Smart Meter Fact Sheet
Smart Meter Fact Sheet
Smart Meter Fact Sheet
We need to modernize our Grid. FACT: Our electrical grid has always needed constant maintenance and upgrades. Regular modernization to current infrastructure continues to be of high priority.
Spending $1 billion on a new wireless communication infrastructure and meters will not address the ongoing and urgent requirements to upgrade the existing grid. BC Hydro states that the analogue meters haven`t been upgraded in 50 years, which is testament to the reliability and durability of this analogue technology over long periods of time. It is reported that the new smart meters will most likely require replacement within 20 years. This new wireless system will not replace current infrastructure maintenance and upgrading requirements. Protection of the ratepayer has been eliminated by denial of the BC Utilities Commission to conduct normal oversight procedures and public hearings. This affords no outside monitoring or control of this expensive program and leaves the public unprotected. The new wireless Smart Grid will require its own maintenance, management and upgrades and all associated costs for the new system will be passed on to the ratepayer, in addition to costs for current infrastructure maintenance and modernization. Quote from an industry document, Cellular Communications and the Future of Smart Metering: Low maintenance: During the 10- to 20-year life span of a Smart Meter communication device, the communication modules firmware will likely be upgraded for example, to add new features, enhance security, or maintain compliance with the latest wireless communication standards. Setting up systems for data collection, analysis and further handling is another layer of associated costs that has not yet been added to the $1 billion price tag of the new wireless system. BC Hydro is presenting wireless communication grid modernization of infrastructure as a power saving measure, in line with electric cars and off-grid power production. These new innovations are already underway and not dependent upon BC Hydro implementing a wireless Smart Grid. The wireless system itself is not a prior requirement for the development of new independent power producers or electric cars.
classification for RFR is the same for coffee and pickled vegetables.
FACT: Dr. Perry Kendall, the chief medical officer of British Columbia, has made this statement many times, even on the Health Ministrys website ( Science shows that drinking excessive amounts of coffee can lead to increased risk of bladder cancer, which is an extremely serious matter for many people. The WHO classification for pickled vegetables is isolated to Asia, where certain pickling agents caused serious health consequences. The Class 2B possible human cancer risk includes DDT, lead, diesel and fuel oils, chloroform, methylmercury compounds, and many other noxious agents.
Most people want to control the risks and have the freedom to choose, not suffer forced exposure from an agency that decides profit warrants the risk. Comparing radiation from wireless devices such as smart meters to coffee and an Asian pickling agent is minimizing the risks of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in an attempt to support the exposure of all people and families to a known possible cancer promoting agent. All this in the name of business and profits.
SMART METERS: Separating Fact from Fiction
ensures privacy is protected.
Cigarettes used to be everywhere, but they were never safe. The same situation exists today with regard to wireless devices of all kinds, which also includes cordless phones. The decision to use baby monitors or cordless phones in your home is still under your own care and control. Nobody is forcing you to use these devices, and you can choose to turn them off or replace them with safer, wired models at will any time. Exposure is not forced and involuntary. This is not the case with wireless emissions from smart meters on your home. Once these wireless meters are installed, you are not in control and cannot switch them off or have them removed if you wish to avoid health risks associated with exposure to microwave radiofrequency radiation.
us the weight of evidence shows no indication of harm to health from any low energy wireless devices (microwave radiofrequency radiation).
frequency signals from smart meters are much lower than the signal from common every day devices such as radios, baby monitors and even the spark plugs in your car, so it must be safe.
FACT: This statement is based on a numerical comparison of how many scientific studies show biological effects and how many studies show no biological effects. Dr. Henry Lai of the University of Washington has analyzed scientific outcomes, and has found that only 25% of industry funded studies find biological effects, while 75% of non-industry funded studies find biological effects. The fact that the weight of evidence is tipped in favour of no biological outcomes is a reflection of how many studies are funded by the wireless industry, which has the most to lose. Dr. Jerry Phillips, University of Colorado, states that using scientific papers to cancel out one another is unscientific and deprives us of the opportunity to learn more about the risks of exposure.
