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Table of Contents
About This Manual............................................................................................i Prerequisite Knowledge...........................................................................i Manual Organization...............................................................................i Related Publications...............................................................................ii Overview.........................................................................................................iii What is EDIF?.........................................................................................iii What is the DXL1702?............................................................................iii Major Features of the DXL1702 Schematic Translator..........................iv Requirements........................................................................................iv Section 1 - The edif2capture Module...............................................................1 Section Overview..........................................................................1 How Does edif2cap Work?......................................................................1 What Does the Configuration File Do?...................................................3 Structure of the Configuration File.........................................................4 Import Design Dialog Box .....................................................................5 Section 2 - EDIF to Capture Schematic Reader................................................1 'Introduction: edif2cap'..........................................................................1 'Key Concepts: Capture and EDIF'..........................................................1 Libraries and Directories...............................................................1 Cells, Views, Symbols, and Schematics........................................1 Pins and Ports...............................................................................2 Parameters, Properties, and Attributes.........................................2 Section 3 - How to Run the EDIF to Capture Translator...................................1 Section Overview...................................................................................1 Running EDIF to Capture........................................................................1 Getting Help On the Edit Window Arguments........................................2 Selecting Input, Output, and Configuration Files....................................2 Selecting the Output Directories..................................................3 Overwriting Existing Files.............................................................3 Default Configuration Files...........................................................3 Using Design and Translator Specific Configuration Files.............3 Using Special Characters in the Configuration Files.....................4 Selecting the Symbols and Schematics to be Translated......................5 Selecting Specific Files to Translate (Without Hierarchy).............5 Selecting Symbols and Symbol Libraries to be Translated...........5 Translating a Design Tree.............................................................6 Selecting Portions of a Design Hierarchy......................................6 Translating and Using Libraries..............................................................6 Translating a Symbol Library........................................................7 Changing the Grouping and Naming of Cells and Libraries...................7
Table of Contents
Changing the Name of Libraries...................................................7 Changing Cell, View, and Library Grouping..................................8 Changing Cell Names and Pin Names...........................................8 Inhibiting Cells From Translation..................................................9 General Purpose Name Translations......................................................9 Character and Substring Translations........................................10 Translating Prefixes and Suffixes................................................10 General Number Notation...........................................................11 Translating Properties..........................................................................11 Changing the Name of a Property..............................................12 Mapping an EDIF Keyword Attribute...........................................12 Reading Properties from Parameters..........................................13 Inhibiting Property Translation...................................................14 Creating Numeric Properties and Setting a Unit Scale Factor....14 Reading Boolean Properties........................................................15 Translating Property Values........................................................16 Matching an Owner.....................................................................16 Translating the Schematic and Symbol Graphics.................................16 The Default Coordinate Scale Factor..........................................16 Grid Snapping.............................................................................17 Setting a Scale Factor.................................................................17 Setting a Scale Factor By Matching Pin Grids.............................17 Metric Conversion.......................................................................19 Adjusting Text Sizes with a Scale Factor....................................19 Translating Net Information.................................................................19 Translating Busses......................................................................19 Changing Net Names..................................................................20 Net Name Displays.....................................................................21 Translating Rippers.....................................................................21 Special Handling for Instances.............................................................21 Changing Instance Names..........................................................21 Translating Unnamed Instances.................................................22 EDIF Status Information........................................................................22 Section 4 - Special Considerations for EDIF.....................................................1 Special EDIF Properties and UserData....................................................1 EDIF Keyword Attributes.........................................................................4 EDIF Attribute Subnames.......................................................................4 EDIF Unit Names.....................................................................................5 Section 5 - edif2cap Command References.....................................................1 Syntax of the Edit Window ...........................................................1 Configuration Files.................................................................................1 Command/Configuration Options...........................................................1 Section 6 - edif2cap Errors and Messages.......................................................1 Status Messages.....................................................................................1
Table of Contents
Error Messages.......................................................................................1
Prerequisite Knowledge
This manual assumes that you are familiar with the concepts and information listed below: OrCAD Capture MS Windows 95, 98 or NT Operating Systems MS Windows 95, 98 or NT file and directory structures
Manual Organization
The Overview section provides a general description of the DXL1702. Section 1, The edif2cap Module, provides detailed information on how to run the translator and the translator options. Section 2, EDIF to Capture Schematic Reader, presents the basic concepts you must understand in order to use the DXL1702. Section 3, How to Run the EDIF to Capture Translator, provides step-bystep instructions on operating the edif2cap translator. Section 4, Special Considerations for EDIF, present special usage instructions for EDIF. Sections 5 & 6, Command References and Errors and Messages are small reference guides which aid in the use of the translator as well as proficient troubleshooting.
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Related Publications
The following OrCAD manual contains important information on related topics: The OrCAD Capture for Windows Users Guide contains basic information and key concepts for using Capture. In addition, if you need information on the MS Windows Operating System command file manipulation concepts, you may want to refer to the following manual: MS Windows User's Guide
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What is EDIF?
EDIF stands for Electronic Design Interchange Format, a data interchange format designed to account for all types of electronic design information, including schematic design, symbolic and physical layout, connectivity, and textual information, such as properties. EDIF was originally proposed as an industry standard by Mentor Graphics, Motorola, National Semiconductor, Texas Instruments, Daisy Systems, Tektronix, and the University of California at Berkeley, all of which collaboratively embarked on its development. Since that time, EDIF has been accepted by more and more companies. In 1987 it was approved as a standard by EIA (Electronic Industries Association) and by ANSI (American National Standards Institute) in 1988. The proliferation of EDIF as an industry standard for exchanging electronic design data will make it much easier to exchange electronic design data between different systems. To support the EDIF standard, Engineering DataXpress has created the DXL1702 OrCAD Schematic Translator. The DXL1702 allows you to create an OrCAD Capture database from an EDIF file.
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For the DXL1702 program to work properly, please ensure the following: You must have Microsoft Windows 95/98 or NT.
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Execute edif2cap from within the OrCAD Capture environment. Input EDIF File
The input is an EDIF schematic file. EDIF is defined in the EDIF 2 0 0 Reference Manual, available from the Electronics Industries Association or Engineering DataXpress, Inc. The Configuration File
The configuration file is a text file that you create for specifying commands which control the edif2cap operation. Though it is an optional item, the configuration file is usually involved in a translation.
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Create the configuration file as you would any other text file, entering the information you need. Then, when you run edif2cap, specify the name of the configuration file you want to use. The Schematic Database
After reading and processing the EDIF file, edif2cap creates schematics and symbols that can be operated on by OrCAD Capture. A Capture symbol is created for each symbol in the EDIF file; a page of a Capture schematic is created for each page in the EDIF file. The translation process is illustrated in Figure 2-1.
