G3 Administrators Guide

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SafeCom G3

Administrators Manual
D60603-07 August 2010

Trademarks: SafeCom, SafeCom Go, SafeCom P:Go, SafeCom ePay and the SafeCom logo are trademarks of SafeCom a/s. Company and product names mentioned in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. SafeCom a/s cannot be held responsible for any technical or typographical errors and reserves the right to make changes to products and documentation without prior notification. Patent: SafeCom has received the following British patent GB 2350 713 B, US patent US 6,952,780 B2 and Europe patent EUR EP1 120 701. Feedback: If you have any feedback or ideas concerning this manual or the SafeCom product, then please send an e-mail to [email protected] Copyright 1999 - 2010 SafeCom a/s

SafeCom a/s
Energivej 15 DK-2750 Ballerup Denmark Phone: +45 4436 0240 E-mail: [email protected] Web: safecom.eu


Table of contents
1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 12 1.1 SafeCom Smart Printing ................................................................. 12 1.2 Components overview ................................................................... 12 1.3 Database component .................................................................... 12 1.4 SafeCom components.................................................................... 13 1.5 SafeCom Pay components .............................................................. 14 1.6 SafeCom APIs ............................................................................. 14 1.7 SafeCom Service and other services .................................................. 14 1.8 Pull Printing explained .................................................................. 15 1.9 Terms and definitions ................................................................... 16 1.10 System requirements .................................................................... 21 1.10.1 Server ...................................................................... 21 1.10.2 Clients ...................................................................... 22 1.10.3 Printers and MFPs ........................................................ 22 1.10.4 Network ports ............................................................. 22 1.10.5 SafeCom ID Devices ...................................................... 23 1.11 Available documentation ............................................................... 24 1.12 About this manual........................................................................ 26 1.13 Document history ........................................................................ 27 Frequently asked questions ...................................................................... 29 2.1 What are the benefits of Pull Printing? .............................................. 29 2.2 What devices are supported? .......................................................... 30 2.3 Is Copy Control supported? ............................................................. 30 2.4 Is it possible to charge for print costs? ............................................... 30 2.5 Is it necessary to install software on the users computers? ..................... 30 2.6 How are users identified? ............................................................... 31 2.7 How are users managed? ................................................................ 31 2.8 How are users with the same name handled? ....................................... 31 2.9 How many users, printers and documents can a server handle? ................. 31 2.10 Can access to devices be restricted? ................................................. 31 2.11 Are SafeCom solutions scalable? ...................................................... 32 2.12 How does a solution with multiple servers work? .................................. 32 2.13 Can documents be printed securely? ................................................. 33 2.14 What happens to uncollected documents? .......................................... 33 2.15 Is it always possible to print? .......................................................... 33 2.16 Can print usage be tracked without hardware? ..................................... 33 2.17 Can a Pull Printer be used for Push tracking? ....................................... 34 2.18 What happens if the SafeCom solution stops working? ............................ 34 2.19 What is the administrative overhead? ................................................ 34 2.20 What about integration with other systems? ........................................ 35 2.21 Does it pay to apply a SafeCom solution? ............................................ 35 Planning your SafeCom solution ................................................................. 36 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................... 36 3.2 Checklist to help you on the way .................................................... 37 3.3 User identification by card or user code ............................................. 38 3.4 User creation and management ....................................................... 38 3.4.1 Import user data from other systems ................................. 39 3.4.2 Create users at first print ............................................... 39 3.4.3 Let users associate themselves with their card ..................... 40 3.4.4 Let users associate themselves with their user code .............. 40 3.4.5 Let administrator associate users with their card .................. 41 3.4.6 Let administrator associate users with their ID code .............. 41 3.4.7 Allow users to change their PIN code ................................. 41 3.4.8 Determine users home server ......................................... 42








3.11 4

Overview of software installation ..................................................... 42 3.5.1 Server installation ........................................................ 43 3.5.2 Multi server installation ................................................. 43 3.5.3 Disk space considerations ............................................... 43 3.5.4 Shared SafeCom Pull Printer ........................................... 44 3.5.5 Local SafeCom Pull Printer ............................................. 44 3.5.6 SafeCom printers can reference multiple servers .................. 44 3.5.7 Printer driver and document fidelity considerations .............. 45 3.5.8 High Speed Print considerations ....................................... 45 Print from other systems ............................................................... 46 3.6.1 Print from Apple Mac .................................................... 46 3.6.2 Print from UNIX ........................................................... 46 3.6.3 Print from Novell ......................................................... 46 3.6.4 Print from Host systems (mainframe) ................................ 46 Roll out considerations .................................................................. 47 3.7.1 Test solution prior to roll out .......................................... 47 3.7.2 Inform and prepare your users ......................................... 47 3.7.3 Clearly define responsibilities and procedures ..................... 47 Preemptive support and diagnostic tools ............................................ 48 3.8.1 Event log and e-mail notification ..................................... 48 3.8.2 scping ....................................................................... 49 3.8.3 SafeCom Service and processes ........................................ 49 3.8.4 TCP and UDP port numbers used by SafeCom ....................... 50 3.8.5 SafeCom SQL databases ................................................. 52 3.8.6 SafeCom database update log ......................................... 52 3.8.7 Windows registry settings ............................................... 53 Backup and restore ...................................................................... 53 3.9.1 Standby computer equipment.......................................... 53 3.9.2 SafeCom Windows registry settings ................................... 54 3.9.3 Customized SafeCom files .............................................. 55 3.9.4 Printer configurations ................................................... 55 3.9.5 SafeCom databases ...................................................... 56 3.9.6 scBackup ................................................................... 57 3.9.7 Backup and restore the replication ................................... 57 SafeCom server trace facility .......................................................... 58 3.10.1 Enable trace ............................................................... 58 3.10.2 Trace files ................................................................. 59 3.10.3 TELNET interface ......................................................... 60 SafeCom device trace facility ......................................................... 61

Installation............................................................................................ 62 4.1 Introduction ............................................................................... 62 4.2 The install program ...................................................................... 62 4.2.1 Server installation (Basic) .............................................. 62 4.2.2 Server installation (Advanced) ......................................... 63 4.2.3 Client installation ........................................................ 64 4.2.4 Tools installation ......................................................... 64 4.2.5 Windows Firewall - Ports that must be opened ..................... 65 4.2.6 Windows Firewall - Make SQL use fixed port ........................ 65 4.2.7 After installation security checkup ................................... 67 4.2.8 Scripts to manually create the databases ........................... 67 4.2.9 SQL collation .............................................................. 68 4.2.10 Create intermediate SQL 2008 user: safecominstall ............... 68 4.2.11 Delete intermediate SQL 2008 user: safecominstall ............... 70 4.2.12 Create intermediate SQL 2005 user: safecominstall ............... 71 4.2.13 Delete intermediate SQL 2005 user: safecominstall ............... 73 4.2.14 Do not modify SQL user: safecom ..................................... 73 4.2.15 Enable TCP/IP protocol on SQL 2008 and 2005 ..................... 74 4.2.16 Register sqldmo.dll on SQL 2008 Server .............................. 74 4.2.17 Determine physical and virtual memory on the server ............ 74







4.8 4.9

4.10 4.11 4.12



4.2.18 Store print files on an external file share ........................... 75 4.2.19 Change location of SafeCom print files .............................. 76 4.2.20 Update SafeCom software single server ............................ 77 4.2.21 Uninstall SafeCom software ............................................ 78 4.2.22 Uninstall Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express .................... 78 SafeCom Print Client .................................................................... 79 4.3.1 Installation ................................................................ 79 4.3.2 Deployment to computers .............................................. 80 4.3.3 scPrintClient.ini file ..................................................... 80 4.3.4 Trace facility .............................................................. 80 4.3.5 Command line parameters .............................................. 82 SafeCom Application Print .............................................................. 84 4.4.1 Manual installation ....................................................... 84 4.4.2 Deployment to computers .............................................. 85 4.4.3 Trace facility .............................................................. 85 4.4.4 Windows registry settings ............................................... 86 Upgrade from Express to Microsoft SQL Server ..................................... 87 4.5.1 Stop the SafeCom Service .............................................. 87 4.5.2 Change Windows Registry to reference SQL Server ................ 87 4.5.3 Change the dependencies on the SafeCom Service ................ 88 Multi server installation ................................................................. 89 4.6.1 Overview ................................................................... 90 4.6.2 Set SQL Server Agent to automatic startup .......................... 90 4.6.3 Add the other servers to the master servers group ............... 90 4.6.4 Check that the replication is working ................................ 91 4.6.5 What happens if servers or network connections are down? ..... 93 4.6.6 Reinitialize the subscription............................................ 94 4.6.7 Prevent the subscription from expiring .............................. 94 Update multi server installation ...................................................... 94 4.7.1 Introduction ............................................................... 94 4.7.2 Update SafeCom software .............................................. 95 4.7.3 Update SafeCom software old versions ............................. 96 Cluster installation ...................................................................... 97 Install the SafeCom license key code ................................................. 97 4.9.1 Determine the Computer Name ....................................... 97 4.9.2 Determine the Cluster Name ........................................... 98 4.9.3 Understanding the license key code .................................. 98 4.9.4 Device license and user settings dependencies ..................... 99 User rights required when adding printers ......................................... 101 Add a SafeCom Pull Printer on Windows 2008 and 2003 ......................... 103 Add a SafeCom Pull Printer on client computers .................................. 104 4.12.1 Install SafeCom client .................................................. 104 4.12.2 Add a local SafeCom Pull Printer on Windows 7 ................... 105 4.12.3 Add a local SafeCom Pull Printer on Windows XP ................. 106 4.12.4 Add a local SafeCom Pull Printer on Windows Vista .............. 107 SafeCom Pull Port ....................................................................... 108 4.13.1 Enable printer pooling .................................................. 108 4.13.2 Configure the SafeCom Pull Port ..................................... 109 4.13.3 Edit SafeCom servers dialog ........................................... 110 4.13.4 SafeCom Authentication dialog ....................................... 112 4.13.5 Customize the SafeCom Authentication dialog .................... 112 4.13.6 Force focus on the SafeCom Authentication dialog ............... 113 4.13.7 Configure Use job data logon ......................................... 114 SafeCom PopUp scPopUp.exe ....................................................... 116 4.14.1 Setup SafeCom PopUp .................................................. 116 4.14.2 SafeCom PopUp examples ............................................. 118 4.14.3 Configure SafeCom PopUp ............................................. 120 4.14.4 Force SafeCom Port Monitors to use SafeCom PopUp ............. 121 4.14.5 Control dialog timeout ................................................. 122 4.14.6 Charging scheme on SafeCom Pull Port ............................. 122


4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19

Printing encrypted documents ........................................................ 124 Printing in Citrix and Windows Terminal Service environments ................ 125 Make all printing go through the SafeCom solution ............................... 125 Install a card reader on a computer ................................................. 126 Update selected SafeCom components ............................................. 126 4.19.1 Update SafeCom Administrator ....................................... 126 4.19.2 Update SafeCom Port Monitors ....................................... 127 4.19.3 Update scJobServer.exe ............................................... 127 4.19.4 Update scSecureLib.dll ................................................. 127 4.19.5 Update filtercard.dll .................................................... 128

SafeCom Administrator .......................................................................... 129 5.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 129 5.2 Install SafeCom Administrator ........................................................ 130 5.3 Login to SafeCom Administrator ...................................................... 130 5.3.1 SafeCom Assistant ....................................................... 131 5.3.2 Change password ........................................................ 134 5.3.3 Test server................................................................ 134 5.3.4 Menus and commands .................................................. 135 5.3.5 Server group and server icons ......................................... 137 5.3.6 User icons ................................................................. 137 5.3.7 Device icons .............................................................. 137 5.3.8 Document icons .......................................................... 138 5.3.9 Other icons ............................................................... 138 5.3.10 Built-in user accounts .................................................. 138 5.4 System overview ........................................................................ 139 5.4.1 Manuals.................................................................... 139 5.4.2 Users ....................................................................... 139 5.4.3 Devices .................................................................... 140 5.4.4 Servers .................................................................... 140 5.4.5 Collect system info ...................................................... 140 5.4.6 Check for updates ....................................................... 140 5.4.7 Save-o-meter ............................................................. 140 5.5 License .................................................................................... 141 5.6 Server group properties ................................................................ 142 5.7 Server properties ........................................................................ 143 5.7.1 Server ..................................................................... 143 5.7.2 Users ....................................................................... 145 5.7.3 Devices .................................................................... 147 5.7.4 E-mail ..................................................................... 148 5.7.5 Tracking ................................................................... 150 5.7.6 Billing ...................................................................... 151 5.7.7 Encryption ................................................................ 152 5.7.8 Customize and translate e-mail messages .......................... 154 5.8 User properties .......................................................................... 157 5.8.1 Identification............................................................. 157 5.8.2 Settings.................................................................... 159 5.8.3 ID code .................................................................... 160 5.8.4 Rights ...................................................................... 162 5.8.5 Member of ................................................................ 164 5.8.6 Aliases ..................................................................... 165 5.8.7 Account ................................................................... 166 5.9 Device properties ....................................................................... 167 5.9.1 Settings.................................................................... 167 5.9.2 Charging scheme ........................................................ 168 5.9.3 License .................................................................... 169 5.9.4 Statistics .................................................................. 170 5.10 Options dialog ........................................................................... 171 5.10.1 General .................................................................... 171 5.10.2 Card reader ............................................................... 172





5.14 5.15 5.16

5.10.3 Network ................................................................... 174 5.10.4 Maintenance .............................................................. 175 5.10.5 Server group info ........................................................ 176 Branches .................................................................................. 177 5.11.1 Administrator rights..................................................... 178 5.11.2 Add a branch ............................................................. 178 5.11.3 Delete a branch .......................................................... 178 5.11.4 Add a device to a branch .............................................. 178 5.11.5 Remove a device from a branch ...................................... 179 5.11.6 Computer properties.................................................... 180 5.11.7 Add a computer to SafeCom solution ................................ 181 5.11.8 Add a computer to a branch at first print .......................... 181 5.11.9 Add a computer to a branch manually .............................. 181 5.11.10 Import computers ....................................................... 181 5.11.11 Remove a computer from a branch .................................. 181 5.11.12 Delete a computer from the SafeCom solution .................... 181 Organizational units .................................................................... 182 5.12.1 Add an organizational unit............................................. 183 5.12.2 Delete an organizational unit ......................................... 183 5.12.3 Restrict access to devices ............................................. 184 Groups..................................................................................... 185 5.13.1 Add groups manually .................................................... 185 5.13.2 Group properties dialog ................................................ 186 5.13.3 Delete groups ............................................................ 187 5.13.4 Add members to a group ............................................... 187 5.13.5 Remove users from a group ........................................... 188 5.13.6 Select rules to be used on a group ................................... 189 5.13.7 Group print ............................................................... 190 Statistics .................................................................................. 192 Event log .................................................................................. 193 Export data ............................................................................... 195 5.16.1 Export users .............................................................. 195 5.16.2 Export servers ............................................................ 196 5.16.3 Export devices ........................................................... 197 servers .................................................................................... 198 Introduction .............................................................................. 198 Which server is master? ................................................................ 198 Add server group ........................................................................ 198 Remove server group ................................................................... 199 Add server ................................................................................ 199 Delete server ............................................................................ 201 Failover servers.......................................................................... 202 users ....................................................................................... 205 Introduction .............................................................................. 205 Default user .............................................................................. 205 Import users .............................................................................. 207 7.3.1 Overview .................................................................. 209 7.3.2 Server ..................................................................... 212 7.3.3 Import source ............................................................ 213 7.3.4 File source (CSV file and XML file) ................................... 214 7.3.5 Properties (Active Directory) .......................................... 215 7.3.6 Properties (Novell eDirectory) ........................................ 216 7.3.7 Properties (LDAP server) ............................................... 217 7.3.8 Configuration (CSV) ..................................................... 218 7.3.9 Configuration (XML) ..................................................... 220 7.3.10 Configuration (Active Directory)...................................... 221 7.3.11 Configuration (Novell eDirectory) .................................... 224 7.3.12 Configuration (LDAP server) ........................................... 226

Manage 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Manage 7.1 7.2 7.3


7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 8 Manage 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9

7.3.13 Rules ....................................................................... 227 7.3.14 Extra ....................................................................... 230 7.3.15 Schedule .................................................................. 231 7.3.16 User import log file ..................................................... 232 7.3.17 Search filter .............................................................. 233 7.3.18 Install certificate ........................................................ 234 7.3.19 Conversion of magnetic ID codes ..................................... 234 Create users at first print ............................................................. 235 Add users manually ..................................................................... 235 Find users ................................................................................. 235 Customize the user list view .......................................................... 236 Edit the properties of multiple users ................................................ 237 Delete users .............................................................................. 237 List of aliases ............................................................................ 238 7.10.1 Save aliases to file ...................................................... 238 List of ID codes .......................................................................... 239 7.11.1 Save ID codes to file .................................................... 240 User has lost ID card .................................................................... 240 User has forgotten ID code ............................................................ 240 User has forgotten PIN code .......................................................... 240 Delete a users print jobs (documents) ............................................. 241 devices .................................................................................... 242 Introduction .............................................................................. 242 Device license ........................................................................... 243 Add device ............................................................................... 243 Find devices .............................................................................. 248 8.4.1 Simple search ............................................................ 248 8.4.2 Advanced search Device licenses ................................... 249 Broadcast for devices .................................................................. 250 Customize the device list view ....................................................... 250 Edit the properties of multiple devices ............................................. 251 Delete devices ........................................................................... 252 Update software ........................................................................ 252 8.9.1 Location of device software ........................................... 254 8.9.2 Single device software update ........................................ 255 8.9.3 Multiple devices software update .................................... 256 Monitor device status .................................................................. 257 8.10.1 Look at device statistics ............................................... 258 Restart devices .......................................................................... 260 Open in web browser ................................................................... 260 Restrict users access to devices ..................................................... 261 DHCP server .............................................................................. 261 Shorten job names in document list ................................................. 262

8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 9

SafeCom Tracking ................................................................................. 263 9.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 263 9.2 Pull print tracking ....................................................................... 263 9.3 Push print tracking ...................................................................... 264 9.3.1 Printing directly ......................................................... 264 9.3.2 Printing via a second printer .......................................... 265 9.3.3 Set TCP port to another value than 9100 ........................... 265 9.3.4 Allow printing at all times ............................................. 266 9.3.5 Configure SafeCom Push Port dialog ................................. 267 9.3.6 Edit SafeCom servers dialog ........................................... 269 9.4 SafeCom Port Configurator ............................................................ 270 9.5 Copy tracking ............................................................................ 270 9.6 Fax, Scan and E-mail tracking ........................................................ 271 9.7 Post track ................................................................................. 271 9.8 Planning your SafeCom Tracking solution .......................................... 272


9.9 9.10 9.11

9.12 9.13

9.14 9.15

9.16 10

9.8.1 Defining print costs via charging schemes .......................... 272 9.8.2 Track deleted jobs ...................................................... 274 9.8.3 Backup and restore ..................................................... 274 9.8.4 Using tracking data ..................................................... 274 Multiple servers: Online or offline tracking ........................................ 275 9.9.1 Configure SafeCom master server .................................... 276 9.9.2 Configure SafeCom slave servers ..................................... 277 Configuration overview ................................................................ 277 Charging schemes ....................................................................... 278 9.11.1 Add charging scheme ................................................... 278 9.11.2 Sample charging calculation .......................................... 282 9.11.3 Charging scheme properties ........................................... 282 9.11.4 Associate charging scheme with device ............................. 283 9.11.5 Default charging scheme for new devices .......................... 284 9.11.6 Delete a charging scheme ............................................. 284 Change cost control to tracking ...................................................... 285 SafeCom Reports ........................................................................ 286 9.13.1 Install SafeCom Reports ................................................ 286 9.13.2 Start SafeCom Reports ................................................. 286 9.13.3 Make a report ............................................................ 286 Work with the tracking data .......................................................... 287 9.14.1 Export tracking data .................................................... 287 9.14.2 Delete tracking data .................................................... 288 SafeCom Data Mining ................................................................... 289 9.15.1 Main tracking ............................................................. 290 9.15.2 User statistics ............................................................ 291 9.15.3 Device statistics ......................................................... 292 9.15.4 Billing statistics .......................................................... 293 9.15.5 Job list .................................................................... 294 9.15.6 Tracking record dialog ................................................. 295 Update scParser.dll ..................................................................... 298

SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP) ........................................................... 299 10.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 299 10.2 Planning your SafeCom RBP solution ................................................ 299 10.3 Creating the rules ....................................................................... 300 10.4 Select rules to be used on group ..................................................... 306 10.5 What if the rule does not work? ...................................................... 308 10.6 How to determine the application ................................................... 308 10.7 Update scRuleExecuter.dll ............................................................ 309 SafeCom Client Billing ........................................................................... 310 11.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 310 11.2 Planning your SafeCom Client Billing solution ..................................... 310 11.3 Configuration overview ................................................................ 311 11.4 Configure SafeCom Client Billing ..................................................... 312 11.5 Allow use of billing codes .............................................................. 313 11.6 Edit the template for billing reminder .............................................. 314 11.7 Import billing codes .................................................................... 315 11.7.1 Billing code import log file ............................................ 322 11.8 Add billing codes manually ............................................................ 323 11.9 Find billing codes ....................................................................... 323 11.10 Delete billing codes ..................................................................... 323 11.11 Modify billing codes..................................................................... 323 SafeCom Pay ....................................................................................... 324 12.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 324 12.2 Planning your SafeCom Pay solution ................................................. 324 12.2.1 Accounting policy ....................................................... 324 12.2.2 Ensure users pay ......................................................... 325




12.3 12.4 12.5

12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.10 12.11 13

12.2.3 Cashless solution ........................................................ 325 Change cost control to pay ............................................................ 326 Credit schedule .......................................................................... 327 Cashier How to......................................................................... 330 12.5.1 Login to SafeCom Administrator in Cashier mode ................. 330 12.5.2 Find user .................................................................. 331 12.5.3 User properties dialog .................................................. 332 12.5.4 View user transactions ................................................. 333 12.5.5 Issue a new PIN code ................................................... 333 12.5.6 Unlock user ............................................................... 334 12.5.7 Deposit credits ........................................................... 334 12.5.8 Withdraw credits ........................................................ 334 12.5.9 Set low limit .............................................................. 334 12.5.10 Free reserved credits ................................................... 334 12.5.11 Reset cash cards ......................................................... 335 12.5.12 Detect attempt to avoid paying ...................................... 335 12.5.13 Print reports .............................................................. 335 Account status ........................................................................... 336 Cash flow report ........................................................................ 337 Money loader log ........................................................................ 338 User transactions dialog ............................................................... 339 Prevent cheating ........................................................................ 340 12.10.1 E-mail template for an unfinished job .............................. 340 12.10.2 Difference between print and copy .................................. 341 Job name pricing ........................................................................ 341 12.11.1 JobNamePricing.txt ..................................................... 342

SafeCom Device Utility .......................................................................... 343 13.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 343 13.2 Starting SafeCom Device Utility ...................................................... 343 13.3 Menus and commands .................................................................. 344 13.4 Populate list of devices ................................................................ 344 13.5 Working with configurations .......................................................... 345 Format 14.1 14.2 14.3 of tracking data ......................................................................... 346 Introduction .............................................................................. 346 Format history ........................................................................... 346 Format .................................................................................... 347



SafeCom ID Devices ............................................................................... 351 15.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 351 15.2 SafeCom AWID Reader ................................................................. 351 15.3 SafeCom Barcode Reader .............................................................. 351 15.4 SafeCom Casi-Rusco Reader ........................................................... 351 15.5 SafeCom EM Reader .................................................................... 352 15.6 SafeCom HID Reader .................................................................... 352 15.7 SafeCom iCLASS Reader ................................................................ 352 15.8 SafeCom Indala Reader ................................................................ 352 15.9 SafeCom Keypad ........................................................................ 353 15.10 SafeCom Legic Reader ................................................................. 353 15.11 SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader ...................................................... 353 15.12 SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader DD .................................................. 353 15.13 SafeCom Mifare Reader ................................................................ 354 Troubleshooting ................................................................................... 355 16.1 SafeCom Help Desk Assistant ......................................................... 355 16.2 SafeCom Administrator: Login failed ................................................ 355 16.3 SafeCom Administrator: Unable to locate all SafeCom servers ................. 355 16.4 SafeCom Administrator: Unable to locate all SafeCom devices ................ 356 16.5 SafeCom Administrator: Users are missing ......................................... 356




16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 16.10 16.11 16.12 16.13 16.14 16.15 16.16 16.17 16.18 16.19 16.20 16.21 16.22 16.23 16.24 16.25 16.26 16.27 16.28 16.29 16.30 16.31 16.32 16.33 16.34 16.35 16.36 16.37 17

SafeCom Administrator: Add user failed and Add alias failed .................. 356 SafeCom Administrator: License does not take effect ........................... 356 SafeCom Administrator: Controls in dialog are not visible ...................... 356 User is not created at first print ..................................................... 357 Device web interface: Displayed incorrectly or settings not saved ............ 357 At the printer: Out of order ........................................................... 357 At the printer: User unknown ......................................................... 358 At the printer: Login denied .......................................................... 358 At the printer: Restricted access ..................................................... 358 At the printer: Error printing document ............................................ 358 At the printer: Question mark before the document name ..................... 358 At the printer: Printer busy, retry later ............................................ 358 At the printer: Printer keeps rebooting ............................................. 359 At the printer: Copy not allowed..................................................... 359 At the printer: Login error <number> ............................................... 359 At the printer: Error printing: General Failure .................................... 359 At the printer: Card reading not working ........................................... 359 Document is not printed ............................................................... 359 Some documents are missing ......................................................... 359 Document is printed wrongly ......................................................... 360 Nothing is copied ........................................................................ 360 Driver names are missing .............................................................. 360 Add Printer Wizard: Specified port cannot be added............................. 360 Local SafeCom Pull Printer is unable to print ...................................... 361 How to restart the SafeCom Service ................................................. 361 How to restart the Print Spooler ..................................................... 361 Users computer: Unable to connect to SafeCom server ........................ 362 Users computer: Please contact your administrator! ............................ 362 Import users: No users imported ..................................................... 363 Multi server installation ................................................................ 363 Restore SafeCom server ................................................................ 363 scPopUp: The publisher could not be verified ..................................... 363

Administrators installation notes ............................................................. 365 17.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 365 17.2 Servers .................................................................................... 365 17.2.1 SafeCom master server ................................................. 366 17.2.2 SQL master server ....................................................... 367 17.2.3 SafeCom slave server ................................................... 368 17.2.4 Failover servers .......................................................... 369 17.3 User identification ...................................................................... 369 17.4 Devices .................................................................................... 370 17.5 Printer drivers ........................................................................... 370 Index ................................................................................................. 371




1 Introduction


SafeCom Smart Printing
SafeCom Smart Printing solutions are intelligent solutions designed to help companies and organizations gain control over their printing costs and document security. SafeCom is a modular system that can be enhanced with add-on modules to build customer specific and scalable solutions.


Components overview


Database component
Database. A SafeCom server depends on the availability of its database. In most cases the provided database can be used (SQL Server 2008 R2 Express). In a solution with multiple SafeCom servers the master SQL server must run Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or 2005.



1 Introduction


SafeCom components
SafeCom Go offers user authentication at the device and integrates with the touch-screen control panel on selected multi function printers (MFPs) from Canon, Lexmark, HP, Ricoh, Sharp and Xerox. Authentication by card is possible by connecting a SafeCom ID Device (card reader). SafeCom P:Go offers user authentication at single function printers and is typically used to print all documents at login. SafeCom Controller / SafeCom Color Front-end (combined touch-screen and card reader) is the printer manufacture independent and external solution that is used to support devices not supported by SafeCom Go/SafeCom P:Go. SafeCom Device Server is a web server based component that is used to offer SafeCom Go functionality on selected devices from Konica Minolta, Oc and other vendors. It uses SOAP and XML to communicate with the device. No SafeCom software is installed on the device. SafeCom G3 is the server software that comes with a database (SQL Server 2008 R2 Express) for storing user and tracking information. Users are added to the database the first time they print, but they can also be imported from for example Active Directory. It can also work with Microsoft SQL. SafeCom Administrator is the application that is used to configure and administrate the SafeCom solution, including remotely updating SafeCom software on devices. SafeCom Reports is used to generate reports based on tracking data collected for printer, copied and deleted documents. Use it to report cost and environmental savings. SafeCom Web Interface offers users self service through a web browser. Users can delete or retain documents etc. Runs on Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). SafeCom Port Configurator is used to conveniently convert direct TCP/IP printers on print server to Push printers and thus allow tracking of documents sent directly to devices. The printers can be reverted back to TCP/IP printers if required. SafeCom Push Port is the port monitor that tracks directly printed documents. SafeCom Pull Port is a port monitor that tracks and stores the users documents. Documents are stored on the SafeCom server. With SafeCom Print Client documents can optionally be stored on the hard disk drive of the users computer. SafeCom Print Client allows documents to be stored on the hard disk drive of the computer that it is installed onto.



1 Introduction


SafeCom Pay components

These components are relevant only for solutions where users have to pay for the print and copy service. SafeCom Administrator the application that is used to add (deposit) or subtract (withdraw) credits (money) from the users account. SafeCom ePay allow users to transfer money from their bank account to their SafeCom account via the Internet. SafeCom Money Loader is a steel cabinet (safe) equipped with touchscreen, receipt printer, a note acceptor and a coin acceptor. Allow users to deposit cash money to their account without the presence of staff.


SafeCom APIs
In addition to being a modular solution, the SafeCom Smart Printing solution also features a number of optional Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). SafeCom Administrator API is an XML-based tool that makes it possible to manipulate multiple users, automate tasks and integrate your SafeCom Smart Printing solution with other systems. SafeCom Batch Print API is an XML-based tool used to integrate the SafeCom solution with other systems, such as document archiving systems.


SafeCom Service and other services

SafeCom Service The SafeCom Service (scSafeComService.exe) launches the required SafeCom processes (scBroadcastServer.exe, scJobServer.exe, scMoneyServer.exe and scTrackingServer.exe). SafeCom Device Server The SafeCom Device Server (scDeviceServer.exe) launches the SafeCom Device Server. SQLAgent The Microsoft SQL Server Agent handles the replication from the SQL master server to the SafeCom slave servers. MSSQL The Microsoft SQL Server runs the database. Print Spooler The Microsoft Print Spooler (spoolsv.exe) loads files to memory for later printing.



1 Introduction


Pull Printing explained

From the users point of view: 1. 2. 3. 4. Print your documents from Windows. Go to any SafeCom-enabled printer. Login by means of card and/or code. Select the documents you wish to print and pick them up from the printers output bin.

From the administrators point of view: 1. SafeCom solutions require only software to be installed on a Windows 2008 or 2003 server; there is no need to install software on the users computers. It is sufficient to add or modify a shared printer on the server.

From the systems point of view: 1. 2. 3. The Windows print queue is using the port monitor SafeCom Pull Port to analyze the document to determine owner and job characteristics. The SafeCom Pull Port transfers the formatted document and the resulting data to the SafeCom server. When the user login at the printer documents are released for printing. Documents that do not match the printer can be filtered from the list of documents in advance (3.5.7).



1 Introduction


Terms and definitions

The relevance of some of the listed terms depends on the availability of SafeCom add-on modules (license key code controlled). Billing code A code users can associate with any job that is tracked by the SafeCom solution. See SafeCom Client Billing. Charging scheme In the charging scheme you define the cost of the different paper sizes, use of color and duplex (double-sided print). A device can be associated with two charging schemes: 1) Primary charging scheme, which is used to charge users and invoice departments, and 2) Secondary charging scheme, which is used to reflect the true costs. Requires SafeCom Tracking or SafeCom Pay. Domain A group of computers that are part of a network and share a common directory database. Driver name In Windows the driver name appears as Model on the General tab of the Printer properties dialog. The name is used to determine document fidelity (3.5.7). Dual charging scheme See Charging scheme. Encryption (option) By means of encryption the SafeCom solution can prevent anyone from reading the documents, should they be intercepted on their way to the printer (4.15). Requires SafeCom Encryption. Group Either a group of SafeCom servers (Server group) or a group of users. A user can be a member of one or more groups. Existing user grouping can be imported from Windows and used in connection with SafeCom Rule Based Printing. See also: SafeCom Rule Based Printing Group print Documents can be printed to all members of a group. With the Print once option the document is deleted from all members once one member has collected it.



1 Introduction

Home server The SafeCom server the user belongs to and where the list of the users print jobs is maintained. See also: Multi Server Support. LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. License key code A code that is provided by the supplier of your SafeCom solution. Master server If the server group includes multiple SafeCom servers, then one is appointed the role of being the master server. All system and user data are synchronized and distributed from the SafeCom master server. See also: Multi Server Support. MFP Multi Function Printer. A printer that can also scan and copy. Multi Server Support Enables two or more SafeCom servers to work together. Users can roam between locations to collect their documents at any SafeCom-enabled printer and at any location regardless of to which SafeCom server the document was printed (2.11). See also: Home server and Master server. MSCS Microsoft Cluster Service. Organizational unit Organizational unit (Org. unit) is an attribute that describes to which part of the organizational tree users, devices and servers belong (5.12). PIN code PIN (Personal Identification Number) is a personal code consisting of four (4) digits. To increase security users are requested to login by means of both the personal card (or user code) and the PIN code. The default PIN code is 1234. Port Configurator See: SafeCom Port Configurator. Port monitor Port monitor is a component in the Windows print process that is responsible for the communication to the physical printer. When you do a Server installation or Client installation you also install two special port monitors: SafeCom Pull Port and SafeCom Push Port. PUK code PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) is an 8-digit code that associates users with their card (or user code).



1 Introduction

Pull Print The process where users login at the printer before the submitted documents are printed. See also: SafeCom Pull Printer. Push Print The process where submitted documents are sent directly to the printer. See also: SafeCom Push Printer. RBP Rule Based Printing. Rule Based Printing See: SafeCom Rule Based Printing. SafeCom Administrator The application you use to configure and administrate a SafeCom solution. SafeCom Administrator API (option) An XML-based tool that makes it possible to manipulate multiple users, automate tasks and integrate the SafeCom solution with other systems. Is available in the form of an executable and a dynamic link library (DLL). Refer to SafeCom G3 Administrator API Reference Manual D60822. SafeCom Batch Print API (option) An XML-based tool used to integrate the SafeCom solution with other systems, such as document archiving systems. Refer to SafeCom G3 Batch Print API Reference Manual D60823. SafeCom Broadcast Server A server process that enables the various SafeCom applications to find and connect to the relevant servers. SafeCom Client A computer, where a local SafeCom printer is installed. SafeCom Client Billing (option) Allows users to associate billing codes with any print, copy and possibly also fax, scan and e-mail jobs performed on MFPs. With billing codes it is possible to get a very detailed breakdown of printer and MFP usage and possibly recover these expenses by invoicing clients. Requires SafeCom Tracking.



1 Introduction

SafeCom Controller Hardware that connects directly to the Ethernet network and provides network access for the SafeCom ID Device. SafeCom Devices The SafeCom Controller, SafeCom Go and other devices that support the SafeCom protocol. Communicates with the SafeCom Job Server. SafeCom ePay (option) Allow users to transfer money from their bank account to their SafeCom account via the Internet. SafeCom Front-end Hardware that is used to identify users at the printer. It is a card reader with touch-screen (1.10.5). SafeCom Go Internal SafeCom solution for MFPs (1.10.3). SafeCom ID Device Hardware that is used to identify users at the printer (1.10.5). SafeCom Job Server A server process that stores user data, device data and print job references in the SafeCom Job database. Configuration data is also stored for the whole SafeCom solution. SafeCom Money Loader (option) SafeCom Money Loader is a steel cabinet (safe) equipped with touchscreen, receipt printer, a note acceptor and a coin acceptor. Allow users to deposit cash money to their account without the presence of staff. Requires SafeCom Pay. SafeCom Money Server A server process that controls access to the SafeCom Money database that stores transactions made on the users accounts. Requires SafeCom Pay. SafeCom Port Configurator A wizard-based tool for converting existing TCP/IP1 printers to SafeCom Push printers and revert SafeCom Push printers back to their original TCP/IP settings. SafeCom Pull Printer (uses SafeCom Pull Port) A printer defined in Windows that parses the printed document and transfers the printed document and tracked data to the SafeCom server. Subsequently the user can login at any SafeCom-enabled printer to collect the document.

A TCP/IP printer is a Windows print queue that uses the Standard TCP/IP port monitor.



1 Introduction

SafeCom Push Printer (uses SafeCom Push Port) A printer defined in Windows that parses the printed document, transfers the tracked data to the SafeCom server, and forwards the printed document either directly to the physical printer or to another Windows print queue. Requires SafeCom Tracking or SafeCom Pay. SafeCom Print Client SafeCom Print Client allows documents to be stored on the hard disk drive of the computer that it is installed onto. SafeCom Reports (option) SafeCom Reports enables viewing of main tracking statistics, user statistics, device statistics, client billing statistics and job list. SafeCom Reports includes a number of predefined and parameterized reports. Requires SafeCom Tracking. SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP) (option) Allows print cost savings by offering management a method for enforcing policies for printing. Rules can be applied to groups of users. Existing user grouping can be imported from Windows. Requires SafeCom Tracking. SafeCom Server The computer where the SafeCom Server software is installed. SafeCom Tracking Server A server process that controls access to the SafeCom Tracking database that stores information about who printed what on which printer and at what time. The tracking record includes information about paper size, number of pages and possible use of color and duplex (double-sided print). Requires SafeCom Tracking or SafeCom Pay. SafeCom Web Interface With SafeCom Web Interface users can use a standard web browser to see a list of their documents on the SafeCom server. In SafeCom Pay environments users can see their current balance and transactions made on their SafeCom account. Refer to SafeCom G3 Web Interface Administrators Manual D60604. Server group name A unique name used by SafeCom components to reference a group of one or more SafeCom servers. Maximum is 19 characters. Virtual server Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS) enables the creation of virtual servers. Unlike a physical server, a virtual server is not associated with a specific computer, and can failover from one node to another. SafeCom configurations must reference the virtual server rather than the physical servers. Requires SafeCom Cluster Server license.



1 Introduction


System requirements
Consider the hardware and operating systems on your server and clients before installing SafeCom G3.

1.10.1 Server
Windows 2008 and 2003 SP1 (both 32-bit and 64-bit). For demo purpose it can also run on Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP SP2. Virtualization software, such as VMware and Microsoft Virtual Server, is supported as long as it supports the Operating System. 1.4 GHz CPU (recommended 2 GHz or faster) and 2 GB RAM or greater. To take advantage of 4 GB or more physical memory it is necessary enable PAE X86 (Physical Address Extension) on 32-bit Windows systems. Refer to microsoft.com. 5 GB or more to allow database growth. TCP/IP protocol installed and configured. SafeCom license key code (4.9).

Database Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express is distributed with the software and REQUIRES Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 and Windows Installer 4.5. Please visit microsoft.com to download and install these prior to the installation of SafeCom G3. In a SafeCom multi server installation the master server must run Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or 2005.

The SafeCom server and the SafeCom printers on Windows 2008 and 2003 are cluster-aware (requires a SafeCom Cluster Server license). If one server in the failover cluster goes down another takes over. This gives unprecedented high availability. Refer to microsoft.com for additional information on the resulting hardware and software requirements. Note: The above is to be considered rules of thumb in terms of the configuration of the SafeCom servers (CPU, RAM and disk space). The load on the system is very difficult to predict since it depends on so many things, including, number, size and type of documents to be printed, printer driver, number and types of printers, number of users etc. Refer to 2.11 for information on scalability.



1 Introduction

1.10.2 Clients
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, 2008 and 2003. Clients running Citrix and Windows Terminal Service (WTS). 1 GHz CPU and 1 GB RAM or greater (minimum 2 GB RAM if 64-bit). 1 GB free disk space (or more depending on the amount of printing). TCP/IP protocol installed and configured.

Printing via LPD/LPR from Apple MAC, UNIX, Novell and Host systems (mainframe) is possible to a shared SafeCom Pull Printer, but may require additional software (3.6).

1.10.3 Printers and MFPs

Printers and MFPs with a network connection2 can be Pull Print enabled with the SafeCom Go, SafeCom P:Go or SafeCom Controller. SafeCom Go integrates with the touch-screen control panel of the MFPs and offers user authentication by code and/or card. SafeCom P:Go is the internal solution for printers and offers user authentication by card. Supported printer vendors: Canon HP Konica Minolta Lexmark Oc Ricoh Sharp Xerox

SafeCom Controller offers user authentication and Pull Printing independent of printer manufacturer. Users login either through the attached SafeCom Color Front-end or stand-alone SafeCom ID Device. If pages are to be counted SafeCom Tracking is required and the print job must be processed by a driver that support PCL5, PCL5c, PCL5e, PCL6, PCL XL or PostScript level 2 or 3.

1.10.4 Network ports

The network must allow communication via certain network ports, including, TCP port 7500 and 7700, and UDP port 5742. Section 3.8.4 has a complete list and description of the TCP and UDP port numbers used by the SafeCom solution.

Printer must support printing via TCP port 9100.



1 Introduction

1.10.5 SafeCom ID Devices

Pull Printing requires the user to login at the printer. SafeCom offer a wide and ever expanding range of ID devices (methods), including card readers with touch-screen (LCD) and stand-alone card readers. Table 1 SafeCom Controller supported SafeCom ID Devices Identification Method Windows authentication / User code SafeCom AWID Reader SafeCom Barcode Reader SafeCom Casi-Rusco Reader SafeCom Cotag Reader SafeCom Deister Reader SafeCom EM Reader [E] SafeCom EM Reader [R] SafeCom Felica Reader SafeCom HID Reader 35 bit [E] SafeCom HID Reader 35 bit [R] SafeCom HID Reader 37 bit SafeCom iCLASS Reader [E] SafeCom iCLASS Reader [R] SafeCom Indala Reader 26 bit SafeCom Indala Reader 29 bit SafeCom IoProx SafeCom Legic Reader [E] SafeCom Legic Reader [R] SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader (Tr 1) SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader (Tr 2) SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader (Tr 3) SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader DD (Tr 1) SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader DD (Tr 2) SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader DD (Tr 3) SafeCom Mifare Reader [E] SafeCom Mifare Reader [R] SafeCom Nedap Reader SafeCom NexWatch Reader Card Reader USB p/n 696020 694020 652420 678020 674120 674420 697420 673120 673420 671120 654120 654420 670420 651020 658420 679120 679420 Card Reader Serial p/n 696010 694010 652010 674110 697410 673110 671110 654110 670010 651010 658010 679110 959010 954010 657010 692010 691020 692020 970120 970420 653020 698420 Color Front-end Serial p/n 672040 696040 652040 67804x 65504x 674140 697440 673140 671140 654140 670040 651040 658040 679140 959040 691040 657040

970110 978990 698010

970140 653040 698040

Table 1 shows the supported identification methods. The ID device is either fitted or supplied with a 1.8 - 2.0 m cable. Additional information about the ID devices is available in chapter 15 SafeCom ID Devices. If your method of identification is not in the table, then please contact [email protected] to hear about support. You are also welcome to send cards to SafeCom a/s so we can verify that reading is possible.



1 Introduction


Available documentation
SafeCom Smart Printing SafeCom Smart Printing Administrators Quick Guide D10600 How to install a SafeCom Smart Printing solution. SafeCom G3 SafeCom G3 Administrators Manual D60603 (this manual) A comprehensive Manual (376 pages) that the administrator should consult to make a successful SafeCom solution. Includes information about SafeCom Tracking, SafeCom Rule Based Printing, SafeCom Client Billing and SafeCom Pay. SafeCom G3 Cluster Administrators Manual D60620 How to install on a cluster. SafeCom G3 Client Billing Users Quick Guide D60627 How to associate billing codes with jobs. SafeCom G3 Web Interface SafeCom G3 Web Interface Administrators Manual D60604 How to install and customize the Web Interface and SafeCom ePay. SafeCom Reports SafeCom Reports Administrators Manual D60609 How to install and use SafeCom Reports. SafeCom Controller SafeCom Controller Administrators Manual D60700 Manual (pages 42) on how to install, configure and use SafeCom Controller and SafeCom Color Front-end. SafeCom Controller Users Guide D20700 User's Guide on how to use SafeCom Controller and SafeCom Color Frontend. SafeCom Go Canon SafeCom Go Canon Administrators Manual D60707 Manual (28 pages) on how to install, configure and use SafeCom Go Canon. SafeCom Go Canon Users Guide D20707 User's Guide on how to use SafeCom Go Canon. SafeCom Go HP SafeCom Go HP Administrators Manual D60701 Manual (106 pages) on how to install, configure and use SafeCom Go HP. SafeCom Go HP Hardware Quick Guide D10702 Quick Guide (44 pages) on how to install the SafeCom Go HP hardware. SafeCom Go HP Users Guide D20701 User's Guide on how to use SafeCom Go HP.



