Pennsbury Top Scholars 2012
Pennsbury Top Scholars 2012
Pennsbury Top Scholars 2012
PARENTS: George and Wendi Mershon ACTIVITIES: Boy Scouts of America (Eagle Scout and Bronze Palm), Civil Air Patrol (Student Pilot and Cadet Technical Sergeant), Mathletics, Young Engineers Club (President) HONORS: George Washington Book Award, Academic Excellence in English, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, National AP Scholar, Honor Roll, Semifinalist in Moodys Mega Math Team Challenge PLANS: Duke University Pratt School of Engineering MAJOR: Biomedical Engineering/ Material Science
AlexAnder keArns
PARENTS: Alan and Izabella Kearns ACTIVITIES: Boy Scouts of America (Eagle Scout, Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Scoutmaster, Arrow Brotherhood Member), Order of the Young Engineers Club (President), Programming Club (Founding Member), Mathletics, Yardley-Makefield Soccer, Tae Kwan Do, Pennsbury Regional Basketball League, St. Lawrence Rehabilitation Center volunteer HONORS: National Merit Scholar, Harvard Book Award, National AP Scholar, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Silver Test Tube Award, Honor Camper Award PLANS: Johns Hopkins University MAJOR: Engineering
rAMyA GurunAthAn
PARENTS: Vasudevan and Sara Gurunathan ACTIVITIES: Odyssey of the Mind, Classical Indian Dance/Vocal Music, National Honor Society (Treasurer), Mathletics, Forensics, Piano, Clarinet, youth volunteer for HELP Foundation, Spring Track HONORS: AP Scholar with Distinction, Rochester Institute of Technology Computing Medal, Achievement Awards in English and AP Biology, Fellowship for Excellence in Nanoscale Science and Engineering, Chinmaya Mission Essay Competition Winner, Volunteer of the Year from HELP Foundation PLANS: Pennsylvania State University Schreyer Honors College MAJOR: Materials Science and Engineering
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MArisA Millenson
PARENTS: Dr. Michael Millenson and Dr. Amy Freedman ACTIVITIES: PHS Girls Varsity Tennis Team, Pennsbury Orchestra (Vice President and Cellist), Falcon Strings Chamber Ensemble (President), Pennsbury String Quartet, Dance, Tennis (Drills and USTA Competition) HONORS: AP Scholar with Distinction, National Merit Scholarship Winner, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Pennsbury Academic Achievement Awards Mathematics, Physics, English, Orchestra, Social Studies, and Spanish, American Chemical Society PLANS: Brown University MAJOR: Biophysics
iAn siBner
PARENTS: Dr. Jeffrey Sibner and Dr. Jean Ryan Murphy ACTIVITIES: Pennsbury Musical Ensembles and Marching Band, Mathletics, Programming Club (President), Community Band, Youth Orchestra of Bucks County HONORS: National AP Scholar, National Merit Scholarship Finalist, PMEA All-State Band, Pennsbury Senior Soloist PLANS: University of Pennsylvania Jerome Fisher Program of Management and Technology MAJOR: Business/Computer Science
AlexAnder MAyer
PARENTS: James Mayer ACTIVITIES: Mathletics, Young Engineers Club (Vice President), Varsity Tennis, volunteer at Sunrise Senior Living HONORS: National Honor Society, National AP Scholar, Temple University 21st Century Annual Mathematics Olympiad, Wells College 21st Century Leadership Award Winner, Academic Excellence Award in Science, Le Grand Concours Award Winner PLANS: Pennsylvania State University MAJOR: Chemical Engineering
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kAitlyn stocker
PARENTS: Dennis Stocker and Beverly Jones ACTIVITIES: Bucks County Courier Times Reality panelist, internship with the Wharton Club of New York, Yearbook Reporter, Stage Crew HONORS: National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Sewanee University Book Award for Excellence in Writing PLANS: Pennsylvania State University Schreyer Honors College MAJOR: Molecular Biology
AMAndA rAwlins
PARENTS: David and Teresa Rawlins ACTIVITIES: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Youth Group, Seminary Classes, Woods Services Volunteer, Soccer, Lifeguard, Piano HONORS: National Merit Commended Student, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Excellence in Seminary Award, Young Womanhood Recognition PLANS: Brigham Young University MAJOR: Clinical Laboratory Science and Biochemistry
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dAniel Adler
PARENTS: Paula Adler ACTIVITIES: Pennsbury Marching Band (Drum Major), Pennsbury Concert Jazz Band (Student Director), The Pennsbury Voice, Prom Committee, Friendship Circle, Piano instructor, Yardley Pizza employee HONORS: National Honor Society, AP Scholar with Distinction, George Eastman Young Leaders Award, Martin Luther King Jr. Keeping the Peace Award, MENC All-Eastern Orchestra, AP European History Award, Band and Music Theory Awards, Jazz Band (PCJB) Soloist Awards PLANS: Johns Hopkins University MAJOR: Biomedical Engineering