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You can use the configuration file to control what design information is translated to your design file, and how it is translated. Within the configuration file you can: Specify which property values in a design will be translated and how they will be named. Define libraries. Control the translation of libraries and their name. Remove properties during the translation process. Control the storage of path in a library. Map EDIF cell declarations to a Capture part.
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convert view will be grouped into OrCAD Capture parts with a normal and convert view. Views with names other than Normal and Convert will be mapped into Normal and Convert views if the pin names and connect locations are the same, otherwise they will be mapped into separate OrCAD Capture parts. Pins and Ports The Capture pins and I/O connectors called hierarchical ports are the nets, which form hierarchical connections. In EDIF these are called ports. We may use the name port and pin interchangeably. Parameters, Properties, and Attributes Most schematic systems including Capture represent these three terms as synonymous, and these specify a means to associate a general string name=value with a symbol instance, a net, or a schematic or symbol definition. Capture usually calls these properties, and the Capture setup has a means of defining the property names, which can be used. In EDIF, the Capture property is most closely represented as an EDIF property. There are some predefined values in EDIF, such as designator which has a specific meaning and maps into the Capture property Part Reference. These predefined values in EDIF are called keyword attributes, and they have a special syntax defined. EDIF parameters are a part of EDIF Level 1, which is not widely supported (most systems use level 0). Some systems may require their properties to be represented by EDIF parameters, so there is a way to map Capture properties from EDIF parameters.
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Selecting the Output Directories It is also possible to specify a different output file for each EDIF library in the input file using the -libname EDIF_lib Capture_directory\Capturelibname option in the configuration file, as in the example: -libname cmoslib Capturelibs\cmos -libname ttllib Capturelibs\ttl1 The symbols and schematics defined in the EDIF library cmoslib will be placed in the file cmos.olb in the directory Capturelibs, ttllib in the file ttl1.olb in Capturelibs, and all others will be placed in the input directory. Overwriting Existing Files By default, the translator will not write over an existing schematic or symbol file, and the translations for these files will be skipped. To unconditionally replace any existing files, add options -replsch and -replsym to the configuration file to replace existing schematics and symbols, respectively. Default Configuration Files The default configuration file read is determined by the setting of the environment variable EDI2CAPCFG. If this environment variable is not set, then the file edi2cap.cfg in the current working directory is assumed. The default configuration file is read even if other -c options are specified. To specify a particular default configuration file, add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: set EDI2CAPCFG=C:\edi2cap.cfg This example command causes edif2cap to read the configuration file from the root directory on the C: drive rather than the current directory. NT users may use the environment systems menu under settings, control panel. Using Design and Translator Specific Configuration Files For many people, setting a default configuration file in the root directory will suffice. However, a more complex arrangement of the configuration files
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may be useful for specifying options that change from design to design, or that depend on the source system. The -c option may be used nested within a configuration file to include common options in another file. A source system specific configuration file, e.g. fromMentor.cfg, could be created to select options which tailor the translation process when reading Mentor EDIF output. If this file is specified with the -c option, a default configuration file can supply common options used at your company. If the default configuration file is set to fromMentor.cfg, then the line -c c:\edi2cap\edi2cap.cfg could be added within the file, fromMentor.cfg, to include the common options. Some designs may require specific name translations or other special mappings. These specific mappings can be put in a design specific configuration file. One way to do this is to use an edi2cap.cfg file in the current working directory where you are running the translation. This design specific configuration file can then include other configuration files as needed. In this case, because we want to use the current working directory as the default location for the edi2cap.cfg file, the EDI2CAPCFG environment variable should be left undefined. Note that if the edi2cap.cfg file is not in the current working directory, then an explicit -c command is required to specify its location (or use a Windows 95/98 or NT shortcut). When name mapping options are used, it is useful to place all of these design specific name mapping options into a separate configuration file which could be included by the main configuration file. Since the names and format of these options are identical for edif2cap and cap2edif, the same configuration file can be used to translate into and out of Capture. Another use for specific configuration files is building a production release tape. A set of files can contain the options including the input and output files for translations such as releasing a symbol library or packaging a design tree. Using Special Characters in the Configuration Files If a string value for an option is to contain spaces, then the value must be enclosed in quotes. Consider the example configuration file: # Sample Configuration File -replsch -replsym
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-substr \ _B_ -sheetsize 22in 17in # Comments here An option beginning with # indicates the remainder of the line is a comment. The options may be placed across multiple lines. The \ character may be used as a string in a configuration file, as shown in the -substr option above. If a double-quote () character is to be used literally, then it must be escaped with a backslash (\) character.
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Translating a Design Tree The schematics in a hierarchical tree rooted at specified cells can be translated as in the example, -t cpu Here, the cpu schematic will be translated, plus the symbols which are referenced, and the schematics corresponding to those symbols in the hierarchy. Selecting Portions of a Design Hierarchy The -t, -i, and -s options can be used to select out portions of a design hierarchy. The -t file name specifies file that are the top level cells in a design. The hierarchy will start at these files and traverse downward until either no referenced schematic is found or the cell is identified in a -i or -s option. The -i option specifies that the schematic and symbol should be translated, however, no schematics for cells referenced in the schematic will be translated. The -s option specifies that only the symbol definition will be translated. Consider the following example, -t cpu -i cache -s alu Here, the cpu OrCAD library and design files will be created and the cpu schematic in the EDIF file forms the top of a design tree which is to be expanded. For each symbol used in the cpu schematic, the Capture library symbol is created and a check is made to see if the schematic contents exists in the EDIF input. If found and the symbol is not referenced in a -s option, then the .dsn file will be created. If the cell is not referenced in a -i option, then the .dsn file will form a new tree top and the symbols used will be expanded in a similar manner. In this example, the schematic cpu forms the top of the design tree, the schematic for the cache symbol will be written, but the schematics for symbols referenced in cache will not be created. The symbol for alu will be created, but the schematic will not.
and -cellname configuration options to locate the symbol definitions within the OrCAD Capture system. Translating a Symbol Library Symbol libraries may be translated in separate EDIF files, or may be included with other libraries and schematics in one input EDIF file. If the EDIF file contains only the library symbols to be translated, the easiest way to run the translation is: Open newlib.edi where newlib.edi is the EDIF input file. The OrCAD library names will be the same as the library file names in the EDIF file, e.g. newlib. The -libname option described below may be used to change the name of the newlib library from the EDIF file if the Capture system requires a different library name.
