M530562a Modelling Workshop - Empire
M530562a Modelling Workshop - Empire
M530562a Modelling Workshop - Empire
Dom Murrays Handgunner Marksman has the body, legs, head and hat (hanging from his belt) from the new Greatsword kit.
Another of Doms models, this Captain was made largely from the Pistolier kit. The legs are taken from the Militia kit.
The head of this model is from the Empire Wizard kit, with the beard clipped off. The body and legs are taken from the Greatswords set.
The last of Doms models is made up entirely from Greatsword parts. The banner is made from paper, the design taken from the new book.
For this months Modelling Workshop we take a look at the many Empire plastic kits now available. We handed loads of plastic frames to the Studios best modellers, and told them to go kit-bash crazy!
ith the new releases out this month, the Empire has more plastic components at its disposal than ever before. If youre a modeller and lets face it, if youre a hobbyist then odds on you are then the Empire army is a dream come true for converting and customising your models. The Empire has never been just the human army in Warhammer. The mixture of tradition, technology and magic make the lands and armies of this nation as bizarre and peculiar as any of the other races. This is what makes them exciting both from a background and modelling point of view. The Uniform & Heraldry book distils and captures some of this madness but, as the books authors have already explained elsewhere, it would be an impossible task to describe every eccentricity and oddity in the Empire. What the book does is provide inspiration, both for the painter and, especially, the modeller. The background passages, drawings, and heraldic symbols on display can be transferred to your army to personalise your collection. The wealth of plastic frames makes this job even easier, as well as a joy to do. In this article weve let some wellknown modellers with an affinity for the Empire go a bit crazy; their only brief was to use bits from the Empire plastic range. Heres what theyve come up with.
When planning your conversions, the illustrations in Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire are a great source of inspiration.
The head of this Talabheim Captain, by Neil Hodgson, is taken from the State Troopers kit and makes this hero look like a seasoned veteran. The sword and arm with helmet are bits from the Knightly Orders kit.
The body of Nick Baytons Hochland Captain is taken from the Empire General kit. The right arm and stock is from a Handgunner, with the barrel of a long rifle spliced on.
This officious-looking chap was based on a body from the Archer kit. The parchment is a Flagellant component and the head is from the Greatswords frame.
For this Talabheim General, Neil Hodgson replaced the horses crest with a banner top from the Knightly Orders kit. The cloak is taken from an Outrider, and adds a little extra volume to the model. The two shields from the State Troopers frame have been added to the steed and tie the models heraldry more closely to the province of Talabheim. Mark Jones Middenheim General has a greatsword, made from the Empire Generals plastic sword, with some extra work done around the hilt. The wolf cloak is taken from the Knights of the White Wolf frame.
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You dont have to stop at converting character models; the kits offer enough scope to customise every model in your army.
This Marksman was made entirely from the Archer frame. Levelling the bow at a horizontal angle differentiates the unit champion from the rest of the Archers. The sheathed sword hanging from his belt also adds extra detail.
Nick Baytons Reikland Crossbowmen were created by combining Greatsword bodies with Crossbowmen arms. For the heads a mixture of Archer, Greatsword and State Trooper parts were used.
The Wolfenburg Twice-Bolds were made by Chad Mierzwa, mainly using parts from the Greatswords and Archer kits. The bodies and arms are from the Greatsword frame. The heads are a mix of White Wolf parts from the Knightly Orders kit, and the new Archers. The cloaks also come from the White Wolf frame.
These Hochland Handgunners were painted by Mark Jones. They use Archer heads and bodies. The right arms and weapons come from the Handgunners kit, while the shield arms from the State Troops complete the figure. This Outrider Champion is a straight mix of Greatsword and Outrider components. Note the laurels on the horses chest.
Pete Riordan built this Middenland champion using a body from a State Trooper, a Flagellant head and the arms from the White Wolf frame.
This is a very simple conversion by Chris Peach. Nearly every component is taken from the Pistolier frame, the only exception being the head, which is from the Greatsword Champion. Chris has painted up the model as a Bgenhafen Pistolier. Bgenhafeners are famous for their wealth, so the long plume on the hat gives the model a lavish, effete look.