There are now a number of comparative studies that show a correlation between how the research was funded and the results obtained. This situation illuminates the serious conflicts of interest which undermine the integrity and objectivity of all scientific research funded by the wireless industry. Consideration must be given to the fact that many independent studies show harmful effects. If something is safe, there should be no evidence of harm. Health Canadas assertion leads one to believe that those studies reporting harm should be ignored merely because they are outnumbered.
FACT: Radios are receivers. They do not transmit radio frequency radiation. Wireless smart meters are receivers and transmitters. They do radiate. Wireless baby monitors are transmitters and do radiate, but they are optional and can be turned off. Wireless smart meters are not optional and cannot be turned off. They radiate 24/7.
On May 31, 2011, the World Health Organization reclassified all emissions from radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. ( Further, new science is exposing a cumulative dose response relationship the more prolonged exposure received, the greater the risk of developing ill health effects.
FACT: The purpose of science is to increase knowledge and understanding. It is never static. While it is unlikely non-ionizing microwave radiation damages DNA directly, numerous peer reviewed and published scientific studies show damage can be caused indirectly. Here is a quote from the Explanatory section of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assemblys resolution dated May 27, 2011:
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SMART METERS: Separating Fact from Fiction
A major programme of research into the specific features of these effects such as genotoxicity of waves (REFLEX programme), funded by the European Commission and involving 12 European research teams, was launched and the results were made public in December 2004.The conclusions of the report were disturbing on several counts as the results bore out genotoxic effects of mobile telephone waves, and in particular greater frequency of chromosomal deletions and breakup of DNA molecules in different types of cultivated human and animal cells. In addition, stress protein synthesis was greatly increased and gene expression was modified in various types of cells. and ultraviolet radiation, the so-called optical window. The actual levels of the solar emissions in the radiofrequency range reaching the earth used in scientific literature are somewhere between 0.000000001 microwatts (stormy sun) to 0.000000000001 microwatts (quiet sun). If the smart meters radiation figure given by BC Hydro can be believed, the smart meters radiation is at least 10 million times higher than the natural level of radiation that all life evolved in and which our bodies are used to.
( Barnes FS, Greenebaum B, editors. 2006. Bioengineering and biophysical aspects of electromagnetic fields. 3rd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press; p. 3.)
FACT: The radiation emitted by the sun falls into the categories of visible light, infrared and ultraviolet in the electromagnetic spectrum and is a natural part of our universe, to which ALL LIFE has adapted over eons. Man-made wireless signals in the microwave range of the electromagnetic spectrum are pulsed, ultra-high frequency emissions, released in bursts, at regular intervals, in very rapid succession. Imposed on these pulsed, ultra high frequency microwaves are extremely low frequency (ELF) modulations of the radiofrequency carrier waves. Carrier waves transport data and are also referred to as Information Carrying Radio Waves.
These unnatural microwave radiofrequency radiation emissions cannot be compared to the naturally occurring and biologically compatible radiation produced by the sun. The suns radiation does not penetrate buildings, allowing escape from its heat or damaging effects. Further, we can take many precautions to protect ourselves from the sun, and forced, involuntary exposure is not part of our society. Man-made radiation does penetrate buildings, and bodies, leaving no refuge from its damaging effects. The sun goes down at night, allowing the body time to recover and rest. Man-made radiation from smart meters emits all day and all night.