1 Introduction

SafeCom Go Konica Minolta SafeCom Go Konica Minolta Administrators Manual D60713 Manual (24 pages) on how to install, configure and use SafeCom Go Konica Minolta. SafeCom Go Konica Minolta Users Guide D20713 User's Guide on how to use SafeCom Go Konica Minolta. SafeCom Go Lexmark SafeCom Go Lexmark Administrators Manual D60711 Manual (32 pages) on how to install, configure and use SafeCom Go Lexmark. SafeCom Go Lexmark Users Guide D20711 User's Guide on how to use SafeCom Go Lexmark. SafeCom Go Oc SafeCom Go Oc Administrators Manual D60715 Manual (24 pages) on how to install, configure and use SafeCom Go Oc. SafeCom Go Oc Users Guide D20715 User's Guide on how to use SafeCom Go Oc. SafeCom Go Ricoh SafeCom Go Ricoh Administrators Manual D60703 Manual (28 pages) on how to install, configure and use SafeCom Go Ricoh. SafeCom Go Ricoh Users Guide D20703 User's Guide on how to use SafeCom Go Ricoh. SafeCom Go Sharp SafeCom Go Sharp Administrators Manual D60709 Manual (32 pages) on how to install, configure and use SafeCom Go Sharp. SafeCom Go Sharp Users Guide D20709 User's Guide on how to use SafeCom Go Sharp. SafeCom Go Xerox SafeCom Go Xerox Administrators Manual D60705 Manual (32 pages) on how to install, configure and use SafeCom Go Xerox. SafeCom Go Xerox Users Guide D20705 User's Guide on how to use SafeCom Go Xerox. SafeCom Money Loader SafeCom Money Loader Reference Manual D60605 How to install and configure the SafeCom Money Loader.



1 Introduction

Other manuals SafeCom G3 Administrator API Reference Manual D60822 Describes how to use the Administrator API to add, delete and modify users and how to export tracking data. SafeCom G3 Batch Print API Reference Manual D60823 Describes how to integrate SafeCom with other systems, such as document archiving systems. SafeCom G3 Administrator DLL Programmers Manual D60824 Describes the SafeCom Administrator DLL, a C programmers interface that can be used to automate SafeCom administration tasks and integrate SafeCom with existing systems. SafeCom G3 Disaster Recovery Manual D60621 Describes disaster recovery process for a SafeCom single server solution. SafeCom G3 Enterprise Disaster Recovery Manual D60622 Describes disaster recovery process for a SafeCom multi server solution.


About this manual

This manual applies to SafeCom G3 Server version S82 070.400*03, SafeCom Controller version S80 508.780*46, SafeCom Controller 3 Port version S80 312.750*67, SafeCom Controller 1 Port version S80 304.750*67, SafeCom Go Canon version S88 010.020*01, SafeCom Go HP version S89 nnn.030*42 / S49 nnn.020*18, SafeCom Go Lexmark S93 nnn.010*04, SafeCom Go Ricoh S87 nnn.020*01, SafeCom Go Sharp S80 508.780*46, SafeCom Go Xerox S80 508.780*46. This manual is organized as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction lists the supplied SafeCom documentation, introduces SafeCom relevant terms, system requirements and describes how this manual is organized. Chapter 2 Frequently asked questions contains answers to some of the questions frequently asked by administrators. Chapter 3 Planning your SafeCom solution helps and guides the administrator to a successful SafeCom solution that reduces print costs, is easy to administrate and yields high user satisfaction. Chapter 4 Installation contains less used installation related topics that were excluded from the Quick Guide that was supplied in hardcopy with your product. Covers multi server and cluster installation. Chapter 5 SafeCom Administrator describes the menus and dialogs of the administrative application, SafeCom Administrator. Chapter 6 Manage servers describes how to manage server groups and servers, in particular groups with multiple servers. Chapter 7 Manage users links the SafeCom options discussed during the planning phase in chapter 3 with easy-to-follow step-by-step procedures.



1 Introduction

Chapter 8 Manage devices describes how to manage devices from within SafeCom Administrator. Chapter 9 SafeCom Tracking describes how tracking is done, how to plan and configure the tracking solution, define costs via charging schemes and how to work with the tracking data. Chapter 10 SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP) describes how to plan and configure rule based printing. Chapter 11 SafeCom Client Billing describes how to plan and configure your billing solution, including how to import and work with billing codes. Chapter 12 SafeCom Pay describe how to plan and configure your pay solution, choose accounting policy, ensure users pay and use deposit and withdraw credits from users accounts. Chapter 13 SafeCom Device Utility describes how to use SafeCom Device Utility to load device software and configure devices. Chapter 14 Format of tracking data describes the format of the exported tracking data. Chapter 15 SafeCom ID Devices contains brief description of the standalone card readers and their status signals. Chapter 16 Troubleshooting, contains hints for troubleshooting. Chapter 17 Administrators installation notes, contains forms that can be used to record information about the SafeCom solution.


Document history
Revision D60603-07 SafeCom G3 Server version S82 070.400*03 Update of multi server solutions should only be conducted as described in section (4.7.3). Updated to reflect that SQL Server 2000 is not supported.

Revision D60603-06 SafeCom G3 Server version S82 070.400*02 Important note added to section Update multi server installation (4.7)

Revision D60603-05 SafeCom G3 Server version S82 070.400*02 Start SafeCom Service after restarting SQL server (4.2.6).

Revision D60603-04 SafeCom G3 Server version S82 070.400*02 Force SQL Server 2008 R2 to use fixed TCP port 1433 (4.2.6).



1 Introduction

Revision D60603-03 SafeCom G3 Server version S82 070.400*02 Updated to reflect use of SQL Server 2008 R2 Express and new installer. New section: Update multi server installation (4.7).

Revision D60603-02 SafeCom G3 Server version S82 070.400*02 How to use SafeCom Administrator as a Cashier user (12.5). SafeCom Device Utility (13).

Revision D60603-01 SafeCom G3 Server version S82 070.400*01 SafeCom Print Client installation (4.3). SafeCom Application Print (4.4). Branches (5.11).



2 Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. Asking questions and finding answers is a popular way to acquire new knowledge. In the following subsections you will find answers to some of the questions frequently asked by administrators.


What are the benefits of Pull Printing?

Use cost-effective workgroup devices as personal devices - without jeopardizing document security. This means fewer devices to service, since all the smaller personal devices can be taken out of service. With fewer devices office space is freed up and floor plans can be designed more freely and user friendly. Documents follow users to their choice of device. If one device goes out of order users can just collect their document at another SafeComenabled device. Avoid situations where uncollected documents clutter the devices output bin. Get rid of the frustration of finding that someone else took your document or that you cannot find it in the pile of uncollected documents that are scattered around the device. The wastebasket (or paper recycle bin) will no longer contain uncollected documents and you can abolish the use of banner pages to separate documents. Depending on your printing environment users may need access to just one shared SafeCom Pull Printer on a server in order to be able to print on any SafeCom-enabled device (3.5.7). This gives way to a much less complex printing environment and very little or no print queue setup on the users computers. When the users are logged in at the device they have full control and time to load stationeries, transparencies, labels or other media that may require manual feed. Users who print many small documents do not need to rush to the device every time they print. They can collect their documents when it suites them. The time spent at the device waiting for the documents to print is limited because workgroup devices can output 40 or more pages per minute. Workgroup devices will typically support double-sided print (duplex), printing multiple pages on the same page (N-up printing) and booklet printing. With booklet printing an 8-page document will print on 2 sheets of paper (paper use is reduced with 75%).

In addition to these benefits you should consider the additional benefits you can gain by installing any SafeCom add-on modules: SafeCom Tracking (9), SafeCom Rule Based Printing (10), SafeCom Client Billing (11) and SafeCom Pay (12).



2 Frequently asked questions


What devices are supported?

The external SafeCom Controller can be connected to any network device (device must support printing via TCP port 9100 or similar). You do not need additional network outlets since the SafeCom Controller has a built-in extra port (RJ-45 Ports, 10/100 BASE-TX). The IP address can be assigned via DHCP (dynamic or fixed) or manually. The flexibility of the external SafeCom hardware enables you to change printer vendor and continue to use your SafeCom hardware with the new devices. The SafeCom hardware is Flash upgradeable and features a web interface for easy maintenance and configuration. For Canon, HP, Konica Minolta, Lexmark, Oc, Ricoh, Sharp and Xerox there are convenient internal and embedded solutions.


Is Copy Control supported?

Yes, on selected Multi Function Printers (MFPs) the SafeCom solution can control access to the copy function. The user has to login before copying is allowed.


Is it possible to charge for print costs?

Yes, with SafeCom Tracking you can monitor print and copy usage and use the recorded data for subsequent departmental invoicing. Tracking applies to: Documents printed directly to the device (Push Print)3 Documents requiring user login at the device (Pull Print) Copies made after user login at the MFP (Copy Control)

With SafeCom Pay (12), an add-on to SafeCom Tracking (9), users can be required to pay upfront for printing and copying. With SafeCom Money Loader and/or SafeCom ePay users can revalue their account.


Is it necessary to install software on the users computers?

No, it is normally not necessary to install software on the users computers. However, there are a few exceptions were it is necessary to install a local SafeCom Pull Printer on users computers (3.5.5).

Tracking of Push Print does not require SafeCom hardware at the printer.



2 Frequently asked questions


How are users identified?

Users can login by card or user code. Refer to 3.3. A complete list of supported ID devices can be found in 1.10.5. There are basically two types of ID devices to choose from: Card Reader All the users documents are printed as the user uses his personal card. Card Reader with Touch-screen (LCD) Document security can be enhanced by requesting the user to enter a personal PIN code as he uses his card. Or the user can enter a user code instead of using a card. Once logged in the user can print all documents with a single touch or browse through the list of documents to print, delete, retain or request multiple copies of individual documents.


How are users managed?

Users can be created in advance, either manually or through a user import wizard, or they can be created the first time they print. Refer to 3.4.


How are users with the same name handled?

Users with the same name from multiple domains can be added to the SafeCom solution. User logon does not have to be unique across domains. A user John Smith (JS) within domainA is different from the user John Smith (JS) within domainB, and different from John Smith (JS) with no domain info.


How many users, printers and documents can a server handle?

The bottleneck is the number of concurrent documents (print jobs) to and from the SafeCom server. The performance of a SafeCom server is comparable to that of a Windows print server. This means that a SafeCom server is capable of supporting approximately as many devices as you would normally install on an equivalent Windows print server.


Can access to devices be restricted?

Yes, it is possible to control users access to devices (printers and MFPs) based on the organizational relationship between the user and device (5.12).



2 Frequently asked questions


Are SafeCom solutions scalable?

Yes, with SafeCom Multi Server Support it is possible to scale SafeCom solutions to match the demanding requirements of large installations with thousands of users and hundreds of devices. Scalability is achieved by adding the required number of SafeCom servers. With SafeCom Multi Server Support users can roam between locations to collect their documents at any SafeCom-enabled device and at any location regardless of to which SafeCom server the document was printed. Large companies and organizations that use multiple Windows print servers to handle printing today are likely to need SafeCom Multi Server Support.


How does a solution with multiple servers work?

A SafeCom multi server solution consist of one SafeCom master server and one or more SafeCom slave servers. The SafeCom master server uses the replication capabilities of its Microsoft SQL Server to ensure that all SafeCom slave servers databases are up-to-date at all times. The SafeCom slave servers can use the free Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express and is not required to run a licensed Microsoft SQL Server.
SafeCom Server Master Printers

SafeCom Server Printers

SafeCom Server Printers

A users home server denotes the SafeCom server the user belongs to and where the users print jobs are stored. Because data about users and devices is known on all servers, only the users and devices belonging to a particular slave server (home server) will be affected if that server goes down. Enterprise customers where printing is mission critical often use Microsoft Cluster Service (4.8) to further ensure the availability of the SafeCom servers. SafeCom print queues can be installed on any of the SafeCom servers, but most enterprise customers choose to install print queues on the SafeCom slave servers only and keep the master server free from print processing tasks so it only needs to replicate data (and collect tracking data from the slaves). It is possible to distribute the print-processing task to ordinary Windows print servers by doing a SafeCom client installation (4.2.3) on these. However, this will increase the network load, as Pull Print jobs will have to go onto the network an extra time (to get transferred from the Windows print server to the users home server). This may slow performance if the resulting print jobs tend to be big in terms of file size. One cannot assume that the print job will be small in file size, just because the original document is small. We have seen examples where a 1Mb (2-page) PDF file grew to +500Mb. This is very printer driver dependent.



2 Frequently asked questions


Can documents be printed securely?

Yes, with a SafeCom Encryption License documents can be encrypted on the network; from the moment the user clicks print on his computer and until the document is collected at the device. This prevents anyone from reading the documents, should they be intercepted on the network. Documents are always encrypted when they stored for later printing (4.15). Basic document security is achieved by requesting users to login by means of both a personal ID card (or user code) and a PIN code when they collect their documents at the device.


What happens to uncollected documents?

Documents remain on the SafeCom server until the user login at the device to collect the documents. Documents that are not collected by users are automatically deleted after a configurable time.


Is it always possible to print?

Like with any other computer system it cannot be guaranteed that printing will always be possible. The SafeCom solution is depending on the stability of your network, devices and computers, especially the hard disks. However, in some aspects a SafeCom Pull Print solution will give you a more redundant printing solution, because if a device fails users can just collect their documents at another device. In general you should apply the same measures that are taken to ensure that Windows print servers and Windows domain controllers are up and running at all times. Typical technologies that can be applied to reduce the risk of failure: Hard disks use RAID or similar technology. Microsoft Cluster Service (4.8). Network connections are duplicated. Backup of databases, so you can re-create the SafeCom solution in case of computer crash (3.9).


Can print usage be tracked without hardware?

Yes, with the Push Print tracking concept in SafeCom Tracking users can print directly to the device and still have their print usage tracked. It is not necessary to install dedicated SafeCom hardware. The device can be networked or locally attached to a Windows computer via a parallel, USB or SCSI port.



2 Frequently asked questions


Can a Pull Printer be used for Push tracking?

Yes, a SafeCom-enabled device can also be used to track documents that are sent directly. In other words, users are offered the choice of Push or Pull Printing, while maintaining total print cost management. To prevent documents from being mixed, incoming Push Printed documents are put on hold as long as someone is logged in at the printer or MFP.


What happens if the SafeCom solution stops working?

In case of any problems the SafeCom solution has three methods to communicate this to the outside: On the users computer A message appears on the users computer screen when he tries to print via the SafeCom solution. The message can read: Unable to connect to SafeCom server. Document is not printed. Please contact your administrator! Refer to 16.33 to see additional messages. At the device An OUT OF ORDER screen is displayed on the SafeCom-enabled device while the problem persist (16.10). E-mail to administrator The administrator can receive service and error (event log) messages via e-mail (5.7.4).


What is the administrative overhead?

Under the right circumstances your SafeCom solution is capable of creating users automatically the first time they print via the SafeCom solution. The system can send a welcoming e-mail with instructions to new users the first time they print. This method reduces the administrative overhead to a minimum (3.4.2). In chapter 3 Planning your SafeCom solution you can learn how your SafeCom solution can become one that reduces print costs, is easy to administrate and yields high user satisfaction. Chapter 3 features a checklist for planning your SafeCom solution (3.2), a section on roll out considerations (3.7) and input to the administrative procedures you need to have in place (3.7.3). In chapter 16 Troubleshooting you will find comprehensive sections on troubleshooting. You can even configure the SafeCom solution to e-mail you service and error (event log) messages. The most common problems reported by end-users have been compiled into an online SafeCom Help Desk Assistant available at safecom.eu/help



2 Frequently asked questions


What about integration with other systems?

In addition to being a modular solution, the SafeCom solution also features a number of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The SafeCom Administrator API allows you to automate tasks and integrate the SafeCom solution with other systems. It is an XML-based tool available as an executable and DLL. The SafeCom Batch Print API can be used for integration with document archiving systems. SafeCom a/s is always ready to discuss customized development, if this is required to optimize your print and copy solution. Please contact [email protected] to hear about possibilities.


Does it pay to apply a SafeCom solution?

It is a common (and costly) mistake to compare the price of a SafeCom solution with the purchase price of todays devices. The purchase price of the device constitutes only a small fraction compared to the lifetime costs of consumables (paper, toner and moving parts). Calculations should be based on the amount of money saved due to reduced print costs and administrative and organizational benefits. The investment in a SafeCom solution will typically be returned within the first year.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


Planning your SafeCom solution

We want your SafeCom solution to be one that reduces print costs, is easy to administrate and yields high user satisfaction. To accomplish this you need to understand your options before you plan your SafeCom solution.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


Checklist to help you on the way

To help you plan your SafeCom solution you may use the checklist, which you can fill in, as you read through the following sections and expand your knowhow of the SafeCom solution. Table 2 Checklist for SafeCom solution Topic Responsibility Name of person: Users Number of users: User identification Card, and type of card User code PIN code User creation Import users Create users at first print Create users manually Windows server Multi Server Support Cluster Support Computer name: Server address: Processor (CPU): Memory (RAM): Disk space: Devices SafeCom Go Canon SafeCom Go Konica Minolta SafeCom Go HP SafeCom Go Lexmark SafeCom Go Oc SafeCom Go Ricoh SafeCom Go Sharp SafeCom Go Xerox SafeCom Controller and SafeCom Color Front-end SafeCom Controller and SafeCom ID Device List device models: Personal notes

Other factors Are there any other factors that may influence the success of the SafeCom solution?



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


User identification by card or user code

Pull printing requires users to login at the device. Identification by card is a convenient method and the obvious choice when cards are used for existing purposes, such as building access. There are also solutions where users identify themselves by entering a user code instead of using a card. The user code is case sensitive and can be the users phone number, employee number, student number, social security number4 or another number that is unique for the user and easy to remember. Identification by user code is possible with the SafeCom Go products that integrate with the devices control panel or the external SafeCom Controller in combination with the SafeCom Color Front-end. Furthermore you can enhance security by requesting users to enter a personal 4-digit PIN code. If stand-alone card readers are used for identification the association between user and card must either happen manually as described in 3.4.5 or via import as described in 3.4.1.


User creation and management

Users can be added, modified and deleted with the supplied SafeCom Administrator. In the following sections the different options for creating and managing users are described. Lets start by looking at the data. The data of relevance to users falls into three categories: Personal data Personal data includes the users full name (John Smith), user logon (JS), domain and e-mail ([email protected]). These data can normally be imported. The user logon is mandatory, maximum twenty (20) characters and must be unique within a domain. The user logon is normally the same as the users Windows logon. Identification data Identification data includes the card number and the optional 4-digit PIN code. If the cards are use for existing purposes, such as building access, then it may be possible to import these data from an existing database. The card number is mandatory, case sensitive, maximum thirty-nine (39) characters and it must be unique. Settings data Settings data are specific to the SafeCom solution and typically it is not possible to extract and import these data from other systems. However, to ease administration it is possible to define a default user and let new users inherit the settings data from the default user (7.2).

The legislation in some countries does not allow the use of social security numbers.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


Import user data from other systems

Administration can be eased considerably if data can be imported from other systems. This is particular relevant in solutions with many users. SafeCom Administrator includes a user import wizard that can import personal data via Windows 2008, 2003 and 2000 Active Directory and Novell eDirectory (NDS eDirectory v.8.7.3 or later). In addition it is also possible to import both personal and identification data via XML and CSV (7.3). SafeCom Administrator API (option) is an XML-based tool that makes it possible to manipulate multiple users, automate tasks and integrate your SafeCom solution with other systems.


Create users at first print

Under the right circumstances your SafeCom solution is capable of creating users automatically the first time they print via the SafeCom solution. This method reduces the administrative overhead to a minimum. How it works: 1. 2. 3. The user clicks print in Windows and selects a SafeCom Pull Printer. The document is transferred to the SafeCom server. The server extracts the user logon and finds that the user is unknown and/or a card (or user code) remains to be associated with the user. If the user is unknown the server creates the user based on the default users properties. Next it sends an e-mail to the user, explaining how to collect the document. You can see the e-mail template in 5.7.8.

Prerequisites: The user logon (JS) and the e-mail domain (safecom.eu) can be combined into the users valid e-mail address ([email protected]). The user must be able to enter the e-mailed 8-digit PUK code, which is used to associate the user with the card (or user code).

For step-by-step instructions refer to 7.4.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


Let users associate themselves with their card

Provided your SafeCom solution allows users to enter a PUK code at the device, you can leave it to the users to associate themselves with their card. How it works: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Start SafeCom Administrator, locate or add the user. Provide the user with the 8-digit PUK code or let the system e-mail the PUK code to the user (5.7.4). The user goes to the device and uses the card. The SafeCom solution finds that the card is not yet associated with a user. The user is asked to enter the PUK code once (and a PIN code of his choice twice). If the PUK code is wrong the association fails and the user is asked to enter the PUK code again. The user can click Exit to terminate the process. The card and user is associated when the screen displays: Operation succeeded. Please login again.

Prerequisites: Users must be able to enter PUK code at the device, for example by having at least one MFP with SafeCom Go or a printer equipped with a SafeCom Color Front-end.


Let users associate themselves with their user code

Provided your SafeCom solution allows users to enter a PUK code at the device, you can leave it to the users to associate themselves with their user code. The user code is case sensitive. If the solution includes SafeCom Front-ends user codes must consist of 1-10 digits. Note: Normally the administrator does the association between user and user code. Refer to 3.4.6. How it works: 1. 2. 3. Start SafeCom Administrator, locate or add the user. Provide the user with the 8-digit PUK code or let the system e-mail the PUK code to the user (5.7.4). The user goes to the device to login. The user enters his unique user code. The SafeCom solution finds that the user code is not yet associated with a user. The user is asked to enter the PUK code once (and a PIN code of his choice twice). If the PUK code is wrong the association fails and the user is asked to enter the PUK code again. The user can terminate the process. The user code and user is associated when the screen displays: Operation succeeded. Please login again.

4. 5.

Prerequisites: All devices must allow users to enter PUK codes and user codes.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


Let administrator associate users with their card

How it works: 1. 2. 3. 4. Start SafeCom Administrator, locate or add the user. Open the ID code tab in the User properties dialog (5.8.3). Click Listen and use the card with the connected card reader. If no PIN code is entered the user is assigned the default PIN code 1234.

Prerequisites: The computer must have a card reader installed (4.18). Users must turn up in person to have their card read and a person with administrator rights must be present to operate the computer. Administrator must inform the user of his PIN code.


Let administrator associate users with their ID code

How it works: 1. 2. 3. 4. Start SafeCom Administrator, locate or add the user. Open the ID code tab in the User properties dialog (5.8.3). Enter the ID code (case sensitive). If no PIN code is entered the user is assigned the default PIN code 1234. The user may change the PIN code subsequently (3.4.7).

Prerequisites: Administrator must inform the user of his user code and PIN code.


Allow users to change their PIN code

If Allow users to change PIN code is checked on the Users tab in the Server properties dialog (5.7.2) users can change their PIN code using any of the below methods: Using the SafeCom G3 Web Interface. On devices equipped with SafeCom Color Front-end.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


Determine users home server

If SafeCom Multi Server Support is enabled the home server denotes the SafeCom server the user belongs to and where the users print jobs remains. If the server group consists of only one SafeCom server there is no need to specify home server, since it is identical to that one SafeCom server. The users home server can be specified in SafeCom Administrator. Refer to 5.8.1. If the user changes home server documents will not follow, but will be deleted according to the specified time jobs are allowed to remain on that SafeCom server. If no home server is specified the users home server will become the one that is first contacted. First-time contact is when the user prints to a SafeCom device or login at a SafeCom device. Users that are created at first print (3.4.2) will by default get the master server as home server.


Overview of software installation

In most cases it is sufficient to make a SafeCom server installation and add a shared SafeCom Pull Printer on the server. If you have multiple Windows print servers with shared printers you can turn these printers into SafeCom Pull Printers by making them use the SafeCom Pull Port, a special port monitor (3.5.4). You still need to install SafeCom hardware at the physical device to allow Pull Printing. To administrate your SafeCom solution from other computers, you simply install the SafeCom Administrator on those computers (5.2). To release yourself of some of the administrative obligations you can assign administrator rights to appointed SafeCom users.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


Server installation
You need to make a SafeCom Server installation on a server computer. Just insert the SafeCom CD and select Server installation (4.2.2). This will install all the required software, including the port monitor SafeCom Pull Port and the administrative application SafeCom Administrator. Refer to 1.10.1 for a description of the server requirements. The Server installation allows you to specify two destination folders; one for the program files and another for the print jobs. You may wish to locate the print jobs on a hard disk equipped with RAID or similar technology. The default installation folder is: C:\Program Files\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 On Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\ SafeCom\SafeComG3


Multi server installation

You need to make a SafeCom Server installation on each server as outlined in 3.5.1. You use SafeCom Administrator to group the servers together. The steps involved are described in 4.6. The SafeCom master server must run Microsoft SQL Server.


Disk space considerations

The amount of recommended disk space on the SafeCom server depends on numerous parameters, including: number of users, number of documents, the size of these documents and the time they are stored before they are collected by the users at the devices. Through the SafeCom Administrator you can specify how often uncollected documents should be deleted and if users should be notified by e-mail in advance about this (5.7.1). With todays low storage prices we recommend something like 100 Mb per user for printing purpose. The SafeCom software itself requires less than 25 Mb.
disk space = average number of jobs on the server per user average size of jobs



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


Shared SafeCom Pull Printer

The easiest way to make SafeCom Pull Printing available to users is to make an existing shared Windows printer on the SafeCom server or on a Windows print server use the SafeCom Pull Port, a special port monitor that sees to the transfer of documents to the SafeCom server. Prerequisites: A Client installation is performed to install the SafeCom Pull Port on the Windows print server (4.2.3). The SafeCom Pull Port is installed on the SafeCom server as part of the Server installation (4.11). The SafeCom Pull Port should be set to Use network logon.

To avoid interfering with your users while you test your SafeCom solution, it is recommended to leave your shared printers as they are and just add a few new shared SafeCom Pull Printers, dedicated to the testing of SafeCom.


Local SafeCom Pull Printer

Normally it is not necessary to install a local SafeCom Pull Printer on the users computers. However, there is at least one exception, namely if users need to print from the computer without being logged on to Windows as themselves. Prerequisites: The SafeCom Pull Port must be installed on the client computer (4.12). If users need to print from the computer without being logged on to Windows as themselves the SafeCom Pull Port must be set to Show authentication dialog. This makes the SafeCom Authentication dialog appear that prompts for the user logon. Entering the user logon will not log the user on to Windows, but it will enable the SafeCom server to determine who sent the document. Refer to 4.12 and 4.13.4.

Installing local SafeCom Pull Printers is relevant if your SafeCom solution include SafeCom Encryption (4.15).


SafeCom printers can reference multiple servers

The SafeCom Pull Port (4.13.3) and SafeCom Push Port (9.3.6) can reference more than one SafeCom server. This feature can be used to give additional resilience in a multi server solution where SafeCom printers are installed on local clients or print servers. If the first SafeCom server on the list is unavailable it will try the next one. After 60 seconds it will attempt to revert to the first SafeCom server.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


Printer driver and document fidelity considerations

When printing, the SafeCom solution takes the output from the installed Windows printer driver and stores it in the SafeCom database until the user collects the document at the device. The question is: What happens if the document is subsequently collected at a different device model? The worst case is that the document prints incorrectly or not at all. The best case is that the document prints correctly. However, you may also experience something in between. For example if you request printing on both sides (duplex) in the printer driver, but this is not supported by the device. In this case you will probably get single sided (simplex) print. Document fidelity is determined by comparing the name of the printer driver embedded in the print job with the list of driver names returned by the SafeCom device. If there is no match it is considered low fidelity and the document is labeled with a question mark [?]. Refer to 5.7.3 on how to configure document fidelity. In our experience document fidelity is pretty high if you use a printer driver that generates PCL and subsequently collect the document at a printer that supports PCL. The same goes for PostScript. If you use many different devices from different manufacturers then you may have to install multiple shared SafeCom Pull Printers, each one with their specific Windows printer driver.


High Speed Print considerations

By enabling High Speed Print on the SafeCom-enabled device documents that are collected at the device are printed almost as fast as those that are printed directly. This is because print data is sent directly to the device from the SafeCom server. However, as the print data is received directly by the device, it is not always possible to hold off other users print jobs, while a user is logged in at the device. Users may risk that the output bin contains other users documents. This is obviously not an issue if management has decided to ban all direct printing and only allow Pull Print. Documents that are submitted via a SafeCom Push Port within the same SafeCom group can be held off, but documents that are submitted via a Standard TCP/IP Port cannot be held off.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


Print from other systems

Even though the SafeCom solution is a Windows-based printing solution, it is possible to print from other systems. This is described in the following sections.


Print from Apple Mac

Printing from Mac OS X Server via LPR/LPD is possible. The printing system in Mac OS X is based on the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS). Printing from earlier versions of Apple Mac OS is possible using the crossplatform file and printer sharing solution DAVE from Thursby Software Systems, thursby.com. Prerequisites: The Windows component Print Services for UNIX must be installed. The Windows server must be restarted after installation.

If the user logon on Windows differs from the one on the Mac, then the user logon on the Mac must be on the users list of aliases (5.8.6).


Print from UNIX

On UNIX it is possible to define an LPR/LPD printer that prints to the shared SafeCom Pull or Push Printer on the Windows server. Prerequisites: The Windows component Print Services for UNIX must be installed. The Windows server must be restarted after installation.

If the user logon on Windows differs from the one on UNIX, then the user logon on UNIX must be on the users list of aliases (5.8.6).


Print from Novell

With Novell Netware 6 and NDPS (Novell Distributed Print Services) you can use Novell iPrint to print via LPR to the shared SafeCom Pull or Push Printer on the Windows server. Refer to novell.com for additional information.


Print from Host systems (mainframe)

From the Host system it is possible to define an LPR/LPD printer that prints to the shared SafeCom Pull or Push Printer on the Windows server. Prerequisites: The Windows component Print Services for UNIX must be installed. The Windows server must be restarted after installation.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


Roll out considerations

As previously stated we want your SafeCom solution to be easy to administrate and yield high user satisfaction. The following sections describe how you can make your SafeCom solution a successful one. Read the sections through and feel free to use the recommendations as you please.


Test solution prior to roll out

Before you roll out your SafeCom solution you should test it to make sure that everything works as expected. You are encouraged to involve some of the users in the test. Users are an invaluable source of information, and they are likely to come up with some suggestions as to how you should implement your specific SafeCom solution. Furthermore, these users can help spread the word about the SafeCom solution in the organization afterwards.


Inform and prepare your users

It is very important to keep users informed about changes that will affect their daily work. A SafeCom solution will indeed affect the way users print. We recommend that you inform users via Intranet and e-mail as necessary. Even though the SafeCom solution is as easy to use as a cash dispenser, we urge you to schedule a couple of 15 minutes sessions at a SafeCom-enabled device. During the sessions you should demonstrate the SafeCom solution, allow users to try it hands-on and answer questions. You may wish to temporarily post an instruction sheet at the SafeCom-enabled devices. The instruction should briefly introduce new users to how they should operate the SafeCom equipment. From our web site, safecom.eu, you can download various resources.


Clearly define responsibilities and procedures

The overall responsibility for the SafeCom solution should be assigned to a single person (probably you who read this ). That way there will be no doubt as to who is responsible. You need to decide who should have rights (5.8.4) as Technician and Administrator. If your organization has a help desk you should ensure that the people in help desk feel comfortable with the SafeCom solution and are capable of answering questions and resolve or escalate problems relating to the SafeCom solution. You are encouraged to include the help desk contact information on the Instruction sheets mentioned in the previous section.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution

You can also include the help desk contacts on the OUT OF ORDER screen, which the SafeCom Front-end displays when communication is lost to the SafeCom server. The SafeCom Front-end returns to normal operation by itself a couple of minutes after communication has been restored. The person responsible for the SafeCom solution should ensure that administrative procedures are in place for the following: Backup and restore (3.9). When you need to add new users (7.5). When users lose their card (7.12). When users forgets their user code (7.13). When users forget their PIN code (7.14).


Preemptive support and diagnostic tools

The following sub-sections describe the support and diagnostic tools.

Event log and e-mail notification

The SafeCom server writes information to its Event log (5.15). You can access the Event log from the Servers menu in the SafeCom Administrator. Events older than one year are automatically deleted from the database. Furthermore the administrator can receive service and error (event log) messages via e-mail (5.7.4).



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


Use the supplied command line utility scping to search for SafeCom servers. Syntax: scping [Group|Ip|-h:Host|-b:IpMask [-c]] [-x:Host:Port] [/?] Group Ip -h:Host -b:IpMask -c -x:Host:Port Examples: scping scping scping scping scping MyServerGroup -c -h:MyServer -c -b: -x:MyServer:7700 Broadcast for server group. Ping server on specified IP address. Ping server on specified host. Broadcast for servers on specified subnet. Try to connect server to confirm it's running. Try to establish a connection to Host using Port.


SafeCom Service and processes

The SafeCom Service: scSafeComService.exe

The SafeCom Service launches the following processes: scBroadcastServer.exe scJobServer.exe scMoneyServer.exe scTrackingServer.exe



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


TCP and UDP port numbers used by SafeCom

TCP 9100 7900 Usage Used for sending print data to the device via TCP/IP (raw). Used between the SafeCom Job Server(s) and the SafeCom Tracking Server. In a multi server solution with offline tracking port 7900 is used from the master Job Server to the slave Tracking server(s). With online tracking port 7900 is used from the slave Job Server to the master Tracking server. In case of a single server solution the communication does not go onto the network, but the port still need to be open. Used for TELNET connection to the SafeCom Job Server to control the SafeCom Trace Facility. Used between the SafeCom Job Server and SafeCom applications and SafeCom devices (SafeCom Go and SafeCom Controller). Also used between the SafeCom Master and Slave servers. Used between the SafeCom Print Client and SafeCom devices. Used between the SafeCom Job Server and SafeCom devices. Used between the SafeCom Job Server(s) and the SafeCom Money Server. In a multi server solution port 7400 is used from the slave Job Server to the master Money server. In case of a single server solution the communication does not go onto the network, but the port still need to be open. Used between the SafeCom Administrator and SafeCom devices. Used between the SafeCom Port Monitors and SafeCom PopUp dialog (scPopup.exe) for presenting notification messages on users screen. Used by default for replication between Microsoft SQL servers. May be different on your server. Port 389 is used for user import from Active Directory and port 636 is used if this needs to be secure via SSL/LDAPS. Used between the SafeCom Administrator and SafeCom devices web interface. Used for sending e-mails from SafeCom Server, SafeCom Controller and device. Protocol RAW SafeCom

7723 7700


7600 7500 7400

SafeCom SafeCom SafeCom

5742 5740 1433 636 389 80 25




3 Planning your SafeCom solution

UDP 5742 5741 161

Usage Used by the SafeCom Job Server, SafeCom devices and SafeCom applications to find each other via the SafeCom Broadcast Server. Used between the SafeCom Administrator and SafeCom devices. Used between the SafeCom Administrator and SafeCom devices when adding devices or retrieving status. Used by Port Monitor if SNMP status is enabled.

Protocol SafeCom SafeCom SNMP

The table below contains some typical SafeCom server and client installations and lists what inbound ports should be open if a firewall, such as Windows Firewall (4.2.5), is installed on the computer. SafeCom installation type SafeCom master server SafeCom slave server SafeCom Print Client Client with local SafeCom printers Client with scPopUp Client with SafeCom Administrator TCP 7400, 7500, 7700, 7900 7500, 7700 7600 5740 UDP 5742 5742

The figure shows the connections between the different SafeCom components and the TCP and UDP ports used for communication.
SafeCom Job Server (slave) TCP 7700 pay solution only online tracking only Mail Server

TCP 7700

TCP 25

SafeCom Broadcast Server

TCP 7500 UDP 5742

SafeCom Job Server (master)

TCP 7900 SafeCom Tracking Server

TCP 7400 SafeCom Money Server

SafeCom Print Client TCP 7600





SafeCom Administrator TCP 80 5742 SafeCom Devices TCP 25 UDP 161 5741

SafeCom Port Monitors

SafeCom APIs

SafeCom Web Interface

SafeCom Money Loader

TCP 5740 SafeCom PopUp

Mail Server



3 Planning your SafeCom solution

If multiple servers are used each SafeCom slave server will use TCP port 7900 to deliver tracking data to the SafeCom Tracking server on the SafeCom master server, either continuously (online tracking) or scheduled (offline tracking). Refer to 9.9. There is only one SafeCom Money Server and it resides on the SafeCom master server. SafeCom slave servers will use TCP port 7400 to communicate with the SafeCom Money Server on the SafeCom master server.


SafeCom SQL databases

The following databases are used: SafeCom Job Database Used by scJobServer.exe SafeCom Event Log Used by scEvent.dll SafeCom Money Database Used by scMoneyServer.exe SafeCom Tracking Database Used by scTrackingServer.exe

Each SafeCom server in the server group has its own SafeCom Job Database and SafeCom Event Log. Events older than one year are automatically deleted from the database. The SafeCom Tracking Database is only relevant if your solution includes the SafeCom Tracking or SafeCom Pay. The SafeCom Money Database is only relevant if your solution includes the SafeCom Pay. A server group should only use one SafeCom Money Server. This is located on the SafeCom master server by default.


SafeCom database update log

A number of scdbu*.log files are created in the SafeCom installation folder the first time the SafeCom Service is started after a new SafeCom server version has been installed. The files are created whether or not trace is enabled.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


Windows registry settings

Use the Windows regedit program to see the Windows registry settings. Settings for the SafeCom Server software is stored at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ SafeCom\SafeComG3

On Windows 64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ SafeCom\SafeComG3

Settings for the SafeCom Port Monitors are stored at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print\Monitors\SafeCom Pull Port HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print\Monitors\SafeCom Push Port


Backup and restore

It is recommended to have backup and restore processes in place for your SafeCom solution. With well-defined and tested processes it is possible to reduce the downtime. With Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS) the downtime can be reduced even further. If a Service Level Agreement (SLA) exists it may specify the accepted downtime. The shorter time the better prepared you have to be in regards to restoring the SafeCom solution and the more evident is the need for a clustered SafeCom solution. When devising the backup and restore processes you should consider: Standby computer to replace faulty one (3.9.1). Backup and restore of SafeCom Windows registry settings (3.9.2). Backup and restore any customized SafeCom files (3.9.3). Backup and restore of printer configurations (3.9.4). Backup and restore of SafeCom databases (3.9.5).

Note: The described processes do not include backup and restore of users uncollected and retained documents.


Standby computer equipment

If you have a complete computer standby you will be in a good position to replace the currently used one should it become faulty. If the standby computer is dedicated to the SafeCom solution you can reduce downtime further by ensuring that it is pre-loaded with the right Windows Operating System and SafeCom software.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution

The SafeCom Server software must be the same version as on the computer it is to replace. This is particularly important in a multi-server solution where all the computers in the SafeCom group must be on the same SafeCom server version. Refer to chapter 4 Installation. To secure smooth transition to the new server it should inherit the Server address and the computer name of the one it is replacing. That way all references from SafeCom-enabled devices and SafeCom ports to the SafeCom server will remain valid. You should either secure that your DHCP server will give the new server the same IP address or you should give it a static IP address. You can further reduce downtime if the standby computer is already updated with the more static SafeCom Windows registry settings (3.9.2), customized SafeCom files (3.9.3) and printer configurations (3.9.4). That way you can reduce the restore process to perhaps restoring the backup of the SafeCom databases. If the computer is a SafeCom slave server it will automatically get its SafeCom databases restored, as the SafeCom master server sees to this as part of the replication process. It is recommended to reinitialize the subscription (4.6.6).


SafeCom Windows registry settings

It is particular important that the location of print files as specified by the Windows registry setting FilePath (4.2.19) is the same on the standby computer and the current computer. These are the steps involved in the backup and restore of the SafeCom Windows registry. To backup: 1. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 On Windows 64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 2. 3. On the File menu click Export. Specify File name and click Save.

To restore: 1. Double-click the backup registry file and answer Yes when asked to update the Windows registry.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


Customized SafeCom files

Below is list of the files that typically gets customized or translated: EmailWelcome.txt, EmailPUK.txt, EmailWarning.txt and EmailJobDelete.txt (5.7.8). ExcludeJobNames.txt (8.15). JobNamePricing.txt (12.11.1)


Printer configurations
The Microsoft Print Migrator 3.1 available at microsoft.com/printserver can be used to back up and restore all print shares and user permissions. Print Migrator does not back up the actual SafeCom Pull Port and SafeCom Push Port monitors, only the port attributes. Prior to the restore operation, you must reinstall the original set of SafeCom port monitors to ensure complete functionality. Print Migrator comes with a command line interface printmig that takes these switches: -? Help, -b Backup and r Restore. If the computer is clustered you must backup the clusters virtual server. printmig b \\filesrv\backup\printers.cap \\clustergroupname where clustergroupname is the Network Name of the virtual server that contains the Print Spooler resource. The printmig can be integrated into a jobscheduler, such as the Scheduled Task mechanism in Microsoft Windows. Please refer to online help in Windows.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


SafeCom databases
This section explains how to backup and restore the SafeCom databases. SafeCom can work with the below two versions of the SQL databases. To backup the database you can use the supplied SafeCom command line utility scBackup (3.9.6). Microsoft SQL Server Must be purchased and licensed from Microsoft. Backup can be performed by use of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, or an SQL client tool that comes with the Microsoft SQL Server. Alternatively you can use the Transact-SQL BACKUP DATABASE statement, and run the SQL command line utility, osql.exe. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express This is distributed with SafeCom. No license is required from Microsoft. Database size is limited to 10 GB.

Please refer to microsoft.com for more information on the Microsoft SQL tools and utilities mentioned above. All SafeCom print files are by default stored in the folder: C:\Program Files\ SafeCom\SafeComG3\Data On Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\ SafeCom\SafeComG3\Data The database files are by default stored in the folder: C:\Program Files\ Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SAFECOMEXPRESS\ MSSQL\DATA On Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\ Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SAFECOMEXPRESS\ MSSQL\DATA



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


As mentioned in 3.9.5 you can use the supplied command line utility scBackup to backup the SafeCom databases. scBackup must be Run as administrator. Syntax: scBackup.exe b | -r <path> Where b specifies to backup data in the specified path and r specifies to restore data from the path. The backup results in the files: sccore.bak, scevent.bak, scpurse.bak and sctracking.bak. To restore successfully the SafeCom server version must NOT change from the time of backup to the restore is performed. Example: scBackup.exe b C:\backup During restore (-r) scBackup will attempt to stop the SafeCom Service and subsequently restart the SafeCom Service. This will not work in a MS Cluster environment or if other services depend on the SafeCom Service. In such cases the SafeCom Service must be manually stopped and started. The scBackup can be integrated into a job-scheduler, such as the Scheduled Task mechanism in Microsoft Windows. Please refer to online help in Windows.


Backup and restore the replication

In a SafeCom Multi Server solution you should perform the following on the SQL master database. On SQL 2008 and 2005: To backup the replication: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Open the SQL Server Management Studio. Login to the SQL server and browse to Replication, Local Publications and [sccore]:sccoreTrans. Right-click [sccore]:sccoreTrans and select Generate Script Select To create or enable the components. Click Script to file. Specify a file name. Example: sccoretrans.sql. Click Save.

To restore the replication: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open the SQL Server Management Studio. Login to the SQL server and browse to master under Databases. On the Tools menu click SQL Query Analyzer. Enter the path to the file that contains the backed up replication. Run the file.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


SafeCom server trace facility

The SafeCom server trace facility is useful in troubleshooting situations, but it should only be enabled upon request from SafeCom support personnel.

3.10.1 Enable trace

1. 2. 3. Stop the SafeCom Service (16.30) and the Print Spooler (16.31). On the SafeCom server create the folder c:\safecom_trace Start the SafeCom Service and the Print Spooler.

