The Fifth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-5)
The Fifth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-5)
The Fifth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-5)
This fifth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-5) assessment
report is a product of the strong dedication and extraordinary
investment of numerous individuals, whose knowledge,
expertise and insight helped shape this important body of
work. UNEP acknowledges the contributions made by many
governments, individuals and institutions to the preparation and
publication of this report. A full list of names of individuals and
institutions involved in the assessment process is included from
pages 498504. Special thanks are extended to:
Outreach Group
Adel Farid Abdel-Kader, Robert Barnes, Matthew Billot,
Peter Browne, Bryan Coll, Richard Crompton, Ivica Cvetanovski,
Salif Diop, Marie Daher, Silvia Giada, Peter Gilruth,
Elisabeth Guilbaud-Cox, Suzanne Howard, Alexander Juras,
Satwant Kaur, Fatoumata Keita-Ouane, Fanina Kodre-Alexander,
Alejandro Laguna, Thor-Jrgen Greve Lberg, Graciela Metternicht,
Amos Muema, Nicole Lettington, Michael Logan, Angele Luh,
Kelvin Memia, Waiganjo Njoroge, Nick Nuttall, Neeyati Patel,
Audrey Ringler, Stuart Roberts, Andrea Salinas, Ashbindu Singh,
Janet Fernandez Skaalvik, Anna Stabrawa, Mia Turner,
Frank Turyatunga, Isabelle Valentiny, Ronald Witt, Jinhua Zhang,
Laetitia Zobel and Shereen Zorba.
GEO-5 Funding
The Governments of Canada, Norway, Republic of Korea, the
Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the Gwangju Metropolitan
City, Republic of Korea, together with the UNEP Environment Fund,
Chemicals and Waste
An Earth System Perspective
Review of Data Needs
Asia and the Pacific
Latin America and the Caribbean
North America
West Asia
Regional Summary
Chapter 1: Drivers
The demographic transition........................................................7
Urban population, 19502050...................................................8
Change in population density, 19902005.................................9
Change in economic output, 19902005..................................10
A simple interpretation of the environmental Kuznets curve.........12
Change in meat supply by region, 19602007..........................13
Growth in population, GDP, trade and CO2 emissions,
The transfer of CO2 emissions between developed and
developing countries, 19902010........................................21
The great acceleration after the Second World War....................22
Chapter 2: Atmosphere
Impacts of and links between selected substances emitted
to the atmosphere................................................................33
Trends in temperature change and atmospheric CO2
concentrations, 18502010..................................................37
Temperature change over the 20th century................................37
Trends in Arctic sea ice extent in winter and autumn,
Figure 2.5 Trends in African and South and West Asian
rainfall, May-September, 1960-1998.....................................38
Figure 2.6 Trends in fossil fuel emissions, calculated and
IPCC scenarios, 19902015..................................................39
Figure 2.7 The emissions gap....................................................40
Figure 2.8 Regional trends in sulphur dioxide emissions,
Areas at risk and timeframe for acidification damage in Asia........43
Regional trends in emissions of nitrogen oxides and
ammonia, 18502050 .........................................................45
Trends in nitrogen deposition to protected areas, 20002030......46
National ambient air quality standards and WHO guidelines
for PM10..............................................................................48
Urban PM10 trends in selected regions and cities, 19932009 .....48
Sources of ozone over polluted regions of the northern
hemisphere, 1850 and 2000.................................................49
Regional changes in concentrations of surface ozone,
Projected changes in surface ozone concentrations over
polluted regions of the northern hemisphere, 20002050.....51
Consumption of ozone-depleting substances, 19862009........52
Reduction of ozone-depleting substances in the stratosphere,
Antarctic ozone hole extent, 19802010..................................52
The World Avoided modelled UV index, 1975, 2020 and 2065......53
Leaded petrol phase-out, 2002 and 2011.................................55
Petrol and blood lead levels in Sweden following the
phase-out of lead in petrol, 19762004................................56
Blood lead levels in the United States following the
phase-out of lead in petrol, 19762008................................56
Projected effects of measures to reduce CO2, methane and black
carbon emissions in relation to a reference scenario..............59
Atmospheric brown cloud over part of South Asia......................60
Chapter 3: Land
Area in use for cropland and pasture in 2009, by region,
and global change between 1960 and 2010..........................68
Area harvested in 2010 and the change between 2001
and 2010, selected crops......................................................70
Average food supply in 2007 and the change between
1998 and 2007, by region.....................................................71
Change in forest area by region, 19902010.............................72
Global extent of drylands and human-induced dryland
UNCCD operational objectives and achievements, 2010............75
Changes in Arctic vegetation, 19822005.................................77
Urban expansion in the Pearl River Delta, China, 19902009......78
Distribution of the urban population of developing countries,
by city size ...........................................................................78
Food security and environmental goals for agriculture by 2050......80
Projected changes in sub-Saharan African crop yields due
to climate change, 2050.......................................................81
Change in global population and in meat, fish and
seafood supplies, 19922007..............................................82
Clear-cut deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon,
Area under cultivation for selected crops in humid tropical
countries, 19602010..........................................................84
Chapter 4: Water
Annual average water scarcity in major river basins,
Current and projected water withdrawals by sector,
Global annual groundwater depletion, 2000...........................104
Annual global and regional water footprint, 19962005..........105
Global irrigation efficiencies, 2000.........................................106
Virtual water imports, exports and flows around the world,
People affected by and damages associated with floods
and droughts, 19802010..................................................107
Global density of medium to large dams.................................108
Estimated risk of arsenic in drinking water, based on
hydrogeological conditions.................................................109
Faecal coliform concentrations in rivers near major cities
an indicator of waterborne pathogens, 19902011 .................110
Population without access to improved sanitation
compared to MDG target, 19902015.................................111
World hypoxic and eutrophic coastal areas, 2010....................112
Trends in organochlorine contamination in selected
deep-sea fish species, 19952005.....................................113
Threats to water security with and without infrastructure
investment, 2000 ..............................................................115
Population without access to improved drinking water,
19902015.......................................................................... 116
Cholera cases by region, 19892009......................................117
CO2 concentrations and ocean acidification in the
North Pacific, 19602010...................................................120
Chapter 1: Drivers
Demographic data, 2011............................................................6
International migration, 19502100...........................................8
Chapter 2: Atmosphere
Atmospheric issues affecting achievement of the
Millennium Development Goals...........................................34
Selected internationally agreed goals and themes related
to atmospheric issues..........................................................35
Concentrations of greenhouse gases, 2005, 2009 and 2010.......38
Global burden of disease due to particulate air pollution...........47
Progress towards goals.............................................................61
Chapter 3: Land
Selected internationally agreed goals and themes related
to land................................................................................73
Plantation area in 2010 and the increase between 2000
and 2010, by region ............................................................73
Estimates of global wetland area..............................................76
Timber and fibre consumption, 2002 and 2008.........................85
Progress towards goals.............................................................89
Chapter 4: Water
Selected internationally agreed goals and themes
related to water.................................................................101
Observed and projected impacts of climate change on
key hydrological variables..................................................118
Progress towards goals...........................................................127
Chapter 5: Biodiversity
Selected internationally agreed goals and themes
related to biodiversity........................................................138
Progress towards goals...........................................................159
Chapter 6: Chemicals and Waste
Selected internationally agreed goals related to
chemicals and waste.........................................................172
Quantities of obsolete pesticides...........................................181
Global inventory of radioactive waste, 2004............................182
Progress towards goals ..........................................................187
Chapter 8: Review of Data Needs
Environmental Data Explorer: data providers...........................219
Selected regional initiatives and priorities for
environmental information.................................................225
Chapter 9: Africa
Regionally selected policy goals.............................................236
Chapter 1: Drivers
Facilitating the demographic transition through
education................................................................................... 7
Expressing prosperity beyond GDP..........................................11
Greenhouse gas emissions and international trade...................21
Information and communication technologies:
a vicious cycle?...................................................................24
Conclusions of driver-centred thinking......................................26
Chapter 2: Atmosphere
Climate change........................................................................36
Sulphur pollution.....................................................................41
Atmospheric nitrogen pollution................................................43
Particulate matter....................................................................46
Tropospheric ozone..................................................................49
Stratospheric ozone.................................................................51
Lead in petrol...........................................................................54
Complementary actions to limit near-term climate change
and improve air quality........................................................59
Atmospheric brown clouds.......................................................60
Chapter 3: Land
Eradicating hunger...................................................................68
Restoring wetlands along the Mississippi..................................79
The Mau Forests complex, Kenya..............................................79
Brazils forest policy and soy moratorium..................................83
Palm oil expansion and rainforest destruction in Indonesia.........84
Sustainable dryland management............................................88
Chapter 4: Water
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation Paragraph 26c..............100
Water scarcity........................................................................102
Water demand.......................................................................103
Water-use efficiency...............................................................105
Extreme events......................................................................107
Dams and river fragmentation................................................108
Groundwater contamination...................................................109
Pathogenic contamination......................................................110
Nutrient pollution and eutrophication.....................................111
Marine litter...........................................................................112
Toxic chemicals......................................................................113
Ballast water and invasive species..........................................114
Water security........................................................................114
Access to improved water.......................................................115
Water-related diseases...........................................................116
Diarrhoea in children in Africa.................................................117
Climate change impacts on human security.............................118
Sea level rise.........................................................................119
Ocean acidification................................................................119
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill...............................................121
The impacts of drought on hydropower production..................122
Integrated water management................................................122
Competition and conflict .......................................................125
Chapter 5: Biodiversity
Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 20112020 and the Aichi
Biodiversity Targets ...........................................................136
Biodiversity vision: a world in harmony with nature.................139
Global Biodiversity Outlook....................................................140
The ecological footprint: an indicator of the pressures
on biodiversity..................................................................144
Genetic modification .............................................................150
Examples of community management.....................................154
Chapter 6: Chemicals and Waste
Multilateral environmental agreements and the sound
management of chemicals.................................................171
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI) (WSSD 2002)
Paragraph 23.....................................................................173
Waste in the OECD .................................................................175
Waste generated on board ship..............................................178
Human health, the environment and persistent
organic pollutants .............................................................178
Funding: an ongoing challenge ..............................................186
Chapter 7: An Earth System Perspective
Examples of Earth System interactions influenced by
human activities................................................................196
Regime shifts ........................................................................198
Antarctic biodiversity.............................................................200
The ecological footprint .........................................................206
Innovative response to a crisis................................................210
The transition to improved governance of the
Great Barrier Reef..............................................................210
Chapter 8: Review of Data Needs
The three principal data gaps on drivers of global
environmental change.......................................................217
Glacier monitoring in the Himalayas........................................222
Chapter 9: Africa
The Sangha Tri-National Landscape........................................239
Collaborative water management: Organization for the
Development of the Senegal River Basin.............................239
A network of managers in the Mediterranean...........................240
Successful pollution management in the Western
Indian Ocean.....................................................................242
The Ambatovy Business and Biodiversity Offsets
Programme (BBOP), Madagascar .......................................242
Mozambique: A pilot project in the voluntary carbon market......243
Action and commitment at regional and national levels...........245
Sustainable land management in Burkina Faso and Ethiopia.......245
The land rights challenge in Mozambique...............................246
Recognizing a human right to water can promote
fairer access .....................................................................247
Butterfly farming in Arabuko Forest Reserve............................248
Mapping landscapes in souther Cameroon.............................249
Rainwater harvesting in Ethiopia............................................249
Anyone wishing to understand the pace and scale of
environmental change will find UNEPs flagship assessment
report Global Environment Outlook-5: Environment for the
future we want compelling reading. Equally, anyone seeking
a paradigm shift that can bring us closer to a truly sustainable
world will find this latest edition of the GEO series rich in
opportunities and policy options.
GEO-5 is designed to be the most comprehensive, impartial and
in-depth assessment of its kind. It reflects the collective body
of recent scientific knowledge, drawing on the work of leading
experts, partner institutions and the vast body of research
undertaken within and beyond the United Nations system.
The launch of GEO-5 coincides with the final stages of preparation
for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), taking
place two decades after the Rio Earth Summit that set the agenda for
contemporary thinking about sustainable development. The report
underlines the reasons why world leaders need to show decisive
leadership in Rio and beyond. It highlights the state, trends and
trajectories of the planet and its people, and showcases more than
100 initiatives, projects and policies from across the globe that are
pioneering positive environmental change.
In a world with a growing population, glaring inequality
and a precarious environmental base, it is imperative that
Governments collaborate to balance the economic, social and
environmental strands of sustainable development. GEO-5
highlights not just the perils of delaying action, but the options
that exist to transform sustainable development from theory
to reality. I commend GEO-5 to all who wish to invest in this
generational opportunity to create the future we want.
BAN Ki-moon
Secretary General of the United Nations
United Nations Headquarters, New York
May 2012
Since the days of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Chinese,
through the Islamic Golden Age and the Renaissance,
philosophers and scientists have sought to make sense of the
forces and processes of the natural world and humanitys place
within them. In the past half century or so, this endeavour has
accelerated as concerns over the impacts of industrialization
have emerged and more recently been fuelled by a growing
realization that people once marginal influencers of
environmental change are now its principal drivers, from
biodiversity loss to climate change.
The Global Environment Outlook: Environment for the future we
want (GEO-5) is part of this broad sweep of history, and is a major
contribution to the public understanding of the way ecosystems
and the atmosphere are responding to patterns of unprecedented
consumption and production patterns taking place on a planet of
7 billion people, rising to more than 9 billion by 2050. Its findings
on the state of the planet, globally and regionally, are unsurprisingly
sobering and cause for profound concern they should serve as
a reminder to world leaders and delegates attending the Rio+20
Summit in June as to why they are there.
Bridging the science-policy interface remains problematic
translating the findings of science into environmental law and
policy making has been a challenge stretching back through Rio
1992 to the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment
of 1972. Encouragingly, a growing scientific understanding and
technological progress have not fallen on deaf ears; they have
inspired a myriad of treaties and agreements covering such
issues as the trade in endangered species, the protection of the
ozone layer, climate change, biodiversity loss and the banning of
persistent organic pollutants.
The Earth System provides the basis for all human societies
and their economic activities. People need clean air to breathe,
safe water to drink, healthy food to eat, energy to produce and
transport goods, and natural resources that provide the raw
materials for all these services. However, the 7 billion humans
alive today are collectively exploiting the Earths resources at
accelerating rates and intensities that surpass the capacity of its
systems to absorb wastes and neutralize the adverse effects on
the environment. In fact, the depletion or degradation of several
key resources has already constrained conventional development
in some parts of the world.
Within the Earth System which acts as a single, self-regulating
system comprised of physical, chemical, biological and human
components the effects of human activities can be detected
at a planetary scale (Chapter 7). These have led scientists to
define a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, based on
evidence that atmospheric, geological, hydrological, biological
and other Earth System processes are being altered by human
activity. The most readily recognized changes include a rise in
global temperatures and sea levels, and ocean acidification, all
associated with the increase in emissions of greenhouse gases,
especially carbon dioxide and methane (Chapters 2 and 4). Other
human-induced changes include extensive deforestation and
land clearance for agriculture and urbanization, causing species
extinctions as natural habitats are destroyed (Chapters 3 and 5).
While humans have long been aware of the effects of their
activities on the local environment, only in the last few
decades has it become apparent that these activities can
cumulatively affect the global environment (Chapters 17). In
the past, anthropogenic pressures on natural resources were
less pervasive and the Earths atmosphere, land and water
could carry the load of human consumption and production.
However, in the second half of the 20th century the effects of
many diverse local changes compounded at accelerating rates
to produce global consequences. Globalization allows goods
to be produced under circumstances that consumers would
refuse to tolerate in their own community, and permits waste
to be exported out of sight, enabling people to ignore both its
magnitude and its impacts. However, just as waste has literally
reached the ends of the Earth, environmental concerns have
become globalized as well (Chapter 1).
These threats to the Earth System have led the science
community and policy makers to work together more closely to
meet the challenge in a sustainable and collaborative manner.
Drivers (d)
Impacts (i):
Human development
Economic processes (consumption,
production, markets and trade)
Scientic and technological innovation
Distribution pattern processes (interand intra-generational)
Cultural, social, political and
institutional processes (including
production and service sectors)
Responses (r)
Formal and informal adaptation to,
and mitigation of, environmental change
(including restoration) by altering human
activity and development patterns within
and between the D, P and I boxes through
inter alia: science and technology, policy,
law and institutions.
Pressures (p)
Human interventions in the
Land use
Resource extraction
External inputs (fertilizers, chemicals,
Emissions (pollutants and waste)
Modication and movement of
Natural processes:
Solar radiation
The appraisal explored the benefits of the policies and the enabling
conditions that facilitated their adoption or success. Other
characteristics that were analysed include the monitoring and
tracking of environmental, economic or social outcomes; crosscutting effects on other priority themes and internationally agreed
goals; and the potential for their application in new contexts.