FACT: Various choices are available from different utility companies, but most offer a wired option. The Itron Smart
Meter is used in Ontario. Toronto Hydro will provide a wired smart meter that uses a land line free of charge. The only cost to the customer is the monthly charge for a dedicated phone line ($25.90 from Bell Canada). Ontario Norfolk Power set up & shop-tested three wired meters at no cost to for a local sufferer of electrohypersensitivity, awaiting their purchase of line splitters so existing phone lines could be used. In Illinois, there is a one time cost of $68.35 and a monthly fee of $24.75 for manual meter reading. Maine has two choices for wired meters: A smart meter with the transmitter off is an initial charge of $20 and monthly charge of $10.50, or the customer can keep the existing analogue meter for a one time charge of $40 and a monthly charge of $12.00. Idaho Powers Smart Meter standards all hard wired. These meters are hooked up to the home power lines, the same lines that bring the power in are the same lines that send the information to Idaho Power. This is a simple system that has none of the risks of wireless exposure and there is no meter to meter communication, or wireless infrastructure required. Homeowners in Idaho feel safe and secure with this system, and Idaho Power is not wasting time or money dealing with people trying to protect their rights.
sunlight at the earths surface is 100,000 microwatts compared to 0.01 microwatts, a smart meters power density at 10 feet.
FACT: This statement in BC Hydros Business Case is intended to make us believe that the sun is more dangerous than the smart meter. This is incorrect and misleading. The 100,000 microwatt figure actually refers to the total solar radiation at our latitude for frequencies between near infrared
SMART METERS: Separating Fact from Fiction
This is the kind of system that would work well in British Columbia and immediately halt the costly and time consuming challenges in rolling out the Smart Meter program as well as protecting people, homes and the environment. There are different choices depending on the utility company, but most offer a wired meter option. The Itron Smart Meter is used in Ontario, and Toronto Hydro will provide a wired smart meter that uses a land line if you will provide a separate, dedicated Bell Canada telephone line for the meter. The on-going monthly cost of $25.90 relates to the cost of the Bell Canada line. At no charge, Ontario Norfolk Power set up & shop-tested three wired meters for a local sufferer of electrohypersensitivity, awaiting their purchase of line splitters so existing phone lines could be used. In Illinois, there is a one time cost of $68.35 and a monthly fee of $24.75 for manual meter reading. Maine has two choices for wired meters: A smart meter with the transmitter off is an initial charge of $20 and monthly charge of $10.50, or the customer can keep the existing analogue meter for a one time charge of $40 and a monthly charge of $12.00. In California, Pacific Gas and Electric have an opt out program for those who refuse wireless Smart Meters. Customers costs include an upfront fee of $135 with a monthly charge of $20, or a one time fee of $270 and monthly fee of $14. This is now being legally challenged and the California Public Utilities Commission is discussing details of no cost opt out proposals. Itron Sentinel on a home in Ontario Phone Line Connections
People affected by RFR, if indeed there are any, are part of a very small minority. FACT: Increased numbers of people who are hyper-sensitive to electromagnetic fields are being documented worldwide. Drs. Hallberg and Oberfeld released a report documenting this increase, and, based on steadily increasing rates, they project that 50% of the population will be electrohypersensitive by 2017. (Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 25:189-191, 2006: 190 Hallberg and Oberfeld) Given that Canada has no public health surveillance and monitoring system for those reporting electrohypersensitivity, (EHS) there is no reliable method of determining actual numbers of those affected. People suffering from EHS present a confusing set of symptoms to health care providers such as headaches/migraines, vertigo, heart irregularities, joint & muscle pains, sleep disturbances, concentration and memory difficulties, anxiety and depression. They are most often misdiagnosed and prescribed medications to treat these symptoms without any full understanding of cause. Until proper reporting and investigation procedures are put in place, there is no way of knowing the current situation in Canada. However, it is clear that a growing number of individuals in B.C. have reduced or eliminated ill health by avoiding exposure to wireless devices.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) found chemical changes in the brain from cell phone exposure, a smoking gun finding that demonstrates a clear non-thermal effect.
from using a cell phone is up to 10,000 microwatts per cm2 (BC Hydro Smart Meter Business Case). This is 10 times higher than that allowed by our outdated Safety Code 6 which protects against thermal effects only and has no provision to protect against nonthermal biological effects known to occur. Comparing close head exposure, which is far above our own safety regulations, with whole body exposure is like comparing apples to oranges. Daniel Hirsch, senior lecturer and expert on nuclear policy at UCSC, explains that he has analyzed the exposure comparison and he concludes that smart meter exposure is actually 100 times greater than that of a cell phone.