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Changing Cell, View, and Library Grouping If the cells are not placed into the desired libraries, or if a few cells need to be moved to different libraries, the -cellname option may be used to define a particular cell mapping. Also, the source system may have multiple views, for example with DeMorgan equivalents, which must be mapped into separate cells. This option has the form, -cellname ediflib/edifcell.edifview Capturepath/Capturecell where ediflib/, .edifview, and Capturepath/ are optional. Consider the following example: -cellname cpulib/cpu cpu -cellname cpulib2/cpu cpu2 -cellname new/7408N /usr/local/Capture/lib/ttlnew.olb/7408 -cellname ttllib/7400.D 7400D -cellname 7400.R 7400 -libname ttllib /usr/local/Capture/lib/ttl.olb The / (slash) character separates the library name from the cell name, and the . (period) character separates the cell name from the view name. In the above example, the cell cpu will be translated from the EDIF library CPULIB, and cell cpu2 will be translated from library CPULIB2, cell CPU. Since a library name was not specified, both cells are created in the default library. The library name may contain a path containing / characters, as illustrated by the 7408 cell. Also, cell 7400D is translated from view D (for DeMorgan equivalent) in cell 7400 of EDIF library TTLLIB. The library or view is optional, so if cell 7400.R is in the EDIF library TTLLIB, then it will map to the ttl.olb library, cell 7400, as illustrated by the last two lines above.
Changing Cell Names and Pin Names The names of cells may require changing either to accommodate restrictions in Capture which are not in the source system, or to map from a source system library to a Capture library. When symbols are mapped into an existing Capture library, the pin names may also require changing. This can be done as illustrated in the following example: -cellname LS00 7400 -cellname LS02 7402 A=1 B=2 C=3 -cellname I\/O_DRIVER IO_DRIVER
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Here, the cell LS00 is mapped to 7400. The cell LS02 is mapped to 7402, and ports A, B and C are mapped to Capture pins 1, 2 and 3. Since the / character is used to separate library names from cell names, the \ escape character is required so that I/O_DRIVER is mapped to IO_DRIVER. Inhibiting Cells From Translation Sometimes it may be necessary to prevent a cell from being translated. For example, the Capture system may need a title block or graphic instance placed inside a schematic. In order to prevent a cell (the symbol and schematic) and the corresponding instances from being translated, the following option can be given, -cellname title1 (none) Any instances of the title1 symbol in the EDIF file will be omitted, along with the definition of title1. The special name (none) is recognized as meaning do not translate the cell. Note that if a regular instance is omitted using this option, the netlist connectivity will be modified.
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Character and Substring Translations Character translations into or out of Capture for identifier names can be handled with a substitution. Suppose that the source system does not allow a name like A&B, and we would like to use the & character where _AND_ is found. That is, to map A_AND_B into A&B. Also, suppose that the system does not allow a - character. We can use Capture names like A__B by mapping a dash into a double underscore. The configuration file entries for these examples would be: -substr _AND_ & -char !@# _X_ -char - __ -char \ (none) This first line translates the substring _AND_ into the character &. The -char option translates any characters in the first argument into the string specified by the second argument. The second line is equivalent to -char ! _X_ -char @ _X_ -char # _X_ In the third line, the double underscore substring is substituted for the input character -. If the mapped string is (none) as in the last line, then the input character or substring will be removed. Translating Prefixes and Suffixes Some systems have different conventions for prefixes or suffixes. For example, Capture uses I and N prefixes for unnamed instances and nets, respectively. The edif2cap translator has the ability to map prefixes or suffixes as shown in the following example: -prefix $ XX -suffix ~ _N -nullnetprefix N$ Here, names starting with a $ have XX substituted. If ~ is found at the end of a name, it will be mapped into _N. edif2cap also has a special prefix which is used to recognize nets that do not have a user assigned name (meaning they are unnamed nets). The -nullnetprefix option specifies the prefix on net names from the EDIF file, which will be translated into unnamed nets within the Capture system. These unnamed nets will have an n name assigned internally by Capture. October 1999 3-10
Another option might be useful for removing the directory path prefixes in a library name such as \path\path...\name. To remove the path parts and only use the name part, use: -trimprefix \ This option trims all characters to the left of a \ character, including the backslash. Note that since this option applies to all identifiers, a backslash should not be used in any other identifiers. General Number Notation When writing numbers in the option files, an integer or floating point number may be used, optionally followed by a scale factor suffix. The suffix consists of a single letter scale optionally followed by a comment string. The scale is the standard power of 3 notation, f p n u m K M G for 1e-15 to 1e9, and c for 1e-2. There is no letter, which means 1, however the following special suffixes are recognized: " in IN mil MIL ft FT aA gG Kg KG lb LB oz OZ deg DEG inch inch 1/1000 inch feet Angstrom Gram (.001 SI units) Kilogram (1.0 SI units) Pounds Ounces Degrees of an angle (scale=pi/180)
These suffixes are also processed when converting an attribute string into a numeric value. If the value strings have a metric suffix, then the -units values should be left in SI units. When converting an attribute string into a number, the degF and degC suffix may be used and a conversion into degrees Kelvin will be made. However, this conversion does not apply to the scale factors in a -units temperature or units=temperature specification.
Translating Properties
By default, the EDIF properties, parameters, and attributes will be translated into a Capture property with the same name and string value.
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Changing the Name of a Property The name of the property created may be changed. For example, -propname W width -propname stype symboltype -propname EDIFname Capturename In this example, the EDIF property W will be translated to the Capture property width. The EDIF stype attribute will be translated to the Capture symboltype. In Capture, properties can be attached to different types of objects, e.g. nets, symbols (cells), and pins (ports). The name translations can be specified for each of these types as follows: -propname net/length wire_size -propname cell/length length -propname port/length pin_length The length attribute is mapped to three different property names depending upon the type of object containing the property. If the type prefix is not specified, then the mapping will apply to all three types. Mapping an EDIF Keyword Attribute Some of the attributes represent information, which may be defined with an EDIF keyword, and has a predefined syntax. A typical configuration file for attribute mapping might be: -attrname acLoad LoadCap # Capacitive load on a pin -attrname criticality Criticality # Priority for Net Routing -attrname dcFanoutLoad Fanin # Fanout load at an input -attrname dcMaxFanout Fanout # Max drive for an output -attrname dcFaninLoad (none) -attrname dcMaxFanin (none) -attrname net/netDelay Delay -attrname port/portDelay Delay -attrname port/portDelay.max.rise RiseTime -attrname port/portDelay.max.fall FallTime -units capacitance pF # LoadCap and DriveCap are in pF -units current uA # Current values are in uA -units time nS # Delay times are in nS