lAuren Fried
PARENTS: Dr. Richard and Dr. Fern Fried ACTIVITIES: Chamber Choir, Theater HONORS: National Honor Society, National Merit Scholarship Finalist, Honor Thespian in International Thespian Society, AP Scholar with Honor, Spanish National Honor Society, Technical Theater Hall of Fame PLANS: Lehigh University MAJOR: Pre-Med
kAtherine dillon
PARENTS: Tom and Marianne Dillon ACTIVITIES: Field Hockey, Spanish/ International Club, Crossings Animal Sanctuary volunteer, Habitat for Humanity, Environmental Club, Prom Committee, Churchville Nature Center volunteer, Richboro Animal Hospital volunteer HONORS: National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Rochester Institute of Technology Creativity and Innovation Award, Congressional Art Award, 3rd Best in Show at PSEA Art Show, Pennsbury School District Logo Design Winner, Pennsbury Art Awards, Artwork in Permanent Collection at PSD PLANS: University of Delaware MAJOR: Biology
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MelissA houGh
PARENTS: Lyle Hough and Ellen Prato (stepmother); Christine Hough (mother) ACTIVITIES: Pennsbury Choir, Pennsbury Falconairs, Prom Committee, French Club, Dance, Bucks County Courier Times Reality panelist, school musicals, volunteer at Trenton Municipal Court, Wawa cashier HONORS: National Honor Society, French National Honor Society, National Merit Finalist, Pennsbury Art Awards Winner, 1st Place in Le Grand Concours, AAUW Award for Math, 2012 PSEA Winner Best in Painting Category PLANS: Boston University MAJOR: Fine Arts and Environmental Science
MichAel howlAnd
PARENTS: David and Erika Howland ACTIVITIES: Varsity Tennis, Young Engineers Club, Mathletics, Future Business Leaders of America, Yardley-Makefield Soccer, Franklin Institute volunteer, Scholars Bowl HONORS: National Honor Society, Technology Award, Penn Book Award, National Merit Recognition, AP Scholar with Distinction, Silver Test Tube Award PLANS: Johns Hopkins University MAJOR: Environmental Engineering
MAtthew rAuen
PARENTS: Paul Rauen and Virginie Devaux ACTIVITIES: Student Council, Forensics, Mathletics, School Board Student Representative, Lehigh Valley American Regions Math League, Ross Mathematics Program, Research Science Institute HONORS: USA Mathematical Olympiad (Multiple Qualifier), Shing-Tung Yau (Bronze Medalist), Mathematics Awards, Pennsylvania State Champion in Extemporaneous Speaking, Emory University Champion in Original Oratory, U.S. Presidential Scholar Semi-Finalist, National Merit Finalist PLANS: Harvard University MAJOR: Applied Mathematics
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nicholAs riZer
PARENTS: Carl and Amy Rizer ACTIVITIES: Cross Country (Captain), Winter Track, Spring Track, Scholars Bowl, Young Engineers Club, St. Ignatius Catholic Church usher, volunteer at St. Mary Medical Center HONORS: National Honor Society, AP Scholar with Distinction, Silver Test Tube Award, Overall Best Company at Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week, Computer Science Award, Cross Country Coachs Award, Most Improved Runner Cross Country PLANS: Pennsylvania State University MAJOR: Chemistry and Pre-Med
sAMAnthA wAtts
PARENTS: Greg and Amy Watts ACTIVITIES: Dance, Marching Band Color Guard, Girl Scouts, Math tutor HONORS: National Honor Society, Academic Excellence in Anatomy & Physiology, Le Grand Concours Winner, Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards, AP Scholar PLANS: Boston University MAJOR: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
corey weistuch
PARENTS: Norman and Janet Weistuch ACTIVITIES: Mathletics, Young Engineers Club, Drums, volunteer at St. Mary Medical Center HONORS: National Honor Society, AP Scholar with Distinction PLANS: Stony Brook University MAJOR: Biology
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rAchel thoMAs
PARENTS: Anil Thomas and Sujitha George-Thomas ACTIVITIES: Pennsbury Speech & Debate (Captain), Pennsbury Theater, piano, volunteer at St. Mary Medical Center HONORS: National Honor Society, AP Scholar with Honor, French National Honor Society, Academic Excellence in English and French, Silver Test Tube Award PLANS: Pennsylvania State University Schreyer Honors College MAJOR: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Justin wAnG
PARENTS: Xiang Bo Wang and Zhao Liang ACTIVITIES: Speech & Debate (Captain), Young Engineers Club (Vice President), Student Council, Mathletics, Tennis, volunteer at the Franklin Institute HONORS: National Honor Society, National AP Scholar, State Champion in Policy Debate, National Forensic League Outstanding Distinction, Bausch and Lomb Honorary Science Award, U.S. Presidential Scholar Semi-Finalist PLANS: University of Pennsylvania The Wharton School of Business MAJOR: Finance