Science is showing ill health effects are possible as a result of a cumulative, dose response relationship to microwave radiofrequency radiation. ( This means that the more people are exposed to all manner of wireless emissions, the greater the likelihood of adverse health effects. For those with EHS, the stakes are highest. Mandatory exposure will represent a significant denial of their human rights as they will be essentially exiled from society, and possibly our province, if the wireless meter plan proceeds. Even for those who have not developed EHS (which can happen to anyone at any time), smart meter emissions would still cause health suppression for our society, as well as a potential loss of productivity and efficiency because of their impacts on energy, behaviour and cognitive health.
SMART METERS: Separating Fact from Fiction
BC Hydro is not allowing anyone to opt out of the wireless smart meter program, even those diagnosed with EHS, or those with health problems, such as impaired immune systems. On Sept. 5th, 2011the International Journal of Neuroscience reported that EMF hypersensitivity can occur as a bona fide environmentally inducible neurological syndrome.
60,000 in a minute. If each signal is 2 milliseconds long, and the total time each day is only for 1 minute, there will be 30,000 signals, or one every 3 seconds. If the total time each day is 3 minutes instead of 1, there will be 90,000 signals a day, or one every second. The important thing to know is that each of these signals is very powerful, sending out spikes of radiation. These spikes cause harm to cells in our bodies, as researched by scientists such as Dr. Henry Lai of the University of Washington and Dr. Martin Blank of Columbia University.
We dont know how many signals will be sent each day, but each one will produce dangerous spikes of radiation.
Other locations to receive smart meters were also told transmissions would be short and infrequent. Independent testing of the radiofrequency radiation smart meter emissions show that the signals are continuous and constant. BC Hydro has not provided testing from an active, fully operational system, which would include two-way communication with a smart meter collector device located some distance from the home, as well as the possibility of other houses communicating through smart meter devices to reach the collector unit. No testing is done of exposure from the collector device, nor combined exposure from all wireless devices in the home, as well as exposure from smart meters located on neighbouring homes.
wired smart meter option to residential customers. FACT: There is a growing list of international areas providing wired smart meters to residential customers. One state in the US, Idaho, is installing only wired meters in response to concerns regarding health, fires and privacy.
BC Hydros chief smart meter project officer was quoted as saying that they considered it, but it was too costly. The manufacturer of the Itron Openway smart meter clearly states in all promotional and patent information that the Itron Smart Meter can be wired, and the utility is free to choose the method of connection.
Smart Meters and wireless devices are green. FACT: Anything green, if truly so, cannot also be of risk to the environment. There is now sufficient scientific literature demonstrating that electromagnetic fields are harmful to the environment. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on May 27, 2011 specifically identified stress reactions and genetic risks to plants, trees, animals and insects, and has this to say:
Dr Warnke highlighted the innate magnetic compass used by certain animals or insects to orient themselves in time and space and which dictates the internal functioning of their organism, before going on to demonstrate how extremely weak artificial fields or waves could adversely affect the sense of direction, navigation and communication of certain animals or insects: migratory birds, pigeons, certain kinds of fish (sharks, whales, rays) or certain insects (ants, butterflies and especially bees). He suggested that malfunctions induced by artificial electromagnetic waves might be one of the major causes besides problems of exposure to chemicals of repeated incidents of whales being washed up on beaches or the death or disappearance of bee colonies (colony collapse disorder) observed in past years. After analysing the scientific studies available to date, and also following the hearings for expert opinions organised in the context of the Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and
will only transmit for several seconds or a few minutes a day. FACT: While the period during
which a smart meter transmits data back to BC Hydro will vary depending on the specific metering system use, transmission is expected to last for only a few minutes per day. (BC Hydros Smart Metering & Infrastructure Business Case). BC Hydro said the meters will transmit information ... for an average of only one minute per day.
Colonist, June 3, 2011)
The truth is we dont know for how many minutes per day information will be transmitted. BC Hydro tells us that the signals are very short (only milliseconds long). It sounds insignificant, but there are 1,000 milliseconds in a second, and
SMART METERS: Separating Fact from Fiction
through telephone lines.