Each region identified policy responses that were effective and
potentially suitable for replication and/or adoption in other
countries. Some highly promising approaches featured in the
regional chapters are worthy of closer analysis and possible
testing by governments.
The regional summary at the end of Part 2 (Chapter 15) presents
an overview of the priority environmental challenges selected
by the regions; a discussion on commonalities, challenges, and
opportunities; and a summary of the policy options.
The final part of GEO-5 begins with an analysis of the type of actions
required to reach a sustainable world. It first reviews existing
environmental treaties and internationally agreed goals to construct
a possible vision for 2050 with specific goals and targets. Next,
existing scenario studies are reviewed in the context of two possible
categories: conventional world scenarios that depict possible
development if present trends continue and, second, global
scenarios that aim to achieve a sustainable world. The analysis that
follows identifies a range of measures that could enable the world
to reach the sustainable development targets identified by GEO-5.
Achieving these targets, however, requires radical departure from
current trends. To account for the interactions of policies across
sectors in the dense and interlinked system of global activities, an
Asia and
the Pacific
Latin America
and the
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
As we watch the sun go down, evening after evening, through the smog across
the poisoned waters of our native Earth, we must ask ourselves seriously
whether we really wish some future universal historian on another planet to say
about us: With all their genius and with all their skill, they ran out of foresight
and air and food and water and ideas
U Thant, UN Secretary General, addressing 7th Session of the General Assembly,
New York, 1970
Main Messages
The scale, spread and rate of change of global
drivers are without precedent. Burgeoning
populations and growing economies are pushing
environmental systems to destabilizing limits. The
idea that the perturbation of a complex ecological
system can trigger sudden feedbacks is not new:
significant scientific research has explored thresholds
and tipping points that the planetary system may
face if humanity does not control carbon emissions.
Understanding feedbacks from the perspective
of drivers reveals that many of them interact in
unpredictable ways. Generally, the rates of change in
these drivers are not monitored or managed, and so it
is not possible to predict or even perceive dangerous
thresholds as they approach. Critically, the bulk of
research has been on understanding the effects of
drivers on ecosystems, not on the effects of changed
ecosystems on the drivers the feedback loop.
Patterns of globalization links between trade,
finance, technology and communication have made
it possible for trends in drivers to generate intense
pressures in concentrated parts of the world very
quickly. There has been a rapid rise in the production
of biomass-based fuels for transport from maize,
sugar cane, palm oil and rapeseed. In the early years
of the 21st century, biodiesel became more widely
available, with production growing at around 60 per
cent per year, reaching nearly 13 million tonnes of
oil equivalent in 2009. However, recent information
raises concerns about the direct environmental
and social consequences of large-scale biofuel
production. These complex issues include, but are
not limited to, land clearance and conversion, the
introduction of potentially invasive species, the
overuse of water, effects on the global food market,
and the purchase or leasing of land by foreign
investors to produce food and biofuels, typically in
developing and sometimes semi-arid countries.
Drivers typically have high inertia and path
dependencies, which can act as barriers to effective
Asia and
Life expectancy
Birth rate
Total population
Death rate
such as fertility, mortality and migration, and the fact that some
locations are simply less suitable for human occupation (Adamo
and de Sherbinin 2011). Population is particularly concentrated
at lower elevations and near coasts. An estimate from 1998
suggested that a zone below an altitude of 100 metres,
comprising 15 per cent of all inhabited land, houses about
30 per cent of the human population (Cohen and Small 1998).
Low-elevation coastal zones are even more concentrated,
representing about 2 per cent of total land area but housing
13 per cent of the population, and growing rapidly (McGranahan
et al. 2007).
Source: UN 2009b
Beyond the size and growth rates of populations, the way
people settle and the way they consume can result in effects
on different ecosystems.
While all of the worlds net population growth by 2050 is projected
to occur in the worlds poorest cities (UN 2009b), virtually all landcover change will take place in rural environments. The greatest
human imprint on the Earths surface has been the conversion of
forest to agriculture. Currently, 37.4 per cent of the planets land
surface is used for agricultural production (Foley et al. 2011).
Located on only 0.5 per cent of the global terrestrial surface
(Schneider et al. 2009), urban areas demand for food is
disproportionately large in terms of world land use. At
the same time, forest loss is no longer correlated to rural
6 122
6 076
5 643
7 433
11 895
13 821
17 450
16 558
-6 122
-6 076
-5 643
-7 433
-11 895
-13 821
-17 450
-16 558
-4 872
-4 301
-5 735
-3 562
2 563
-3 061
-3 351
-5 559
-1 250
-1 775
-3 871
-14 458
-10 760
-14 099
-10 999
-5 043
-6 210
-5 438
-7 194
-11 068
-13 535
-15 316
-15 107
Note: Figures are in thousands. Positive numbers imply net immigration, negative ones net emigration.
Source: UN 2011
Change in density
Economic development
The production of goods for consumption requires materials
minerals, water, food, fibre and energy. During the 20th
century, global economic output grew more than 20-fold, while
materials extraction grew to almost 60 billion tonnes per year
(Maddison 2009). This level of materials consumed by the human
population is of the same scale as major global material flows in
ecosystems, such as the amount of biomass produced annually
by green plants (Krausmann et al. 2009; UNEP 2009b).
Consumption and production trends appear to have stabilized
in developed countries, while in emerging economies such
as Brazil, China, India, and Mexico, per-person resource use
and associated environmental impacts have increased since
2000 (SERI 2008), and the less developed countries are just
beginning the transition towards higher consumption levels.
Should global economic development continue in a businessas-usual mode and population projections persist through
2050, another sharp rise in the level of global resource use
is likely (Krausmann et al. 2009; SERI 2008).
Over the period 19702010, average global growth rates in
GDP per person measured in purchasing power parity (ppp)
fluctuated between -2 and 5 per cent annually; the average was
about 3.1 per cent (World Bank 2011a). Since 2001, however,
China has grown at 10 per cent per year, a seven-year doubling
time, and India at 8 per cent per year, a nine-year doubling time,
with environmental pressures increasing at much the same
pace. As a result, China is now the worlds largest emitter of
Change in output
Turning point
l im
Technology is a key factor in the production of goods and
services and an important one in terms of environmental
impact. It has been argued that over time, factors of intensity
or quality, affected by technological innovation, may more than
compensate for the adverse effects of the rise in population,
so that economic growth eventually leads to environmental
improvements. An example of this is greenhouse gas emission
rates in developed countries since 1970, where, it is claimed,
emissions increased more slowly than economic activity
because of shifts towards technologies that have a lower
environmental impact (Bruvoll and Medin 2003; Hamilton and
Turton 2002). However, it is not certain whether other sectors
were so successful efforts to reduce deforestation at the
national level might have shown domestic improvement, but
demand may have driven increased deforestation in other
countries (Meyfroidt and Lambin 2009).
Environmental degradation
Whether these growth rates are realistic when put in the context
of the Earth Systems biophysical boundaries remains to be seen
(Chapter 7) (Rockstrm et al. 2009).
Europe exhibited a significant decline in its meat supply between 1990 and 1999
due to the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) crisis of the early 1990s.
As the world population increases, more people aspire to higher
material living standards creating an ever greater demand for
goods and services as well as for the energy required to provide
these. From 1992 until 2008, per-person energy consumption
increased at a rate of 5 per cent annually. In 2009 total global
energy use decreased for the first time in 30 years by 2.2 per cent
as a result of the financial and economic crisis (Enerdata2011);
half of this occurred in the OECD countries (IEA 2011). Oil,
natural gas and nuclear power consumption all decreased while
hydroelectric and renewable energy consumption increased. Coal
was the only energy source that was not affected. Primary energy
consumption in 2010 is estimated to have risen by 4.7 per cent
worldwide, easily surpassing the minor reduction in 2009. The
rate of growth in the future, however, is expected to decrease
due to an assumed levelling of population growth and continued
improvements in energy efficiency (IEA2011).
Energy-water nexus
Another important dynamic of consumption is the trade-off
between energy and water consumption. This dynamic is
important for both energy production and agriculture. GerbensLeenes et al. (2009) estimate that 6080 per cent of water used
globally is dedicated to irrigation, rising to nearly 90 per cent
in some low-rainfall areas. In addition, energy use for irrigation
can be significant. In India, where the government often heavily
subsidizes water pumping, 1520 per cent of electricity is used
for this purpose (Shah et al. 2004). Energy use for agriculture
is considerable in both developed and developing countries,
although in developed countries the energy used for processing
and transporting food can be twice that of the entire agricultural
production sector (Bazilian et al. 2011).
Water can also be an important resource for energy production
and mineral extraction. However, freshwater pollution is a
common side effect of mining, including recent hydraulic
fracturing activities (Scott et al. 2011). China suffers from
By 2030, more than 55 per cent of the population of Asia will be urban.
UN Photo/Klbae Park
Transport serves people, production and consumption and is
an important facilitator of trade. The global economy is currently
recovering from a severe recession, with global industrial
production and trade climbing back to pre-crisis levels, albeit
with marked geographic differences: GDP is growing fastest in
China, by 10.3 per cent per year, and India, by 9.7 per cent. Data
In 2011, the Beijing rapid transit subway system delivered over 2.18 billion rides. Niclas Mkel
Most energy for transport comes from fossil fuels, and the rise
of the car has produced various specific environmental impacts,
from urban health problems through land and water degradation
to contributing to climate change. Many people are optimistic
about the long-term prospects for shifting to cars powered by fuel
cells and electric motors, but a near-term change will be difficult,
and the car is noticeably more intensive in its environmental
impacts than its competitor technologies, exhibiting the highest
levels of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
(Chester and Horvath 2009). Private car ownership can also
impact patterns of urbanization by permitting dispersed and
low-density sprawl, which in many contexts reflects individual
household dissatisfaction with urban environments, but
collectively degrades environmental quality. Like the transport
infrastructure that makes them possible, these new or expanded
built areas impinge on natural landscapes and amplify the direct
environmental impacts of transport.
Urbanization exhibits complex interactions with food, discussed
earlier, and energy. Urban areas, which house half the worlds
population, utilize two-thirds of global energy and produce
70 per cent of global carbon emissions (IEA 2008). The amount
of energy an urban area consumes is largely dependent on
Trade in food, fuels and minerals has increased dramatically
over recent decades and shows few signs of slowing.
International trade has grown rapidly since 1990, by 12 per cent
per year, doubling in six years (Figure 1.7) (Peters et al. 2011).
In addition, annual emissions from exports have grown at
4.3 per cent, often due to production moving from developed
Figure 1.7 Growth in population, GDP, trade and CO2 emissions, 19902008
Change, %
International trade
Emissions embedded
in trade
Global fossil fuel CO2
Source: Peters et al. 2011
2007, for example, 812 per cent of Chinas CO2 emissions were
attributable to exports to the United States (Xu et al. 2009).
Globalization is confounding the expected effect of the
environmental Kuznets curve in countries with emerging
economies. With affluence should come improvement in
environmental conditions, but the link is proving difficult to
confirm. In the case of China, nitrogen oxides and sulphur
dioxide emissions have shown a complicated relationship with
increasing income, suggesting that the reliance on coal-fired
power may be negating improvements in other manufacturing
technology (Brajer et al. 2011).
Figure 1.8 The transfer of CO2 emissions between developed and developing countries, 19902010
Billion tonnes of CO2
Developed countries
Developing countries
Net imports
Critical thresholds
Figure 1.9 The great acceleration after the Second World War
Global financial crisis
(billions) 2000
Industrial Revolution
World War II
World War I
US Dust Bowl
Global oil
Total material
(thousand km3)
El Nio/La NiaSouthern Oscillation
Mechanical loom
"Black death"
Mongol Empire
Vikings visit
North America
Collapse of Maya
Roman Empire
Chou Greece
Shang Egypt
First Peruvian cities
Olmecs at peak
First Sumerian cities
Peak of Mongol Empire
Peak of Islamic Caliphate
Peak of Roman Empire
Arabic numerals
Iron Age starts
Early agriculture
modern humans
organized in
Migration of modern humans out of Africa
Years before present (logarithmic scale)
Source: Adapted from Costanza et al. 2007
Agbogbloshie, Ghana
A huge dumping site for electronic waste is located in the
suburbs of Ghanas capital city, Accra. The Agbogbloshie slum,
populated by domestic migrants from the northern reaches of
Ghana, has witnessed an explosion of discarded computers,
screens, hard drives and mobile telephones over the last
ten years. What was once a productive wetland has become
a hazardous chemical zone, home to approximately 40,000
people (Safo 2011). The local economy depends on recycling
this waste, with the majority of the workforce young boys aged
1118 earning roughly US$8 per day. The sources of much
of this waste appear to be Parties to the Basel Convention,
although a significant proportion also seems to come from the
United States, which along with only Afghanistan and Haiti has
not signed this treaty.
To date there has been little study of the effects of this trade,
but toxins have been discovered in soil and food samples due
to chemicals accumulating in the food chain (Dogbevi 2011;
Monbiot 2011), and the local toll could be considerable.
Exposure to chemical fumes can inhibit development of the
reproductive and nervous systems, particularly in children
with high lead levels, while mercury, cadmium and lead may
all retard the cognitive and immunological development of
the young workforce. The story of Abogbloshie gives an initial
snapshot of the very real, localized environmental and health
impacts of rapidly emerging global phenomena such as the
shift to information technology replete with its disposable
approach to obsolete equipment. It is a cautionary tale of
how technological innovation can have both an extraordinary
effect on the global economy and society itself while, nearly
invisibly, wreaking havoc on the more vulnerable, especially
where the necessary institutional oversight is absent. It is this
disconnection between the global and local that the current
economic paradigm has created, and researchers must work
backwards through the supply chain if the present situation is
to be understood.
sea levels, scientists predict that the pace and scale of climate
change could eventually exceed certain ecological limits or
thresholds, leading to surprising and dangerous consequences
such as the alteration of the world oceans chemical composition
with increasing proportions of acidifying carbon, the global loss
of coral reef ecosystems, or the collapse of the West Antarctic ice
sheet (Fabry et al. 2008; Lenton et al. 2008).
One driver can trigger a series of drivers and pressures that
act in a domino fashion. For example, concerns about climate
change impacts, including crop vulnerability and food insecurity,
gave rise to policies that included mandates to increase biofuel
production, such as legislation introduced in 2003 in the EU and
in 2008 in the United States. The resulting demand generated a
cascading set of pressures including crop diversion to biofuels.
This diversion of cropland then contributed to higher food prices
in 2008 and 2010, increasing worries about food insecurity.
vegetables and fruits, increased in price by more than 100 per cent
between 1985 and 2000, while the price of unhealthy fats and
oils derived from these basic foodstuffs rose by only 35 per cent
(Jackson et al. 2009). With many of the countrys consumers
making daily consumption decisions based on cost, decades of
investment in this vertically integrated and politically powerful
industry make fundamental changes in the health outcomes of
the food system extremely challenging.
However, not all health effects are diet related, but can be linked
to such atmospheric pollution as nitrate formation and chemical
pollution resulting from enhanced pesticide use, amongst other
sources. For instance, in the United States, a high proportion of
maize and soybean crops are genetically modified to resist the
effects of the herbicide glyphosate, applied in vast quantities to
eradicate weeds. Within the supply chain, maize and soy make
up 8391 per cent of livestock feed grains. Ongoing research
raises the question of the endocrine-disrupting potential
of glyphosate (Daniel et al. 2009; Gasnier et al. 2009). The
residence time of glyphosate in the environment is difficult to
model, as it is dependent on a number of biophysical factors
(Vereecken 2005) and monitoring capability is only recently
catching up with its widespread use. However, in communities
located near agricultural fields, evidence of glyphosate and its
most common degradate aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA)
can be found in the atmosphere, rain and local water bodies
(Chang et al. 2011).
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Coordinating lead authors: Johan C.I. Kuylenstierna and May Antoniette Ajero
Lead authors: Drew Shindell, Eric Zusman, Frank Murray, Geir Braathen, Kevin Hicks,
Linn Persson, Lisa Emberson, Martha Barata, Sara Feresu, Sara Terry, T.S. Panwar,
Yousef Meslmani and Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh
Contributing authors: Luis Abdn Cifuentes, Msafiri Jackson, Nicholas Muller,
Paulo Artaxo, Seydi Ababacar Ndiaye, Susan Casper Anenberg and Emily Nyaboke
Principal scientific reviewer: Evgeny Gordov
Chapter coordinator: Volodymyr Demkine
Main Messages
The global atmosphere is at a critical stage,
particularly in relation to climate change. There
is considerable scientific evidence of the causes
and solutions that could protect human health and
ecosystems, and effective action has resulted in the
achievement of some internationally agreed goals.
