Wastewater Collection Systems Comparison: William T. Hensley, International Territory Manager, Orenco Systems, Inc

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This paper was first presented by Bill Hensley at the 2012 Wastewater Purification and Reuse International Conference,

March 28-30, in Heraklion Crete. The paper may describe design criteria that were in effect at the time the article was written. For current design criteria, call Orenco Systems, Inc., 800-348-9843 (541-459-4449). Minor text and grammatical edits were made to the document prior to publication as NTP-WCS-WTH-1.

Wastewater Collection Systems Comparison

William T. Hensley, International Territory Manager, Orenco Systems, Inc.

Abstract Because of the high cost of conventional gravity sewer systems, alternative collection systems have become increasingly accepted over the past several decades. These alternative systems include gravity effluent sewers, pressure sewers and vacuum sewers. Pressure sewers are separated into two main categories: grinder collection systems and effluent collection systems. Effluent sewers are also referred to as STEP or STEG systems. STEP is an acronym for Septic Tank Effluent Pumping systems, and STEG is an acronym for Septic Tank Effluent Gravity systems. Based upon evaluating costs (initial capital and lifecycle) as well as performance comparisons, it becomes apparent that effluent sewers (both STEP and STEG) offer several key advantages over other types collection systems, especially for small to medium sized communities. The intent of this paper is to provide a concise description of the various collection systems, as well as to define the key differences between effluent sewers, gravity sewers, vacuum sewers, and grinder sewer systems. Conventional Gravity Sewers A conventional gravity sewer system works on the principle that water flows downhill. Because of this basic principle, this type of collection system has been used for thousands of years (e.g. ancient Knossos) and has been widely accepted as the standard by which all other collection systems are compared; thus, all other forms of collection systems have been deemed alternative. With conventional gravity sewers, each home or business is connected directly to the sewer line; therefore providing no onsite treatment, but rather relying on the downstream treatment plant for 100% of treatment. Conventional gravity collection systems are not typically the most effective collection and transference method in a variety of applications. For example, in rural communities (especially those with low population density), rocky terrain, flat or undulating terrain, as well as existing communities, alternate forms of wastewater collection are generally a more viable alternative to conventional gravity sewers because of their lower installation costs. In existing communities, constructing conventional gravity collection systems can create extended disruption due to their relatively slow installation time, as well as the necessity of utilizing heavy equipment, and deep wide trenches. Conventional gravity collection systems must be designed to maintain minimum slopes to ensure that minimum flow velocities [typically 0.6 m/s (2 ft/sec)] are achieved when flowing full. In regions with flat or undulating topography, sections of the gravity sewer line may need to be buried deep in order to maintain minimum slope requirements. This increases not only the installation costs, but also the environmental disruption and the risks to the installers. Lift stations are required at low points where minimum slopes can no longer be maintained, or where existing infrastructure must be avoided. Conventional gravity sewer systems require manholes located every 90-150 meters (300-500 feet), as well as at each change of grade and direction. These manholes allow maintenance personal the
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ability to clear potential buildup in the line, which can occur due to the fact that the typically no pretreatment is utilized prior to discharging into the sewer line. Because conventional gravity sewers are prone to infiltration and inflow (also referred to as I&I), due to leaking joints, leaking service laterals and leaking manholes, treatment plants should be sufficiently sized to accommodate infiltration due to high ground water or storm events. This not only adds to the cost of the collection system but also increases the cost of the treatment plant as well; however, failure to size the treatment facility to accommodate these surge events will result in the discharge of partially or totally untreated wastewater into the environment. Vacuum Sewers In a vacuum sewer system, the wastewater from each home flows into a sump and valve pit. When the liquid level in the sump reaches a specific level, a vacuum pit valve automatically opens allowing the discharge of a predefined volume of both wastewater and air into the mainline. The mainline in a vacuum sewer is laid in a saw tooth pattern where the topography is flat or slightly inclined, and should maintain a minimum slope of 0.2 percent between lifts. The mainline terminates at a central vacuum lift station. The vacuum station maintains a vacuum on the collection system. The wastewater enters the pump station and is collected in a holding tank. Once the wastewater in the holding tank reaches a predetermined level, solids handling discharge pumps transport the wastewater to the treatment plant through a traditional force main. Vacuum sewers can accommodate a maximum head of 4.6-6.1 meters (15-20 feet), and are therefore limited in where they can be used effectively. Since no pretreatment is provided onsite, a minimum velocity must be maintained in the vacuum sewers mainline in order to mitigate the accumulation of solids. The typical velocities in vacuum sewers range between 4.6-5.5 m/s (15-19 ft/s) and because of the small volume in the onsite sump and valve pit, operational issues must be handled immediately, otherwise system backup will occur. This requires that a trained operator be available at a moments notice. Also, since no pretreatment is achieved onsite, the treatment plant must be designed to handle full strength wastewater. One of the benefits of a vacuum sewer is that if they are installed properly, they can eliminate infiltration and exfiltration, thus eliminating the need for the treatment plant to be oversized in order to accommodate storm surge events. Grinder Sewers Grinder sewers utilize small volume sump and pump vaults at each connection; they also utilize grinder pumps that mince the solids entering the sump into small particles, mixing this with the liquid waste. This creates a slurry that is then pumped through a small diameter pressure line to the treatment plant. Grinder pumps for residential applications typically range in size from 0.4 kW-1.5 kW (0.5-2 hp), with flow rates ranging between 34-53 L/min (9-14 gal./min). Like any pump, grinder pumps can clog, and when this happens the pump must be removed for servicing. This may require more than one person, or a lifting device, since grinders pumps can weigh approximately 41-kg (90-lbs). Also, since the onsite grinder sump and pump vault has a very limited volume [typically 113 liters (30-US gal.) for residential applications], during power outages or maintenance events, water usage should be discontinued, otherwise backup into the users home or the discharge of untreated wastewater can occur. As with vacuum sewers, operational issues must be handled immediately. This, therefore, requires that a trained operator be on call and available at a moments notice.

