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Feedback Module/Block

The Feedback Module allows instructors to create and conduct surveys to collect feedback from students. The instructor has the ability to write his/her own questions rather that choosing questions from a pre-written survey instrument. The module is easy to set up and allows instructors to: Choose whether or not students see results Manage how many times the student can complete the survey Manage confirmation pages Make the survey anonymous or public Create a template survey that can be reused in various courses

1. Adding the Feedback Activity to the Course a. Log into your class and click

b. In the desired week or topic section click Add an activity and then click Feedback 2. Configure the General settings a. Add a Name for the survey b. Add a Description for the survey



3. Add Feedback Timing (Optional ) and Feedback options a. Specify times when the feedback is accessible for students to answer questions i. The feedback will be unavailable before the time defined here b. If the checkbox is not selected, there is no limit defined





c. The survey takers name can be anonymous or logged and shown with the takers answers d. Email notifications will be sent to the administrator of the survey if the Send e-mail notifications option is set to Yes

4. Add After Submission and Common Settings (Optional) a. After completing the survey, the message typed in the Page after submit field will be displayed. b. By default after a feedback is submitted the target of the continue button is the course page. You can define here another target URL for this continue-button by entering a new URL in the URL for continue_button field.




d. e. c. Configure the Group mode and Groupings settings (if any) d. Visible option - Show or Hide the survey until youre ready to display e. Save the feedback form 3

i. Save and return to course returns you to the course where youll see a link to the survey ii. Save and display displays the feedback overview page 5. Adding Survey Questions a. Clicking Save and display or the feedback link now present in your course takes you to the Survey overview b. Click Edit Questions to add questions to the feedback activity


c. Click the Select item type drop-down arrow and select Multiple choice. Other available item types are: i. Add a pagebreak adds a page break ii. Captcha - A test to make sure a real person is filling in the form and not an automatic spamming program of some sort. A captcha asks the survey taker to write out some distorted text which is displayed on screen. You normally won't need this unless you find that youre getting continuously spammed. iii. Information (for non anonymous questions) iv. Label - Similar to a standard Moodle label, this option allows you to add arbitrary text between questions allowing for extra explanation or to divide the Feedback into sections v. Long text answer creates a text box (you specify how big it will appear in rows and columns) which students can write a long answer into vi. Multiple choice 1. Multiple choice (single answer) displays a series of radio buttons, which starts on Not selected and then has your options afterwards. Only one option can be chosen and Not selected is a valid answer if the question is not set to 'Required' 2. Multiple choice (multiple answers) displays a series of options with a checkbox next to each one. The respondent can check as many as he/she 4

wants and there is currently no way to specify a limit to how many the respondent can choose 3. Multiple choice (single answer allowed (dropdownlist)) displays a dropdown list from which only one answer can be selected vii. Multiple choice (rated) a multiple choice question that allocates a numerical value to each of the answers, which makes things a little more quantitative if you intend to analyze the results statistically viii. Numeric answer a question which must have a number as an answer and specify the acceptable range e.g. Please rate the quality of the Museum on a scale of 1to 5 with 1 indicating highest quality and 5 indicating the lowest quality. Its helpful if an acceptable range is specified in the question text. ix. Short text answer allows you to specify a single line answer, with an input box which is a set number of characters long (you choose). You also specify the maximum number of characters you will accept, so that the answer is not too long and/or does not run over the length of the box on screen


d. Enter the Multiple choice question details


e. Click Save question to save the question and display the Preview page



f. Use the

buttons to edit or reposition the question in the Preview page

i. Use the ii. Use the iii. Use the iv. Use the

button to move the question up a one position or down one position button to edit the question button to switch to: answer not required button to delete the question

g. To add another question choose an item type from the Select item type drop-down list 6. Saving Questions as a Template Within the feedback module you can create and re-use sets of feedback questions using the Template tool. To save your questions as a template: a. b. c. d. Enter your questions into the feedback form as explained in steps 1 6 Click the Templates tab Enter a Name for your template Choose whether you wish to make this template available for use by others via the Public checkbox i. A Public template may be viewed and re-used by users with appropriate access rights such as administrators and teachers. ii. When a Public template is used as a basis for a new feedback, the activity settings and questions within it may be edited by the teacher; however the original template remains unchanged.



7-9 e. Click Save as a new template


7. Deleting a Template a. Use the Delete template... link and click the delete (X) icon next to the corresponding template name


8. Exporting Questions The Export Questions tool allows you to save the questions/text types within your Feedback Activity in .xml format. a. Clicking the Export questions link will prompt you to Save or Open this file.

9. Importing Questions Where you have previously exported and saved questions from a Feedback activity in .xml format, you can re-import them into a new Feedback Activity. The Import questions tool is particularly useful when you need to import questions from a different instance of Moodle and the template tool is not applicable. After clicking on the Import questions link you will be prompted to select one of the following options:

a. b. c. d. e. a. Delete old items the current questions and all your user's responses will be deleted within the current feedback activity b. Append new items All old questions and the assigned values will be preserved within the current Feedback Activity and the imported questions will be added to the existing questions. c. Use the Choose a File button to navigate to the course files area and upload and/or select the relevant .xml file. d. Once selected, use the Import from this file button to import the questions e. Use Cancel to return to the Templates general tab. 8

10. Feedback Analysis Users with appropriate access rights can view feedback activity responses either in summary Analysis format or view individual responses. Within the Analysis tab you will be able to view a list of all responses submitted for each of the questions within a feedback activity. The total number of submitted answers and questions are provided within this page, as is a link to export this data to Excel for detailed analysis. Where (optional) questions have not been answered by a user, a dash (-) is displayed.

11. Feedback Show Responses Within the Show responses tab you can view the responses submitted by each user. These responses show all answers to all questions within the Feedback activity for an individual user. Individual responses may be deleted if required. Because feedback activities can be updated during the course of response collection, responses are divided into anonymous and nonanonymous entries. Anonymous entries are identified by a sequentially numbered id.

In order to view how your students see your survey, you must be logged in as a student. The teacher role will not display your survey correctly! Click the Switch to: drop-down arrow located at the top right of the page to switch your role to Student. Once you have viewed the survey, click the Return to my normal role button in the same area.

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