The phase-out of ozone depleting substances and lead
in petrol by implementing relatively simple and costeffective solutions demonstrates that, when most major
stakeholders agree, significant progress is possible.
Progress in achieving environmental goals for
particulate matter (PM) and tropospheric ozone
is mixed, despite the high levels of concern about
their impacts, as solutions are complex and can be
costly. Much of the developed world has successfully
reduced concentrations of indoor and outdoor PM,
sulphur and nitrogen compounds to levels close
to or within World Health Organization guidelines.
However, more remains to be done. Concern is
high in Africa, Asia and Latin America, where levels
of PM in many cities remain far in excess of the
guidelines. Existing solutions can be relatively
costly and the time it will take to meet guideline or
target concentrations will depend on the priority
given to the issue. Tropospheric ozone also remains
a significant problem and is proving difficult to
address despite some progress with regard to peak
concentrations in Europe and North America.
Climate change is the most important atmospheric
issue. While there is considerable concern about
this complex problem, progress has been slow due
to varying levels of motivation and because some
low-carbon technological solutions are considered
expensive. Despite attempts to develop low-carbon
economies in a number of countries, atmospheric
concentrations of greenhouse gases continue to
increase to levels likely to push global temperatures
beyond the internationally agreed limit of 2C above
the pre-industrial average temperature. Application
of current low-carbon technologies and existing
Other PM
Direct impact
Indirect impact
Cooling impact
IMPACTS Tropospheric
Warming impact
Reaction to
form ozone
Delegates at the 2011 UN Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa. UNFCCC/Jan Golinski
Table 2.1 Atmospheric issues affecting achievement of the Millennium Development Goals
Eradicate extreme
poverty and hunger
Achieve universal
primary education
Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be
able to complete a full course of primary schooling
Ensure environmental
Reduce biodiversity loss, achieving, by 2010, a significant reduction Climate change is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity;
in the rate of loss
eutrophication from nitrogen deposition affects the diversity
of terrestrial vegetation; tropospheric ozone affects vegetation
composition in sensitive ecosystems; ocean acidification and warming
affect marine biodiversity
Source: (goals and targets) UN 2000
Table 2.2 Selected internationally agreed goals and themes related to atmospheric issues
Major themes from internationally agreed goals
Numerical target
Zero production and consumption of ozone-depleting
substances, with stated exceptions
Climate change
United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC 1992)
Annex 1 countries
EU Member States
Guidelines set for PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, Pb, CO and O3, e.g.
PM2.5 10 g per m3 annual mean; PM10 20 g per m3
annual mean
Lead pollution
Agenda 21 (UNCED 1992);
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation
(WSSD 2002)
Air quality for health and ecosystems
WHO guidelines (WHO 2006)
Guidelines set for PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, Pb, CO and O3,
e.g. PM2.5 25 g per m3 annual mean, PM10 40 g per
m3 annual mean; critical loads and levels also set for
ecosystems; national emissions ceilings set for each EU
country for SO2, NOX, VOC and NH3
EU Member States
Convention on Long-Range
Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP)
(UNECE 1979)
UNECE countries of
Europe, Central Asia
and North America
ASEAN countries of
South East Asia
Figure 2.2 Trends in temperature change and atmospheric CO2 concentrations, 18502010
Temperature change, C
Insucient data
Figure 2.4 Trends in Arctic sea ice extent in winter and autumn, 19792010
September average, million km2
14.5 Arctic sea ice cover has decreased all
the year round. The figure shows
declines in winter and autumn.
Source: NSIDC
NSIDC 2011
Millimetres per day
No data
CO2 (ppm)
CH4 (ppb)
1 774.5
1 794.2
1 799.1
N2O (ppb)
CFC-11 (ppt)
CFC-12 (ppt)
HCFC-22 (ppt)
HFC-134a (ppt)
Source: adapted from Raupach and Canadell 2010, with observed emissions data
from the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and International
Energy Agency (IEA), and preliminary data for 2010 from Peters et al. 2011b
Addressing sources of pollution can deliver both climate and air quality benefits. Morten Madsen/iStock
2 C range
40 10
1.5 C range
Time (years)
A comparison of the gap between expected emissions in 2020 according to submitted country pledges,
formally recognized in Cancun, and the range of emissions likely to limit temperature increase to the
agreed UNFCCC 2oC limit.
The boom in global trade has led to significant emissions of CO2 and key pollutants including SO2, NOX and black carbon from international
shipping. Mark Wragg/iStock
Mixed progress
Sulphur pollution
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions, predominantly from fossil
fuel use in power generation, industry and transport, have
detrimental effects on human health by contributing to PM2.5,
on terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems by acidification (Rodhe
et al. 1995), on man-made materials and cultural heritage by
corrosion (Kucera et al. 2007), and on biodiversity (Bobbink et
al. 1998) and forestry (Menz and Seip 2004). Sulphate aerosols
also cool the atmosphere (Forster et al. 2007), which makes it
important to track them in order to assess the overall benefits of
greenhouse gas reduction strategies.
Since issues of transboundary air pollution were highlighted
in Agenda 21 (UNCED 1992) there have been considerable
East Asia
East Asia
North America
North America
South Asia
South Asia
Global Total
Global Total
RCP 2.6
Emission trends from 18502000 and four Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios from 20002050, developed to
Emission trends from 18502000 and four Representative Concentracontribute to the Fifth Assessment of the IPCC, are shown for the four
tion Pathway (RCP) scenarios from 20002050, developed to
source regions and for the global total from the hemispheric transport
contribute to the Fifth Assessment of the IPCC, are shown for the four
of air pollution (HTAP) multi-model experiments.
source regions and for the global total from the hemispheric transport
of air pollution (HTAP) multi-model experiments.
Source: HTAP 2010
Source: HTAP 2010
RCP 6.0
RCP 4.5
RCP 2.6
Figure 2.9 Areas at risk and timeframe for acidification damage in Asia
No exceedance
Exceeded soils with
a base saturation below 20%
100 200
25 50
50 100
No data
This shows the time taken to acidify soils down to a base saturation of 20%,
which would be associated with a reduction in soil pH. Below a base saturation
of 20%, more serious impacts of acidification can occur (such as increases in
soil water aluminium which is toxic to plant roots). The projections are based
on emissions according to the IPCC SRES A2 scenario for 2050.
Deposition of reactive nitrogen compounds from agriculture, transport and industrial sources can lead to increased emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O)
and loss of biodiversity from ecosystems such as forests. Orchidpoet/iStock
Figure 2.10 Regional trends in emissions of nitrogen oxides and ammonia, 18502050
NOX , million tonnes (expressed as NO2) per year
East Asia
North America
South Asia
Global Total
RCP 8.5
RCP 6.0
RCP 4.5
RCP 2.6
Emission trends from 18502000 and four RCP scenarios from 20002050, developed to contribute to the Fifth Assessment of the IPCC, are shown
for the four regions and for the global total from the HTAP multi-model experiments. Total nitrogen oxide emissions (left) remain more or less
constant at global scale while global ammonia emissions (right) are projected to increase in most scenarios.
Source: HTAP 2010
Note: Dark orange indicates areas protected under the Convention on Biological Diversity where total
nitrogen deposition is relatively high and is estimated to increase by 2030, green areas where it is
still relatively low but increasing, and light orange where it is high but is decreasing.
Source: Bleeker et al. 2011.
Particulate matter
Control of particulate matter has achieved mixed progress
worldwide. In Europe and North America, as well as some cities
in Latin America and Asia, emissions of PM10 particles of
10 micrometres in diameter or less have been reduced, but
they remain a major pollutant in many other cities in Asia and
Latin America. Very few cities in Africa monitor air pollutants;
however, of the few that do, many show PM10 concentrations in
excess of WHO guidelines (WHO 2012). Outdoor concentrations
in high-income countries come close to the WHO PM10 guideline
of 20 micrograms per m3 (Figure 2.12). In Africa, the most
widespread issue is indoor levels of particulates. Regulating these
pollutants is complex because they are composed of a variable mix
Premature deaths
Morbidity (DALYs)
Urban outdoor
41 million DALYs
Note: DALYs disability adjusted life years: the sum of potential healthy life years lost due to illness.
Source: WHO 2009
Figure 2.12 National ambient air quality standards and WHO guidelines for PM10
101150 (IT1)
More than 151
(above IT1)
No standard
No data
Delhi, India
Being, China
United States (310 sites)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Bangkok, Thailand
WHO guideline
Note: Air quality data come from a variable number of monitoring sites.
So Paulo, Brazil
Cape Town, South Africa
Lastly, ozone is the third most important greenhouse gas after CO2
and methane (IPCC 2007), but is classified as a short-lived climate
forcer due to its residence time in the atmosphere of just days to
weeks. Tropospheric ozone is estimated to have been responsible
for a change in radiative forcing of +0.35 (-0.1, +0.3) watts per m2
since pre-industrial times, compared to a combined anthropogenic
radiative forcing of +1.6 (-1.0, +0.8) watts per m2 (IPCC 2007).
These ozone-induced changes are thought to be responsible
for 516 per cent of the global temperature change since preindustrial times (Forster et al. 2007). Reductions in biomass
caused by ozone also influence the amount of carbon sequestered
within terrestrial ecosystems. This effect is estimated to increase
atmospheric CO2 concentrations such that the additional radiative
forcing could exceed warming due to the direct radiative effect of
tropospheric ozone in the atmosphere (Sitch et al. 2007).
Note: ppbv - parts per billion by volume.
Source: HTAP 2010
Surface ozone does more damage to food crops than any other air
pollutant. Evgeny Kuklev/iStock
East Asia
North America
South Asia
2000 1960
2000 1960
2000 1960
Figure 2.16 Projected changes in surface ozone concentrations over polluted regions of the northern
hemisphere, 20002050
Change, ppbv
East Asia
North America
South Asia
-2 RCP scenarios
RCP 8.5
RCP 6.0
RCP 4.5
RCP 2.6
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Source: HTAP 2010
Figure 2.20 The World Avoided modelled UV index, 1975, 2020 and 2065
June 1975
December 1975
Expected future
Expected future
June 2065
December 2065
World avoided
World avoided
June 2020
December 2020
June 2020
December 2020
June 2065
December 2065
UV index
Source: UNEP 2011b
Lead in petrol,
1 800
Lead in blood,
micrograms per litre
1 600
1 400
1 200
1 000
% of children
1976 1988 1991 1998
Snow and ice cover in the Himalayas is affected by aerosols, including black carbon. Arsgera
regions. This affects the water cycle and may increase risks of
flooding. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and an important
precursor for ozone generation. Methane, black carbon and
tropospheric ozone are fundamentally different from the longerlived greenhouse gases as they remain in the atmosphere for
a relatively short time. Reducing black carbon and methane
emissions now will slow the rate of climate change within the first
half of this century (Shindell et al. 2012; UNEP/WMO 2011).
A second major emerging issue is the health effect of fine
particles of natural origin. Every year, very large amounts of
soil-derived dust and particles from wildfires engulf major
populated areas. These can include soil particles from arid
regions being deposited on coastal cities of China, Saharan dust
reaching cities in Africa and the Mediterranean, and dust from
drought-affected inland areas being deposited on cities in the
United States and Australia. In addition, smoke from wildfires
commonly raises particulate concentrations in Africa, Siberia, the
Mediterranean, the United States, South East Asia and Australia.
These particles can have major impacts on human health and
a recent study suggests that almost 300000 excess deaths per
year can be attributed to fine particles of natural origin (Liu et al.
2009a, 2009b). The sources can, however, be at least partially
controlled (Chapter 3). Major interventions to re-vegetate
degraded landscapes are continuing in several countries and the
2003 ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution is an
example of an international agreement aimed at addressing the
international transport of particles generated from forest burning.
As understanding of the relationship between particle size, the
number of particles and health impacts has improved, concern has
grown about the impacts of fine particles (smaller than
2.5 micrometres in diameter) and ultrafine particles (1 micrometre
and sub-micrometre sizes) on respiratory and cardiovascular
health (Schmid et al. 2009; Valavanidis et al. 2008). As the volume
of evidence is rapidly growing, it is likely that in the next few
years air quality standards and guidelines to protect health by
controlling exposure to ultrafine particles will be developed and
become a focus of air quality policy, monitoring and management.
A number of new approaches to address the challenges of
climate change have been proposed, including carbon capture
and storage and geo-engineering (IPCC 2005; Rasch et al. 2008).
A compact electric car, intended for urban use, charges its battery in a
special charging station. iStock/code6d
Box 2.8 Complementary actions to limit near-term climate change and improve air quality
Implementing a limited number of measures targeting black
carbon, tropospheric ozone and methane has the potential to
reduce the rise in global temperature projected for 2050 by
0.5oC roughly half of the warming in the reference scenario
(Figure 2.24) substantially reducing the rate at which the
world warms over the next few decades (Shindell et al. 2012;
UNEP/WMO 2011). About half of this reduction could be
attributed to reductions in methane emissions and about half
to measures addressing incomplete combustion and targeting
black carbon emissions. The projected reduced warming in
the Arctic, about 0.7oC lower than the reference scenario in
2050 according to this research, would be likely to be greater
than that seen globally (UNEP/WMO 2011). There are further
benefits for regional climate as several detailed studies
of the Asian monsoon suggest that regional forcing by
absorbing particles substantially alters precipitation patterns
Figure 2.24 Projected effects of measures to reduce CO2, methane and black carbon emissions in
relation to a reference scenario
Temperature dierence relative to 18901910, C
CO2 measures
CH4 + BC measures
CO2 + CH4 + BC
For the majority of the world, however, most air quality guidelines
are not being met as there is insufficient implementation of
policies. Meanwhile, important ecosystems are experiencing
pollution loads in excess of critical thresholds. In the near
term, atmospheric issues such as particulate matter and other
pollutants could, with adequate commitment and resources, be
effectively addressed by the wider implementation of existing
policies and technologies.
Bay of Bengal
200 km
1. Stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system
Climate change
limit the increase in global
average temperature to
less than 2oC above preindustrial levels
2. Protect the ozone layer by taking precautionary measures to control total global production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) equitably,
with the ultimate objective of eliminating them
Stratospheric ozone
Zero consumption of ozonedepleting substances
Continued decrease in
atmospheric concentrations of
ozone-depleting substances;
recovery of ozone layer by midcentury
3. Reduce respiratory diseases and other health impacts resulting from air pollution, with particular focus on women and children
Particulate matter (urban/
Tropospheric ozone
WHO guidelines for health
4. Enhanced cooperation at international, regional and national levels to reduce air pollution, including transboundary air pollution and acid deposition
Tropospheric ozone
CLRTAP goals
Technology to minimize
emissions of ozone precursors;
monitoring in rural settings;
implementation of policies in
different sectors for different
precursor emissions; regional
and inter-regional cooperation
Sulphur dioxide
WHO guidelines
AEA (2010). Cost Benefit Analysis for the Revision of the National Emission Ceilings Directive.
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Z., Nguyen, B., Posch, M., Rafaj, P., Sandler, R., Schpp, W., Wagner, F. and Winiwarter,
W. (2011). Cost-effective control of air quality and greenhouse gases in Europe: modeling
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Anenberg, S.C., Horowitz, L.W., Tong, D.Q. and West, J.J. (2010). An estimate of the global
burden of anthropogenic ozone and fine particulate matter on premature human mortality
using atmospheric modeling. Environmental Health Perspectives 118(9), 11891195
ASEAN (2002). ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution.
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Main Messages
Pressure on land resources has increased during
recent years despite international goals to improve
their management. The fourth Global Environment
Outlook (UNEP 2007) highlighted the unprecedented
land-use changes created by a burgeoning
population, economic development and global
markets. The outcome of those drivers continues
to cause resource depletion and ecosystem
Economic growth has come at the expense of
natural resources and ecosystems. Many terrestrial
ecosystems are being seriously degraded because
land-use decisions often fail to recognize noneconomic ecosystem functions and biophysical
limits to productivity. For example, deforestation
and forest degradation alone are likely to cost the
global economy more than the losses of the 2008
financial crises. The current economic system, built
on the idea of perpetual growth, sits uneasily within
an ecological system that is bound by biophysical
limits. However, some market-based approaches that
attach value to ecosystem services offer incentives to
reduce environmental damage.
Competing demands for food, feed, fuel, fibre
and raw materials are intensifying pressures on
land. Demands for food and livestock feed are
increasing rapidly due to human population growth
and changing diets. Demand for biofuels and raw
materials have also risen sharply, driven by the
increased population, greater consumption and
biofuel-friendly policies. This simultaneous growth
is causing land conversion, land degradation and
pressure on protected areas. Climate change is
placing additional stress on productive areas. One
result is heightened tension between goals related to
production and those related to conservation.
