Holy Lands RPG: Clerical Miracles

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Clerical Miracles

Absorb Spell
Target: Other Range: 10 ft. per Proficiency Bonus Description: When performed on a sorcerer, the unaware spell caster casts his next spell into the miracle, which absorbs and destroys the power of the spell unless the sorcerer Saves vs. Miracles. This Miracle does not affect magic items or Rune configurations. Faith Cost: 3

Target: Other Range: 5 ft. per PB Description: This Miracle allows the Clergy to exorcise a demon out of a possessed individual or animal. This is a very painful and exhausting process for the possessed person and the demon inside. To eliminate the demon from a being, the Clergy mus show a cross, Crucifix of Holy Item to the demon while performing the Miracle (without this element, the Miracle cannot be successful). Faith Cost: 7

Cure Poisoning
Target: Self or Other Range: Touch Description: This Miracle completely neutralizes the affect of a poison and prevents further Damage or Affect. It also restores any Live lost by the poisoning. Faith Cost: 7

Group Heal
Target: Area Range: 50 feet from the Cleric Description: This Miracle restores 10 Life to one target being per Proficiency Bonus within range. Faith Cost: 5

Disable Magic Item

Target: Object (magic item) Range: 10 ft. per Proficiency Bonus Description: This Miracle disables the power of a magic item for 2 rounds per PB of the Cleric. The item can save vs. Miracle at if it were an enemy, rendering the Miracle useless. Faith Cost: 7

Target: Self or Other Range: Touch Description: This Miracle heals 2d6 Life plus an additional +2 per Proficiency Bonus to one individual Faith Cost: 5

Disable Runes
Target: Object (rune configuration) Range: 5 ft. per Proficiency Bonus Description: This Miracle disables the power of a Rune configuration for a Ten-round (30 seconds) This Miracle does not disable magic items. The Rune configuration can save vs. Miracles as an enemy, rendering the Miracle useless. Faith Cost: 5

Target: Self Range: 5 ft. Description: This Miracle allows the Clergy to return half the Damage of the next blow back to the attacker. The blow must come from a physical melee attack (not missile or thrown) and the attacker must be withing range. After the Miracle occurs, the power lapses. The Damage done uses one AtR for both the Clergy and the attacker. Faith Cost: 7

Dispel Runes
Target: Object (rune configuration) Range: 5 ft. per Proficiency Bonus Description: This Miracle permanently destroys the power of an active rune configuration. It does not dispel disabled runes or magic items. The Runes can save vs. Miracle as if it were an enemy, rendering the Miracle useless. Faith Cost: 9

Target: Other Range: 5 ft. per PB Description: This Miracle causes the Target to be completely incapable of making any verbal or guttural sounds. Sorcerers and Magic-users cannot cast spells or activate the power of magic weapons. Likewise, demons cannot release fire or poison breath attacks. Faith Cost: 3

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Relieve Coma
Target: Other Range: Touch Description: This Miracle restores a coma victim to 1 Life. Note: only the successful use of the Medial Skill can determine if a victim is still alive in a come or actually dead, which requires a resurrection. Faith Cost: 7

Target: Other Range: Touch Description: This Miracle resurrects a victim if the resurrection process begins within 7 hours of the victim's death. The entire process takes a half hour for the victim to come alive, and then he or she returns to life with half of their maximum Life. Note: only the successful use of the Medical skill can determine if a unknown victim has been dead for more than 7 hours. Faith Cost: 25

Reflect Spell
Target: Self or Other Range: 5 ft. per Proficiency Bonus Description: This Miracle causes the blessed Target to reflect the next spell cast on him or her back to the caster, who must now save vs. sorcery to avoid or halve the damage/effect. This Miracle works against Curses and Magic Items as well. Maximum duration for this Miracle is one hour. Faith Cost: 7

See Runes
Target: Object (runes) Range: 100ft Duration: 10 min per PB Description: This Miracle allows the clergy to see rune configurations that would be otherwise invisible to normal eyes, including magically invisible runes. Any rune configuration within range glows up to a one foot radius through all materials. Faith Cost: 3

Remove Curse
Target: Others Only Range: Touch Only Duration: Permanent after 1 hour Description: Once this miracle is performed on a cursed character, it begins the process of removing the curse. The curse weakens during the duration causing pain and discomfort as it withdraws from the victim's body. During this time, the character has penalties of -5 to all skills and combat rolls until the curse is completely removed. Faith Cost: 23

Target: Self or Other Range: Touch Description: Once touched by the Clergy performing this Miracle, a person who is mentally impaired by alcohol, herbal drugs, poisons, or magic mind-altering spells and concoctions, becomes completely sober and level headed. This Miracle can also negate the affects of hangovers, withdrawals, and other negative metal effects of the above chemicals. Faith Cost: 3

Restore Limb
Target: Self or Other Range: Touch Description: This Miracle mends and restores withered and severed limbs freshly lost (within 3 hours) Faith Cost: 21

Spiritual Missile
Target: Other Range: 10 ft. per PB Description: This Miracle allows the clergy to hurl a white bolt of supernatural energy from the clergy's hand. The victim can roll to Dodge or Defend versus Missiles if he or she knows the attack is coming. The victim must roll an 18 or higher (less 1 per 10 ft. away) to avoid being hit. Otherwise, the missile causes 2d6 damage +1 per PB. Faith Cost: 7

Restore Sight
Target: Self or Other Range: Touch Description: This Miracle restores sight to one blinded individual per Proficiency Bonus. Faith Cost: 9

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Target: Other Range: 5 ft. per PB, Touch Description: This Miracle causes the Target being to speak and behave in a truthful manner to any question put to them during the Duration. A successful saving throw means the victim realizes the Miracle is affecting him or her; otherwise, the Target responds in a complete and correct answer (ot the best of their ability) to any inquiries made). The victim can attempt an Intellect roll (d12) each round to realize he or she is giving away truthful information, but must roll at least a 1 or 2 as the target difficulty. Faith Cost: 5

Turn Undead
Target: Other (lesser undead only) Range: 10 ft. per Proficiency Bonus Description: This Miracle causes one lesser undead to turn and flee from the clergy to a minimum safe distance of 100 ft. away from where the cleric was when the Miracle was performed. Undead take 1 point of Damage per Proficiency Bonus per round until reaching the minimum safe distance, at which time the Miracle lapses. If the undead saves vs. Miracles, the undead is only stunned for 1 round and no other affect occurs. Faith Cost: 5

Target: Other Range: Touch Description: Quite simply, this Miracle wakes any sleeping being that is asleep by any natural or supernatural means, including spells, drugs, and curses. It removes all sleep affects completely and the target is totally revive in tenround. Faith Cost: 3

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