saying, their afflicted daughter, upon something that her mother spake to her with tartness, presently fell into one of her usuall strange fitts, during which, she made no mention(as I observed)of the above sd How her name, or any thing relating to her some time after, the sd how came in. In her defense, Elizabeth Howes father-in-law testified to her good nature. He said that she, (set) a side humain infurmitys as (become) a Christion with Respact to (himself) as a father very dutifully & a wifife to (his) son very carfull loveing obedient and kind Considering his want of eye sight. He concluded his witness by saying, now desiering god may guide your honours to se a difference between predigous and Consentes I rest yours to Sarve. Execution: Public execution was considered the most severe punishment of the time in Puritan Massachusetts. It is logical then that this severe punishment would come upon those convicted of a most severe crime: witchcraft. Convicted witches were hanged on Gallows Hill. Elizabeth Howe was hanged on July 19, 1692, along with Rebecca Nurse (her sister-in-law), Sarah Good, Sarah Wildes and Susanna Martin. The execution methods in New England were very similar to those used in England. The condemned would ride to the execution spot with a minister. He would then elaborate on the
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saving grace of Jesus Christ and repentance. The minster would also preach a sermon to the crowd that had gathered to watch the execution. Historian Louis P. Masur wrote, The ritual of execution day required that condemned prisoners demonstrate publicly that they were penitent, and the execution sermons repeatedly pounded the chord of penitence. In an ideal situation the convicted would confess to their crime, alleviating worry from the community that they were sending an unprepared soul to the next life. Conclusion: Elizabeth Howe, Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Good, Sarah Wildes and Susanna Martin were hanged on July 19, 1692, and buried in a crevice on Gallows hill. Giles Cory Nineteen people were hanged for witchcraft during the Salem witch trials, and one man, Giles Cory, was pressed to death because he refused to attest to the indictment against him. In 1709, many were encouraged to join in a petition with Phillip English; they began with approximately twenty-one accused witches and children of the accused; although, later many others added their sentiments. Among these were the daughters of Elizabeth How. They requested that their good names be restored and also wanted financial compensation for their losses during the trials. It was not until 1711 that a sum of approximately 598 pounds was distributed among the survivors. ROGERS6 HOWE (Benjamin5, John4, John3, Deborah2, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 11 Apr 1776 in Townshend, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He died on 05 Apr 1836 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, United States. He married Lydia Turness in 1800 in Townshend, Windham County, Vermont, USA. She was born in 1778 in Townshend,
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Windham County, Vermont, USA. She died in 1840 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. Rogers Howe and Lydia Turness had the following children: (1) LUCIUS7 HOWE (son of Rogers Howe and Lydia Turness) was born on 13 Jan 1801 in Jamaica County, Vermont, USA. He died in 1882 in Glencoe, McLeod County, Minnesota, USA. He married Clarissa Higgins on 16 Jun 1825 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. She was born on 28 Jul 1805 in Jamaica County, Vermont, USA. She died on 08 May 1873. (2) JOSEPH HOWE (son of Rogers Howe and Lydia Turness) was born on 05 Aug 1808 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He married Lovina Worden (daughter of Asa Worden and Lois Hale) on 28 Apr 1856 in Gill, Franklin County, Massachusetts, USA. She was born on 13 May 1806 in Marlboro, Windham County, Vermont, USA. She died on 23 Apr 1887 in Dover, Windham County, Vermont, USA. (3) GILMARR HOWE (son of Rogers Howe and Lydia Turness) was born in 1810 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. (4) PIRSILLA HOWE (daughter of Rogers Howe and Lydia Turness) was born in 1814 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. She died in 1866. (5) CHISELTON ROMANGO HOWE (son of Rogers Howe and Lydia Turness) was born on 06 Jan 1823 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He died on 10 Jan 1866 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He married Emma Ann Rice on 17 Dec 1847 in Jamaica, Windham, Vermont, United States. She was born on 20 Sep 1829 in Wardsboro, Windham County, Vermont, USA. She died
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on 20 Dec 1877 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. *** JAMES6 HOLDEN (Isaac5, Benjamin4, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born in 1792 in Orange, Chatham County, North Carolina, USA. He died in May 1854 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. He married MARY POLLY ALEXANDER. She was born in 1789 in Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died in 1854. He married SARAH MARTIN in 1815 in USA. She was born in 1795 in North Carolina, USA. She died in 1855 in Pickens County, Alabama, USA. James Holden and Sarah Martin had the following children: (1) ISAAC7 HOLDEN (son of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born about 1816 in South Carolina Colony, British America. He died in 1820 in Salem, Oconee County, South Carolina, USA. He married ELIZABETH WHITTEAD. She was born in 1789 in USA. She died in 1854 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. (2) NANCY HOLDEN (daughter of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born in 1817 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died after 1870 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. (3) LUCY HOLDEN (daughter of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born in 1818 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died in USA. (4) MALINDA HOLDEN (daughter of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born in 1819 in Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. (5) MARY E HOLDEN (daughter of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born on 15 Mar 1823 in South Carolina,
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USA. She died on 23 Jun 1897 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. (6) POLLY HOLDEN (daughter of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born in 1824 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died on 08 Jun 1893 in Warrior Valley, Etowah County, Alabama, USA. (7) LETTICE LETTIE HOLDEN (daughter of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born in 1825 in Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died on 26 Jul 1877 in Etowah County, Alabama, USA. (8) ELIZABETH ANN HOLDEN (daughter of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born on 20 May 1826 in Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died on 08 Jun 1893 in Warrior Valley, Etowah County, Alabama, USA. (9) FANNY HOLDEN (daughter of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born on 20 May 1826 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died on 08 Jun 1893 in Warrior Valley, Etowah County, Alabama, USA. 10) JANETTA HOLDEN (daughter of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born in 1831 in Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. (11) JUANITA HOLDEN (daughter of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born in 1831 in South Carolina, USA. She died in USA. (12) SELINA HOLDEN (daughter of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born on 05 Jul 1832 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died on 30 Jul 1888 in Etowah County, Alabama. USA. (12) JOHN HOLDEN (son of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born in 1833 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. He died on 08 Dec 1899 in Lynn, Winston County, Alabama, USA.
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(13) FRANCES HOLDEN (daughter of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born in Mar 1837 in South Carolina, USA. She died on 19 Apr 1891 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. (14) LARA HOLDEN (daughter of James Holden and Sarah Martin) was born in Mar 1840 in South Carolina, USA. She died in USA. She married William L Ellison in 1861 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. He was born in Aug 1838 in South Carolina, USA. GENERATION 7 LUCIUS7 HOWE (Rogers6, Benjamin5, John4, John3, Deborah2, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 13 Jan 1801 in Jamaica County, Vermont, USA. He died in 1882 in Glencoe, McLeod County, Minnesota, USA. He married Clarissa Higgins on 16 Jun 1825 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. She was born on 28 Jul 1805 in Jamaica County, Vermont, USA. She died on 08 May 1873. Lucius Howe and Clarissa Higgins had the following children: (1) ALBERT8 HOWE (son of Lucius Howe and Clarissa Higgins) was born in 1826. He died in 1841. (2) ORITHA HOWE (son of Lucius Howe and Clarissa Higgins) was born on 15 Mar 1826 in Windham County, Vermont, USA. He died in 1841 in Windham County, Vermont, USA. (3) ELLIS CHISELSTON HOWE (son of Lucius Howe and Clarissa Higgins) was born on 04 Oct 1829. He died in 1849. (4) EMMONS LUCIUS HOWE (son of Lucius Howe and Clarissa Higgins) was born in Nov 1832 in Vermont, USA. He died in 1905 in South Dakota, USA.
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He married Marietta VanCurler before 1867 in Minnesota, USA. She was born on 11 Sep 1849 in Brownville, Jefferson County, New York, USA. She died in 1920. (5) VIONA HOWE (daughter of Lucius Howe and Clarissa Higgins) was born in 1834 in Vermont, USA. She died in 1933. (6) LYDIA HOWE (daughter of Lucius Howe and Clarissa Higgins) was born on 15 Dec 1835 in Vermont, USA. She died on 12 Aug 1929 in Todd County, Minnesota, USA. She married Benjamin Mathews in 1858. He was born in Feb 1834 in Maine, USA. He died on 07 Jun 1912 in Todd County, Minnesota, USA. (7) JANE CLARA HOWE (daughter of Lucius Howe and Clarissa Higgins) was born on 13 Oct 1837 in USA. She died in 1866. (8) AMELIA HOWE (daughter of Lucius Howe and Clarissa Higgins) was born on 23 Mar 1840 in Vermont, USA. She died in 1849. (9) URIAH HOWE (son of Lucius Howe and Clarissa Higgins) was born in 1843 in Vermont, USA. He died in 1890. (10) MARIA HOWE (daughter of Lucius Howe and Clarissa Higgins) was born in 1844 in Vermont, USA. She died in 1890. She married ANCIL W BARKER. He was born in 1844 in Illinois, USA. (11) ROGERS A HOWE (son of Lucius Howe and Clarissa Higgins) was born in 1845 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He died on 26 Mar 1923 in McLeod County, Minnesota, USA. He married Sarah K on 19 Sep 1869 in Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota, USA. She was born in Oct 1852 in Maine, USA. She died on 14 Dec 1924 in Glencoe, McLeod County, Minnesota, USA.
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(12) HENRIETTA HOWE (daughter of Lucius Howe and Clarissa Higgins) was born on 01 Jun 1847 in USA. She died in 1849. (13) HENRY E HOWE (son of Lucius Howe and Clarissa Higgins) was born on 25 Jul 1849 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He died on 17 Feb 1930 in Glencoe, McLeod County, Minnesota, USA. He married Caroline in 1872 in Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota, USA. She was born about 1853 in Germany. She died in1930. *** CHISELTON ROMANGO7 HOWE (Rogers6, Benjamin5, John4, John3, Deborah2, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 06 Jan 1823 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He died on 10 Jan 1866 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He married Emma Ann Rice on 17 Dec 1847 in Jamaica, Windham, Vermont, USA. She was born on 20 Sep 1829 in Wardsboro, Windham County, Vermont, USA. She died on 20 Dec 1877 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. Chiselton Romango Howe and Emma Ann Rice had the following children: (1) EMMA J8 HOWE (daughter of Chiselton Romango Howe and Emma Ann Rice) was born in 1852 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. (2) EDWARD ROMANZO HOWE (son of Chiselton Romango Howe and Emma Ann Rice) was born on 10 Jan 1857 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He died in Shrewsbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. (3) SHERMAN RICE HOWE (son of Chiselton Romango Howe and Emma Ann Rice) was born on 15 Nov 1865 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He died in 1949 in
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Shrewsbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. (4) EDNA HOWE (daughter of Chiselton Romango Howe and Emma Ann Rice) was born in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. She died in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. (5) EUGENE HOWE (son of Chiselton Romango Howe and Emma Ann Rice) was born in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He died in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. *** ISAAC7 HOLDEN (James6, Isaac5, Benjamin4, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born about 1816 in South Carolina Colony, British America. He died in 1820 in Salem, Oconee County, South Carolina, USA. He married ELIZABETH WHITTEAD She was born in 1789 in USA. She died in 1854 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. Isaac Holden and Elizabeth Whittead had the following child: (1) JOHN H.8 HOLDEN (son of Isaac Holden and Elizabeth Whittead) was born on 21 May 1800 in North Carolina, USA. He died in May 1854 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. He married MARY RUSELY. She was born in 1795 in South Carolina, USA. She died in 1854. He married (2) SARAH MARTIN in 1815. She was born in 1795 in South Carolina, USA. She died in 1855 in Pickens County, Alabama, USA. He married (3) MARY POLLY ALEXANDER (daughter of Elisha Alexander and Nancy Grogan) in 1848 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She was born in 1800 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died in 1854 in Pickens County, South Carolina, USA.
