Physics Mini Project
Physics Mini Project
Physics Mini Project
Visible light rays are the only electromagnetic waves we can see, and are not used, but rather emitted from lamps, computer screens, cellphones and torches. Ultraviolet light is used in fluorescent lamps, astronomy, pest control, disinfecting drinking water and sun tanning. X-rays are used in hospitals often, to see through a persons body to help doctors figure out what is wrong with the patient. Gamma rays are used often in telescopes, as well as in scanners in parts of the US to check for hazardous substances in secure containers.
3. Penetrating Ability
The type of electromagnetic wave depends on penetrating ability. The higher the frequency, the more powerful the penetration ability. The penetration ability from smallest to biggest is the same as Question 1, because that is the order of increasing frequency.
Gamma rays and X-rays are the most dangerous of all electromagnetic waves. They can cause serious damage. If too much radiation gets under your skin, the particles in the rays collide with your particles, and thus they change you pattern structure, and they can therefore cause mutations, for example, cancer.