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This configuration file illustrates some of the appropriate EDIF keywords. The EDIF definition of dcFaninLoad and dcMaxFanin are not used, and the (none) mapping specifies that they should be ignored. This example also shows unit definitions, which are required for the scale factors to be set properly. The EDIF values are in SI (Metric) units and need conversion from the typical Capture units. This is explained in detail below. For portDelay, there are separate values for rise and fall time. In the example shown above, it is assumed that either a Delay attribute is present, or both a RiseTime, and FallTime attribute is present. The .max.rise suffix qualifies the value as a maximum and is valid for the low to high transition. The acLoad, netDelay, and portDelay keywords are defined as a minimum, nominal, or maximum value, and one of .min, .nom, or .max may be specified as a suffix. The delay keywords may also be qualified for a rise or fall transition, as illustrated above. In addition, one of the suffixes .calculated, .measured, or .required may be added. If not specified then .required is assumed. The order of the suffixes is not important, so we could have: -attrname netDelay.calculated.nom SilosDelay -attrname netDelay.max.required Delay The instance, cell, and designator keyword displays in a symbol will automatically map to the Capture properties Name, Source Package, and Part Reference. A designator on a port automatically maps to Pin Number. Reading Properties from Parameters Some systems might write Capture properties as EDIF parameters. In Capture, the property value associated with an instance replaces the default value defined with a symbol. Technically, in order to get this effect in EDIF, a parameter is required. However, very few vendor systems support parameters. For those that support and use parameters, the following could be used to map parameter names into Capture property names: -paramname width width -paramname net/net_delay delay -paramname port/pin_delay delay
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Inhibiting Property Translation By default, all the properties found in the EDIF file are translated into Capture, provided a matching name is found. Properties can be prevented from being automatically written in one of two ways. First, if an option is present of the form, -propname TegasModel (none) then the property TegasModel will not be translated. Second, if the option -noallprops is present, then only the properties with an explicit -propname, -paramname, or -attrname will be translated. Creating Numeric Properties and Setting a Unit Scale Factor Normally, properties are written as a string value. EDIF allows properties to be numeric, and allows a unit type to be added. For numeric properties, a scale factor can be added to the translation process to convert between the Capture units and the source units (usually metric in EDIF). The following example illustrates numeric properties: -propname delay delay units=time -propname pin_delay PinDelay units=time:ps -propname fanin fanin units=1 -propname netlen netlen units=distance:1.0um -propname load SilosLoad units=capacitance:.2e-12 -attrname acLoad Cap units=1e-6 -units angle .01745329252 # Radians (for degrees) # we could write -units angle deg -units capacitance pF # Farads -units conductance 1mMho # Siemens (Mho) -units charge 1 # Coulombs -units current 1uA # Amperes -units energy 1 # Joules -units flux 1 # Webers -units frequency MHz # Hertz -units inductance mH # Henrys -units mass g # Kilograms (grams in OrCAD Capture) -units power 1mW # Watts -units resistance KOhm # Ohms -units temperature 1 # Degrees Kelvin
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# Seconds
For each of the -propname lines, the units=value specification indicates that a property written as a number will be translated into a string with a unit conversion applied. For the EDIF keyword attributes, the type is already defined and a the units is only used for a scale factor. The -units option specifies the conversion to the units used in Capture attributes from SI (metric MKS) units defined by EDIF. For example, unless a separate scale factor is found, capacitance is in picofarads, current is in microamps, and clock speed is in MegaHertz. If a -units definition is not supplied, then the SI units are assumed. Normally, the -units distance value is not used since this applies to coordinates as well as properties. A units=name, units=scale, or units=name:scale may be placed on -attrname, -propname, or -paramname option. If a name is supplied, then it must match one of the EDIF units listed below, and the property is written with an EDIF (units section added. If a scale is specified alone, then the attribute value will be converted and a scale factor applied. In the fanin attribute above, the scale factor was 1 so the attribute would be written as a number rather than a string. When name:scale is supplied, the scale factor, which is always in SI units, overrides the units defined in the -units option. For example, suppose we have a Capture attribute Cap=.01. The Capture units for capacitance are picofarads whereas the Cap attribute is defined to be in microfarad units. Reading Boolean Properties A Boolean property value will be converted into the string TRUE or FALSE. These names may be mapped into another string, such as 1 or 0 using the value mapping as shown below. When the string is converted from Boolean, most values will convert properly, including the following: true t T 1 on ON On high H Yes y Y YES non-null false f F 0 off OFF Off low L No n N NO null space Other interpretations may require an attribute value translation.
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Translating Property Values If the values for a property are a specific set of string values, then a string replacement may be specified. For example, -propname openok openok false=B true=A units=boolean -propname level symboltype 2=cell 0=component 1=gate specifies a mapping of A from true and B from false, and specifies the conversion to the symboltype property from a level number. Matching an Owner The EDIF (owner string) can be used to qualify a property mapping as shown in the following example: -propname W Width owner=spice units=distance:1um -propname W W owner=pspice Here, the EDIF property W will be mapped to Width or W, depending on the owner string. Also, a different scale factor for numeric conversion will be applied.
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Grid Snapping Since the grid snapping for wires (nets) in a schematic is created in a different coordinate space than the pins on a symbol, the rounding during grid snapping may cause wire endpoints to lie on a different grid than the symbol pins. If this occurs, an error message will be printed indicating the incomplete wire connections. This problem may be solved by scaling the coordinates to match source system and Capture grids, or by manually editing the result. Setting a Scale Factor If the source system does not use the Capture convention of a .1 inch pin grid, the data can be magnified or shrunk as the schematic is converted into Capture. Suppose that the source system uses a .25 inch pin spacing where Capture uses .1 inch, and that a symbol 1.25 inches wide in EDIF should be . 5 inch wide after translation. A scale factor can be set with -scale .4 Suppose the source system has a grid of .24 inch and the Capture grid is .1 inch and we want symbols defined with a pin spacing of .2 inch. We could use a scale factor, -scale .8333333 to shrink the coordinates appropriately. Suppose the source system used a grid of 1/32 inch. Rather than change the Capture grid of 0.1 inch, we might like to translate the schematics and keep the 1/32 inch grid in order to prevent grid snapping problems. We could use the scale factor -scale 3.2 Setting a Scale Factor By Matching Pin Grids Typically, the wires in a schematic and the pins on symbols are drawn on a grid. When translating, we want to either shrink or expand the schematic so that it is an integer multiple of .1 inch Capture grids in the source system pin grid. If the symbols and text are close to the desired size, we would like to find a scale factor closest to 1 which matches grid multiples.