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Grinder collection systems can accommodate hilly terrain or long flat stretches since the force main is under pressure. Grinder pump systems discharge full strength wastewater slurry into the force main. Because of the composition of the pumped material, a scouring velocity ranging between 0.6-1.5 m/s (2-5 ft/s) should be maintained. In phased developments, especially where the number of active connections will increase slowly over time, this can be problematic. For example, consider a subdivision that will ultimately have an ultimate build-out of fifty homes. If only five (or fewer) homes are built during the initial phase, and a 50-mm (2-in.) diameter mainline is installed to accommodate full build-out, then the minimum flow velocities would not be achieved at the completion of phase one. A possible solution to this issue would be to install multiple force mains of varying diameter, and switching between force mains as flow dictates; however, this would drive up the cost and complexity of the collection system. Effluent Sewers Effluent sewers, also referred to as STEP or STEG systems, have been installed in hundreds of communities over the past three and a half decades. STEP units are used for each connection below the force mains hydraulic grade-line, while STEG units are used for each connection above the hydraulic grade-line. There are six main components in the on-lot equipment for a STEG unit: (1) a structurally sound watertight septic tank with access risers and lids, (2) an effluent filter, (3) a splice box, (4) a float assembly, (5) a high-level alarm panel, and (6) a service connection where the service line from the STEG unit connects to the force main. There are eight components in the on-lot equipment for a STEP unit: (1) a structurally sound watertight septic tank with access risers and lids, (2) a pump vault, (3) a splice box, (4) a pump, (5) a pump discharge assembly, (6) a float assembly, (7) a control panel, and (8) a service connection where the service line from the STEP unit connects to the force main. Generally, each home or business has its own septic tank. The septic tank provides primary treatment onsite, prior to the wastewater being discharged into the force main. With effective filtration, solids are retained in the septic tank, therefore allowing the force main to be designed much like a water main. The septic tank also provides emergency storage volume, allowing continued water use during temporary power outages, or maintenance events. Effluent sewers are the only wastewater collection system designed to provide at least 24-hours of emergency storage volume. This emergency storage volume eliminates the need for system operators to respond to alarms immediately, allowing them to respond during normal operating hours. The septic tank is one of the most important and overlooked components in any properly functioning effluent sewer system. Wastewater enters the septic tank and separates into three distinct zones: (1) a scum layer that consists of floatable solids, (2) a clear zone, and (3) a sludge layer, consisting of nonfloatable solids that settle to the bottom of the tank. A structurally sound, watertight septic tank provides an environment for solids digestion, and with appropriate discharge filtration can reduce organic waste strength levels by more than 70%, as well as reduce suspended solids levels by more than 90%, thus making the septic tank one of the most cost effective means of achieving primary treatment. Organic solids that are retained in the septic tank undergo anoxic digestion; eventually these undigested solids will need to be removed. This is accomplished by having the contents of the tank pumped out. Pumping septic tanks based on arbitrary intervals (e.g. once every 2-4 years) should be

