Disaster Recovery Handbook
Disaster Recovery Handbook
Disaster Recovery Handbook
Introduction 1
Role of State OES ............................................................................................1
DAD Overview................................................................................................1
Regional Map ..................................................................................................2
Before Disaster Strikes.............................................................................................3
Foreword Traditionally, disaster recovery activities have preceded mitigation activities, both
considered two distinct phases of the disaster cycle (the other two being
preparedness and response). With the passage of the federal Disaster Mitigation Act
of 2000, funding has become available for mitigation planning and projects prior to a
disaster, thereby providing local government a means to lessen the impacts of future
disasters. The State Office of Emergency Services (State OES) strives to minimize
the impacts of future disasters as much as possible and to ensure a smooth recovery
should a disaster occur.
Purpose This handbook provides local governments information regarding many state and
federal recovery programs, as well as the federal mitigation opportunities and
requirements. Included with this handbook are two recovery and mitigation planning
checklists, local/state/federal emergency proclamation/declaration requirements,
tables describing program requirements, and how to access the disaster recovery and
mitigation programs available.
Role of State State OES is responsible for the coordination and administration of statewide
OES emergency preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation activities for all hazards
including terrorist incidents. OES has developed and implemented the Standardized
Emergency Management System (SEMS) as a uniform system for managing
response activities throughout the state. Utilizing SEMS, local governments initially
request assistance through their Operational Area (OA) to the State OES Regional
Emergency Operations Centers (see map on following page). Disaster recovery and
mitigation activities are coordinated through the Disaster Assistance Division (DAD)
of State OES.
DAD Overview DAD maximizes disaster recovery and mitigation assistance to provide a safer future
for all California communities by:
ü coordinating and administering state and federal disaster assistance programs
for local and state government;
ü implementing a comprehensive grant management system;
ü coordinating recovery assistance for individuals, small businesses and the
agricultural community;
ü coordinating hazard mitigation activities throughout the state;
ü promoting disaster recovery and mitigation planning;
ü providing disaster recovery and mitigation educational activities; and
ü providing technical assistance.
Regional Map At the onset of an event, local government should initially coordinate with the State
OES State OES Regional Emergency Operations Centers (REOCs) through their
Operational Area (OA). The map below illustrates California’s geographical
boundaries of the six State Mutual Aid Regions and three OES Administrative
Introduction In the California State Emergency Plan, “Disaster Recovery” is both short-term
activities intended to return vital life-support systems to operation, and long-term
activities designed to return infrastructure systems to predisaster conditions.
Returning vital life support and infrastructure systems is more manageable, however
when local government addresses recovery issues in its planning activities. In
addition to this handbook, DAD staff is available to assist local governments with
the recovery planning components that will simplify disaster recovery efforts of an
impacted community.
DAD To assist with Recovery Planning and information, DAD provides ongoing
Informational educational programs and other informational forums for local and state government,
Assistance special districts, and private non-profit organizations (PNPs) including:
ü Disaster Resistant California (annual spring conference):
• Promotes public/private partnerships
• Provides a forum for the exchange of risk assessment and risk reduction
ü Mitigation Education and Marketing (audio/visual display):
• Promotes prevention and hazard mitigation
• Assists with hazard recognition
• Emphasizes effective mitigation planning;
ü Public Assistance Subgrantee Training Program:
• Provides detailed information on state and federal recovery programs
• Provides updates to laws, regulations, policies, practices, etc.;
ü SEMS Recovery Committee:
• Provides updates on the state recovery strategies
• Provides information on emergency management of potential terrorist
• Promotes the resolutions to disaster recovery issues
• Develops and distributes informational tools to promote disaster recovery
Documentation Information acquired and created during response activities forms the basis for
recovery documentation. As such, local government should incorporate disaster
documentation into the current financial tracking system. To obtain maximum
reimbursement for disaster-related expenditures, it is critical that local government:
ü implement their disaster documentation system during a disaster;
ü ensure disaster-related expenditures are easily distinguished from on-going
activities; and
ü maintain accurate accounting records including:
q force account la bor (timesheets) and equipment;
q invoices for rented equipment, materials and purchases;
q photographs of damage and repair;
q insurance information;
q environmental and historical preservation issues; and
q records of donated goods and services.
ü keep these records for three years after the last action on the disaster application
(OES will notify you when the three year-time frame begins)
Introduction Hazard Mitigation (HM) is any cost-effective activity that seeks to eliminate or
reduce human suffering and property damage from natural and manmade hazards. In
order to lessen future disaster recovery costs, the Hazard Mitigation Program assists
state and local agencies, private-nonprofit organizations, and Indian tribes in
planning for and implementing hazard mitigation projects.