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*** (2) ARA7 HOLDEN (James6, Isaac5, Benjamin4, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born in Mar 1840 in South Carolina, USA. She died in USA. She married William L Ellison in 1861 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. He was born in Aug 1838 in South Carolina, USA. William L Ellison and Ara Holden had the following children: (1) WEBSTER J8 ELLISON (son of William L Ellison and Ara Holden) was born in Jan 1879 in Alabama, USA. (2) JOSEPH W ELLISON (son of William L Ellison and Ara Holden) was born in Sep 1882 in Alabama, USA. GENERATION 8 EMMONS LUCIUS8 HOWE (Lucius7, Rogers6, Benjamin5, John4, John3, Deborah2, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born in Nov 1832 in Vermont, USA. He died in 1905 in South Dakota, USA. He married Marietta VanCurler before 1867 in Minnesota, USA. She was born on 11 Sep 1849 in Brownville, Jefferson County, New York, USA. She died in 1920. Emmons Lucius Howe and Marietta VanCurler had the following children: (1) MARIETTA9 HOWE (daughter of Emmons Lucius Howe and Marietta VanCurler) was born in 1867 in Minnesota City, Winona County, Minnesota, USA. (2) EMMA ORITHA HOWE (daughter of Emmons Lucius Howe and Marietta VanCurler) was born in Jan 1868 in Minnesota, USA. (3) ADDIE HOWE (daughter of Emmons Lucius Howe and Marietta VanCurler) was born in 1869 in Minnesota, USA. (4) ELLIS CHESELTON HOWE (son of Emmons Lucius
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Howe and Marietta VanCurler) was born on 03 Jun 1872 in Minnesota City, Winona County, Minnesota, USA. He died on 21 Mar 1956 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, USA. (5) EVERETT E HOWE (son of Emmons Lucius Howe and Marietta VanCurler) was born in Sep 1873 in Minnesota, USA. He died on 10 Aug 1927 in Britton, Marshall County, South Dakota, USA. (6) CLARISSA C HOWE (daughter of Emmons Lucius Howe and Marietta VanCurler) was born in Dec 1877 in Minnesota City, Winona County, Minnesota, USA. She died in 1930 in South Dakota, United States. (7) CHARLES M HOWE (son of Emmons Lucius Howe and Marietta VanCurler) was born in Mar 1879 in Minnesota, USA. He died on 24 Jul 1969 in San Bernardino, San Bernardino County, California, USA. (8) MELLIE L HOWE (daughter of Emmons Lucius Howe and Marietta VanCurler) was born in Mar 1885 in South Dakota, USA. She died on 12 Apr 1984 in San Bernardino, San Bernardino County, California, USA. (8) EMMONS LUCIUS HOWE, JR. (son of Emmons Lucius Howe and Marietta VanCurler) was born on 14 Jul 1889 in Britton County, South Dakota, USA. He died in May 1965 in Oroville, Butte County, California, USA. He married MATTABLE HOWE. She was born about 1891 in Kansas, USA. *** LYDIA8 HOWE (Lucius7, Rogers6, Benjamin5, John4, John3, Deborah2, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 15 Dec 1835 in Vermont, USA. She died on 12 Aug 1929 in Todd County, Minnesota, USA. She married Benjamin Mathews in 1858. He was born in
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Feb 1834 in Maine, USA. He died on 07 Jun 1912 in Todd County, Minnesota, USA. Benjamin Mathews and Lydia Howe had the following children: (1) CLARA9 MATHEWS (daughter of Benjamin Mathews and Lydia Howe) was born in 1863 in Minnesota, USA. (2) HENRY M MATHEWS (son of Benjamin Mathews and Lydia Howe) was born in 1869 in Minnesota, USA. (3) LUCIA MATHEWS (daughter of Benjamin Mathews and Lydia Howe) was born in 1872 in Minnesota, USA. (4) LUCIUS BENJAMIN MATHEWS (son of Benjamin Mathews and Lydia Howe) was born in 1872 in Minnesota, USA. He died in Jan 1935. *** MARIA8 HOWE (Lucius7, Rogers6, Benjamin5, John4, John3, Deborah2, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born in 1844 in Vermont, USA. She died in 1890. She married ANCIL W BARKER. He was born in 1844 in Illinois, USA. Ancil W Barker and Maria Howe had the following children: (1) ALBERT9 BARKER (son of Ancil W Barker and Maria Howe) was born about 1868 in Minnesota, USA. (2) ALICE BARKER (daughter of Ancil W Barker and Maria Howe) was born about 1870 in Minnesota, USA. (3) ANNIE BARKER (daughter of Ancil W Barker and Maria Howe) was born about 1872 in Minnesota, USA. (4) GRACE BARKER (daughter of Ancil W Barker and Maria Howe) was born about 1876 in Minnesota, USA. (5) ARTHUR BARKER (son of Ancil W Barker and Maria Howe) was born about 1878 in Minnesota, USA. (6) MYRTLE BARKER (daughter of Ancil W Barker and Maria Howe) was born on 08 Apr 1880 in McLeod County,
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Minnesota, USA. She died on 11 Nov 1961 in Scott County, Minnesota, USA. *** ROGERS A8 HOWE (Lucius7, Rogers6, Benjamin5, John4, John3, Deborah2, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born in 1845 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He died on 26 Mar 1923 in McLeod County, Minnesota, USA. He married Sarah K Howe on 19 Sep 1869 in Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota, USA. She was born in Oct 1852 in Maine, USA. She died on 14 Dec 1924 in Glencoe, McLeod County, Minnesota, USA. Rogers A Howe and Sarah K Howe had the following children: (1) ALBERT C9 HOWE (son of Rogers A Howe and Sarah was born on 13 Sep 1873 in Minnesota, USA. He died on 13 Oct 1944 in Glencoe, McLeod County, Minnesota, USA. (2) OSCAR ROGER HOWE (son of Rogers A Howe and was born in 1876 in Great Fall County, Montana, USA. He died in 1948. (3) WILLIAM GEORGE HOWE (son of Rogers A Howe and was born on 13 Aug 1877 in McLeod County, Minnesota, USA. He died on 12 Jun 1948 in Glencoe, McLeod County, Minnesota, USA. (4) CLARENCE S HOWE (son of Rogers A Howe and Sarah was born on 16 May 1879 in Minot, Ward County, North Dakota, USA. He died on 10 Apr 1956 in Minot, Ward County, North Dakota, USA. (5) FRED B HOWE (son of Rogers A Howe and was born on 10 Mar 1881 in Glencoe, McLeod County, Minnesota, USA. He died on 18 May 1958. (6) SILLY HOWE (daughter of Rogers A Howe and Sarah was born in Feb 1882 in Massachusetts, USA.
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(7) ROGER E HOWE (son of Rogers A Howe and was born in May 1883 in Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1955. (8) ELBA R HOWE (son of Rogers A Howe and Sarah was born about 1884 in Minnesota, USA. *** HENRY E8 HOWE (Lucius7, Rogers6, Benjamin5, John4, John3, Deborah2, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 25 Jul 1849 in Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont, USA. He died on 17 Feb 1930 in Glencoe, McLeod County, Minnesota, USA. He married Caroline in 1872 in Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota, USA. She was born about 1853 in Germany. She died in 1930. Henry E Howe and Caroline Howe had the following children: (1) EMILY V9 HOWE (daughter of Henry E Howe and Caroline was born on 25 Oct 1873 in Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota, USA. (2) EMERY P HOWE (son of Henry E Howe and Caroline was born on 27 Feb 1876 in Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota, USA. (3) HERBERT HOWE (son of Henry E Howe and Caroline was born about 1878 in Minnesota, USA. (4) CAROL LYDIA HOWE (daughter of Henry E Howe and Caroline was born about 1879 in Minnesota, USA. (5) FLORENCE C HOWE (daughter of Henry E Howe and Caroline was born on 19 Jan 1880 in Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota, USA. (6) ELDIE HOWE (son of Henry E Howe and was born on 28 Dec 1881 in Glencoe, McLeod County, Minnesota, USA. He died on 20 Nov 1959 in McLeod County, Minnesota, USA. (7) FRANCIS A HOWE (son of Henry E Howe and Caroline was born on 26 Aug 1884 in Chaska, Carver County,
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Minnesota, USA. (8) HENRY E HOWE (son of Henry E Howe and Caroline was born in Jun 1886 in Minnesota, USA. (9) HENRY ELLIS HOWE (son of Henry E Howe and Caroline was born on 25 Jun 1886 in Minnesota, USA. He died on 03 Aug 1960 in McLeod County, Minnesota, USA. (10) ELMER HOWE (son of Henry E Howe and Caroline was born about 1889 in Minnesota, USA. (11) WALTER HOWE (son of Henry E Howe and Caroline was born in Oct 1890 in Minnesota, USA. (12) SHELDON HOWE (son of Henry E Howe and Caroline was born in Mar 1892 in Chaska, Carve County, Minnesota, USA. (13) MILTON HOWE (son of Henry E Howe and Caroline was born on 12 Aug 1894 in Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota, USA. *** JOHN H.8 HOLDEN (Isaac7, James6, Isaac5, Benjamin4, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 21 May 1800 in North Carolina, USA. He died in May 1854 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. He married MARY RUSELY. She was born in 1795 in South Carolina, USA. She died in 1854. He married (2) SARAH MARTIN in 1815. She was born in 1795 in South Carolina, USA. She died in 1855 in Pickens County, Alabama, USA. He married (3) MARY POLLY ALEXANDER (daughter of Elisha Alexander and Nancy Grogan) in 1848 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She was born in 1800 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died in 1854 in Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. John H. Holden and Mary Rusely, Sarah Martin and Mary
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Polly Alexander had the following children: *** {Personal note: The following children of John H. Holden and wives are not in order of birth inasmuch as they were originally listed in duplicate and also not in order and I have not attempted yet to sort them out by date or by mother.} *** ANADOE HOLDEN (child of John H. Holden and Mary Rusely) was born on 15 Mar 1837 in South Carolina, USA. Anadoe died on 16 Aug 1903. John H. Holden and Sarah Martin had the following children: ISAAC HOLDEN (son of John H. Holden and Sarah Martin) was born in 1750 in North Carolina, British America. He died in 1820. LUCY HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Mary Rusely) was born in 1818 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died in Louisiana, USA. MARY E. HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Sarah Martin) was born on 15 Mar 1823 in South Carolina, USA. She died on 23 Jun 1897 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. POLLY HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Mary Rusely) was born on 15 Mar 1823 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died on 23 Jun 1849 in Warrior Valley, Etowah County, Alabama, USA. LETTICE HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Mary Rusely) was born in 1825 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died on 26 Jul 1877 in Etowah County, Alabama, USA. JANET HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Mary Rusely) was born in 1831 in Pickens, Pickens County, South
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Carolina, USA. She died in Alabama, USA. SALINA HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Mary Rusely) was born on 05 Jul 1832 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died in 1888 in Etowah County, Alabama, USA. JOHN HOLDEN (son of John H. Holden and Mary Rusely) was born in 1834 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. He died on 08 Dec 1899 in Lynn, Winston County, Alabama, USA. FRANCES HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Sarah Martin) ws born in Mar 1938 in South Carolina, USA. She died on 19 Apr 1891 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. ARA HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Sarah Martin) was born in 1840 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died in Alabama, USA. MARY E HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Sarah Martin) was born on 23 Jun 1897 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died on 23 Jun 1899 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. JOSHUA HOLDEN (son of John H. Holden and Mary Rusely) was born in 1817 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. He died on 09 Jan 1868 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. NANCY HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Mary Polly Alexander) was born in 1817 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died in Blount County, Alabama, USA. She married Abraham Buck Moody (son of William Moody and Elizabeth Crabtree) about 1836 in Alabama, USA. He was born in 1815 in South Carolina, USA. He died in 1883 in Moody, McLennan County, Texas, USA. LUCY HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Mary
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Rusely) was born in 1818 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died in Louisiana, USA. MALINDA HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden was born in 1819 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. MARY E. HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Sarah Martin) was born on 15 Mar 1823 in South Carolina, USA. She died on 23 Jun 1897 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. POLLY HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Mary Rusely) was born on 15 Mar 1823 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died on 23 Jun 1849 in Warrior Valley, Etowah County, Alabama, USA. LETTICE HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Mary Rusely) was born in 1825 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died on 26 Jul 1877 in Etowah County, Alabama, USA. FANNY HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Mary Polly Alexander) was born on 20 May 1826 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died in 1893 in Warrior Valley, Etowah County, Alabama, USA. JANET HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Mary Rusely) was born in 1831 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died in Alabama, USA. SALINA HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Mary Rusely) was born on 05 Jul 1832 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died in 1888 in Etowah County, Alabama, USA. JOHN HOLDEN (son of John H. Holden and Mary Rusely) was born in 1834 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. He died on 08 Dec 1899 in Lynn, Winston County, Alabama, USA. ANADOE HOLDEN (child of John H. Holden and Mary