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Since the arithmetic required to calculate a proper scale factor in order to match the pin spacing grid is somewhat complicated, the special options -edifgrid and -orcadgrid are available so that this calculation can be performed automatically. Suppose the original design data was on a .25 inch pin grid (EDIF grid) and the pin grid needed in the Capture system is .1 inch (OrCAD Capture grid). By specifying -edifgrid .25in -orcadgrid .1in options in the configuration file, the translator will scale the data such that all coordinates after translation will be on a .1 inch grid, in this case by 1.2. A scale factor should be computed which will be the closest to 1, which will make the Capture grids be an even multiple of the source grid. If the Capture grid is .1 inch then a scale factor of 1.2 will make 3 Capture grids equal to the .25 inch source grid. If the scale factor option -scale is used with the -edifgrid and -orcadgrid options, then the scale factor is applied in addition to the scale factor resulting from the grid options. For example, if the option -scale 2 is specified in addition to the above two grid options, then the scale factor applied to the coordinate translation will be 1.2 * 2 or 2.4. Here, the pin grid scale is first matched as described above. The -scale option provides an additional magnification by a factor of 2. In order to aid in reading the schematics, the major grid used in EDIF schematics may be contained in a special (userData section in the EDIF (technology definition, which looks something like: (userData GRIDRESOLUTION (integer 25400 25400)) This definition is added by some EDIF schematic writers. If it exists, then the user does not have to compute what the source grid was. edif2cap will read this value and match the grid if the following option is specified: -edifgrid 0
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Metric Conversion The scale, -edifgrid and -orcadgrid options may be used to convert a schematic drawn in metric units into Imperial Capture units (or vice versa). For example, to convert a schematic with lines drawn with .5 centimeter spacing to .1 inch spacing, use -orcadgrid .1in -edifgrid .5cm This is equivalent to -scale 1.16 Adjusting Text Sizes with a Scale Factor In addition to grid snapping problems, the text sizes may create problems during the translation. Text is scaled based on its width. However, if the aspect ratio of the source text was different in the source system than in Capture, the height of the text may be correct, but the text may be too wide. The text size can be changed using a separate scale factor (applied in addition to the regular scale) as shown in the example, -textscale .8 In this case, edif2cap will use the Capture text size, which corresponds to .8 of the source system text height.
October 1999
Typically, the EDIF rename string contains the original name which contains subscripts which can be parsed to reconstruct the beginning and ending range. To convert busses into Capture, the rename string is parsed and it is assumed to be a list of names in the form name[beg [:end] [, beg [:end] ... ]] [, ...] where beg and end are a beginning and ending subscript range, and [ ] enclose optional parts. The subscript bracket characters may be any of [({< >})] with range separators :-;. A comma or space may be used to separate names or subscript ranges. If the bus name is too complex to be parsed properly, or the parsed width does not match the EDIF bus width, the bus name can be translated as shown in the next section. Changing Net Names An individual net or bus name may be changed with the -netname option, as needed. Please note, Capture does not allow bundled net names. This may be useful for changing the names of global signals or mapping complex bus names. Consider the example, -netname -netname -netname -netname -netname -netname GROUND GND data_4_7[0:3] data[4:7] alib/;ground agnd alib/pwr.1;ground gnd pwr_reg;ground agnd edifName CaptureName
Here, the EDIF net GROUND is mapped to GND, except in cells in library alib and the cell pwr_reg, which map to AGND. For the cell pwr in library alib with view 1, the net GROUND is mapped to GND. The bus data[4:7] which has a non-zero beginning subscript is mapped from the simple name data_4_7[0:3] which is a 4 bit bus with a subscript starting at 0.
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The option is of the form -netname edifName CaptureName, where the edifName may optionally qualify the library, cell, or view by specifying library/cell.view;netname. The library/, cell, or .view can be omitted in which case all libraries, cells, or views will be matched. If the name of the cell has a / or . (period) in it , then these characters must be preceded by a \ in the configuration file as in the following example, -netname a\/b;gnd ground Net Name Displays By definition, a Capture net which is unnamed has no visible name location. All other nets must have a display location, and if one is not present one will automatically be added by the translator. When this occurs, a warning message will be printed so the user knows to edit the schematic and determine if the name locations are reasonable. Translating Rippers The EDIF schematic may contain ripper cells, which are used like bus taps or may be used to split busses or join to subnets with different names. By default, the EDIF ripper cells are mapped into Capture busses, or bus entries.
Here, the first line specifies the name datareq is changed into dr. The EDIF name may be of the form library/cell.view;instname, where library/, cell, or .view are optional in which case all libraries, cells, or views will be matched. The other lines in the example, thus specify name dr2 for cells in library alib except for cell test which is translated to dr. The instance name datareq in cell test2 for all libraries will be translated into dr3.
October 1999
Translating Unnamed Instances In Capture, all the instances which do not have an instance name assigned by the user will have a name automatically generated of the form U?A. The -prefix option may be useful for changing this notation to a name which matches the default names on the source system. For example, if the source system has names of the form I$number, the names will be converted with -prefix I$ I_
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October 1999
Information on Global Nets The EDIF Schematic Technical Subcommittee has defined a property, which is used to identify an implied global connection. The global nets used in a schematic have a connection to a special port added to the EDIF (interface section. These ports have the implicitPortClass property added as shown in the following example for net GND, (property (rename IMPLICITPORTCLASS "IMPLICITPORTCLASS") (string "GND") (owner "Schematic_TSC")) The owner string identifies this property as conforming to the guidelines of the EDIF Schematic TSC. Information on the Capture Symbol Type The Capture symbol type may be read in from the ORCADVIEWTYPE property in a cell, e.g. (property (rename ORCADVIEWTYPE "ORCADVIEWTYPE") (string)) or LIBRARY_PART, PORT_SYMBOL, GLOBAL_SYMBOL, OFF_PAGE_SYMBOL, and TITLEBLOCK_SYMBOL Special Properties for edif2cap OrCAD pin shape:used in EDIF port to specify the shape of a Capture built-in pin. Syntax: (property (rename ORCADPINSHAPE OrCADpinShape string short)) Other values besides short are: line, dot, clock and dotclock. This property is used to force edif2cap to translate an EDIF port implementation as a Capture built-in pin. Otherwise, the EDIF port implementation graphics are translated as symbol graphics, and a Capture zero length pin is placed at the port implementation connect point, unless
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the symbol graphics consist of a single line segment, in which case the line segment will be translated to a Capture short or long pin.
October 1999
October 1999
min nom max calculated measured required load rise fall version date datetime time
The minimum of a miNoMax value The nominal of a miNoMax value The maximum of a miNoMax value Delay values with a calculated derivation Delay values with a measured derivation Delay values with a required derivation Delay per unit load on (portDelay Timing from false/low/off to true/high/on Timing from true/high/on to false/low/off Version string on (dataOrigin or program Date string from a (timeStamp Date and time string from a (timeStamp Time string from a (timeStamp
October 1999
distance energy flux frequency inductance mass power resistance temperature time voltage
meters (this applies to X, Y coordinates as well) joules Webers hertz henrys kilograms watts ohms degrees Kelvin seconds volts
October 1999
Configuration Files
Options, which control the translation, may be placed in one or more configuration files. The default configuration file, edi2cap.cfg, will be processed first, followed by any configuration files specified within the default configuration file. The name and/or location of the default configuration can be specified by setting the environment variable EDI2CAPCFG. Another configuration file may be read by specifying the location and name in the Configuration file line of the Import Design popup window. An option given last may override the value specified by a prior option. In a configuration file, spaces, tabs, and new lines are all treated like spaces to separate option names and arguments. If an argument contains spaces or starts with a dash (-), then it must be enclosed in quotes ("). Quotes or control characters can be escaped by preceding them with a \. If an option begins with #, then it and the remainder of the line will be treated as a comment and ignored. For command options which are distance values, unless otherwise specified the units are in Capture grid units. Alternatively, a suffix may be appended to the value to indicate the units, which can be one of in, mil, cm, or mm.