Hazard Hazard Mitigation Planning includes analyses of ways to eliminate or reduce the
Mitigation impact of future disasters. The federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires the
Planning state to develop and maintain a State Hazard Mitigation Plan. California’s hazard
mitigation planning process is continuous and involves a multitude of federal, state,
and local agencies, academia, private non-profit organizations, and community-based
A local plan, approved by FEMA, is also required to receive grant funds for
mitigation projects from the federal Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and the
federal Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program. The requirements for the Pre-
Disaster Mitigation Grant Program funding (page 8) were effective
November 1, 2003. For the post-disaster HMGP (page 23), the effective date is
November 1, 2004.
Plans must be submitted to the State Hazard Mitigation Officer of State OES for
initial review and coordination. The state will then send the plan to the appropriate
FEMA Regional Office for formal review and approval.
Please see the following table for examples of local mitigation planning elements.
Overview The federal Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program (PDM) provides funds for hazard
identification, mitigation strategies, and public partnerships. More specifically, PDM:
• Supports development of the hazard mitigation planning process at the state and
local levels and funds high priority projects from these plans.
• Provides a continuous flow of funding to states for hazard mitigation, whether the
state has experienced a recent disaster or not.
• Supports local communities in becoming disaster resistant by providing technical
and financial assistance to state and local governments in implementing cost-
effective pre-disaster hazard mitigation measures.
• Helps to reduce injuries, loss of life, and damage and destruction of property,
including damage to critical services and facilities under the jurisdiction of state
or local governments.
Authority and The PDM is authorized under the Stafford Act, Section 203, amended by Section 102
Administration of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. FEMA will administer this new program
through OES.
Applicant Communities that wish to participate in this program must demonstrate commitment
Eligibility to the implementation of hazard mitigation activities within their jurisdiction.
Planning and Planning grants assist the state and its communities in developing a multi-hazard
Project Grants mitigation plan. Planning grants may also be used for technical assistance including
risk assessments, project development, community outreach and education. (Funds
applied to planning grants cannot exceed 10 percent of the state’s allocation)
Project grants will be awarded in accordance with the priorities cited in the State
Hazard Mitigation Plan. Project grants may be used to reimburse costs for
acquisitions or relocations of vulnerable properties, structural retrofits, vegetation
management (e.g., shaded fuel breaks, defensible space), public information and
educational programs.
Overview Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) provides funding for measures to reduce or
eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to repetitive loss of buildings,
manufactured homes, and other structures insurable under the FEMA National Flood
Insurance Program (NFIP).
Authority and The FMA is authorized under 44CFR Part 78, Flood Mitigation Assistance. FEMA
Administration grants FMA funding to OES annually. OES has administered the FMA program in
California since 1997.
Applicant Communities requesting FMA planning and project grants must be participating in the
Eligibility NFIP. There are three types of FMA grants: Planning, Project and Technical
Planning and Planning grants are available for the flood portion of any mitigation plan. The
Proje ct Grants performance period for each planning grant will not exceed 3 years. The total
planning grant made in any fiscal year to any state, including all communities located
in the state, will not exceed $300,000.
FEMA contributes up to 75 percent of total eligible costs for each grant. At least 25
percent of the total eligible cost will be provided from a non-Federal source. The
state will evaluate and approve applications for FMA planning grants. The Regional
Director will allocate available funds for FMA each fiscal year.
FMA Technical A percent of the project grant is made available to the state as a technical assistance
Assistance grant to administer the project grants.
Introduction When disaster strikes a community, those affected may be irrevocably changed by
the event. Local officials, already stressed and overwhelmed by response activities,
must make significant decisions to return the community to predisaster conditions.
Historically, disaster recovery takes longer and costs more than originally
anticipated. How well the community has planned and prepared for such an event,
profoundly impacts its ability to recover effectively.
Safety Immediately following a disaster, it is imperative that the safety of public and private
Assessments structures be determined. The Safety Assessment Program (SAP) provides
professional evaluators (volunteers) and mutual aid resources to local governments,
to determine use and occupancy of homes, buildings and infrastructure. Evaluators
may be deputized by the local building official to post placards (green, yellow or red)
on facilities.
If the local government requires state or federal assistance, it is important to know if a local proclamation
of an emergency is a prerequisite to obtaining the assistance. The chart below provides an overview of the
programs discussed in this handbook and indicates proclamation/declaration requirements.
Please Note: If a local emergency proclamation is required, it must be issued within 10 days of the
Local State of Declaration or
Program Name Type of Assistance Proclamation Emergency Designation
Required? Required? Required?