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Rusely) was born on 15 Mar 1837 in South Carolina, USA. Anadoe died on 16 Aug 1903. FRANCES HOLDEN (daughter of John H. Holden and Mary Polly Alexander) was born on 15 Mar 1837 in . South Carolina, USA. She died on 19 Apr 1891 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. GENERATION 9 EMMONS LUCIUS9 HOWE, JR., (Emmons Lucius8 Howe, Lucius7 Howe, Rogers6 Howe, Benjamin5 Howe, John4 Howe, John3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 14 Jul 1889 in Britton County, South Dakota, USA. He died in May 1965 in Oroville, Butte County, California, USA. He married MATTABLE HOWE. She was born about 1891 in Kansas, USA. Emmons Lucius Howe, Jr. Jr. and Mattable Howe had the following child: (1) MILDRED E10 HOWE (daughter of Emmons Lucius Howe, Jr. and Mattable Howe) was born about 1919 in South Dakota, USA. *** NANCY9 HOLDEN (John H.8, Isaac7, James6, Isaac5, Benjamin4, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born in 1818 in Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA. She died in 1861 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. She married Abraham Buck Moody (son of William Moody and Elizabeth Crabtree) about 1836 in Alabama, USA. He was born in 1815 in South Carolina, USA. He died in 1883 in Moody, McLennan County, Texas, USA. (Abraham Buck Moody was buried in 1883 in the Old Pery Cemetery, north of Moody, McLennan County, Texas. Tombstone is Historical Marker. Served as Corporal, Company K, 19th Regiment, 19th Alabama Infantry, Confederate States
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Army.) (Film # 374, Roll 32.) Abraham Buck Moody and Nancy Holden had the following children: (1) JAMES W.10 MOODY was born in 1837 in South Carolina, USA. He died on 20 Sep 1863 in Chickamauga, Walker County, Georgia, USA. (Private, 19th Alabama Infantry Regiment; killed in battle, Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia, on 20 Sep 1863.) He married DICEY LUCRETIA GLOVER on 06 Nov 1858 in Blount County, Alabama, USA, daughter of James Wesley Glover and Mary Elizabeth "Polly" Prather. She was born on 15 Sep 1827 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. She died on 06 Apr 1904 in Oneonta, Blount County, Alabama, USA. (2) SARAH M. MOODY (daughter of Abraham Buck Moody and Nancy Holden) was born in 1841 in Georgia, USA. She married (1) MANLEY NELSON on 05 Mar 1857 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. He was born in 1839 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. She married (2) THOMAS MANLEY NELSON on 05 Mar 1857 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. He was born in 1835 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. (3) ELIZABETH MOODY (daughter of Abraham Buck Moody and Nancy Holden) was born in 1846 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. She died in USA. (4) WILLIAM O. MOODY (son of Abraham Buck Moody and Nancy Holden) was born in 1848 in South Carolina, USA. He died in 1863 in Warwickshire, England. (5) SALLY MOODY (daughter of Abraham Buck Moody and Nancy Holden) was born in 1848 in Alabama, USA. (6) MARTHA "MATTIE" MOODY (daughter of Abraham Buck Moody and Nancy Holden) was born on 14 Feb 1850 in Paint Rock, Jackson County, Alabama, USA. She died on 06
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Feb 1930 in Moody, McLennon County, Texas, USA. She married (1) WILLIAM R TAYLOR on 21 Jul 1870 in Jackson, Alabama, United States. He was born in 1845 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. He died in 1878. She married (2) WILLIAM RICHARD MANSKER on 14 May 1880 in Moody, McLennan, Texas, United States. He was born on 28 Nov 1841 in Randolph, Arkansas, United States. He died on 02 Feb 1917 in McLennan, Texas, United States. (7) HIRAM MOODY (son of Abraham Buck Moody and Nancy Holden) was born about 1854 in Alabama, USA. (8) JOHN WESLEY "JAMES" MOODY (son of Abraham Buck Moody and Nancy Holden) was born on 24 Dec 1855 in Paint Rock, Jackson County, Alabama, USA. He died on 12 Jun 1921 in Sugar Loaf Township, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He married Margaret J. "Peggy" Dameron on 15 Jun 1874 in Jackson County, Alabama, USA. She was born on 16 Mar 1857 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 18 Feb 1923 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. (9) BARTLEY M "BERT" MOODY (son of Abraham Buck Moody and Nancy Holden) was born on 13 Apr 1858 in Blountsville, Blount County, Alabama, USA. He died on 08 Apr 1893 in Moody, McLennan County, Texas, USA. He married Susan Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Jones on 16 Aug 1883 in McLennan County, Texas, USA. She was born on 30 Apr 1866 in McLennan County, Texas, USA. She died on 08 Mar 1938 in Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas, USA. (10) JEFFERSON DAVIS MOODY (son of Abraham Buck Moody and Nancy Holden) was born in 1861 in Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama, USA. He died in 1942 in Wichita Falls, Archer County, Texas, USA.
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GENERATION 10 SARAH M.10 MOODY (Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born in 1841 in Georgia, USA. She married (1) MANLEY NELSON on 05 Mar 1857 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. He was born in 1839 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. She married (2) THOMAS MANLEY NELSON on 05 Mar 1857 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. He was born in 1835 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. Manley Nelson and Sarah M. Moody had the following child: (1) THOMAS11 NELSON (son of Manley Nelson and Sarah M. Moody) was born in 1866 in Alabama, USA. Thomas Manley Nelson and Sarah M. Moody had the following children: (1) LUVIENIA11 NELLSON (daughter of Thomas Manley Nelson and Sarah M. Moody) was born in 1863 in Georgia, USA. (2) MARTHA NELLSON (daughter of Thomas Manley Nelson and Sarah M. Moody) was born in 1867 in Georgia, USA. (3) JAMES NELLSON (son of Thomas Manley Nelson and Sarah M. Moody) was born in 1870 in Georgia, USA. (4) ETTA NELLSON (daughter of Thomas Manley Nelson and Sarah M. Moody) was born in 1873 in Mississippi, USA. (5) HENRY NELLSON (son of Thomas Manley Nelson and Sarah M. Moody) was born in 1879 in Alabama, USA. (6) JAMES C NELSON (son of Thomas Manley Nelson and Sarah M. Moody) was born in Dec 1879 in Georgia, USA. ***
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MARTHA "MATTIE" 10 MOODY (Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 14 Feb 1850 in Paint Rock, Jackson County, Alabama, USA. She died on 06 Feb 1930 in Moody, McLennon County, Texas, USA. She married (1) WILLIAM R TAYLOR on 21 Jul 1870 in Jackson, Alabama, United States. He was born in 1845 in Blount County, Alabama, USA. He died in 1878. She married (2) WILLIAM RICHARD MANSKER on 14 May 1880 in Moody, McLennan, Texas, United States. He was born on 28 Nov 1841 in Randolph, Arkansas, United States. He died on 02 Feb 1917 in McLennan, Texas, United States. William R Taylor and Martha "Mattie" Moody had the following children: (1) ADA11 TAYLOR (daughter of William R Taylor and Martha "Mattie" Moody) was born about 1871. She died about 1876. (2) JOSEPH PLEMON TAYLOR (son of William R Taylor and Martha "Mattie" Moody) was born in 1876. (3) JAMES TAYLOR (son of William R Taylor and Martha "Mattie" Moody) was born about 1877 in Alabama, USA. (4) LEONA TAYLOR (daughter of William R Taylor and Martha "Mattie" Moody) was born about 1875 in Alabama, USA. William Richard Mansker and Martha "Mattie" Moody had the following children: (1) RUBE11 MANSKER (daughter of William Richard Mansker and Martha "Mattie" Moody) was born in Jun 1893 in Texas, USA. (2) JOHN G MANSKER (son of William Richard Mansker and Martha "Mattie" Moody) was born on 23 Dec 1887 in McLennan County, Texas. He died in 1957 in McLennan
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County, Texas. He married Elsie Land on 08 Oct 1911. She was born about 1896 in Texas, USA. She died on 25 Feb 1961. (3) WILLIE MANSKER (son of William Richard Mansker and Martha "Mattie" Moody) was born in Apr 1883 in Texas, USA. (4) EDNA HELEN MANSKER (daughter of William Richard Mansker and Martha "Mattie" Moody) was born on 06 Mar 1881 in Moody, McLennan, Texas, USA. She died on 19 Sep 1957 in Dallas County, Texas, USA. (5) JOSEPH JOE' PLEMON 'TAYLOR' MANSKER (son of William Richard Mansker and Martha "Mattie" Moody) was born in 1876 in Texas, USA. He married Daisy Mildred Mansker in 1900. She was born in 1879 in Texas, USA. She died on 24 Feb 1944 in Haskell, Texas. (6) DAISY MANSKER (daughter of William Richard Mansker and Martha "Mattie" Moody) was born on May 1885 in Moody, McLennan, Texas, United States. She died on 14 Mar 1957 in Temple, Bell, Texas, USA. (7) RUBY MANSKER (daughter of William Richard Mansker and Martha "Mattie" Moody) was born in 1883. She died in 1906. (8) WILLIAM DYER MANSKER (son of William Richard Mansker and Martha "Mattie" Moody) was born on 08 Apr 1883 in Texas, USA. He died in 1952 in McLennan County, Texas, USA. *** JOHN WESLEY "JAMES"10 MOODY (Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 24 Dec 1855 in Paint Rock, Jackson
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County, Alabama, USA. He died on 12 Jun 1921 in Sugar Loaf Township, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA,. He married Margaret J. "Peggy" Dameron on 15 Jun 1874 in Jackson County, Alabama, USA. She was born on 16 Mar 1857 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 18 Feb 1923 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. John Wesley "James" Moody was buried in Jan 1921 in Magness Chapel Cemetery, Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. Margaret J. "Peggy" Dameron was buried in Feb 1923 in Magness Chapel Cemetery, Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. John Wesley "James" Moody and Margaret J. "Peggy" Dameron had the following children: (1) JAMES11 MOODY (son of John Wesley "James" Moody and Margaret J. "Peggy" Dameron) was born about 1880 in Alabama, USA. (2) ANNIE MOODY (daughter of John Wesley "James" Moody and Margaret J. "Peggy" Dameron) was born about 1878 in Texas, USA. (3) JOHN WILLIAM DYER MOODY (son of John Wesley "James" Moody and Margaret J. "Peggy" Dameron) was born on 24 Jun 1876 in Paint Rock, Jackson County, Alabama. He died on 16 Oct 1960 in Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. He married Mollie C. Hayes (daughter of Liehu Marion Hayes and Elmira M. Hill) on 21 Nov 1897 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She was born on 14 Jan 1879 in Lawrence County, Tennessee, USA. She died on 12 Oct 1973 in Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. (4) ANNIE MOODY (daughter of John Wesley "James" Moody and Margaret J. "Peggy" Dameron) was born about
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1878 in Texas, USA. (5) THOMAS S. MOODY (son of John Wesley "James" Moody and Margaret J. "Peggy" Dameron) was born about Sep 1883 in Alabama, USA. He died in USA. (6) POSEY "POSE" MOODY (son of John Wesley "James" Moody and Margaret J. "Peggy" Dameron) was born on 02 Jul 1889 in Jackson County, Alabama, USA. He died on 07 Jun 1946 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He married Clea Barnett on 20 Dec 1924 in Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She was born on 23 Jan 1907 in Arkansas, USA. She died on 24 Mar 1987 in Bay, Craighead County, Arkansas, USA. (7) HENRY ALEXANDER MOODY (son of John Wesley "James" Moody and Margaret J. "Peggy" Dameron) was born on 06 Nov 1889 in Alabama, USA. He died on 20 Aug 1960 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He married Elizabeth Bowren on 24 Dec 1912 in Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She was born in May 1893 in Floral, Independence, Arkansas, USA. She died in Apr 1971 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. (8) LENNIN F. MOODY (son of John Wesley "James" Moody. and Margaret J. "Peggy" Dameron) was born about Aug 1896 in Alabama, USA. (9) MABLE ZORA MOODY (daughter of John Wesley "James" Moody and Margaret J. "Peggy" Dameron) was born on 03 Jun 1898 in Cooter Neck Bend, Cleburne County, Arkansas. She died on 30 Jan 1977 in Alpine, Brewster County, Texas, USA. She married Claud Walker Vincent (son of John Henry Vincent and Viola E. Walker) on 09 Sep 1915 in Cleburne County, Arkansas. He was born on 31 Aug 1895 in Letona,
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White County, Arkansas, USA. He died on 05 Jan 1960 in Concord, Cleburne County, Arkansas Buried City Cemetary, Heber Springs, Arkansas, USA. *** BARTLEY M "BERT"10 MOODY (Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden,Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 13 Apr 1858 in Blountsville, Blount County, Alabama, USA. He died on 08 Apr 1893 in Moody, McLennan County, Texas, USA. He married Susan Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Jones on 16 Aug 1883 in McLennan County, Texas, USA. She was born on 30 Apr 1866 in McLennan County, Texas, USA. She died on 08 Mar 1938 in Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas, USA. Bartley M "Bert" Moody was buried on 08 Apr 1893 in Moody, McLennan County, Texas, USA (Old Perry Cemetery). Susan Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Jones was buried in Mar 1938 in Colorado City Cemetery, Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas, USA. Bartley M "Bert" Moody and Susan Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Jones had the following children: (1) JOHN MONTGOMERY 11 MOODY (son of Bartley M "Bert" Moody and Susan Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Jones) was born on 28 Mar 1885 in Moody, McLennan County, Texas, USA. He died on 04 May 1962 in New Iberia, Iberia Parish, Louisiana, USA. He married DANA. John Montgomery Moody was buried in May 1962 in Moody, McLennan County, Texas, USA (Perry Cemetery). (2) NANCY MYRTLE MOODY (daughter of Bartley M "Bert" Moody and Susan Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Jones) was born on 01 Feb 1887 in Moody, McLennan County, Texas, USA. She died on 30 Oct 1982 in Texas, USA.