Regional Affairs, there is sufficient evidence of potentially harmful effects of electromagnetic fields on fauna, flora and human health to react and to guard against potentially serious environmental and health hazards. Greenwashing masquerading as green, is dangerous to all aspects of the environment, sabotaging long-term solutions for short term profitability. All wireless devices throw away electrical energy, and have a far larger carbon footprint than most of us can imagine. Did you know that one hour of talking on a cell phone every day for a year has the same carbon footprint as a trans-Atlantic flight from New York to London?
Michael Berners Lee
be installed in BC due to the expense of burying the cable in difficult terrain. FACT: It is an interesting fact that most areas already have full fibre optic cabling. Further, no drilling or digging is necessary where impractical, as fibre optic cable can be installed just as easily above ground whenever buried cable is not feasible. European countries with varying topography, such as France, have employed fibre optics as their main infrastructure, opting for a fully secured, ultra high speed, no health risk system.
Smart Meters will help us conserve Energy. FACT: Smart Meters do nothing to conserve energy. What they are trying to do is change patterns of behaviour. External control of appliances and heating & cooling systems would allow the utility company to conserve energy by turning off your smart-enabled appliances at their choice. This would create conservation and diversion of energy to allow BC Hydro to sell more of our energy to the U.S. at peak hours.
Another way is to change usage pattern by charging more for energy used during the day, thus penalizing people for utilization during peak hours. No place where smart meters have been in use (e.g. Ontario, Australia, California) has energy usage been reduced, yet the associated monthly bills have increased because people need to use power during the day. That is the fact. Retrofits, such as energy-efficient furnaces and windows, would reduce the amount of energy needed and thereby truly conserve.
how someone uses electricity or which appliances are being used they only measure how much energy a home used or generated in total. This is the same electricity consumption data we always have collected, just more frequently up to three or four times per day rather than once every two months.
FACT: BC Hydro has chosen to install the Openway Centron wireless meter manufactured by ITRON Inc. According to the company website: each OpenWay CENTRON meter comes factory-equipped with a ZigBee radio chip to provide a built-in communications pathway into the home for data presentation, load control and demand response.
Even a quick glance at the Zigbee corporate website ( reveals that these radio chips are specifically designed and intended to communicate directly with a wide range of home appliances for the purpose of two-way wireless monitoring and control. Consequently, it would appear that BC Hydro is knowingly installing a device on every home and business in the province that has the capability to invade the security and privacy of the residents and occupants without their consent.
SMART METERS: Separating Fact from Fiction
24 FICTION?Meter sockets have metal
A recent announcement from chipmaker NXP says that 2011 and 2012 will see a rush of devices that can measure and report their own power use. Consumers, utility companies and industrial users will be able to monitor energy consumption in real time in smart appliances, consumer electronics, etc. ( These chips will be put into every new appliance and will be able to communicate with the Zigbee chip in the smart meter to gather specific and personal utilization info. If the smart meters are only gathering consumption data that has always been gathered, why did Hydro select this meter, which comes with the Zigbee chip, with the capability to gather much more private usage data, especially when smart chips are on new appliances? And why multiple readings each day?
backing aka The metal plate behind the Smart Meter will protect you from emissions.
Smart Meters for a Sustainable BC. FACT: There is nothing sustainable about using a technology that peer reviewed scientific evidence demonstrates risk to humans, animals and the environment. BC Hydro wishes to ignore that the World Health Organization has reclassified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as a possible human carcinogen, as well as the growing body of quality science showing damage to wildlife and the environment.