PriyAnkA solAnki
PARENTS: Kanti and Madhu Solanki ACTIVITIES: Forensics, NHS Tech Liaison, Web site builder, Piano, Falcon Strings, PSSA Revision Project, The Pennsbury Voice, tutor in Math and Science HONORS: Good Citizenship Award, National Merit Scholar, AP Scholar with Honors, National Honor Society, Quill and Scroll Honor Society, Exemplary Status on Graduation Project, BCAPT Honors Recital, Spanish National Honor Society, Honor Roll, Various Debate Awards PCFL, VPFD, National Qualifier, LaSalle Forum Invitational Semi-Finalist, Valley Forge National Qualifier Alternate PLANS: Pennsylvania State University Schreyer Honors College MAJOR: Biology
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JonAthAn soFFer
PARENTS: Howard and Holly Soffer ACTIVITIES: The Pennsbury Voice, Basketball HONORS: National Honor Society, AP Scholar, PSAT Commended Student, Business Award 2010, Spanish National Honor Society, Ursinus Scholar PLANS: Ursinus College MAJOR: Undecided
Genevieve donAhey
PARENTS: Christopher and Renee Donahey ACTIVITIES: Pennsbury Forensics Team, Chamber Choir, Concert Choir, French Club (Vice President), Prom Chair, Prom Committee, Care-Mate volunteer at St. Mary Medical Center, Pennsbury musicals, Actors Net of Bucks County, Morrisville Presbyterian Church Youth Group HONORS: National Merit Commended Student, Girl Scout Gold Award, National Honor Society, French National Honor Society, Outstanding Academic Achievement French, Le Grand Concours 2nd Place, Dramatic Performance Awards, Original Oratory Forensics Award PLANS: Claremont McKenna College MAJOR: Pre-Med
eric BrennAn
PARENTS: Stephen and Carolyn Brennan ACTIVITIES: Varsity Soccer, Scholars Bowl, Welcome to the Nest Freshman Orientation Program (Co-Founder), Sports Nite Captain HONORS: National Honor Society, AP Scholar with Distinction, Spanish National Honor Society, Academic Achievement Awards Mathematics and Spanish, National Spanish Exam Level 4 Honorable Mention, Presidential Scholar Nominee, Rosato A. Ferri Memorial Senior Scholar Athlete Award PLANS: Pennsylvania State University Schreyer Honors College MAJOR: Chemical Engineering
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thoMAs kAPPil
PARENTS: Oommen and Maya Kappil ACTIVITIES: Forensics (Team Captain), Library volunteer, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Church Youth Group HONORS: National Honor Society, Yale Book Award, National Merit Semi-Finalist, AP Scholar with Distinction, Spanish National Honor Society, Academic Achievement Awards English, Science, Social Studies and Technology Education PLANS: University of Pittsburgh MAJOR: Biomedical Engineering
AishwAryA PAtel
PARENTS: Chandresh and Shilpa Patel ACTIVITIES: Forensics, hospital and nursing home volunteer, Pennsbury Orchestra, Falcon Strings HONORS: AP Scholar with Honor, National Merit Commended Student, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Exemplary Graduation Project, National Forensics League Degree of Excellence PLANS: Villanova University MAJOR: Biology/Pre-Med
Andrew wAlker
PARENTS: George and MaryHelen Walker ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society (Vice President), Pennsbury Chamber Choir, Bucks County Courier Times Reality Panelist, PHS Thespian Troupe 830 HONORS: National Honor Society, AP Scholar, Foreign Language National Honor Society, Good Citizenship Award from Pennsylvania Senate, Academic Excellence Award in English, National Thespian PLANS: Loyola University Honors Program MAJOR: Global Studies
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JonAthAn MAuro
PARENTS: Greg and Nina Mauro ACTIVITIES: Scholars Bowl, Yardley-Morrisville Baseball HONORS: National Honor Society, Foreign Language National Honor Society, Scholars Bowl Regional Champion, AP Scholar PLANS: Boston College MAJOR: Undecided
BenJAMin schreiBer
PARENTS: Dan and Ann Schreiber ACTIVITIES: Woods Services volunteer, Piano, Varsity Tennis, Humanity-In-Progress Club, The Pennsbury Voice, Motivos Magazine HONORS: Manny Miller Award for Volunteer Excellence, Suburban One All League, Pennsbury Music Theory Award, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society PLANS: Swarthmore College MAJOR: Undecided
JenniFer hAMMelMAn
PARENTS: Paul and Lisa Hammelman ACTIVITIES: Senior Link volunteer, Youth Orchestra of Bucks County, Falcon Strings Honors Orchestra, Yardley United Methodist Youth Choir HONORS: National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Exemplary Graduation Project, PHEAA Certificate of Merit PLANS: Tufts University MAJOR: Biological Sciences
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