Command/Configuration Options
-addallschpins This option is the same as -addschpins, except that it adds hierarchical ports to all dangling wire ends of hierarchical nets. -addschpins only adds one port per net. -addschpins
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This option adds hierarchical ports to all schematic nets with the same name as a port on the schematic interface. This insures that Capture recognizes the connectivity between a schematic net and the pin or hierarchical port with the same name on the instance the schematic is attached to. -adjustdescent number This option indicates that the origins for text with a lower justification should be shifted up (or down if number is negative) by number times the font height (after scaling) when reading from EDIF. The default text origins will be written at the baseline for lower justified text. If the target system reading EDIF assumes lower justified text is at the bottom of the text bounding box, and both systems use a font which has a descent which is 20% of the textHeight, then the -adjustdescent .2 in the EDIF writer will lower the text as it appears in the target system so the baseline of the text is at the original location. In an EDIF reader, an -adjustdescent .2 will raise the apparent location of text. Thus the same -adjustdescent option can be used for an EDIF reader and writer interfacing to a particular external system. -allprops Specifies that all properties will be translated to Capture provided the attribute names are defined within Capture. This option cancels a -noallprops option given in the edi2cap.cfg file. -attrname edifname Capturename [owner=name] [edifval=Captureval ...] [units=val] Similar to the -propname option but specifies a mapping for EDIF keyword attributes which are listed above. -c filename [filename ...] Include the options given in the configuration file(s) filename [filename ...]. -capturepinnamedisplay Use Captures built-in pin name display. By default, a Capture property display is placed at the location of the EDIF pin name display. -capturepinnamedisplay specifies that the standard Capture pin name display location and the standard Capture pin name font should be used.
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-cellname edifname Capturename [portname=pinname...] Specifies that a mapping of cell names found in the EDIF input file be placed in a Capture symbol or schematic name. The edifname argument is of the form [library/]cell[.view]. If library and/or view is specified, then the name mapping only applies to the specified library and view. The Capturename argument is of the form [path/]cell where path/ is an optional file path name. If Capturename is (none), then the specified cell will be ignored. If a -cellname option is not specified for a cell, then the edifname and Capturename will be assumed to be the same. The names of ports on the cell may be renamed with the portname=pinname option, where portname is the EDIF port name and pinname is the Capture pin name to be written. -char inchars outstr Specifies that if any of the inchar characters appears in an EDIF name, it should be mapped into the string outstr when converting to Capture. If inchars or outstr contain special characters, they should be enclosed in quotes and a \ used if needed. If outstr is (none), any inchars characters will be deleted. If not specified, the special characters will be translated into _ascii_ where ascii is the decimal ASCII value of the character. At the start of an identifier, the character will map into ascii_. At the end of an identifier, the character will map into _ascii. If two special characters are next to each other, they map into _ascii1_ascii2_. This option is needed to overcome the translation problems due to limitations of names within Capture. -defaultsize width height Specifies a default minimum sheet size in case the EDIF input does not specify the page size. The bounding box will be computed and the default size will be expanded if necessary. Default units are Capture grids. -designatorinvisible Makes Capture Part References invisible. This is useful when translating from systems that do not display instance designators; it prevents the edif2cap translator from generating extra displays. -edifgrid number This option may be given to compute a scale factor which will most closely match the number value as an integer multiple of the Capture grid. For example, if the source library was created with all pins on a grid of .25 inch, and the Capture grid is .1 inch, then -edifgrid .25in will compute -scale 1.2 which will cause the .25 inch spacing to become .3 inch in Capture which lies October 1999 5-3
on the .1 inch grid. The -edifgrid option may be used in addition to the -scale option. If a unit suffix is not supplied on number, then meters will be assumed (not Capture grids). If -edifgrid 0 is specified and the EDIF source file contains a (userdata gridResolution definition, the 0 value will be replaced by the pin grid defined in the EDIF source file. -expandsheet size Specifies a distance for an extra margin around the sheet size defined in the EDIF source. This option may be specified to add extra space for a page frame if needed. Default units are Capture grids. -figurename edifname Capturename Specifies a name mapping for an EDIF (figureGroup. This allows you to map an EDIF (figureGroup name to a standard Capture name, for example -figurename TEXT PROPERTY specifies that the values of the TEXT figureGroup will be used for the Capture PROPERTY values in the Design Template settings. -forceconvertview Forces the creation of Convert views if the number of views in a cell is greater than 2. -help Will print a summary of the basic commands and configuration file options. -helpall Will print a summary of all commands and configuration file options. -i name name ... Specifies one or more input cells to be translated, where name is of the form library/cell.view, with library/, cell and .view optional. If the library, cell, or view name is omitted, then all libraries, cells, or views will be assumed. Also specifies that the schematics are to be translated without hierarchy expansion. The specified schematics or a symbol with the corresponding schematic will be translated, but no additional levels of the hierarchy will be included. Use this option when the hierarchy should not be traversed.
October 1999
-ignoreripper name ... This indicates a list of ripper cell names where the connectivity should be ignored. A ripper cell is normally used to connect a net to a member of a bus, or sometimes as a way to connect two named nets that should be electrically shorted. In some systems (e.g. Mentor) nets with different names can be connected via rippers, but in other systems (e.g SCS) anything electrically connected must have the same net name. Unless ripper connectivity is ignored or the -nojoinrename option is used, the EDIF input translator for systems like SCS will rename electrically connected nets so they have the same name. The -ignoreripper is a way to ignore the connectivity of certain ripper cells, and retain the original net names. -instname edifname Capturename Specifies a mapping of instance name between the EDIF input and Capture output. The edifname may be of the form library/cell.view;instance where library/, cell and .view, so the instance name mapping may be optionally qualified to a specified set of cells. Capturename is of the form instance name. -joinrename Specifies that nets in the EDIF file, connected via rippers, will be renamed to a single name. Also hierarchical ports and offpage connectors will be renamed to the connected net name. -keepdefault For EDIF level 1 parameter expansion, if alternate views have been created and the original view with default values is never referenced, then it will not be translated unless the -keepdefault option is specified. -libname ediflib path/Capturelib Specifies a mapping between an EDIF library and a Capture library name. The argument path specifies the output file path name for schematics and symbols in the EDIF library ediflib.