Provides professional evaluators to
SAP determine safety, use and occupancy No No No
of homes and buildings
Reimbursement of emergency
FMAG No No Yes
response costs for fire suppression
State PA under an OES Funding to restore public
Yes No No
Director’s Concurrence infrastructure
State PA under a Reimbursement of local emergency
Governor’s proclamation response costs, debris removal and Yes Yes No
of state of emergency funding to restore public infrastructure
Reimbursement of local emergency
response costs, debris removal and
Federal PA (major
funding to restore public and Yes Yes Yes
disaster declaration)
allowable private-non-profit
Federal PA (emergency Reimbursement of local emergency
Yes Yes Yes
declaration) response costs
Individuals and
Grants for unmet recovery needs to
Household Program Yes Yes Yes
individuals and families
Supplemental grants for individuals
State Supplemental
for recovery may be available only Yes Yes Yes
Grant Program (SSGP)
when maximum IHP has been reached
Working capital loans for small
SBA Economic Injury
businesses that have suffered an No No Yes
Disaster Loan Program
economic loss
Loans for individuals, families and
SBA Physical Disaster
businesses that have lost real and No No Yes
Loan Program
personal property
USDA Disaster Loans for farmers and ranchers for
No No Yes
Designation physical and crop production losses
Referral/resource services and short-
Crisis Counseling term counseling for emotional and
Yes Yes Yes
Programs mental health problems caused by the
Disaster Unemployment Weekly unemployment benefits and
Yes Yes Yes
Assistance job finding services due to a disaster
When requesting state or federal disaster assistance, local government must provide
information to support the request. The chart below describes the mechanisms required to
document damages and determine needed assistance in the impacted area.
LACs Local government may consider activating Local Assistance Centers (LACs) to
provide a centralized location for services and resource referrals for the unmet needs
of disaster victims. State funding may be available for eligible LAC operations.
Historically, LACs have proven to be a key factor for a successful recovery. LAC
characteristics generally include:
ü resource facility for recovery information, services and programs;
ü community-based service facilities;
ü managed by local government; and
ü staffed by PNPs, local, state and federal government, as appropriate.
For additional information, contact State OES for “A Guide for Establishing a Local
Assistance Center.”
Disaster DRCs may also be activated by key federal agencies to provide convenient locations
Recovery for victims and private non-profit organizations to obtain information about FEMA
Centers (DRCs) and SBA programs. DRC characteristics generally include:
ü fixed or mobile resource facility for FEMA and SBA recovery information
ü managed by federal government; and
ü staffed by FEMA, OES, SBA and other federal, state and local agencies as
The following tables are designed to provide local emergency managers a quick
reference to disaster assistance programs administered or coordinated by DAD. The
tables are grouped by potential recipients and indicate general program
implementation criteria, including key deadlines.
Type of Assistance Program Name and Authority Cost Share Implementation Criteria
Local agency must proclaim an emergency and request a “Director’s
Funding to restore damaged State Public Assistance
75% State Concurrence” within 10 days of an event. A Governor’s proclamation of
public infrastructure (e.g. roads,
25% Local a state of emergency is not required for the OES Director to provide
buildings, utilities) CDAA -- Director’s Concurrence with
CDAA funding to repair damaged public facilities.
local emergency
Reimbursement of local Local agency must proclaim an emergency and request the Governor to
State Public Assistance proclaim a state of emergency within 10 days of an event. The request
emergency response costs,
75% State
debris removal, and funding to should include dates of the event, an IDE, areas affected, and appropriate
CDAA– Governor’s Proclamation of a 25% Local
restore damaged public type of assistance needed.
State of Emergency
FMAG Responsible fire agency must request FMAG assistance while the fire is
Reimbursement for fire 75% Federal
still burning out of control. Neither local nor state emergency
suppression costs 25% Local
Stafford Act proclamations are necessary for the implementation of this program.
Federal and State Public Assistance Local agency must proclaim an emergency and request the Governor to
Reimbursement of local 75% Federal proclaim a state of emergency within 10 days of an event. The Governor
emergency response and debris Stafford Act and CDAA -- Presidential 18.75% State has 5 days to request federal assistance. Local government should provide
removal costs Declaration of an Emergency 6.25% Local detailed information including dates of the event, an IDE, areas affected,
appropriate type of assistance needed.
Local agency must proclaim an emergency and request the Governor to
proclaim a state of emergency within 10 days of an event. The Governor
has 30 days to request federal assistance. Local government should
Funding to restore public Federal and State Public Assistance
provide detailed information including dates of the event, an IDE, areas
infrastructure* and 75% Federal
affected, and appropriate type of assistance needed.
reimbursement of emergency Stafford Act and CDAA -- Presidential 18.75% State
response and debris removal Declaration of a Major Disaster 6.25% Local
*Funding beyond what is necessary to restore a facility may also be
approved for hazard mitigation measures to ensure that future similar
damage will not occur. These mitigation projects include cost-effective
improvements to the current design and capacity of the existing facility.