Globalization and urbanization are aggravating
competing demands on land. These processes
Table 3.1 Selected internationally agreed goals and themes related to land
Major themes from internationally Johannesburg
Plan of
agreed goals
(WSSD 2002)
Paragraph 40b
Goal 1
(UN 2000)
Goal 7
(UN 2000)
on Wetlands
United Nations
Convention to Combat
(UNCCD 1994)
Article 2
Proportion of malnourished people
Global trends
Proportion decreasing, but absolute number increasing
Demands for food and livestock feed are rising rapidly due
to population growth, urbanization and changing diets that
include more animal products. One of the consequences of
these changes is the widespread expansion of agricultural
land allocated to livestock, both directly and indirectly through
cropland dedicated to animal feed production (Rudel et al.
2009; Naylor et al. 2005). At a time when water shortage and
land degradation remain threats to food security, accelerated
interest in biofuel, feeds and fibre in recent years imposes
competing demands on how agricultural land is used.
Agricultural land and production trends
In 2009, there were approximately 3.3 billion hectares of pasture
and 1.5 billion hectares of cropland globally, with the extent
and proportion of total land area varying greatly across regions
(Figure 3.1) (FAO 2012). In 2009, all regions except Europe
had a greater proportion of land area devoted to pasture than
to cropland. Although there has been only a slight increase in
total cropland extent over the past decade, there has been a
Figure 3.1 Area in use for cropland and pasture in 2009, by region, and global change between 1960 and 2010
Area in 2009, billion hectares
Change in area, %
Asia and
the Pacific
Maize field in the foreground of an ethanol plant in Midwest United States, where the most common feedstock used for ethanol production
continues to be maize. iStock/SimplyCreativePhotography
America and the Caribbean and North America, with the United
States, Brazil and Argentina the three largest producers. Asia
and the Pacific and Europe are the primary producers of wheat.
Increases in the area used for these crops have been
accompanied by overall growth in yields (FAO 2012). Globally,
the current yields of wheat, maize and rice have been estimated
at 64, 50 and 64 per cent of their potential respectively, but
the size of the yield gap varies greatly from region to region
under the influence of different factors (Neumann et al. 2010).
Larger gaps between actual and potential yields tend to occur
where low-input agriculture is practised (Licker et al. 2010).
Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean two regions where
crop area has expanded since 2001 still have relatively low
yields compared to North America and Europe; if region-specific
constraints can be assessed and overcome (Neumann et al.
2010), there may be potential to increase food production
in these regions while minimizing cropland expansion.
Agricultural productivity is limited by biophysical and other
factors. Extending conventional agriculture into uncultivated
lands requires mechanization to modify the surface, and
supplements in the form of fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides
and irrigation water. Excessive use of machinery and chemical
supplements, however, breaks up soil structure, increases
erosion, chemically pollutes soil, contaminates groundwater
Figure 3.2 Area harvested in 2010 and the change between 2001 and 2010, selected crops
2010 2001
North America
West Asia
Source: FAO 2012
Figure 3.3 Average food supply in 2007 and the change between 1998 and 2007, by region
2007, kilocalories per person per day
4 000
3 500
3 000
2 500
2 000
Latin America
and the Caribbean
1 500
1 000
West Asia
West Asia
Consumption trends
While the proportion of undernourished people has been
declining from 14 per cent of world population in 19951997
to 13 per cent in 2010 the absolute number rose over the
same period from 788 million to an estimated 925 million
due to population growth (Box 3.1) (FAO 2010b). Areas with
chronic food insecurity face many obstacles, including regional
conflicts, weak governance structures and a breakdown of
local institutions, all of which affect access to and distribution
of food (FAO 2010a). Many of the worlds undernourished
people live in areas that are also particularly vulnerable to
climate variability. Africa and Asia and the Pacific were the
regions with the lowest average food consumption in 2007
(Figure 3.3) (FAO 2012), but they were also the regions that
had experienced the highest percentage increase. While
the Asia and Pacific region is home to the largest number of
undernourished people, at 578 million, sub-Saharan Africa
has the highest proportion of undernourished people
about 30 per cent of its population in 2010 (FAO 2010b).
North America
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Source: FAO 2011
Forest area
Forests cover just over 4 billion hectares, 31 per cent of the
worlds total land area (FAO 2011). The majority of these are
boreal forests extending across northern and central Russia and
much of Canada and Alaska. Large expanses of tropical forest are
found in the Amazon, Africas Congo Basin and parts of South
East Asia. Temperate forests remain in a patchy distribution
across the United States, Europe and the Asian mid-latitudes.
The rate of forest loss from both deforestation and natural
causes is slowing, but remains alarmingly high (Box 3.2). At
the global level, annual forest loss decreased from 16 million
hectares in the 1990s to approximately 13 million hectares
between 2000 and 2010 (FAO 2011). The highest rates of
tropical forest loss over this period occurred in South America
and Africa (Figure 3.4). Some rapidly developing countries
that suffered extensive deforestation in the 1990s, including
Brazil and Indonesia, have significantly reduced their rates
of tropical forest loss (FAO 2011; Ometto et al. 2011), while
less developed nations in Latin America and Africa continue to
experience high rates of loss. Although much of the developed
world has experienced net reforestation since the late 1800s
as a result of rural-urban migration and farm abandonment
(Walker 1993; Mather 1992), natural factors such as drought,
forest fire and insect attacks have exacerbated forest loss in
recent decades. However, the key drivers of forest loss are
population growth, poverty, economic growth, land pricing,
international demand for timber and other forest products,
insecurity of the rights of local people, and incomplete valuation
of forest ecosystems (Carr et al. 2005; Lambin et al. 2001).
Forest plantations, generally cultivated for industrial purposes,
increased by 50 million hectares globally between 2000
and 2010, reaching 264 million hectares or 7 per cent of
the total forest area (Table 3.2) (FAO 2011). Asia accounted
for 28 million hectares, or 58 per cent of this increase.
Generally, monoculture plantations tend not to enrich local
biodiversity, but they do provide ecosystem services including
timber, carbon and water storage and soil stabilization.
North America
Net change, million hectares per year
Table 3.2 Plantation area in 2010 and the increase between 2000 and 2010, by region
North America
West Asia
15 409
121 802
69 318
14 952
37 529
5 073
264 084
2 948
4 925
Annual increase, %
Note: FAO data has been applied to GEO regional categories, except for Afghanistan, Turkey and Iran, which are included in West Asia.
Source: FAO 2011
Dryland areas
Dry sub-humid
Dryland degradation
awareness and
and awareness
action plan
Joint planning
of the
Rio conventions*
Finance and
* Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
The figure evaluates progress towards the UNCCD targets, showing substantial progress in some areas and highlighting a need for improvement in
others. Particularly encouraging is the high level of awareness about dryland degradation globally. Challenges have been encountered in aligning
national action plans and developing integrated investment frameworks. The assessment process has also revealed problems in data availability and
reporting methods (UNEP-WCMC 2011), potentially enabling UNCCD to address these lessons learnt prior to the next reporting cycle in 2012.
Source: Prepared by UNEP-WCMC
Million hectares
North America
1 280
Polar regions
The Arctics permafrost the top 3.5 metres of soil that remains
permanently frozen for 24 months or more contains the
largest deposits of organic carbon on Earth. But due to some
Figure 3.8 Urban expansion in the Pearl River Delta, China, 19902009
The upper delta area shown in the left-hand image had over 7 million people in 1990, but has since more than tripled to over 25 million, with
the cities of Dongguan, Foshan, Guangzhou and Shenzhen beginning to merge into one continuous city. This intense urbanization has led to
the loss of productive farmland and natural areas, as well as creating a variety of environmental problems.
USGS EROS Data Center 2010 and UNEP 2011c
15 million
510 million
The Mau Forests complex in Kenya provides goods and services worth US$1.5 billion a year through water for hydroelectricity,
agriculture, tourism and urban and industrial use, as well as erosion control and carbon sequestration (TEEB 2010). Alternative
accounting has helped spur the government of Kenya to invest in rehabilitating the area and its vital ecological services, though
challenges remain in addressing the interests of people living there (UNEP 2011a).
Christian Lambrechts
gas emissions
Unsustainable water
Biodiversity loss
Minimum goals for 2050
Each lobe represents the status of a particular theme, with the circle
defining the balance required to meet the goals. The upper figure
shows the current situation, reflecting a shortfall on food security
goals and excessive environmental impacts; the lower figure shows a
hypothetical situation in which all goals for 2050 are achieved.
Source: Adapted from Foley et al. 2011
Millet Sorghum
Sweet potato
and yam
Source: Ringler et al. 2010
Meat production
Meat production has increased significantly during the past
two decades, outpacing the rate of population growth over
the same period (Figure 3.12). Large differences in meat
consumption exist both within and between countries,
ranging from an average of 83 kg per person per year in North
America and Europe to 11 kg per person per year in Africa
(FAO 2009). Population growth, urbanization and increasing
incomes are expected to continue to raise demand for meat,
particularly in developing countries (Delgado 2010).
Mato Grosso
Source: INPE 2012
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Million hectares
Oil palm
Source: UNEP 2011c
Million m3
Million m3
% change
1 795
1 867
Industrial wood
1 595
1 544
Wood-based panels
Land governance
Goal gaps
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Brendan MacRae/iStock
Coordinating lead authors: Erica Brown Gaddis, Paul Roger Glennie, Yi Huang and
Walter Rast
Lead authors: Magdi Abdelhamid, Maite Aldaya, Bjrn Alfthan, Peter Koefoed Bjrnsen,
Mariele Evers, Gensuo Jia, Ljubomir Jeftic, Alioune Kane, Santiago Reyna and
Judith Weis
Contributing authors: Hermanni Backer, Hans Genter Brauch, Eberhard Braune,
Salif Diop, Carlo Giupponi, Sherry Heileman, Lawrence Hislop, Tiina Kurvits,
Robin Mahon, Liana Talaue-McManus, Lisa Speer and Jaap van Woerden
Principal scientific reviewer: rsula Oswald Spring
Chapter coordinator: Salif Diop
Main Messages
Increasing water-use efficiency in all sectors
is vital to ensure sustainable water resources
for all uses. Human water demands, with only
limited improvements in efficiency, are increasing
and are already unsustainable in many regions.
Nevertheless, potential exists for efficiency gains:
irrigation efficiency, for example, could be increased
by approximately one-third simply by implementing
existing technology. At the local level, integrated
demand and supply strategies are critical. At a riverbasin level, more efficient and fair water allocation
systems are needed. More broadly, virtual water
trade can ease water demands in some locations.
Recognition of ecosystem water needs within
allocation systems will help protect lifesupporting ecosystem services. Freshwater and
marine ecosystem services are critical to human
development and integral to the transition to a
green economy. Inadequately articulated objectives
and lack of data, however, make it difficult to
evaluate progress in meeting environmental water
requirements. Better strategies and tools are
needed for efficient, equitable water allocation
between users, including the environment. Full
implementation of international commitments and
enforcement of legally binding agreements, and due
consideration of customary water-use arrangements,
will facilitate sustainable human and ecosystem use.
Reducing both point and non-point pollution is
imperative to improve ecosystem health and provide
safe water for humans. Substantial achievements in
reducing some pollutants have occurred since 1992,
Mangroves are significant breeding grounds for marine life, and protect
coastal areas from storm surges and other natural hazards. Jeremy Sterk
Water quality
and legal
Aichi Targets
1992 targets
Table 4.1 Selected internationally agreed goals and themes related to water
Note: Numbers at the top of the columns under JPOI, MDG and UN Millennium Declaration represent specific paragraphs, goals or articles.
* Selected by the GEO-5 High-Level Intergovernmental Advisory Panel (HLIAP). ** Selected at regional consultations.
Figure 4.1 Annual average water scarcity in major river basins, 19962005
Water demand
Global withdrawals have tripled over the last 50 years (UNESCO
2009) to meet the demands of a growing population with
increasing wealth and consumption levels. While water supply
over this period has remained relatively constant, demand now
exceeds sustainable supply in many places, with serious
long-term implications (2030 Water Resources Group 2009).
The planetary boundary for human consumptive blue water use
when used groundwater and surface water is not made available
for reuse in the same basin is estimated to be 4000 km3 per
year, with current consumptive blue water use estimated at
approximately 2600 km3 per year. Projected water demands
may to reach planetary boundaries in the coming decades
(Rockstrm et al. 2009).
Agricultural, industrial and domestic water withdrawals have
steadily increased. Agriculture is by far the largest global water user
(Figure 4.2), with withdrawals for this purpose being unsustainable
in many places due to unbalanced long-term irrigation water
budgets (MA 2005), as evidenced by the mining of aquifers and
reliance on large water diversion projects. These withdrawals are
projected to continue increasing, placing further pressure on aquatic
ecosystems, which themselves also require water of adequate
quantity, quality and timing for sustained health.
Many communities are dependent on unsustainable
groundwater withdrawals (aquifer mining) to meet agricultural
3 000
2 000
1 000
Note: The graph includes three dierent groups of scenarios (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, GEO-4
and OECD) and shows the range between their maximum and minimum values at each five-year interval.
Source: CESR, University of Kassel, Germany; Alcamo et al. 2005a, 2005b (MA scenarios); Rothman et al.
2007 (GEO-4 scenarios); Bakkes et al. 2008 and OECD 2008 (OECD scenarios)
Irrigation efficiency; net virtual water trade
Global trends
Some progress
Most vulnerable communities
Those dependent on irrigated agriculture in arid areas; poor
communities in net virtual-water exporting countries
1 500
1 000
Green water footprint
World average
Latin America
and the Caribbean
North America
West Asia
Grey water footprint
World average
Source: Mekonnen and Hoekstra 2011
Irrigation eciency
Figure 4.6 Virtual water imports, exports and flows around the world, 19962005
Net virtual
water export
km3 per year
Net virtual
water import
km3 per year
Figure 4.7 People affected by and damages associated with floods and droughts, 19802010
Damages, US$ billion
Flood Drought
People aected
Note: The costs of the large floods in Thailand and Pakistan in 2011 are not included here.
Low density
High density
Source: Vrsmarty et al. 2010
Groundwater contamination
Groundwater around the world is threatened by pollution from
agricultural and urban areas, solid waste, on-site wastewater
treatment, oil and gas extraction and refining, mining,
Global trends
Very little progress in some areas; deterioration in others
Most vulnerable communities
Populations in rapidly urbanizing areas with inadequate
Regions of greatest concern
Arsenic is of particular concern in Bangladesh, India, highly
populated river deltas in South East Asia, North America and
Eastern Europe
Figure 4.9 Estimated risk of arsenic in drinking water, based on hydrogeological conditions
Level of risk
Very low
No data
Figure 4.10 Faecal coliform concentrations in rivers near major cities an indicator of waterborne pathogens,
23 million
No of organisms
per 100 ml water
Mean values
Less than 10
101 000
1 00010 000
10 000100 000
More than 100 000
Figure 4.11 Population without access to improved sanitation compared to MDG target, 19902015
Population, %
Latin America
and the Caribbean
North America
West Asia
2015 projection
Note: For MDG monitoring, WHO/UNICEF defines an improved sanitation facility as one that hygienically separates human excreta from human contact (WHO 2012).
2015 MDG target
Source: WHO 2012
Marine litter
Litter is found in all the worlds oceans because of poor solid
waste management and the increased use of plastic (UNEP
2009). It damages wildlife, fisheries and boats, contaminates
coastal areas, and presents safety and human health risks.
Marine litter accumulates on coastal beaches, on the sea bottom
(Galgani et al. 2000) and large marine gyres in both the Atlantic
and Pacific Oceans (Law et al. 2010; Martinez et al. 2009).
Of the 12 seas surveyed between 2005 and 2007, the South East
Pacific, North Pacific, East Asian Sea and Wider Caribbean coasts
contained the most marine litter (UNEP 2009), and the Caspian,
Mediterranean and Red Seas the least. Regional studies of the
Baltic Sea (HELCOM 2009), Northeast Atlantic (OSPAR 2009),
US coastline (Sheavly 2007) and North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
indicated no statistically significant changes in litter quantity
between 1986 and 2008, while data from the Mid-Atlantic
indicated an increase in land-based and general-source marine
litter during 19972007 (Ribic et al. 2010).
Persistent toxic chemicals
Toxic pollutants include the trace metals cadmium, lead
and mercury, pesticides and their by-products such as
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and chlordecone,
industrial chemicals and combustion by-products. They are still
used in many places and thus continue to accumulate in aquatic
systems, leaving a legacy of sediment contamination; they are
found in 90 per cent of water bodies. The pollutants of greatest
concern are persistent, toxic and bioaccumulative (Chapter 6).