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She married (1) BIRDSALLL. She married (2) MCBRIDE in 1911 in Texas, USA. He was born in USA. He died in USA. She married WHITEHEAD. (3) NELLIE MAE MOODY (daughter of Bartley M "Bert" Moody and Susan Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Jones) was born on 01 Jan 1889 in Moody, McLennan County, Texas, USA. She died on 30 Apr 1961 in Denton, Denton County, Texas, USA. She married James Wesley Harris in 1930. He was born on 12 Aug 1885 in Dublin, Erath, Texas. He died in Jul 1979 in Spencer, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA. (4) ARTHUR CARROLL MOODY (son of Bartley M "Bert" Moody and Susan Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Jones) was born on 17 Feb 1891 in Moody, McLennan County, Texas, USA. He died on 24 Jun 1973 in Westbrook, Mitchell County, Texas, USA. He married Willie Blanche Wyatt (daughter of John Anderson Wyatt and Cynthia Pralee Wyatt) on 01 Sep 1913 in Mitchell County, Texas, USA. She was born on 19 Oct 1894 in Brown County, Texas, USA. She died on 19 Aug 1982 in Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas, USA. (5) BART HERBERT MOODY, SR., (son of Bartley M "Bert" Moody and Susan Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Jones) was born on 04 Mar 1893 in Moody, McLennan County, Texas, USA. He died on 21 Sep 1954 in Odessa, Ector County, Texas, USA. He married (1) MATTIE F. OFFIELD (daughter of Robert Offield and Sanora (Nora) Adams) about 1914 in Texas, USA. She was born in 1901 in Texas, USA. She died in Texas, USA. He married (2) MATTIE OFFIELD. She was born about 1891 in Texas, USA. GENERATION 11 JOSEPH 'JOE' PLEMON 'TAYLOR'11 MANSKER (Martha
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"Mattie"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born in 1876 in Texas, USA. He married Daisy Mildred Mansker in 1900. She was born in 1879 in Texas, USA. She died on 24 Feb 1944 in Haskell, Texas. Joseph 'Joe' Plemon 'Taylor' Mansker and Daisy Mildred Mansker had the following children: (1) MILDRED12 MANSKER (daughter of Joseph 'Joe' Plemon 'Taylor' Mansker and Daisy Mildred Mansker) was born on 03 Apr 1908 in Texas, USA. She died on 17 Oct 1995 in Abilene, Taylor, Texas, USA. (2) AUDREY JOE MANSKER (son of Joseph 'Joe' Plemon 'Taylor' Mansker and Daisy Mildred Mansker) was born in 1907 in Texas, USA. He died on 30 Jun 1963 in Haskell, Haskell, Texas, USA. (3) ARLIE MANSKER (son of Joseph 'Joe' Plemon 'Taylor' Mansker and Daisy Mildred Mansker) was born about 1906 in Texas, USA. He died before 1920. (4) CLYDE PLEMON MANSKER (son of Joseph 'Joe' Plemon 'Taylor' Mansker and Daisy Mildred Mansker) was born in 1902 in Texas, USA. He died on 25 Feb 1949 in Haskell, Texas. (5) WILL 'WILLIE' CRIM MANSKER (son of Joseph 'Joe' Plemon 'Taylor' Mansker and Daisy Mildred Mansker) was born on 04 Aug 1904 in Texas, USA. He died on 15 Feb 1947 in Weinert, Haskell County, Texas, USA. *** JOHN WILLIAM DYER11 MOODY (John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3
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Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 24 Jun 1876 in Paint Rock, Jackson County, Alabama. He died on 16 Oct 1960 in Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. He married Mollie C. Hayes (daughter of Liehu Marion Hayes and Elmira M. Hill) on 21 Nov 1897 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She was born on 14 Jan 1879 in Lawrence County, Tennessee, USA. She died on 12 Oct 1973 in Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. John William Dyer Moody was buried in Oct 1960 in Rush Springs Cemetery, Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. Mollie C. Hayes was buried in Oct 1973 in Rush Springs Cemetery, Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. Obituary: John William Dyer Moody and Mollie C. Hayes had the following children: (1) THURMAN LAFATE12 MOODY (son of John William Dyer Moody and Mollie C. Hayes) was born on 08 Nov 1899 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He died on 26 Dec 1982 in Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. He married FRANCES MILDRED PITCOCK (daughter of Stephen Aaron Pitcock and Isabel Wallace) in 1929. She was born on 16 Mar 1911 in Roll, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, USA. She died on 26 Jun 1998 in Ponca City, Kay County, Oklahoma, USA. (2) MAGGIE ELMIRA MOODY (daughter of John William Dyer Moody and Mollie C. Hayes) was born on 10 Nov 1901 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She died on 04 Aug 1992 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. She married ALBERT STEWART. He was born in USA. He died in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. (3) ALLIE MAE MOODY (daughter of John William Dyer
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Moody and Mollie C. Hayes) was born on 29 Jan 1904 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She died on 27 Oct 1975 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. She married (1) NOAH ESTEL BARNETT (son of John F Barnett and Anna L. Sills) on 19 Dec 1920 in Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He was born on 10 Oct 1898 in USA. He died on 17 Oct 1939 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. She married (2) ESTER STEWART about 1943. He was born about 1892. He died on 10 Apr 1977 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. (4) WILLIE VESTER MOODY (daughter of John William Dyer Moody and Mollie C. Hayes) was born on 04 Oct 1905 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She died on 03 Apr 1992 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. She married John L. Dill on 17 May 1925 in Heber Sprigs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He was born on 17 May 1925 in Heber Sprigs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. (5) JOHNNY FOREST MOODY (son of John William Dyer Moody and Mollie C. Hayes) was born on 22 Jan 1908 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He died on 03 Jul 1991 in Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. He married Myrtle Mayne Chandler on 04 Dec 1927 in Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. She was born on 13 Feb 1909 in USA. She died on 01 Nov 1994 in Duncan, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. (6) EULA LEE MOODY (daughter of John William Dyer Moody and Mollie C. Hayes) was born on 31 Jan 1911 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She died on 15 Oct 1993 in Visalia, Tulare County California, USA. She married ALTON TATE TODD. (7) vii MARSHAL ORAN MOODY (son of John William
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Dyer Moody and Mollie C. Hayes) was born on 06 Oct1912 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He died on 22 Jun 1993 in Bakersfield, Kern County, California, USA. He married (1) ROSE RENA PALMER on 10 Nov 1956 in Nevada, USA. He married BEATRICE "JACKIE" KERN. (8) EULA IZORA MOODY (daughter of John William Dyer Moody and Mollie C. Hayes) was born on 12 Jan 1915 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She married (1) LOWELL PALMORE. He was born about 1914 in USA. He died date unknown in USA. She married (2) JACK BULLARD. He was born in USA. (9) HAZEL LORENE MOODY (daughter of John William Dyer Moody and Mollie C. Hayes) was born on 07 May 1918 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She died on 14 Mar 2005 in Olton, Lamb County, Texas, USA. She married BILLY "BILL" KEELING. He was born date Unknown in USA. *** POSEY "POSE"11 MOODY (John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 02 Jul 1889 in Jackson County, Alabama, USA. He died on 07 Jun 1946 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He married Clea Barnett* on 20 Dec 1924 in Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She was born on 23 Jan 1907 in Arkansas, USA. She died on 24 Mar 1987 in Bay, Craighead County, Arkansas, USA. Clea Barnett was buried in Jonesboro, Craighead, Arkansas, USA (Jonesboro Memorial Park Cemetery). Posey "Pose" Moody and Clea Barnett had the following child:
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(1) OLLIE W12 MOODY (son of Posey "Pose" Moody and Clea Barnett) was born on 10 Oct 1925 in Arkansas, USA. He died on 23 Nov 2002 in Bay, Craighead County, Arkansas, USA. Ollie W Moody was buried in Jonesboro, Craighead, Arkansas, USA (Jonesboro Memorial Park Cemetery). *** HENRY ALEXANDER11 MOODY (John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 06 Nov 1889 in Alabama, USA. He died on 20 Aug 1960 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He married Elizabeth Bowren on 24 Dec 1912 in Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She was born in May 1893 in Floral, Independence, Arkansas, USA. She died in Apr 1971 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. Henry Alexander Moody was buried in Independence, Arkansas, USA (Magness Cemetery). Elizabeth Bowren was buried in Independence, Arkansas, USA (Magness Cemetery). Henry Alexander Moody and Elizabeth Bowren had the following children: (1) DONALD12 MOODY (son of Henry Alexander Moody and Elizabeth Bowren) was born in 1932 in Arkansas, USA. He died on 14 Jul 2000 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA. (2) ERNEST D. MOODY (son of Henry Alexander Moody and Elizabeth Bowren) was born on 26 Nov 1913 in Arkansas, USA. He died on 03 Jul 1991 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He married Letha Shearer in 1936. She was born on 20 Mar 1914. She died in Aug 1991. Ernest D. Moody was buried in 1991 in Heber Springs,
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Cleburn County, Arkansas. (3) GLENNA MAE MOODY (daughter of Henry Alexander Moody and Elizabeth Bowren) was born on 23 Feb 1923 in Floral, Independence, Arkansas, USA. She died on 13 Jun 2008 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. Glenna Mae Moody was buried in Greers Ferry, Cleburne, Arkansas, USA (Shiloh Crossroads Cemetery). (4) HENRY AUBREY MOODY (son of Henry Alexander Moody and Elizabeth Bowren) was born on 29 Jun 1915 in Arkansas, USA. He died on 29 Jun 1982 in St Petersburg, Pinellas, Florida, USA. Henry Aubrey Moody was buried in Pensacola, Escambia, Florida, USA (Barrancas National Cemetery). (5) NOLAN MOODY (son of Henry Alexander Moody and Elizabeth Bowren) was born in 1922 in Arkansas, USA. He died on 27 Aug 2004 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA. *** MABLE ZORA11 MOODY (John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9\ Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 03 Jun 1898 in Cooter Neck Bend, Cleburne County, Arkansas. She died on 30 Jan 1977 in Alpine, Brewster County, Texas, USA. She married Claud Walker Vincent (son of John Henry Vincent and Viola E. Walker) on 09 Sep 1915 in Cleburne County, Arkansas. He was born on 31 Aug 1895 in Letona, White County, Arkansas, USA. He died on 05 Jan 1960 in Concord, Cleburne County, Arkansas Buried City Cemetary, Heber Springs, Arkansas, USA. Mable Zora Moody was buried on 03 Feb 1977 in City Cemetary, Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. Claud Walker Vincent and Mable Zora Moody had the
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following children: (1) L D12 VINCENT (son of Claud Walker Vincent and Mable Zora Moody). He died in 2005 in Clinton, Van Buren, Arkansas, USA. (2) DOYLE VINCENT (son of Claud Walker Vincent and Mable Zora Moody) was born on 18 Jul 1917 in Heber Springs, Cleburne, Arkansas, United States. He died on 22 Feb 1987 in Alpine, Brewster County, Texas, USA. *** ARTHUR CARROLL11 MOODY (Bartley M "Bert"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 17 Feb 1891 in Moody, McLennan County, Texas, USA. He died on 24 Jun 1973 in Westbrook, Mitchell County, Texas, USA. He married Willie Blanche Wyatt (daughter of John Anderson Wyatt and Cynthia Pralee Wyatt) on 01 Sep 1913 in Mitchell County, Texas, USA. She was born on 19 Oct 1894 in Brown County, Texas, USA. She died on 19 Aug 1982 in Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas, USA. Arthur Carroll Moody was buried in Westbrook Cemetery, Westbrook, Texas. Arthur Carroll Moody and Willie Blanche Wyatt had the following children: (1) HERMAN CARROL12 MOODY (son of Arthur Carroll Moody and Willie Blanche Wyatt) was born on 30 Jul 1914 in Texas, USA. He died on 20 Jun 1992 in Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas, USA. He married MARCIL. (2) JOHN ANDERSON MOODY (son of Arthur Carroll Moody and Willie Blanche Wyatt) was born on 09 Dec 1916 in Mitchell, Texas. He died on 08 Dec 1983 in Taylor County, Texas, USA.