Stopping the SafeCom Service and the Print Spooler and then deleting the folder c:\safecom_trace will disable the trace again. The trace files (3.10.2) will by default occupy maximum 220Mb of disk space. Trace can also be turned on/off without disrupting the SafeCom Service through a TELNET interface (3.10.3). This interface can also be used to configure the trace facility, including the size and location of the trace files. The SafeCom Service executes the supplied scStartup.cmd file in the installation folder just before starting. By editing the scStartup.cmd file it can be made to copy (and compress) the trace files before they are reset.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution

3.10.2 Trace files

The trace files are by default stored in the folder C:\safecom_trace and the default maximum size of the trace files is 10Mb. The filename of the trace file contains a number as part of the filename. When a trace file reaches the maximum size a new one is created and the number is incremented with one. The trace folder will hold the current and previous version of the trace file. Older files are automatically deleted. Example: C:\safecom_trace\SafeComService123.trc C:\safecom_trace\SafeComService124.trc Depending on the SafeCom installation on the computer in question, enabling the trace facility will result in two times the number of files listed below. AdmClient<no>.trc AdmGui<no>.trc BroadcastServer<no>.trc JobServer<no>.trc MoneyServer<no>.trc PortConfigurator<no>.trc PullPM2kSrv<no>.trc PullPM2kUI<no>.trc PushPM2kUI<no>.trc SafeComService<no>.trc SafeComWeb<no>.trc SafeComWebconfig<no>.trc scAppPrint<no>.trc scCoInstall.trc scDevMonServer<no>.trc scPopUp<no>.trc scPrintClient<no>.trc TrackingServer<no>.trc

Restarting the SafeCom Service clears the trace files (*.trc). You should only enable the trace facility if advised to do so by SafeCom support personal.



3 Planning your SafeCom solution

3.10.3 TELNET interface

Through the TELNET interface it is possible to enable, disable and configure the SafeCom server trace facility. 1. From the command prompt window, issue the telnet command. Enter: telnet <address> 7723 2. The SafeCom server prompts you for a username and a password of a SafeCom user with Administrator rights. The default username is admin and the password is nimda. Enter username: admin 3. Enter password: nimda Once you are logged in you will see the prompt: sc.tel> 4. Enter any of the TELNET commands below such as trace on to enable trace or trace off to disable trace. help online help. logoff logoff from the TELNET session. multiplex info listing of open connections. server info list status of servers (6.7). trace info information about current trace set-up. trace off disable trace. trace on enable trace. trace path <path> - specify the location of the trace files. trace size <n kilobytes> - set the maximum size of a trace file. trace Store write the trace set-up into Windows registry. Note: You can type help to see additional TELNET commands, and help <command> to get help on a specific command. 5. To close the TELNET session enter: logoff



3 Planning your SafeCom solution


SafeCom device trace facility

To further assist the troubleshooting process it is also possible to obtain information from the SafeCom-enabled device. SafeCom Controller The SafeCom Controller contains a debug interface. Instructions on how to use enable and use this is forwarded on a per-case basis. SafeCom Go Please refer to the Troubleshooting chapter in the appropriate SafeCom Go Administrators Manual. A complete list of manuals is available in section 1.11.



4 Installation


The installation of software and hardware is described in the SafeCom Go Administrators Manual and SafeCom Controller Administrators Manual. Refer to section 1.11 for a complete list of these documents. This chapter contains more advanced installation related topics that were excluded from the Quick Guide, including multi server (4.5.1) and cluster installation (4.8). Note: In chapter 17 there are forms you can use to record information about your SafeCom solution.


The install program

The SafeCom installation program presents you with two installation options: Basic server installation Select this 5-step basic (4.2.1) installation of the SafeCom Server Software and all required components in their default location. Advanced installation Select this to do a Server (4.2.2) installation that use an existing SQL server or if there is a need to specify the location of SafeCom program files, SafeCom print files and database location. This option also allows Client (4.2.3) and Tools (4.2.4) installation.


Server installation (Basic)

Note: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express is distributed with the software and REQUIRES Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 and Windows Installer 4.5. Please visit microsoft.com to download and install these prior to the installation of SafeCom G3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Insert the SafeCom CD or download the safecom_g3_xxx.exe file from the link supplied to you. The installation must be Run as administrator. When the installation program is launched click Next. Read and accept the end-user license agreement. Click Next. Click Basic server installation. Click Next. Current settings are displayed. Click Install to accept and start the installation. The Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express is also installed. The Print Spooler is restarted at the end of this process. Click Finish to launch SafeCom Administrator (5.1). If Windows Firewall is on, then open ports as specified (4.2.5).



4 Installation


Server installation (Advanced)

Note: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express is distributed with the software and REQUIRES Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 and Windows Installer 4.5. Please visit microsoft.com to download and install these prior to the installation of SafeCom G3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Insert the SafeCom CD or download the safecom_g3_xxx.exe file from the link supplied to you. The installation must be Run as administrator. When the installation program is launched click Next. Read and accept the end-user license agreement. Click Next. Click Advanced installation. Click Next. Click Server. Click Next. Select the location for the SafeCom program files. Click Next. Select the location for print files. Click Next. Refer 4.2.18 to if you are choosing to use an external file share. Location of print files: 7. Select preferred SQL Server and click Next. Install SQL Server 2008 Express, default data location Install SQL Server 2008 Express, specify data location Select this to specify the location of the SQL database files. Location of SQL files: Use an existing SQL Server On the existing SQL server you need to create the intermediate SQL user: safecominstall (4.2.12). On SQL 2008 and 2005 Server enable the TCP/IP protocol (4.2.15). Enter the SQL server as computername\instancename or just computername if there is no named instance of the SQL Server. Step 3 in subsection 4.5.2 explains how to determine if an instancename need to be specified. The instance name is case sensitive. The instance name must NOT be: SAFECOMEXPRESS or SAFECOMMSDE.

8. 9. 10. 11.

Current settings are displayed. Click Install to accept and start the installation. The Print Spooler is restarted at the end of this process. Click Finish to launch SafeCom Administrator (5.1). If using SQL 2008 then remember to register sqldmo.dll on the SQL 2008 Server (4.2.16). If Windows Firewall is on, then open the ports as specified (4.2.5) and make the SQL Server use the fixed TCP port 1433 (4.2.6).



4 Installation


Client installation
A Client installation is relevant if you intend to: Create a shared SafeCom Pull Printer (3.5.4) or SafeCom Push Printer on a Windows print server. Create a local SafeCom Pull Printer (3.5.5) or SafeCom Push Printer on clients.

Follow these steps to make a Client installation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Insert the SafeCom CD or download the safecom_g3_xxx.exe file from the link supplied to you. The installation must be Run as administrator. When the installation program is launched click Next. Read and accept the end-user license agreement. Click Next. Click Advanced installation. Click Next. Click Client. Click Next. Select the location for the SafeCom program files. Click Next. Current settings are displayed. Click Install to accept and start the installation. The Print Spooler is restarted at the end of this process. Click Finish.


Tools installation
You only need to do a Tools installation if you want to administrate your SafeCom solution from multiple computers. Follow these steps to make a Tools installation. Installing SafeCom Administrator will also install the files required to run SafeCom Administrator API (AdmClient.exe) and SafeCom Batch Print API (SCClient.exe). Check SafeCom Port Configurator to install it. Note: If you intend to make a Client and Tools installation on the same computer, you should make the Client installation (4.2.3) first. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Insert the SafeCom CD or download the safecom_g3_xxx.exe file from the link supplied to you. The installation must be Run as administrator. When the installation program is launched click Next. Read and accept the end-user license agreement. Click Next. Click Advanced installation. Click Next. Click Tools. Click Next. Check the tools you wish to add. Click Next. Select the location for the SafeCom program files. Click Next. Current settings are displayed. Click Install to accept and start the installation. If the installation includes SafeCom Port Configurator the Print Spooler is restarted at the end of this process. Click Finish.

Users who are to use the SafeCom Administrator on the computer MUST have permission to the Windows registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SafeCom\SafeComG3



4 Installation


Windows Firewall - Ports that must be opened

If Windows Firewall is enabled it may prevent the SafeCom solution from working. Disable the firewall or run the script below. 1. 2. Browse to the SafeCom installation folder. Right-click open_firewall_safecom.cmd. The command file must be Run as administrator. In the file you can see what TCP and UDP ports will be opened.

Note: If users are to be imported from Active Directory you will need to add TCP port 389 (or 636 if the import is to be secure via SSL/LDAPS). For a complete list of ports that need to be open refer to 3.8.4.


Windows Firewall - Make SQL use fixed port

In Windows 2008, 7, Vista and XP with SP2 and later the Windows Firewall is by default on and blocking remote connections. The following ports are used in connection with SQL communication: UDP port 1434 The SQL Server Browser Service uses the UDP port. TCP port 1433 Configure the SQL Server to use the fixed TCP port (see below).

Following the instruction below to make the SQL server used a fixed port. 1. Click Start, point to All Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, Configuration Tools and SQL Server Configuration Manager.


Double-click TCP/IP to open TCP/IP properties dialog.



4 Installation


On the IP Addresses tab scroll to the IP All section at the bottom.

4. 5. 6.

Clear TCP Dynamic Ports and set TCP Port to 1433. Click OK. Click SQL Server Services.

7. 8.

Right-click SQL Server (SAFECOMEXPRESS) and click Restart. Start the SafeCom Service.



4 Installation


After installation security checkup

Once the SafeCom G3 server has been installed and successfully tested it is recommended to go through this checklist: Change the default password nimda for the built-in user account ADMIN. Change the default password hcet for the built-in user account TECH. Check that the initial PUK code 12345678 is no longer present. Check that SafeCom Controllers and SafeCom Go devices are password protected. Delete the intermediate SQL user: safecominstall (4.2.11).


Scripts to manually create the databases

Included in the distribution of SafeCom G3 is a number of *.scs script files that can be used to manually create the databases required by SafeCom. Note: Running these scripts will clear the existing SafeCom databases. The scripts are located in the SafeCom installation folder. The default installation folder is: C:\Program Files\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 On Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 The scripts need to be executed in the following order: sccore.scs sccoredef.scs scevent.scs sceventdef.scs scpurse.scs scpursedef.scs sctracking.scs sctrackingdef.scs

If the distribution includes any of the files below these must be executed last. sccoreadapt.scs sceventadapt.scs scpurseadapt.scs sctrackingadapt.scs



4 Installation


SQL collation
The databases created by the SafeCom system use the collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. Use of other collations has not been tested and is as such not supported. Using another collation may perhaps reveal situations where case sensitivity could cause problems. To use another SQL collation, do the following, before the databases are created: 1. On the SafeCom master server make a backup of the files: 2. sccore.scs scevent.scs scpurse.scs sctracking.scs

Edit each of the above *.scs files to reference the appropriate SQL collation. Look for the text string: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS Note: The corresponding *def.scs should NOT be edited.

If the solution is a multi server installation the modified *.scs files must also be used on the SafeCom slave servers. This implies that the modified *.scs files must be copied to the SafeCom slaver server before the slave creates its database.

4.2.10 Create intermediate SQL 2008 user: safecominstall

The SafeCom Service will automatically create the SafeCom databases in the Microsoft SQL Server the next time the SafeCom Service is restarted. However, before this is done you need to temporarily create an SQL user named safecominstall. The SQL user is created using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Refer to online Windows help for additional information on the Management Studio. 1. Click Start, point to All Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and click SQL Server Management Studio. Note: The SQL Server Group must NOT be registered as LOCAL. The server name must be used instead, example SAFECOM4.



4 Installation


Expand to the Logins level depicted on the figure below.


Right-click Logins and click New Login



4 Installation


On the General page set Login name to safecominstall. Check SQL Server authentication and set Password to safecom_2_DB. Clear Enforce password policy. Click on the Server Roles page.



Give the SQL user the required rights by checking sysadmin. Click OK. Remember that the safecominstall SQL user is a temporary user and you can delete the user later on as described in 4.2.11.

4.2.11 Delete intermediate SQL 2008 user: safecominstall

1. 2. 3. Open the SQL Server Management Studio. Browse to Logins. Right-click the safecominstall SQL user and click Delete.



4 Installation

4.2.12 Create intermediate SQL 2005 user: safecominstall

The SafeCom Service will automatically create the SafeCom databases in the Microsoft SQL Server the next time the SafeCom Service is restarted. However, before this is done you need to temporarily create an SQL user named safecominstall. The SQL user is created using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Refer to online Windows help for additional information on the Management Studio. 1. Click Start, point to All Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and click SQL Server Management Studio. Note: The SQL Server Group must NOT be registered as LOCAL. The server name must be used instead, example SAFECOM4. 2. Expand to the Logins level depicted on the figure below.



4 Installation


Right-click Logins and click New Login


On the General page set Login name to safecominstall. Check SQL Server authentication and set Password to safecom_2_DB. Clear Enforce password policy.



4 Installation


Click on the Server Roles page.


Give the SQL user the required rights by checking sysadmin. Click OK. Remember that the safecominstall SQL user is a temporary user and you can delete the user later on as described in 4.2.13.

4.2.13 Delete intermediate SQL 2005 user: safecominstall

1. 2. 3. Open the SQL Server Management Studio. Browse to Logins. Right-click the safecominstall SQL user and click Delete.

4.2.14 Do not modify SQL user: safecom

The first time the SafeCom Service is started the temporary safecominstall SQL user is used to create a permanent safecom SQL user. The safecom SQL user is used to login to the database. Note: DO NOT modify the settings of the safecom SQL user as it may stop dayto-day operation and prevent successful future update of the SafeCom G3 Server software. Also DO NOT enforce a password renewal policy to the safecom SQL user as it may cause the safecom SQL account to be locked and prevent the solution from working when this happens.



4 Installation

4.2.15 Enable TCP/IP protocol on SQL 2008 and 2005

1. 2. 3. Click Start, point to All Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Configuration Tools and SQL Server Configuration Manager. Browse to SQL Server Network Configuration and Protocols for MSSQLSERVER. Right-click TCP/IP and select Enable.

4.2.16 Register sqldmo.dll on SQL 2008 Server

This section is relevant for a SafeCom multi server solution. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 by default allows connections from another SQL Server 2008. To allow connections from SQL Server 2005 and 2008 R2 Express the Microsoft component sqldmo.dll need to be installed and registered on the SQL Server 2008. 1. Click Start, type regsvr32.exe sqldmo.dll into the Search box and press ENTER.

If you get an error message then install SQLServer2005_BC.msi and run the above command again.

4.2.17 Determine physical and virtual memory on the server

For good performance it is important to have sufficient physical RAM. Remember that SQL is a memory intensive application. 2 GB of physical memory is a good start, but more is better. To take advantage of 4 GB or more physical memory it is necessary enable PAE X86 (Physical Address Extension) on 32-bit Windows server. Refer to microsoft.com. The amount of physical memory can be determined by looking at the General tab in the System Properties dialog. How to determine CPU and RAM: 1. 2. 3. Open the Control Panel on the computer where the SafeCom server software is installed. Click Administrative Tools. Click Computer Management. Right-click Computer Management (Local) and click Properties. The General tab includes information about CPU (MHz), RAM (MB) and will say Physical Address Extension if PAE is enabled.

If you see a little balloon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen announcing Windows Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low Windows is increasing the virtual memory, but during this process, memory requests for some applications, such as the SafeCom server may be denied and these applications may potentially become unstable.



4 Installation

How to adjust the virtual memory: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Login with administrator privileges on the server. Open the Control Panel on the computer where the SafeCom server software is installed. Click Administrative Tools. Click Computer Management. Click on the Advanced tab. In Performance click Settings. In Virtual memory click Change. In the Drive list, click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change. Under Paging file size for selected drive, type a new paging file size in megabytes in the Initial Size (MB) or Maximum Size (MB) box, and then click Set. If you increase the sizes you are normally not required to restart the computer. Note: The initial size is normally equivalent to 1.5 times the amount of physical RAM on the system. If the Task Manager (see below) indicates that the Peak memory use is close to the maximum it is recommended to change the initial size to 1.5 times the current maximum and to increase the maximum to 2 or more times the current maximum. Example: Initial size is 2 GB and maximum is 4 GB. If Peak gets close to 4 GB then increase Initial size to 6 GB and maximum to 8 GB. How to check peak memory usage: 1. 2. 3. Right-click an empty space on the Taskbar and click Task Manager. Click on the Performance tab. In Commit Charge (K) you can see the Peak memory usage. Peak memory usage on a SafeCom server is typically reached when there is high print activity and/or when user data is imported.

4.2.18 Store print files on an external file share

If the print files folder you specified in 4.2.2 is on an external file share you must ensure that the SafeCom Service runs as an account that has read and write access to the external file share. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open the Control Panel on the computer where the SafeCom server software is installed. Click Administrative Tools. Click Services. Right-click SafeCom Service and click Properties. Click on the Log on tab. Check This account and assign an account that has read and write access to the external file share.



4 Installation

4.2.19 Change location of SafeCom print files

Unless you specified an alternate location when you installed the SafeCom software, the SafeCom print files are by default stored in the folder: C:\Program Files\SafeCom\SafeComG3\DB On Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\SafeCom\SafeComG3\DB Follow the steps below to change the location of SafeCom print files. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click Start, type service.msc into the Search box and press ENTER. Right-click SafeCom Service and click Stop. Right-click Print Spooler and click Stop. Create the folder that should hold the print files from now on. Copy the existing print files to the new folder. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 On Windows 64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 7. 8. 9. Change FilePath to the new location. Close the Registry Editor. Start the SafeCom Service and the Print Spooler.



4 Installation

4.2.20 Update SafeCom software single server

If you launch the install program to update the SafeCom G3 software or do a reinstallation the install program will adapt to what is currently installed on the computer: Server is already installed The install program will offer you to update your existing SafeCom server installation. Client is already installed The install program will offer you to update your existing SafeCom client installation and offer you to add whatever tools you have not installed at previous occasions. SafeCom Administrator is installed alone The install program will offer you to update the SafeCom Administrator. This implies that if you want to subsequently install a client then you must first uninstall the SafeCom Administrator as described in 4.2.21 and then make a Client installation and then a Tools installation.

Follow these steps to update a single server: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click Start, type services.msc into the Search box and press ENTER. Stop the SafeCom Service and the Print Spooler, and any other services that depend on the Print Spooler. Update the SafeCom G3 software. Check Yes, I want to restart my computer now5. Click Finish. This will restart the computer (and the SafeCom Service and Print Spooler).

The update procedure for multi server installation is covered in 4.7. The update procedure for a cluster installation is covered in SafeCom G3 Cluster Administrators Manual D60620. If you are updating from a SafeCom G2 version older than S82 070.340*05 you are advised to update to SafeCom G2 version S82 070.380*09, before updating to SafeCom G3. If in doubt, contact [email protected].

It is recommended to restart the computer, but in most cases it is sufficient to restart the SafeCom Service and Print Spooler.



4 Installation

4.2.21 Uninstall SafeCom software

When you uninstall SafeCom G3 software on a computer you will also delete the SafeCom Pull Printers, that is, the printers that use the SafeCom Pull Port or SafeCom Push Port. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Stop the SafeCom Service (16.30) and the Print Spooler (16.31). If other services depend on the Print Spooler these must be stopped also. If SafeCom PopUp (scPopUp.exe) is running then stop it (4.14). Open the Control Panel. Click Programs and Features (or Add or Remove Programs). Right-click SafeCom G3 and click Uninstall. The SafeCom specific instance of the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 must be uninstalled separately (4.2.22). Restart the computer after the uninstall.

4.2.22 Uninstall Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express

1. 2. 3 4. Open the Control Panel. Click Programs and Features (or Add or Remove Programs). Right-click Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and click Uninstall. Restart the computer after the uninstall.

Please observe that uninstalling the database will not remove the data folder: C:\Program Files\ Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SAFECOMEXPRESS\ MSSQL\DATA On Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\ Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SAFECOMEXPRESS\ MSSQL\DATA During installation (4.2.2) you may have chosen an alternative location for the SQL database files. The DATA folder contains SafeCom SQL database files (sc*.mdf and sc*.ldf). The files may be deleted manually. A re-installation of SafeCom software will rename the files to *.old before installing a new set of SafeCom SQL database files.



4 Installation


SafeCom Print Client

SafeCom Print Client allows documents to be stored on the hard disk drive of the computer that it is installed onto. The software can be installed on computers that conform to the specified system requirements (1.10.2). Note: On Windows 7 you MUST be set to User Account Control6 (4.12.2) to Never notify during installation. Note: Certain limitations may apply depending on the SafeCom-enabled device and the version of SafeCom software it is running. Please consult the release note.


1. 2. 3. Insert the SafeCom CD or download the safecom_print_client_xxx.exe file from the link supplied to you. The installation must be Run as administrator. Click Next. Enter SafeCom server address. The address can be in form of the hostname or IP address. Use semicolon as separator if multiple servers7 are entered. Click Next. Click Install to copy the files to their location: %PROGRAMFILES%\SafeCom\SafeComPrintClient which normally maps to: C:\Program Files\SafeCom\SafeComPrintClient Click Finish. The following changes have been applied to the system: New service named: SafeCom Print Client. New port (scPull) that uses the SafeCom Pull Port (4.13.2). The SafeCom PopUp (4.14) is also installed and started. If Windows Firewall is on, then open inbound TCP port 7600.

4. 5.

Print test page: 6. Use one of these methods to make a printer use SafeCom Print Client: Modify an existing local printer to use the new port. In the Print properties dialog click on the Ports tab and check the scPull port. Add a new local printer and make it use the new port. Please refer to these sections for instructions: Windows 7 (4.12.2), Windows XP (4.12.3) and Windows Vista (4.12.4).


Print a test page and collect it at one of the SafeCom-enabled devices.

The creation of the SafeCom Pull Port (scPull) requires User Account Control to be turned off. 7 In a SafeCom multi server solution the SafeCom Print Client and the SafeCom Pull Port (4.13.2) will use the list of servers to failover to the server in the order they are listed.



4 Installation


Deployment to computers
The IT administrator can deploy the SafeCom Print Client software to computers silently by following these steps: 1. 2. Create a folder and copy safecom_print_client_xxx.exe and scPrintClient.ini (4.3.3) into the folder. Edit the DefaultServerAddress= entry in the scPrintClient.ini to include the address (hostname or IP address) of the SafeCom server(s). DefaultServerAddress=slave1;slave2 It is possible to specify multiple servers, separating these with a semicolon (;). This would be relevant for a SafeCom multi server solution, where you would perhaps reference a couple of SafeCom slave servers, similar to what you might do for the purpose of failover (6.7). To control the location of print job files edit the parameter: JobStoragePath= 3. 4. Save the scPrintClient.ini. To suppress dialogs invoke the safecom_print_client_xxx.exe file with the command line parameters (4.3.5): /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES To install in a specific folder use the /DIR="x:\pathname" command line parameter. A fully qualified pathname must be specified.


scPrintClient.ini file
[scPrintClient] DefaultServerAddress= DefaultServerPort=7500 PCPort=7600 JobServerConnTimeOutMS=10000 JobStoragePath=C:\Program Files\SafeCom\SafeComPrintClient\JobFiles\ ScReconnectRetryWaitMs=120000 CleanUpTaskInterval=7200000 CleanUpTaskIntervalRnd=3600000


Trace facility
The SafeCom trace facility is useful in troubleshooting situations, but it should only be enabled upon request from SafeCom support personnel. 1. On the computer create the folder c:\safecom_trace

The trace file scPrintClient<no>.trc contains a number as part of the filename. When a trace file reaches the maximum size (10 MB) a new one is created and the number is incremented with one. The trace folder will hold the current and previous version of the trace file. Older files are automatically deleted. D60603-07 80

4 Installation

Restarting the SafeCom Print Client Service will by default reset the trace files.



4 Installation


Command line parameters

Following command line parameters can be used to achieve the wanted behavior of the deployment /SPDisables the This will install... Do you wish to continue? prompt at the beginning of Setup. Of course, this will have no effect if the DisableStartupPrompt [Setup] section directive was set to yes. /SILENT, /VERYSILENT Instructs Setup process to be silent or very silent. When Setup is silent the wizard and the background window are not displayed whilst the installation progress window is shown. When a setup is very silent the installation progress window is not displayed. Everything else is normal as for example error messages during installation are displayed and the startup prompt is as well (if is has not been disabled by DisableStartupPrompt or the '/SP-' command line option explained above). If a restart is necessary and the '/NORESTART' command is not used (see below) and Setup is silent, the application will display a Reboot now? message box. If it's very silent it will reboot without asking. /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES Instructs Setup process to suppress all message boxes. This parameter can only be used when combined with '/SILENT' and '/VERYSILENT'. The default response in situations where there's a choice is: Yes in a 'Keep newer file?' situation. No in a 'File exists, confirm overwrite.' situation. Abort in Abort/Retry situations. Cancel in Retry/Cancel situations. Yes (=continue) in a diskSpaceWarning / DirExists / DirDoesntExist / NoUninstallWarning / ExitSetupMessage / ConfirmUninstall situation. Yes (=restart) in a FinishedRestartMessage /UninstalledAndNeedsRestart situation.

5 message boxes are not suppressible: The About Setup message box. The Exit Setup? message box. The FileNotInDir2 message box displayed when Setup requires a new disk to be inserted and the disk was not found. Any (error) message box displayed before Setup (or Uninstall) could read the command line parameters. Any message box displayed by [Code] support function MsgBox.

/LOG Causes Setup process to create a log file in the user's TEMP directory detailing file installation and [Run] actions taken during the installation process. This can be a helpful debugging aid. For example, if you suspect a file is not being replaced when you believe it should be (or vice versa), the log file will tell you if the file was really skipped, and why.



4 Installation

The log file is created with a unique name based on the current date. (It will not overwrite or append to existing files.) The information contained in the log file is technical in nature and therefore not intended to be understandable by end users. Nor is it designed to be machine-parseable; the format of the file is subject to change without notice. /LOG="filename" Same as /LOG, except it allows you to specify a fixed path/filename to use for the log file. If a file with the specified name already exists it will be overwritten. If the file cannot be created, Setup will abort with an error message. /NOCANCEL Prevents the user from cancelling during the installation process, by disabling the Cancel button and ignoring clicks on the close button. Useful along with '/SILENT' or '/VERYSILENT'. /NORESTART Instructs Setup process not to reboot even if it's necessary. /RESTARTEXITCODE=exit code Specifies the custom exit code that Setup process is to return when a restart is needed. Useful along with '/NORESTART'. Also see Setup Exit Codes. /LOADINF="filename" Instructs Setup process to load the settings from the specified file after having checked the command line. This file can be prepared using the '/SAVEINF=' command as explained below. Don't forget to use quotes if the filename contains spaces. /SAVEINF="filename" Instructs Setup process to save installation settings to the specified file. Don't forget to use quotes if the filename contains spaces. /LANG=language Specifies the language to be used. Language states the internal name of the language as specified in a [Languages] section entry. When a valid /LANG parameter is used, the Select Language dialog will be suppressed. /DIR="x:\dirname" Overrides the default directory name displayed on the Select Destination Location wizard page. A fully qualified pathname must be specified. /GROUP="folder name" Overrides the default folder name displayed on the Select Start Menu Folder wizard page. If the [Setup] section directive DisableProgramGroupPage was set to yes, this command line parameter is ignored. /NOICONS Instructs Setup to initially check the Don't create a Start Menu folder check box on the Select Start Menu Folder wizard page.



4 Installation


SafeCom Application Print

SafeCom Application Print allows the cost of users print files to appear right after they click Print. This can be used increase cost awareness among users and result in savings when users documents are cancelled and deleted. The software can be installed computers that conform to the specified system requirements (1.10.2). TCP port 7500 is used to connect to the SafeCom server; hence this port must be open on the SafeCom server.


Manual installation
Download the SafeCom Application Print software safecom_app_print_xxx.exe from the link provided to you. On Windows 7 and Vista the installation must be Run as administrator8. 1. 2. Insert the SafeCom CD or download the safecom_app_print_xxx.exe.exe file from the link supplied to you. The installation must be Run as administrator. Click Next to copy the files to the destination folder: %PROGRAMFILES%\SafeCom\SafeComAppPrint which normally maps to: C:\Program Files\SafeCom\SafeComAppPrint Click Finish.


Note: The SafeCom Application Print file scAppPrintLib.dll need to be loaded by the printing applications on the computer and this requires a restart of the computer.

8 The installer needs access to restricted area in the Windows registry, therefore installation as Administrator is recommended on all platforms.



4 Installation


Deployment to computers
The IT administrator can deploy the SafeCom Application Print software to computers silently by: 1. To suppress dialogs invoke the safecom_print_client_xxx.exe file with the command line parameters (4.3.5). /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES To install in a specific folder use the /DIR="x:\pathname" command line parameter. A fully qualified pathname must be specified. The SafeCom Application Print software reads the configured settings of the selected printers SafeCom Pull Port or SafeCom Push Port to determine which SafeCom server to use. Additional information: Trace facility (4.4.3). Windows registry settings (4.4.4). Command line parameters (4.3.5).


Trace facility
The SafeCom trace facility is useful in troubleshooting situations, but it should only be enabled upon request from SafeCom support personnel. 1. On the computer create the folder c:\safecom_trace

The trace file scAppPrint<no>.trc contains a number as part of the filename. When a trace file reaches the maximum size (10 MB) a new one is created and the number is incremented with one. The trace folder will hold the current and previous version of the trace file. Older files are automatically deleted.



4 Installation


Windows registry settings

A logon script provided by the local administrator should set the Windows registry settings mentioned in the following. Dialog timeout There is no timeout by default. To set a timeout: 1. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SafeCom\SafeComAppPrint 2. Create a new DWORD named DialogTimeout. The value is the timeout in seconds, 0 for no timeout.

Default behavior (OK or Cancel): The OK button is the default. To make the Cancel button the default: 1. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SafeCom\SafeComAppPrint 2. Create a new DWORD named DialogDefaultOk. Specify 0 to make the Cancel button the default.

Note: The text on the OK and Cancel buttons is inherited from the language settings of Windows.



4 Installation


Upgrade from Express to Microsoft SQL Server

You can use the supplied scBackup (3.9.6) to backup the SQL Server 2008 R2 Express database and use it to restore the backup once you have changed to Microsoft SQL Server as described below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Create intermediate SQL user: safecominstall (4.2.12). Stop the SafeCom Service (4.5.1). Change Windows Registry to reference SQL Server (4.5.2). Change the dependencies on the SafeCom Service (4.5.3). Delete intermediate SQL user: safecominstall (4.2.13).

Note: For this to take effect you MUST restart the computer. Once you have performed the above successfully you may uninstall the SQL Server 2008 R2 Express database as described in 4.2.22.


Stop the SafeCom Service

1. 2. Click Start, type services.msc into the Search box and press ENTER. Right-click the SafeCom Service and click Stop.


Change Windows Registry to reference SQL Server

1. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ SafeCom\SafeComG3\Database On Windows 64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ SafeCom\SafeComG3\Database



4 Installation


For each these registry settings: DBServerNameCore DBServerNameEvent DBServerNamePurse DBServerNameTracking


Change the value from: computername\SAFECOMEXPRESS to one of the below two. It is NOT possible to specify the IP address instead of the computername. computername You only need to specify the computername if there is no named instance of the SQL Server. There is no named instance of the SQL Server if Services only lists MSSQLSERVER. computername\instancename You need to specify both computername and instancename if there is a named instance of the SQL Server. The instance name can be seen in Services. The named service will appear in Services as MSSQL$instancename. The instance name is case sensitive.

4. 5. 6.

Click OK to save the settings. Repeat step 3-4 for the remaining registry settings. Exit the Registry Editor.


Change the dependencies on the SafeCom Service

1. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\SafeCom Service 2. Double-click DependOnService and replace MSSQL$SAFECOMEXPRESS with the instance name of the SQL Server (MSSQL$instancename). Use MSSQLSERVER if there is no named instance. See also step 4 in 4.5.2. The instance name is case sensitive. If the SQL Server is installed on another computer you should right-click DependOnService and click Delete. Note: For this to take effect you MUST restart the computer.



4 Installation


Multi server installation

Prerequisites: A SafeCom license key code (4.9) that includes SafeCom Enterprise Server. You need to know the computer name (4.9.1) of the server you intend to use as SafeCom master server. Microsoft SQL Server (including replication option) is installed and licensed. In Services SQLSERVERAGENT (sqlagent.exe) must be set to startup Automatic (otherwise the one-way replication from the master to the slaves will not work). With Microsoft SQL 2008 and 2005 the SQL Server must be defined as an SQL distributor and publisher within Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. SafeCom master server must know its SafeCom slave servers by hostname or IP address and vice versa. The SafeCom master server must know the SQL server by name. The SQL server must know the SafeCom slave servers by name. Use the ping command to verify this and if not make the necessary additions to the hosts file in the folder: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc The SafeCom master server, SafeCom slave servers and Microsoft SQL server must be part of the same domain or workgroup. Microsoft SQL Server must be configured to use Authentication method SQL Server and Windows. This is controlled on the Security tab of the SQL Server properties dialog. Warning: When you add a server to a master servers group the slave server loses its existing data, including: devices, users and print jobs. Note: Refer to 4.5 if you are upgrading from a running SafeCom Server with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express to Microsoft SQL Server.



4 Installation


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Do a SafeCom Server installation on each slave server (4.2.2). Do a SafeCom Server installation on the master server. Select Advanced installation and Use an existing SQL Server (4.2.2). Use SafeCom Administrator to install the license key code on the master server (4.9). Set SQLSERVERAGENT to automatic startup (4.6.2). Add the other servers to the master servers group (4.6.3). Delete intermediate SQL user: safecominstall (4.2.13). Check that replication is working (4.6.4).

The Microsoft SQL Server is installed in the folder: C:\Program Files\ Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL On Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\ Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL


Set SQL Server Agent to automatic startup

The SQL Server Agent (instancename) on the SQL server must be set to Automatic startup in Services.


Add the other servers to the master servers group

Use SafeCom Administrator to add the other servers to the master servers group. The server you add must be running. Refer to 6.5.



4 Installation


Check that the replication is working

On SQL 2008 and 2005: 1. Open SQL Server Management Studio. Verify that the SQL Server Agent is running. Right-click SQL Server Agent and click Properties and verify that Service state is Running. Monitor the replication. Browse to Replication and Local Publications and right-click [sccore]:sccoreTrans and click Launch Replication Monitor.

The Replication Monitor:

If the replication is working status symbols should be colored green only and NOT red. To check any latency click on the Tracer Tokens tab and click Insert Tracer. Click on the Agents tab and check that agents are running.



4 Installation

The following tables must be selected for replication: scAliases scBillingCodes scBillingUserInfo scCardInfo scDeviceInfo scDomainInfo scGroupInfo scGroupMembers scGroupRbpRule scMainSettings scMasterServerVersion scPriceScheme scRbpAction scRbpCondition scRbpRuleInfo scScheduleInfo scServerInfo scServerSettings scTreeView scUserInfo

Note: Be careful to check the right ones!



4 Installation


What happens if servers or network connections are down?

In order to answer this question we will first explain the concept behind the SafeCom multi server solution. The SafeCom master server uses SQL replication to propagate the entire configuration to the SafeCom slave servers. Initially it does a snapshot replication and subsequently it only replicates the changes (transactional replication). This way all the SafeCom servers have the configuration, including the network details of each other. This allows the servers to communicate directly, rather than having to rely on the SafeCom master server. You can say the SafeCom servers become autonomous. The replication from the SQL server to the SafeCom slave servers is one-way. Changes to the configuration are possible only when the SafeCom master server and master SQL server are running. This is secured by the system as users with special rights always have the SafeCom master server as their home server. If the master server is down it is not possible to make any configuration changes (Administrators cannot login to SafeCom Administrator). If a SafeCom server is down users who have the SafeCom server as their home server cannot login. However, push printers that are configured to allow printing at all times, can still be used on the servers that are running. SafeCom servers which are still running will continue to serve the users who have those servers as their home server. Additional resilience can be achieved by specifying a prioritized list of failover servers (6.7) that users should be moved to in the event that their home server becomes unavailable. If the network is partly down printing on and roaming between the servers still working remains possible provided they can still reach each other (they are not affected by the part of the network that is down). If the network is completely down nothing is possible until the network is up again.



4 Installation


Reinitialize the subscription

If a SafeCom slave server has been restored you may wish to reinitialize the replication from the SQL server to the SafeCom slave server. On SQL 2008 and 2005: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click Start, point to All Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (or 2005) and click SQL Server Management Studio. Login to the SQL server and browse to Replication, Local Publications and [sccore]:sccoreTrans. Right-click the subscription of the SafeCom slave server and select Reinitialize All Subscriptions. Check Generate the new snapshot now. Click Mark For Reinitialization.

Section 4.6.4 describes how to check that the replication is working.


Prevent the subscription from expiring

The replication from the SQL server to the slave may get dropped if the subscription is not synchronized within 72 hours. On SQL 2008 and 2005: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click Start, point to All Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (or 2005) and click SQL Server Management Studio. Login to the SQL server and browse to Replication, Local Publication. Right-click [sccore]:sccoreTrans and select Properties. On the General page check Subscription never expire, but they can be deactivated until they are reinitialized. Click OK.


Update multi server installation

SafeCom G3 support updating the SafeCom master server first and then updating the SafeCom slave servers one by one over a period of time. All servers must be on the same version before any subsequent updates can be performed. This method involves hardly any interruption of service and is applicable when updating from one SafeCom G3 version to a newer SafeCom G3 version and when updating to SafeCom G3 from SafeCom G2 version S82 070.380*09 from October 2009. Section 4.7.2 contains the steps involved. If the update involves a SafeCom G2 server version that is older than version S82 070.380*09, then the SafeCom slave servers must be updated before the master server. All servers must be updated to the same version before the installation will function properly again. Section 4.7.3 contains the steps involved. Note: It is best practices to use change management during the update process. The update process should occur outside normal working hours as it requires a restart of the computers after the update.



4 Installation


Update SafeCom software

Attention: The method described in this section is NOT working in SafeCom G3 version S82 070.400*03 and *02. Issue will be addressed in coming version. Please consult the SafeCom G3 release note for details. Instead you should use the method described in the following section (4.7.3). The initial installation of a multi server installation is covered in 4.6. 1. 2. 3. Update SafeCom master server. Update SafeCom slave servers one at a time. Once all servers are on the same version the SafeCom provided scEndMultiServerUpgrade install tool must be executed on the SafeCom master server.

During the period of updating from SafeCom G2 to SafeCom G3 the following applies: Two core databases are used. Once the update is completed it is only the new database (scCoreU) that is used. The collection of tracking data from slave servers continues to work. If the time to convert the master tracking database to the new format is judged to exceed 40 minutes, then a new database (scTrackingU) is created to store new records. Use of passwords with Unicode characters is not allowed. Insertion of rows in replicated tables take 3-times longer. Devices must be referenced by their IP address. Adding a SafeCom G2 slave is possible, but a server test will fail and the computer name must not contain Unicode.

You may want to use the table below to help you through the update process. No M No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Slave server address 1. Stop services 2. Update software 3. Start services Version Master server address 1. Stop services 2. Update software 3. Start services Version



4 Installation


Update SafeCom software old versions

This section is relevant if you are updating from a SafeCom G2 server version that is older than version S82 070.380*09. If you are updating from SafeCom G2 version S82 070.360 or S82 070.370 you MUST install scLicenseManager.dll version on all the slaves prior to update. All the SafeCom slave servers must be updated before the SafeCom master server. The installation will not function properly before all servers are updated to the same version. The Microsoft SQL Server will continue to replicate the SafeCom databases to the slaves during the update. Every 10 seconds each slave server will check if the master server is on the correct version. Once they are on the same version the slave servers will start automatically. The update process on each server is as follows: 1. 2. 3. Stop the SafeCom Service (16.30) and the Print Spooler (16.31). If other services depend on the Print Spooler these must be stopped also. Update the SafeCom G3 software. Check Yes, I want to restart my computer now9. Click Finish. This will restart the computer (and the SafeCom Service and Print Spooler).

Note: How to update a SafeCom cluster installation is covered in SafeCom G3 Cluster Administrators Manual D60620. The update should be completed outside normal working hours, as printing will be unavailable during the update process. You may want to use the table below to help you through the update process. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 No M After the update has been completed you should check that the replication from the master server is still working. Refer to 4.6.4. You may also wish to view the scdbu*.log files that were created during the update process. Refer to 3.8.6. Master server address 1. Stop services 2. Update software 3. Start services Version Slave server address 1. Stop services 2. Update software 3. Start services Version

It is recommended to restart the computer, but in most cases it is sufficient to restart the SafeCom Service and Print Spooler.



4 Installation


Cluster installation
Cluster installation is covered in SafeCom G3 Cluster Administrators Manual D60620.


Install the SafeCom license key code

All SafeCom licenses require the installation of a license key code that is linked to the server via the computer name (4.9.1). On a cluster server the license is based on the cluster name (4.9.2). Note: If your SafeCom solution is a multi server solution the license is based on the name of the SafeCom master server and only need to be installed on the SafeCom master server. The license applies to all the servers in the group. The supplier of your SafeCom solution will provide you with your license key code. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the server, click Start, point to All Programs, SafeCom G3 and rightclick SafeCom Administrator and select Run as administrator. Login to the server by double-clicking its Group name listed to the left. Enter User logon (default is ADMIN) and Password (default is nimda). On the Servers menu, click License to open the License dialog (5.5). Enter the license key code and click Apply. Click Close. The license key code takes immediate effect and there is no need to restart the server.


Determine the Computer Name

1. 2. Open the Control Panel, and click System. Click the Computer Name tab and note the Full computer name. Only the first part of the computer name (up to the first dot .) is used. The first part of the license key code reflects the computer name, with the exception that it is in uppercase and any dashes have been stripped out. Please observe that spaces and underscores are preserved. Computer name prn-srv1.acme Prn_Srv F16 Sample license keys PRNSRV1-2923rS-254zMhqGTH-5B62ZZ PRN_SRV F16-29233Xa-2s4A2ZCfDG-5BkJdy



4 Installation


Determine the Cluster Name

On a cluster server the license is based on the cluster name instead of the computer name. Windows 2008: 1. 2. 3. Open Failover Cluster Management. Browse to the cluster and select Properties. Name contains the cluster name.

Windows 2003: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open Cluster Administrator. Browse to Groups, Cluster Group. Right-click Cluster Name and select Properties. Click on the Parameters tab. Name contains the cluster name.


Understanding the license key code

A new license key code is only accepted if the current configuration does not conflict with the new license key code. The Event log contains information about possible license issues (5.15). A new license key code overrides the old license key code. This means that the new license key code should embed the features allowed by the previous license key plus the new ones. It is therefore necessary to supply the existing license key code to get a new license key code. Maintenance license If SafeCom maintenance was bought (for a period of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years) the license key will include the maintenance expiry date. Update is only possible to a version that has a version date that is earlier than the expiry date of the maintenance license. If no SafeCom maintenance was bought update is possible for a period of 90 days after the license was issued. Trial license A standard trial license expires 30 days after it has been issued and allows testing of all functionality. It allows 3 servers, 5 SafeCom Go, 5 SafeCom Go High-end and 5 SafeCom Controllers. Customized trial licenses are available upon request. Contact [email protected] Embedded license The embedded license expires 30 days after installation. It allows 1 server, 1 SafeCom Go, 1 SafeCom Go High-end, 1 SafeCom Controller, 10 Tracking devices and all device features. This allows loading the software and getting started while waiting for a trial license or the purchased permanent license.



4 Installation


Device license and user settings dependencies

The dependencies between device licenses and user settings are covered in the following for Encryption, Tracking, Pay, Rule Based Printing and Client Billing. Encryption The prerequisites for printing encrypted documents is listed in section 4.15. Table 3 describes the relation between device licenses and user encryption settings. Table 3 Device license and user encryption settings Device \ User No encryption by device Encryption by device No encryption of users documents No encryption Encryption of users documents No encryption

No encryption

Encrypt and ignore High Speed Print if enabled.