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avoided. It can take up to three years for the microbial activity in a septic tank to achieve optimal decomposition; therefore, pumping tanks prematurely degrades septic tank performance, unnecessarily inflates the operational costs of the system, and increases the burden on septage receiving facilities. While pumping frequency estimations may be helpful, the most effective method for determining when a tank requires pumping is by measuring the solids within the septic tank. Once the solids buildup in the tank to the point where either the bottom of the scum layer is within 75 mm (three inches) of the inlet ports on the effluent filter or pump vault (at the tanks typical minimum liquid level) or the top of the sludge layer is within 150 mm (six inches) of these ports, it is time to have the tank pumped. In the 1980s an eight-year audit was performed on 450 watertight septic tanks connected to an effluent sewer in Glide, Oregon, USA. The study correlated with the findings of the US Public Health Service analysis conducted in 1955. The study found that 95 out of 100 homes with a 3,800-liter (1,000 US gal.) septic tank and with three residents only required pumping once every 11-14 years. While a 5,700-liter (1,500 US gal. tank) septic tank serving a home with five residents only required pumping once every 9-12 years (Bounds). Since solids are retained in the on-lot septic tanks of effluent sewers, no minimum velocities are required in the mainline. Also, since effluent sewer mainlines are pressurized, they can be buried shallow (just below frost depth) and follow the natural contour of the terrain. Maintaining minimum slopes in an effluent sewer force main is not required; therefore this allows force mains to be installed relatively quickly and with light equipment, such as with a directional boring machine and trencher. Since infiltration is alleviated with properly designed and installed effluent sewers, and more than 45% of ultimate treatment can be achieved in the on-lot septic tank, effluent sewers allow the treatment plant to be designed much more economically (Bounds). Fractional horsepower [1/3-1/2 hp (0.25-0.37 Kw)] high-head effluent turbine pumps have been used successfully on effluent sewer systems for more than thirty years, and offer a number of advantages compared to large solids handling and/or grinder lift station pumps. These high-head effluent turbine pumps are lightweight [typically less than 14 kg (30 lbs)], built of corrosion resistant material, have a typical life cycle of 20+ years, and are rated for 300 cycles per day, thus making them a perfect choice for effluent sewers. Effluent sewers provide several unique benefits and advantages compared to other collection system types, as shown in the below table.
Sewer Collection System Type
Designed to provide 24-hours of emergency storage volume Alleviates the need for primary treatment at the wastewater plant Alleviates infiltration and exfiltration Alleviates the need for maintaining minimum velocities

Conventional Gravity
No No No No

No No Yes No

No No Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

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Cost Comparisons
Collection System Type
Conventional Gravity Vacuum Grinder Effluent
a b c d e f

Estimated Mainline Costs per 200 connections a

$2,182,000 - $3,273,000 b $1,869,000 - $2,804,000 c d $344,000 - $516,000

Estimated On-Lot System Costs per Connection a

$1,800 - $2,700 b $1,800 - $2,700 d $4,800 - $7,200 e $3,000 - $5,000 f

$340,000 - $510,000 f

In US dollars Based on WERF fact sheet C1:Performance & Cost of Decentralized Unit Processes: Gravity Sewer Systems, Water Environment Research Foundation, April 2010. Includes 100 vacuum pits (one for every two homes) as well as the mainline costs. Based on WERF fact sheet C4:Performance & Cost of Decentralized Unit Processes: Vacuum Sewer Systems, Water Environment Research Foundation, April 2010 Based on WERF fact sheet C2:Performance & Cost of Decentralized Unit Processes: Pressure Sewer Systems, Water Environment Research Foundation, April 2010. Based on WERF fact sheet C3:Performance & Cost of Decentralized Unit Processes: Effluent Sewer Systems, Water Environment Research Foundation, April 2010.

Conclusion Because of their long history, gravity collection systems have been considered the standard by which all other wastewater collection systems are measured; however this should no longer be the case. After decades of use, other forms of collection systems have proven to be superior alternatives especially in rural communities, rocky or hilly terrain, and existing communities where disruption due to sewer installations must be minimized. Of the various types of alternative wastewater collection systems, only effluent sewers offer the benefits of providing on-lot primary treatment, 24-hr emergency storage volume, elimination of the need for minimum velocities to be taken into consideration for pipe sizing, isolate user abuse to the users interceptor tank, and allow treatment facilities to be designed more economical and energy efficient. Effluent sewers are not complex to design, install, or maintain, and are therefore becoming the preferred choice for designers and communities alike. References 1. Bounds, Terry, P.E. 1995 Septic Tank Septage Pumping Intervals, Vice President Orenco Systems, Inc. 814 Airway Avenue, Sutherlin, Oregon, 97479 2. 3. 4. Ball, Harold, P.E. 1998 Septic Tank Effluent Pump Systems President and Vice President, respectively, Orenco Systems, Inc. 814 Airway Avenue, Sutherlin, Oregon, 97479 Crites, Tchobanoglous, 1998 Small and Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State and Provincial Public Health and Environmental Manager, 2004, Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities. Health Education Services Division, Albany, NY, USA. Response to Congress on Use of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems, USEPA, April 1997.


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