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He married (1) (Living) HART. He married (2) EDITH MAY HOLLOWELL on 23 Aug 1968 in Taylor, Texas. She was born on 26 Jan 1913. She died on 23 Jun 1985 in Mitchell, Texas. (3) ARTHUR RAY MOODY (son of Arthur Carroll Moody and Willie Blanche Wyatt) was born on 01 Jun 1919 in Eastland County, Texas, USA. He died on 26 Dec 2003 in Cisco, Eastland County, Texas, USA. (Buried December 28 2003 in Nimrod Cemetery, Nimrod Community, Cisco, Eastland, Texas. Senior Master Sergeant, USAF, WWII and Korea.) (4) BUCK LEON MOODY (son of Arthur Carroll Moody and Willie Blanche Wyatt) was born on 19 Apr 1921 in Texas, USA. He died on 07 Feb 2010 in National City, San Diego County, California, USA. (5) SYBIL ELIZABETH MOODY (daughter of Arthur Carroll Moody and Willie Blanche Wyatt) was born about 1925 in Mitchell County, Texas, USA. She died on19 Dec 1999 in Reagan, Texas. She married (1) NORMAN LEE FUSON (son of Jim D Fuson and Madin E Fuson) on 22 Oct 1966 in Mitchell County, Texas. He was born on 10 Feb 1921 in Antlers, OK. He died on 07 Jun 1994 in Big Spring, Howard County, Texas. She married WHITEHEAD. *** BART HERBERT11 MOODY, SR.. (Bartley M "Bert"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 04 Mar 1893 in Moody, McLennan County, Texas, USA. He died on 21 Sep 1954 in Odessa, Ector County, Texas, USA. He married (1) MATTIE F. OFFIELD (daughter of Robert
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Offield and Sanora (Nora) Adams) about 1914 in Texas, USA. She was born in 1901 in Texas, USA. He married (2) MATTIE OFFIELD. She was born about 1891 in Texas, USA. Bart Herbert Moody Sr. and Mattie F. Offield had the following children: (1) BART12 MOODY, JR., (son of Bart Herbert Moody Sr. and Mattie F. Offield) was born on 08 Mar 1926 in Mitchell County, Texas, USA. He died on 06 Apr 1978 in Lyford, Willacy County, Texas, USA. (2) LEIDY MOODY (son of Bart Herbert Moody, Sr., and Mattie Offield) was born in 1916. (3) J M MOODY (son of Bart Herbert Moody Sr. and Mattie Offield) was born in 1918. (4) THENA L MOODY (daughter of Bart Herbert Moody Sr. and Mattie Offield) was born in 1920. (5) LESTER MOODY (son of Bart Herbert Moody Sr. and Mattie Offield) was born in 1925. GENERATION 12 THURMAN LAFATE12 MOODY (John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 08 Nov 1899 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He died on 26 Dec 1982 in Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. He married FRANCES MILDRED PITCOCK (daughter of Stephen Aaron Pitcock and Isabel Wallace) in 1929. She was born on 16 Mar 1911 in Roll, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, USA. She died on 26 Jun 1998 in Ponca City, Kay County, Oklahoma, USA.
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Thurman Lafate Moody was buried in Dec 1982 in Rush Springs Cemetery, Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. Frances Mildred Pitcock was buried in Jun 1988. Thurman Lafate Moody and Frances Mildred Pitcock had the following children: (1) THURMAN LAFATE13 MOODY, JR., (son of Thurman Lafate Moody and Frances Mildred Pitcock) was born on 07 Apr 1930 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. He married Wanda Lou Presley (daughter of Luther Archie Presley and Opal Velene Glascock) in Littlefield, Lamb County, Texas, USA. She was born on 25 Feb 1932 in Winters, Runnels County, Texas, USA. (2) BOBBY JEAN MOODY (daughter of Thurman Lafate Moody and Frances Mildred Pitcock) was born on 29 Sep 1932 in Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. She died on 08 Aug 2010 in Canton, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. She married JIMMY EUGENE PARKHURST. He was born on 11 Apr 1930 in Oklahoma, USA. He died on 15 Oct 1989 in Oklahoma, USA. (3) WANDA FAYE MOODY (daughter of Thurman Lafate Moody and Frances Mildred Pitcock) was born on 23 Nov 1933 in Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. She married J. R. YATES. He was born in USA. He died in USA. (4) ETHEL LORENE MOODY (daughter of Thurman Lafate Moody and Frances Mildred Pitcock) was born on 20 Nov 1935 in Bailey. Grady County, Oklahoma. She died on 09 Oct 2003 in Douglas, Nemaha County, Nebraska, USA. She married (1) JAMES W. SCHULTZ. He was born date unknown in USA. She married (2) GARY SEBESTA. (4) JENNY LEE MOODY (daughter of Thurman Lafate
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Moody and Frances Mildred Pitcock) was born on 12 Jan 1938 in Bailey, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. She died on 09 Oct 2011 in Hitchcock, Blaine, Oklahoma, USA. She married (1) HENRY SCHROEDER. She married (2) RICHARD LAMLEY. (5) MARY LOU MOODY (daughter of Thurman Lafate Moody and Frances Mildred Pitcock) was born on 08 Aug 1940 in Elk City, Beckham County, Oklahoma, USA. She married (1) RAYMOND DEAN JENKINS. She married (2) JOHN WILLIAMS. He was born date Unknown in USA. She married (3) JERRY VAN PELT. *** MAGGIE ELMIRA12 MOODY (John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 10 Nov 1901 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She died on 04 Aug 1992 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. She married ALBERT STEWART. He was born in USA. He died in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. Albert Stewart and Maggie Elmira Moody had the following children: (1) SHERMAN DOYLE13 STEWART (son of Albert Stewart and Maggie Elmira Moody) was born after 1927 in USA. He died in USA. He married ILLA FAE TRUSTY. She was born on 01 Jan 1900. She died on 11 Jul 1985 in Douglas, Minnesota. (2) SHIRLEY STEWART (daughter of Albert Stewart and Maggie Elmira Moody) was born on 25 Nov 1929 in Saddle Mountain, Oklahoma, USA.
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She married Leonard Kennedy on 07 Feb 1953 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, USA. He was born on 25 Nov 1929 in USA. (3) RUBY LADEAN STEWART (daughter of Albert Stewart and Maggie Elmira Moody) was born after 1930 in USA. She married STEVE TAYLOR. (4) DONALD LEE STEWART (son of Albert Stewart and Maggie Elmira Moody) was born after Jan 1931 in USA. (5) GEORGIE RAE STEWART (daughter of Albert Stewart and Maggie Elmira Moody) was born after Dec 1931 in USA. (6) MOLLIE SUE STEWART (daughter of Albert Stewart and Maggie Elmira Moody) was born after Jan 1932 in USA. She married DONALD CROW. *** ALLIE MAE12 MOODY (John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 29 Jan 1904 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She died on 27 Oct 1975 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. She married (1) NOAH ESTEL BARNETT (son of John Fon Barnett and Anna L. Sills) on 19 Dec 1920 in Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He was born on 10 Oct 1898 in USA. He died on 17 Oct 1939 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. She married (2) ESTER STEWART about 1943. He was born about 1892. He died on 10 Apr 1977 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. Noah Estel Barnett and Allie Mae Moody had the following
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children: (1) DURWARD WARREN13 BARNETT (son of Noah Estel Barnett and Allie Mae Moody) was born on 06 Jan 1923 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He died on 26 May 1987 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, USA. He married HENRIETTA ELIZABETH. (2) MARY DORRIS BARNETT (daughter of Noah Estel Barnett and Allie Mae Moody) was born on 25 Feb 1926 in Ridgeland, Jasper County, South Carolina, USA. She married William Ausbury Dowd on 25 Jun 1946 in Ridgeland, Jasper County, South Carolina, USA. He was born on 24 Sep 1922 in Lyons, Toombs County, Georgia, USA. (3) BILLIE JEAN BARNETT (daughter of Noah Estel Barnett and Allie Mae Moody) was born on 04 Nov 1930 in USA. She married (1) WILLIAM HENRY HAZLITT on 01 May 1951. He was born on 01 Apr 1925. She married (2) IRA JUNIOR FOSTER on 01 Dec 1954. He was born on 15 Nov 1930. He died on 04 Feb 1987. (4) STANLEY WAYNE BARNETT (son of Noah Estel Barnett and Allie Mae Moody) was born on 28 Jul 1936 in USA. *** WILLIE VESTER12 MOODY (John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 04 Oct 1905 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She died on 03 Apr 1992 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. She married John L. Dill on 17 May 1925 in Heber Sprigs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He was born on 17 May 1925 in Heber Sprigs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. Willie Vester Moody was buried in Apr 1992 in Rush Springs Cemetery, Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma,
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USA. John L. Dill was buried in Rush Springs Cemetery, Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. John L. Dill and Willie Vester Moody had the following children: (1) EDITH LORENE13 DILL (daughter of John L. Dill and Willie Vester Moody) was born on 01 Apr 1926 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She married Howard Cox on 28 Feb 1945. (2) MILDRED MAXINE DILL (daughter of John L. Dill and Willie Vester Moody) was born on 09 Feb 1928 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She married ROY BAXTER. (3) NORMA JEAN DILL (daughter of John L. Dill and Willie Vester Moody) was born on 09 May 1930 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. She married Raymond A. Yerby on 27 Jun 1946 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. (4) PATSY MARIE DILL (daughter of John L. Dill and Willie Vester Moody) was born on 17 Dec 1935 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. She died on 17 Sep 1991 in Vian, Sequoyah County, Oklahoma, USA. Patsy Marie Dill was buried in Sep 1991 in Rush Springs Cemetery, Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. (5) GLEN ROY DILL (son of John L. Dill and Willie Vester Moody) was born on 22 Jul 1941 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. He married Cheryl Patterson on 04 Dec 1966. She was born on 22 Jul 1941 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. *** JOHNNY FOREST12 MOODY (John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7
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Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 22 Jan 1908 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. He died on 03 Jul 1991 in Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. He married Myrtle Mayne Chandler on 04 Dec 1927 in Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. She was born on 13 Feb 1909 in USA. She died on 01 Nov 1994 in Duncan, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. Johnny Forest Moody was buried in Jul 1991 in Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. Myrtle Mayne Chandler was buried in Nov 1994 in Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. Johnny Forest Moody and Myrtle Mayne Chandler had the following children: (1) JOHN HENRY13 MOODY (son of Johnny Forest Moody and Myrtle Mayne Chandler) was born on 14 Jul 1929 in Bailey, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. He married Effie Benton on 22 Sep 1953. She was born on 06 May 1935 in Bailey County, Oklahoma. (2) PEGGY RUTH MOODY (daughter of Johnny Forest Moody and Myrtle Mayne Chandler) was born on 29 Sep 1930 in Bailey, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. She married Billy F. Boatright on 26 Dec 1955 in Kress, Swisher County, Texas, USA. (3) LOWELL GLENN MOODY (son of Johnny Forest Moody and Myrtle Mayne Chandler) was born on 31 Oct 1931 in Bailey, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. He died on 21 Feb 1997 in Graham, Young County, Texas, USA. He married Sue Bradley in Wellingon, Collingsworth County, Texas, USA. (4) FOREST LAVOICE "COTTON" MOODY (son of Johnny Forest Moody and Myrtle Mayne Chandler) was born on 18 Mar 1933 in Bailey, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. He died
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on 15 Oct 1998 in Tulia, Swisher County, Texas, USA. He married Dorothy Marshal on 10 Nov 1961 in Kern County, California, USA. She was born about 1932. (5) GERALDINE MOODY (daughter of Johnny Forest Moody and Myrtle Mayne Chandler) was born on 03 Oct 1935 in Bailey, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. She married Estes on 13 Aug 1976 in Covington, St Tammany Parish, Louisiana, USA. *** ZULA LEE12 MOODY (John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 31 Jan 1911 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She died on 15 Oct 1993 in Visalia, Tulare County California, USA. She married ALTON TATE TODD. He was born in USA. Alton Tate Todd and Zula Lee Moody had the following children: (1) SHIRL13 TODD (son of Alton Tate Todd and Zula Lee Moody) was born before 1930 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. (2) JOY TODD (daughter of Alton Tate Todd and Zula Lee Moody) was born after 1930 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. (3) DANNY TODD (son of Alton Tate Todd and Zula Lee Moody) was born after 1932 in USA. *** EULA IZORA12 MOODY (John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 12 Jan 1915 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA.