Tracking (9) and Pay (12) Tracking data is recorded if the device has a SafeCom Tracking license and the user is set to cost control Tracking or Pay. If the user is set to No cost control tracking data is not recorded. A Pay user (cost control is Pay) can login to a device with a SafeCom Pay license and to a device with a Tracking license provided Allow Pay user is checked on the device. When Allow Pay user is checked the Pay user is not charged. Table 4 Device license and user cost control settings Device \ User No cost device Tracking device Pay device No cost user Tracking User Pay User No tracking and reject login unless Allow Pay user is checked Tracking and reject login unless Allow Pay user is checked Pay

No tracking

No tracking

No tracking


No tracking




4 Installation

Rule Based Printing (10) Tracking and Pay users are subjected to Rule Based Printing on devices with a SafeCom Rule Based Printing license. Client Billing (11) A Billing user (set to Bill clients for costs) can associate billing codes with jobs that are tracked on devices with a SafeCom Client Billing license. If the Billing user uses a device with no SafeCom Client Billing license the job is tracked without the possibility to associate a billing code. Table 5 Device license and user billing settings Device \ User No billing device Billing device No bill clients for cost Bill clients for cost

No billing

No billing

No billing




4 Installation


User rights required when adding printers

The policy of some corporations may prohibit grant of Windows administrator rights to the user who needs to add SafeCom printers and configure the SafeCom Pull Port and SafeCom Push Port. In most cases there are no policy restrictions and the user who adds SafeCom printers has Windows administrator rights on the computer in question and therefore there is no need to make any changes. In cases with policy restrictions AND if the adding of printers is done remotely by typing \\server in Explorer then special steps must be followed. If the adding of printers is done using Remote Desktop these steps are not required. The special steps: The user in question must be a member a group with sufficient rights, permissions must be granted and the Print Spooler must be restarted. Additional configuration changes are required if the SafeCom server is clustered. One way to go about this would be to add the user to the Domain Print Operators group and then add the Domain Print Operators group to the local Power Users group on the print servers. This way you do not need to add the individual users to the local Power Users group on the print servers. The steps are covered in the following: If the SafeCom server is clustered complete these steps: User MUST be a member of the local Power Users group on both nodes. The SafeCom Port Monitors are installed on the computer and the version of these is across the solution.

On node 1 and 2 grant permissions in Local Security: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open the Control Panel. Click Administrative Tools and Local Security Policy. Browse to Local Policies, User Rights Assignment and double-click Load and unload device drivers. Click Add User or Group and add the local Power Users group. Repeat step 1-4 on the other node.



4 Installation

On node 1 grant permission in cluster: Windows 2008: 1. 2. 3. Open Failover Cluster Management. Right-click [Cluster] and click Properties. On the Cluster permissions tab add the local Power Users group and grant Full Control.

Windows 2003: 1. 2. 3. Open Cluster Administrator. Right-click [Cluster] and click Properties. On the Security tab add the local Power Users group and grant Full Control.

On node 1 grant permission in Registry: 1. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Cluster\Resources 2. 3. Right-click Resources and click Permissions. Add the local Power Users group and grant Full Control.

Restart the Print Spooler: 1. To take effect on the changes, open Cluster Administrator to restart Print Spooler. Locate Print Spooler service, right-click and choose Take Offline, wait for status changed to Offline. Then right-click Print Spooler again and choose Bring Online to start service.



4 Installation


Add a SafeCom Pull Printer on Windows 2008 and 2003

Describes how to add a shared SafeCom Pull Printer on a Windows 2008 and 2003 server. It is assumed the SafeCom Pull Port has been installed on the server (3.5). 1. 2. 3. Click Start, Settings and Printers. Double-click Add Printer. The Add Printer Wizard appears. On Windows 2008: Click Add a local printer. Please ensure that User Account Control (UAC) settings is turned off, otherwise the adding of the printer will fail as there is not sufficient rights to add the SafeCom Pull Port. On Windows 2003: Click Next. Select Local printer and clear Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play printer. Click Next. Note: If you have already created a printer that uses the SafeCom Pull Port, you should use this port instead of creating a new one (as described in step 4, 5 and 6). 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Choose Create a new port and select SafeCom Pull Port from the dropdown list. Click Next. Enter a unique name of your choice for the port in Port Name. Click OK. The Configure SafeCom Pull Port dialog (4.13.2) allows you to enter the hostname or IP address of the SafeCom Server. Select Use network logon as method of Authentication. Click OK. The SafeCom User Logon dialog appears. Enter User logon and Password of a user that has SafeCom Administrator or Technician rights. Click OK. Click Have Disk to install the files from the printer manufacturer's installation disk (or downloaded the files from the manufacturer's web site). Click Next. Enter a Printer name and choose whether or not this printer should be your default Windows printer. Click Next. Select Share this printer and enter Share name. Click Next. On Windows 2008: Click Print a test page to verify the system. Click OK when prompted to confirm that the test page printed correctly. Click Finish. On Windows 2003: Select Yes to print a test page to verify the system. Click Next. Click OK when prompted to confirm that the test page printed correctly. Click Finish. Note: In SafeCom Administrator the Test page will appear as a pending print job under the user you are logged in as (Administrator). Check the Printer properties: 1. 2. 3. Right-click the printer and click Printer properties. On the Device Settings tab check settings, such as paper size in the trays and installable options. On the Advanced tab check Start printing after last page is spooled as this allows faster spooling.



4 Installation


Click OK.

For high load systems you can minimize the wait for documents to be processed and transferred to the SafeCom server by checking Enable printer pooling (4.13.1) on the Ports tab and add multiple identically configured SafeCom Pull Ports. In our experience 1-4 ports is sufficient and no more than 12 ports should be added.


Add a SafeCom Pull Printer on client computers

As discussed in 3.5.5 you may wish to add a local SafeCom Pull Printer on a client computer. To do this you need to do two things on the client computer: Install SafeCom client on the computer (4.12.1). Add a local SafeCom Pull Printer on Windows 7 (4.12.2), Windows XP (4.12.3) or Windows Vista (4.12.4).

4.12.1 Install SafeCom client

In order to add a local SafeCom Pull Printer you need to install the SafeCom Pull Port on the client computer. You only need to do this once on the computer. 1. 2. 3. Insert the SafeCom CD or download the safecom_g3_xxx.exe file from the link supplied to you. The installation must be Run as administrator. When the installation program is launched click Next. Click Advanced installation. Click Next. Click Client and follow the instructions on the screen (4.2.3).

The SafeCom Pull Port is now installed on the client computer. Next you need to either modify an existing local printer or add a new local printer. When you do this you should make sure that: The printer is not shared. The printer uses the SafeCom Pull Port, which sees to the transfer of documents to the SafeCom server from the SafeCom Pull Printer. The SafeCom Pull Port is configured correctly (4.13.2).



4 Installation

4.12.2 Add a local SafeCom Pull Printer on Windows 7

The User Account Control (UAC) settings must be turned off, otherwise the adding of the printer will fail as there is not sufficient rights to add the SafeCom Pull Port. Turn off User Account Control: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open the Control Panel. Click User Accounts. Click Change User Account Control settings. Select Never notify. Click OK. Restart the computer.

Add the printer: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click Start and Devices and Printers. Click Add a printer. Click Add a local printer. Choose Create a new port and select SafeCom Pull Port from the dropdown list. Click Next. Note: If you have installed SafeCom Print Client (4.3.1), you can choose Use an existing port and select scPull from the dropdown list. Click Next and continue to step 8. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Enter a unique name of your choice for the port in Port Name. Click OK. The Configure SafeCom Pull Port dialog (4.13.2) prompts you to enter the hostname or IP address of the SafeCom Server and choose the method of Authentication. Refer to step 5 in 4.13.2. Click OK. The SafeCom User Logon dialog appears. Enter User logon and Password of a user that has SafeCom Administrator or Technician rights. Click OK. Select the manufacturer and printer model. Click Next. Select whether or not you want to keep the existing driver or use the new one. Click Next. Enter a Printer Name. Click Next. Note: If the Installing printer dialog is hanging for more than half a minute it is because User Account Control was NOT turned off. 11. 12. Select Do not share this printer. Click Next. Clear Set as default printer if this printer should be your default Windows printer. Click Print a test page to print a test page to verify the system. You are prompted to confirm that the test page was printed correctly, but the test page is only printed when you login at the device. For now, click Close, and then Finish.

If the SafeCom Pull Port has been configured to show the SafeCom Authentication dialog (4.13.2) or if SafeCom Rule Based Printing is used to ask for print confirmation, then scPopUp.exe (4.14) must be setup to start in each session, either by making a shortcut in the Windows Startup folder or by starting it in a logon script.



4 Installation

4.12.3 Add a local SafeCom Pull Printer on Windows XP

1. 2. 3. 4. Click Start and Printers and Faxes. Click Add a Printer. The Add Printer Wizard welcome screen appears. Click Next. Select Local printer and clear Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play printer, then click Next. Choose Create a new port and select SafeCom Pull Port from the dropdown list. Click Next. Note: If you have installed SafeCom Print Client (4.3.1), you can choose Use an existing port and select scPull from the dropdown list. Click Next and continue to step 8. 5. 6. 7. Enter a unique name of your choice for the port in Port Name. Click OK. The Configure SafeCom Pull Port dialog (4.13.2) prompts you to enter the hostname or IP address of the SafeCom Server and choose the method of Authentication. Refer to step 5 in 4.13.2. Click OK. The SafeCom User Logon dialog appears. Enter User logon and Password of a user that has SafeCom Administrator or Technician rights. Click OK. Select the manufacturer and printer model. Click Next. State whether or not you want to keep the existing driver or use the new one. Click Next. Enter a Printer Name and choose whether or not this printer should be your default Windows printer. Click Next. Select Do not share this printer. Click Next. Select Yes to print a test page to verify the system. Click Next, and then Finish. You are prompted to confirm that the test page was printed correctly, but the test page is only printed when you login at the device. For now, click OK.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12.



4 Installation

4.12.4 Add a local SafeCom Pull Printer on Windows Vista

Note: It is necessary to setup scPopUp.exe (4.14) to start in each session, ether by making a shortcut in the Windows Startup folder or by starting it in a logon script to avoid the below dialog from appearing when printing through a local SafeCom Pull Printer or SafeCom Push Port.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Click Start, Control Panel and Printers. On the File menu point to Run as administrator, and click Add Printer. The User Account Control dialog appears. Click Continue. The Add Printer Wizard welcome screen appears. Click Add a local printer. Choose Create a new port and select SafeCom Pull Port from the dropdown list. Click Next. Note: If Run as administrator was NOT chosen in step 2 Windows will report Specified port cannot be added. Access is denied. Note: If you have installed SafeCom Print Client (4.3.1), you can choose Use an existing port and select scPull from the dropdown list. Click Next and continue to step 8.

5. 6. 7.

Enter a unique name of your choice for the port in Port Name. Click OK. The Configure SafeCom Pull Port dialog (4.13.2) prompts you to enter the hostname or IP address of the SafeCom Server and choose the method of Authentication. Refer to step 5 in 4.13.2. Click OK. The SafeCom User Logon dialog appears. Enter User logon and Password of a user that has SafeCom Administrator or Technician rights. Click OK. Click OK and select the manufacturer and printer model. Click Next. State whether or not you want to keep the existing driver or use the new one. Click Next. Enter a Printer Name and choose whether or not this printer should be your default Windows printer. Click Next. Select Do not share this printer. Click Next. Click Print a test page to print a test page to verify the system. You are prompted to confirm that the test page was printed correctly, but the test page is only printed when you login at the device. For now, click Close, and then Finish.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12.



4 Installation


SafeCom Pull Port

The SafeCom Pull Port is a special port monitor that sees to the transfer of documents to the SafeCom server from the SafeCom Pull Printer. The SafeCom Pull Port is installed when you make a Server or Client installation (4.12).

4.13.1 Enable printer pooling

You can enable Windows printer pooling to minimize the wait for documents to be processed and transferred to the SafeCom server and/or if users in Citrix and Windows Terminal Service (WTS) environments (4.16) start to complain about the time it takes before the SafeCom Authentication dialog appear. 1. 2. 3. 4. Click Start, point to Settings and click Printers. Right-click the SafeCom Pull Printer and click Properties. Click the Ports tab. Check Enable printer pooling. Click Add Port to create multiple instances of the SafeCom Pull Port. Note: In our experience you should not use more than 12 ports per queue.



4 Installation

4.13.2 Configure the SafeCom Pull Port

The SafeCom Pull Port is configured when you add a SafeCom Pull Printer. To configure the SafeCom Pull Port after you have added the SafeCom Pull Printer, you must follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. Click Start, point to Settings and click Printers. Right-click the SafeCom Pull Printer and click Properties. Click the Ports tab. Select the SafeCom Pull Port and click Configure Port


Click Edit servers to add, remove, change or test the connection to the SafeCom server (4.13.3).



4 Installation


Select the method of Authentication: Select Use network logon to use your Windows logon as your SafeCom user logon when printing. Select Use specified logon and enter the SafeCom user logon of the user who is to receive all future prints sent to the print queues that uses this Pull Port. This can be combined with Group print (5.13.7) by specifying the name of the group instead of the name of a user. Select Show authentication dialog every time printing if you do not want to use the Windows logon as your SafeCom user logon. A dialog box will ask for your login ID before printing (4.13.4). Select Show authentication dialog on first print only if you only want to be prompted only the first time you print after the print spooler (computer) has been started. Select Use job data logon to extract the logon from the job data (4.13.7). Check Override driver name and enter the driver name. The specified driver name overrides the driver name supplied by the printer driver.


Click OK. The SafeCom User Logon dialog appears.

4.13.3 Edit SafeCom servers dialog

In the Edit SafeCom servers dialog click Test connection to test the communication with the SafeCom server. Click Close.



4 Installation

It is NOT possible to edit an entry on the SafeCom server list. Instead select the server and click Remove. Then click Add.

In the Add server dialog enter the SafeCom server address (IP address or hostname). Click OK.



4 Installation

4.13.4 SafeCom Authentication dialog

If the SafeCom Pull Port is configured to Show authentication dialog every time printing the following dialog will appear every time you print. Check Remember to make the dialog appear with the last used ID the next time you print. Restarting the computer or the Print Spooler will clear the Remember checkbox. Note: If any Show authentication dialog options is enabled and the printer is shared then SafeCom PopUp (4.14) MUST be running on the users computer.

4.13.5 Customize the SafeCom Authentication dialog

You can customize the Enter your ID text in the SafeCom Authentication dialog. You may wish the users to see a more meaning full text so that users are absolutely clear about what number they are suppose to enter. Example: If users login by entering their social security number you should change the text to Enter social security number. Refer to discussion about user codes in 3.3.

You can also customize the Remember text. You may also choose to completely hide the Remember check box. 1. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print\Monitors\SafeCom Pull Port\Ports 2. Double-click any of the below values to modify them. Click OK when finished: AuthDialogStr AuthRememberStr Change Enter your ID to your text. Must be shorter than 30 characters. Change Remember to your text.



4 Installation

AuthRememberMe DialogTimeout

Change from 1 to 0 if you wish to hide the Remember check box. Change from 30 to the number of seconds you want as timeout before the dialog is closed. Minimum value is 1 second and maximum is 300 seconds.

The change will take effect once either the computer has been restarted or the Print Spooler service has been restarted. To restart the Print Spooler: 1. 2. Click Start, type services.msc into the Search box and press ENTER. Right-click Print Spooler and click Restart.

4.13.6 Force focus on the SafeCom Authentication dialog

1. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\DeskTop 2. 3. Double-click ForegroundLockTimeout and set Value to 0. Click OK You must logout and login on the computer before the changes take effect.

Please note that changing the above parameter will affect the behavior of all applications that attempts to take focus.



4 Installation

4.13.7 Configure Use job data logon

The SafeCom Pull Port (4.13.2) can be configured to Use job data logon instead of the network logon. Requires a SafeCom Enterprise Server (Multi Server license). When printing from SAP and similar applications the print job is normally associated with a generic user logon rather than the logon of the real user. This is quite unfortunate in a Pull Print scenario, as it will cause all jobs to be stored under the name of this generic user. However, for SAP it is possible to configure it such that the logon of the real user can be embedded in the job data as a PJL command. Please refer to the documentation that came with your application (SAP). With the Authentication option Use job data logon the SafeCom Pull Port can be configured to extract the logon from the job data. 1. 2. 3. Open the Configure SafeCom Pull Port dialog (4.13.2). Select Use job data logon. Click Configure to open the Job Data Properties dialog.

Job data string is the string that precedes the logon. The logon (maximum characters) is extracted as the string that is between the Job data string (with the potential succession of any skip characters and a start character) and the Stop character. Max search length is the number of bytes to search into the job data stream. Typically the job data string is within the first 1000 bytes. Characters to skip can be <None>, <Tab>, <Space> or any entered printable character and defines that any occurrence of this character should be skipped after the Job data string and before the Start character. Start character can be <None>, <Tab>, <Space> or any entered printable character and defines the character in front of the logon.



4 Installation

Stop character can be <None>, <Tab>, <Space> or any entered printable character and defines the character after the logon. A carriage return or new line will always terminate the logon string. Use alternative logon can be <None> or Network logon and defines the fallback logon to use in case the logon cannot be extracted from the job data. Here are some examples: Extract from file Job data string Characters to skip Start character Stop character Extracted logon
Date=2007.01.01 Name=JS,File=letter.txt Time: 12:15:32

Name= <None>

User: JS Doc: letter.txt User: <Space> <None> <None> JS




4 Installation


SafeCom PopUp scPopUp.exe

SafeCom PopUp can popup dialogs on the users screen and is used in any of these scenarios: SafeCom Pull Port If one of the Show authentication dialog options is enabled on the SafeCom Pull Port (4.13.2). SafeCom Push Port If Show job price before printing is enabled on the SafeCom Push Port (9.3.5). SafeCom Rule Based Printing If the rule has Notify by popup enabled and/or includes the action Confirm pull job. Message: text or Confirm push job. Message: text (10.3).

See the examples in 4.14.2.

4.14.1 Setup SafeCom PopUp

The scPopUp.exe is installed as part of a Server installation (4.2.2) and Client installation (4.2.3). The scPopUp.exe is located in the SafeCom installation folder, that is: C:\Program Files\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 On Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 Note: The scPopUp.exe should be the same version as the SafeCom G3 server software. If you intend to run scPopUp.exe from a file share you should ensure that the Internet Properties on the computer allow local (Intranet) sites and includes the specified share. Otherwise Windows may present a Security Warning stating The publisher could not be verified. Refer to (16.37). If a firewall, such as Windows Firewall (4.2.5), is installed on the computer then TCP port 5740 must be open.



4 Installation


Start scPopUp.exe. It is recommended to setup scPopUp.exe to start in each session, either by making a shortcut in the Windows Startup folder or by starting it in a logon script. Invoke it with the command: scPopUp.exe /T Leave out the /T argument if you are in a Citrix or Windows Terminal Service (WTS) environment and wish to use named pipes instead. The following arguments are supported: /T /K /P /C Use TCP and PIPE connection. The /T argument should be used in most cases. For backward compatibility the tcp argument is still accepted. Set OK as default on dialog timeout, no configuration screen is shown. Mask login credentials entered by user. Configure scPopUp (4.14.3).



4 Installation

When scPopUp is started the startup message appears for a few seconds.

After start the scPopUp icon appears in the Windows system tray. 2. Click the scPopUp icon and click Status. Click Quit to close the menu. Clicking Disable PopUp will stop the scPopUp.exe process.


The SafeCom PopUp dialog appears with status and version information.

4.14.2 SafeCom PopUp examples

Below are some examples of how the SafeCom PopUp will appear on users computer screen. SafeCom Pull Port If one of the Show authentication dialog options is enabled on the SafeCom Pull Port (4.13.2).



4 Installation

SafeCom Push Port If Show job price before printing is enabled on the SafeCom Push Port (9.3.5).

SafeCom Rule Based Printing If the rule has Notify by popup enabled and/or includes the action Confirm pull job. Message: text or Confirm push job. Message: text (10.3).



4 Installation

4.14.3 Configure SafeCom PopUp

When scPopUp is launched with the /C argument the SafeCom PopUp dialog appears:

Check Auto start the scPopUp.exe program is started whenever the computer
is started. Check Use TCP to use TCP and PIPE connection. This is the same as specifying the /T argument on the command line when starting scPopUp. Check Set OK as default on dialog timeout to set OK as default on dialog timeout. This is the same as specifying the /K argument on the command line when starting scPopUp. These choices are saved in the Windows Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SafeCom\SafeComG3\ScPopUp The settings from the Windows Registry are ORed with the arguments given on the command line. This means that OK will be the default on dialog timeout if either Set OK as default on dialog timeout is checked (specified in the Windows Registry) or if the /K argument is specified on the command line when starting scPopUp.



4 Installation

4.14.4 Force SafeCom Port Monitors to use SafeCom PopUp

Normally the SafeCom Pull Port and SafeCom Push Port monitor auto-detects if it should use the build-in dialog or scPopUp.exe. However, this can be controlled from the Windows Registry. 1. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: For Pull Port browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\ SafeCom Pull Port\Ports For Push Port browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\ SafeCom Push Port\Ports The location of registry settings is the same in a cluster. 2. Create a new DWORD named WTSDialogs. It can take the following values: 0: 1: 2: 3: Auto-detect whether the client is running in a Windows Terminal Service environment, in which case a pipe (value 1) will be used to connect to scPopUp.exe. Otherwise TCP will be used (value 2). Use pipe to connect to scPopUp.exe. If this fails the print job is deleted. Use TCP to connect to scPopUp.exe. If this fails the print job is deleted. Use TCP to connect to scPopUp.exe. If this fails the print job is printed anyhow. However, if one of the Show authentication dialog options is enabled on the SafeCom Pull Port, the print job is deleted.

Note: Client installations running Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows 2008 rely on the use of scPopUp.exe as the sole way of presenting a dialog to the user. On client installations running Windows 2003, Windows 2000 and Windows XP failing to connect to scPopUp.exe will cause the build-in Windows dialog to be used to interact with the user.



4 Installation

4.14.5 Control dialog timeout

The timeout of the scPopUp dialog is controlled from the Windows Registry settings of the SafeCom Pull Port and SafeCom Push Port. 1. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: For Pull Port browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\ SafeCom Pull Port\Ports For Push Port browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\ SafeCom Push Port\Ports The location of registry settings is the same in a cluster. 2. Create a new DWORD named DialogTimeout. It can take any of a value between 3 and 600 seconds. The default is 30 seconds.

4.14.6 Charging scheme on SafeCom Pull Port

In order to popup a Confirm pull job notification that specifies the cost of the document, the Pull Port need to know what charging scheme to use. This situation occurs if the rule includes the action Confirm pull job. Message: text. Message: text and the text include the <%price%> tag (10.3). If no charging scheme is selected for the Pull Port the default charging scheme is used. If there is no charging scheme the cost will be shown as 0. Remember that the cost is calculated only based on the properties of the print job and not on the properties of the device, as this is not known at this point in time. The Configure SafeCom Pull Port dialog (4.13.2) can be configured to show a drop-down list with the available charging schemes. 1. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: For Pull Port browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\ SafeCom Pull Port\Ports\<PortName> On a node in cluster the registry settings are different and contains a <SID> (unique identifier) that looks something like "cb22a7d8-f9a5-4382816a-05735df68440" For Pull Port on cluster browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Cluster\Resources\<SID>\ Parameters\Monitors\ SafeCom Pull Port\Ports\<PortName>



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3. 4.

Change the ShowChargingSchemes setting from 0 to 1 to allow selection of charging scheme in the Configure SafeCom Pull Port dialog. The database ID of the selected charging scheme is stored in Windows Registry setting ChargingScheme. Restart the Print Spooler (16.31). Open the Configure SafeCom Pull Port dialog (4.13.2) to select the charging scheme from the drop down list in the Miscellaneous section.


Click OK. The SafeCom User Logon dialog appears. Enter User logon and Password of a user that has SafeCom Administrator or Technician rights. Click OK.



4 Installation


Printing encrypted documents

With SafeCom Encryption documents can be encrypted on the network; from the moment the user clicks print on his computer and until the document is collected at the device. This prevents anyone from reading the documents, should they be intercepted on the network. Documents are always encrypted when traveling from the SafeCom Pull Port to the SafeCom server and when they are stored for later printing. Prerequisites: Encryption is included in the SafeCom license key code (5.5). The user has encryption enabled, that is, Encrypt documents is checked on the Settings tab in the User properties dialog (5.8.2). The device has encryption enabled, that is, Encryption is checked on the License tab in the Device properties dialog (5.9.3). A local SafeCom Pull Printer is installed on the computer of the user requiring encryption (4.12). The device is connected to the SafeCom Controllers 2-port switch. On devices with an internal SafeCom Go solution decryption is done inside the device.



4 Installation


Printing in Citrix and Windows Terminal Service environments

This section describes how to make the SafeCom Authentication dialog (4.13.4) appears on the screen of the client terminal in Citrix and Windows Terminal Service (WTS) environments. Prerequisites: Citrix or WTS running on a Windows Server 2008 or 2003. Clients have full desktop access. There is at least one logon name per client terminal. A logon is only used on one client terminal at a time.

The steps: 1. Add a local SafeCom Pull Printer on the Windows server running Citrix or WTS (4.12). Check Enable printer pooling (4.13.1) to minimize the possibility of users having to wait until other users have responded to the SafeCom Authentication dialog. Configure the SafeCom Pull Port to Show authentication dialog (4.13.2). Optionally you may wish to customize the SafeCom Authentication dialog as described in 4.13.5. Setup scPopUp.exe to start as described in 4.14.

2. 3. 4.


Make all printing go through the SafeCom solution

This section describes how you can ensure that all printing is done solely through SafeCom. When using the word ensure we disregard outrageous user behavior, such as disconnecting the SafeCom hardware - an act, which could probably be made subject to prosecution. Basically you only need to take special precautions for devices with a built-in and connected network interface. An obvious precaution is to ensure that only the SafeCom servers are allowed to connect to the devices network interface. Some network interfaces, such as the HP JetDirect print servers and Ricoh Network Interface Cards, features an IP host access list. Only the hosts on the list are allowed to access the network interface. In this case it means that the IP address of the SafeCom server and/or SafeCom Controller should be the only ones on the list. The SafeCom Controller should have a fixed IP address. You may also need to disable selected network printing protocols, such as the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP). Some network devices also offer the possibility to disable their parallel and/or USB port. For additional information, please refer to the documentation that came with your device / network interface or contact your printer vendor.



4 Installation


Install a card reader on a computer

If the administrator is to associate users with their card (3.4.5) it requires a card reader to be connected and configured on the computer. The stand-alone card readers (Table 1 on page 23) can be used with the SafeCom Administrator. Most USB card readers can be connected to the computer via the USB port and used directly. The serial card readers can be connected to the computer via a SafeCom Serial PC Cable (p/n 660010). The cable connects to the computers RS-232 DB9 connector for communication and 5 Volt power must be supplied via the PS2 keyboard pass-thru connector. 1. 2. 3. 4. Connected the USB card reader to the USB port. The serial card reader should be connected to the computers serial port (COM1, COM2 or COM3). Start SafeCom Administrator. On the Actions menu, click Options. Click on the Card reader tab in the Options dialog (5.10.2) and make your selections.


Update selected SafeCom components

To update to a complete new SafeCom G3 Server version, please refer to the sections: Single server (4.2.20), Multi server installation (4.7) and Cluster installation (4.8). In the period between complete releases, SafeCom Support releases sometimes patches for selected components. Always read the release note that accompanies the supplied patch, as it may contain additional and important information. The update of selected SafeCom components is covered as follows: SafeCom Administrator, scAdministrator.exe (4.19.1) SafeCom Port Monitors, scPullPM2k.dll and scPushPM2k.dll (4.19.2). SafeCom Job Server, scJobServer.exe (4.19.3). SafeCom Secure Library, scSecureLib.dll (4.19.4). SafeCom ID code conversion, filtercard.dll (4.19.5). SafeCom Parser, scParser.dll (9.16). SafeCom Rule Executer, scRuleExecuter.dll (10.7).

4.19.1 Update SafeCom Administrator

1. 2. Close SafeCom Administrator. Replace the scAdministrator.exe in the SafeCom installation folder with the new one.

Note: If the server is clustered use the Cluster Administrator to move the virtual server as you update scAdministrator.exe on the nodes. Note: To determine the version right-click the scAdministrator.exe file, click Properties and click on the Version tab. D60603-07 126

4 Installation

4.19.2 Update SafeCom Port Monitors

1. 2. 3. Stop the Print Spooler (16.31). Replace the scPullPM2k.dll and scPushPM2k.dll files in the C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder. On Windows 2000 the files must be replaced in the SafeCom installation folder. Start the Print Spooler.

Note: If any of the servers are clustered use the Cluster Administrator to move the virtual server as you update scPullPM2k.dll and scPushPM2k.dll on the nodes. Note: To determine the version right-click the scPullPM2k.dll and scPushPM2k.dll files, click Properties and click on the Version tab.

4.19.3 Update scJobServer.exe

1. 2. On all the SafeCom servers you must stop the SafeCom Service (16.30) replace the scJobServer.exe in the SafeCom installation folder with the new one and then restart the SafeCom Service. If you are using the SafeCom G3 Web Interface you must also restart IIS Admin Service, HTTP SSL, World Wide Web publishing service for the fix to take effect.

Note: If any of the servers are clustered use the Cluster Administrator to move the virtual server as you update the scJobServer.exe on the nodes. Note: To determine the version right-click the scJobServer.exe file, click Properties and click on the Version tab.

4.19.4 Update scSecureLib.dll

1. On all the SafeCom servers you must stop the SafeCom Service (16.30) and Print Spooler (16.31) and replace the scSecureLib.dll in the SafeCom installation folder with the new one and then restart the SafeCom Service and Print Spooler. If you are using the SafeCom G3 Web Interface you must also restart IIS Admin Service, HTTP SSL, and World Wide Web publishing service for the fix to take effect.


Note: If any of the servers are clustered use the Cluster Administrator to move the virtual server as you update the scSecureLib.dll on the nodes. Note: To determine the version right-click the scSecureLib.dll file, click Properties and click on the Version tab.



4 Installation

4.19.5 Update filtercard.dll

This section is relevant only for customers who have been supplied with a filtercard.dll to accomplish on-the-fly ID code conversion. This method can be used in installations where SafeCom ID devices return ID codes differently. 1. 2. 3. Unzip the received file. If the received DLL file is not already named filtercard.dll then rename it to filtercard.dll. Copy the filtercard.dll file to the SafeCom installation folder. The default folder is: C:\Program Files\SafeCom\SafeComG3\ 4. Restart the SafeCom Service.

The above steps should be performed on all SafeCom servers. It should also be performed on all the computers that have SafeCom Administrator installed and a card reader connected (4.18).



5 SafeCom Administrator


SafeCom Administrator
SafeCom Administrator is the application you use to configure and administrate your SafeCom solution. SafeCom Administrator can be installed on any Windows computer and used to administrate all the SafeCom servers within TCP/IP range of the computer. When you login to SafeCom Administrator it will present the SafeCom Assistant (5.3.1). This will guide you through the steps needed to make your devices part of the SafeCom solution.



5 SafeCom Administrator


Install SafeCom Administrator

To administrate your SafeCom solution from other computers, you simply install the SafeCom Administrator on those computers. If you want to install a local SafeCom Pull Printer or SafeCom Push Printer on this computer also you must install SafeCom Client first (4.12). 1. 2. 3. 4. Insert the SafeCom CD or download the safecom_g3_xxx.exe file from the link supplied to you. The installation must be Run as administrator. When the installation program is launched click Next. Click Advanced installation. Click Next. Click Tools. Check SafeCom Administrator. Follow the instructions on the screen or refer to 4.2.4 for details.


Login to SafeCom Administrator

1. 2. 3. Click Start, point to All Programs, SafeCom G3 and click SafeCom Administrator. In SafeCom Administrator click on the server to login. Enter User logon (default is ADMIN) and Password (default is nimda).

Once you are logged in, you can change the user logon and password. Note: If the user belongs to a domain the domain followed by a slash (/) or a backslash (\) must be specified in front of the users logon. Example: MYDOMAIN\JS. Alternatively you can specify user logon followed by (@) and the domain, like this JS@MYDOMAIN.



5 SafeCom Administrator


SafeCom Assistant
When you login to SafeCom Administrator it will present the SafeCom Assistant. However, it is NOT present in multi server solutions. The SafeCom Assistant will guide you through a 3-step process to make your devices part of the SafeCom solution. You can jump between the steps by clicking on the title, for example 2 Add SafeCom Pull Printer. Clear Show the screen at login if you do not want the SafeCom Assistant to open at login. 1. Devices Select device type Click the type of SafeCom device; SafeCom Go (Canon, HP, Konica Minolta, Lexmark, Oc, Ricoh, Sharp, Xerox, ) or SafeCom Controller (Other).



5 SafeCom Administrator

Download device manuals and software Download is required if the manuals and device_software (8.9.1) subfolders does not contain the required files10. Click Next.

Open device manual (and install device hardware etc.) The relevant device manual appears11. Open the manual, as you may need to consult it in order to install device hardware and/or send software to the device. The manual is in PDF format and requires Adobe Reader. Click Next.

10 11

To get future updates use Check for updates in the System overview (5.4). The manual is also added to the list of manuals in the System overview (5.4).



5 SafeCom Administrator


Add a SafeCom Pull Printer Add a SafeCom Pull printer Click Windows Add Printer Wizard to open this and add a shared printer to be used for Pull printing. Follow the instructions in the device manual or as documented in section 4.11. If a SafeCom Pull Printer is already added you do not need to do this.

Add device Click Add device to add the physical device to the SafeCom solution. On SafeCom Go HP, SafeCom Go Lexmark and SafeCom Go Ricoh the steps include sending software to the device. Complete the steps according to the device manual or as documented in section 8.3.


Add a SafeCom Push Printer Open SafeCom Port Configurator If you have an existing TCP/IP printer and wish to convert this to a SafeCom Push printer and thus also be able to track documents that are printed directly. Click Close and complete the steps in SafeCom Port Configurator (9.4).



5 SafeCom Administrator


Change password
1. 2. 3. On the Users menu, click Change password. Enter your Old password and New password and Confirm new password. Click OK.

The password can also be changed in the User properties dialog (5.8.4).


Test server
1. 2. On the Actions menu, click Test server Enter the Server address (IP address or hostname) and click Test.

The connection can also be tested in the Server properties dialog (5.7.1) and by right-clicking a SafeCom server and click Test server The Loop check box and Server address are only present when the Test server dialog is opened from the Actions menu.



5 SafeCom Administrator


Menus and commands

This section lists the SafeCom Administrator menus and commands, their shortcut keys and a reference to the relevant sections in this manual. Additional commands may appear if your solution includes any add-on modules such as: Tracking and Pay. Actions Login Logout Test server Reports Export Server group Add server group Remove server group Server group properties Locate server groups Options Exit Refresh Add user Delete user Import users Aliases ID codes User groups Add group Delete group Group properties Jobs Refresh Auto-retrieve Delete job Change password User properties Refresh Add device Delete device Send Go Loader Update software Restart Open in web browser Monitor setup Charging schemes Refresh Add charging scheme Delete charging scheme Charging scheme properties Device properties ENTER CTRL+Q CTRL+R CTRL+E 5.3 5.3.3 9.13 5.16



7.5 7.9 7.3 7.11 5.13

INS DEL ALT+ENTER 7.15 F5 DEL ALT+ENTER F5 INS DEL 5.3.2 5.8 8.3 8.8 8.9 8.9 8.11 8.12 8.10 9.11






5 SafeCom Administrator


Refresh Add server Delete server License Branches Add branch Delete branch Branch properties Organizational units Add org. unit Delete org. unit Org. unit properties Rule Based Printing Client Billing Billing codes Import billing codes Schedule billing code import Tracking data Export tracking data Import tracking data codes Statistics Event log Server properties

6.5 6.6 5.5 INS DEL 5.12 INS DEL 10

9.14.1 9.14.2 CTRL+ENTER 5.14 5.15 5.7


SafeCom Assistant Toolbars Users Devices Servers Charging schemes Search Tools View server group info Expand server view at login All Branches Groups Servers Account status Cash flow report Money loader log SafeCom online About




12.6 12.7 12.8




5 SafeCom Administrator


Server group and server icons

Server group Master server Slave server Offline server Unsupported server group (old version) Server group is unavailable (unable to connect)


User icons
Standard user Default user Locked user (login prevented) User with no defined home server User has been moved to a failover server Technician Cashier user (requires SafeCom Pay) Administrator Administrator with limited rights


Device icons
Printer with SafeCom Controller MFP with SafeCom Go Canon (internal) MFP with SafeCom Go HP (internal) Printer with SafeCom P:Go HP(internal) MFP with SafeCom Go High-end HP (internal) MFP with SafeCom Go Lexmark (internal) Printer with SafeCom P:Go Lexmark (internal) MFP with SafeCom Go Ricoh (internal) Printer with SafeCom P:Go Ricoh (internal) Printer with SafeCom Go Xerox or Sharp (embedded) Push Printer Device with no defined home server Device not registered in the SafeCom solution



5 SafeCom Administrator


Document icons
Document Retained document Group printed document Retained group printed document Print once group printed document


Other icons
Branches (top level) Branch Computer in branch Groups (top level) Group Organizational units (top level) Org. unit Servers (top level) Standard charging scheme (requires SafeCom Tracking) Default charging scheme (requires SafeCom Tracking)

5.3.10 Built-in user accounts

The SafeCom solution features two built-in user accounts: ADMIN Administrator account with the default password nimda. TECH Technician account with the default password hcet, initial PUK code 12345678 and default PIN code 1234.



5 SafeCom Administrator


System overview
Click the server group to open System overview, which provides easy access to system information, manuals, updates and common tasks.


List the relevant manuals. Click the manual title to open it in Adobe Reader. Click the Manuals arrow icon to configure the manuals of interest. SafeCom G3 Administrators Manual D60603 (this manual) is the initially listed manual. Relevant SafeCom Go Administrators Manuals and others are added to the list as you use the SafeCom Assistant (5.3.1).


Show the total number of users (initially two). Click the Users arrow icon to open the list of users on the master server. Default user shows the user logon of the defined default user (7.2). Click the user logon to open the User properties dialog. Click User import to open the Scheduled user import dialog (7.3). The date and time of the next scheduled user import is shown.



5 SafeCom Administrator


Show the total number of devices. Click the Devices arrow icon to open the list of devices on the master server. Default charging scheme 1 and Default charging scheme 2. Click the respective names to open the Charging scheme dialog (9.11). Click Add device (8.3) to configure and register the device on the SafeCom master server. This function is not available in a multi server solution, as you would normally have devices registered on the slaves. Refer to 8.3. Click Windows Add Printer Wizard to open this. Click SafeCom Port Configurator to open this (9.4).


Servers show information about the master (and slave) servers. Click the Servers arrow icon to open the list of servers. Click the License arrow icon to open the License dialog (5.5).


Collect system info

In Collect System Info click Collect.


Check for updates

In Check for updates click Check. A connection is established to the SafeCom Update Server to check for new updates of manuals, device software and release notes. Click Run in background to have the files downloaded while you continue your work. If access to the Internet requires use of a Proxy server this can specified on the Network tab in the Options dialog (5.10.3). Note: If the Check for updates function is used on a cluster, you are advised to update both nodes.


Save-o-meter is using the default primary charging scheme. If there is no default primary charging scheme or it is empty (all values are zero), then it will use the sheet count and ignore the information about impressions. Example: Saved 10 sheets, Consumed 90 sheets, Savings: 10% For the Save-o-meter to work you must check Track deleted print jobs on the Tracking tab in the Server properties dialog (5.7.5).



5 SafeCom Administrator


The License dialog can be accessed from the Servers menu. The License dialog shows the number of licensed server features, devices and device features and it allows you to install license upgrades in the form of a key code. More information about license key codes is available in 4.9.

Enter your key code in Enter key code and click Apply. Current key displays the license key code currently used by the SafeCom server. Listing features displays the features activated by the current license key code. Refer to section 8.4.2 to see how the Find devices function can be used to see which device is using which device license.



5 SafeCom Administrator


Server group properties

The Server group properties dialog can be accessed from the Servers menu and by right-clicking the group in the Server groups pane.

Click Search to search for server groups. Search result is shown in the dialog. Click Test to test the connection.



5 SafeCom Administrator


Server properties
The Server properties dialog can be accessed from the Servers menu, the Server tool button and by right-clicking the server in the Server groups pane. The dialog comprises the tabs: Server (5.7.1) Users (5.7.2) Devices (5.7.3) E-mail (5.7.4) Failover (6.7) Tracking (5.7.5 and 9.9.1) Billing (5.7.6 and 11.4) Encryption (5.7.7)



Server group is the name of the server group. Computer name must match the computer name of the SafeCom server. Refer to 4.9.1. D60603-07 143

5 SafeCom Administrator

Org. unit is the organizational unit the SafeCom server belongs to (5.12). Server address is the address of the SafeCom server. Click Test server to test the connection (5.3.3). Check Write event to Windows event log (5.15) if you wish to be able to use the Window Event Viewer to view event log messages from the SafeCom solution. Database integrity check verifies the consistency between document references in the SafeCom database and executes the delete document functionality. The check can take place on selected weekdays (Monday, Tuesday, , Sunday) at a specific time or at a regular predefined intervals starting at a specific time. The available intervals are every 10, 20, or 30 minutes, or every 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 12 hours. Every 2 hours on all weekdays is default. Check Delete print jobs after to keep the print in the SafeCom solution for the specified number of day(s), hour(s) and min(s). The default is 1 day.



5 SafeCom Administrator



In Automation you can choose to Create users at first print (7.4). This means that a new user account is created in the database the first time the new user prints with the SafeCom solution. Check Same ID code as User logon if the newly created user is to login at the device by entering his user logon (JS). Check Generate PUK on Pull print if the PUK code should be generated on Pull print. The PUK code can be e-mailed (5.7.4). Check Create e-mail addresses with domain to combine the user logon (JS) and the E-mail domain (safecom.eu) into the users valid e-mail address ([email protected]). Check Release credits reserved on error to give back users reserved credits if an error occurs. This is only relevant if SafeCom Pay (12.2.2) is used.



5 SafeCom Administrator

In Security you can specify Max login attempts to control the number of times the user can try to log on with an invalid PIN code, before the account is locked. The default is 3 times. The Administrator can unlock a locked user account by clearing Prevent login on the Identification tab in the User properties dialog (5.8.1). Note: The max login attempts do not apply to users with Administrator rights. Check Allow users to change PIN code to allow users to change their PIN code through the SafeCom G3 Web Interface and SafeCom-enabled devices (restrictions may apply). You should not check this if you wish to manage PIN codes centrally. In IDs you can specify the Max IDs per user. By default there is one ID per user. The IDs control is not present in the Server properties dialog of SafeCom slave servers. In Default settings it shows if a default user is defined (7.2). If there is a default user you can choose to Keep default user and use settings when creating new users. You can select the Default user by right-clicking a user with Standard rights in the list of users. In the list of user the default user is shown with a cross: Initial account 2 is only relevant if SafeCom Pay (12.2.2) is used.



5 SafeCom Administrator



As discussed in 3.5.7 Document fidelity is determined by comparing the name of the printer driver embedded in the print job with the list of driver names returned by the SafeCom Controller or SafeCom Go. You may choose among the following options: No fidelity check All the users documents can be collected at the device. Show fidelity warning All the users documents can be collected at the device. If a SafeCom Front-end is used a warning dialog will appear whenever the user attempts to print a document that was generated with a driver that is not included on the SafeCom Controllers list of driver names. Filter document list Only those of the users documents with a matching driver name can be collected at the device.



5 SafeCom Administrator

Touch tone controls if touching the touch-screen should cause a beep sound. The change takes effect the next time someone login at the SafeCom Frontend. It also applies to selected SafeCom ID devices. The SafeCom Front-end will still use two beeps to indicate a card read error and one beep 10 seconds prior to automatic logout.



SMTP mail server shows the hostname or the IP address of the mail server that is used to send outgoing mails. Port is 25 by default. Reply address is used by the SafeCom auto-mailer when sending e-mails. Some mail servers require a valid reply address in order to deliver the mail. The default [email protected] satisfies this syntax check. E-mail address is the address at which the administrator of the SafeCom solution will receive optional messages: Event and Credits reserved notification. Receiving these messages enables the administrator to be proactive in respect to potential problems. The message could for example



5 SafeCom Administrator

inform the administrator, that a trial license is about to expire in a couple of days. The administrator can also look in the Event log (5.15). If you check E-mail PUK code when generated the PUK code is automatically sent to the user via e-mail using the template EmailPUK.txt (5.7.8). The PUK code can be generated in the following ways: If Generate PUK on Pull print is checked on the Users tab in the Server properties dialog (5.7.2). When generating a PUK code on the ID code tab in the User properties dialog (5.8.3). When importing users and Generate PUK is checked in the step (7.3). Note: No e-mail is sent if the PUK is generated from the SafeCom G3 Web Interface. If you check E-mail welcome message to new users a welcome message is automatically sent to the user via e-mail using the template EmailWelcome.txt (5.7.8). If you check E-mail job deletion note to author of job the author will receive an e-mail when a document has been deleted. See EmailJobDelete.txt in 5.7.8. In E-mail delete warning to: you can check Author of job and/or Recipients of job. If checked an e-mail warning is sent the specified length of time prior to deletion. See EmailWarning.txt 5.7.8.