BC Hydro is forcing people against their will to be exposed not only to a meter on their private property, but to the full radiating of their neighbourhood a place where people want, and have a right, to feel safe and secure. Has BC Hydro developed a risk analysis for costs to remove all wireless smart meters and infrastructure, and replace with a fully wired system when British Columbians demand safety and reduction of risk and damage for themselves and the environment? Sustainable is not a word that can be used so easily for wireless technology. look to the European Council Parliamentary Assembly resolution of May 27, 2011 to see that sustainable practices need to be rooted in safety. A precautionary approach reducing risk must be taken before it is too late to reverse damage. A sustainable system needs to protect people and environment, not increase risks. Anything that has potential to damage human health, risk agriculture production, and affect insects, birds and plants, cannot be called sustainable. Creating mutual agreement with all parties involved on strategies to reduce energy use is a sustainable human practice. Forcing actions on people against their will with the potential of penalties for non-conformance is unsustainable in the long term. See the following links:
FACT: The wireless Smart Meter system is based on two way communication with a collector hub, and potentially other smart meters, which can use a daisy chain system to reach the collector hub. The metal backing will provide no protection from the microwave radiation from your neighbours meters or from the collector hub. This radiation could and mostly likely will be coming from all directions, and will not be diminished by the metal backing of the individual smart meter. A third key element of Smart Meter wireless communication functionality, is the Home Area Network (HAN) and is a Wi-Fi communication system controlled and emanating from the wireless smart meter (this gives the wireless smart meter ability to act as a home wi-fi router). This wireless HAN communication system is designed to interact with appliances and heating/cooling systems, which are further enabled with their own microwave radiofrequency radiation communication systems. If the metal backing plate were actually able to limit exposure, this would also limit one of the most important functions of the wireless smart meter program the ability to communicate and control appliances and home systems remotely, either by the utility or the homeowner. Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (microwave radiofrequency radiation) are impossible to contain without complete containment procedures, such as using radiation protection paint on all walls and covering windows with radiation protection fabric. This full containment procedure is used to protect those with electrohypersensitivity in other countries, most notably Sweden. Any small gap would allow wireless signals to penetrate. The metal plates are not large enough to stop or in any way impede the flow of wireless signals.
FACT: Trying to change peoples habits by providing them with computerized information on use will not necessarily change daily human behaviour and needs such as making meals, doing laundry and other household chores, or continuing to use life support or electrical medical equipment at all times of the day. Elderly people who need more consistent heating and cooling to maintain their health should not be expected to face the strain of worrying about penalties for peak time usage or if they should be heating their homes only after midnight. The evidence that homeowners will actually use these tools to
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change power use remains to be seen. When people need to eat, they need to eat, and when there are no clean clothes, the laundry needs to be done. This is an expensive and uncertain way to try to change behaviour, when simple education and opt in reward programs for energy savings could accomplish more without the need for very expensive and risky wireless smart meters and grid infrastructure. BC Hydro states they arent going to charge for time of use, but all of this information infrastructure is designed to educate the ratepayer on time of use and hopefully become aware of ways to change behaviour. The most vulnerable in our society will be the ones most penalized by time of use billing, and the ones least likely to be poring over computerized information on rates and billing.
There is no place where the smart meter program has been implemented where energy usage has been reduced. Ontario Premier McGuinty admitted to the Toronto Sun, Sept. 18, 2010, that the expensive program had resulted in no energy conservation. Why should the program have different results here?
Program Benefits Reduced power theft. FACT: To justify the cost of the program, BC Hydro has depended upon the reduction in power theft for marijuana grow ops. No proof of the amount of loss has been provided, yet various estimates have been given, ranging from $12 million to $125 million.