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She married (1) LOWELL PALMORE. He was born about 1914 in USA. She married (2) JACK BULLARD. Lowell Palmore and Eula Izora Moody had the following children: (1) VELMA RAE13 PALMORE (daughter of Lowell Palmore and Eula Izora Moody) was born after Jan 1925 in USA. (2) LEE PALMORE (son of Lowell Palmore and Eula Izora Moody) Jack Bullard and Eula Izora Moody had the following child: (1) ARTHUR LEE13 BULLARD (son of Jack Bullard and Eula Izora Moody) was born in Plainview, Hale County, Texas, USA. *** HAZEL LORENE12 MOODY (John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 07 May 1918 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She died on 14 Mar 2005 in Olton, Lamb County, Texas, USA. She married BILLY "BILL" KEELING. Billy "Bill" Keeling and Hazel Lorene Moody had the following children: (1) GINGER GAYLE13 KEELING (daughter of Billy "Bill" Keeling and Hazel Lorene Moody). (2) RODNEY KEELING (son of Billy "Bill" Keeling and Hazel Lorene Moody). GENERATION 13 THURMAN LAFATE13 MOODY, JR., (Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden,
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John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 07 Apr 1930 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. (US Army 3 Jul 1948, Fort Jackson, South Carolina (basic), Military Police; Fort McPherson, Georgia, Machine Records Analyst; Japan, Korea, Machine Records Analyst, discharged 16 May 1952; freelance Shorthand Reporter Albuquerque, New Mexico, official court reporter, 10th Judicial District, Tucumcari (Quay, De Baca and Harding Counties), New Mexico; Certified 22 Oct 1963 freelance shorthand reporter, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas; Certified 19 Apr 1985, freelance shorthand reporter Dallas, Dallas County, Texas; freelance court reporter McAllen, Hidalgo, Cameron, Starr Counties, Texas. Retired 01 Jan 2012.) He married Wanda Lou Presley (daughter of Luther Archie Presley and Opal Velene Glascock) in Littlefield, Lamb County, Texas, USA. She was born on 25 Feb 1932 in Winters, Runnels County, Texas, USA. Thurman Lafate Moody Jr and Wanda Lou Presley had the following child: (1) ELIZABETH OPAL14 MOODY (daughter of Thurman Lafate Moody Jr and Wanda Lou Presley) was born on 18 Sep 1954 in Littlefield, Lamb County, Texas, USA. She married (1) STEPHEN MICHAEL SIEDHOFF in Derby, Sedgwick, Kansas, USA. She married MICHAEL CHOLLETT on### in Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, USA. *** BOBBY JEAN13 MOODY (Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1
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Jackson) was born on 29 Sep 1932 in Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. She died on 08 Aug 2010 in Canton, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. She married JIMMY EUGENE PARKHURST. He was born on 11 Apr 1930 in Oklahoma, USA. He died on 15 Oct 1989 in Oklahoma, USA. Jimmy Eugene Parkhurst and Bobby Jean Moody had the following children: (1) JOHNNIE LOU14 PARKHURST (daughter of Jimmy Eugene Parkhurst and Bobby Jean Moody) was born in 1948 in Hammon, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, USA. She married Larry Daniel Jones on 09 Jun 1967 in Canton, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. (2) RUTH ANN PARKHURST (daughter of Jimmy Eugene Parkhurst and Bobby Jean Moody) was born on 11 Apr 1951 in Cheyenne, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, USA. She married Larry Max Stephens on 15 Oct 1967 in Canton, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. He was born on 11 Apr 1951 in Cheyenne, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, USA. (3) MICHAEL EUGENE PARKHURST (son of Jimmy Eugene Parkhurst and Bobby Jean Moody) was born on 20 Oct 1952 in Cheyenne, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, USA. He died on 14 Dec 1954 in Enid, Garfield County, Oklahoma, USA. (4) PATTIE MARIE PARKHURST (daughter of Jimmy Eugene Parkhurst and Bobby Jean Moody) was born on 19 Nov 1958 in Thomas, Custer County, Oklahoma, USA. She married Larry Keith Williams on 23 Dec 1976 in Canton, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. *** WANDA FAYE13 MOODY (Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 23 Nov 1933 in Marlow, Stephens
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County, Oklahoma, USA. She married J. R. YATES. J. R. Yates and Wanda Faye Moody had the following children: (1) JERRY DAN14 YATES (son of J. R. Yates and Wanda Faye Moody) was born on 10 Jul 1954 in Plainview, Lamb County, Texas, USA. (2) DORETTA SUE YATES (daughter of J. R. Yates and Wanda Faye Moody) was born on 27 Aug 1955 in Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, USA. *** ETHEL LORENE13 MOODY (Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 20 Nov 1935 in Bailey. Grady County, Oklahoma. She died on 09 Oct 2003 in Douglas, Nemaha County, Nebraska, USA. She married (1) JAMES W. SCHULTZ. She married (2) GARY SEBESTA. James W. Schultz and Ethel Lorene Moody had the following children: (1) KIMERLY LEE14 SCHULTZ (son of James W. Schultz and Ethel Lorene Moody) was born on 30 Nov 1956 in Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri, USA. He married Kathy Jo Lind on 26 May 1984. (2) SAMUEL LEE SCHULTZ (son of James W. Schultz and Ethel Lorene Moody) was born on 18 May 1965 in Salina, Saline County, Kansas, USA. *** JENNY LEE13 MOODY (Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden,
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Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 12 Jan 1938 in Bailey, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. She died on 09 Oct 2011 in Hitchcock, Blaine, Oklahoma, USA. She married (1) HENRY SCHROEDER. She married (2) RICHARD LAMLEY. Henry Schroeder and Jenny Lee Moody had the following children: (1) LETHA LORENE14 SCHROEDER (daughter of Henry Schroeder and Jenny Lee Moody) was born on 11 Jan 1958 in Enid, Garfield County, Oklahoma, USA. She married JACKIE NELSON TOMLINSON. He was born on 21 Dec 1944 in Watonga, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. (2) ANITA LOUISE SCHROEDER (daughter of Henry Schroeder and Jenny Lee Moody) was born on 15 Sep 1961. She married ROBERT RICHARDSON. He was born on 08 Sep 1944. (3) SANDRA KAY SCHROEDER (daughter of Henry Schroeder and Jenny Lee Moody) was born on 31 Aug 1961 in Potter County, Texas, USA. She married Jimmy Lee Baker on 03 Oct 1975 in Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, USA. He was born on 01 Apr 1950. (4) ALBERT WAYNE SCHROEDER (son of Henry Schroeder and Jenny Lee Moody) was born on 12 Apr 1963 in Potter County, Texas, USA. (5) DORIS JEAN SCHROEDER (daughter of Henry Schroeder and Jenny Lee Moody) was born on 09 Jul 1966 in Potter County, Texas, USA. *** MARY LOU13 MOODY (Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1
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Jackson) was born on 08 Aug 1940 in Elk City, Beckham County, Oklahoma, USA. She married (1) RAYMOND DEAN JENKINS. She married (2) JOHN WILLIAMS. She married (3) JERRY VAN PELT. Raymond Dean Jenkins and Mary Lou Moody had the following children: (1) PRISCILLA LOUISE14 JENKINS (daughter of Raymond Dean Jenkins and Mary Lou Moody) was born on 19 Feb 1960 in Watonga, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. She married (1) PRAUSE. She married (2) RICHARD WILLIAMS on 20 Oct 1980 in Beloit, Mitchell County, Kansas, USA. She married (3) KENNY HARPER on 10 May 1983. She married (4) JOHN MOORE in Jun 1987. (2) PATRICIA KAY JENKINS (daughter of Raymond Dean Jenkins and Mary Lou Moody) was born on 01 Aug 1963 in Fairview, Major County, Oklahoma, USA. She married Donald Eugene Bergman on 01 Jul 1989 in Beloit, Mitchell County, Kansas, USA. He was born on 21 Jan in 1961 in Beloit, Mitchell County, Kansas, USA. (3) DONNA RENEE JENKINS (daughter of Raymond Dean Jenkins and Mary Lou Moody) was born on 19 Dec 1963 in O'Keene, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. She married (1) MICKEY LONG on 20 Nov 1979. She married (2) TIM BERRY in 1982. She married (3) GLENN PEARSON in 1986. She married (4) JERRY DEAN MALLORY on 04 May 1996 in Beloit, Mitchell County, Kansas, USA. *** SHERMAN DOYLE13 STEWART (Maggie Elmira12 Moody, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden,
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Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born after 1927 in USA. He died in USA. He married ILLA FAE TRUSTY. She was born on 01 Jan 1900. She died on 11 Jul 1985 in Douglas, Minnesota. Sherman Doyle Stewart and Illa Fae Trusty had the following children: (1) BOBBY14 STEWART (son of Sherman Doyle Stewart and Illa Fae Trusty). (2) CAROL STEWART (daughter of Sherman Doyle Stewart and Illa Fae Trusty). *** SHIRLEY13 STEWART (Maggie Elmira12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 25 Nov 1929 in Saddle Mountain, Oklahoma, USA. She married Leonard Kennedy on 07 Feb 1953 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma County, USA. He was born on 25 Nov 1929 in USA. Leonard Kennedy and Shirley Stewart had the following children: (1) CATHERINE SUE14 KENNEDY (daughter of Leonard Kennedy and Shirley Stewart) was born on 06 Dec 1953 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, USA. She married MICHAEL BRUM. He was born after 01 Mar 1954 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, USA. (2) PATRICK STEWART KENNEDY (son of Leonard Kennedy and Shirley Stewart) was born on 13 Mar 1956 in Sand Doing, Bonner County, Idaho, USA. He married PATRICIA FOSTER. *** MARY DORRIS13 BARNETT (Allie Mae12 Moody, John
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William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 25 Feb 1926 in Ridgeland, Jasper County, South Carolina, USA. She married William Ausbury Dowd on 25 Jun 1946 in Ridgeland, Jasper County, South Carolina, USA. He was born on 24 Sep 1922 in Lyons, Toombs County, Georgia, USA. William Ausbury Dowd and Mary Dorris Barnett had the following children: (1) CONNIE14 DOWD (daughter of William Ausbury Dowd and Mary Dorris Barnett) was born on 09 Aug 1947 in Vidalia, Toombs County, Georgia, USA. She married Robert M. Pearl on 03 Feb 1967 in Avon Park, Highlands County, Florida, USA. (2) TERRY DOWD (son of William Ausbury Dowd and Mary Dorris Barnett) was born on 18 Aug 1948 in Lyons, Toombs County, Georgia, USA. He married Vivian McKenzie on 23 Mar 1989 in Gainsville, Alachua County, Florida, USA. (3) WILLIAM A (ROCKY) DOWD (son of William Ausbury Dowd and Mary Dorris Barnett) was born on 19 Sep 1955 in Winter Haven, Polk County, Florida, USA. He married KATHY ABBOTT. She was born on 22 Apr 1978 in Avon Park, Highlands County, Florida, USA. *** BILLIE JEAN13 BARNETT (Allie Mae12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 04 Nov 1930 in USA. She married (1) WILLIAM HENRY HAZLITT on 01 May 1951. He was born on 01 Apr 1925. She married (2) IRA JUNIOR FOSTER on 01 Dec 1954. He
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was born on 15 Nov 1930. He died on 04 Feb 1987. William Henry Hazlitt and Billie Jean Barnett had the following children: (1) MARK CLAY14 HAZLITT (son of William Henry Hazlitt and Billie Jean Barnett) was born on 06 Apr 1952 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, USA. He married (1) JANIE RENAUD. He married (2) RAMONA JENKINS. (2) CURTIS WAYNE14 FOSTER (son of Ira Junior Foster and Billie Jean Barnett) was born on 14 Sep 1955 in Lakeland, Polk County, Florida, USA. He married JULIE ANN POOLE. *** EDITH LORENE13 DILL (Willie Vester12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 01 Apr 1926 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She married Howard Cox on 28 Feb 1945. He was born in USA. Howard Cox and Edith Lorene Dill had the following children: (1) JIMMY HOWARD14 COX (son of Howard Cox and Edith Lorene Dill) was born after 28 Feb 1945 in Roma, Starr County, Texas, USA. (2) JAN MARIAN COX (son of Howard Cox and Edith Lorene Dill) was born after 01 Mar 1945. (3) DENNIS HOWARD COX (son of Howard Cox and Edith Lorene Dill) was born on 08 Jan 1956. *** MILDRED MAXINE13 DILL (Willie Vester12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5
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Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 09 Feb 1928 in Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA. She married ROY BAXTER. Roy Baxter and Mildred Maxine Dill had the following children: (1) GEARY WAYNE14 BAXTER (son of Roy Baxter and Mildred Maxine Dill) was born on 17 Oct 1947 in Visalia, Tulare County California, USA. (2) SHARON KAY BAXTER (daughter of Roy Baxter and Mildred Maxine Dill) was born after 17 Oct 1947 in Visalia, Tulare County California, USA. (3) DEBBIE BAXTER (daughter of Roy Baxter and Mildred Maxine Dill) was born after Nov 1947 in Visalia, Tulare County California, USA. *** NORMA JEAN13 DILL (Willie Vester12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 09 May 1930 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. She married Raymond A. Yerby on 27 Jun 1946 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. He was born in USA. Raymond A. Yerby and Norma Jean Dill had the following children: (1) CAROLYN14 YERBY (daughter of Raymond A. Yerby and Norma Jean Dill) was born on 05 Mar 1947. She married Paul Coulter in Vian, Sequoyah County, Oklahoma, USA. (2) BRENDA JEAN YERBY (daughter of Raymond A. Yerby and Norma Jean Dill) was born on 25 Jul 1948 in McCook, Red Willow County, Nebraska, USA. She married CARL HUNNEY. (2) APRIL MARIE YERBY (daughter of Raymond A.