5 SafeCom Administrator



Check Track deleted print jobs to have the SafeCom solution track deleted jobs and to see the effect in the Save-o-meter (5.4.7). Check Allow money server to be unavailable if you want pay users to be able to print and login to devices even if it is not possible to charge the user for the jobs produced by the user. Check Allow tracking server to be unavailable if you want tracking users to be able to print and login to devices even if it is not possible to track the jobs produced by the user. The tracking server can only be allowed unavailable if the money server is allowed unavailable.



5 SafeCom Administrator

How it works: A severity 2 event (error) is created in the SafeCom event log (5.15) when the first pay user login while the money server is unavailable. The user is treated as a tracking user. If the tracking server is unavailable the user is treated as a no cost user.

A severity 5 event (information) is created in the SafeCom event log (5.15) when the first user login and the servers are available again. In a multi server solution the Tracking tab looks different on the master server (9.9.1) and the slave server (9.9.2).



Check Store tracking data temporarily to allow users to apply billing codes. Chose the number period you want to elapse before the billing data is committed and when the billing data should be moved to the tracking data. Refer to section 11.4 for additional information.



5 SafeCom Administrator



All control data that is exchanged using the SafeCom protocol is encrypted according to the choice of cipher. This includes login requests with user details such as user logon, card numbers, PIN codes and passwords. Other data that is encrypted include List of documents, tracking data, event log information etc. Asymmetric. RSA is used for asymmetric encryption and for exchange of the symmetric keys. RSA is a very slow encryption algorithm and is not suited to encrypt and decrypt bulk data efficiently. The default is RSA 512-bit encryption. Symmetric. Encryption of bulk data is done using more efficient algorithms, either AES (Rijndael algorithm) or TwoFish, a proposal by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) for an Advanced Encryption Standard. The default is AES 128-bit encryption.



5 SafeCom Administrator

Pending documents are always encrypted using 128-bit encryption. Pull print data is always encrypted on the network while travelling to the server. Pull print data travelling to a device is encrypted if:
Encrypt documents is enabled for the user (5.8.2). Encryption is enabled for the device (5.9.3). By default any client will try to honor the encryption method and size that has been specified on the server. Clients include the SafeCom Print Client, SafeCom Pull Port, SafeCom Push Port, SafeCom Administrator, SafeCom Reports, SafeCom Web Interface and SafeCom Go devices. The SafeCom Go devices will take the processing power and memory of the device into consideration. This means that in most cases no additional configuration steps are required on the device. Refer to the relevant SafeCom Go Administrators Manual for additional information. The choice of encryption on the server take effect once the SafeCom Service has been restarted on the server. When a slave server is added it will by default get the same encryption settings as that of the master server.



5 SafeCom Administrator


Customize and translate e-mail messages

E-mail messages can be customized and translated to give the users the highest user satisfaction. Dates are written according to the servers short format. 1. 2. Study this section to learn about the possibilities. Copy the customized file from the Templates folder to the SafeCom installation folder on the SafeCom master server. The new template automatically takes effect.

The files are located in the %SafeCom%\Templates folder, normally C:\Program Files\ SafeCom\SafeComG3\Templates On Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\ SafeCom\SafeComG3\Templates The E-mail templates: EmailWelcome.txt Send welcome message to new user if E-mail welcome message to new users is checked on the E-mail tab in the Server properties dialog (5.7.4). EmailPUK.txt Send PUK code to user if E-mail PUK code when generated is checked on the E-mail tab in the Server properties dialog (5.7.4). EmailCode.txt Send code to user if the EmailCode.txt file is located in the SafeCom installation folder. The E-mail is sent if the code is added in SafeCom Administrator, through APIs or via an import. If the user gets for example two codes during an import, then the user will receive two e-mails, one with each code. EmailJobDelete.txt Send note to author about document that has been deleted if E-mail job deletion note to author of job is checked on the E-mail tab in the Server properties dialog (5.7.4). EmailWarning.txt Send warning to author and/or recipients about document to be deleted if E-mail delete warning is checked on the E-mail tab in the Server properties dialog (5.7.4).



5 SafeCom Administrator

In the EmailWelcome.txt and EmailPUK.txt file it is possible to use the tags: <%ACCOUNTINGMODEL="No|Tracking|Pay For Print"%> <%CREDITS%> <%ENCRYPTION="No|Yes"%> <%GROUPNAME%> <%LOGINWITHOUTPIN="No|Yes"%> <%PIN%> <%PRINTALL="No|Yes"%> <%PUK%> EmailWelcome.txt <%SUBJECT="Welcome to SafeCom"%> Dear <%USER%>, You have been added as a user to the SafeCom solution. You are about to experience the patented SafeCom Pull Print technology. It gives you the freedom to collect your documents at any SafeCom-enabled printer when it suites you. When you print via SafeCom uncollected documents are deleted after <%JOBDELETEDAYS%> day(s), <%JOBDELETEHOURS%> hour(s) and <%JOBDELETEMINUTES%> min(s). www.safecom.eu EmailPUK.txt <%SUBJECT="SafeCom PUK code"%> Dear <%USER%>, Your PUK code is: <%PUK%> When you present the card at a SafeCom-enabled printer you will be prompted for the above PUK code. Write down the PUK code and bring it with you so you can enter it when you are at the printer. Once you have entered the PUK code, you do not need the PUK code any longer. www.safecom.eu EmailCode.txt <%SUBJECT="SafeCom user code"%> Dear <%USER%>, You have been granted the following user code: <%CardNo%> To login at the SafeCom-enable printer you can enter the above code.



5 SafeCom Administrator

EmailWarning.txt <%SUBJECT="[SafeCom] Delete warning"%> This mail is to inform you that your document: <%DOCUMENTNAME%> submitted on <%SUBMITDATE%> <%SUBMITTIME%> will be deleted on <%DELETEDATE%> <%DELETETIME%> <%USERLIST TEXT="Document has not yet been collected by:"%> www.safecom.eu EmailJobDelete.txt <%SUBJECT="[SafeCom] Document deleted"%> This mail is to inform you that your document: <%DOCUMENTNAME%> submitted on <%SUBMITDATE%> <%SUBMITTIME%> has been deleted. <%USERLIST TEXT="Document was not collected by:"%> www.safecom.eu



5 SafeCom Administrator


User properties
The User properties dialog can be accessed from the Users menu, the User tool button and by right-clicking a user in the Users list. The dialog comprises the tabs: Identification (5.8.1) Settings (5.8.2) ID code (5.8.3) Rights (5.8.4) Member of (5.8.5) Aliases (5.8.6) Account (5.8.7)



Domain is the domain the user belongs to.



5 SafeCom Administrator

User logon is normally identical to the users Windows logon. The user logon is mandatory, maximum 20 characters and must be unique in regards to other user logons, user aliases and group names. ID is the database ID. Full name is the users name. Home server is the SafeCom server the user belongs to. Only present if SafeCom Multi Server Support is enabled. Org. unit is the organizational unit the user belongs to (5.12). E-mail is the users e-mail address. The SafeCom solution can use the e-mail address to send welcome message and PUK code message. Description can be used to enter a description of the user. Cost code can be used to enter a cost code of the user. The Credits section is only relevant if the Cost control is set to Pay on the Settings tab. Logins failed shows the number of consecutive failed login attempts for the user. Click Clear to set the number to zero. If this number reaches the Max login attempts specified on Users tab of the Server properties dialog, the user is prevented from printing (Prevent login is checked). If you check Prevent login, the user is unable to login at the device. A user that is prevented from printing is shown as in the User list. Clearing Prevent login will automatically set Logins failed to zero. Check Login without PIN code if the user needs to enter a 4-digit PIN code at the device (restrictions may apply). Source ID indicates from which source the user was imported. A value of zero indicates that the user was manually created.



5 SafeCom Administrator



For additional information about Bill clients for cost refer to chapter 11 SafeCom Client Billing. Encrypt documents is only relevant if encryption of document is indeed possible (4.15). Allow retain documents shows if the user is allowed to keep documents on the server so they can be printed multiple times. Print all at login shows if all the users documents should be printed as soon as the user login at the device. Documents are printed in chronological order (oldest first). For additional information about Cost control refer to chapter 9 SafeCom Tracking and 12 SafeCom Pay.



5 SafeCom Administrator


ID code

By default there is one ID (card or user code) per user. The maximum IDs per user can be specified on the Users tab in the Server properties dialog (5.7.2) of the SafeCom master server. Enter the ID code and click Add. A warning appears when the maximum number of IDs per user is reached. Check Temporary ID if the ID is to be valid for a restricted period. Expired IDs are deleted from the SafeCom solution automatically within 10 minutes. Choose from the popular dates: Today, Today and tomorrow, This week (End date is the coming Sunday at midnight), This month (End date is the last day of the month at midnight) or Specify dates. Choose Specify dates and specify the Start date, End date and Time. Click the calendar icon to open Choose date dialog for easy date selection. Click Listen for ID if a card reader is installed on the computer (4.18).



5 SafeCom Administrator

In ID codes the available codes are listed. Start date and End date appear only if Temporary ID was checked when the ID was added. The Source ID indicates from which source the ID was imported. A value of zero indicates that the ID was manually added. Select an ID code and click one of the buttons:

Copy ID code

Modify ID code

Delete ID code

In PUK and PIN code use these there buttons:

Copy PUK code

Generate PUK code

Clear PUK code

The user can have one PUK code open at a time. The generation of PUK code happens irrespective if you subsequently click Cancel to exit the User properties dialog. The behavior of the Generate PUK button depends on the following: Single ID per user (default) Generating a new PUK code will delete the PIN code and remove any current association with an ID. Multiple IDs per user Generating a new PUK code is possible until the maximum number of IDs has been reached. Otherwise one of the existing IDs must be deleted before a new PUK code can be generated.

Click PIN code to open the PIN code dialog.

PIN code contains the 4-digit PIN code. If a PIN code is assigned when the dialog is opened the field contains ****. Click Random to assign and display a randomly generated PIN code. Click Default to assign and display the default PIN code 1234. Changing the PIN code will automatically clear Prevent login and reset Logins failed to zero on the Identification tab in the User properties dialog. The user has one and only one PIN code.



5 SafeCom Administrator

If no PIN code is specified, but only a code, the user is assigned the default PIN code when OK is clicked in the User properties dialog. If allowed (5.7.2) the user may subsequently change the PIN code at the SafeCom G3 Web Interface or at the SafeCom-enabled device (restrictions may apply).



A standard user can have any server as their home server, whereas users with other rights MUST have the master server as their home server. If you click Technician, the user is given Technician rights, allowing the user to install SafeCom devices. Devices are operable and can be used for Pull Printing once a user with Technician or Administrator rights has logged in at the device. In a SafeCom Pay solution the Technicians (or Administrators) Cost control setting should be set to No control or Tracking because choosing Pay will prevent him from registering SafeCom devices at the device. If you click Cashier user (Requires SafeCom Pay), the user is given Cashier rights, allowing the user to use SafeCom Administrator in Cashier mode. When Administrator, Technician or Cashier user is clicked, two additional password fields are displayed in the dialog: Password If you do not have a password or if you want to change your existent password, enter the new password (of your own choice) here. Confirm Password Re-enter the new password.



5 SafeCom Administrator

If you click Administrator, the user is given Administrator rights, allowing the user to modify users, modify devices, group and server. User rights The Full rights allow you to add, modify and delete users. With All rights except export it is possible to do everything except that card data and PUK codes are not included in the export of user data. With Limited rights it is possible to only assign new Code, PIN code and PUK code. You can also clear Logins failed and Prevent login. It is otherwise not possible to add, modify and delete users. Typically you would give Help Desk personnel this type of limited Administrator rights. Device rights The Full rights allow you to add, modify and delete devices. Server rights The Full rights allow you to add, modify and delete servers. Report rights The Full rights allow you to login to SafeCom Reports (9.13).



5 SafeCom Administrator


Member of

Member of contains a list of the groups the user belongs to.



5 SafeCom Administrator


As the SafeCom solution supports printing from multiple client operating systems and users often do not have the same user logon on all systems, it is possible to use the aliases mapping feature of the SafeCom solution to allow a user to get his documents into the same SafeCom account from all systems.

Enter the Alias and click Add. To delete an alias, select the alias and click Delete. The alias must be unique in regards to other user aliases, user logons and group names. 20 characters is the maximum length of an alias. Any number of aliases can be entered. In the Aliases overview dialog (7.10) it is possible to see which alias is mapped to which user.



5 SafeCom Administrator



Account 1 shows the current amount of money available with the user. Account 2 shows the current available quota available for the user. Low limit is the lowest amount that should be available in order to print (Allows negative figures). Click to edit the Low limit. Reserved is the amount of credits reserved due to a print or copy job that finished in error. It should be 0.00 (zero) most of the time. If the system has reserved any credits you will see a positive amount printed in red color. Click to edit the Reserved. The amount must be greater than 0.00 (zero) and less than or equal to the currently reserved amount of credits. Disposable is equal to Balance minus Low limit and Reserved. Amount indicates the amount to Deposit (insert) on or Subtract (withdraw) from the account. Click Record to make the transaction take place. Comment allows you to add any description (optional).



5 SafeCom Administrator


Device properties
The Device properties dialog can be accessed from the Devices menu, the Device tool button and by right-clicking a device in the Devices list. The dialog comprises the tabs: Settings, Charging scheme and License. Each tab is described subsequently.



Name is a field for specifying a name for the device (mandatory). Model is a field for specifying the model and/or manufacturer of the device (optional). Home server is the SafeCom server the device belongs to. Only present if SafeCom Multi Server Support is enabled. Org. unit is the organizational unit the device belongs to (5.12). Only present of there are any defined organizational units. Branch is the branch the device belongs to (5.11). Only present if there are any defined branches.



5 SafeCom Administrator

Location is a field for indicating the place where the device is physically located (optional). Device address is the hostname or IP address of the device. Capabilities show a number of checkboxes depending on the device and SafeCom license key code. The list of checkboxes includes: Duplex supported, Color supported, Restricted access, Allow Pay user (only available if the server key license allows one or more Pay devices) and Push print. Restricted access can be used to control users access to the device based the organizational relationship (5.12). Click Open in browser if you want to access the devices web interface (8.12). Click Update software to update the software of the device (8.9).


Charging scheme
On the Charging scheme tab in the Device properties dialog it is possible to choose which charging schemes should be used on the device in question.

Click View to see the charging scheme (9.11).



5 SafeCom Administrator


On the License tab in the Device properties dialog it is possible to choose which SafeCom features should be enabled on the device in question.

The checked features are only accepted if the license key code allows the device features. Click License to open the License dialog (5.5) to see if the license key code allows the additional features to be enabled for this device.



5 SafeCom Administrator


On the Statistics tab in the Device properties dialog it is possible to a Textual and Graphical representation of the statistics. The Statistics tab is not presented if you have opened multiple devices.

How to monitor device status is covered in section 8.10.



5 SafeCom Administrator


Options dialog
The Options dialog can be accessed from the Actions menu. The dialog comprises the tabs: General, Card reader, Network and Maintenance. Each tab is described subsequently.

5.10.1 General
Check Remember desktop layout if you want to remember the position and size of SafeCom Administrator when you exit. The next time you start SafeCom Administrator it will appear the same as when you exited. Click Forget now to reset the desktop layout.



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.10.2 Card reader

Section 4.18 describes how to connect the card reader. USB card reader: 1. 2. Check USB if a USB card reader is connected. Click Test USB reader and present the card.



5 SafeCom Administrator

Serial card reader: 1. 2. 3. Choose a Reader type from the drop-down list: None, Generic, Magnetic, Adazzi, HID, Legic and Mifare. Click Support to see the latest list of supported card readers on our web site. Choose a COM port from the drop-down list: COM1, COM2 and COM3. Click Test and use the card to test if reading is possible. If it fails you may need to move the card reader to another COM port.

If your card reader does not match any of the listed reader types you should select Generic and find the correct combination of Baud rate: 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, Bits: 7 or 8 and Parity: No, Even and Odd. Listen timeout can be 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 seconds. Listen time out determines the maximum number of seconds that may parse from you click Listen for ID on the ID code tab in the Users properties dialog (5.8.3) and until you use the card with the card reader.



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.10.3 Network

In Logout if inactive for you can change the automatic logout time. If no activity has been registered in the SafeCom Administrator for the number of minutes shown, all open connections are closed. The default is 15 minutes and the maximum value is 99 minutes. Broadcast timeout is the time in seconds the SafeCom Administrator will search for SafeCom servers and devices on the network. Default is 10 seconds. Transaction timeout is the time in seconds the SafeCom Administrator will maximum wait for a SafeCom server to respond. We recommend that this be only increased in large installations with thousands of users. Default is 60 seconds. Broadcast addresses show the list of network masks for all TCP/IP networks containing SafeCom servers and devices. You must configure this list correctly for the SafeCom Administrator to be able to locate all SafeCom servers and broadcast for SafeCom devices. Note: It is recommended to replace with a list of individual masks, as broadcasting may otherwise not work. If access to the Internet requires use of a Proxy the Check for updates (5.4.6) cannot connect to the SafeCom Update Server to check for new updates of manuals, device software and release notes. Specify the IP address, Port (default 2121) and Type (default FTP) of connection the proxy server is using.



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.10.4 Maintenance

In a Pay solution you may wish to delete transaction records older than a certain date. Specify the exact Date or select a date from the drop down list, that includes the selections: 1 month, 2 months, , 11 months, 1 year, 2 years, , 5 years. Check Backup database to have a backup created of the scpurse database before deletion. The users most recent transaction is not deleted. Click Clean up.



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.10.5 Server group info

On the View menu check View server group info to display the Server group info dialog.

The Server group info dialog will update its content whenever you select another server and you are not required to login to the server. You can anchor the Server group info dialog to the bottom of the Server groups pane by dragging it to the bottom left corner of the SafeCom Administrator.



5 SafeCom Administrator


In SafeCom Administrator it is possible to define branches and associate devices and computers to these. This is used to ensure that devices within the branch allow collection of documents only that reside on the computers that belong to the same branch. The table below reflects when printing is possible. Computer belongs to No branch Yes Yes Computer is added to Branch A Yes Computer is added to Branch B Computer belongs to Branch A Yes Yes No Computer belongs to Branch B Yes No Yes

Device belongs to No branch Device belongs to Branch A Device belongs to Branch B

In this context the term computer denotes a computer that is running the SafeCom Client Print software where documents reside on the computers local hard disk drive rather than on a SafeCom server. The maximum number of branches, computer, users and devices is virtually unlimited, but of course subject to the limitations imposed by the size of the database.

1. 2. 3.


Click the Branches icon in the Server groups pane to expand the list of defined branches (in alphabetic order). Two panes appear to the right. The top pane is the Devices pane. The bottom pane is the Computers pane. In the Devices pane click Refresh to retrieve an updated list from the database of all the devices that have not been added to a branch. Rightclick the device and click Properties to open the Device properties dialog (5.9.1). In the Computers pane click Refresh to retrieve an updated list from the database of all the computers that have not been added to a branch. Right-click the computer and click Properties to open the Computer properties dialog (5.11.6).



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.11.1 Administrator rights

Within the SafeCom solution the Administrator must have Full server rights to modify branches, computers and the branch property in devices.

5.11.2 Add a branch

Branches can be added in the Branches dialog. The Branches dialog can be accessed from the Servers menu. Click the Branches icon in the Server groups pane. On the Servers menu click Branches and click Add branch Right-click the Branches icon in the Server groups pane and click Add Branch

1. 2.

Enter the Name of the branch and an optional Description. Click OK. ID is the database ID of the branch. To associate devices and computers to a branch you can drag and drop these between the branches. Alternatively you can select the branch from the Branch drop down list in the Device properties dialog (5.9) or the Computer properties dialog (5.11.6).

5.11.3 Delete a branch

1. Right-click the branch in the Server groups pane and click Delete Branch.

Note: A Branch can only be deleted if no device and computers reference it.

5.11.4 Add a device to a branch

Adding a device to a branch can be done in the following ways: In the Devices pane select the device and drag and drop it onto the branch in the Server group pane. In the Device properties dialog select the Branch.



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.11.5 Remove a device from a branch

Removing a device from a branch can be done in the following ways: In the Branch devices pane select the device and drag and drop it onto the Branches icon in the Server group pane. In the Branch devices pane right-click the device and click Remove device from branch. In the Device properties dialog change Branch to <None>.



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.11.6 Computer properties

Right-click a computer in the Computers pane to open the Computer properties dialog.

Computer name is the hostname (FQDN) of the computer. IP address holds the IP address the computer had the last time it was started. Notes hold optional notes that have been entered by the administrator. Branch is the branch the device belongs to. Only present if there are any defined branches. Description holds the description of the computer. Version is the version of the SafeCom Branch software running on the computer. ID is the database ID of the computer. Note: The computer is listed in the SafeCom database by its GUID (globally unique identifier). The Computer name, IP address and Description fields are not editable once the computer has been added. These properties are automatically updated when the SafeCom Branch software is started on the computer. Note: Tracking data is reported to the Home Server of the user printing. The computer has no Home Server itself.



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.11.7 Add a computer to SafeCom solution

A computer is by default added to the SafeCom solution the first time the installed SafeCom Branch software is started. Information about the computer is stored in the SafeCom Job Database (sccore) on the SafeCom master server.

5.11.8 Add a computer to a branch at first print

A computer that has not been added to a branch will have the branch determined at first print. When the first document is pulled from the local hard disk drive of the computer the computer is added to the same branch as the device pulling the document.

5.11.9 Add a computer to a branch manually

Adding a computer to a branch can be done manually in the following ways: In the Computers pane select the computer and drag and drop it onto the branch in the Server group pane. In the Computer properties dialog select the Branch.

5.11.10 Import computers

Computers can be imported into the SafeCom solution in the following ways: In the Computers pane right-click and click Import. Import source file can be in CSV format and can contain the following columns: Computer name (mandatory) IP address (optional) Description (optional)

5.11.11 Remove a computer from a branch

Removing a computer from a branch can be done in the following ways: In the Computers pane select the computer and drag and drop it onto the Branches icon in the Server group pane. In the Computers pane right-click the computer and click Remove computer from branch. In the Computer properties dialog change Branch to <None>.

5.11.12 Delete a computer from the SafeCom solution

Deleting a computer from the SafeCom solution can be done in the following ways: In the Computers pane right-click the computer and click Delete computer.



5 SafeCom Administrator


Organizational units
With the concept of organizational units you can use SafeCom Administrator to visualize the organizational / departmental relations between users, devices and servers in your SafeCom solution.

There is a strong resemblance between the organizational unit concept and the folder structure on a computer and many of the same rules apply. The organizational path can be up to 255 characters long. The organizational relationship can be used to restrict users access to devices. Refer to 5.12.3.



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.12.1 Add an organizational unit

Organizational units can be added in the Organization Unit dialog. The Organizational Unit dialog can be accessed from the Servers menu. Click the Org. units icon in the Server groups pane. On the Servers menu click Organizational units and click Add org. unit Right-click the Org. units icon in the Server groups pane and click Add org. unit

1. 2.

Enter the Name of the organizational unit and an optional Description. Click OK. ID is the database ID of the organizational unit. This corresponds to UserNodeID in tracking records. To associate resources (users, devices and servers) to an organizational unit you can drag and drop these between the organizational units. Alternatively you can select the organizational unit from the Org. unit drop down list in the resources properties dialog.

New users, devices and servers are always created at the root. The relationship to an organizational unit must be done manually using drag and drop. Users, devices and servers can be assigned to one and only one organizational unit.

5.12.2 Delete an organizational unit

1. Right-click the organizational unit in the Server groups pane and click Delete org. unit.

Note: Organizational units can only be deleted if no user, device, server and organizational unit reference them.



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.12.3 Restrict access to devices

A device with Restricted access can only be used by users who have the device in their organizational path. A device without Restricted access can be used by any user regardless of the users and devices organizational path. Restricted access does not apply to users with SafeCom Technician or Administrator rights.

Examples: Devices with restricted access in Dept A1 can be used by all users in Dept A1. Devices with restricted access in Dept A can be used by all users in Dept A, Dept A1 and Dept A2. Devices without restricted access in Dept A1 can be used by all users. Devices without restricted access in Dept A can be used by all users.

How it works: The user is not logged in if Restricted access is checked on the Device properties dialog (5.9.1) and the user does not have the device on his organizational path. The user may see the message Restricted Access on the SafeCom Front-end or the devices control panel if a SafeCom Go product is used.



5 SafeCom Administrator


With the concept of groups you can use SafeCom Administrator to organize users into groups. Information about groups can be imported from and synchronized with Active Directory (7.3.13). However, it is also manually possible to add groups (5.13.1), delete groups (5.13.3) and add members to groups (5.13.4). It is even possible to print to groups (5.13.7).

5.13.1 Add groups manually

Groups can be added in the Add group dialog. Click on the Groups icon in the Server groups pane. On the Users menu click User groups and then Add group

1. 2.

Enter a Name and an optional Description. Click Add. The name must be unique in regards to other groups, user logons and user aliases. Click Close when finished adding groups.



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.13.2 Group properties dialog

1. 2. Click on the Groups icon in the Server groups pane. Double-click a group in the Group list to open the Group properties dialog.

The Group properties dialog includes these menus: General On the General menu you can change the Name and Description of the group and allow Group print (5.13.7). Rules On the Rules menu you can select the rules to be used by the group. For additional information about rules please refer to Chapter 10. Members On the Members menu you select which users are a member of the group (5.13.4). Credit schedule On the Credit schedule menu you can add and subtract credits on a scheduled basis (12.4).



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.13.3 Delete groups

In the Groups list select the groups you wish to delete. You can delete the groups in the following ways: Select the group and press the DEL key. Right-click the group and select Delete group

5.13.4 Add members to a group

1. 2. Open the Group properties dialog (5.13.2). Click on the Members menu.

Members can be added in only one of the following two ways: Select Users to add users individually. Check All users to include all users as members. Click Add user to open the Add user dialog to select users individually. Select Org. units to add users by org. unit. Selecting an org. unit will also include the users in the sub units.

Note: Any subsequent import of users and groups (7.3) may override your selections.



5 SafeCom Administrator

Clicking Add user opens the Add user dialog.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Enter your find criteria and click Find. The find function is using field based case insensitive free text search. Click Select all or press and hold down CTRL, and then click each user. Check Differences to filter away the users who are already member of the group. Click Add. Click Finish when you are done selecting and adding users to the group. In the Group properties dialog click Apply and then OK.

5.13.5 Remove users from a group

1. 2. 3. 4. Open the Group properties dialog (5.13.2). Click on the Members menu. Press and hold down CTRL, and then click each user. Click Remove user.



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.13.6 Select rules to be used on a group

1. 2. Open the Group properties dialog (5.13.2). Click on the Rules menu.

3. 4.

Check the rules you want to be used on the group. Click OK.



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.13.7 Group print

By allowing group print for a group the members of that group can collect the documents sent to the group. In a multi server solution the members must belong on the same home server. 1. 2. Open the Group properties dialog (5.13.2). Click on the General tab.

3. 4. 5.

Check Allow group print. Check Print once to delete the document from all members once one member has collected it. Click OK.

One way of submitting a print job to a group is by printing via a computer that has a SafeCom Pull Port (4.12), which is configured to Show authentication dialog every time printing (4.13.4). When the SafeCom Authentication dialog appears you enter the name of the group and click OK.



5 SafeCom Administrator

Note: If there is a user with a User Logon identical to the name of the group the print job goes to the user and not to the members of the group.



5 SafeCom Administrator


The SafeCom solution collects statistics every time an integrity check is performed (5.7.1). The Statistics dialog can be accessed from the Servers menu. The Statistics dialog will by default show the number of jobs handled today. Period can be Today, One week or One month. Show can be Jobs, Pages or Size. Click Refresh to update the statistics. Jobs that are deleted by users with Administrator rights are tracked as Jobs deleted by system and not as Jobs deleted by user.



5 SafeCom Administrator


Event log
Event log messages are written to the SafeCom event log database and optionally to the Windows event log if this is enabled in the Server properties dialog (5.7.1). SafeCom event log: The Event log dialog can be accessed from the Servers menu and by rightclicking a SafeCom server. If your SafeCom solution does not quite behave the way you expect you should always look at the event log for a possible explanation. In the event log you will for example find information about license issues. The event log records which user with special rights (Administrator, Technician or Cashier) logged in and performed such tasks as: add, modify or delete of users, devices, servers and charging schemes. These events all get severity 6 (Information) and will NOT be forwarded to the administrator by e-mail. 1. 2. 3. 4. Open the Event log dialog. Select the period. A number of predefined periods are available ranging from Today to 7 days back. Choose Specify period to freely specify the beginning (from) and finish (to) of the period. Click Refresh to view the events for the selected period. Click Save to file to save the events as a CSV file with the fields: EventId, UserId, DateTime, Abstract, Module, Severity and Description.

Windows event log: Provided writing events to the Windows event log is enabled (5.7.1) it is possible to use the Windows Event Viewer to see these and also to use Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) to monitor SafeCom event alert messages. 1. 2. 3. Open the Control Panel on the computer where the SafeCom server software is installed. Click Administrative Tools. Click Event Viewer. Click SafeCom.



5 SafeCom Administrator

Note: Messages are stored on a per server basis (and per node basis in a clustered environment). This implies that Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) should be setup to monitor all SafeCom servers within the solution and not just the SafeCom master. The table below describes how SafeCom event log messages are mapped to the Windows event log. SafeCom Field EventDateTime Severity Windows Field Date Time Type Comment Date. Example: dd-mm-yyyy Time hh:mm:ss Error - SafeCom Severity 1 and 2 Warning - SafeCom Severity 3 and 4 Information - SafeCom Severity 5 and 6 SafeCom Severity 1 -> Windows EventID 10001 2 -> Windows EventID 10002 3 -> Windows EventID 10003 4 -> Windows EventID 10004 5 -> Windows EventID 10005 6 -> Windows EventID 10006 Description of the event

Event ID

Abstract / EventSubject Description / EventText Module / CodeModule


Source Category User Computer UserId / CreatorId Viewed EventId

Always SafeCom EventLog Always None Always N/A Computer N/A N/A N/A



5 SafeCom Administrator


Export data
Users that are Administrator in the SafeCom solution and have Full user rights can export data about users, devices and servers in XML or CSV format.

5.16.1 Export users

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the Actions menu, click Export Check Users. Click Next. Select Save as type and enter File name. Click Save. Click Close.

Note: When exporting to a CSV file it is only the first AliasName, CardNo and GroupID that is exported for each user. When exporting to an XML file all Aliases, Cards and Groups with additional details are exported. The XML tags are covered in the tables in the following. The CSV column header is the same as the XML tag. Parameter UserID UserLogon FullName HomeServer EMail Description UserNodeID CostCode LoginsFailed UserLocked AvoidPINCode AllowRetainDocuments EnableBillingDialog PrintAll AccountingModel PUKCode Description Database ID of the user Logon name Full name Home server E-mail address Description Database ID of the organizational unit the user belongs to Cost code Number of failed login attempts Prevent login. Values: Yes | No Login without PIN code. Values: Yes | No Allow retain documents. Values: Yes | No Bill client for costs. Values: Yes | No Print all at login. Values: Yes | No Cost control. Values: NONE | PRINT_AND_PAY | PAY_AND_PRINT PUK code



5 SafeCom Administrator

Parameter GroupID GroupName GroupDescription Parameter CardID CardNo SourceID TemporaryCard StartDate StartTime EndDate EndTime Parameter AliasID AliasName

Description Database ID of the group Group name Group description Description Database ID of the card Card number Source ID of the card Temporary card. Values: Yes | No Start date, yyyy-mm-dd Start time, hh:mm:ss End date, yyyy-mm-dd End time, hh:mm:ss Description Database ID of the alias Alias name

5.16.2 Export servers

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the Actions menu, click Export Check Servers. Click Next. Select Save as type and enter File name. Click Save. Click Close.

The XML tags are covered in the table in the following. The CSV column header is the same as the XML tag. Parameter ServerID ComputerName IPAddress MasterServer Description Database ID of the server Computer name IP address Master server. Values: Yes | No



5 SafeCom Administrator

5.16.3 Export devices

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the Actions menu, click Export Check Devices. Click Next. Select Save as type and enter File name. Click Save. Click Close.

The XML tags are covered in the table in the following. The CSV column header is the same as the XML tag. Parameter DeviceID Name Model Type Version HomeServer Location IPAddress DuplexSupport RestrictedAccess ColorSupport PushPrint PullPrint LicenseTracking LicenseClientBilling LicenseRuleBasedPrinting LicensePay LicensePullPrint LicenseEncryption DeviceMac ChargingSchemeID ChargingSchemeType ChargingSchemeName ChargingSchemeDescription Description Database ID of the device Device name Device model Device type. Values: SafeCom Controller | SafeCom Go <vendor> | SafeCom P:Go <vendor> | SafeCom Go High-end HP Version Home server Location IP address Duplex support. Values: Yes | No Restricted access. Values: Yes | No Color support. Values: Yes | No Push print. Values: Yes | No Pull print. Values: Yes | No Tracking license. Values: Yes | No Client Billing license. Values: Yes | No Rule Based Printing license. Values: Yes | No Pay license. Values: Yes | No Pull Print license. Values: Yes | No Encryption license. Values: Yes | No MAC address Database ID of charging scheme Type of charging scheme. Values: Primary (1) | Secondary (2) Charging scheme name Description of charging scheme



6 Manage servers


Manage servers
SafeCom servers can be organized into two types of server groups: Single server group One group with one server. Multi server group One group with multiple servers, whereof one is a master server. Requires SafeCom Multi Server Support.

The figure to the right shows how groups and servers appear in the Server groups pane in the SafeCom Administrator. In the figure the server group is named SAFECOM4 and consists of the SafeCom servers: SAFECOM4, and SAFECOM5. The first is the master server.


Which server is master?

The first server added to the server group becomes the master. The one server in a single server group is by nature the master.


Add server group

You can add a server group in the following ways: On the Actions menu click Server group and Add server group. Right-click in the Server groups pane and select Add server group.

Specify the Server address of the SafeCom server you want to have as master server. Click Search to search for server groups.



6 Manage servers


Remove server group

You can delete a server group in the following ways: On the Actions menu click Server group and Remove server group. Right-click an existing server group in the Server groups pane and select Remove server group.

Removing a server group will merely prevent it from appearing in the Server group pane. The group will reappear if you click Server group and Locate server groups on the Actions menu. Removing a server group will not delete the contained servers.


Add server
When you are logged into a server group you can add a server to the server group in the following way: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the Servers menu, click Add server. Enter Server address. Click Test Server to verify that the SafeCom server to be added is running. Click Close. Enter Computer name. The computer name should match the Group reported in the Test Server dialog. You can copy and paste the name from the Details tab in the Test Server dialog. Click Add. The server is now being added which may take some minutes. Please be patient. When the Test Server dialog on the added server in SafeCom Administrator reports the Server is running properly the database replication from the SQL master server to the SafeCom recovery slave server have completed. Click Close.



6 Manage servers

Refer to the Server properties dialog (5.7) for a description of the fields.



6 Manage servers


Delete server
If the server group contains multiple servers you can delete the servers that are not master server. You must be logged into the server group to delete a server. You can delete a server from the server group in the following way: From the Servers menu click Delete server.

Before you can delete the server the following conditions must be met. Slave server must be running The slave server must be running at the time of deletion because otherwise its reference to the master server cannot be removed from its database. No users must have the server as home server You can verify this in SafeCom Administrator by clicking on the server in question and verify that the Users folder is empty. No devices must have the server as home server You can verify this in SafeCom Administrator by clicking on the server in question and verify that the Devices folder is empty.

Note: All Windows print queues that uses a SafeCom Pull Port to connect to the deleted server will stop working until they have been configured to use another server in the group. To remove the SafeCom Server software from the deleted server you must login to the server and uninstall the SafeCom software (4.2.21).



6 Manage servers


Failover servers
In a SafeCom multi server solution additional resilience can be achieved by specifying a prioritized list of servers that users should be moved to in the event that their home server becomes unavailable. The home server is where the users documents remain until they are either collected or deleted. Prerequisites: The SafeCom master server and the SQL master server are available. Users with special rights are not moved as they always have the SafeCom master server as their home server.

The users home server will automatically be reset to the original once the original home server is available again. To avoid excess network load pending documents are not moved when the users home server change. Users may therefore have to submit their documents for printing again. 1. 2. Open the Server properties dialog (5.7). Click on the Failover tab (only available on slave servers).



6 Manage servers

3. 4. 3.

Select a server and use the left arrow and right arrow buttons to add and remove server to and from the list of failover servers. Use the up arrow and down arrow buttons on control the priority of the failover servers. The master server will always have lowest priority. Click Apply to accept the changes.

At the end of section 17.2 there is a table that can be used to plan how servers should failover. How it works: When a server goes down the failover process is initiated after approx. 2 minutes and the users home server reference is changed to the failover server with the highest priority. The change sets in on the affected slaves as soon as the changed home server reference has been replicated from the master SQL server to the databases used by the slaves. The failover triggers a severity 2 event (error) in the SafeCom event log (5.15). The event includes the name of the server that went down and the name of the failover server. When the server comes back the users that originally belonged to it are moved back. The fallback triggers a severity 5 event (information) in the SafeCom event log (5.15). The event includes the name of the server that came back up and the name of the failover server that temporarily acted as home server. Status of servers can be viewed by clicking the Servers icon groups pane. Status can be Running, Down or Master. in the Server



6 Manage servers

The TELNET interface (3.10.3) can also be used to view the status of the servers. Once logged in use the TELNET command server info. Below is an example of the server status: ServerId 1 2 3 4 ComputerName SAFECOM4 SAFECOM5 SAFECOM6 SAFECOM7 Ip Status MASTER UP DOWN UP UserMovedTo 4 -

In the above example the slave server SAFECOM6 is unavailable and all the users have been moved to SAFECOM7 (ID 4).



7 Manage users


Manage users
Section 3.4 described the different options for creating and managing users and chapter 5 SafeCom Administrator presented the dialogs of the SafeCom Administrator. This chapter will chain these together.


Default user
It is possible to define a default user and let new users inherit the properties of this user. Normally there is one default user that resides on the SafeCom master server (perhaps with user logon DEFAULT for ease of convenience). How to create a default user: 1. 2. 3. 4. On the Users menu, click Add user and enter DEFAULT in User logon. On the Identification tab (5.8.1) and Settings tab (5.8.2) check the desired settings. Click Add. Click Finish. Right-click the DEFAULT user and click Set as default user.

Table 6 User properties inherited from the default user Tab Identification (5.8.1) Settings (5.8.2) User Property Low limit Login without PIN code Encrypt documents Allow retain documents Bill clients for cost Print all at login Cost control (No Control, Tracking and Pay) Factory default 0,00 Yes No Yes No No No Control

Table 7 User properties inherited from other sources Tab User Property Factory default 0,00 1234 Standard user

Identification Initial Account 2 (5.8.1) ID code PIN code (5.8.3) Rights Standard user (5.8.4)

Initial Account 2 is specified on the Users tab in the Server properties dialog (5.7.2). This setting is only relevant if Cost control is Pay.



7 Manage users

How to delete a default user: 1. 2. 3. Open the Server properties dialog and click on the Users tab (5.7.2). Clear Keep default user and use settings when creating new users and click OK. Right-click the default user and click Delete user.

In a multi server solution there can be a default user per server. Please read the following to understand how the concept of default user comes into play in different situations: Manually added users (7.5) When users that are added manually via the SafeCom Administrator the User properties dialog is pre-filled according to the settings of the default user defined on the SafeCom server they are added to. If there is no default user factory defaults are used. The home server becomes the one they are added to. Users that are added while the Find users list is open will have the User properties dialog pre-filled according to the default user on the master server. Created users at first print (7.4) Users that are created at first print inherit the settings of the default user defined on the SafeCom master server. If there is no default user factory defaults are used. The home server is set to the SafeCom master server. Imported users (7.3) Users that are imported inherit the settings of the default user defined on the SafeCom master server or the settings of a particular user if this is specified for the scheduled import. If there is no default user factory defaults are used. The home server remains undefined until they get in contact with the SafeCom solution in any of the following three ways: Printing If their first action is to print, their home server will be the one referenced by the SafeCom Pull Port. Login at device If their first action is to login at a SafeCom-enabled device their home server will be the one that is referenced by the SafeComenabled device. SafeCom G3 Web Interface If their first action is to login to the SafeCom G3 Web Interface their home server will be the one referenced by the SafeCom G3 Web Interface (typically the SafeCom master server).



7 Manage users


Import users
It is possible to create multiple user import schedules. This gives great flexibility as exemplified in the following bullets. Run now Any user import can be run momentarily by selecting it and click Run now (7.3.1). That way import can be performed without delay during the initial configuration. Import from multiple sources Import some users from for example Active Directory, other users from a file or perhaps another part of the same Active Directory. The possibilities are endless. Default user per import schedule Select Apply settings from default user or choose that settings should be applied from a particular user. Example: An educational institution imports staff from one part12 of Active Directory and set them to Tracking and imports students from another part of Active Directory and has them inherit the settings of a manually13 created user (DEFAULT_STUDENT) which is set to Pay. User handling Users that are created at first print or added manually in SafeCom Administrator can be deleted by a scheduled import only if they have subsequently been part of that scheduled import and is now missing from that particular and same import. Whenever a user is imported the ID of the import schedule is recorded in the database together with the user. A manually added user initially has Source ID 0. User Logon is unique regardless of Source ID. The function Find user (7.6) allows selection of Source ID as criteria.

12 13

Read about search root and search filter in section 7.3.5. A User Logon that starts with DEFAULT_ make it easier to find the user and keeping the user out of any scheduled import prevents unintentional deletion.



7 Manage users

ID handling IDs (cards) that are registered at the device or added manually in SafeCom Administrator can be deleted by a scheduled import only if the card number has subsequently been part of that scheduled import and the user is no longer listed together with the ID code in that particular and same import. Whenever an ID code is imported the ID of the import schedule is recorded in the database together with the ID code. A manually added ID codes initially has Source ID 0. In the ID codes overview dialog (7.11) the Source ID can be seen for each ID code. ID code must be unique regardless of Source ID. If Max IDs per user (5.7.2) is greater than 1 then adding of IDs can happen as long as the user has not reached the maximum number of IDs. Should the user be listed with another ID code in the same and subsequent import the original ID code is replace with the new one.

Secondary and primary source Designating a source as secondary means that it is only meant to modify the settings of existing users, typically ID code or cost code. Normally a source is primary if it used to add, modify and delete users and contains User Logon. The secondary source MUST include a unique identifier that can be used as link to the user in the SafeCom database. It is recommended to use the User Logon as it is unique, but Full Name, E-mail or Description could be used as less attractive alternatives (no guaranteed uniqueness). Example: Users and most of their settings are imported (primary source) from Active Directory and card numbers are imported (secondary source) from a CSV file. In the CSV file the users unique employee number is listed together with the ID code. The employee number is imported from the primary source into the Description field of the user and is subsequently used as the unique identifier to link ID code in the CSV file with the users in the SafeCom database.



7 Manage users


1. 2. 3. On the Users menu, click Import users The User import schedules dialog appears. Click Add and proceed to Server (7.3.2).



7 Manage users


If at least one scheduled import is defined you can select it. Click Run now to test the import. Click Edit to proceed to Server (7.3.2). Click Delete to delete the scheduled import. When a schedule is deleted the Source ID of the affected users and ID codes are reset to 0.



7 Manage users


The User import dialog appears progress bar and status.

Check Show log to see a log of the user import (7.3.16).



7 Manage users


1. 2. 3. The SafeCom server properties dialog appears. Enter SafeCom group (hostname or IP address), User logon with Administrator rights and Password. Click Next and proceed to Import source (7.3.3). If you are editing an existing schedule you are to click 8. Schedule to jump directly to the Schedule information dialog (7.3.15) and make changes to the name of the schedule or actual schedule. Note: In a multi server installation you should specify the master server for best performance.