In the army list Knights can be armed with a great weapon instead of a lance. Here Nick has represented this by simply replacing the Knights torso for a Greatsword body, head and weapon.
Chris Peach has been busy, this time building these Halberdiers and painting them in the colours of Ostermark. He used Greatsword bodies, halberds from the State Troops kit, and Pistolier heads to give them a very distinctive look.
This Nordland Free Company was created using a mix of parts from the Archer, Greatsword and Flagellant kits. As Nordland is a coastal state, Chris wanted to give them a slightly nautical feel; hence the inclusion of eye patches, anchor tattoos and even a sea chart pinned to the back of one model.
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Dave really is an exemplar when it comes to Empire modelling. Here are just a few examples of his work.
The streamers flowing from the Knights helmet were made with thin plasticard.
Dave used a tiny bit of Green Stuff to seamlessly blend the beast pelt onto the back of this Knights shoulders.
The shield is scratch-built from plasticard to provide a flat surface for painting.
The Knights standard pole was made from plasticard rod cut to fit.
This model, built using components from the Empire General and other kits, represents the missing Elector Count of Talabecland, Helmut Feuerbach. He is depicted here as he was when he rode out to battle the forces of Chaos a battle from which he has not yet returned.
The crest is made from a State Troops banner top, with extra feathers added.
Dave decided to show Helmut charging with a lance, and thus scratch-built a sheathed Runefang.
Daves Halberdiers hail from Talabecland. They carry a very striking banner depicting an hourglass, painted in freehand by Dave. The hourglass is a very pertinent icon thats often seen as a heraldic device in banners, on shields and as charms dangling from belts throughout the Empire. As a symbol its generally seen to represent change or even death.
These knights have been built mainly from the Pistoliers and Knightly Orders frames. There are a few other details worthy of note. The crests on their helmets are all banner tops from the State Troops frames and the griffon shield is actually a piece of ornamental detail from the Warhammer Fortified Manor House. Dave has painted the knights to ride together as one unit, his thinking is that they are not all from the same order but a group of disparate and dispossessed knights and nobles sons, who have found solace riding together.
Frame Mountain
The command group really is a mix of components formed together to create a bespoke rank of soldiers. Legs from an Empire artillery crew have largely been used with bodies from the Empire Militia kits, and some even older plastic bits that have been unearthed from Daves towering plastic frame pile (see opposite).
Dave is a master modeller with a particular talent for creating and painting Empire soldiers. As you can see from this photo, his work area is just a mound of frames from which he takes components and combines them into the great-looking models, of which just a few are shown here. Dave doesnt tend to work with a plan or certain aim in mind he simply combs through his large plastics pile, taking bits from frames he likes and coming up with the models as he goes.
Mike has a real passion for creating elegant, converted single Empire miniatures and then painting them up. Recently, hes started to convert models for a whole army, each one worthy of a place in one of his single figure dioramas.
This grizzled veteran is seeking his fortune in the City of the Damned. This is a fairly simple conversion with a scenic base. The model is brought to life by the details, such as the signpost and the hidden wyrdstone.
Militia Warband
Mike based this warband around the character of a Stirland Vampire Hunter. His favourite model is the Warrior Priest, which was built from a Flagellant, with a Greatswords arm and breastplate, and a high collar from the Battle Wizard frame. The rest are mostly made from Archers with Greatsword heads. The Sergeants head is from a Wizard, with a Greatswords helm.
Knights Panther on foot Scout Captain Warrior Priest
This brilliantly painted Greatsword is an almost straight build from the kit. There are three very subtle conversions: the pennant from the sword is taken from another component on the Greatsword frame; the large feather has been culled from the champions hat; while the eye patch was made from Green Stuff.
Vampire Hunter
Empire Wizards
Mike envisaged this unit as a group of surly, warweary soldiers. To emphasise this hes mixed State Troops parts with Greatswords to turn them into hardened veterans. There are also a few Archer heads in there, too.
When kit-bashing, you dont have to stick to frames from your own army. These Battle Wizards are great examples, using bitz taken from Wood Elves and even Vampire Counts. These models were converted especially for our Battle Wizard painting contest next month, which promises to be a bit special! Stay tuned.
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