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Yerby and Norma Jean Dill) was born on 21 Apr 1857 in Massena, St Lawrence County, New York, USA. She married RICK MANES. (4) RENEE YERBY (daughter of Raymond A. Yerby and Norma Jean Dill) was born on 12 Mar 1959 in Jefferson, Clark County, Indiana, USA. (5) RAYMOND ALAN YERBY (son of Raymond A. Yerby and Norma Jean Dill) was born on 16 Apr 1960 in Jefferson, Clark County, Indiana, USA. He married TINA CARTER. (6) JONNIE LEE YERBY (son of Raymond A. Yerby and Norma Jean Dill) was born on 25 Jan 1962 in McAllister, Logan County, Oklahoma, USA. He married CHARLOTTE JONES. *** GLEN ROY13 DILL (Willie Vester12 Moody, (John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 22 Jul 1941 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma USA. He married Cheryl Patterson on 04 Dec 1966. She was born on 22 Jul 1941 in Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. Glen Roy Dill and Cheryl Patterson had the following children: (1) ANGELA GLEA14 DILL (daughter of Glen Roy Dill and Cheryl Patterson) was born in Denton, Denton County, Texas, USA. (2) TISHIA KAY DILL (daughter of Glen Roy Dill and Cheryl Patterson was born in Denton, Denton County, Texas, USA. ***
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JOHN HENRY13 MOODY (Johnny Forest12, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 14 Jul 1929 in Bailey, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. He married Effie Benton on 22 Sep 1953. She was born on 06 May 1935 in Bailey County, Oklahoma. John Henry Moody and Effie Benton had the following children: (1) JANEY ALINE14 MOODY (daughter of John Henry Moody and Effie Benton) was born on 20 Sep 1955 in Duncan, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA. She married John Booth Outlan on 25 Sep 1990 in Healdsburg, Sonoma County, California, USA. (2) JOETTA MOODY (daughter of John Henry Moody and Effie Benton) was born on 25 Jul 1957. She married (1) CLIFFORD PATRICK HUTCHINSON on 28 May 1983 in Dallas, Dallas County Texas, USA. She married (2) BRIAN MATOS on 26 Mar 1988 in California, USA. *** PEGGY RUTH13 MOODY (Johnny Forest12, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 29 Sep 1930 in Bailey, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. She married Billy F. Boatright on 26 Dec 1955 in Kress, Swisher County, Texas, USA. Billy F. Boatright and Peggy Ruth Moody had the following children: (1) JERRY LOYD14 BOATRIGHT (son of Billy F. Boatright and Peggy Ruth Moody) was born on 20 Mar 1956 in
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Tulia, Swisher County, Texas, USA. (3) DONNA RUTH BOATRIGHT (daughter of Billy F. Boatright and Peggy Ruth Moody) was born on 19 Jun 1958 in Tulia, Swisher County, Texas, USA. She married (1) DAVID THOMAS on 16 Jul 1976 in Spearman, Hansford County, Texas, USA. She married (2) JIM MURRAY ABT in Mar 1984. *** LOWELL GLENN13 MOODY (Johnny Forest12, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 31 Oct 1931 in Bailey, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. He died on 21 Feb 1997 in Graham, Young County, Texas, USA. He married Sue Bradley in Wellingon, Collingsworth County, Texas, USA. Lowell Glenn Moody and Sue Bradley had the following children: (1) GLENDA14 MOODY (daughter of Lowell Glenn Moody and Sue Bradley). She married Ricky Hale in Smithfield, Bastrop County, Texas, USA. (2) TERRY MOODY (son of Lowell Glenn Moody and Sue Bradley) was born in Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, USA. *** FOREST LAVOICE "COTTON"13 MOODY (Johnny Forest12, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson ) was born on 18 Mar 1933 in Bailey, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. He died on 15 Oct 1998 in Tulia, Swisher County, Texas, USA. He married Dorothy Marshal on 10 Nov 1961 in Kern County, California, USA. She was born about 1932.
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Forest Lavoice "Cotton" Moody and Dorothy Marshal had the following children: (1) BRENDA14 MOODY (daughter of Forest Lavoice "Cotton" Moody and Dorothy Marshal) was born in Wellington, Collingsworth County, Texas, USA. (2) GWENDOLYN MOODY (daughter of Forest Lavoice "Cotton" Moody and Dorothy Marshal) was born in Wellington, Collingsworth County, Texas, USA. *** GERALDINE13 MOODY (Johnny Forest12, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 03 Oct 1935 in Bailey, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA. She married ESTES on 13 Aug 1976 in Covington, St Tammany Parish, Louisiana, USA. Estes and Geraldine Moody had the following children: (1) SHARON14 ESTES (daughter of Estes and Geraldine Moody) was born on 06 Mar 1958 in Temple, Bell County, Texas, USA. She married Edward Lloyd on 13 Aug 1976 in Covington, St Tammany Parish, Louisiana, USA. (2) KAREN KAY ESTES (daughter of First Name Unknown Estes and Geraldine Moody) was born on 10 Feb 1959 in Temple, Bell County, Texas, USA. GENERATION 14 ELIZABETH OPAL14 MOODY (Thurman Lafate13 Jr, Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 18 Sep 1954 in Littlefield, Lamb County, Texas, USA.
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She married (1) STEPHEN MICHAEL SIEDHOFF on ## ### #### in Derby, Sedgwick, Kansas, USA. She married MICHAEL CHOLLETT on ## ### #### in Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, USA Stephen Michael Siedhoff and Elizabeth Opal Moody had the following children: (1) MICHELLE RENEE15 SIEDHOFF (daughter of Stephen Michael Siedhoff and Elizabeth Opal Moody) was born on 17 Dec 1975 in Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas, USA. She married (1) STEPHEN MICHAEL SIEDHOFF on ## in Derby, Sedgwick, Kansas. She married (2) MARK MASTOR. He was born on 25 Jun 1967 in Buffalo, Erie County, New York, USA. (2) SEAN SIEDHOFF (son of Stephen Michael Siedhoff and Elizabeth Opal Moody) was born on 16 Jun 1980 in Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas, USA. He married ## *** 14 JOHNNIE LOU PARKHURST (Bobby Jean13 Moody Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born in 1948 in Hammon, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, USA. She married Larry Daniel Jones on 09 Jun 1967 in Canton, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. Larry Daniel Jones and Johnnie Lou Parkhurst had the following children: (1) MICHAEL ANTHONY15 JONES (son of Larry Daniel Jones and Johnnie Lou Parkhurst) was born on 19 Jun 1968 in O'Keene, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. (2) TRACY RENEE JONES (daughter of Larry Daniel Jones and Johnnie Lou Parkhurst) was born on 04 Sep 1970 in
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O'Keene, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. She married Jimmy Wayne Warren on 02 Nov 1987 in Piedmont, Canadian County, Oklahoma, USA. (3) KALA DAWN JONES (daughter of Larry Daniel Jones and Johnnie Lou Parkhurst) was born on 13 Mar 1973 in O'Keene, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. *** RUTH ANN14 PARKHURST (Bobby Jean13 Moody, Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 11 Apr 1951 in Cheyenne, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, USA. She married Larry Max Stephens on 15 Oct 1967 in Canton, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. He was born on 11 Apr 1951 in Cheyenne, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, USA. Larry Max Stephens and Ruth Ann Parkhurst had the following children: (1) CHRISTINA ANN15 STEPHENS (daughter of Larry Max Stephens and Ruth Ann Parkhurst) was born on 20 Jan 1968 in O'Keene, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. She died on 23 Feb 1968 in O'Keene, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. (2) LAURA JOAN STEPHENS (daughter of Larry Max Stephens and Ruth Ann Parkhurst) was born on 23 Mar 1969 in Minot, Ward County, North Dakota, USA. She married Terry Lynn Hysell on 24 May 1987 in Canton, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. (3) STEPHANY SUE STEPHENS (daughter of Larry Max Stephens and Ruth Ann Parkhurst) was born on 08 Jun 1971. She married PAUL ALLEN HOUGH. He was born on 21 Jan 1986 in Canton, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. (4) ANN MARIE STEPHENS (son of Larry Max Stephens and Ruth Ann Parkhurst) was born on 09 May 1974 in O'Keene, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA.
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*** PATTIE MARIE14 PARKHURST (Bobby Jean13 Moody, Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 19 Nov 1958 in Thomas, Custer County, Oklahoma, USA. She married Larry Keith Williams on 23 Dec 1976 in Canton, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. Larry Keith Williams and Pattie Marie Parkhurst had the following children: (1) BOBBY EUGENE15 WILLIAMS (son of Larry Keith Williams and Pattie Marie Parkhurst) was born on 18 Feb 1976 in O'Keene, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. (2) CHERA NICOLE WILLIAMS (daughter of Larry Keith Williams and Pattie Marie Parkhurst) was born on 10 Jun 1977 in O'Keene, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. *** DORETTA SUE14 YATES (Wanda Faye13 Moody, Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 27 Aug 1955 in Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, USA. Doretta Sue Yates had the following child: (1) NIKKI15 DAWN was born on 02 Sep 1975. *** KIMERLY LEE14 SCHULTZ (Ethel Lorene13 Moody, Thurman Lafate12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 30 Nov 1956 in Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri, USA.