Organisms can accumulate contaminants from water, sediment
and food, acquiring tissue contaminant levels much higher
Concentration of organochlorines in predatory fish species;
concentration of persistent organic pollutants in Arctic air
Global trends
Some progress
Most vulnerable communities
Coastal populations; populations dependent on fish for food
Regions of greatest concern
Polar regions
Figure 4.13 Trends in organochlorine contamination in selected deep-sea fish species, 19952005
Nanograms per gram of lipid weight
Etmopterus lucifer
PCBs = Polychlorinated biphenyls
DDTs = Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes
Lycodes hubsi
CHLs = Chlordane compounds
HCBs = Hexachlorobenzenes
Synaphobranchus kaupi
Lampanyctus jordani
HCHs = Hexachlorocyclohexanes
Note: Samples were collected from the Western Pacific o the coast of Japan.
Source: Oshihoi et al. 2009
Secure adequate sustainable freshwater supply
Water security and human health
Human water security threat
Global trends
Most vulnerable communities
Developing countries with increasing water demand
Regions of greatest concern
Africa, West Asia, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and
the Caribbean
water pollution, because they can all affect the range of human and
environmental water uses. Despite improvements, lack of access to
drinking water of adequate quality and quantity remains one of the
largest human health problems globally. Inadequate water supply is
an inherently regional phenomenon, however, caused by basin-level
water scarcity, regional water quality, inadequacies of infrastructure
and governance, cultural perspectives and inequitable water pricing.
Although the MDG target on water supply was met in 2011, more than 600 million people will lack safe water supplies in 2015. Kibae Park/UN Photo
Figure 4.14 Threats to water security with and without infrastructure investment, 2000
Water security
Although several definitions for water security have been
proposed since the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, none has been
universally accepted (Oswald Spring and Brauch 2009). Varying
definitions, leading to numerous indices based on different
criteria, make it difficult to generate trend data. The Ministerial
Declaration of the Hague broadly defines water security to
include the protection and improvement of freshwater and
marine ecosystems, sustainable development and political
stability, with the aim of providing every person with access to
enough safe water at an affordable cost to lead a healthy and
productive life, as well as protecting vulnerable communities
from water-related risks and hazards (World Water Council 2000).
About 80 per cent of the worlds population lives in areas with high
water security threats, the most severe category encompassing
3.4 billion people, almost all in developing countries. Water
security threat here refers to the cumulative effect of 23 drivers
that have an impact on water resources, categorized into
watershed disturbance, pollution, water resource development
and biotic factors (Vrsmarty et al. 2010). More people are
likely to experience severe water stresses in the coming decades
because of increased demands (Chapter 1) in addition to altered
precipitation patterns associated with climate change.
Figure 4.14 highlights the global threat to human water security
and compares it with the magnitude of threat after adjusting for
the effects of previous and current infrastructure investment.
With higher investments in infrastructure in the industrialized
countries, the figures show that human water security can be
increased, overcoming the various threats to water resources
(Vrsmarty et al. 2010), while low investments in developing
countries means their water security remains poor. Investments
must be coupled with adequate institutional capacity, and
because infrastructure development often occurs at the expense
of aquatic biodiversity and environmental quality, it is imperative
that environmental risks related to investments are considered
and appropriately mitigated.
Latin America
and the Caribbean
North America
West Asia
2015 projection
2015 MDG target
Water-related diseases
Water-related diseases, as defined by the World Health
Organization (WHO), include those caused by microorganisms
and chemicals in drinking water; diseases like schistosomiasis,
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Asia and the Pacific
Latin America and the Caribbean
West Asia
West Asia
Asia and the Pacific
Latin America and the Caribbean
Note: Reported cases are an underestimate of total cases because many go unreported.
Note: Reported cases are an underestimate of total cases because many go unreported.
Source: WHO 2010
Source: WHO 2010
Water-energy-climate nexus
Table 4.2 Observed and projected impacts of climate change on key hydrological variables
Key variables
Observed trends
Precipitation intensity
Tropical cyclones
Sea level
Sea levels increased by about 0.2 metres over the 20th century; a
rise equivalent to 0.3 metres per century has been recorded since
the early 1990s, although it is not clear if this is an acceleration
in long-term sea level rise
Ocean acidification
Continued increase
Source: IPCC 2011; Feely et al. 2009; World Bank 2009; IPCC 2007c
Figure 4.17 CO2 concentrations and ocean acidification in the North Pacific, 19602010
pH level
CO2, ppm/microatmospheres
Mauna Loa: atmospheric CO2, ppm
Figure 4.18 Thermal power and hydropower plant locations and water stress levels in five countries of South
and South East Asia
Power plant
Water stress
Moderate availability
Indian Ocean
Note: Water stress indicators represent the ratio of total withdrawals to utilizable water, but do not reflect anticipated demographic or climate changes such as the timing or quantity of precipitation.
Source: WRI
Water governance
Some progress
Significant progress
Coastal sand dunes buffer the coastline against wave damage and protect the land from saltwater intrusion. Rui Miguel da Costa Neves Saraiva
Figure 4.20 Map of 18 regional seas and 64 large marine ecosystems, 2011
47 49
56 54 55
AND 29
19 60
9 NORTH- 24
Note: ROPME is the Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment, one of the regional seas programmes.
Latin America and the Caribbean
North America
Source: Wolf 2007
Flood control
Water quality
Water quantity
Water quantity
Source: De Stefano et al. 2010
Men pulling a raft packed with their belongings through flood waters on a
road in Pathum Thani, Thailand, in October 2011. ruchos/iStock
1. Ecosystem
Protect and
restore freshwater
ecosystems and
their services
environmental water
Projected to continue
improving access to water
supply and sanitation.
Africa projected to lag
behind the rest of the
Ensure equitable
access to improved
drinking water
Secure adequate
and sustainable
freshwater supply
D/B D: Global water withdrawals have tripled over the last 50 years
to meet increasing demands, with groundwater particularly at
risk; 80% of people live in areas with high levels of threats to
water security, including 3.4 billion people in the most severe
threat category
B: Construction of dams is improving access to freshwater
supply in many developing countries
programmes for
mitigating the
effects of extreme
water-related events
Increased precipitation
intensity and aridity is
expected to accentuate
extreme water-related
events in many parts of
the world
As scientific uncertainty
is reduced at regional and
local levels and awareness
increases, mitigation and
adaptation measures are
expected to increase;
climate change adaptation
costs for the water sector
and sea level rise will be
at least US$35100 billion
per year
2. Human well-being
Reduce water-related
human health
4. Water quality
Reduce and control
freshwater pollution
Improve sanitation
coverage, including
sewage collection,
treatment and
Developing countries
in particular will face
difficulties implementing
integrated management
approaches due to lack
of funding, capacity and
Develop adequate
monitoring systems
(national, regional
and global)
Improve stakeholder
and mainstream
gender in water
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Main Messages
The pressure on biodiversity continues to increase.
Habitat loss and degradation from agriculture
and infrastructure development, overexploitation,
pollution and invasive alien species remain the
predominant threats. Climate change is increasing
in importance and will have profound impacts,
particularly in combination with other threats. Greater
integration of policies and institutional responses,
including effective engagement of local communities,
is required to stop and reverse current trends. The
world lost over 100 million hectares of forest from
2000 to 2005, and has lost 20 per cent of its seagrass
and mangrove habitats since 1970 and 1980
respectively. In some regions, 95 per cent of wetlands
have been lost. The condition of coral reefs globally
has declined by 38 per cent since 1980. Two-thirds
of the worlds largest rivers are now moderately to
severely fragmented by dams and reservoirs.
The state of global biodiversity is continuing to
decline, with substantial and ongoing losses of
populations, species and habitats. For instance,
vertebrate populations have declined on average
by 30 per cent since 1970, and up to two-thirds
of species in some taxa are now threatened with
extinction. Declines are most rapid in the tropics,
in freshwater habitats and for marine species
utilized by humans. Conversion and degradation
of natural habitats is ongoing, with some having
experienced declines of 20 per cent since 1980.
Limited successes, such as saving particular
species from extinction, reversing the decline of
some populations, and restoring some habitats, are
outweighed by continuing declines.
The benefits humans obtain from biodiversity are at
risk. Conversion of natural habitats to large-scale,
commercial agriculture has resulted in net benefits
for human well-being. However, this has often
been accompanied by reductions in other services,
Goals and targets are one aspect of the policy agenda for
assessing progress in meeting global commitments for
biodiversity. Eighteen goals related to biodiversity have
been identified (Table 5.1). These range from the Millennium
Development Goal 7 to ensure environmental sustainability, to the
most recent five strategic goals and 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets
of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 20112020 (Box 5.1). These
biodiversity goals and targets have been clustered into themes
and prioritized by taking into account the links between them and
by reference to key biodiversity issues (Table 5.1).
Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya, renowned as a sanctuary for more than 400 bird species, also offers refuge to large ungulates including waterbucks.
Jason Jabbour
Box 5.1 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 20112020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets
reduction strategies and planning processes and are being
incorporated into national accounting, as appropriate, and
reporting systems.
Target 3: By 2020, at the latest, incentives, including
subsidies, harmful to biodiversity are eliminated, phased out
or reformed in order to minimize or avoid negative impacts,
and positive incentives for the conservation and sustainable
use of biodiversity are developed and applied, consistent
and in harmony with the Convention and other relevant
international obligations, taking into account national socioeconomic conditions.
Target 4: By 2020, at the latest, governments, business
and stakeholders at all levels have taken steps to achieve
or have implemented plans for sustainable production and
consumption and have kept the impacts of use of natural
resources well within safe ecological limits.
Actor Edward Norton, UN Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity,
addresses a press conference on the dangers of global biodiversity
loss. Rick Bajornas/UN Photo
Delegates in Nagoya, Japan, during the tenth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, where signatories adopted a
new UN Strategic Plan, including the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. IISD/Earth Negotiations Bulletin
Table 5.1 Selected internationally agreed goals and themes related to biodiversity
Major themes from internationally agreed goals
State and
Ramsar Convention on
Wetlands (UN 1973) Article 3
Convention on the
Conservation of Migratory
Species of Wild Animals
(CMS 1979) Preamble
Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD 1992)
Article 1
Article 6
Article 8j
Article 10
Decision VII/28
Paragraph 1.2.3
Johannesburg Plan of
Implementation (JPOI)
(WSSD 2002) Paragraph 44
Cartagena Protocol on
Biosafety to the CBD (CBD
2000) Article 1
International Treaty on
Plant Genetic Resources
for Food and Agriculture
(ITPGRFA) (FAO 2001)
Related goals
Reduce direct pressures on biodiversity; improve the status of
biodiversity; enhance benefits from biodiversity; strengthen
responses to safeguard biodiversity
Trends in: invasive species and pollutants such as nitrogen
deposition; extinction risk of species; extent, condition
and integrity of biomes, habitats and ecosystems; status of
species harvested for food and medicine; development and
effectiveness of protected areas, indigenous and communityconserved areas, sustainable use management and payment
for ecosystem services programmes; and in the number of
languages and speakers as a proxy for traditional knowledge
supporting sustainable resource use and conservation
Figure 5.1 Major threats to vertebrates listed as critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable on the IUCN Red List
Proportion of threatened species aected, %
Residential/commercial development
Invasive alien species
Climate change/severe weather
Change in fire regime
Dams/water management
Energy production/mining
Human disturbance
Transport/service corridors
Native species
Overexploitation of wild species to meet consumer demand
threatens biodiversity, with unregulated overconsumption
contributing to declines in terrestrial, marine and freshwater
Land conversion to oil palm plantations in Sabah, Malaysia, has encroached on the natural habitat of the orangutan, significantly threatening the
species. Johannes Refisch/UNEP
Wild Bird Index
Ecological footprint
2010 1970
2010 1970
Nitrogen deposition
Red List Index
Protected areas
2010 1970
2010 1970
2010 1970
2010 1970
2010 1970
2010 1970
Climate Impact Indicator
2010 1970
Source: IUCN 2010
2000 2006
Source: Kleisner and Pauly 2011
World biocapacity
Note: Shaded areas show 95 per cent confidence intervals. The numbers of data-sucient
extant species in year of first assessment were: 9 785 birds, 4 555 mammals, 4 416
amphibians and 704 corals (warm water reef-building species only).
Source: Adapted from Vi et al. 2009
Benefits to people from biodiversity
Figure 5.8 Relationships between biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being
Wood and bre
Personal safety
Secure resource access
Security from disasters
Nutrient cycling
Soil formation
Primary production
Climate regulation
Flood regulation
Disease regulation
Water purication
Feeling well
Access to clean air and water
Potential for mediation by
socio-economic factors
Adequate livelihoods
Sucient nutritious food
Access to goods
Freedom of
choice and
Opportunity to
be able to
achieve what
an individual
values doing
and being
Social cohesion
Mutual respect
Ability to help others
Intensity of linkages between
ecosystem services and human
Source: UNEP/GRID-Arendal
0.95 1 = of least concern; 0 = extinct
Not used
Not used
Utilized species have lower
risk than
species not
Not used extinction
used for food
and medicine.
risk than
species not
Not used used for food and medicine.
Source: IUCN 2010
Source: IUCN 2010
Figure 5.10 Distribution and conservation status of medicinal plant species assessed for the IUCN Red List, by
region, 2009
Medicinal plant species assessed, %
plant species assessed, %
18 species
18 species
74 species
137 species
109 species
122 species
35 species
115 species
158 species
Not threatened
Not threatened
Source: TRAFFIC and IUCN SSC Medicinal Plants Specialist Group 2009
Source: TRAFFIC and IUCN SSC Medicinal Plants Specialist Group 2009
Large-scale dams and their associated reservoirs affect biodiversity by displacing species and restricting their movement up and down rivers.
Nikola Miljkovic/iStock
areas covered 1.6 per cent of the ocean area (IUCN and UNEPWCMC 2011). Indeed, at the end of 2010, only 12 countries had
designated more than 10 per cent of their waters, often through
large areas, while 121 countries had yet to designate more than
0.5 per cent of their marine jurisdiction (Toropova et al. 2010). In
response, the CBD has retained the 10 per cent target, with
a revised achievement date of 2020.
Marine protected areas can be designated at a variety of levels
of protection, but those with complete protection provide the
greatest biodiversity benefits. A review of 112 independent
studies in 80 different protected areas found significantly higher
fish populations inside the reserves than in surrounding areas
or in the same place before protection was established. Relative
to reference sites, population densities were 91 per cent higher,
biomass 192 per cent higher and average organism size and
diversity 2030 per cent higher, usually between one and three
years after establishment of a reserve. These trends occurred
even in small marine protected areas (Halpern 2003).
Protected areas can also play a key role in climate change
mitigation and adaptation, preventing the conversion of natural
habitats to other land uses and hence avoiding significant
release of carbon (Dudley et al. 2010b). Emissions from landuse change, mainly forest loss, contribute up to 17 per cent of all
anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC 2007). It has been
estimated that about 15 per cent of the global terrestrial carbon
stock is stored in the worlds protected area network (Campbell
et al. 2008), and the role that this can play in climate mitigation
Figure 5.13 Proportion of each terrestrial ecoregion covered by protected areas, 2011
Source: IUCN and UNEP-WCMC 2011
The number and extent of ICCAs and SNSs have not been
comprehensively estimated. It has been, nevertheless,
suggested that in some parts of the world their area is similar
to that currently under government-managed protection (Box
5.6) (Molnar et al. 2004). Furthermore, it has been estimated
that communities own or manage 22 per cent of all forests
in 18 developing countries (White and Martin 2002). Recent
analyses highlight the potential effectiveness of indigenous and
community-managed areas in tropical forest conservation. For
example, such areas can be more effective in reducing tropical
deforestation than forest protected areas (Porter-Bolland et al.
2012), and indigenous and multiple-use protected areas can
reduce the incidence of tropical forest fires as effectively as strict
protection (Nelson and Chomitz 2011).
ICCAs and SNSs are increasingly recognized as legitimate and
powerful tools for the security of both their custodians and
the biodiversity they encompass, supported by a range of
conservation, human-rights and development instruments.
A preliminary survey of the laws and policies of 27 countries
and one sub-national region showed that progress in national
recognition of ICCAs and SNSs is patchy: some countries are
moving rapidly, others slowly, and some not at all (Kothari et al.
2010). The biggest challenge, now that ICCAs and SNSs have
global attention, is in gaining appropriate national recognition
and support, particularly for tenure, customary practices and
decision-making institutions, and other fundamental human
rights (Stevens 2010). Activities relating to governance,
participation, equity and benefit sharing in relation to protected
areas merit increasing consideration.
A Kenyan fisherman sets out in a traditional wooden boat to fish beyond the coral reef almost a kilometre offshore.