How can unknown power theft be quantified? And if it can, where is the documented evidence? BC Hydro claims that wireless smart meters will eliminate this theft, but according to the Ontario Energy Boards Smart Meter Initiative Working Group, this is not true. Smart metering can also help reduce tampering at the meter, but when it comes to a straight electrical bypass of electricity, the Smart Meter cannot identify this theft remotely. *Numerous Smart Metering companies are promoting this technology as a means of reducing theft, while upon closer scrutiny the reductions
are very limited. The Smart Meter can determine if there is tampering at the meter or if the meter is reversed (upside down) and it can measure substantial voltage drops (depending on model & Utility Infrastructure), but a service crew still has to attend the area, and further, the voltage drop has to be measured against something, namely a separate meter at the transformer. The extreme costs associated with placing a separate meter at every transformer and associated installation, maintenance, and communication costs are prohibitive for any Utility. The CEO and Founder of dTechs has extensive experience dealing with Organized Crime. He has instructed and lectured on this issue throughout North America and the United Kingdom. In his policing career he has observed over 700 electrical bypasses or tampering incidents. In these 700, he has seen one inverted meter and approximately 30 meter tamperings where the criminal went into the back of the meter and jumped the meter posts. The remaining 96% of electricity theft was obtained with a bypass prior to the meter, and thus would not be detected by a Smart Meter. Whatever crime groups might tamper with the meter (4%) would simply learn to switch to a full bypass. Smart Metering coupled with the dTechs Meter Suite will give Utilities 100% grid surveillance, allowing the dTechs Meter Suite to quickly lead Utilities to bypasses, which would otherwise go undetected. *Theft of power may be detected more easily if it involves meter tampering. However, theft accomplished by tapping conductors before they reach the meter would not be detected by smart metering. The benefit may not be significant if most power is stolen by this latter method. However, aggregated load data by transformer would facilitate comparison with transformer capacity and help an LDC (Local Distribution Company) determine if meter bypass would likely cause overloading leading to failure.
*Ontario Energy Boards Smart Meter Initiative Working Group
Enable long term distribution system planning. FACT: BC Hydro already has information and historical data on consumer use and behaviour patterns, to which they have referred for decades to predict use. Major changes are most commonly tied to weather patterns, creating predictability. BC Hydro already knows how much power we are using and continues to be able to predict requirements for new households. Long term distribution planning is not about making things better for BC ratepayers; rather it is about setting up distribution systems to sell our clean energy to the US as their demand for more power increases in the future. This is yet another major change to our electricity supply that requires proper independent oversight protection from the BC Utilities Commission.
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SMART METERS: Separating Fact from Fiction
30 FICTION? Why is BC Safety Authority
save costsand Create Green Jobs and Economic Opportunities.
FACT: Approximately 300 meter readers will lose their jobs, which is supposed to save costs passed on to the customer. However, the true costs of rolling out the full wireless Smart Grid program, along with support systems, data collection, analysis and handling, plus regular security testing and upgrades, have not been presented to the public. How do we evaluate the costs of employing 300 people against the undetermined costs, unexpected overruns and massive security risks of this system?
Managing a wireless infrastructure which puts risks and stresses on all living things cannot be called a Green Job. What are these Green Jobs and Economic Opportunities? Is the Economic Opportunity selling power to the US? Is the Economic Opportunity money that will be made by companies and their investors from the replacement of household appliances with new radiofrequency enabled models, which can be remotely controlled through the wireless Smart Meter? Who will be making money on reconfiguring heating and cooling systems so that they can also be remotely controlled? Is the Economic Opportunity the massive amount of money being made by the manufacturers of smart meters (ITRON) and their investors? Yet more reasons why BC Hydro customers must demand BC Utilities Commission full oversight and public hearings.
making this statement? Its highly unlikely [that changing the meter would blow the fridge] because the removal and installation involves opening and closing a circuitmuch like using a switch. It doesnt generate voltage on its own.
As stated by Ariela Friedmann of BC Safety Authority
FACT: Highly experienced electronic technicians state it is possible to create high voltages capable of damaging equipment when changing the meter. Changing the meter is not at all like flipping a switch. If the installer makes a momentary connection with slightly shaky hands and draws an arc from the contacts it can induce thousands of volts in the wiring when the arc collapses. Hydro is perfectly aware of this since it is something they must deal with constantly when they switch power on their circuits. It is not only possible but very probable that an arc will occur when switching a 230 volt circuit by hand under load. To avoid this the main breaker should be turned off before changing the meter and then turned back on after it is changed. Breakers are designed to prevent damaging arcs when they are switched on or off. The meter contacts are not designed to act as a switch. This event is most definitely the fault of the installer and the company for which he works.