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He married Kathy Jo Lind on 26 May 1984. Kimerly Lee Schultz and Kathy Jo Lind had the following child: (1) NICHOLAS LEE15 SCHULTZ (son of Kimerly Lee Schultz and Kathy Jo Lind) was born on 05 Jun 1985 in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, USA. *** LETHA LORENE14 SCHROEDER (Jenny Lee13 Moody, Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson ) was born on 11 Jan 1958 in Enid, Garfield County, Oklahoma, USA. She married JACKIE NELSON TOMLINSON. He was born on 21 Dec 1944 in Watonga, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. Jackie Nelson Tomlinson and Letha Lorene Schroeder had the following children: (1) MILDRED JEANE15 SCHROEDER (daughter of Jackie Nelson Tomlinson and Letha Lorene Schroeder) was born on 06 Dec 1979 in Thomas, Custer County, Oklahoma, USA. She married JESSE EUGENE ROBLEDO. (2) KATHERINE RENEE SCHROEDER (daughter of Jackie Nelson Tomlinson and Letha Lorene Schroeder) was born on 16 Oct 1981 in Thomas, Custer County, Oklahoma, USA. (3) SAMANTHA JANE SCHROEDER (daughter of Jackie Nelson Tomlinson and Letha Lorene Schroeder) was born on 18 Dec 1983 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, USA. (4) DANIEL MATTHEW SCHROEDER (son of Jackie Nelson Tomlinson and Letha Lorene Schroeder) was born on 24 Jul 1984 in Clinton, Custer County, Oklahoma, USA. ***
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ANITA LOUISE14 SCHROEDER (Jenny Lee13 Moody, Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 15 Sep 1961. She married ROBERT RICHARDSON. He was born on 08 Sep 1944. Robert Richardson and Anita Louise Schroeder had the following children: (1) DAVID PATRICK15 SCHROEDER (son of Robert Richardson and Anita Louise Schroeder) was born on 10 May 1944 in Salem, Marion County, Oregon, USA. (2) JESSE ELI RICHARDSON (son of Robert Richardson and Anita Louise Schroeder) was born on 25 Nov 1994 in Watonga, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. *** SANDRA KAY14 SCHROEDER (Jenny Lee13 Moody, Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 31 Aug 1961 in Potter County, Texas, USA. She married Jimmy Lee Baker on 03 Oct 1975 in Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, USA. He was born on 01 Apr 1950. Jimmy Lee Baker and Sandra Kay Schroeder had the following children: (1) TINA MICHELLE15 BAKER (daughter of Jimmy Lee Baker and Sandra Kay Schroeder) was born on 20 Jan 1976 in Thomas, Custer County, Oklahoma, USA. (2) JIMMY WAYNE BAKER (son of Jimmy Lee Baker and Sandra Kay Schroeder) was born on 16 May 1978 in Thomas, Custer County, Oklahoma, USA. (3) ANDERSON WADE BAKER (son of Jimmy Lee Baker and Sandra Kay Schroeder) was born on 15 Oct 1980 in
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Thomas, Custer County, Oklahoma, USA. (4) CUTIS ALLEN BAKER (son of Jimmy Lee Baker and Sandra Kay Schroeder) was born on 02 Jan 1982 in Clinton, Custer County, Oklahoma, USA. *** DORIS JEAN14 SCHROEDER (Jenny Lee13 Moody, Thurman Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 09 Jul 1966 in Potter County, Texas, USA. Doris Jean Schroeder had the following child: (1) BRANDY ROSE15 SCHROEDER was born on 01 Jan 1986 in Clinton, Custer County, Oklahoma, USA. *** PATRICIA KAY14 JENKINS (Mary Lou13 Moody, Thurman Lafate12, John William Dyer11, John Wesley "James"10, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 01 Aug 1963 in Fairview, Major County, Oklahoma, USA. She married Donald Eugene Bergman on 01 Jul 1989 in Beloit, Mitchell County, Kansas, USA. He was born on 21 Jan in 1961 Beloit, Mitchell County, Kansas, USA. Donald Eugene Bergman and Patricia Kay Jenkins had the following children: (1) LANCE WAYNE15 BERGMAN (son of Donald Eugene Bergman and Patricia Kay Jenkins) was born on 26 Jul 1983 in Beloit, Mitchell County, Kansas, USA. (2) SHERA DAWN BERGMAN (daughter of Donald Eugene Bergman and Patricia Kay Jenkins) was born on 21 Jan 1989 in Beloit, Mitchell County, Kansas, USA. ***
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CONNIE14 DOWD (Mary Dorris13 Barnett, Allie Mae12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 09 Aug 1947 in Vidalia, Toombs County, Georgia, USA. She married Robert M. Pearl on 03 Feb 1967 in Avon Park, Highlands County, Florida, USA. Robert M. Pearl and Connie Dowd had the following children: (1) MARTIN15 PEARL (son of Robert M. Pearl and Connie Dowd) was born on 08 Aug 1968 in Avon Park, Highlands County, Florida, USA. (2) SHANON LYNN PEARL (daughter of Robert M. Pearl and Connie Dowd) was born on 22 May 1974 in Lake Wales, Polk County, Florida, USA. *** TERRY14 DOWD (Mary Dorris13 Barnett, Allie Mae12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 18 Aug 1948 in Lyons, Toombs County, Georgia, USA. He married Vivian McKenzie on 23 Mar 1989 in Gainsville, Alachua County, Florida, USA. Terry Dowd and Vivian McKenzie had the following children: (1) ANGELA LYNN15 DOWD (daughter of Terry Dowd and Vivian McKenzie) was born on 29 Nov 1968 in Hollywood, Broward County, Florida, USA. (2) SHELBY LANE DOWD (son of Terry Dowd and Vivian McKenzie) was born on 13 Oct 1972 in Avon Park, Highlands County, Florida, USA. ***
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WILLIAM A (ROCKY)14 DOWD (Mary Dorris13 Barnett, Allie Mae12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 19 Sep 1955 in Winter Haven, Polk County, Florida, USA. He married KATHY ABBOTT. She was born on 22 Apr 1978 in Avon Park, Highlands County, Florida, USA. William A (Rocky) Dowd and Kathy Abbott had the following children: (1) SARAH LYNN15 DOWD (daughter of William A (Rocky) Dowd and Kathy Abbott) was born on 26 Oct 1980 in Alexandria, Rapides Parish, Louisiana, USA. (2) JASON DOWD (son of William A (Rocky) Dowd and Kathy Abbott) was born on 19 Aug 1984 in Alexandria, Rapides Parish, Louisiana, USA. *** MARK CLAY14 HAZLITT (Billie Jean13 Barnett, Allie Mae12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 06 Apr 1952 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, USA. He married JANIE RENAUD. He married RAMONA JENKINS. Mark Clay Hazlitt and Janie Renaud had the following children: (1) HEIDI HEATHER 15 HAZLITT (daughter of Mark Clay Hazlitt and Janie Renaud) was born on 05 Oct 1973 in Lakelad, Polk County, Florida, USA. (2) HOLLY HEATHER HAZLITT (daughter of Mark Clay Hazlitt and Janie Renaud) was born on 26 Sep 1976 in Lakeland, Polk County, Florida, USA. (3) MARK ELLIOTT HAZLITT (son of Mark Clay Hazlitt
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and Janie Renaud) was born on 26 Jul 1979 in Lakelad, Polk County, Florida, USA. (4) CAROLINE HAZLITT (daughter of Mark Clay Hazlitt and Janie Renaud) was born on 18 Aug 1981 in Lakelad, Polk County, Florida, USA. *** CURTIS WAYNE14 FOSTER (Billie Jean13 Barnett, Allie Mae12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 14 Sep 1955 in Lakeland, Polk County, Florida, USA. He married JULIE ANN POOLE. Curtis Wayne Foster and Julie Ann Poole had the following child: (1) JONATHAN15 FOSTER (son of Curtis Wayne Foster and Julie Ann Poole) was born on 21 Dec 1974. *** JOETTA14 MOODY (John Henry13, Johnny Forest12, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 25 Jul 1957. She married (1) CLIFFORD PATRICK HUTCHINSON on 28 May 1983 in Dallas, Dallas County Texas, USA. She married (2) BRIAN MATOS on 26 Mar 1988 in California, USA. Brian Matos and JoEtta Moody had the following children: (1) TYLER15 MATOS (son of Brian Matos and JoEtta Moody) was born on 24 May 1988 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, USA. (2) KARSTEN ALANA MATOS (daughter of Brian Matos and JoEtta Moody) was born on 18 Jul 1991 in Bellingham,
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Whatcom County, Washington, USA. *** DONNA RUTH14 BOATRIGHT (Peggy Ruth13 Moody, Johnny Forest12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 19 Jun 1958 in Tulia, Swisher County, Texas, USA. She married (1) DAVID THOMAS on 16 Jul 1976 in Spearman, Hansford County, Texas, USA. She married (2) JIM MURRAY ABT in Mar 1984. David Thomas and Donna Ruth Boatright had the following child: (1) AMY RENEE15 THOMAS (daughter of David Thomas and Donna Ruth Boatright) was born on 30 May 1980 in Spearman, Hansford County, Texas, USA. *** GLENDA14 MOODY (Lowell Glenn13, Johnny Forest12, Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson). She married Ricky Hale in Smithfield, Bastrop County, Texas, USA. Ricky Hale and Glenda Moody had the following children: (1) CRYSTAL15 HALE (daughter of Ricky Hale and Glenda Moody) was born in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, USA. (2) BRYAN JUSTIS HALE (son of Ricky Hale and Glenda Moody). *** SHARON14 ESTES (Geraldine13 Moody, Johnny Forest12 Moody, Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7
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Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 06 Mar 1958 in Temple, Bell County, Texas, USA. She married Edward Lloyd on 13 Aug 1976 in Covington, St Tammany Parish, Louisiana, USA. Edward Lloyd and Sharon Estes had the following children: (1) KRISTI15 LLOYD (daughter of Edward Lloyd and Sharon Estes) was born on 28 Mar 1977 in Covington, St Tammany Parish, Louisiana, USA. (2) SARAH LLOYD (daughter of Edward Lloyd and Sharon Estes) was born on 24 Oct 1983 in Covington, St Tammany Parish, Louisiana, USA. GENERATION 15 MICHELLE RENEE15 SIEDHOFF (Elizabeth Opal14 Moody, Thurman Lafate13 Moody Jr, Thurman Lafate12 Moody, Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 17 Dec 1975 in Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas, USA. She married SOTERIOS MARK ELIA MASTOR. He was born on 25 Jun 1967 in Buffalo, Erie County, New York. Soterios Mark Elia Mastor and Michelle Renee Siedhoff had the following children: (1) ALEXANDER XANDER ELIA SOTERIOS10 MASTOR (son of Soterios Mark Elia Mastor and Michelle Renee Siedhoff) was born on 18 Jun 1999 in Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri. (2) ATHANIOS CHASE SOTEIROS MASTOR (son of Soterios Mark Elia Mastor and Michelle Renee Siedhoff) was born on 07 Feb 2001 in Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri. *** TRACY RENEE15 JONES (Johnnie Lou14 Parkhurst, Bobby Jean13 Moody, Thurman Lafate12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8
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Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 04 Sep 1970 in O'Keene, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. She married Jimmy Wayne Warren on 02 Nov 1987 in Piedmont, Canadian County, Oklahoma, USA. Jimmy Wayne Warren and Tracy Renee Jones had the following child: (1) KELSEY ELIZABETH 16 WARREN (daughter of Jimmy Wayne Warren and Tracy Renee Jones) was born on 17 Oct 1987. *** LAURA JOAN15 STEPHENS (Ruth Ann14 Parkhurst, Bobby Jean13 Moody, Thurman Lafate12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 23 Mar 1969 in Minot, Ward County, North Dakota, USA. She married Terry Lynn Hysell on 24 May 1987 in Canton, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. Terry Lynn Hysell and Laura Joan Stephens had the following child: (1) TERRA16 HYSELL (daughter of Terry Lynn Hysell and Laura Joan Stephens). *** 15 STEPHENS (Ruth Ann14 Parkhurst, STEPHANY SUE Bobby Jean13 Moody, Thurman Lafate12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 08 Jun 1971. She married PAUL ALLEN HOUGH. He was born on 21 Jan 1986 in Canton, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. Paul Allen Hough and Stephany Sue Stephens had the
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following child: (1) NICHOLAS COY16 HOUGH (son of Paul Allen Hough and Stephany Sue Stephens) was born on 09 Feb 1987. *** MILDRED JEANE15 SCHROEDER (Letha Lorene14, Jenny Lee13 Moody, Thurman Lafate12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 06 Dec 1979 in Thomas, Custer County, Oklahoma, USA. She married JESSE EUGENE ROBLEDO. Jesse Eugene Robledo and Mildred Jeane Schroeder had the following child: (1) FELIX JESSE16 ROBLEDO (son of Jesse Eugene Robledo and Mildred Jeane Schroeder) was born on 15 Dec 1995 in O'Keene, Blaine County, Oklahoma, USA. *** HEIDI HEATHER 15 HAZLITT (Mark Clay14, Billie Jean13 Barnett, Allie Mae12 Moody, John William Dyer11 Moody, John Wesley "James"10 Moody, Nancy9 Holden, John H.8 Holden, Isaac7 Holden, James6 Holden, Isaac5 Holden, Benjamin4 Holden, Noame3 Howe, Deborah2 Howe, Elizabeth1 Jackson) was born on 05 Oct 1973 in Lakelad, Polk County, Florida, USA. Heidi Heather Hazlitt had the following child: (1) AUSTYN RAY16 HAZLITT was born on 14 Apr 1993.
8TH GREAT GRANDMOTHER ELIZABETH JACKSON b: 11 Jun 1635, Hunsley, Yorkshire, England b: 23 Mar 1633, Salem, Essex County, Massachussets Colony, British America 7TH GREAT GRANDMOTHER DEBORAH HOWE b: 01 Mar 1667 Marlborough, Middlesex Massachussets Colony, British America d: 04 Nov 1743 Marlborough, Middlesex Massachussets Colony, British America 6TH GREAT GRANDMOTHER
County, County,
NOAME HOWE b: 22 Apr 1701 Roxbury, Suffolk County, Masachussetts Colony, British America d: Abt. 1756 5TH GREAT GRANDFATHER
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BENJAMIN HOLDEN b: 1718 Reading, Middlesex County, Massachussets Colony, British America d: Nov 1786 Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 4TH GREAT GRANDFATHER ISAAC HOLDEN b: 12 Apr 1748 Framingham, Massachusetts Colony, British America d: 05 Jun 1811 Leverett, Franklin County, Massachusetts, USA 3RD GREAT GRANDFATHER JAMES HOLDEN b: 21 May 1800 Orange, Chatham County, North Carolina, USA d: May 1854 Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA 2ND GREAT GRANDMOTHER NANCY HOLDEN b: 1818 Pickens, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA d: 1861 Blount County, Alabama, USA GREAT GRANDFATHER JOHN WESLEY MOODY b: 24 Dec 1855 Paint Rock, Jackson County, Alabama, USA d: 12 Jun 1921 Sugar Loaf Township, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA PATERNAL GRANDFATHER JOHN WILLIAM DYER MOODY b: 24 Jun 1876 Paint Rock, Jackson County, Alabama, USA d: 16 Oct 1960 Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA
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FATHER THURMAN LAFATE MOODY b: 08 Nov 1899 Heber Springs, Cleburne County, Arkansas, USA d: 26 Dec 1982 Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma, USA SELF THURMAN LAFATE MOODY, JR b: 07 Apr 1930 Rush Springs, Grady County, Oklahoma, USA