7 Manage users


Import source
1. 2. 3. The Select import source dialog appears. Select the source of the user import. Click Next and proceed to the relevant bolded sections: CSV file 1. Overview 2. Server 3. Import source 4. File source 4. Properties 5. Configuration 6. Rules 7. Extra 8. Schedule XML file Active Dir 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.5 7.3.10 7.3.13 7.3.14 7.3.15 Novell eDir LDAP

7.3.4 7.3.8

7.3.4 7.3.9 7.3.6 7.3.11 7.3.7 7.3.12



7 Manage users

Source type can be Primary (standard) or Secondary. Only select Secondary if the import is meant to modify only the settings of existing users, typically card number or cost code. The secondary source MUST include a unique identifier that can be used as link to the user in the SafeCom database. It is recommended to use the User Logon as it is unique, but Full Name, E-mail or Description could be used as less attractive alternatives (no guaranteed uniqueness).


File source (CSV file and XML file)

1. 2. The Select source of file dialog appears. Specify the name of the file to import from (with full path) as seen from the SafeCom server. The account that runs the SafeCom Service (normally the Local System account) must have read access to the file. If you intend to click Run now in the User import schedules dialog to run the import momentarily the file to import from (with full path) should be specified as seen locally from the computer where you are running SafeCom Administrator. 3. Click Next and proceed to Configuration for CSV (7.3.8) or XML (7.3.9).



7 Manage users


Properties (Active Directory)

1. 2. 3. The Active Directory properties dialog appears. Enter AD server (hostname or IP address), User account (specify the user logon followed by (@) and the domain, like this ADMIN@MYDOMAIN Alternatively you can specify: MYDOMAIN\ADMIN) and Password. Click Next and proceed to Configuration (7.3.10).

The import can be secure and happen via SSL (LDAPS) and port 636 by preceding the AD server with LDAPS://. If another port is used it must be specified after the hostname or IP address. Example: LDAPS://myserver.mydomain.com:8010 For the secure import to function the AD server must have Certificates Services installed (7.3.18) and running and the SafeCom Server must trust the certificate from the AD server. Check Search root to import all users from the specified organizational unit and below. Search root example: OU=MyDept,OU=MyCompany,DC=MyDomain,DC=com Check Search filter(7.3.16) to import user objects matching the specified filter. Search filter example: (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=*))



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Properties (Novell eDirectory)

1. 2. 3. The Novell eDirectory properties dialog appears. Enter eDir server (hostname or IP address), User account (specify the user logon, like this: cn=Administrator,o=Admins) and Password. Click Next and proceed to Configuration (7.3.11).

Check Search root to import users or specify the specified organizational unit and below. Search root example: ou=MyDept,o=MyOrg Check Search filter (7.3.16) to import user objects matching the specified filter. Search filter example: (&(objectClass=user)(Uid=*))



7 Manage users


Properties (LDAP server)

1. 2. The LDAP server properties dialog appears. Enter LDAP server (hostname or IP address), User account and Password. If the LDAP server is an AD server you should specify the user logon followed by (@) and the domain, like this: ADMIN@MYDOMAIN. Alternatively you can specify: MYDOMAIN\ADMIN. If the LDAP server is an eDir server you specify the user logon, like this: cn=Administrator,o=Admins. 3. Click Next and proceed to Configuration (7.3.12).

Refer to section 7.3.5 if the import needs to be secure. Check Search root to import users from that organizational unit and below. Search root example AD server: OU=MyDept,OU=MyCompany,DC=MyDomain,DC=com Search root example eDir server: ou=MyDept,o=MyOrg

Check Search filter (7.3.16) to import user objects matching the specified filter. D60603-07 217

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Configuration (CSV)
1. 2. 3. The Specify fields in CSV file dialog appear. Check the configuration options as required (see below). Click Next and proceed to Rules (7.3.13).

Specify from which field in the CSV file the values should be retrieved. Leave a field value of 0 to avoid import. Example CSV file with header and two entries: UserLogon;FullName;Email;IDCode JS;John Smith;[email protected];1232 JD;Jane Doe;[email protected];9856 Native Microsoft Excel files with the extension *.csv cannot be used directly. Please open the file in for example Notepad to ensure that it is a plain text file like the example and to determine what Separator character is used (semi-colon is default). If you check First line in file is a header you will need to specify the name of the field rather than the number. The field name is case insensitive. If Code is being imported and the import consists of magnetic card ID codes select the appropriate conversion method (7.3.19).



7 Manage users

In Alias you can specify multiple fields, by separating them by semicolon. Example: Alias1; Alias2; Alias3.



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Configuration (XML)
There is no XML configuration dialog. Proceed to Rules (7.3.13). The syntax of the XML file is illustrated by this example: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <UserList> <User> <UserLogon>JS</UserLogon> <FullName>John Smith</FullName> <Description>location 1</Description> <EMail>[email protected]</EMail> <CardNo>1232</CardNo> <PINCode>2222</PINCode> <OrgUnit>\MyCompany\MyDepartment</OrgUnit> <Alias>JSmith</Alias> <CostCode>90678</CostCode> </User> </UserList> Parameter UserLogon FullName Description Email CardNo PINCode OrgUnit Alias CostCode Description The users logon name. Maximum 20 characters. The users full name. Maximum 80 characters. Description field. Maximum 80 characters. The users E-mail address. Maximum 80 characters. The ID code. Maximum 39 characters. Refer to 3.3 The 4-digit PIN code. The organization unit. Alias. Maximum 20 characters. Maximum 10 Alias tags. Cost code. Maximum 50 characters. Remark Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Default value None None None None None 1234 None None None



7 Manage users

7.3.10 Configuration (Active Directory)

1. 2. The Active Directory configuration dialog appears. Check the configuration options as required (see below).



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Click Next and proceed to Rules (7.3.13).

Check Prevent login if account is disabled in AD if users who are disabled14 in Active Directory should be prevented from logging in to the SafeCom solution (Login denied). In SafeCom Administrator this is reflected by the status of the Prevent login check box on the Identification tab of the User properties dialog (5.8.1). Check Import Description and specify the AD field that holds the description. Check Import Code and specify the AD field that holds the ID code. If the import consists of magnetic card ID code select the appropriate conversion method (7.3.19). Check Import PIN code and specify the AD field that holds the PIN code. Check Import Alias and specify the AD field that holds the alias. You can specify multiple alias fields, by separating them by semicolon. Example: Alias1; Alias2; Alias3. Check Import Cost code and specify the AD field that holds the cost code.


The user is considered disabled in Active Directory if the UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE bit is set in the userAccountControl attribute.



7 Manage users

These standard AD attributes are used during the import: Microsoft Management Console User logon name Display name Description E-mail Account is locked out Org. unit AD Field name sAMAccountName DisplayName Description Mail userAccountControl distinguishedName SafeCom User logon Full name Description E-mail Prevent login Org. unit Alias Cost code Examples JS John Smith location 1 [email protected] ou=MyDept, ou=MyCompany Jsmith



7 Manage users

7.3.11 Configuration (Novell eDirectory)

1. 2. 3. The Novell eDirectory configuration dialog appears. Check the configuration options as required (see below). Click Next and proceed to Rules (7.3.13).

Check Import Description and specify the eDir field that holds the description. Check Import Code and specify the eDir field that holds the ID code. If the import consists of magnetic card ID code select the appropriate conversion method (7.3.19). Check Import PIN code and specify the eDir field that holds PIN code. Check Import Alias and specify the eDir field that holds alias. You can specify multiple alias fields, by separating them by semicolon. Example: Alias1; Alias2; Alias3. Check Import Cost code and specify the eDir field that holds the cost code.



7 Manage users

These Novell eDirectory attributes are used during the import: Novell ConsoleOne Unique ID Full name Department E-mail address dn15 eDir Field name Uid FullName Ou Mail Dn SafeCom User logon Full name Description E-mail Org. unit Alias Cost code Examples JS John Smith location 1 [email protected] ou=MyDept, o=MyOrg Jsmith


The organizational unit is extracted from the distinguished name in Novell eDirectory and not held in one particular field.



7 Manage users

7.3.12 Configuration (LDAP server)

1. 2. 3. The LDAP server configuration dialog appears. Check the configuration options as required (see below). Click Next and proceed to Rules (7.3.13).

Check User logon and specify the LDAP field that holds the user logon. Check Full name and specify the LDAP field that holds the full name. Check Description and specify the LDAP field that holds the description. Check E-mail and specify the LDAP field that holds the e-mail address. Check Code and specify the LDAP field that holds the ID code. If the import consists of magnetic card ID codes select the appropriate conversion method (7.3.19). Check PIN code and specify the LDAP field that holds PIN code. Check Org. unit and specify the LDAP field that holds organizational unit information. Check Alias and specify the LDAP field that holds alias. In Alias you can specify multiple fields, by separating them by semicolon. Example: Alias1; Alias2; Alias3. Check Cost code and specify the LDAP field that holds the cost code.



7 Manage users

7.3.13 Rules
1. 2. 3. The Rules when importing users dialog appears. Check the rules as required (see below). Click Next and proceed to Extra (7.3.14).

Check Add users to have all users imported. Check Apply settings from default user if you want the newly imported users to inherit the settings of the default user. Check Specify user logon and enter the user logon of the user you wish the new users to inherit settings from. In a multi server installation the default user must have the master server as home server. Check Generate PUK code if you want a PUK code to generated. The PUK code can be e-mailed to users (5.7.4). Generate PUK code is dimmed if ID codes are part of the import. Check Generate PIN code and choose between Default: PIN (1234) and Random PIN. Change Initial amount on account 2 to another value than 0.00 only if the solution involves Pay and the initial amount on the account should have the specified value. See also section 12.4 Credit schedule. Check Modify users will modify the settings of any user that were previously imported through this schedule, that is, the schedule ID of the D60603-07 227

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user matches that of the schedule. Check Delete users to delete any existing users that is now missing from this import, but were previously imported through this schedule, that is, the schedule ID of the user matches that of the schedule. The default user and users with special rights (5.8.4) are not deleted. Use Max user deletion as a safety measure to prevent unintentional deletion of users. A value of 0% will cause the import to take place anyhow. A value of 20% will cancel the import if it would result in a deletion of every fifth or more users that were previously imported through this same scheduled import. Use Max ID code deletion as a safety measure to prevent unintentional deletion of ID codes. A value of 0% will cause the import to take place anyhow. A value of 20% will cancel the import if it would result in a deletion of every fifth or more ID code that were previously imported through this same scheduled import. The import of a user will fail if the users ID code is already registered with another user in the SafeCom solution. To resolve this check If ID code exists delete it from previous user. For this to work you are advised to check Modify users and/or Delete users. During the import users are sorted alphabetically based on their user logon and ID codes are being reused in that order. Details are recorded in the log file. Check Org. units to extract organizational units (5.12). Check Aliases will import alias from the list if fields specified in the Alias field. The following two checkboxes are only present when importing from Active Directory. Check Groups to import group (5.13) information from Active Directory and include it in the import. If you check Synchronize groups it is the information in Active Directory that completely controls which groups a user is member of and any local changes made within the SafeCom solution are lost at the subsequent import from Active Directory. Most of the controls are dimmed when Source type is set to Secondary in the Select import source dialog (7.3.3).



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7 Manage users

7.3.14 Extra
1. 2. 3. The Advanced extra configuration dialog appears. If a special user import module has been supplied you should check Use extra configuration and enter the configuration according to the supplied instructions. Click Next and proceed to Schedule (7.3.15).



7 Manage users

7.3.15 Schedule
1. 2. 4. The Schedule information dialog appears. Check the schedule options as required (see below). Click Finish to save the changes return to Overview (7.3.1) where the scheduled import, including its Source ID, is listed and can be Run now.

Enter a meaningful Name. If you leave it empty it will get populated with the text User schedule (date time). It is possible to schedule imports One time only, Daily, Weekly and Monthly. Check End date and specify a date for when the scheduled import should end. Please ensure that the end date does not conflict with the selected frequency options. Otherwise you may risk that the scheduled import will not run.



7 Manage users

7.3.16 User import log file

During the import a log file is created.

A log file with the name <Lyyyymmddhhmmss.log>, where yyyy is the year, mm is the month, dd is the day, hh is the hour, mm is the minutes and ss is the seconds. The log file is stored in the logfiles folder below the SafeCom G3 installation folder. The default folder is: C:\Program Files\ SafeCom\SafeComG3\logfiles On Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\ SafeCom\SafeComG3\logfiles During import you may encounter conflicts because either the UserLogon (cc = 58) or the Card number (cc = 60) already exists. Examples: Not able to add new user. Logon <UserLogon>, cc = 58 Not able to add new user. Logon <UserLogon>, cc = 60 Not able to modify user (modify). Logon <UserLogon>, cc = 58 Not able to modify user (modify). Logon <UserLogon>, cc = 60

If the import includes aliases you may also get these messages either because the specified user does not exist (cc = 54) or the specified alias already exists (cc = 73). Examples: Not able to add new alias. User <UserLogon> Alias <Alias>. cc = 54 Not able to add new alias. User <UserLogon> Alias <Alias>. cc = 73

Provided If ID code exists delete it from previous user (7.3.13) was checked during import there will be an entry in the log file for each reused ID code. Example: 27.11.2008 10:16:15: Duplicate card Card3 removed from user USERC 27.11.2008 10:16:15: Duplicate card Card3 given to user USERD D60603-07 232

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7.3.17 Search filter

This section describes how to use the Search filter. How to match more than one attribute If the users are distinguished by having two objectClass attributes (one equal to 'person' and another to 'user'), the Search filter should look like this:

Meaning: Search for objectClass=person AND object=user. The ampersand symbol '&' symbol at the start denotes AND. Alternatively,

Meaning: Search for objectClass=person OR object=user. The pipe symbol '|' denotes OR. Wildcards

Meaning: Search for all entries that have objectClass=user AND cn that contains the word Marketing. How to match 3 attributes

Notice how to weave one query into another. Matching Components of Distinguished Names You may want to match part of a DN, for instance when you need to look for your users in two sub trees of your server.

Meaning: Find users with an OU component of their DN which is either Copenhagen OR London. Using not To exclude entities which match an expression, use '!'.

Meaning: Find all Copenhagen users except those with a Ballerup OU component. Note the extra parentheses: (!(<expression>))



7 Manage users

7.3.18 Install certificate

1. 2. 3. Copy the certificate file to the SafeCom master server. Right-click the certificate file and click Install Certificate. Complete the steps presented by the Certificate Import Wizard.

Note: If a one-time import is to be done the certificate must be installed on the computer from where the SafeCom Administrator is used.

7.3.19 Conversion of magnetic ID codes

When importing magnetic ID codes you have to choose which track you want to use (Track1, Track 2 or Track 3). Track 2 is normally the one you should use. If you are using SafeCom magnetic cards the ID code is stored on Track 2 and is printed on the card. However, you cannot just import the ID code. First register the card at the device and check what it looks like in when it appears in SafeCom Administrator. If the ID code contains any of the letters C, D or E within the number (not at the end or the start) then the letter need to be replaced with another character at the same location. In the example below the = character is inserted in order to get a resulting D. Example: 60321700000002954890103000 This is how the ID code is printed on the card. B6032170000000295489D0103000F1 This is how the ID code appears in SafeCom Administrator if it has been registered at a device or in SafeCom Administrator using a connected ID device (card reader). 6032170000000295489=0103000 This is how the ID code need to look like before import. The = character is inserted in order to get a resulting D. For the letter C to appear insert <. For the letter D to appear insert =. For the letter E to appear insert >.



7 Manage users


Create users at first print

As discussed in 3.4.2 this method reduces the administrative overhead to a minimum. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. On the Servers menu click Properties. In a multi server solution these changes are only required on the SafeCom master server. Click the Users tab (5.7.2). Check Create users at first print. Check Create e-mail addresses and enter the E-mail domain. Check Keep default user and use settings when creating new users and select the Default user. Click the E-mail tab (5.7.4). Verify that a valid SMTP mail server has been specified. Check E-mail PUK code to new users and any other of the messages you may wish to enable. Customize the e-mail messages if required (5.7.8).


Add users manually

You can add users in the following ways: Right-click in the Users list and select Add user. On the Users menu click Add user. Click the Add user tool button.

Refer to the User properties dialog in 5.8 for a description of the fields.


Find users
1. 2. Click the Find tool button. Change Search in to Users.


Enter search string in Look for and click Find now. The find function uses case insensitive free text search. Click Retrieve all to display all users regardless of their home server. Click Clear to reset the find function. Or Click Find to open the Find users dialog. Enter your find criteria and click Find. The find function is using field based case insensitive free text search, with the exception of ID codes. To find a particular ID code enter the complete ID code in the right case or click Listen for card if a card reader is installed on the computer (4.18).




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Customize the user list view

1. 2. In the User list right-click one of the column headers, such as User logon. Check the properties that should appear as columns in the User list.



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Edit the properties of multiple users

1. 2. Use Find users (7.6) to get a list of relevant users. Do one of the following: 3. 4. To select consecutive users, click the first user, press and hold down SHIFT, and then click the last user. To select nonconsecutive users, press and hold down CTRL, and then click each user. To select all the users in the window, press CTRL+A.

Press ALT+ENTER or right-click the selected user(s) and select User properties. Make the required changes on the Identification and Settings tab. On the Identification tab (5.8.1) it is possible to edit these properties: Domain, Home server, Org. unit, Description and Cost code. It is possible to 1) click Clear to set the number of failed login attempts to zero, 2) Check or uncheck Prevent login and 3) Check or uncheck Login without PIN code. On the Settings tab (5.8.2) it is possible to edit all properties. On the ID code tab (5.8.3) it is possible to 1) click PUK to generate a new PUK code and 2) click PIN code to assign a default PIN code. The PUK code can be e-mailed to users (5.7.4).


Click OK.

When editing multiple properties the following legend applies: Checkboxes can have three states: Checked, clear and dimmed. If it is dimmed it is because the selected users have difference properties. Fields is shown with a light gray background color and the text N/A in black if the selected users have different properties. Drop down lists is shown with a light gray background and the first element in the list.


Delete users
In the Users list select the users you wish to delete. You can delete the users in the following ways: Right-click the selected user and select Delete user. On the Users menu, click Delete user. Select the user and press the DEL key.



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List of aliases
1. 2. On the Users menu click Aliases The Aliases overview dialog appears.

Click Copy to copy the selected aliases to the clipboard. Click Save to save the list of aliases to file (7.10.1).

7.10.1 Save aliases to file

1. 2. 3. Open the Aliases overview dialog (7.10). Click Save. Select Save as type (XML or CSV) and enter File name. Click Save.

The XML tags are covered in the table in the following. The CSV column header is the same as the XML tag. Parameter UserLogon FullName Alias Description Logon name Full name Alias



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List of ID codes
1. 2. On the Users menu click ID codes The ID codes overview dialog appears. The list of temporary IDs is displayed by default.


Check Permanent cards to see list the permanent cards.

Click Make permanent to change selected temporary ID(s) to permanent ID(s). Click Copy to copy the selected ID codes to the clipboard. Click Delete to delete the selected IDs from the user(s). Click Save to save the list of ID codes to file (7.11.1).



7 Manage users

7.11.1 Save ID codes to file

1. 2. Open the ID codes overview dialog (7.11). Click the Save button. Either Temporary IDs or Permanent IDs are saved. The saved information includes User Logon, Full name and ID code (decrypted). If Temporary IDs are saved the Start date and End date is NOT included. The Save list of ID codes dialog appears. Select Save as type (CSV, XML or TXT). Enter File name and click Save. The XML tags are covered in the table in the following. The CSV column header is the same as the XML tag. Parameter UserLogon FullName CardNo Description Logon name Full name ID code



User has lost ID card

If the user loses his ID card he needs to be associated with another card. 1. 2. 3. Find the user (7.6). Open the User properties dialog. Click on the ID code tab (5.8.3). Click PUK to generate a new PUK code or enter the ID code.


User has forgotten ID code

If the user forgets his ID code you can retrieve it for the user. 1. 2. 3. Find the user (7.6). Open the User properties dialog. Click on the ID code tab (5.8.3). Code contains the ID code.


User has forgotten PIN code

If the user forgets the PIN code you can generate a new PIN code. 1. 2. 3. 4. Find the user (7.6). Open the User properties dialog. Click on the ID code tab (5.8.3). Click PIN code. Click Random to assign and display a randomly generated PIN code. Click Default to assign and display the default PIN code 1234. Refer to 3.4.7 on how users can subsequently change the PIN code.



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Delete a users print jobs (documents)

Select the user, whos print jobs (documents) you wish to delete. In the Job list select the print jobs you wish to delete. You can delete the users print jobs in the following ways: On the Jobs menu, click Delete job. Right-click the selected job and select Delete job. Press the DEL key.



8 Manage devices


Manage devices
From within SafeCom Administrator it is possible to manage SafeCom devices and do the following: Device license (8.2) Choose licenses for the device. Add device (8.3) Register a device in the database. Find devices (8.4) Search the database for devices. Broadcast for devices (8.5) Broadcast on the network to find SafeCom Controllers and devices with SafeCom Go. Customize the device list view (8.6) Edit the properties of multiple devices (8.7) Delete devices (8.8) Remove a single or multiple devices from the database. Update software (8.9) Load new software to a single or multiple devices. Monitor device status (8.10) See the online status of devices. Enable device status logging for troubleshooting purpose. Restart devices (8.11) Restart a single or multiple devices. Open the devices web interface (8.12) The web interface that can be used for configuration.



8 Manage devices


Device license
On the License tab in the Device properties dialog it is possible to choose which SafeCom features should be enabled on the device in question.

The checked features are only accepted if the license key code allows the device features. Click License to open the License dialog (5.5) to see if the license key code allows the additional features to be enabled for this device.


Add device
It is possible to add devices in the following ways: Right-click in the Device list and select Add device. On the Devices menu click Add device. Click the Add device tool button. In System overview click Add device (only present on single servers).

You need to know the IP address of the device. Alternatively you may try to Broadcast for the device (8.5).



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The Add device wizard is launched. Enter the Device address (hostname or IP address). Click Next.



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Information is retrieved from the device to establish the type of device.

Click More information to see additional details:



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If you agree with the SafeCom type click Next. Otherwise click [change] to change the SafeCom type.

Select the type of SafeCom device; SafeCom Go (Canon, HP, Lexmark, Ricoh, Sharp, Xerox), SafeCom Controller, or SafeCom tracking device (9). Click Next. If you select SafeCom Go Sharp or SafeCom Go Xerox you are prompted for the IP address or hostname of the MFP connected to the SafeCom Controller. You are also prompted for the user name and password needed to login to the MFP. If you select SafeCom Controller you are prompted for the IP address or hostname of the device connected to the SafeCom Controller.



8 Manage devices


On the Settings tab (5.9.1) specify the properties of the device (Duplex supported and Color supported).


Click Add to register the device and save it in the database.



8 Manage devices


Find devices
Once a device has been registered you can use the find function in SafeCom Administrator to find it. 1. 2. Click the Find tool button. Change Search in to Devices.


Enter text in Look for and click Find now. The find function uses case insensitive free text search. Click Retrieve all to display all registered devices. Click Broadcast to broadcast for devices. Or Click Find to open the Find devices dialog. The Find devices dialog is available in a Simple (8.4.1) and Advanced (8.4.2) search mode. The latter is very useful if you want to search for devices based on their use of device licenses.



Simple search
The Find devices dialog opens in Simple search mode by default. 1. Enter your find criteria and click Find. The find function is using field based case insensitive free text search.


The search result appears with information about version and online status. Click the column label to sort the result. If you would rather see what license is in use by the different devices you can right-click in the Device list and check Show device license.



8 Manage devices


Advanced search Device licenses

Click Advanced in the Find devices dialog to also search for devices based on their use of device licenses. Examples: To find all devices that uses a Pull Print license change Pull Print to Yes. To find all devices that does not use a Client Billing license change Billing to No. 1. Enter your find criteria and click Find. The find function is using field based case insensitive free text search.


The search result appears with information about what license is in use by the different devices. Click the column label to sort the result.

If you would rather see the version and online status of the devices you can right-click in the Device list and clear Show device license.



8 Manage devices


Broadcast for devices

1. 2. Click on the Find button and select Devices. Click Broadcast

If a device does not appear it could be because it is powered off, not connected or not reachable because the network setup is not reflected by the list of Broadcast addresses (5.10.3). If the device does not appear refer to troubleshooting (16.4).


Customize the device list view

1. 2. In the Device list right-click one of the column headers, such as Device name. Check the properties that should appear as columns.



8 Manage devices


Edit the properties of multiple devices

1. 2. Use Find devices (8.4) to get a list of relevant devices. Do one of the following: 3. 4. To select consecutive devices, click the first device, press and hold down SHIFT, and then click the last device. To select nonconsecutive device, press and hold down CTRL, and then click each device. To select all the devices in the window, press CTRL+A.

Press ALT+ENTER or right-click the selected device(s) and select Device properties. Make the required changes on the Settings and Charging scheme tab. On the Settings tab (5.9.1) it is possible to edit these properties: Model, Home server, Org. unit, Location, Duplex supported, Color supported, Restricted access and Disable Pay for Print. On the Charging scheme tab it is possible to edit all properties. On the License tab (5.9.3) it is possible to edit all properties.


Click OK.

When editing multiple properties the following legend applies: Checkboxes can have three states: Checked, clear and dimmed. If it is dimmed it is because the selected devices have difference properties. Fields is shown with a light gray background color and the text N/A in black if the selected devices have different properties. Drop down lists is shown with a light gray background and the first element in the list.



8 Manage devices


Delete devices
In the Devices list select the devices you wish to delete. You can delete the devices in the following ways: Right-click the selected devices and select Delete device. On the Devices menu, click Delete device. Press the DEL key.


Update software
In the Devices list select the devices you wish to update. The settings of the device are preserved during the software update. You can update the devices in the following ways: Right-click the selected device(s) and select Update software. On the Devices menu, click Device properties. In the Device properties dialog click Update software The SafeCom Controller can also be updated via FTP.

Check the Online status (8.10) in SafeCom Administrator to ensure the device is powered on and ready to receive updated software. SafeCom Controller SafeCom Controller SafeCom Controller 3 Port SafeCom Controller 1 Port Software (*.b80) 508xxx 312xxx 304xxx



8 Manage devices

HP MFP and printers CP4025, CP4525 P3015 CP3525 CM3530 MFP CM6030 MFP, CM6040 MFP, CM6049 MFP CP6015 P4014, P4015, P4515 CP3505 CM8050 MFP, CM8060 MFP P3005 M3035 MFP, M4345 MFP, M4349, MFP CM4730 MFP, M5035 MFP, M5039 MFP, M9040 MFP, M9050 MFP, M9059 MFP, 9250C Digital Sender 3000, 3800 4730mfp 4700 4345mfp, 9040mfp, 9050mfp, 9500mfp 2410, 2420, 2430, 4250, 4350 9040, 9050 4650, 5550

SafeCom Go HP (*.b49, *.b89, *.uin) 151xxx 150xxx 141xxx 140xxx 132xxx 131xxx 130xxx 121xxx 120xxx 111xxx 110xxx 102xxx 101xxx 100xxx 090xxx 081xxx 080xxx 075xxx

Note: SafeCom Go HP software can only be updated if a password is set for the admin account. Lexmark MFPs and printers X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dwe, X651de, X652de, X654de, X656de, X658de X734de, X736de, X738de, X738dte, X860e, X862e, X864e X642e, X644e, X646e, X646ef, X646dte, X782e, X782e XL, X850e, X854e, X940e, X945e T656dne SafeCom Go Lexmark (*.fls) 021xxx

012xxx 121xxx SafeCom Go Ricoh (*.b87, *.uin) 110xxx 100xxx 090xxx 080xxx 060xxx

Ricoh MFPs and printers SP 4210N, SP C820DN, SP C821DN MP 6001, MP 7001, MP 8001, MP 9001, Pro 907EX, Pro 1107EX, Pro 1357EX MP 2851, MP 3351, MP 4001, MP 5001, MP C2050, MP C2550, MP C2800, MP C3300, MP C4000, MP C5000 SP C420DN MP 2550, MP 3550, MP 4000, MP 5000, MP C6000, MP C7500



8 Manage devices

Ricoh MFPs and printers MP 1100, MP 1350, MP 5500, MP 6000, MP 6500, MP 7000, MP 7500, MP 8000, MP 9000, MP C2000, MP C2500, MP C3000, MP C3500, MP C4500 Pro906EX, Pro1106EX, Pro1356E MP 2510, MP 3010, MP 3500, MP 4500, 2051 (DSm651), 2060 (DSm660), 2075 (DSm675), 3025 (DSm725), 3030 (DSm730), 3035 (DSm735), 3224C (DSc424), 3228C (DSc428), 3232C (DSc432), 3235C (DSc435), 3245C (DSc445), 3260C (DSc460), 5560C (CS555)

SafeCom Go Ricoh (*.b87, *.uin) 030xxx


SafeCom Go Sharp SafeCom Controller

Software (*.b80) 508xxx

SafeCom Go Xerox SafeCom Controller

Software (*.b80) 508xxx


Location of device software

SafeCom Administrator will automatically pick the latest software version for updating if the files are located in the device_software subfolder to where you installed SafeCom G3 server software, normally: C:\Program Files\SafeCom\SafeComG3\device_software



8 Manage devices


Single device software update

1. Open the Device control dialog as described in 8.9. Specify the Software file or Browse to it.


Click Start to begin the software update process. If you are updating SafeCom Go HP software the Device Authorization dialog appears. Enter User name admin and the Password. Click Close when the software update processes has been completed. After the process completes you can click View log to see the details. If the update process fails, try again. If you are updating SafeCom Go product you should refer to relevant SafeCom Go Administrators Manual for troubleshooting hints.




8 Manage devices


Multiple devices software update

1. Select multiple devices. Open the Device control dialog as described in 8.9.


If you have selected multiple types of devices you need to specify the Software file(s) for each type. Select <specify software file> and click on the browse button [] to launch an Open dialog. Then browse to and select the software update file matching the select type. Repeat this step for each device type. Max connections specify the maximum allowed devices that can be updated simultaneously. When you open the dialog the maximum connections is set to 10. You can specify a maximum of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100 connections. This limit is to ensure that the software update process does not occupy all the network bandwidth.


Click Start to begin the software update process. If you are updating SafeCom Go HP software the Device Authorization dialog appears. Enter User name admin and the Password. Click Close when the software update processes has been completed for the selected devices. If the update process fails, try again or refer to Troubleshooting chapter in the appropriate SafeCom Go administrators Manual (See list in section 1.11).




8 Manage devices


Monitor device status

To monitor the status of the SafeCom devices from within SafeCom Administrator you have two possibilities: Online status (simple) In the Devices pane right-click any of the headers (Device name, IP address, ) and check Online to enable status for all devices. Press F5 to retrieve device status. Device status logging (troubleshooting) Device status logging allows monitoring of reboots, uptime and response time of selected SafeCom devices. Can be very useful in troubleshooting situations. Follow the steps below to start device status logging.

Start the device monitor: 1. 2. On the Devices menu click Monitor setup The Device Monitor dialog appears.


The default Poll interval is 5 minutes. Click Start to launch the scDevMonServer.exe process.



8 Manage devices

Enable monitoring on selected devices: 1. 2. Use Find devices (8.4) to get a list of relevant devices. In the Devices pane right-click any of the headers (Device name, IP address, ) and check one of the following: Monitored status The Monitored column to appear. An x indicates that the device is monitored and a indicates that the device is not monitored. Monitoring -> Allows you to control what details should be presented in the columns. Choose between Reboots, Uptime, Avg. ping and Normal ping. Select All to choose all of the above.


Right-click a device and click Monitor device.

8.10.1 Look at device statistics

1. 2. Open the Device properties dialog. Click on the Statistics tab. The statistics tab is not presented if you have opened multiple devices.



8 Manage devices


A textual representation of the statistics is shown.



8 Manage devices


Check Graphical to see a graphical representation of the statistics.


Restart devices
Devices can be restarted from within SafeCom Administrator in two ways: Right-click in the Device list and select Restart On the Device menu, click Restart


Open in web browser

The SafeCom devices have a web interface that can be used for configuration. The web interface can be opened in the following ways: Right-click in the Device list and select Open in web browser. In the Device properties dialog (5.9.1) click Open in browser.



8 Manage devices


Restrict users access to devices

1. 2. 3. Build an organizational tree by adding org. units as required (5.12). Associate users and devices to the org. units (5.12.3). Check Restricted access in the Device properties dialog of the intended devices (5.9.1).


DHCP server
You can assign a fixed IP address in the DHCP server. If you know the MAC address you can login to the DHCP server to determine which IP address has been assigned. The MAC address of the SafeCom Controller is printed on the white label on the bottom of the SafeCom Controller. The MAC address is a 12digit hexadecimal number. Example: 00C076FF00F2.



8 Manage devices


Shorten job names in document list

Redundant text such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and http:// can be excluded from the job name that appear in the Document list in the SafeCom Front-end (available as the first action after you click MORE...) and in the devices control panel if SafeCom Go is used. The text to exclude is controlled by the ExcludeJobNames.txt file located in the %SafeCom%\Templates folder. The %SafeCom% indicates the SafeCom installation folder, normally C:\Program Files\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 On Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 1. 2. 3. Copy the ExcludeJobNames.txt file from the %SafeCom%\Templates folder to the %SafeCom% folder. Modify the ExcludeJobNames.txt file in the %SafeCom% folder to match your requirements. Restart the SafeCom Service (16.30).

Note: Subsequent modifications to the file in the %SafeCom% folder will take immediate effect. ExcludeJobNames.txt ;-------------------------------------------------; This file specifies text to be excluded from ; job names in the SafeCom Front-end. ; ; Text is excluded if appearing as the first part ; of the job name. ; ; (c) 2003 SafeCom A/S ;-------------------------------------------------Version="1" Item="Microsoft Word - " Item="Microsoft Excel - " Item="http://"



9 SafeCom Tracking


SafeCom Tracking
The SafeCom Tracking makes it possible to track print and MFP usage and costs on a per device and user basis. You can use SafeCom Reports (9.13) to view tracking data and generate reports.


Pull print tracking

Pull print tracking makes it possible to track print costs on SafeCom Pull printers. Tracking is performed by the special port monitor SafeCom Pull Port. The Pull print tracking process: 1. 2. The SafeCom Pull Port analyzes the document in regards to number of pages, paper size, and possible use of color and duplex. The SafeCom Pull Port transfers the document and the resulting tracking data to the SafeCom server. The document remains on the SafeCom server until the user collects it. Documents that are not collected are automatically deleted after a configurable time. When the user collects the document the price is calculated based on the charging scheme of the selected device. If Post track (9.7) is enabled the tracking data can be adjusted according to the information that is available from the device at print time.




9 SafeCom Tracking


Push print tracking

Push print tracking makes it possible to track print costs without installing dedicated SafeCom hardware. Push print tracking requires the use of the special port monitor SafeCom Push Port. The Push print tracking process: 1. 2. The SafeCom Push Port analyzes the document in regards to number of pages, paper size, use of color and duplex. The SafeCom Push Port transfers the resulting tracking data to the SafeCom server where the data is registered under the appointed tracking device and the price is calculated based on the charging scheme. The SafeCom Push Port can be configured to either: Printing directly The document is output directly to the physical devices TCP (port 9100). Refer to 9.3.1. Printing via a second printer The document is forwarded to the port monitor of a second printer, which in turn outputs the document directly to the physical device. The second printer is also called the output device. Refer to 9.3.2.



Printing directly
The method of printing directly is illustrated below:



9 SafeCom Tracking


Printing via a second printer

The method of printing documents via a second printer (output device) is illustrated below:

When printing via a second printer the printer driver of the first printer formats the document, whereas the printer driver of the second printer (the output device) is not used. The port monitor on the second printer communicates directly with the physical printer. This concept gives you the freedom to use your printer vendor supplied port monitor. Port monitors may support such protocols as: LPR, TCP (port 9100), DLC, PJL, AppleTalk or SCSI. Only the first printer should be shared. Sharing the secondary printer will enable users to print and bypass tracking. Note: There must be one instance of the SafeCom Push Port per physical printer on each machine.


Set TCP port to another value than 9100

The SafeCom Push Port will by default print directly to port 9100. However this can be changed. 1. 2. Stop the SafeCom Service and the Print Spooler. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print\Monitors\SafeCom Push Port\Ports 3. 4. 5. 6. Browse to the relevant instance of the port. Right-click Output IpPort select Edit and change the value from 9100 to TCP port value to be used. Click OK. Exit the Registry Editor. Start the SafeCom Service and the Print Spooler.



9 SafeCom Tracking


Allow printing at all times

The port monitors will allow print on server error by default. The behavior can be controlled via the Registry Editor. It is possible to create and specify an overall AllowPrintOnServerError setting for the SafeCom Push Port. Setting this will also prevent dropping of print jobs in case the SafeCom Push Port is referencing a non-existing tracking device. 1. 2. Stop the SafeCom Service and the Print Spooler. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print\Monitors\SafeCom Push Port\Ports 3. Create a new DWORD named AllowPrintOnServerError. It can take any of the following values: 0: 1: 4. 5. Do not print on server error. Allow print on server error (Default).

Exit the Registry Editor. Start the SafeCom Service and the Print Spooler.

The overall AllowPrintOnServerError setting takes effect, when local PrintOnJdbError for the SafeCom Push Port has a value of 2. Follow these steps to change the port specific PrintOnJdbError setting: 1. 2. Stop the SafeCom Service and the Print Spooler. Open the Registry Editor and browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print\Monitors\SafeCom Push Port\Ports\<port> 0: 1: 2: 3. 4. 5. 6. Do not print on server error. Allow print on server error. Use the over-all setting AllowPrintOnServerError (Default).

Browse to the relevant instance of the port. Right-click PrintOnJdbError select Edit and change the value. Click OK. Exit the Registry Editor. Start the SafeCom Service and the Print Spooler.



9 SafeCom Tracking


Configure SafeCom Push Port dialog

In SafeCom Server click Edit servers to add, remove, change or test the connection to the SafeCom server (9.3.6).



9 SafeCom Tracking

In Output device you need to check Use printer IP/hostname if you are printing directly (9.3.1). Click Test connection to display the Printer properties dialog and to test the connection to the printer. The printer must be online and allow SNMPv1 access via UDP port 161, otherwise you will get the message: Not able to connect to printer. Check SNMP status enabled if you want SNMP status to be reported. If you are printing via a second printer (9.3.2) you need to check Select the printer that this port will use as output device and select one of the output devices. In Select SafeCom printer for tracking you can check Auto-create printer in SafeCom and then enter a Printer name and an optional Printer location. Alternatively you can check Select printer from list and choose a tracking device. Check Show job price before printing if users are to unconditionally see dialog with the cost of the document before they print. If the printer is a shared printer users MUST have SafeCom PopUp (4.14) setup and running on their computer in order to confirm that they wish to print the document.

Check Override user cost code and enter the cost code. The specified cost code overrides the cost code of the user who prints. Example: If John Smith has the cost code 2949 and prints to a Push Port where a cost code of 1009 is specified the resulting UserCostCode parameter in the tracking record will show 1009 and not 2949. Check Override driver name and enter the driver name. The specified driver name overrides the driver name supplied by the printer driver.



9 SafeCom Tracking


Edit SafeCom servers dialog

In the Edit SafeCom servers dialog click Test connection to test the communication with the SafeCom server. Click Close.

It is NOT possible to edit an entry on the SafeCom server list. Instead select the server and click Remove. Then click Add.

In the Add server dialog enter the SafeCom server address (IP address or hostname). Click OK.



9 SafeCom Tracking


SafeCom Port Configurator

SafeCom Port Configurator is a wizard-based tool for converting existing TCP/IP16 printers to SafeCom Push printers and revert SafeCom Push printers back to their original TCP/IP settings. The tool allows viewing of printers in the domain and easy launch of the Port configuration dialog for TCP/IP, Push and Pull printers. SafeCom Port Configurator is always installed as part of a Server installation (4.2.2) and optionally as part of a Tools installation (4.2.4). To start SafeCom Port Configurator and convert TCP/IP printer to Push: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Click Start, point to Programs, SafeCom G3 and click SafeCom Port Configurator. Check Convert to Push. Click Next. The SafeCom Login dialog appears. Enter SafeCom Server, SafeCom User name and Password. The SafeCom user needs to have SafeCom Administrator or Technician rights. Click Next. The Convert to Push dialog appears with one or more servers, including Local Machine. Check the printers to be converted from TCP/IP to Push. Click Next. Leave default choices as is (normal). Click Next. Check Printer not registered in SafeCom server (normal). Click Next. A dialog appears with information about the number of converted printers. Click OK. The Continue dialog appears. Make you choices. Click Next.

The printers can be restored back to their original TCP/IP settings. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Start SafeCom Port Configurator. Click Next. Check Restore to TCP/IP. Click Next. The TCP/IP Printer Restore dialog appears with one or more servers, including Local Machine. Check the printers to be restored to TCP/IP. Restore is possible only if the printer has a Yes in the Restorable column. Click Next. A dialog appears with information about the number of reverted printers. Click OK to go to the TCP/IP Printer Restore dialog in step 3.


Copy tracking
Copy tracking makes it possible to track copy costs on MFPs. Your SafeCom license key code must include Copy Control and the MFP must be networked and in most cases you need a special SafeCom MFP cable. There is a complete list of supported MFPs in SafeCom Controller Administrators Manual D60700.


A TCP/IP printer is a Windows print queue that uses the Standard TCP/IP port monitor.



9 SafeCom Tracking


Fax, Scan and E-mail tracking

Fax, Scan and E-mail tracking is possible on most MFPs equipped with SafeCom Go.


Post track
Post track affects these tracking data for Pull print jobs: Tracking pages (TrackingPageCount) is adjusted to reflect the actual number of pull printed pages. If a 100 page document is cancelled after 10 pages the job is only tracked (and priced) as 10 pages. Color pages (TrackingColorPageCount) is adjusted to reflect the actual number of pull printed pages with color. Price 1 (JobPrice) and Price 2 (JobPrice2) are adjusted as well to reflect the adjustment of Tracking pages and Color pages. See also 12.2.1 Accounting policy. Toner (TonerCyan, TonerMagenta, TonerYellow and TonerBlack) is tracked. The values are not shown in the Tracking record dialog (9.15.6).

Supported devices and how to enable Post track: Canon MFPs with SafeCom Go Canon version S88 nnn.010*02 or later. On the SafeCom Go Canon Configuration web page check Post track and click Apply. Canon devices (CPCA protocol v.1 and v.2) connected with a SafeCom Controller version S80 nnn.750*61 or later. On the SafeCom Controller Printer web page set Post tracking to YES. Ricoh MFPs with SafeCom Go Ricoh version S82 nnn.010*19 or later. On the SafeCom Go Ricoh Configuration web page check Post track and click Apply. Ricoh devices connected with SafeCom Controller. On the SafeCom Controller Printer web page set Post tracking to YES. HP MFPs and printers with SafeCom Go HP version S89 nnn.030*29 or later. On the SafeCom Go HP Configuration web page check Post track and click Apply. Sharp MFPs with SafeCom Go Sharp version S80 508.780*12 or later. On the SafeCom Controller Printer web page set Post tracking to YES. Xerox MFPs with SafeCom Go Xerox version S80 508.780*36 or later. On the SafeCom Controller Printer web page set Post tracking to YES. Xerox devices connected with SafeCom Controller. On the SafeCom Controller Printer web page set Post tracking to YES.



9 SafeCom Tracking


Planning your SafeCom Tracking solution

When planning your SafeCom Tracking solution you need to: Define what the cost of printing should be. This is accomplished via a charging scheme (9.8.1). Print costs defaults to 0.00 if no charging scheme is defined. Track deleted jobs (9.8.2). Plan how you will secure the recorded tracking data (9.8.3). Decide if you wish to use the recorded tracking data for invoicing and/or auditing (9.8.4). Control what happens if the tracking server is unavailable (5.7.5). If your SafeCom solution is a multi server solution you need to configure if tracking data should be collected online or offline (9.9).


Defining print costs via charging schemes

The price calculation is defined in a charging scheme. The price calculation is based on paper size, number of sheets and impressions and possible use of color. Multiple charging schemes can be created to reflect the varying print costs of different printer models. SafeCom supports dual charging schemes; each printer can be associated with two charging schemes: Primary charging scheme The primary charging scheme (Cost 1) is used to charge users and possibly invoice departments. Secondary charging scheme The secondary charging scheme (Cost 2) is used to reflect the true print costs.