Cheryl-Samantha Owen/
Critically endangered
or data deficient
Source: Moseley 2010
Figure 5.15 The number and type of access and benefit-sharing measures, 2011
Number of measures
Types of measures
In the marine realm, ten countries own 90 per cent of the patents
deposited with marine genes with 70 per cent belonging to
just three but account for only about 20 per cent of the worlds
coastline. These nations benefit from access to the advanced
technologies required to explore the vast genetic reservoir of the
oceans, leading to a call for policies targeting capacity building to
improve access for other countries (Arnaud-Haond et al. 2011).
Resource mobilization
Policy implications
Outlook summary
100 000
10 000
Plants and
1 000
Mammals, birds
and amphibians
Climate change
Land-use change
Combined drivers
Fossil record
20th century
1. Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity (Notes 4, 6, 7, 13; CBD Targets 510)
Drivers of habitat loss and
Increasing pressure
Levels of exploitation
Increasing pressure
Increasing pressure
2. Improve the status of biodiversity (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12; CBD Targets 1113)
Genetic diversity of wild
Continuing decline
Population abundance of
Continuing decline
Continuing decline
3. Enhance sustainable benefits (ecosystem services) from biodiversity (Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12; CBD Targets 1416)
Status of species harvested
for food and medicine
Proportion of sustainably
managed production areas
Number of languages
and speakers as a proxy
for traditional knowledge
supporting sustainable
resource use and
Notes: 1. CBD Article 1; 2. CBD Article 6; 3. CBD Article 8j; 4. CBD Article 10; 5. CBD COP 7 Decision VII/28 Paragraph 1.2.3; 6. CBD COP 7 Decision VII/30 Annex II;
7. Agenda 21 Chapter 17 Paragraph 86; 8. CMS 1979 Preamble; 9. CITES 1973 Preamble; 10. ICPP Article 1; 11. Ramsar Article 3; 12. ITPGRFA Article 1 Paragraph 1.1;
13. Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Article 1.
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Coordinating lead authors: Ricardo Barra, Pierre Portas and Roy Victor Watkinson
Lead authors: Oladele Osibanjo, Ian Rae, Martin Scheringer and Claudia ten Have
Contributing authors: Borislava Batandjieva, Walter Giger, Ivan Holoubek,
Heather Jones-Otazo, Liu Lili, Philip Edward Metcalf, Karina Silvia Beatriz Miglioranza,
Arthur Russell Flegal, Adebola A. Oketola (GEO Fellow) and Monica Montory (GEO Fellow)
Principal scientific reviewer: Mika Sillanpaa
Chapter coordinator: Ludgarde Coppens
Main Messages
There is an extensive but incomplete body of scientific
knowledge on the impacts of chemicals and wastes on
humans and the environment, with particular information
and data gaps on the uses, emissions, exposure pathways
and effects of chemicals. Global understanding of the
complexity of properties and environmental impact of
chemicals and wastes is therefore markedly deficient. The
fourth Global Environment Outlook (2007) indicated that
data were incomplete globally and that, for many regions,
it was important to evaluate the magnitude of chemical
contamination and its impacts on the environment and
human health. But little has occurred since then. The
UN Secretary-General, in his May 2011 report on policy
options for waste management to the Commission on
Sustainable Development, stated that: the barriers to
effective management and minimization include lack of
data, information, and knowledge on waste scenarios.
And the UN-Habitat report on waste management in cities
stated that waste reduction is desirable but, typically, it is
not monitored anywhere (UN-Habitat 2010).
Over the last decade chemical production has shifted
from the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to the BRIC countries
(Brazil, Russia, India and China) and other developing
countries, accompanied by a doubling of sales and the
development of many new types of chemical. The OECDs
share of world production is now 9 per cent less than in
1970. Much of this shift has been due to major emerging
economies. In 2004, China accounted for the largest
share of BRIC production at 48 per cent, followed by
Brazil and India at 20 per cent each, and Russia at 12 per
cent (OECD 2008b). Chemical consumption in developing
countries is likewise growing much faster than in the
waste prevention; the precautionary approach; and the polluterpays principle. These are addressed through specific obligations
such as the implementation of control measures, monitoring
of the state of the environment, and compliance regimes with
supportive delivery mechanisms including capacity building and
training, international cooperation, synergies and partnerships.
Goals relevant to the sound management of chemicals and
waste aim to protect human health and the environment while
improving resource efficiency. They can be grouped into six
sound management of chemicals throughout their life cycle,
including persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals, and
of waste;
control of the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes
as well as responsible trade in hazardous chemicals;
transparent science-based risk assessment and risk
management procedures, as well as monitoring systems at
the national, regional and global levels;
support for countries to strengthen their capacity for the
sound management of chemicals and waste;
protection and preservation of the marine environment from
all sources of pollution;
safe radioactive and nuclear waste management.
Table 6.1 Selected internationally agreed goals related to chemicals and waste
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI) (WSSD
2002) Paragraph 23
(Prioritized during regional consultations in Europe
and the Asia and Pacific region)
Renew the commitment, as advanced in Agenda 21, to sound management of chemicals throughout their life
cycle and of hazardous wastes for sustainable development as well as for the protection of human health
and the environment, inter alia, aiming to achieve, by 2020, that chemicals are used and produced in ways
that lead to the minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment, using
transparent science-based risk assessment procedures and science-based risk management procedures, taking
into account the precautionary approach, as set out in principle 15 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and
Development (UNCED 1992a), and support developing countries in strengthening their capacity for the sound
management of chemicals and hazardous wastes by providing technical and financial assistance.
Paragraph 22
(Prioritized during regional consultations in the Asia
and Pacific region)
Prevent and minimize waste and maximize reuse, recycling and use of environmentally friendly alternative
materials, with the participation of government authorities and all stakeholders, in order to minimize adverse
effects on the environment and improve resource efficiency, with financial, technical and other assistance for
developing countries.
Paragraph 23g
Promote reduction of the risks posed by heavy metals that are harmful to human health and the environment,
including through a review of relevant studies, such as the United Nations Environment Programme global
assessment of mercury and its compounds.
... to protect human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants.
... to promote shared responsibility and cooperative efforts among Parties in the international trade of certain
hazardous chemicals in order to protect human health and the environment from potential harm and to
contribute to their environmentally sound use, by facilitating information exchange about their characteristics,
by providing for a national decision-making process on their import and export and by disseminating these
decisions to Parties.
... to protect, by strict control, human health and the environment against the adverse effects which may result
from the generation and management of hazardous waste and other wastes.
The Parties to the Convention accept the obligation to promote, in consultation with other international bodies
and with assistance from UNEP and coordination with the Executive Director of UNEP, the necessary support for
Parties who may require technical assistance in the following areas:
a) Training scientific and technical staff; b) obtaining equipment and monitoring installations where needed;
c) ease the adoption of additional measures and conditions which seek to prevent or reduce pollution in the
marine environment by ships; and d) encourage research; preferably within the concerned countries, in order to
promote realization of the aims and objectives of this convention.
Contracting Parties shall individually and collectively protect and preserve the marine environment from
all sources of pollution and take effective measures, according to their scientific, technical and economic
capabilities, to prevent, reduce and where practicable eliminate pollution caused by dumping or incineration at
sea of wastes or other matter.
Article 12
The Contracting Parties pledge themselves to promote, within the competent specialized agencies and
other international bodies, measures to protect the marine environment against pollution caused by:
(a) hydrocarbons, including oil and their wastes.
The objective of this programme area is to ensure that radioactive wastes are safely managed, transported,
stored and disposed of, with a view to protecting human health and the environment, within a wider framework
of an interactive and integrated approach to radioactive waste management and safety.
The objectives of this Convention are: (i) to achieve and maintain a high level of safety worldwide in spent
fuel and radioactive waste management [...]; (ii) to ensure that during all stages of spent fuel and radioactive
waste management there are effective defenses against potential hazards so that individuals, society and
the environment are protected from harmful effects of ionizing radiation, now and in the future, in such a way
that the needs and aspirations of the present generation are met without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their needs and aspirations; (iii) to prevent accidents with radiological consequences
and to mitigate their consequences should they occur during any stage of spent fuel or radioactive waste
Number of signatory countries to the three conventions on
chemicals and wastes (Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm); number
of implementation plans being put in place by these countries
Global trends
Some progress
Most vulnerable communities
Labour force, women and children in developing countries,
consumers worldwide
Regions of greatest concern
Africa, Latin America and Asia
Figure 6.1 Transmission of national reports by Parties to the Basel Convention, 19992009
Number of Parties
Reporting Parties
United Germany Brazil
Mexico Canada Switzerland Chile
Thailand Argentina
UK Netherlands Belgium Ireland Russia Singapore Australia Malaysia Indonesia Saudi Poland
France Republic
of Korea
Source: OECD 2010b
Municipal waste
Naturally occurring
e.g. arsenic and fluoride
in water, natural toxins
Raw materials
e.g. fossil fuels,
raw chemicals
and transport
Human and
Manufactured products
e.g. industrial and
agricultural chemicals,
petroleum products
Transport and
health, air quality
Combustion products
e.g. indoor and outdoor
air pollutants
Note: Dashed lines are management options; solid lines correspond to the life cycle.
Use and
Chemical safety
transport and
chemical safely
Chemical and
product safety
chemical, food and
water safety
Waste management,
chemical, food and
water safety
Marine pollution
The oceans cover 71 per cent of the Earths surface and are
polluted to varying degrees, threatening marine life, fisheries,
mangroves, coral reefs, and estuarine and coastal zones, with
A recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO) (PrssUstn et al. 2011) indicated that 4.9 million deaths were
United Kingdom
United States
Greece Turkey
and Tobago
Viet Nam
Malaysia Singapore
PCB concentration
nanograms per gram
half-lives are often long five to ten years and sometimes even
longer. In recent years the decrease has come to a halt for several
compounds, and some concentrations have been observed to be on
the rise, for example polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlordane
and DDT. Long-term trends for two PCBs are shown in Figure 6.6.
100 000
10 000
1 000
Figure 6.6 Trends in two PCBs from air monitoring data at two sites in the northern hemisphere, 19952005
Alert, Canada
Storhofdi, Iceland
Seasonal cycle
Smoothed trend
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Source: Adapted from Hung et al. 2010
A farmer, wearing no protective equipment, sprays his vines with pesticide. Alistair Scott/iStock
Eastern Europe
Latin America and
the Caribbean
Near East
Estimated quantities
Estimated disposal
costs at US$3 000
5 000 per tonne
(US$ million)
27 395
6 463
240 998
722.91 204.9
11 284
4 528
290 668
8721 453
Note: The latest updates given by FAO vary from 1994 to 2006.
Source: FAO 2012
The Lavender red copper open pit mine in Bisbee, Arizona, United States.
Claude Dagenais/iStock
Radioactive material
(million TBq)
Nuclear power
Industrial or
medical use
Spent fuel
(million MTHM)
High-level waste
(million TBq)
28 000
28 000
(million m3)
(million TBq)
(million m3)
(TBq million)
1 600
1 850
step in the management of radioactive waste, generally in nearsurface or deep land-based facilities. Apart from high-level and
some intermediate-level waste, the majority has been disposed
of in such facilities. Table 6.3 presents an estimate of the global
inventory of radioactive waste (IAEA 2008b).
About a hundred near-surface facilities exist, and others for
disposal of waste of various levels are under development in
a number of countries, although the process of selecting and
designing a site is often contentious. Many nuclear reactors
are ageing and will need to be decommissioned in the near
future, resulting in radioactive waste and signalling the need for
disposal facilities and trained professionals to operate them. As
of 2 February 2012, 435 nuclear power reactors with a combined
capacity of about 368 gigawatts are in operation in 30 countries,
of which around 75 per cent are more than 20 years old, and
63 plants with a combined capacity of 61 gigawatts are under
construction in 14 countries (European Nuclear Society 2012).
Contracting Parties to the Joint Convention on Radioactive Waste
and Spent Fuel increased steadily after its establishment in 1997
to number 58 in April 2011, and are committed to ensuring a high
level of safety in radioactive waste management. At the 2009
triennial review meeting, the reports of 45 Contracting Parties
were reviewed with the conclusion that there is a commitment
to improve safety, make progress in building, maintaining and
implementing legal/regulatory frameworks, and observe good
practices in national radioactive waste management strategies
and policies (IAEA 2009b). Despite progress since the 2006
review meeting, however, the 2009 meeting concluded that
much still needed to be done to meet the following challenges:
implementation of national policies for the long-term
management of spent fuel, including disposal;
siting, construction and operation of spent fuel and
used every year but many are improperly disposed of, ending
up as marine litter. This significant problem was highlighted in
the UNEP Yearbook 2011 (UNEP 2011b), showing that discarded
plastic debris forms a major component of marine litter, degrading
into micro-pollutants in ocean gyres, fouling beaches in coastal
waters, and entering the food chain where it is consumed by
marine fauna such as turtles and sea birds, weakening or killing
them by affecting their digestion, respiration and reproduction.
There is concern that these plastics also act as transport vectors
of persistent organic pollutants such as PCBs and similar
compounds, with chronic effects on wildlife. The solution is sound
management, preventing the escape or discharge of this material,
yet rates of plastic recycling and reuse vary greatly, from more
than 80 per cent in some EU countries to only a small percentage
in many developing ones. The Global Programme of Action (GPA)
for the protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based
Activities and other local and regional initiatives are seeking to
address this issue (Astudillo et al. 2009; Young et al. 2009).
Electronic waste
Endocrine disruptors
Open burning
At the global level, about 1.1 billion people do not have access
to a safe water supply and 2.6 billion people do not have access
to adequate sanitation facilities. The associated health impacts
are alarming: 1.7 million deaths per year, of which 90 per cent
are children under five years of age (WHO/UNICEF 2005). The
costs of water pollution may represent between 0.3 and 1.9 per
cent of rural gross domestic product (GDP) (WHO/UNICEF 2005).
Industrial sectors with the potential for significant water pollution
include the chemicals sector, food and beverage sector, textile and
mining industry and pulp and paper sector. The policy framework
for regulating the industrial point sources of water pollution is
well developed in most OECD countries, although some pollutants
such as heavy metals and chlorinated solvents remain a concern.
Increasing attention is being paid to non-point sources, such as
agricultural run-off, which are more difficult to regulate but can
lead to nitrate pollution of water bodies. In addition to efforts
to reduce the run-off of organic pollutants from fertilizers and
manure, organophosphates from pesticides are also a concern.
Studies reviewed by the OECD (2008a, 2008b) suggest that
national measures to reduce agricultural run-off and manage storm
water, including targeted measures to reduce a variety of different
pollutants such as arsenic and nitrates, could yield health benefits
in excess of US$100 million in large OECD economies (Hammer et
al. 2011). In non-OECD countries, the cost of inaction with respect
to unsafe water supply and sanitation is particularly acute.
Table 6.4 summarizes the main goals into key themes and uses the
indicators described in this chapter to illustrate progress towards
their achievement. It also makes recommendations for consideration
alongside those from other chapters in Part 1 when developing policy
options and responses as outlined in Parts 2 and 3.
1. Provide sound management of chemicals throughout their life cycle and of waste
Sound management of
Sound management of
Data on waste
Improve resource
Strict control of
the generation and
management of hazardous
and other waste
Improve waste
disposal techniques
for waste containing
heavy metals
4. Promote shared responsibility and cooperative efforts between Parties in the international trade of certain hazardous chemicals
Develop national
processes for the
import and export of
hazardous chemicals
Facilitate information
about chemical
Improve resource
Control of
movements of
hazardous waste
Environmentally sound
management of waste instead
of indiscriminate disposal and
uncontrolled open burning
8. Protect and preserve the marine environment from all sources of pollution
Pollution from
Prevent accidents
with radiological
and mitigate
consequences of
accidental releases
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Evgeny Terentev/iStock
Main Messages
The changes discussed in Chapters 26 are taking
place within an integrated, interconnected whole
that is the Earth System. Humans are an integral
part of that system.
Unprecedented changes
Air bubbles trapped in Antarctic ice preserve an 800 000-year record of atmospheric CO2 levels,
which have varied naturally from about 180 to about 280 ppm (Luethi et al. 2008). Once
humans began burning large quantities of coal and oil in the 19th century, concentrations
began to rise beyond these levels, reaching 315 ppm by 1958 when direct measurements of
CO2 in the atmosphere began to 380 ppm in 2007 and 391 ppm in 2011
800 000
Years before present
600 000
400 000
200 000
Source: Adapted from NASA Earth Observatory 2010
Ice cores in Antarctica have shown that during the past 800000
years, air temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations
have oscillated within a relatively limited range (Luethi et al.