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-libsonly Specifies that only Capture library files are created, not Capture schematic design files. -maxerr number Specifies a limit on the number of errors permitted without terminating. If not specified, no limit will be imposed. -netname edifname Capturename Specifies a mapping of net names between the EDIF input and Capture. The edifname argument is of the form library/cell.view;net so the net may be optionally qualified to a specified set of cells. This option may be useful for mapping global net names or renaming data busses connected via rippers. Capturename is of the form net name. -noallprops Specifies that only the names defined with a -propname, -paramname, or -attrname option(s) will be processed. If not specified, all properties, parameters, and keyword attributes defined in the EDIF source will be added to the Capture output. -noconvertview Previously, when an EDIF cell had two or more views, edif2cap would translate the first view seen as the Capture Normal view and the second view as the Capture Convert view. This switch makes the second view a Capture part with the name cellname_viewname where cellname is the EDIF cell name and viewname is the EDIF view name. It will be a Capture Normal view. Without using this switch, cells with exactly two views will be translated as one Capture part with a Normal and a Convert view. -noedicheck This option bypasses the EDIF syntax checking, which may be useful for debugging purposes. -noexpand If EDIF level 1 parameters are found, alternate symbols and schematics will be created for each combination of parameters referenced. The expansion
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may be inhibited with this -noexpand option, in which case only the default parameter values will be translated, not the alternates. -nonetsym name name ... This option translates the named EDIF symbols with one port as Library Parts. By default, all EDIF symbols with one port are translated as Capture net symbols. -nonetsymbols This option translates all EDIF symbols with one port as Library Parts. -nosemck This option disables EDI semantic checking on the EDIF file. -nosynck This option disables EDI syntax checking on the EDIF file. -notitleblock name name ... Specifies that the named EDIF symbols with no ports will be translated as Capture Library Parts. If this switch is not used, then the EDIF symbols with no ports and no designators are translated as Capture TitleBlock symbols. -nullnetprefix string Specifies a prefix string, which identifies nets that were unnamed in the source system. These nets will be left unnamed in Capture. -o name Specifies the name of the design output file. Use this option if you encounter the following message during translation; No library name in the input file matches the output filename. Schematics in EDIF library libname will be placed in design path\name.dsn. You may use "-o libname to override this change.
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-orcadgrid number Specifies OrCAD Capture pin-to-pin distance. Number will be in meters unless a unit is specified. -paramname edifname Capturename [owner=name] [edifval=Captureval ...] [units=val] Similar to the -propname option, but specifies a mapping for EDIF parameters. -prefix inprefix outprefix Specifies that if the characters inprefix are found at the start of an identifier, they will be mapped into outprefix. -pinnamesrotate This switch turns on the Capture Pin Names Rotate property. Used in conjunction with -capturepinnamedisplays, this will cause pin names and numbers of vertical pins to be vertical and pin names and numbers of horizontal pins to be horizontal. -propname edifname Capturename [owner=name] [edifval=Captureval ...] [units=val] Specifies the mapping of properties found in the EDIF input file be put into a Capture property name. The edifname argument is of the form [type/]name[.subname], where type is the optional construct to which the property applies, one of cell, port, or net, name is a property name and .subname may optionally qualify the values listed in the section Special Considerations for EDIF which represent a structure. The Capturename argument is the name a property will have within the Capture system. If Capturename is (none), then the specified property will be ignored. If a -propname option is not specified for a property, then the edifname and Capturename will be assumed to be the same. The optional owner argument may be used to restrict the mapping to a property with the specified owner string. The units argument specifies the conversion between Capture units and SI (metric) units and is used to derive a scale factor for converting numbers. The val may be a unit name, a scale factor, or unitname:scale. If a unit name alone is given, the scale factor is derived from the -units option. Otherwise, the specified scale factor will be assumed. The edifval=Captureval argument allows a translation for Boolean or enumerated types, e.g. true=1 false=0. October 1999 5-8
-replsch Specifies that schematics which already exist are to be replaced. -replsym Specifies that symbols which already exist are to be replaced. -s name name ... Similar to the -i option, except only the symbols in the cells specified will be translated. -savedb Saves the EDIF input into name.qdb file. -scale number Specifies a scale factor applied to X,Y coordinates. The input coordinates are multiplied by the scale factor number. This option is used to magnify or shrink the drawings, and may be specified in addition to the -units distance and -edifgrid options. For example, a -scale .5 option will cause the plotted output from Capture to be half the size of the plotted output from the source system. By default, the coordinates are converted to preserve the actual size in inches or centimeters, i.e. -scale 1. -separator string Specifies the string used to separate concatenated names. When an EDIF file contains more than two views of the same cell, Capture cannot store the extra views under the original cell name. So, a new name is formed by taking the original cell name, followed by the separator, followed by the EDIF view name. -sheetorigin x y Specifies an offset to the (0,0) origin on a schematic sheet. -sheetsize width height Specifies a sheet size for schematic pages which overrides the value specified in the EDIF file. Default units are Capture grids.
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-substr instr outstr Specifies that if the characters instr are found anywhere in an identifier, they will be mapped into outstr. -suffix insuffix outsuffix Specifies that if the characters insuffix are found at the end of an identifier, they will be mapped into outsuffix. -symbolcommentannotatetoannotate Specifies that an annotate inside of a comment graphics in a symbol will be treated as an annotate on the symbol. -t name name ... Similar to the -i option, except the cells specified are the top of a hierarchy tree which is to be translated. -textscale number Indicates that the system text height is number times the EDIF text height. If number is less than 1.0, the text will be made smaller when reading from EDIF. Consider this example. Suppose the text height is set to .10" in EDIF. If the target system interprets text height as the line-line spacing (i.e. the point size of the font), then -textscale .6 converts the text height to .06" in Capture. -tolower Converts all identifiers to lower case. -toupper Converts all identifiers to upper case. -trimprefix trimchars If any of the characters in trimchars are found in an identifier, the character and the preceding characters will be deleted. For example, -trimprefix "/\" will change EDIF names of the form /path/path/.../name so the path part is removed.
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-trimsuffix trimchars If any of the characters in trimchars are found in an identifier, the character and all following characters will be deleted. For example, -trimsuffix "([<{" will change EDIF names which include a subscript expression so the subscript will be trimmed. -units unitname value Specifies the value of metric SI units per Capture unit when converting properties and coordinates. A separate conversion applies to each EDIF unit, unitname, one of the names in the Special Considerations for EDIF section described earlier. The conversion defined by this option provides a default per unitname which can be overridden by the units=value argument on the -attrname command option. If no -units is specified then the input numbers will not be scaled. See Creating Numeric Properties and Setting a Unit Scale Factor in a previous section. -upperedifids Specifies that the EDIF identifiers will be converted to upper case.