It is recommended to have the Name and/or Description of the charging scheme reflect if it is a primary or secondary charging scheme. Sample charging scheme: Print Price per job (start-up cost) Price per page Paper size A3 A4 Executive Letter Ledger Other 0.20 Impressions Mono Color 0.20 0.60 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.30

Sheet 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05



9 SafeCom Tracking

Copy Price per job (start-up cost) Price per page Paper size A3 A4 Executive Letter Ledger Other Fax Price per job (start-up cost) Price per page Scan Price per job (start-up cost) Price per page E-mail Price per job (start-up cost) Price per page How to proceed: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Sheet 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

0.20 Impressions Mono Color 0.20 0.60 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.30

0.10 0.10

0.10 0.10

0.10 0.10

Make a list of all the relevant printer models in your solution. Calculate the costs for each printer model. Make a proposal for the charging schemes. The charging schemes may require approval from higher management. Use SafeCom Administrator to define the charging schemes (9.11).

Note: Some Windows printer drivers set paper size to Default. The SafeCom solution will map this to Other. For this reason you should set the price of Other to the same price as the most commonly used paper size, typically A4 or Letter. Note: Some MFPs can only report the number of copied pages and does not provide information about paper size or use of color and duplex. In such cases the copy page price is based on the price of A4.



9 SafeCom Tracking


Track deleted jobs


Backup and restore

This topic is covered in 3.9, where you will also find information about the Tracking database.


Using tracking data

The tracking data can be exported for further analysis (9.14) and analyzed by the supplied Data Mining tool (9.15). As the amount of tracking data will continue to grow it is advisable to delete tracking data (9.14.2) once it has been exported, perhaps on a monthly or quarterly basis. During the exporting or deletion of large amount of tracking data the server may become slow. It is therefore recommended to perform this out of hours, or at least not during peak hours.



9 SafeCom Tracking

The tracking data can also be used to invoice users based on what they have printed. If you want users to pay up front you should use the SafeCom Pay module described in chapter 12. You can utilize the Organizational Unit and/or Description properties of users to specify their belonging to cost center, division or department. That way you can invoice the users organizational unit. With the SafeCom Administrator API (option) you can extract tracking data automatically. This XML-based tool is ideal for system integration with financial applications. Refer to SafeCom G3 Administrator API Reference Manual D60822.


Multiple servers: Online or offline tracking

SafeCom Tracking solutions with multiple servers can be configured to use: Online tracking SafeCom slave servers continuously report tracking data to the SafeCom master server Offline tracking Tracking data is stored locally on the SafeCom slave server to allow subsequent scheduled collection by the SafeCom master server. Scheduling data collection to run at night saves network bandwidth during daytime.

The steps involved: 1. 2. On the SafeCom master server you need to enable and configure the scheduled collection of tracking data (9.9.1). On each SafeCom slave server you need to configure it to use offline tracking (9.9.2).



9 SafeCom Tracking


Configure SafeCom master server

The scheduled collection of tracking data by the master server can take place on selected weekdays (Monday, Tuesday, , Sunday) at a specific time or at a regular predefined interval starting at a specific time. The available intervals are every 10, 20, or 30 minutes, or every 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 12 hours. 1. 2. On the Servers menu, click Server properties. Click on the Tracking tab.


Configure the scheduled collection of tracking data. Click OK.



9 SafeCom Tracking


Configure SafeCom slave servers

1. 2. On the Servers menu, click Server properties. Click on the Tracking tab.


Check Offline. Click OK.


Configuration overview
Before you proceed with the configuration of your SafeCom Tracking solution you should get an overview of the steps involved: 1. 2. Install license key code. Use SafeCom Administrator to install your license key code with tracking enabled. Create charging schemes. Use SafeCom Administrator to create multiple charging schemes to reflect the varying print costs of the different printer models (9.11). Associate charging scheme with device. Use SafeCom Administrator to associate a charging scheme with the device (9.11.4). Change cost control to tracking. Use SafeCom Administrator to change the user property Cost control to Tracking (9.12). Work with the tracking data. Use the Data Mining tool to view the tracking data (9.14).

3. 4. 5.



9 SafeCom Tracking


Charging schemes
In section 9.8.1 we described the concept of charging schemes, dual charging schemes and how you should get them in place. In the following subsections we will describe how you work with charging schemes in SafeCom Administrator.

9.11.1 Add charging scheme

1. 2. 3. On the Devices menu, point to Charging schemes and click Add charging scheme The New Charging Scheme dialog appears. Enter prices. Click Finish.

Name is the unique name of the charging scheme (mandatory). Description is an optional description of the charging scheme. Enter Price per job to charge a Start-up cost per job. Check Subject for job name pricing if you wish to enable pricing based on job name (12.11). Enter Price per page in the form of the price for Sheet (paper), Mono Impression and Color Impression for the paper sizes: A3, A4, Executive, Letter and Legal. Click Set all to quickly enter a price for all paper sizes. The price specified in Other is used when the paper size is unknown (or default).



9 SafeCom Tracking

Click the Copy tab to specify the prices for copy jobs.

Note: Some MFPs that are unable to provide information about paper size or use of duplex and color, tries to repair this lack of detail by reporting a higher number of copied pages. A popular method is to report that two pages are copied when actually one monochrome A3 page or one color A4 page is copied. Likewise one color A3 page would be reported as 4 pages.



9 SafeCom Tracking

For selected MFPs it is also possible to charge for fax, scan and e-mail. Click the Fax+Scan+E-mail tab to specify these prices.



9 SafeCom Tracking

Check Show print and copy tab for OLD device to include a Print+Copy tab for backward compatibility with SafeCom-enabled devices running software dated before September 2007. Newer SafeCom-enabled devices will continue to use the prices and settings on the Print+Copy tab as long as all the prices are set to 0,0000 on the Print and Copy tab of the Primary charging scheme.

Check Charge per page to charge per printed page and paper size. Enter Price per page for the paper sizes: A3, A4, Executive, Letter and Legal. Click Set all prices to quickly enter a price for all paper sizes. The price specified in Other is used when the paper size is unknown (or default). Check Charge per job to charge per job printed according to the price entered in Price per job. Check Subject to job name pricing if you wish to enable pricing based on job name (12.11). Check Duplex and enter the modifier to use when calculating the discount of double sided printing. The modifier is normally between 0,5 and 1. Check Color and enter the modifier to use when calculating the price of color impressions on color devices. The modifier is normally greater than 1.



9 SafeCom Tracking

9.11.2 Sample charging calculation

Job properties: 5 color pages in paper size A4 and duplex Price per job = 0.20 Price per sheet A4 = 0.05 Price per color impression A4 = 0.30 Price calculation:
= price per job + price per sheet number of sheets + price per impression x number of impressions = 0.20 + 0.05 3 + 0.30 5 = 0.20 + 0.15 + 1.50 = 1.85

9.11.3 Charging scheme properties

You can see the properties of a charging scheme in the following ways: Double-click the charging scheme in the Charging scheme list. On the Devices menu, point to Charging schemes and click Charging scheme properties Open the Device properties dialog and click on the Charging scheme tab. Click View

Refer to 9.11.1 for a description of the Charging scheme properties dialog.



9 SafeCom Tracking

9.11.4 Associate charging scheme with device

1. 2. Double-click the device in the Devices list. The Device properties dialog appears. Click on the Charging scheme tab.


Select a charging scheme as Charging scheme 1 (primary). This is used to charge users and possibly invoice departments. Optionally select a charging scheme as Charging scheme 2 (secondary). This is used to reflect the true print costs. Click OK.



9 SafeCom Tracking

9.11.5 Default charging scheme for new devices

A charging scheme can be marked as the default. All new devices will use this charging scheme by default.

1. 2. 3.

In SafeCom Administrator open the Server properties dialog and click on the Devices tab. Check Keep default charging scheme 1 and assign it to auto-created devices and optionally check Keep default charging scheme 2 and assign it to auto-created devices. Click OK.

9.11.6 Delete a charging scheme

Deleting a charging scheme will remove the charging scheme from all the devices that used it. No charging is done on these devices until you select another charging scheme. 1. In the Charging scheme list right-click the charging scheme and select Delete charging scheme.



9 SafeCom Tracking


Change cost control to tracking

For existing users you must enable Tracking for each user. This is achieved by checking Tracking on the Settings tab in the User properties dialog of SafeCom Administrator. It is possible to change the property of multiple users. Refer to 7.8. By selecting a Tracking user as the default user you can make any future imported user, user created at first print and manually added user a Tracking user.



9 SafeCom Tracking


SafeCom Reports
SafeCom Reports is an optional program that enables viewing of main tracking statistics, user statistics, device statistics, client billing statistics and job list. For additional information refer to SafeCom Reports Administrators Manual D60609.

9.13.1 Install SafeCom Reports

1. 2. 3. Download the software from the link supplied to you. The installation must be Run as administrator. When the SafeCom Reports Setup Wizard appears click Next. Choose the destination folder for the SafeCom Report files. Optionally click Disk Cost to check the available disk drives for required disk space. Check Everyone to install SafeCom Reports so everyone who uses the computer can use it. Click Next. Click Next to start the installation. A progress bar appears. Click Close when the installation has completed.

4. 5.

The default installation folder is: C:\Program Files\SafeCom\SafeCom Reports

9.13.2 Start SafeCom Reports

1. 2. Click the SafeCom Reports icon on the desktop. Enter SafeCom Server (IP address or hostname or) or click the SafeCom Server button to broadcast for available SafeCom servers. Enter User (default is ADMIN), Password (default is nimda). Note: If the user belongs to a domain the domain followed by a backslash (\) must be specified in front of the users logon. Example: MYDOMAIN\JS. 3. You must have SafeCom Report rights (5.8.4) to login. Click Login.

9.13.3 Make a report

1. 2. 3. 4. Once you are logged into SafeCom Reports you will be able to generate a report. Select a report of in the Report column, for example Application Usage or Largest Print Users. Click Extract New Data for Report. In most reports you need to specify the period in the form of Date of first record and Date of last record. Click OK to generate the report. In the Exporting Records dialog you can monitor the progress as records are being exported.

It is possible to schedule one or more reports using the supplied SafeCom Reports command line interface. Refer to SafeCom Reports Administrators Manual D60609.



9 SafeCom Tracking


Work with the tracking data

9.14.1 Export tracking data

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

On the Servers menu, click Tracking data and Export tracking data Select the period. A number of predefined periods are available ranging from Today to 1 year back. Choose Specify period to freely specify the beginning (from) and finish (to) of the period. Enter the path and File name of the export file. You can click Browse to specify the location of the export file. Select File format (XML, TXT or CSV). Select Separator (not needed when using XML). The default value for separator is taken as the List separator setting on the Numbers tab of the Regional settings dialog. Use the default setting if you intend to use Microsoft Excel, since Excel takes its default separator from the same place and the separators need to match. Check Launch Datamining if you want to analyze the data right away. Click OK.

Note: When you export to txt format, two files are created. One is a *.txt (or *.csv) file, the other is a *.sch file. They are automatically placed in the same directory when they are created. The *.sch file is used by Administrators Data mining function as a reference file; it tells Administrator how to interpret each field in the *.txt file. For this reason, you must keep them together in the same directory when using the files for Data mining.



9 SafeCom Tracking

9.14.2 Delete tracking data

You can delete data prior to a given date from the Tracking database. This can be used to increase the speed of your SafeCom solution; too much data can slow it down.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

On the Servers menu, click Tracking data and Delete tracking data All data before Last date is exported to a file and deleted from the tracking database. Enter the path and File name of the delete file. You can click Browse to specify the location of the export file. Select File format (XML, TXT or CSV). Do not select CSV if you intend to Launch Datamining. Select Separator (not needed when using XML). The default value for separator is taken as the List separator setting on the Numbers tab of the Regional settings dialog. Use the default setting if you intend to use Microsoft Excel, since Excel takes its default separator from the same place and the separators need to match. In chapter 14 there is a complete description of the exported tracking data. Check Launch Datamining if you want to analyze the data (9.15). Click OK.



9 SafeCom Tracking


SafeCom Data Mining

SafeCom Data Mining enables you to see main tracking statistics, user statistics, device statistics, billing statistics and job list. Note: SafeCom Data Mining is designed to handle up to 50.000 tracking records. Use SafeCom Reports (9.13) to work with more tracking records. The optional SafeCom Administrator API can be used to export only selected fields from the tracking records. This allows optimized data post processing by third party applications that can work on the CSV or XML file exported from the SafeCom solution. To start SafeCom Data Mining: 1. 2. Check Launch Datamining when you export tracking data (9.14.1) or delete tracking data (9.14.2). The SafeCom Datamining window is displayed (9.15.1).

Using SafeCom Data Mining: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the File menu click Open. Find the SafeCom Data Mining File (*.xml or *.txt) containing the data you want to view. Click Open. Choose either to view All data or Select a Period (click Refresh if you change the Period). Click User Statistics, Device Statistics or Billing statistics tab, according to the data you want to view. If you click Options and select Setup, you can change the following:

You can select whether Completed jobs only, Failed/Interrupted jobs only or All jobs should be included in the statistics. Click Refresh to update the view of the exported statistics according to the changed options.



9 SafeCom Tracking

9.15.1 Main tracking

The Main tracking tab gives an overview of the tracking data, including the ratio between the different job types and use of color and duplex.

Tracking entries shows the number of Completed jobs, Failed/Interrupted jobs and Total jobs. Tracking load show a graphic representation of the number of tracking jobs as a function of time (the selected period). Summary list the Number of jobs, Size of jobs, Number of pages and the resulting costs as calculated using the primary and secondary charging scheme. The Pull print ratio, Push print ratio, Copy ratio and Fax/Send/E-mail ratio are also listed. The Duplex ratio and Color ratio are also shown. Pull print list the Number of jobs, Size of jobs, Number of pages and the resulting costs as calculated using the primary and secondary charging scheme. Push print list the Number of jobs, Size of jobs, Number of pages and the resulting costs as calculated using the primary and secondary charging scheme. Copy jobs list the Number of jobs, Size of jobs, Number of pages and the resulting costs as calculated using the primary and secondary charging scheme. Fax/Scan/E-mail list the Number of jobs, Size of jobs, Number of pages and the resulting costs as calculated using the primary and secondary charging scheme. Tracking of Fax, Scan and E-mail is only possible on selected HP LaserJet MFPs with SafeCom Go HP installed. D60603-07 290

9 SafeCom Tracking

9.15.2 User statistics

The User statistics tab lists the recorded tracking data summarized on a peruser basis. The following columns are available: User logon, Full name, Description, Jobs, Pages and Cost.

Click on the Pages header to sort and find who has been producing most pages using the printers and MFPs for the specified period. Click on the Cost header to sort and find who has been spending most credits using the printers and MFPs for the specified period. The listed cost is the cost calculated using the primary charging scheme. Click the selected user to open the Statistics dialog with more detailed statistics, including cost calculated using the secondary charging scheme.



9 SafeCom Tracking

9.15.3 Device statistics

The Devices statistics tab lists the recorded tracking data summarized on a per-device basis. The following columns are available: Device name, Model, Location, Copy pages, Print pages and Cost.

Click on the Print pages header to sort and find which device has been printing most pages for the specified period. Click on the Copy pages header to sort and find which device has been copying most pages for the specified period. Click on the Cost header to sort and find which device has been producing most for the specified period. The listed cost is the cost calculated using the primary charging scheme. Click the selected device to open the Statistics dialog with more detailed statistics, including cost calculated using the secondary charging scheme.



9 SafeCom Tracking

9.15.4 Billing statistics

The Billing statistics tab lists the recorded tracking data summarized on a perbilling code basis. The following columns are available: Billing code, Description, Invoice, Jobs, Pages and Cost.

Click on the Pages header to sort and find who has been producing most pages using the printers and MFPs for the specified period. Click on the Cost header to sort and find who has been spending most credits using the printers and MFPs for the specified period. The listed cost is the cost calculated using the primary charging scheme. Click the selected billing code to open the Statistics dialog with more detailed statistics, including cost calculated using the secondary charging scheme.



9 SafeCom Tracking

9.15.5 Job list

The Job list tab lists the recorded tracking data on a per-job basis. The following columns are available: Date, User logon, Job name, Device name, Pages and Cost.

Click on the User logon header to sort and find the jobs produced by user for the specified period. Click on the Device name header to sort and find the jobs produced by device for the specified period. Click on the Cost header to sort and find which job is the most expensive for the specified period. The listed cost is the cost calculated using the primary charging scheme. Click the selected job to open the Tracking record dialog (9.15.6) with more detailed information, including cost calculated using the secondary charging scheme.



9 SafeCom Tracking

9.15.6 Tracking record dialog

The Tracking record dialog appears when you click on a job in the job list (9.15.5).



9 SafeCom Tracking

The tables in the following lists the subset of tracking record fields displayed in the Tracking record dialog. The records are grouped around: Job User Device Page count Cost Miscellaneous

The corresponding XML tag is also listed and can be used to reference the tracking format as described with all fields in section 14.3. A + indicates the field is relevant for the listed job. A - indicates the field is not relevant for the listed job. Job Name <JobName> Generated <JobDate> Size <JobSize> Paper <JobPageFormat> Duplex <JobIsDuplex> Color <JobIsColor> Driver <DriverName> Type <JobType> Destination <JobDestination> PUSH + + + + + + + + PULL + + + + + + + + COPY + + + + + + SCAN + + + + + + + + EMAIL + + + + + + + + FAX + + + + + + + +

User ID <UserID> User logon <UserLogon> Full name <FullName> Description <Description> Cost code <UserCostCode>

PUSH + + + + +

PULL + + + + +

COPY + + + + +

SCAN + + + + +

EMAIL + + + + +

FAX + + + + +



9 SafeCom Tracking

Device ID <DeviceID> Name <DeviceName> Model <DeviceModel> Location <DeviceLocation> Duplex <DeviceSupportsDuplex> Color <DeviceSupportsColor> MAC <DeviceMac>

PUSH + + + + + + +

PULL + + + + + + +

COPY + + + + + + +

SCAN + + + + + + +

EMAIL + + + + + + +

FAX + + + + + + +

Page count Tracking state <TrackingState> Tracking pages <TrackingPageCount> Driver pages <DriverPageCount> Parser pages <ParserPageCount> Color pages <TrackingColorPageCount> Sheets <JobSheetCount>

PUSH + + + + + +

PULL + + + + + +

COPY + + + +

SCAN + + + -

EMAIL + + + -

FAX + + + -

Cost Price 1 <JobPrice> Price 2 <JobPrice2> Miscellaneous Start time <StartDate> End time <StopDate> Print queue <PMQueueName> Print computer <PMComputerName>

PUSH + + PUSH + + + +

PULL + + PULL + + + +

COPY + + COPY + + -

SCAN + + SCAN + + -

EMAIL + + EMAIL + + -

FAX + + FAX + + -



9 SafeCom Tracking


Update scParser.dll
The component scParser.dll is responsible for parsing the print data stream. If a new version is made available to you, you should follow the steps below to update. On Windows 32-bit: 1. Backup the existing file scParser.dll from the SafeCom installation folder. The default is: C:\Program Files\SafeCom\SafeComG3\ 2. 3. Stop the SafeCom Service and the Print Spooler. Copy scParser.dll to the SafeCom installation folder. Default is: C:\Program Files\SafeCom\SafeComG3\ 4. Start the SafeCom Service and Print Spooler.

On Windows 64-bit: 1. Backup the existing file scParser64.dll from the SafeCom installation folder. The default is: C:\Program Files (x86)\SafeCom\SafeComG3\ 2. 3. Stop the SafeCom Service and the Print Spooler. Copy scParser64.dll to the SafeCom installation folder. Default is: C:\Program Files (x86)\SafeCom\SafeComG3\ 4. Start the SafeCom Service and Print Spooler.



10 SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP)


SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP)

The Rule Based Printing module makes it possible to gain cost savings by offering management a method of enforcing policies for printing. The policies are formulated as one or more rules. Rules are assigned to groups of users. It is possible to construct rules like: Only color jobs can be printed on color devices. Print e-mail as b/w and with toner save. Color print is not allowed. Allow color print, but warn that color printing is more expensive.

Disclaimer: SafeCom Rule Based Printing needs to modify the print data stream to control: Duplex on/off, Toner save on/off and Force job to b/w. SafeCom does NOT guarantee that these modifications will work and cannot be held responsible if they do not work as expected. SafeCom Rule Based Printing has been tested against PCL5, PCL5c, PCL5e, PCL6, PCL XL and PostScript level 2 and 3 printer drivers from HP using a broad range of HP LaserJets.


Planning your SafeCom RBP solution

When planning your SafeCom Rule Based Printing solution you need to: As rules apply to groups of users rather than individual users you need to organize users into groups. A user can be a member of multiple groups and is subject to all the rules of the groups that he is a member of. Create the rules that enforce the policies (10.3). If any rule is configured to notify the user by a popup the scPopUp.exe program must run on the users computer (4.14). Before a new rule is applied on a larger scale it should be tested using the available printer drivers and printers to ensure that the outcome is as expected. Section 10.5 includes some troubleshooting hints. Select the rules to be used on the different groups (10.4).



10 SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP)


Creating the rules

Selecting the conditions, actions and notification that makes up the rule creates the rule. 1. On the Servers menu click Rule Based Printing to open the Rule Based Printing dialog.


Click Add to create a new rule.



10 SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP)


On the Conditions tab double-click a condition to apply it. If no conditions are applied the rule will always apply (unconditional). Multiple conditions can be applied. Remove an applied condition by selecting it and then click the left arrow.

Available Conditions: Device [does | does not] support color Allows you to choose if the rule should apply when printing on a device with color capabilities. Device location contains specific text Device location does not contain specific text Allows you to specify a text that will be used for case insensitive matching based on the device location. Device model contains specific text Device model does not contain specific text Allows you to specify a text that will be used for case insensitive matching based on the device model. Device name contains specific text Device name does not contain specific text Allows you to specify a text that will be used for case insensitive matching based on the device name. Job color mode is [b/w | color] Allows you to choose if the rule should apply to a b/w or color job. Job driver name contains specific text Job driver name does not contain specific text Allows you to specify a text that will be used for case insensitive matching based on the job driver name. Job name contains specific text Job name does not contain specific text Allows you to specify a text that will be used for case insensitive matching based on the job name. Jobs printed from Microsoft Internet Explorer and other browsers typically include the text string http. Section 10.6 gives more examples on how the job name can be used to determine the application. 301


10 SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP)

Job page count larger than number Allows you to specify a lager than page count. Job page count less than number Allows you to specify a less than page count. Job size larger than number KB Allows you to specify a lager than job size in kilobytes. Job size less than number KB Allows you to specify a less than page job size in kilobytes.

Note: The specific text is used for case insensitive matching. There is NO support for wildcard syntax, such as use of * and ?.



10 SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP)


On the Actions tab double-click an action to apply it. If no actions are applied there is no action to the rule. Multiple actions can be applied. Remove an applied action by selecting it and then click the left arrow.

Available Actions: Confirm pull job. Message: text When Pull Printing, a popup dialog will appear with the configured message text (max 100 characters). The user can click OK to print or Cancel. One <%pages%> and one <%price%> tag can be included in the text and will be replaced with the number of pages and the price of the job. Requires use of SafeCom PopUp (4.14). Details about the calculation of the price based on charging scheme are in section 4.14.6. Confirm push job. Message: text When Push Printing, a popup dialog will appear with the configured message text (max 100 characters). The user can click OK to print or Cancel. One <%pages%> and one <%price%> tag can be included in the text and will be replaced with the number of pages and the price of the job. Requires use of SafeCom PopUp (4.14). Delete job The job is to be deleted. Duplex on/off The print data is modified to get double-sided print. To avoid 1page documents from using the duplexer it is recommended to combine include the condition: Job page count larger than 1. Force job to b/w The print data is modified to force job to b/w. Hide pull print job The job will not appear on the Pull Print list of documents. Typically combined with the conditions Device supports color and Job color mode is color to ensure that only color jobs can be Pull printed on color devices. If the job is Push Print it is deleted.



10 SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP)

Redirect to queue name This action applies to Push Print only. The print job will be redirected to the specified destination. Normally the destination is in the form of a printers IP address or hostname. However, it is also possible to redirect to another print queue by for example entering the share name: Example \\SERVER\Printer. If you redirect to a print queue that uses the SafeCom Push Port the print job is tracked again. Redirect to user logon This action applies to Pull Print only. The print job is redirected and stored under the specified user logon. Redirecting to a Group name is not supported. Toner save on/off The print data stream is modified to enable toner save (Economode on b/w HP LaserJets).



10 SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP)


On the Notification tab check the notification method you want to use and enter the notification message. It is possible to refrain from selecting any of the notification methods to have the rule execute behind the scenes (silently).

The notification message text does NOT support use of tags like <%pages%> and <%price%>. If you require use of these tags then please use the Action: Confirm Pull job or Confirm Push job. The notification will only occur if a notification message text is specified. Notify by: PopUp A popup dialog with a configurable message will appear on the users computer explaining that the rule has been executed. No client installation is required (4.14). E-mail The user receives an e-mail with a configurable message explaining that the rule has been executed. Log file This should only be used during testing. The SafeCom event log will list that the rule was applied. Refer to information about the event log in 3.8.1.



10 SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP)


On the Rule description tab enter a meaningful Rule name to identify the rule. Click OK.


Select rules to be used on group

1. 2. Click on the Groups icon in the Server groups pane. Click on a group in the Group list to open the Group properties dialog.



10 SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP)


Click on the Rules tab.

4. 5.

Check the rules you want to be used on the group. Click Apply and then Close.



10 SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP)


What if the rule does not work?

Go through the below troubleshooting hints if the rule does not work: Identify the rules Verify that the rule is indeed to be executed. You can do this by looking at the Member of tab in the User properties dialog to determine which groups the user is a member of. Next you should look at the Rules tab in the respective Group properties dialog to see which rules are selected. Print data stream compatibility If the rule requires customization of the print data stream it may be that the print data stream is not PCL5, PCL5c, PCL5e, PCL6, PCL XL or PostScript level 2 or 3. Printer driver compatibility Even if the print data stream is indeed supported it may be driver/printer specific to a level that is not supported by the current SafeCom Rule Based Printing. In this case you should refrain from using the rule.

Feedback wanted: We would be very grateful if you could send an e-mail to [email protected] with the technical details, including information about the printer model, printer firmware version, driver, driver version, description of rule and document you are printing.


How to determine the application

Many customers want to define rules based on the application. The application can in most cases be determined by using the condition: Job name contains specific text The table below contains suggested texts to use for popular applications. Application Adobe Microsoft Excel Microsoft Outlook Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word Notepad Plain text files Windows Internet Explorer Windows Test Page Specific text .pdf .xls Microsoft Outlook outbind:// Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word Notepad .txt http Test Page

Note: E-mails printed from Lotus Notes will have the same job name as the subject of the e-mail. It is therefore NOT possible to use the job name to determine that the application is Lotus Notes.



10 SafeCom Rule Based Printing (RBP)


Update scRuleExecuter.dll
The component scRuleExecuter.dll is responsible for modifying the print data stream. If a new version is made available to you, you should follow the steps below to update. On Windows 32-bit: 1. Backup the existing file scRuleExecuter.dll from the SafeCom installation folder. The default is: C:\Program Files\SafeCom\SafeComG3\ 2. 3. Stop the SafeCom Service and the Print Spooler. Copy scRuleExecuter.dll to the SafeCom installation folder. Default is: C:\Program Files\SafeCom\SafeComG3\ 4. Start the SafeCom Service and Print Spooler.

On Windows 64-bit: 1. Backup the existing file scRuleExecuter64.dll from the SafeCom installation folder. The default is: C:\Program Files (x86)\SafeCom\SafeComG3\ 2. 3. Stop the SafeCom Service and the Print Spooler. Copy scRuleExecuter64.dll to the SafeCom installation folder. Default is: C:\Program Files (x86)\SafeCom\SafeComG3\ 4. Start the SafeCom Service and Print Spooler.



11 SafeCom Client Billing


SafeCom Client Billing

The Client Billing module makes it possible to associate billing codes with any job that is tracked by the SafeCom solution. The billing data can be exported for further analysis. The association of billing code and job happens after the job is completed and is done by the user via a convenient personal SafeCom Client Billing web page. Users can correct a previous choice of billing code if this is done before the elapse time.


Planning your SafeCom Client Billing solution

When planning your SafeCom Client Billing solution you need to: As SafeCom Client Billing relies on SafeCom Tracking being configured you should consult chapter 9 on how to plan (9.8) and configure (9.10) SafeCom Tracking. Decide where to install the SafeCom G3 Web Interface and how users should authenticate themselves to see the SafeCom Client Billing web page. Refer to SafeCom G3 Web Interface Administrators Manual D60604. How to use the SafeCom Client Billing web page is covered in SafeCom G3 Client Billing Users Quick Guide D60627. Decide the elapse time before billing codes are committed to tracking data. During this period users can associate and change billing codes on the SafeCom Client Billing web page. Decide if billing codes should be imported on a scheduled basis (11.7). Schedule and prepare training of users on how to associate billing codes with jobs.



11 SafeCom Client Billing


Configuration overview
Before you proceed with the configuration of your SafeCom Client Billing solution you should get an overview of the steps involved: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Configure SafeCom Tracking. Refer to section 9.8, 9.9 and 9.10. Install the SafeCom G3 Web Interface. Refer to SafeCom G3 Web Interface Administrators Manual D60604. Configure SafeCom Client Billing. Use SafeCom Administrator to change the user property Cost control to Tracking (11.4). Allow use of billing codes (11.5). Edit the reminder template so it references the SafeCom G3 Web Interface, that is, the Billing web page (11.6). Work with the tracking data. Use the Data Mining tool to view the tracking data (9.14).



11 SafeCom Client Billing


Configure SafeCom Client Billing

1. 2. On the Servers menu, click Server properties. Click on the Billing tab.


Check Store tracking data temporarily to allow users to apply billing codes. Chose the number period you want to elapse before the billing data is committed and when the billing data should be moved to the tracking data. Once this is done you will see the tracking records and associated billing codes when you export tracking data (9.14). Click OK. Note: In a multi server environment, tracking data within the billing window will not be collected by the master server.



11 SafeCom Client Billing


Allow use of billing codes

For existing users you must allow them to use billing codes. This is achieved on the Settings tab in the User properties dialog of SafeCom Administrator. It is possible to change the property of multiple users (7.8).

1. 2. 3. 4.

Open the User properties dialog. Check Tracking (or Pay17) in Cost control. Check Bill clients for cost. Click OK.


A Pay user is still charged for the job regardless if a billing code is associated.



11 SafeCom Client Billing


Edit the template for billing reminder

If the user has enabled the Reminder an e-mail based on the EmailBilling.txt template is sent either 1) As soon as a job completes, or 2) When the specified number of jobs has been completed. Refer to SafeCom G3 Client Billing Users Quick Guide D60627 for additional information about Reminder. The EmailBilling.txt file is located in the %SafeCom%\Templates folder. The %SafeCom% indicates the SafeCom installation folder, normally C:\Program Files\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 On Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 EmailBilling.txt <%SUBJECT="[SafeCom] Billing notification"%> This mail is to inform you that you now have <%BILLINGJOBS%> jobs that require your choice of billing code. Click the link below to go to the billing web page: <%BILLINGLINK HOST="http://safecomserver/safecom/"%> www.safecom.eu.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Open the EmailBilling.txt file in an editor, such as Notepad. You are free to customize or translate the message to give the users the highest user satisfaction. Replace the http://safecomserver/safecom/ link with the link to the server that hosts the SafeCom G3 web interface. Refer to SafeCom G3 Web Interface Administrators Manual D60604 Customize or translate the message to give the users the highest user satisfaction. Save the file into the %SafeCom% folder. If you leave it in the %SafeCom%\Templates folder it will not take effect.



11 SafeCom Client Billing


Import billing codes

It is possible to import billing codes (billing code, description and billable) from a CSV file. The import of billing code can be accomplished as a: One-time import Typically used the first time. On the Servers menu, click Client Billing and Import billing codes Scheduled import This is used to import billing codes on a regular basis, for example every night. On the Servers menu, click Client Billing and Schedule billing code import Before the scheduled import can take place you need to configure it. This is done through the Billing code import configuration wizard. In the Scheduled billing code import dialog click Configuration



11 SafeCom Client Billing

Follow these steps to billing codes: 1. 2. On the Servers menu, click Client Billing and Import billing codes to make a one-time import or click Schedule billing code import to open the Scheduled billing code import dialog and then click Configuration The Billing code import configuration dialog appears. Click Next.


Enter Server group (name or IP address), Login account with Administrator rights and password. In a multi server installation you should specify the master server for best performance. The fields are preconfigured for a one-time import. Click Next.



11 SafeCom Client Billing


Specify the Name of the file to import from (with full path) as seen from the SafeCom server. The account that runs the SafeCom Service (normally the Local System account) must have read access to the CSV file. Click Next.

Example CSV file with header and two entries: Code;Description;Billable 10102;Human Ressources;0 10103;Acme Project;1 The billing code can consist of maximum 50 characters. The billing code description can consist of maximum 50 characters. The billable field can be 0 (not billable) or 1 (billable).



11 SafeCom Client Billing


Specify from which field in the CSV file the values should be retrieved. Leave a field value of 0 to avoid import. Open the CSV file in Notepad to determine what Separator character is used (semi-colon is default). Click Next.

If you check First line in file is a header you will need to specify the name of the field rather than the number. The field name is case insensitive.



11 SafeCom Client Billing


Check the options as required (see below). Click Next.

Add billing codes will cause all billing codes in the file to be imported. Modify billing codes will cause any existing billing codes to be modified according to the imported values. Delete billing codes will cause existing billing codes that does not appear in the import to be deleted. Max difference can be used to control if an import should be cancelled if there is too much difference. A value of 0 (zero) will cause the import to take place irrespective of the percentage of difference.



11 SafeCom Client Billing


If a special billing code import module has been supplied you should check Extra configuration and enter the configuration according to the supplied instructions. Otherwise you should just click Next.


Click Finish.


If you are doing a one-time import you need to click Import in the Billing code import dialog. Otherwise you should click OK in the Scheduled billing code import dialog. The progress bar reflects progress.



11 SafeCom Client Billing

Click on the Log tab to see a log of the billing code import (11.7.1).



11 SafeCom Client Billing

11.7.1 Billing code import log file

During the import a log file is created. This can be viewed by clicking on the Log tab in the Billing code import dialog.

A log file with the name <Billingyyyymmddhhmmss.log>, where yyyy is the year, mm is the month, dd is the day, hh is the hour, mm is the minutes and ss is the seconds. The log file is stored in the logfiles folder below the SafeCom G3 installation folder. The default folder is: C:\Program Files\ SafeCom\SafeComG3\logfiles On Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\ SafeCom\SafeComG3\logfiles During import you may encounter conflicts because the billing code (cc = 131) already exists. Examples: Not able to add Billing code <BillingCode>. cc = 131



11 SafeCom Client Billing


Add billing codes manually

1. 2. 3. 4. On the Server menu, click Client Billing and Billing codes Click Add Enter Code and Description. The new billing code is billable by default. Check No if you do not want the billing code to be billable. Click OK to add the new billing code.


Find billing codes

1. 2. On the Server menu, click Client Billing and Billing codes Enter the search text in Find billing codes and click Find. The find function is using case insensitive free text search across both the code and description fields. If the Find billing codes field is left empty all billing codes are retrieved.

11.10 Delete billing codes

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the Server menu, click Client Billing and Billing codes Use the Find function (11.9) to retrieve the billing codes. Click Delete Click Yes in the Confirm dialog to delete the billing code. Click Close when finished deleting billing codes.

11.11 Modify billing codes

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the Server menu, click Client Billing and Billing codes Use the Find function (11.9) to retrieve the billing codes. Click Modify Modify Description and Billable as required. Click OK. Click Close when finished modifying billing codes.



12 SafeCom Pay


SafeCom Pay
The SafeCom Pay module provides total print cost management. In addition to the SafeCom Tracking module described in chapter 9 the module can be used to prevent a user from printing if the balance of his account goes below a specified low limit (default zero credits). The SafeCom Administrator (12.5) can be used to add (deposit) or subtract (withdraw) credits from the users account. Credits are equivalent to money.


Planning your SafeCom Pay solution

When planning your SafeCom Pay solution you need to: Define what the cost of printing should be. This is accomplished via a charging scheme (9.8.1). Plan how you will secure the data stored in the tracking server and money server databases (9.8.3). Control what happens if the money server is unavailable (5.7.5). Choose accounting policy (12.2.1). Ensure that users pay (12.2.2). Investigate if a cashless solution is required (12.2.3). Change the user property Cost control to Pay (12.3).

12.2.1 Accounting policy

There are three different accounting policies: Full cost recovery The user has to pay for all prints (and copies). This policy is popular in libraries. Involves Account 1 only. Partial cost recovery The user is given a certain amount of credits on their Account 2. When the credits run out the user can choose to add money to their Account 1. This policy is popular at universities. Quota control The user is given a certain amount of credits and can print until they run out (quota is used). This policy is popular in schools that do not allow feebased printing. Involves using Account 2 only.

In addition you need to decide if Post track (9.7) should be enabled, in which case, pay users may be charged a different (lower) price compared to the price they were given when they collected their document.



12 SafeCom Pay

12.2.2 Ensure users pay

The introduction of a fee-based printing solution may tempt some users to try to avoid having to pay for their prints (and copies). To make these attempts in vain you can apply a number of counter measures: Make all printing go through the SafeCom solution Refer to 4.17. View list of unfinished jobs The SafeCom Tracking database record information about unfinished print (and copy) jobs. An unfinished job may be caused by legitimate network or printer failure. However, the cause may also be purposely tampering with the printer and SafeCom hardware. The list of unfinished (failed/interrupted) jobs can be viewed in SafeCom Data Mining (9.15). Notify administrator by e-mail You can configure your SafeCom solution to send an e-mail to the administrator whenever a job does not finish. By looking at and perhaps sorting the list of received e-mails, the administrator can quickly spot if someone is trying to avoid having to pay. If required the administrator can prevent the user from logging into the SafeCom solution. Do not release credits reserved on error When the user prints the SafeCom solution will reserve credits corresponding to the cost of the job (document). When the user copies the SafeCom solution will reserve all the users credits. On the Users tab in the Server properties dialog (5.7.2) you can request that the reserved credits are not released in case of error. The reserved credits can be reversed (12.5.10). Awareness through information By making users aware that the SafeCom Pay solution includes counter measures to prevent repeated attempts to avoid paying will probably reduce the number of attempts.

Educational institutions in particular should inform their users about these counter measures. This will help them limit the number of unfinished jobs that are likely to happen at the start of semester when new students enroll.

12.2.3 Cashless solution

Your SafeCom solution can be enhanced to support methods where users can revalue their account via the Internet using SafeCom ePay or via SafeCom Money Loader that both accepts coins and notes. SafeCom Pay solutions are also available with money stored on a Smart Card. Once the users SafeCom account is empty the user is offered to pay with money from his Smart Card. Please contact [email protected] for more details.



12 SafeCom Pay


Change cost control to pay

For existing users you must enable Pay for each user. This is achieved by checking Pay on the Settings tab in the User properties dialog. It is possible to change the property of multiple users (7.8). By selecting a Pay user as the default user you can make any future imported user, user created at first print and manually added user a Pay user.



12 SafeCom Pay


Credit schedule
1. 2. Open the Group properties dialog (5.13.2). Click on the Credit schedule tab.

Enter a meaningful Description. In Transaction select if the members Account 1 or Account 2 should be Set to the specified Amount or changed with the specified amount (Add or Subtract). An optional Comment can be entered.



12 SafeCom Pay

Provided the schedule is Enabled it is possible to schedule credits One time only, Daily, Weekly and Monthly. Check End date and specify a date for when the periodic schedule should end. Please ensure that the end date does not conflict with the selected frequency options. Otherwise you may risk that the credit schedule will not run.

In the above example members of the STUDENTS group are having their account 2 set to 100 credits on the first Monday at midnight of each month, except for the three summer months.



12 SafeCom Pay

In the above example members of the TRAINEES group are having their account 2 set to 40 credits each weekday at 07:00 am.



12 SafeCom Pay


Cashier How to
The following subsections assume that you are logged into SafeCom Administrator as a user with Cashier rights (5.8.4).

12.5.1 Login to SafeCom Administrator in Cashier mode

1. 2. 3. Click Start, point to All Programs, SafeCom G3 and click SafeCom Administrator. In SafeCom Administrator click on the server to login. Enter User logon and Password. Click Login.

Note: If you belong to a domain the domain followed by a slash (/) or a backslash (\) must be specified in front of the users logon. Example: MYDOMAIN\JS. Alternatively you can specify user logon followed by (@) and the domain, like this JS@MYDOMAIN.



12 SafeCom Pay

12.5.2 Find user

1. 2. Enter the search string in Look for and press Enter. If a card reader is installed on the computer (4.18) then present the card. Or Click Advanced search to open the Find users dialog (7.6). Enter your find criteria and click Find. The find function is using field based case insensitive free text search, with the exception of ID codes. To find a particular ID code enter the complete ID code in the right case or click Listen for card if a card reader is installed on the computer (4.18).

No users match the search string (red icon) 3.

Multiple users match the search string (green icon)

No search string entered (blue icon)

If only one user is found the User properties dialog (12.5.3) appears. Otherwise double-click a user on the appearing list of users.



12 SafeCom Pay

12.5.3 User properties dialog

Account 1 shows the current amount of money available with the user. Account 2 shows the current available quota available for the user. Low limit is the lowest amount that should be available in order to print (Allows negative figures). Click to edit the Low limit. Reserved is the amount of credits reserved due to a print or copy job that finished in error. It should be 0.00 (zero) most of the time. If the system has reserved any credits you will see a positive amount printed in red color. Click to edit the Reserved. The amount must be greater than 0.00 (zero) and less than or equal to the currently reserved amount of credits. Disposable is equal to Balance minus Low limit and Reserved. Amount indicates the amount to Deposit (insert) on or Subtract (withdraw) from the account. Click Record to make the transaction take place. Comment allows you to add any description (optional).



12 SafeCom Pay

Click Details to see additional information about the user.

12.5.4 View user transactions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open the User properties dialog (12.5.3). On the Account tab click Transactions to open the User transactions dialog (12.9). Look at the transactions. To look at transaction from a different period, make your Selection and click Refresh. Click Print to make a printout of the transactions. When done click Close.

12.5.5 Issue a new PIN code

1. 2. 3. 4. Open the User properties dialog (12.5.3). On the Account tab click Generate random PIN. A new random 4-digit PIN code is displayed. Click Close.



12 SafeCom Pay

12.5.6 Unlock user

1. 2. 3. Open the User properties dialog (12.5.3). On the Account tab click Unlock user. Click Close.

12.5.7 Deposit credits

1. 2. Open the User properties dialog (12.5.3). On the Account tab click Account 1 (money) or press / or click Account 2 (quota) or press *. 3. 4. 5. Enter the Amount and click Deposit or press +. Enter an optional Comment and click Record. Click Close.

12.5.8 Withdraw credits

1. 2. Open the User properties dialog (12.5.3). On the Account tab click Account 1 (money) or press / or click Account 2 (quota) or press *. 3. 4. 5. Enter the Amount and click Subtract or press -. Enter an optional Comment and click Record. Click Close.

12.5.9 Set low limit

Low limit is the amount of credits that must be available in order to print (and copy). 1. 2. 3. Open the User properties dialog (12.5.3). On the Account tab click and enter Low limit amount and click OK. The amount is normally 0.00, but it can be both positive and negative. Click Close.

12.5.10 Free reserved credits

If the system has reserved any credits you will see a positive amount printed in red color in the User account dialog. Refer to section 12.10 for a discussion of reserved credits. 1. 2. 3. Open the User properties dialog (12.5.3). On the Account tab click and enter Reserved amount and click OK. The amount must be greater than 0.00 (zero) and less than or equal to the currently reserved amount. Click Close.



12 SafeCom Pay

12.5.11 Reset cash cards

This section is only relevant if the SafeCom Pay solution stores money on a Smart Card. The dialog will display Temporary card: <amount> in red color when the user has had the specified amount transferred from the cash card to the SafeCom account on the SafeCom server. Warning: If you click Reset the money will NOT be transferred back to the users cash card the next time the cash card is used at one of the SafeComenabled printers. 1. 2. 3. Open the User properties dialog (12.5.3). On the Account tab click Reset. Click Close.