2008), with variations that could be largely linked to factors such
as the irregularities of the Earths rotation and motion along its
orbit around the Sun (Hays et al. 1976). Current concentrations
of atmospheric CO2 are, however, well outside the range of the
past (Figure 7.1), having risen from 310 parts per million (ppm)
in 1950 to 391 ppm in 2011 (NOAA 2011), with half the total rise
in atmospheric CO2 since the pre-industrial era having occurred
in the last 30 years (Steffen et al. 2007).
Biodiversity, the variety of life on Earth, has evolved over the last
3.8 billion years or so of the planets approximately 5-billion-year
history. Five major extinction events have been recorded over
this period, but, unlike the previous events which were due
to natural upheavals and planetary change the current loss
of biodiversity is mainly due to human activities and is often
referred to as the sixth global extinction (Barnosky et al. 2011;
Eldredge 2001). According to the Global Biodiversity Outlook
3 (CBD 2010), the abundance of some vertebrate populations
fell by nearly one-third on average between 1970 and 2006 and
continues to fall globally. Many biologists consider that coming
decades will see the loss of large numbers of species (Leadley et al.
2010), increasing the risk of abrupt change in landscapes and
The eutrophication of this river is evident from the bright green water,
caused by a dense bloom of bluegreen alga Microcystis. Heike Kampe/iStock
Figure 7.2 Examples of regime shifts resulting from different drivers and feedbacks
Synergistic factors in New Mexico
Forested area, %
1990 1975
Note: Establishing that the grazed and ungrazed areas in southern Arizona were equally aected by
changes in precipitation patterns helped to eliminate grazing as a factor influencing the regime shift.
Sources: de Young et al. 2008 (Caribbean); Allen and Breshears 1998 (New Mexico); Brown et al. 1997 (Arizona)
Polar regions
Figure 7.3 Observed change in annual mean surface air temperature, 19602009
4.1 No data
example, the ice body of the West Antarctic ice sheet is in many
places more than 1000 metres below the ocean surface. Recent
estimates indicate a potential contribution to global sea level
of 3.3 metres by this ice (Bamber et al. 2009). Recent airborne
geophysical measurements over previously unexplored areas of
the East Antarctic ice sheet (Young et al. 2011) have shown that it
too is largely resting below sea level. There are therefore concerns
about marine ice sheet stability in a rapidly warming climate.
While recent regional temperature trends in Antarctica have not
been very significant and in some locations negative, the Faraday/
Vernadsky Station in the northwestern part of the Antarctic
Peninsula has observed an increase of 0.53oC per decade for the
period 19512006 (Turner et al. 2009). This local warming and
the accompanying changes in winds are considered to be the main
causes of the collapse of the Larsen ice shelves A in 1995 and B
in 2002. The potential destruction or accelerated melt of the West
Antarctic ice sheet under current warming is a subject of intensive
research (Huybrechts 2009; Pollard and DeConto 2009).
As a general rule, when atmospheric concentrations of CO2 increase,
the oceans tend to absorb more of it. However, in the Southern
Ocean, which represents a significant fraction of the global ocean
carbon sink (Takahashi et al. 2009), there is a declining ability
to absorb CO2 (Le Qur et al. 2007). One of the likely reasons
for this is a 1520 per cent intensification of the circumpolar
westerly winds over the Southern Ocean since the 1970s, which
can be partially attributed to the effects of the stratospheric
ozone hole (Thompson and Solomon 2002). This phenomenon
also has important implications for Antarctic biodiversity (Box 7.3).
New Delhi
Main rivers
1 000
Note: Data for people killed or aected may not have been available for all flood events.
The Amazon
Almost 6000 years ago the Sahel was covered by grasslands and
shrublands (Prentice and Jolly 2000; Hoelzmann et al. 1998),
with records of marine sediments and archaeological evidence
showing a switch to arid conditions thereafter (Foley et al. 2003;
de Menocal et al. 2000). More recently, there has been a marked
shift from relatively wetter conditions with higher rainfall in the
1950s and 1960s to drier conditions in the 1970s and 1980s,
followed by a general trend in increasing precipitation throughout
the Sahelian region over the past 30 years (Huber et al. 2011),
leading to what is generally referred to as a greening trend.
Huber et al. (2011), however, demonstrate the complexity of this
trend, since vegetation changes are not always directly related to
precipitation changes.
Implications for human well-being
In the case of Western Australia, land-use change brought
unintended consequences. As well as the decrease in rainfall, the
removal of deep-rooted native vegetation also led to a rise in the
water table, increasing the surface salinity of the farmland and,
hence, further decreasing agricultural productivity. As humans
continue to clear land for agriculture a paradox is in the making:
while food production may increase in the short run, it may be
seriously decreased in the long run (Noticewala 2007).
Another consequence of the widespread clearance of native
vegetation in Australia for cattle raising and farming was its
impact on indigenous peoples who had relied on previously
abundant wildlife for their traditional diets. Many groups
had little choice but to work on cattle stations and adapt to
European foods (Kouris-Blazos and Wahlqvist 2000). This has
had a detrimental impact on their nutritional status and wellbeing, leading to chronic diseases associated with obesity
(Wolfenden et al. 2011).
Subsistence agriculture is the main source of household
livelihoods in many parts of Africa, especially in dryland regions
such as the Sahel (Kumssa and Jones 2010). This constitutes a
serious food security risk given the complex feedbacks between
human activities, land cover and climate. The African Partnership
Forum (APF 2007) estimates that 75250 million people living in
the African drylands will be affected by climate change.
Although a greening of the Sahel region is observed, rainfall in the
Western part of the region has not increased (Huber et al. 2011). A
study by Mertz et al. (2010) of 1249 households in five Sahelian
countries with annual rainfall ranging from 400 to 900 mm, found
that climate factors, mainly inadequate rainfall, are believed by
3050 per cent of households to be a cause of decreasing rain-fed
crop production, whereas a wide range of other factors, such as
changes of land tenure, was held responsible for the remaining
5070 per cent. The differences between the rain-fed crop and
livestock sectors, as well as between the driest and wettest zones
studied by Mertz et al. (2010), illustrate the difficulty faced by
people on the agricultural margins in the driest part of the Sahel
who are trying to develop their rain-fed agriculture. Adaptation to
climate change in the drylands will have to take these complex
interactions into account.
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Ecological footprint
Global biocapacity
available per person
North America
Western Europe
Central and
Eastern Europe
Note: A global hectare is a theoretical hectare of surface area with average global productivity.
Middle East
and Central Asia
Latin America
Asia and
the Pacific
Source: Kitzes et al. 2008
Planetary boundary
Transition management
System indicators
Source: Frantzeskaki and de Haan 2009
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Contributing authors: Charles Davies, Ashbindu Singh and Jaap van Woerden
Principal scientific reviewer: Rainer M. Krug
This chapter has been prepared by the Secretariat
Main Messages
Global research programmes and rapidly
improving technologies for collecting
environmental information and presenting it in
engaging ways are informing the debate about
present and future environmental challenges.
Nevertheless, deficiencies in scientifically credible
data on the environment in particular time series
on such issues as freshwater quantity and quality,
groundwater depletion, ecosystem services, loss
of natural habitat, land degradation, and chemicals
and waste are a major handicap in developing
evidence-based policies.
Official environment statistics is still an emerging
field, with poor availability and quality of data in
many countries. Environment statistics, mostly
collected or compiled by national statistical offices,
are one of the most important sources of information
for assessment reports like GEO-5, but global and
regional reports from the United Nations and other
agencies regularly show gaps,
or use old data or estimates.
Capacity development to support environmental
information, especially in developing countries,
needs to be stepped up significantly. Different
countries often use different approaches to produce
data on the same issue, making comparisons
difficult. This highlights the need for regular
monitoring and, to allow comparisons across nations
Desertification (UNCCD)
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
(GEMS Water)
Water Footprint Network (WFN)
World Development Indicators (WDI), World Bank
United States
and Sanitation
World Bank
Sugar cane, one of the worlds major biofuel crops. Important gaps in data on the production and use of biofuels remain. Wendy Townrow/iStock
Table 8.2: Selected regional initiatives and priorities for environmental information
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), the African Centre for Statistics and UNEP are supporting countries in developing
a core list of indicators for Africa, based on the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) indicators, the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) and the New Partnership for Africas Development (NEPAD)
Sub-regional organizations like the Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS) are increasing their involvement,
based on programmes in related areas like food security and economic development
In general, Africa is a high-priority region for capacity development in environment statistics
Asia and the Pacific Overall, Asian countries have a relatively high response rate to the UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire on Environment Statistics,
whereas the response rate from Pacific countries is low (UN 2011); development in the region varies widely between countries
Regional organizations provide support on certain issues, such as compilation of statistics from various sources by the Economic
and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the Asian Development Bank
A number of programmes exist on specific themes and/or covering different sub-regions, for instance:
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)/UNEP Asia-Pacific Material Flows
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Centre for Biodiversity
- UNEP/ South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) South Asia Environment Outlook
- Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)
- Clean Air Initiative Asia (data on issues such as air quality, energy and transport in Asian cities)
- Mekong River Commission (for example water level data)
The European Commission, Eurostat and the European Environment Agency (EEA) are the main sources of environmental data in
Western and Central Europe, and they are extending their related capacity-building efforts into Central Asia
Eurostat collects, produces, analyses and disseminates statistics on the state of and pressures on the environment as well as
a range of related economic and social data based largely on data provided by national statistical offices of its member states
(Eurostat 2010)
EEA and its member and cooperating countries operate the European Environment Information and Observation Network
(EIONET) for multi-country data collection, organization and dissemination
Eurostat and OECD circulate a Joint Questionnaire on the State of the Environment covering member states of both organizations
Environmental data and information are more sparse in European countries that are not members of either organization,
including a number of countries in Eastern and South Eastern Europe; one priority in many of these countries is to restore
monitoring networks and related data time series that were discontinued in the 1990s (UNECE 2003)
The Helsinki Commission for the Baltic Sea, the OSPAR Commission for the North-East Atlantic, the Barcelona Convention for the
Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea Commission operate data programmes covering their respective marine areas
The pan-European scientific monitoring network of the UNECE Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP)
has been pivotal in providing the evidence identifying the most important European air quality issues
North America
Data and information to track the state of the environment is collected and analysed by a variety of government agencies as
well as academic and other institutions, including Environment Canada, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
US government and academic institutions also collect and provide access to global environmental data on a number of issues
including sea level, surface temperature, land cover and coral bleaching (Table 8.1)
West Asia
The Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI), in partnership with UNEP, promotes enhanced collection,
dissemination and use of environmental data and information. These and other organizations are co-sponsoring the Global
Network of Networks initiative, aimed at effective access to the worlds expanding pool of environmental data
A core set of environmental indicators for West Asia, developed by the League of Arab States (LAS) in partnership with the
Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA) and UNEP, has been established by countries of the region on a
voluntary basis
An Arab Environmental Information Network is being developed under the umbrella of LAS, with support from UNEP and in
collaboration with ESCWA, AGEDI and other organizations
In many countries of the region, official statistics on the environment are rarely generated, difficult to access and scattered
among different institutions, and reporting is fragmented (UNEP 2006); major thematic gaps and priorities include data on land
salinization, coastal and marine pollution, disasters, waste management and transport (UNEP 2006)
A number of regional initiatives are promoting and coordinating environment statistics in the region, including:
- the Latin American and Caribbean Initiative for Sustainable Development (ILAC, 32 agencies from 24 countries as of end 2011)
- the Working Group on Environmental Statistics of the Statistical Conference of the Americas (15 institutions from 10 countries)
- sub-regional initiatives such as the Andean Community Indicators and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Indicators
According to a recent survey of national statistical offices and environment ministries in the region, 81% of the participating
institutions had an environment statistics programme, although only 36% had a specific budget dedicated to it; other significant
institutional challenges remain in many countries (ECLAC 2011)
Data collected at the national level are some of the most important
sources of information to track the state and trends of the global
environment. Environment statistics is an emerging field in
most countries, and many have only scattered data (UN 2011).
Most developing countries currently have no comprehensive
environmental observation system. Data may exist but are often
discontinuous, making it difficult to establish a baseline to
measure change over time or progress against targets. The recent
UNDP/UNEP/GEF synthesis of National Capacity Self-Assessments
noted that more than 90 per cent of the 119 participating countries
identified information management and knowledge as a
capacity need. While selecting a list of environmental indicators
and collecting information was more straightforward in many
countries, the main challenge involved managing this information
and coordination of the organizations involved, including
research institutions and programmes. National environmental
management information systems need to be strengthened, as
well as the skill sets of associated staff. Measures to address
this include application of standards, use of communication
Emissions of:
SO2 (1000t)
SO2 per capita (kg)
NOx (1000t)
NOx per capita (kg)
CO2 (million tonnes)
CO2 per capita (tonnes)
GHG (million tonnes CO2 eq.)
GHG per capita (tonnes CO2 eq.)
Ozone depleting CFCs (ODP tonnes)
GHG from energy (%)
Population (1000)
Population growth rate from previous year (%)
450 000
1 064
33 425
Lake Kyoga
Lake Victoria
241 550
130 120
29 880
International borders
Main roads
100 km
Note: The boundaries, the names shown, and the designations used on this map do not imply
official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
66 000
Source: UN 2011
Flooded houses in the aftermath of tropical storm Hanna, Haiti. Better information on disaster risk is a growing priority in most regions.
Marco Dormino/UN Photo
Figure 8.2 National environment statistics programmes and thematic coverage, 2007
National programmes covering dierent themes
Countries planning to expand on dierent themes
Biodiversity Transport
Other Expenditure on
Source: UN 2007a
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Chapter 10:
Chapter 12:
North America
Chapter 14:
West Asia
Chapter 15:
Regional Summary
Parents should be able to comfort their children and say everything will be all
right its not the end of the world, and we are doing the best we can but I dont
think you can say that anymore.
Severn Suzuki, aged 12, addressing UNCED, Rio de Janeiro, June, 1992
The best way to use hard facts as a motivator is to partner scary information
with options for action: What can we do? Lets find a way to fix it. The young,
particularly, can handle bad news if theres an avenue for change.
Severn Suzuki, aged 32, Perspectives on Rio+20
Lucyna Koch/iStock
Main Messages
In Africa, population growth, rapid urbanization,
climate change, unsustainable development choices
and weak governance persist as critical challenges
to achieving both the environmental and the social
aspects of important regional goals.
Embarking on mutually reinforcing policies works
to Africas advantage. For nations faced with limited
resources, maximizing policy synergies helps
deliver social, ecological and economic benefits,
reduces trade-offs, and provides multiple paths
for addressing common drivers and pressures. For
example, sustainable land management policies
support positive outcomes in diverse environmental
domains including marine ecosystems, biodiversity
and freshwater. This will, however, require the
harmonization of policies between the local,
national, regional and global levels to avoid adverse
environmental and social impacts. For example,
global policies such as those for food, biofuels
and climate mitigation should not undercut local
livelihoods and adaptive capacity.
Transboundary natural resource policies strengthen
the integrated management of shared terrestrial and
marine ecosystems. The popularity of this approach
in Africa underscores its validity as a useful strategy
with wide applicability.
Networks of marine managed areas rather than
individual, strictly protected marine areas provide
more opportunity for comprehensive management
of marine resources. Benefits include fisheries
recovery, improved migratory species conservation,
reduced land- and sea-based pollution, and
enhanced social and ecological resilience to
climate change.
The recognition and up-scaling of human rights,
including the rights of indigenous people and
Risk of mortality
Source: UNISDR 2011
Food secure
Maputo, Windhoek, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Msunduzi, Manzini,
Mozambique Namibia South Africa South Africa South Africa Swaziland
Food insecure
The 1996 World Food Summit in Rome agreed that food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sucient,
safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life (FAO 1996). This relies on food availability,
accessibility, reliability and quality, as well as acknowledging preference (Frayne et al. 2010; Sen 1981).
Source: Frayne et al. 2010
In their actions to achieve the objective of the Convention and to implement its provisions, the Parties shall be
guided, inter alia, by the following:
1. The Parties should protect the climate system for the benefit of present and future generations of humankind,
on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective
capabilities. Accordingly, the developed country Parties should take the lead in combating climate change and
the adverse effects thereof.
2. The specific needs and special circumstances of developing country Parties, especially those that are
particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, and of those Parties, especially developing
country Parties, that would have to bear a disproportionate or abnormal burden under the Convention, should
be given full consideration.
3. The Parties should take precautionary measures to anticipate, prevent or minimize the causes of climate
change and mitigate its adverse effects. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full
scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing such measures, taking into account that
policies and measures to deal with climate change should be cost-effective so as to ensure global benefits
at the lowest possible cost. To achieve this, such policies and measures should take into account different
socio-economic contexts, be comprehensive, cover all relevant sources, sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse
gases and adaptation, and comprise all economic sectors. Efforts to address climate change may be carried out
cooperatively by interested Parties.