October 1999
Error Messages
ERROR: Cannot locate cell name ERROR: Cannot locate library name
October 1999
The translator was unable to find the library or cell referenced by the EDIF design form. Consequently, the Capture root schematic could not be set. ERROR: Cannot replace name, already in use. The named design or library is already open for editing by the current session of Capture. You must re-start Capture to translate this design or library. ERROR: Failed to save Design ERROR: Failed to save file The design or library file listed in the previous information message "saving library libname" or "saving design designName" could not be saved. See the following error status message for further information. ERROR: Invalid Library file path libName. Create the directory or use libname to map the file path to a valid directory An attempt was made to map a library name to a path that is invalid. ERROR: Unable to access EDIF data in name The translator was not able to read the input file name. This could be because the file name is wrong, or the file is not an EDIF or .qdb file. ERROR: Could not access any cells in the EDIF ERROR: No views were found ERROR: No cells were found The translator could not find any views in cells which match the users -i, -t, or -s options. Most likely the input names were not spelled properly, or the EDIF file is wrong.
October 1999
ERROR: System Error - Unable to find portDef for name The translator could not find the port referenced by an EDIF portImplementation. Therefore, the portImplementation was not translated. ERROR: Unable to create a schematic pin for net name For some reason, a module port could not be created for the named net. See the previous error message(s) for explanation. ERROR: Unable to find library name The translator could not find the named library, and therefore could not create any module ports. ERROR: ERROR: ERROR: ERROR: Unable Unable Unable Unable to to to to find find find find symbol symbol symbol symbol PORTBOTH-R PORTNO-R PORTRIGHT-L PORTRIGHT-R
The translator could not find the named symbol, and therefore could not create the module port. ERROR: Unable to find OffPageSymbol OFFPAGELEFT-R The translator could not find the named symbol, and therefore could not create the offpage connector. WARNING: Added name display to net name at x,y This message is issued when a name display is added to the net name that does not have a display location. WARNING: object_type name already exists and replsym not specified, not replacing If the parameter -replsym is not used, objects with the same name and type as existing objects will not be translated. If you wish to translate the named object, you must either delete the existing one, or specify -replsym in your configuration file.
October 1999
WARNING: Ignoring commentgraphics encountered in a symbol This message is issued the first time commentgraphics are encountered in a symbol in the EDIF file. EDIF commentgraphics in symbols are ignored except for annotation text in graphic views. WARNING: Invalid Boolean value value in property name A value other than TRUE or FALSE was found where a Boolean value was required. The value was ignored. WARNING: No connect location for net symbol name, using 0,0 This message is issued when edif2cap is unable to determine the connect location for a Capture net symbol object. A Capture net symbol object is defined to have exactly one port, and the translator either found no ports or more than one. Check the EDIF file. WARNING: No symbols or schematics were translated Something went wrong in accessing the EDIF data to be translated and nothing could be translated. Since the translator does not automatically overwrite existing files, this message usually occurs when the -replsch and -replsym options are not given. WARNING: Schematic name already exists and -replsch not specified, not replacing If the parameter -replsch is not used, schematics with the same name as existing objects will not be translated. If you wish to translate the named schematic, you must either delete the existing one, or specify -replsch in your configuration file. WARNING: Unable to add alias name to net name A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to add an alias to a net. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information.
October 1999
WARNING: Unable to add property name, value value to net name A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to add a property to a net. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to add property name, value value to net with no wires Net properties in Capture must be attached to wires. The named property could not be added because the EDIF net has no wires. WARNING: Unable to create bus net name A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to add a bus to a net. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to create cell name A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to create a new cell. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to create design name A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to create a new design. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to create display prop name A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to create a new display prop. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information.
October 1999
WARNING: Unable to create libpart name A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to create a new library part. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to create net symbol name A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to create a new net symbol. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to create package name A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to create a new package. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to create page name A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to create a new page. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to create pin number A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to create a new pin number. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to create placed instance name A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to create a new placed instance. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information.
October 1999
WARNING: Unable to create schematic name A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to create a new schematic. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to create symbol pin A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to create a new symbol pin. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to create Titleblock name in library name A problem was encountered when edif2cap attempted to create a new titleblock. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to get EDIForiginalOrigin for libpart name, using 0,0 WARNING: Unable to get EDIForiginalOrigin for symbol name, using 0,0 WARNING: Unable to get EDIForiginalOrigin for titleblock name, using 0,0 The specified object did not have an EDIForiginalOrigin property. It may be placed incorrectly on the schematic page. WARNING: Unable to get EDIFviewName for libpart name, using "Normal" The specified object did not have an EDIFviewName property. The viewName Normal was used. WARNING: Unable to get graphic object name in library name The named graphic object was not found in the specified library. Therefore, the translator could not create a net symbol or titleblock instance.
October 1999
WARNING: Unable to get port instance at location x,y No Capture port instance was found at the specified location when translating a placed instance. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to get libpart name or titleblock symbol name in library name The library part or titleblock symbol corresponding to an EDIF instance was not found in the specified library. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to get library name The named library was not found. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to get package name The named package was not found. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Unable to open cell name The Capture cell corresponding to the library part being translated was not found. Check the next line of the log file for a Capture error message for more information. WARNING: Wrong pin count in designator list Parts with multiple packages are represented in EDIF files by storing a list of pin numbers in the pin designator. The translator found a discrepancy between the number of items listed in a pin designator and the package count previously calculated for the part. Usually, this means that the designator was interpreted as a list incorrectly, because of extra spaces. If the part packaging is incorrect, you should try using a different separator character for your designator lists. See the -separator parameter for details.
October 1999
WARNING: Attempt to attach schematic to NetSymbol symbolName Capture NetSymbols do not have schematics attached to them. The hierarchy can not be translated. WARNING: Attempt to attach schematic to NetSymbol symbolName Capture NetSymbols do not have schematics attached to them. The hierarchy can not be translated. WARNING: EDIF grid larger than 65 inches, resetting to 100 mils WARNING: EDIF grid smaller than 1 mil, resetting to 100 mils The given EDIF grid value was outside of the valid range in the Capture system. The EDIF grid was reset to one tenth of an inch.
WARNING: The input file appears to be an EDIF netlist file WARNING: EDIF netlists are not translated by this program The EDIF file did not contain any views of viewType SCHEMATIC, but did contain views of viewType NETLIST. Nothing was translated WARNING: Ignoring commentGraphics encountered in a commentGraphic instance This message is issued the first time a commentGraphics is encountered in a commentGraphics instance. All commentGraphics in commentGraphics instances are ignored. WARNING: Invalid bus name busName changed to changedName A bus name did not match Capture's specifications for a valid bus name, and was changed to the indicated name. See the Capture manual for information on valid Capture bus names.
October 1999
WARNING: No library name in the input file matches the output filename. Schematics in EDIF library name will be placed in design designName. You may use "-o name" to override this change The EDIF library <name> was changed to designName to match the name of the Capture output file. This preserves the association of symbols and schematics defined in the design library. WARNING: No schematics were translated, so no Design file was created,only library files Only symbols were translated, and they were put in Capture library files. No design will automatically pop up after the end of the translation because there was no reason to create a design. WARNING: Scaled instances not supported Capture does not support scaled instances. The instances will be placed with a scale of 1.0.
October 1999