12.5.12 Detect attempt to avoid paying

The SafeCom Pay solution can be configured to send an e-mail to the administrator whenever a SafeCom session does not terminate appropriately. 1. 2. 3. 4. Login to SafeCom Administrator as an administrator. Login and open the Server properties dialog. Click on the E-mail tab. Check E-mail notification on credits reserved.

For additional information please refer to section 12.10.

12.5.13 Print reports

It is possible to print a number of reports, including: Account status (12.6) Cash flow report (12.7) Money loader log (12.8) Transactions (12.9)

Refer to the relevant sections for additional information.



12 SafeCom Pay


Account status
1. On the Cashier menu click Account status to view and print the credit status, including: Total credits in the system Total reserved in the system Total temporary cash card18

The Cash card tab is only available if the SafeCom Pay solution stores money on a Smart Card. On the Cash card tab it is possible to see a list of the users who temporarily has had money transferred from their cash card to their SafeCom account on the SafeCom server. This money will be transferred back to the users cash card the next time the cash card is used at one of the SafeCom-enabled printers. 2. Click Print to print a hardcopy of the reports.


SafeCom Pay solution with money stored on a Smart Card.



12 SafeCom Pay


Cash flow report

1. On the Cashier menu click Cash flow report to view and print a cash flow report for a specified period. The cash flow report can be of the type: 2. 3. 4. Cashier, Account 1 Cashier, Account 2 Money loader ePay

Select the period. A number of predefined periods are available ranging from today to 1 year back. Choose Specify period to freely specify the beginning (from) and finish (to) of the period. Click Refresh to view the transactions for the selected period. Click Print to print the cash flow report.

The cash flow report contains a list of the transactions, detailing the ID, Date/Time, Type (Cashier, Money Loader or ePay), Account, Value and Comment. In case of ePay the comment column contains the ePay order number. Check Personalize if the report should only include transactions conducted by the user that is currently logged into SafeCom Administrator.



12 SafeCom Pay


Money loader log

1. 2. 3. 4. On the Cashier menu click Money loader log to view and print the event log from the SafeCom Money Loader(s). Specify the beginning (from) and finish (to) of the period. Click Refresh to view the event for the selected period. Click Print to print the money loader log.

The money loader log contains a list of the events, detailing, Box ID, Date/Time, Log number, Event (Collect Money, Running, Stop, Warning and Error), Device, Account and Balance. Counters at the bottom of the dialog shows the coin and notes counters that were reported in connection with the recorded event.



12 SafeCom Pay


User transactions dialog

1. 2. 3. 4. In the User properties dialog (12.5.3) click Transactions. Select to see the 20, 50 or 100 last transactions, choose among the predefined periods. Choose Specify period to freely specify the beginning (from) and finish (to) of the period. Click Refresh to view the transactions for the selected period. Click Print to print the report.

Current values show the Balance, Low limit, Reserved and Disposable. GID is an identification number for the transaction(s). Date/Time indicates the date and time of the transaction. Author is the User logon of the user who did the transaction. Type indicates the type of transaction. Description shows the description (if any) of the transaction. Value indicates the amount that has been added/subtracted from the account. Account 1 shows the balance on the account with real money. Account 2 shows the balance on the account with quota. Card is only present if the SafeCom Pay solution stores money on a Smart Card. It shows the amount that has been transferred from the cash card to the SafeCom account on the SafeCom server. Check the Merge Cash Card if you want to see the transactions that involves the cash card. Check Show reservations if you want to see reservations as well. D60603-07 339

12 SafeCom Pay

12.10 Prevent cheating

To help prevent cheating the SafeCom solution can reserve all or some of the users credits whenever a Pay user login to SafeCom to copy or print.

12.10.1 E-mail template for an unfinished job

If the SafeCom session does not terminate appropriately an e-mail is send to the administrator based on the UnfinishedJob.txt e-mail template. The reserved credits are freed as soon as the e-mail has been sent. This functionality is controlled via Server properties dialog: Check E-mail notification on credits reserved on the E-mail tab in the Server properties dialog. Check Release credits reserved on error on the Users tab in the Server properties dialog.

UnfinishedJob.txt <%SUBJECT="[SafeCom Unfinished Job] <%USERLOGON%>"%> This mail is to inform you about an unfinished job. Credits ------Reserved:


Job properties -------------Job name: <%DOCUMENTNAME%> Pages: <%PAGES%> Date: <%STARTDATE%> Device properties ----------------Device name: <%DEVICENAME%> IP address: <%DEVICEIPADDR%> MAC address: <%DEVICEMAC%> Model: <%DEVICEMODEL%> Location: <%DEVICELOCATION%> User properties --------------User logon: <%USERLOGON%> Full name: <%FULLNAME%> E-mail: <%EMAIL%>



12 SafeCom Pay

12.10.2 Difference between print and copy

When the user prints the SafeCom solution will reserve credits corresponding to the cost of the job (document). When the user copies the SafeCom solution will reserve all the users credits. The table below outlines the difference between the two scenarios. Tag <%RESERVEDCREDITS%> Pull print The same as the cost of the document. Copy Equal to the user credits when the copy job started minus the cost of the pages that were copied and tracked. This is always Copy job The number of pages copied and tracked. Additional pages may have been copied.


The name of the document. The number of pages in the document. It is not possible to say how many of the pages were actually printed.

12.11 Job name pricing

Job name pricing allows you to charge print cost based on the print job name. This was originally developed for libraries to allow borrowers to print search results and electronic articles for free or for a fixed amount. The name of the print job is compared against a list of conditions (filters). If one of the conditions is meet the document is priced according to the specified price. If none of the conditions is meet the documents price is calculated with the defined charging scheme. To enable job name pricing for a printer you have to perform the following steps: 1. 2. 3. Check Subject for job name pricing on the charging scheme that is used by the printer in question (9.11.3). Modify the JobNamePricing.txt (12.11.1) file to match your requirements. Restart the SafeCom Service (16.30).



12 SafeCom Pay

12.11.1 JobNamePricing.txt
The pricing based on job names is controlled from the text file JobNamePricing.txt located in the %SafeCom%\Templates directory. The %SafeCom% indicates the SafeCom installation directory, normally C:\Program Files\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 On Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\ SafeCom\SafeComG3 1. 2. 3. Copy the JobNamePricing.txt file from the %SafeCom%\Templates folder to the %SafeCom% folder. Modify the JobNamePricing.txt file in the %SafeCom% folder to match your requirements. Restart the SafeCom Service (16.30).

Note: Subsequent modifications to the file in the %SafeCom% folder will take immediate effect. You can add as many filters/prices as you want. You can use a maximum of 4 wildcards (*) in a filter. The filters are case sensitive. The price must be specified with a decimal point (.). ;-------------------------------------------------; This file specifies print jobs to be given a ; special price if job name is matching a ; certain filter. ; ; The '*' character is used as wild card. ; Maximum 4 '*' (wild cards) is allowed per filter. ; ; (c) 2003 SafeCom A/S ;-------------------------------------------------Version="1" Price1="0.00" Filter1="Test Page" Price2="0.10" Filter2="http*safecom.eu*" Filter2="safecom*.PDF*"



13 SafeCom Device Utility


SafeCom Device Utility

SafeCom Device Utility is an application that can be used to load SafeCom device software onto devices as part of preparing devices for a staged roll-out. It does not require SafeCom server software and databases to be running and it will not do any registration of devices. It is possible to load and save lists of device addresses as (*.dip). SafeCom Device Utility can also be used to upload, edit, save and download configuration files from SafeCom Controllers and devices that have SafeCom software inside. SafeCom Device Utility is part of the SafeCom G3 software and can be started by clicking scDevUtil.exe. The exe requires the presence of the files: scDevUtilLib.dll, scSNMPlib.dll, scSecureLib.dll and scUtillib.dll


Starting SafeCom Device Utility

1. Double-click scDevUtil.exe in the SafeCom installation folder.

How to populate the list of devices is covered in section 13.4. Get configuration and Set configuration are covered in section 13.5. Click Status to have enable status updates from the listed devices every 30 seconds. Click Refresh to update the list of devices and their status.



13 SafeCom Device Utility


Menus and commands

This section lists the menus and commands, their shortcut keys and a reference to the relevant sections in this chapter. File Load device list from file Save device list to file Exit Send Go Loader Update software Get configuration Set configuration Edit configuration Save configuration to file Restart device Remove device from list Open in web browser About

ALT+F4 8.9 8.9





Populate list of devices

SafeCom Device Utility offers three ways to get the devices into its list of devices: Load from file Create a plain text file with one address (IP address or hostname) per line and save it with the extension dip (Device IP file). On the File menu click Load device list from file Add device Enter the Device address and click Add. Broadcast for devices Click Broadcast to broadcast for devices.



13 SafeCom Device Utility


Working with configurations

Get and edit configuration: 1. 2. Select a device and click Get configuration to retrieve the configuration from the selected device. On the Action menu click Edit configuration to open the configuration in the editor. Configuration files are human readable. Configuration files from SafeCom Go devices are in XML format. Configuration files from SafeCom Controllers are in a special format with BEGIN_CONFIGURATION and END constructions. On the Action menu click Close edit configuration when done editing (or viewing). On the Action menu click Save configuration to file to optionally save the file for subsequent use.

3. 4.

Set configuration: The configuration that is currently uploaded can be loaded to one or more selected device(s), provided these are of the same type. This can be used to clone entire configurations from one device to other devices. 1. 2. Click Set configuration to load the current configuration to the selected device(s) of the same type. Enter User name and Password of the device to authorize the download of the configuration. Check Same for all devices if you are updating multiple devices and they are configured with same the user name and password. A SafeCom Controller has adm as default User name and Password.

3. 4.

A dialog will appear saying either Set configuration succeeded! or Set configuration failed! Click OK.



14 Format of tracking data

14.1 14.2

Format of tracking data

This chapter describes the format of the exported tracking data.

Format history
SafeCom G3 S82 070.400*01 Introduced Unicode support.



14 Format of tracking data


A unique ID for this tracking record. Name of the computer Contains the value of the ApplyExportTrackingID that was supplied the first time this tracking record was exported. Otherwise it is blank. Maximum 20 characters. A unique ID that can be used to link to corresponding transaction (change of credits). The type of cost control the user was set to when copies were made or the document was printed (collected at the printer). The date when the user started collecting the document at the printer. The date when the users document was printed. The state of the tracking. If the state is interrupted it could indicate that an attempt was made to disconnect or otherwise tamper with the SafeCom equipment to bypass tracking. Number of pages to use for tracking purpose of both print and copy jobs. In case of a print job (see JobType) the number of pages is normally the same as reported by ParserPageCount. However, if TrackingState is INTERRUPTED then TrackingPageCount can be less than ParserPageCount. Number of pages as counted by the used SafeCom Pull Port and SafeCom Push Port. This is 0 in case of a copy job (see JobType). The status of the parsing can be seen from PageCountStatus. Number of pages as reported by the Windows printer driver (see DriverName). This is 0 in case of a copy job (see JobType).

Default value

ComputerName ExportTrackingID

TransactionID AccountingModelUsed


StartDate StopDate TrackingState







14 Format of tracking data


The UserLogon of the user who submitted the document for printing. In case of distribution (P-mail) this will differ from UserLogon. Name of the document. Always Copy job in case of copies. The date when the document was submitted for printing, that is when it arrived in the SafeCom job database. Number of bytes The ID (internal) of the user. The ID (internal) of the domain. The users logon name The users domain The users full name Description field The users e-mail The MAC address of the device. The ID (internal) of the device. The name of the device. The location of the device. The IP address of the device. Weather or not double-sided print is supported. Weather or not color is supported. The Model name listed in the SafeCom Administrators Device properties dialog. This is the driver name. It is identical to the Model name listed in the Windows printer properties dialog. The paper size. Typically, A4, A3 or Letter. Is the job set up for doublesided print? Is the job a color job? Empty. Reserved for future use. Empty. Reserved for future use. The billing code. Maximum of 50 characters. The billing code description. Maximum of 50 characters. If YES the billing code can be used to invoice clients. The cost of the job. Calculated based on charging scheme and job/device attributes.

Default value

JobName JobDate

JobSize UserID UserDomainID UserLogon Domain FullName Description Email DeviceMac DeviceID DeviceName DeviceLocation DeviceIpAddr DeviceSupportsDuplex DeviceSupportsColor DeviceModel DriverName

JobPageFormat JobIsDuplex JobIsColor BillingClient BillingAccount BillingCode BillingDescription BillingInvoice JobPrice





14 Format of tracking data


The type of job: Pull print, Push print, Copy, Fax, Scan or Email.

Default value





TrackingColorPageCount JobDestination

TonerSave JobPrice2


PMPortName PMComputerName


Indicates the status of the parsing done with the SafeCom Pull Port and SafeCom Push Port. The internal ID of the Organizational unit the user belongs to. The ID can be seen in the Org. unit properties dialog in SafeCom Administrator. The internal ID of the Organizational unit the device belongs to. The ID can be seen in the Org. unit properties dialog in SafeCom Administrator. If pages were counted by software(0) or hardware(1). Pull and Push print jobs are always counted using software method. Number of pages with color. Empty in case of a print or copy job. If a Fax job this is the phone number of the receiver. In a Scan job this is the name of the folder. If an Email job this is the e-mail address of the receiver. Whether or not toner save was invoked. Reserved for future use. The cost of the job. Calculated based on the secondary charging scheme and job/device attributes. The name of the Windows print queue that was used to print the document via the SafeCom Push Port or SafeCom Pull Port. The name of the SafeCom Push Port or SafeCom Pull Port that was used to print. The computer name of the computer with the Windows print queue using either the SafeCom Push Port or SafeCom Pull Port. The computer name of the client from where the document was formatted.




14 Format of tracking data


The toner coverage is recorded as 100 times the coverage in percent. Example: A toner coverage of 2.5% is recorded as the 250. A toner coverage of 10000 is equal to 100%. Toner coverage is tracked for Copy, Scan, E-mail and Fax jobs on selected HP LaserJet MFPs with SafeCom Go. See TonerCyan. See TonerCyan. See TonerCyan. Users cost code. Number of sheets.

Default value

TonerMagenta TonerYellow TonerBlack UserCostCode


0 0 0



15 SafeCom ID Devices


SafeCom ID Devices
SafeCom offers the following stand-alone card readers. Identification Method SafeCom AWID Reader SafeCom Barcode Reader SafeCom Casi-Rusco Reader SafeCom EM Reader SafeCom HID Reader 35 bit SafeCom HID Reader 37 bit SafeCom iCLASS Reader SafeCom Indala Reader 26 bit SafeCom Indala Reader 29 bit SafeCom Keypad SafeCom Legic Reader SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader (Tr 1) SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader (Tr 2) SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader (Tr 3) SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader DD (Tr 1) SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader DD (Tr 2) SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader DD (Tr 3) SafeCom Mifare Reader SafeCom Nedap Reader USB USB USB USB USB USB USB USB USB USB USB USB Serial Serial Serial Serial Serial Serial Serial Serial Serial Serial Serial Serial Serial Serial Serial Section 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.6 15.7 15.8 15.8 15.9 15.10 15.11 15.11 15.11 15.12 15.12 15.12 15.13


Serial Serial


SafeCom AWID Reader

Dimensions: 6.4 x 10.6 x 2.2 cm. Color is black. Cable length: 1.8 m. When a proximity card is presented to the reader, the red light flashes green.


SafeCom Barcode Reader

Dimensions: 5.2 x 12.7 x 3.5 cm. Color is black. Cable length: 1.8 m. Barcode centerline length: 1.25 cm from bottom of slot to reading window center. Supported barcode formats: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 39, Telepen, Interleaved 2 of 5, Industrial 2 of 5, Code 128, MSI/Plessey, Codabar.


SafeCom Casi-Rusco Reader

Dimensions: 6.4 x 10.6 x 2.2 cm. Color is black. Cable length: 1.8 m. When a proximity card is presented to the reader, the red light flashes green.



15 SafeCom ID Devices


SafeCom EM Reader
Dimensions: 5.5 x 9.0 x 2.0 cm. Color is black. Cable length: 2.0 m. Supports the following card technologies: EM41xx, UNIQUE, TITAN, Hitag 1/2/S and Paxton. The card reader can signal status via lights and beeps when used with SafeCom Go: Status Nobody is logged in Card is presented User is logged in Ligths Solid red Flashing green Solid green Beeps Off One Off


SafeCom HID Reader

Dimensions: 5.5 x 9.0 x 2.0 cm. Color is black. Cable length: 2.0 m. The reader is available in a 35 bit (most common) and a 37 bit version. The card reader can signal status via lights and beeps when used with SafeCom Go: Status Nobody is logged in Card is presented User is logged in Ligths Solid red Flashing green Solid green Beeps Off One Off


SafeCom iCLASS Reader

Dimensions: 5.5 x 9.0 x 2.0 cm. Color is black. Cable length: 2.0 m. The card reader can signal status via lights and beeps when used with SafeCom Go: Status Nobody is logged in Card is presented User is logged in Ligths Solid red Flashing green Solid green Beeps Off One Off


SafeCom Indala Reader

Dimensions: 6.4 x 10.6 x 2.2 cm. Color is black. Cable length: 1.8 m. The card reader is available in a 26 bit version (most common) and a 29 bit version. When a proximity card is presented to the reader, the red light flashes green.



15 SafeCom ID Devices


SafeCom Keypad
The SafeCom Keypad USB (p/n 699010) can be used with SafeCom Go HP on the HP Color LaserJet 3000, 3800 and 4700. The SafeCom Keypad is powered from the printers USB port. Dimension: 10.7 x 15.8 x 3.8 cm. Color is black. Cable length: 1.5 m. The SafeCom Keypad Serial (p/n 974010) can be used with SafeCom Go HP on the HP LaserJet 4250, 4350, 4650 and 5550. The SafeCom Keypad is powered from the supplied switch mode power supply (Input: 230V~, 50Hz/145mA, Output: 12V, 1.3A). Dimension: 10.7 x 15.8 x 3.8 cm. Color is black. Cable length: 1.5 m.

15.10 SafeCom Legic Reader

Dimensions: 5.5 x 9.0 x 2.0 cm. Color is black. Cable length: 2.0 m. The card reader can signal status via lights and beeps when used with SafeCom Go: Status Nobody is logged in Card is presented User is logged in Ligths Solid red Flashing green Solid green Beeps Off One Off

15.11 SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader

Dimensions: 3.0 x 9.0 x 2.8 cm. Color is black. Cable length: 2.0 m. The card reader should be mounted on a plain clean surface. The card reader can signal status via its two lights and beeper when used with SafeCom Controller: Status Standby Card is read Documents No documents Prevent login Card read failed Unknown card Other errors Ligths Off Green is on Green and red Green and red Off Green and red Green and red Green and red Beeps Off One One Two Off Six Six Six

are flashing once are flashing twice are flashing six times are flashing six times are flashing six times

15.12 SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader DD



15 SafeCom ID Devices

15.13 SafeCom Mifare Reader

Dimensions: 5.5 x 9.0 x 2.0 cm. Color is black. Cable length: 2.0 m. The card reader can signal status via lights and beeps when used with SafeCom Go: Status Nobody is logged in Card is presented User is logged in Ligths Solid red Flashing green Solid green Beeps Off One Off



16 Troubleshooting


SafeCom Help Desk Assistant
We want your SafeCom solution to be one that reduces not only print costs, but is also easy to support. In the following you will find useful troubleshoot hints. The most common problems reported by end-users have been compiled into an online SafeCom Help Desk Assistant available at safecom.eu/help


SafeCom Administrator: Login failed

When you try to login to a group with SafeCom Administrator it reports: Login failed. You should check your user logon, password and that you do have Administrator rights (5.8.4). Remember that if you belong to a domain (5.8.1) you must specify the domain followed by a slash (/) or a backslash (\) in front of the user logon. Alternatively you can specify user logon followed by (@) and the domain, like this ADMIN@MYDOMAIN.


SafeCom Administrator: Unable to locate all SafeCom servers

The SafeCom Administrator uses broadcasts to locate the SafeCom servers. If your network is a VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) then it may prevent the SafeCom Administrator from locating the SafeCom servers. To solve the problem you should enter the SafeCom servers IP addresses directly in the list of individual Broadcast addresses on the Network tab in the Options dialog (5.10.3). If the server group appears with a question mark it is either because the SafeCom server is not running or because it is not referencing the IP addresses of the SafeCom server. 1. 2. 3. Start SafeCom Administrator (5.3) and right-click the group in the Server groups pane and click Server group properties (5.5). In IP address of entry point you should enter the IP address of the SafeCom server. Click OK. Login to the group and open the Server properties dialog (5.7.1). In IP address you should enter the IP address of the SafeCom server. Click OK. 355


16 Troubleshooting

The IP address of the SafeCom server can be obtained by logging into the SafeCom server, start a Command Prompt and type ipconfig -all


SafeCom Administrator: Unable to locate all SafeCom devices

The SafeCom device will only appear in the SafeCom Administrator after it was added through the SafeCom Administrator or after a user with either Technician or Administrator rights (5.8.4) has logged in. If you are attempting to Broadcast (8.5) for SafeCom Controllers: 1. 2. In SafeCom Administrator click on the Actions menu, Options and verify that the list of Broadcasts addresses on the Network tab is correct. Contact a network administrator that has access to the DHCP server. The network administrator can login to the DHCP server and see the IP address that is assigned to the device.


SafeCom Administrator: Users are missing

This might be because the users either are not associated to a server or they belong to another server than the one you are looking at. Click on the Find tool button and then click Retrieve all (7.6).


SafeCom Administrator: Add user failed and Add alias failed

This is because either a user with the specified user logon or alias (5.8.6) exists already. Consult the SafeCom server event log (5.15) to see which user is causing the conflict.


SafeCom Administrator: License does not take effect

Nothing happens when you try to apply a new license key code (4.9). Please close SafeCom Administrator and start it again, but this time right-click SafeCom Administrator and select Run as administrator.


SafeCom Administrator: Controls in dialog are not visible

The menus and controls in SafeCom Administrator adapt to reflect the SafeCom license key code and the rights with which you are logged into SafeCom Administrator. However, if certain control in the dialog displayed by the SafeCom Administrator is not completely visible it may be because the



16 Troubleshooting

resolution of the screen is configured for different value than 96 dpi. Please change the resolution to 96 dpi.


User is not created at first print

First verify that Create users at first print is checked (5.7.2). If the user is printing from a Workgroup computer to a shared SafeCom Pull Printer (4.11) the user must be known on the server under the exact same logon and password as used on the client. If this is not the case the print job is stored under the server account that owns the printer, typically the Administrator or Guest account. If the server and the client belong to the same domain there is no problem.

16.10 Device web interface: Displayed incorrectly or settings not saved

Your web browser must allow use of JavaScript (Active Scripting). The steps below apply to Internet Explorer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Start Internet Explorer. On the Tools menu click Internet Options Click on the Security tab in the Internet Options dialog. Click on Custom Level to open the Security Settings dialog. Scroll down to Scripting, Active scripting and click Enable. Click OK. Click OK.

16.11 At the printer: Out of order

This message is displayed when communication is lost to the SafeCom server. Check the following: Does the web page of the SafeCom device reference a SafeCom server and is the IP address and Group name correct? Is the SafeCom Service running on the SafeCom server (16.30)? Is the network down? Is there a firewall blocking the communication (4.2.5)? Is the SafeCom Controller connected to the network via the MDI/MDI-X port? If the network is up and running the ports green light should be on and its yellow light should be flashing. Is the printer connected to the network?

The message is cleared and the device returns to normal operation by itself a couple of minutes after communication has been restored.



16 Troubleshooting

16.12 At the printer: User unknown

The used card (or entered user code) is unknown. The user needs a PUK code from the administrator. Refer to 7.5 and 7.12.

16.13 At the printer: Login denied

Wrong PIN code. The device is not registered. For SafeCom Controller refer to the SafeCom Controller Administrators Manual and for SafeCom Go refer to the How to chapter in the appropriate SafeCom Go Administrators Manual (See list in 1.11). Too many consecutive failed login attempts has caused Prevent login to be checked on the Identification tab in the User properties dialog (5.8.1).

If none of the above accounts for the message it could be because the Windows system on the SafeCom server does not allow any more connections. If you also get a Connection error. Login failed when you try to login to SafeCom Administrator, then you should restart the computer.

16.14 At the printer: Restricted access

The user is not allowed to use the device (5.12.3). A Pay user is trying to login and Pay is not checked on the License tab in the Device properties dialog.

16.15 At the printer: Error printing document

Pull Print is cleared on the License tab in the Device properties dialog (5.9.3). Pull Print is cleared on the Settings tab in the Device properties dialog (5.9.1).

16.16 At the printer: Question mark before the document name

The list of supported printer drivers does not include an entry matching the driver you used. Use the web browser to add the driver name to the list (5.7.3).

16.17 At the printer: Printer busy, retry later

The 'Print busy, retry later' message in the printers control panel indicates that SafeCom cannot get exclusive ownership of the printer. With exclusive ownership it is ensured that it is your documents only that prints while you are logged in. If you get this message for no apparent reason it could also be because SNMP is disabled on the printer. Please enable SNMP on the printer.



16 Troubleshooting

16.18 At the printer: Printer keeps rebooting

Please check that the printers formatter board is properly in place.

16.19 At the printer: Copy not allowed

Please check that MFP is checked in the Device properties dialog (5.9.1).

16.20 At the printer: Login error <number>

Is the SafeCom Service running on the SafeCom server? Is the SafeCom device registered at the SafeCom server?

16.21 At the printer: Error printing: General Failure

The document you are trying to print is no longer on the SafeCom server. This may happen if you login at two or more devices and try to do a print all simultaneously.

16.22 At the printer: Card reading not working

Is the card reader powered and firmly connected? Is the card compatible with the reader? Try to move the card reader away from the printer to check that if it is electrical interference that prevents the reader from working.

16.23 Document is not printed

Is the print queue paused? Is the printer powered on and connected? Is the printer online? Is intervention required? Check for: 1) wrong paper size, 2) manual feed, 3) out of paper, 4) paper jam or 5) toner low.

16.24 Some documents are missing

User is trying to collect document that has not yet been transferred to the SafeCom solution. Please allow sufficient time for the document to be processed and spooled. Try to login again. Did the user make a previous attempt to print the documents on another printer, but walked way before collecting the documents, perhaps because the printer required intervention or needed to warm up? Consult SafeCom Tracking data (if available) to confirm this is the case. Is Filter document list (5.7.3) enabled to control that only documents generated by certain drivers are available for printing on a given printer?



16 Troubleshooting

The printer may have discarded the document due to driver compatibility problems. Try to print the same document directly to the printer to verify that this has nothing to do with SafeCom.

16.25 Document is printed wrongly

Could it be caused by a paper jam? Is the toner low? Does the driver support the printer? If PostScript or PCL data is sent to a printer that does not support it, the result may be garbage print. Change to a printer driver that supports the printer.

16.26 Nothing is copied

Is the MFP powered on and is the SafeCom MFP Cable connected? Is the MFP online? Is intervention required? Check for: 1) out of paper, 2) paper jam or 3) toner low.

16.27 Driver names are missing

During the installation of the SafeCom Front-end you are presented with a list of driver names. The list of driver names is provided and maintained by the SafeCom server. New driver names are automatically added to the list when a document is printed from a printer that uses the SafeCom Pull Port. If you are missing some driver names on the list, then it is because you have not printed a document with that driver.

16.28 Add Printer Wizard: Specified port cannot be added

When you try to configure a Windows printer to use the SafeCom Pull Port or Push Port you may see the message: Specified port cannot be added. The request is not supported. You will see this message if you try to create a shared SafeCom printer on a clustered server and you try to do this from another computer than the two nodes.



16 Troubleshooting

16.29 Local SafeCom Pull Printer is unable to print

Use the SafeCom Administrator to check if the document is on the users Job list. If this is the case, then it could be because the SafeCom Pull Port used by the local SafeCom Pull Printer cannot connect to the SafeCom server. Open the Configure SafeCom Pull Port dialog (4.13.2) and enter the IP address of the SafeCom server.

16.30 How to restart the SafeCom Service

1. 2. Click Start, type services.msc into the Search box and press ENTER.. Locate the SafeCom Service. The Status field should say started if the SafeCom Service is running, otherwise it will say stopped. Right-click the SafeCom Service and click Restart.

16.31 How to restart the Print Spooler

1. 2. Click Start, type services.msc into the Search box and press ENTER. Locate the Print Spooler. The Status field should say started if the Print Spooler is running, otherwise it will say stopped. Right-click the Print Spooler and click Restart. Note: If other services, such as Fax, depend on the Print Spooler these must also be stopped.



16 Troubleshooting

16.32 Users computer: Unable to connect to SafeCom server

Either the SafeCom server is not running or the SafeCom Pull Port cannot broadcast to the SafeCom server. 1. 2. Open the Configure SafeCom Pull Port dialog (4.13.2). Test the connection to the configured SafeCom server(s).

16.33 Users computer: Please contact your administrator!

In case of problems preventing the user from printing his document via SafeCom the Messenger Service dialog will appear on the screen.

Typical messages: Unable to connect to SafeCom server (16.32). There is not enough disk space on the SafeCom server. Unable to logon to the SafeCom database. SafeCom license violation. You are unknown to the SafeCom solution.

The above SafeCom generated messages will appear after any print notification messages sent by the Windows print subsystem. For this reason we recommend that you disable notification messages from the Windows print subsystem. On the Windows server open the Printers folder. On the File menu, click Server Properties and click the Advanced tab. Refer to online Windows help.



16 Troubleshooting

16.34 Import users: No users imported

When using the Import user function as described in 7.3 you may end up with no or only a partial import of users. Please check the following: The separator specified in the CSV import (7.3.8) does not match the actual separator used in the CSV file. Use Notepad or another editor to verify the separator in the CSV file. The specified field name is not the correct one or is typed wrongly. The specified import file is non-existing, empty or formatted wrongly. Remember, the pathname has to be written as seen from the SafeCom server and accessible from the SafeCom server. The difference between the existing users and the users in the import file exceeds the percentage specified by Max user deletion. In a multi server installation, the users will not appear until they have a home server assigned. Use Find users (7.6) to see the imported users.

For additional troubleshooting you may wish to consult the log file produced during the attempted import (7.3.16).

16.35 Multi server installation

In a multi server installation you may experience some of these problems: User is unknown when logging in on some devices This happens if the replication from the master server to the slave servers does not work. Refer to section 4.6.4 and verify that the replication is working. Remember to set SQLSERVERAGENT to automatic startup (4.6.2).

16.36 Restore SafeCom server

If restarting the SafeCom Service (16.30) and Print Spooler (16.31) does not bring your SafeCom solution back into operation, you may wish to restart the computer itself. If the SafeCom Service is using an SQL server on another computer then check that it is up and running. If none of these suggestions brings your SafeCom solution back into operation it can suggest more severe issues with the computer and it may become necessary to restore the SafeCom server (3.9).

16.37 scPopUp: The publisher could not be verified

If you run scPopUp.exe (4.14.1) from a file share and Windows presents a Security Warning stating The publisher could not be verified you should perform these steps: 1. 2. 3. Click Start, type inetcpl.cpl into the Search box and press ENTER. The Internet Properties dialog appears. Click on the Security tab. Select Local intranet as Zone. Click Sites.



16 Troubleshooting

4. 5. 6.

Ensure that Include all local (intranet) sites not listed in other zones is checked. Click Advanced. Enter the website (\\share) and click Add. Click Close. Click OK. Click OK.



17 Administrators installation notes


Administrators installation notes

This chapter contains forms that allow you to record relevant information about the SafeCom solution. The information is relevant when multiple people are involved in the solution over time in connection with for example maintenance and support.


If the solution is a multi server solution it is recommended to produce a diagram (using Microsoft Visio or a similar tool). The diagram should include the different servers and ports used. This section contains three types of tables: SafeCom master Server SQL master Server SafeCom slave Server

The right-most column in the tables contains one or more letters. Use the letters with the legend below: Legend: A If the SafeCom server is clustered all other SafeCom components (devices, port monitors, etc.) must reference Virtual Server and not the nodes. Otherwise failover will not function properly. B The SafeCom license key code is based on the Computer Name (4.9.1), unless the master server is clustered in which case it is based on the Cluster Name (4.9.2). C A SafeCom multi server solution requires the SafeCom master server to use Microsoft SQL Server. Enter SQL Server 2008 R2 Express or SQL. If the SQL server resides on another server then added the word Remote and fill-in the SQL master server table. D Enter the SafeCom G3 version. Example: S82 070.400*01. E Enter the Windows OS information. Example: Windows 2003 SP2 64-bit. F Normally a cluster has two nodes. Add more rows if required. G If the SQL server is clustered the reference to the SQL server should be NetworkName\instancename. Otherwise it should be computername\instancename. The instance name is case sensitive. H Normal practice is to install and use SQL Server 2008 R2 Express on SafeCom slave servers.



17 Administrators installation notes

17.2.1 SafeCom master server

SafeCom master server Server address Computer Name SQL / Express SafeCom G3 version S82 070. Windows OS Cluster information Cluster Group Server address Cluster Name Disk Resource (Q) Server address Network Name Disk Resource Spool folder SC print job folder SQL folder Server address Network Name Disk Resource Spool folder Server address Heartbeat address Network Name Server address Heartbeat address Network Name B A A A B C D E

Virtual Server 1

Virtual Server 2 Node 1 Node 2




17 Administrators installation notes

17.2.2 SQL master server

SQL master server Server address Computer Name SQL SQL instancename Windows OS Cluster information Cluster Group Virtual Server Node 1 Node 2 Folder Server address Cluster Name Disk Resource (Q) Server address Network Name Disk Resource Server address Heartbeat address Network Name Server address Heartbeat address Network Name SQL G




17 Administrators installation notes

17.2.3 SafeCom slave server

SafeCom slave server Server address Computer Name SQL / Express SafeCom G3 version S82 070. Windows OS Cluster information Cluster Group Server address Cluster Name Disk Resource (Q) Server address Network Name Disk Resource Spool folder SC print job folder SQL folder Server address Network Name Disk Resource Spool folder Server address Heartbeat address Network Name Server address Heartbeat address Network Name A B C D E

Virtual Server 1


Virtual Server 2 Node 1 Node 2




17 Administrators installation notes

17.2.4 Failover servers

In case you intend to increase resilience by specifying failover servers (6.7) you can use the table below to record the priorities. Failover servers Server address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Prioritized failover servers


User identification
How are users identified at the devices? Identification Method User code SafeCom Casi-Rusco Reader SafeCom Cotag Reader SafeCom Deister Reader SafeCom EM Reader SafeCom Felica Reader SafeCom HID Reader 35 bit SafeCom HID Reader 37 bit SafeCom iCLASS Reader SafeCom Indala Reader 26bit SafeCom Indala Reader 29bit SafeCom IoProx SafeCom Legic Reader SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader, Track 1 SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader, Track 2 SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader, Track 3 SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader DD, Tr 1 SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader DD, Tr 2 SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader DD, Tr 3 SafeCom Mifare Reader SafeCom NEDAP Reader SafeCom NexWatch Reader



17 Administrators installation notes


Devices can be SafeCom-enabled by means of: External solution Involves the SafeCom Controller and a SafeCom ID Device (normally the SafeCom Front-end). This solution is pretty independent of the printer firmware version. Internal solution Involves the SafeCom Go series. Available for Canon, HP and Ricoh. SafeCom software is installed on the devices hard disk or on a memory module. Attaching a SafeCom ID Device (card reader) may require a SafeCom ID Kit. Always check if there are any dependencies of the printer firmware version. Embedded solution Involves the SafeCom Go series for Xerox. User interaction is via the devices control panel, but SafeCom communication happens via the SafeCom Controller. Always check if there are any dependencies of the printer firmware version.

Use the table below to record the SafeCom device and printer firmware level. Device Model HP Color LaserJet CM4730 MFP Xerox WorkCentre Pro 255 Firmware 50.011.6 Ext. SafeCom Int./ Emb. X X Version S89 110.030*42 S80 508.770*42


Printer drivers
Printer driver HP Color LaserJet 4730mfp PS Version



18 Index


Color supported, 167 Commit billing codes, 312 Completed jobs, 289 Computer name, 97 Configure SafeCom Pull Port, 109 Copy Control, 167 Cost recovery, 324 Counter measures, 325 Create e-mail addresses, 145 Create users at first print, 39, 145 Customize e-mail messages, 154 Data Mining, 289 Database, 52 Database integrity check, 143 Database update log, 52 Default charging scheme, 284 Default user, 146 Delete billgin codes, 323 Delete charging scheme, 284 Delete devices, 252 Delete print jobs, 143 Delete server, 201 Delete server group, 199 Delete tracking data, 288 Delete users, 237 Deposit, 166 Device properties dialog, 167 Device statistics, 289 Device status, 257 DHCP server, 261 Difference between print and copy, 341 Disk space, 21, 43 Document fidelity, 45, 147 Document history, 27 Document list, 262 Domain, 16 Domains, 31 Driver name, 16, 45, 360 Dual charging scheme, 16, 272 Duplex, 278 Duplex supported, 167 E-mail error messages, 148 E-mail notification on credits reserved, 340 E-mail PUK code to new users, 148 E-mail service messages, 148 EmailBilling.txt, 314 EmailJobDelete.txt, 156 EmailPUK.txt, 155

A3 size, 278 A4 size, 278 Accounting policy, 324 Active scripting, 357 Add billing codes, 323 Add charging scheme, 278 Add device, 243 Add group, 228 Add server, 199 Add server group, 198 Add user, 235 Adjustment of tracking data, 271 ADMIN account, 138 Administrative overhead, 34 Administrator, 162 Aliases, 165 Allow users to change PIN code, 145 Apple Mac, 46 Application Programming Interface, 35 Associate charging scheme with device, 283 Authentication dialog, 109, 112 Awareness, 325 Backup, 56, 274 Benefits, 29 Billing code, 16 Billing codes, 18, 310 Broadcast addresses, 174 Broadcast for devices, 250 Broadcast timeout, 174 Built-in accounts, 138 Card lost, 240 card number conversion, 128 Cashier, 330 Cashless solution, 325 Change location of SafeCom print files, 76 Charge, 166 Charge method, 278 Charge per job, 278 Charge per page, 278 Charging scheme, 16, 272, 278 on SafeCom Pull Port, 122 Cheating, 340 Checklist, 37 Citrix, 125 Client installation, 64 Cluster installation, 97 Color, 278



18 Index

EmailWarning.txt, 156 EmailWelcome.txt, 155 Encryption, 16, 124 Error printing document, 358 Event log, 48 Event log dialog, 193 ExcludeJobNames.txt, 262 Export tracking data, 287 External file share, 75 Extract logon, 114 Failed jobs, 289 Failover servers, 202 FAQ, 29 Filter document list, 147 filtercard.dll, 128 Find billing codes, 323 Find devices, 248 Find users, 235 Firewall, 65 Frequently asked questions, 29 Front-end, 19 Full cost recovery, 324 Group info, 176 Group print, 190 Group properties dialog, 142 Help Desk Assistant, 34, 355 Home server, 17, 158 Host access list, 125 Host systems, 46 ID code conversion, 128 ID devices, 23 Import billing codes, 315 Import users, 207 Install a card reader on a computer, 126 Install license key code, 97 Install SafeCom Administrator, 130 Installation, 62 Interrupted jobs, 289 JavaScript, 357 Job data string, 114 Job list, 289 Job name pricing, 341 JobNamePricing.txt, 342 Launch Datamining, 288 LCD, 31 Letter size, 278 License dialog, 141 License key code, 17, 97

Local SafeCom Pull Printer, 44, 104 Login denied, 358 Login without PIN code, 159 Lost card, 240 Low limit, 166, 332 Mac, 46 Mainframe, 46 Manuals, 24 Master server, 17 Max login attempts, 145 Member of, 164 Memory, 74 MFP, 17 Modifier, 278 Modify billing codes, 323 Money Server, 19 Monitor device status, 257 MSCS, 17 Multi Function Printer, 17 Multi server installation, 89 Multi Server Support, 17 Network ports, 22, 50 Notification, 48 Notify administrator, 325 Novell, 46 Offline tracking, 275 Online status, 257 Online tracking, 275 Organizational units, 182, 228 Out of order, 357 PAE X86, 74 Paging file, 74 Paper size, 278 Partial cost recovery, 324 Password, 162 Patent, 2 Pay, 324 PCL, 22, 299, 308 Physical Address Extension, 74 PIN code, 17 Planning, 36, 272, 324 Pooling, 108 Port Configurator, 270 Port monitor, 15, 17 Port numbers, 22, 50 Post tracking, 271 PostScript, 22 Prevent cheating, 340 Print all at login, 159 Print from other systems, 46



18 Index

Print once, 190 Print Spooler, 361 Printer pooling, 108 Processes, 49 Proxy server, 174 PUK code, 17 Pull Port Charging scheme, 122 Pull Print, 18, 167 Pull Printing, 15, 263 Push Print, 18, 167, 264 Push tracking, 34, 264 Quota control, 324 RAID, 33 RAM DISK, 359 RBP, 20 Re-installation, 77 Release credits, 325 Release credits reserved on error, 340 Reply address, 148 Reserved, 166, 332 Reserved credits, 341 Resilience, 202 Restart devices, 260 Restore, 56, 274 Restricted access, 31, 167, 184, 261, 358 Retain documents, 159 Roll out considerations, 47 Rule Based Printing, 20 SafeCom Administrator, 129 SafeCom App Print, 84 SafeCom Application Print, 84 SafeCom Billing, 18 SafeCom Client, 18 SafeCom Controller, 19 SafeCom Data Mining, 289 SafeCom Device Utility, 343 SafeCom ePay, 19 SafeCom Front-end, 19 SafeCom Go, 13, 19 SafeCom Help Desk Assistant, 34, 355 SafeCom Job Server, 19 SafeCom Money Loader, 19, 325 SafeCom Money Server, 19 SafeCom Pay, 324 SafeCom PopUp, 116 Configuration, 120 Dialog timeout, 122 SafeCom Port Configurator, 270 SafeCom Print Client, 20, 79 SafeCom processes, 49

SafeCom Pull Port, 109 SafeCom Rule Based Printing, 20 SafeCom Service, 49 SafeCom Tracking Server, 20 SafeCom Web Interface, 20 safecom_trace folder, 58 SAP print, 114 Scalability, 32 scBackup, 57 sccoremssql, 52 scdbu.log, 52 sceventmssql, 52 Schedule billing code import, 315 Scheduled tracking data collection, 276 Scheduled user import, 207 scping, 49 scPopUp.exe, 116 arguments, 117 scpursemssql, 52 scRuleExecuter.dll, 298, 309 scStartup.cmd, 58 sctrackingmssql, 52 Server group name, 20 Server installation, 63 Server properties dialog, 143 Server requirements, 21 Service, 49 Set low limit, 166, 332 Shared SafeCom Pull Printer, 44, 103 Smart Card, 325, 336 SMTP mail server, 148 SQL collation, 68 SQL database, 52 SQL user safecominstall, 68, 71 Standard user, 162 Statistics dialog, 192 Subject for job name pricing, 278 Synchronize groups, 228 System integration, 35 System requirements, 21 Clients, 22 Printers, 22 Server, 21 TCP port numbers, 22, 50 TECH account, 138 Technician, 162 Terms, 16 Test server, 134 Tool installation, 64 Touch tone, 147, 148 Touch-screen, 31 Trace, 58



18 Index

scStartup.cmd, 58 Trace facility, 61 Tracking, 263 Tracking data, 287 Tracking data adjustment, 271 Tracking Server, 20 Trademarks, 2 Transactions dialog, 339 Translate e-mail messages, 154 Troubleshooting, 355 UDP port numbers, 22, 50 Unable to connect to SafeCom server, 362 Uncollected documents, 33 Unfinished job, 340 UnfinishedJob.txt, 340 Uninstall SafeCom, 78 SQL Server 2008 R2 Express, 78 UNIX, 46 Update log, 52 Update SafeCom software Multi server installation, 96

Single server, 77 Update software SafeCom devices, 252 Upgrade from Express to SQL, 87 Use job data logon, 114 User account dialog, 166 User code, 38, 40, 41 User created at first print, 357 User creation, 38 User import, 207 User properties dialog, 157 User statistics, 289 User unknown, 358 Virtual memory, 74 Virtual server, 20 Windows Firewall, 65 Windows printer pooling, 108 Windows registry settings, 53 Windows Terminal Service, 125 WTS, 125



18 Index



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