This program is funded by FEMA and administered through the state
Funding to provide crisis FEMA Crisis Counseling Program 75% Federal
Department of Mental Health. Benefits may be short term or long-term
counseling services Stafford Act 25% State
(up to 9 months).
*Please note that these amounts were current as of March 1, 2004. They are adjusted annually based on the consumer price index.
The following table describes the implementation criteria of programs that are available to assist businesses, ranchers, and Private non-
Profit (PNPs) agencies in recovering from a disaster.
EIDL loans become available under all SBA physical declarations. The maximum SBA loan
assistance is $1.5 Million, whether it is a Physical Disaster Loan, an EIDL loan, or a combination
of both programs.
Low interest loans to farmers, Secretarial Designation- Emergency loans are made to farmers and ranchers who have suffered at least a 30-percent loss
ranchers and aquaculturists for Agricultural disaster $500,000 in crop production or a physical loss to livestock products, real estate or chattel property.
physical and/or crop production
losses resulting from an unusual U.S. Department of The Secretary of Agriculture can implement this program when requested by OES on behalf of
natural occurrence (weather Agriculture, Farm a local agricultural commissioner or local government authority, or implemented automatically
pattern, pest, etc.) Services Agency when the President declares a major disaster or emergency. When requested on its own
7 CFR, Ch 18, part 1945, authority, supporting documentation to the types of crops and level of damage must be
Subpart A submitted. A proclamation of local or state emergency is not required for this program.
*Please note that these amounts were current as of March 1, 2004. They are adjusted annually based on the consumer price index.
Local When disaster strikes and damages exceed local capabilities, local government may
Government request state and/or federal disaster assistance. Refer to the table on page 6 to
Responsibilities determine if a local proclamation of an emergency is a prerequisite for the assistance
requested. If a request for assistance is necessary, local government should:
ü include the following information in the request:
q copy of the local proclamation (if required)
q Initial Damage Estimate (IDE)
q written request/resolution by designated official
q type of disaster
q date of occurrence and whether situation is continuing
q areas affected
q type of assistance needed;
ü submit the request to:
q Operational Area
ü submit the request by the deadlines mentioned in the previous tables; and
ü submit the request separately by a city only if the county has not already
submitted the same request.
Applicant Briefings
Expedited Funding
Upon a Presidential declaration, local governments that have incurred significant emergency
response costs may request the expedited processing of state and federal funding. Qualifying
costs may include:
ü emergency costs (e.g., police and fire overtime salaries);
ü debris removal necessary to protect life and property; and
ü temporary shelter operating costs
Upon the implementation of the IHP, individuals are required to first ‘teleregister” with
FEMA. Widespread notice through the local media and or websites maintained by local
government, SBA, USDA, FEMA or OES inform the public of the toll-free teleregistration
number. Websites and/or local media are also resources for physical locations of local SBA,
USDA, LAC or DRC offices.
Upon teleregistration, FEMA will assign a representative to evaluate the claim and will refer
the individual to the appropriate program for loan and/or grant assistance. Individuals will
then be provided loan and/or grant application information, instructions, terms and conditions
directly from the agency providing assistance (FEMA, SBA, USDA).
When SBA and/or USDA has implemented its disaster program(s) independent of a
Presidential declaration, individuals, businesses, private non-profit agencies, and/or the
agricultural community, will be instructed to file an application directly with their local SBA
and/or USDA office.
Overview Administered by FEMA through OES, the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
(HMGP) provides grants following a disaster to state and local governments, Indian
tribes, and certain non-profit organizations to develop plans and implement long-
term hazard mitigation measures.
HMGP The HMGP is authorized under Sections 322 and 404 of the Stafford Act. Federal
Authority and funding becomes available only after the President signs a major disaster declaration.
Administration It is the only mitigation program that requires the local government to proclaim an
emergency prior to implementation.
The amount of funding available is based on a percentage of the federal share of the
aggregate disaster costs for public and individual assistance.
Subgrantees are notified by mail when FEMA has approved the grant for funding.
This notification includes instructions to request payment of the funds.
Two Types of The table below describes the two types of grants available under HMGP.
HMGP Grants
DAD Contacts For additional information regarding disaster recovery and mitigation,
please contact State OES at the address and telephone numbers listed
Governor’s Office of Emergency Services
Disaster Assistance Division
Post Office Box 419023
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-9023
Web Site The State OES Web site is located at http://www.oes.ca.gov. Please select
“Disaster Assistance” or “Hazard Mitigation” for additional recovery and
mitigation information.