Fridge blows after smart meter installed
BC Hydro in business case says that microwave oven at 2 inches radiation 5000 uW/cm2. FACT: Microwave radiation is measured as power density in units of microwatts per square centimetre (uW/cm2) which is essentially the rate of energy flow per unit area. One needs special equipment for the detection and measurement of the leakage. Typical levels of radiation leakage from microwave ovens is about 200 uW/cm2 which is far below the limit set by the national safety standard Safety Code 6: Limits of Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields at Frequencies from 10 kHz-300 Ghz (1994, 60 p., Health Canada pub. 91-EHD-160). This level of leakage cannot be sensed by the body.
are not high current devices that results in any magnetic fields. August 18, 2011 written statement by Natyelli De Anda
Bonnabel, BC Hydro Smart Meter Program
FACT: Wireless Smart Meters produce both electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation fields as they are electrical devices with radiofrequency communication capabilities. Magnetic fields are always produced by electrical devices and wireless devices.
SMART METERS: Separating Fact from Fiction
Radio technology has been in place since before World War 2 and all of us have grown up with radio. In fact, our life expectancy has increased over the last decade evidence of no cumulative harm for those growing up listening to radios. August 18, 2011 part of
written statements by Natyelli De AndaBonnabel, BC Hydro Smart Meter Program
Italy has the most successful and longest running Smart Grid which is a good example for British Columbia. Bob Gammer, BC Hydro Community Relations Manager FACT: The Italian Smart Meters are fully wired using Broadband over Power Lines which allows for two-way communications using those same power lines. It is the earliest, and still largest, example of a smart grid installed by Enel S.p.A. of Italy which installed 27 million wired smart meters over a five year period. Completed in 2005, the Telegestore project was highly unusual in the utility world because the company designed and manufactured their own meters, acted as their own system integrator, and developed their own system software. The Telegestore project is widely regarded as the first commercial scale use of smart grid technology to the home, and delivers annual savings of 500 million euro at a project cost of 2.1 billion euro. The Italian Smart Meter system has experienced none of the controversy and costly challenges associated with resistance to wireless smart meters and grids. This is also true for Idaho, which has all wired smart meters using power lines. Regarding savings in costs according to Idahos business plan, a wired smart meter costs approximately $200 each, while BC Hydros wireless smart meters cost approximately $500 each. And by using power lines already in place, there is no extra cost for the creation of a new communication infrastructure.
Instead of learning from simple and customer friendly fully wired systems in Italy and Idaho, BC Hydro plans to roll out their own wireless communications mesh infrastructure to communicate with smart meters and give them the ability to control home appliances and systems independent of the resident. Italians are not forced by external control systems to reduce their power usage; they do so voluntarily as need arises. Fully wired smart meters in Italy, with no abuse of democratic, human or civil rights, cannot be compared to BC Hydros wireless smart meter and grid plans for British Columbia.
FACT: People are living longer, thanks to improved healthcare, hygiene and nutrition among other things. Without radio technology, we might be living even longer.
The radio that you listen to in your home or car is only a reciever, not a transmittor, and so does not emit radio frequency radiation like Smart Meters and other wireless devices. Wireless technology is relatively new, especially in terms of human existence, with radio transmitters being widely dispersed for only the last 60 years or so. In fact, radio transmitters have been shown to be harmful especially to populations living in close proximity. In May, 2011, the Vatican was found guilty of causing increased incidence of leukemia by having FM transmitters in a populated area.
Cellular transmitters have been common in North America for only the last 10-15 years. Evidence shows that it can take years for health effects to become evident. Recently there have been several important studies showing cancer clusters within 500 meters of a cell transmitter. Effects from prolonged exposure to radiation, even at low levels, are cumulative. Once a cell is damaged, it does not repair itself. Should DNA become damaged, this could be passed on to future generations. People smoked for many years before lung cancers occurred, and even longer before doctors realized the cigarettes were the cause. Many scientist have called radiation from wireless devices the next cigarette.