Johannesburg Plan of
Implementation (JPOI) (WSSD
2002) Paragraph 40b
Develop and implement integrated land management and water-use plans that are based on sustainable use
of renewable resources and on integrated assessments of socio-economic and environmental potentials and
strengthen the capacity of Governments, local authorities and communities to monitor and manage the quantity
and quality of land and water resources.
Convention on Biological Diversity Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate:
(CBD 1992) Article 10: Sustainable (a) integrate consideration of the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources into national
Use of Components of Biological
(b) adopt measures relating to the use of biological resources to avoid or minimize adverse impacts on
biological diversity;
(c) protect and encourage customary use of biological resources in accordance with traditional cultural practices
that are compatible with conservation or sustainable use requirements;
(d) support local populations to develop and implement remedial action in degraded areas where biological
diversity has been reduced; and
(e) encourage cooperation between its governmental authorities and its private sector in developing methods for
sustainable use of biological resources.
Johannesburg Plan of
Implementation (JPOI) (WSSD
2002) Paragraph 26c
Improve the efficient use of water resources and promote their allocation among competing uses in a way that
gives priority to the satisfaction of basic human needs and balances the requirement of preserving or restoring
ecosystems and their functions, in particular in fragile environments, with human domestic, industrial and
agriculture needs, including safeguarding drinking water quality.
Promote the conservation and sustainable use of coastal and marine ecosystems as well as their natural resources.
A woman carries firewood across a stream in southern Sudan where floodwaters washed away the bridge. Tim McKulka/UN Photo
Table 9.2 Mutually reinforcing outcomes through effective implementation of selected policy options
Policy themes and goals
Policy options
Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD 1992) Article
Johannesburg Plan
of Implementation
(JPOI) (WSSD 2002)
Paragraph 26c
Johannesburg Plan of
Implementation (JPOI)
(WSSD 2002) Paragraph
Climate change
United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC 1992)
Paragraphs 13
natural resource
Improved conservation
through pooling of
management, financial
and human resources;
management improved by
harmonizing approaches
Equitable sharing of
water resources is
ensured, reducing
resource conflict
Marine managed
Protected breeding
grounds improve fish
stocks; multiple needs
are reconciled with
Improved ecosystem
services and goods
support adaptation and
approaches for
marine pollution
Improved ecosystem
quality and resilience
enhance biodiversity
Ecosystem restoration
helps maintain social
and environmental
Payment for
services and
Better valuation
of water resources
leading to incentives
to protect wetlands
and water catchments
Improved social,
ecological and economic
benefits; diversified
income opportunities
reduce land pressures
Emissions from
and Forest
Enhanced biodiversity
conservation as forest
ecosystems are restored
and maintained
Water catchments
are protected; water
quality is maintained
or improved
Diverse income
opportunities reduce
pressure on land
An extended REDD+
(mangroves and
seagrass beds) leads to
fisheries recovery
coastal zone
Improved conservation is
Saltwater intrusion is
Saltwater intrusion is
Fisheries improve as
coastal ecosystems are
Increased availability of
ecosystem goods and
services for adaptation
Sustainable land
Biodiversity outside
protected areas is used
Available water is
more efficiently used;
water sources are
protected and quality
is enhanced
Land productivity is
improved through
input-use efficiency and
rainfall-use efficiency
The conservation of
natural systems and
more efficient land/water
use secures valuable
resources for adaptation
Human rights
Opportunities are
enhanced for resource
custodians to protect
valuable ecosystems
from pollution and nonsustainable use
Water security is
improved, providing
a fairer distribution
Local, inclusive
and participatory
Additional livelihood
resources are available,
reducing land pressure;
long-term perspectives
inform local decisions
Coastal resources
are more effectively
used to support local
Adaptation is
strengthened as
local knowledge and
perspectives help define
Water harvesting
Water security is
enhanced as supply
is improved
Natural solutions
for adaptation to
and mitigation of
climate change
Restored ecosystems
support biodiversity
recovery, including of wild
Reduced saltwater
intrusion from
mangrove restoration
secures freshwater
Grassland restoration
provides pasture and
crop biodiversity and
reduces likelihood
of conversion
Biodiversity recovers as
pollution is reduced
Improved human
health; river integrity
is restored; water
resources are better
valued by users
Coping capacity is
enhanced through
improved access to water;
flood risk is reduced as
run-off is captured
Mangrove restoration
leads to recovery of
coastal systems and
Crop biodiversity,
pasture, fisheries and
other ecosystem goods
support adaptation; risk
is reduced as ecosystems
are more secure
mangroves and coral reefs (Box 9.5) (Swallow et al. 2009), and to
sequester carbon (REDD+).
Despite some positive outcomes from these approaches,
barriers to success remain (Wunder 2008; Landell-Mills and
Porras 2002). Opportunities for local communities continue to
be limited: for example, large landowners or companies supply
most biodiversity offsets (Box 9.5) even though low-income
communities could be competitive suppliers of biodiversity
compensation (Milder et al. 2010). The weak negotiating capacity
of communities makes it difficult for them to participate and
secure livelihood benefits that exceed their opportunity costs
(Swallow et al. 2009; Wunder 2005).
There is considerable potential for expanding payment for
ecosystem services in Africa (Table 9.3), as the region lags
behind others in developing such approaches (Dillaha et al.
2007). In the global carbon offset market for 2011, for example,
Africa accounted for less than 3 per cent of emission reduction
projects, albeit the region has seen a strong growth trend in
the past few years (UNEP Risoe Centre 2011). Enabling factors
include agreeing to a set of principles; strengthening the legal
framework including certification and capacity building of buyers
Table 9.3 Estimated numbers of low-income households likely to benefit from payment for ecosystem
services in developing countries within the next two decades
Ecosystem service
Public sector
Total number of
Biodiversity conservation
Hundreds of
Hundreds of
1015 million
Watershed protection
Tens of millions
Hundreds of
Hundreds of
80100 million
Carbon sequestration
Tens of millions
2550 million
Hundreds of
Only a few
58 million
Source: Milder et al. 2010
Africas dryland forests are still poorly incorporated in REDD+. Yemi Katerere
Africa region
Significant feature
Northern Africa
Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean National approaches ensure economic growth amongst coastal
island countries
communities through the sustainable use of coastal resources (World
Bank 2011; Gustavson et al. 2008)
Regional Coastal Management Programme Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean Provides assistance to seven countries in applying integrated management
of the Indian Ocean countries (ReCoMaP)
island countries
principles to national policies and practice, reducing poverty amongst the
coastal population (ReCoMaP 2011)
Accra Declaration (1998)
(diguettes) and organic farming methods. The data show that the
use of agricultural inputs such as fertilizers without investment in
sustainable management is often inefficient and uneconomical,
suggesting that stronger links need to be made between
agricultural production and sustainable land management.
The Ethiopia Strategic Investment Framework for sustainable
land management presents a strategy for scaling-up such
activities based on best practice. The National Sustainable
Land Management Platform has been established and will
be replicated at regional level. The programme will cover
177 watersheds in eight regions over five years, based on
the model of participatory watershed management. Local
involvement in design and priority setting, along with
improvements in water availability and food production, can
catalyse the spread of existing sustainable land management
technologies as farmers learn from each other.
Source: UNCCD/FAO 2010, 2009; TerrAfrica 2009
Human rights
Box 9.10 Recognizing a human right to water can promote fairer access
The South African constitution provides a right of access to
sufficient water, implemented through the Free Basic Water
Policy 42/2001. Many impoverished households benefit from
secure access (within 200 metres of the household) to at least
25 litres of water per person per day for domestic use (Mehta
2005). This is equivalent to the World Health Organizations
recommendation for minimum consumption, though it does
not cover broader health and livelihood needs.
Positive outcomes include a saving of the time and effort
women and girls spend collecting water, freeing them
to engage in other activities, and less need to resort to
unprotected water sources, thus reducing vulnerability to
water-borne disease (Mehta 2005). In addition, citizens
attribute such policies directly to good governance, and
this in turn can support long-term political stability.
A major challenge for the policy is to strike a balance
between the human benefits and the cost implications
(DWAF 2002a). However, improvements in human well-being
are seen as outweighing the associated costs (Stalk 2004).
Decentralization of the responsibility for water provisioning to
Water harvesting
Figure 9.3 Selected strategies from the policy options for strengthening key components of capacity
Rights and
sharing and
and other
Targeted investments
Sharing and collaboration
Improved access to management
tools and technologies
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Xin Zhui/iStock
Main Messages
Priority themes
Climate change
The priority concern for most countries in the region is how to
build resilience, especially in the most vulnerable communities, to
climate change impacts already set in motion by past greenhouse
gas emissions. Parts of low-lying Pacific island countries may
disappear entirely due to sea level rise (Nicholls et al. 2011; Nunn
2009; Barnett and Adger 2003), extreme weather events are likely
to become more frequent, and marine habitats such as coral reefs
and mangroves are threatened by increased temperature and
ocean acidification.
Under a business-as-usual scenario, the region will contribute
approximately 45 per cent of global energy-related carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2030 (IEA 2010) and, by one
estimate, more than 60 per cent of total global CO2 emissions
by 2100 (Masui et al. 2011). However, intra-regional diversity
is great China is the worlds largest CO2 emitter while most
Pacific island nations are among the smallest. Transport-related
emissions are expected to increase by 57 per cent worldwide
between 2005 and 2030, with China and India accounting
for more than half of that increase (Leather et al. 2009).
Nonetheless, there are encouraging signs on mitigation. At least
ten countries in the region have voluntarily pledged greenhouse
gas emission reductions, including Indonesias promise of a
26 per cent CO2 reduction compared to business-as-usual by
2020 (DNPI 2010), and Chinas of a 4045 per cent reduction
The Mekong River Delta is one of the most important rice granaries in Viet Nam, but being a low-lying coastal region, it is particularly susceptible to
floods. Bartosz Hadyniak/iStock
The selected global goals are built around the concept of lifecycle thinking. Hence the starting point for effective policies is
to use demand management and resource efficiency to minimize
waste generation and the use of hazardous chemicals. The
regions political recognition of the need to prioritize waste
minimization and resource efficiency is not matched by policy
implementation (APO 2007). Only weak efforts have been made
to address the escalating use of resources and hazardous
substances that eventually end up as waste and pollutants (UNEP
2011; Shekdar 2009).
Environmental governance
Environmental governance functions through institutions,
laws, norms and processes for collective decision making
(Young 1992), and the region has a wide diversity of systems
and mechanisms. However, many remain centralized, expertdriven, compartmentalized, and inflexible (ESCAP/ADB/UNEP
2012). A persistent problem is that, many environmental laws,
regulations, action plans and programmes [have not been]
effectively implemented, making greater progress necessary
to achieve the selected global goal of good governance at local,
national, regional and global levels (JPOI Paragraph 5).
Policy screening
Policy analysis
Climate change
The key element of the selected global goal for climate change
(Box 10.1) is to take a precautionary approach to anticipate,
prevent or minimize the causes of climate change and to mitigate
its adverse effects (Figure 10.1).
The clean energy policy cluster includes a renewable energy
mandate and potentially carbon capture and storage, which,
if and when the technology is proven, could contain the
greenhouse gas emissions from the largest source globally 12
billion tonnes of CO2 per year by 2020 (McKinsey and Company
2009). This cluster also has significant co-benefits such as
improved air quality and health improvements, avoidance of
environmental damage from mining and exploration for fossil
fuels, improved energy security and new green job opportunities
(Hughes 2011; Renner 2008), and may offer households and
businesses opportunities to generate their own energy and
supply the surplus to the grid (Palit and Chaurey 2011; USEPA
2010). Potential limitations include non-climate-related negative
Clean energy: promote clean energy renewable energy, energy efficiency, carbon capture and storage
Energy efficiency: reduce energy demand energy efficiency, transport systems
Technology: promote technology transfer and diffusion
Financial policies: enable economic instruments and innovative financing carbon tax, emissions trading, eliminating energy subsidies, feed-in tariffs, REDD+ (the
UN programme for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries)
Adaptation: integrate climate change adaptation into development policies and strategies, and with disaster management
Land management for carbon sequestration: REDD+, low-tillage agriculture
Conservation of biological diversity: increase habitat management including improved effectiveness of protected area management and minimize destructive
land-use change, especially deforestation
Targeted species conservation: address species conservation and invasive alien species management
Illegal wildlife trade: enhance illegal wildlife trade control at national level and through regional cooperation
Community management: encourage community-based management of wetlands, forests and coastal areas, including coral reefs and mangroves
Innovative financing mechanisms: apply innovative financing mechanisms, such as payment for ecosystem services and REDD+, for biodiversity management
Access and benefit sharing: improve access and benefit sharing regimes following the Nagoya Protocol
Framework: apply adaptive and integrated water resources management planning
Water allocation and cooperation: promote community-based management for better allocation of water resources
Basic human needs: encourage rainwater harvesting/storm water management and support the construction and/or renovation of farm dams for increased and
improved water storage
Water-use efficiency: promote industrial and domestic wastewater treatment; utilize economic instruments and approaches to enhance efficient use of water
Water environment: strengthen water quality legislation and implementation to secure water quality; incorporate the ecosystem approach/environmental flow
concept into water resources management
Chemicals and waste
Framework: adopt policy frameworks promoting waste avoidance and reduction of the production and use of hazardous chemicals
Collection systems and treatment facilities: establish systems and infrastructure for product reuse and materials recycling, and stimulate markets for recycled
materials including both industrial by-products and post-consumer waste; set up safe disposal facilities for hazardous wastes and chemicals that cannot be
recycled, either nationally or sub-regionally, paying special attention to the needs and circumstances of developing countries and economies in transition
International collaboration: strengthen international collaboration, including technology transfer and financial support as well as information sharing and policy
transfer; reinforce control of inappropriate export and import of hazardous chemicals and waste
Environmental governance
Policy integration and mainstreaming: ensure policy integration and coherence and eliminate policy conflicts; build capacity
Strengthening incentive structures: greening fiscal policies matched by innovative financing mechanisms
Accountability and stakeholder participation: decentralization and devolution of environmental management to the lowest practical level; multi-stakeholder input
on all major planning decisions
Compliance and enforcement: establish environmental judiciary; combat corruption and inequitable power relationships; base environmental standards on the
best available technology
Medium term
Long term
Elimination of energy subsidies
Promotion of renewable energy, expansion of a low-carbon smart grid
Carbon capture and storage
Visualization of CO2 emissions; improvement of energy eciency devices
Improvement of building architecture; low-carbon transport system
Intellectual property right waivers/buy-out and domestic research for technology transfer and diusion
Clean Development Mechanism; Emission Trading; Joint Implementation
Carbon tax; feed-in tari
Adaptation Fund; REDD+
Ecosystem-based adaptation; integration of climate change adaptation into development policies and strategies and with disaster management
Policy cluster
Energy eciency
Box 10.6 Removing fossil fuel subsidies in Asia and the Pacific
Several countries have begun to remove fossil fuel
subsidies. China, for example, has attempted to bring
domestic energy prices closer to global market levels as
it moves from being largely self-sufficient in energy to
being a major importer. In 2007, the country removed price
controls for coal, and prices are now negotiated between
coal producers and power companies. Crude oil prices and
refined oil products now match international levels. In 2010,
onshore natural gas benchmark prices rose by 25 per cent
following increased gas transmission fees. Preferential
tariffs for energy-intensive industries were eliminated and
a three-tiered electricity pricing mechanism was introduced
for residential use.
In 2010, India announced that petrol pricing would be market
driven. Immediate price increases were announced for
diesel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and kerosene. Natural
gas pricing reform in 2010 allowed state-run producers to
sell natural gas from new fields at market prices instead
of regulated rates, and the price of natural gas more than
doubled. In the coal industry, price reforms are expected to
bring domestic prices in line with imports, allowing for quality
differences, which will increase electricity prices.
until 2100 would account for 12 per cent of the total emission
reductions needed to stabilize atmospheric CO2 at 450 ppm
(FAO 2010; Gullison et al. 2007). Protection of coastal wetlands
and marine ecosystems can also mitigate emissions (Crooks
et al. 2011). Principal benefits include the conservation and
supply of ecosystem services such as biodiversity and water
supply and quality; maintenance of indigenous cultural practices;
soil conservation; and promotion of local livelihoods. Limitations
include possible conflicts with other development objectives;
impingement of local economic aspirations due to restrictions
applied by protected area managers; and more costly land
management practices.
The selected biodiversity goal contains elements of conservation
of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components, and
the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits of using genetic
resources (Box 10.2).
The policy cluster for conservation of biodiversity promotes
the creation of protected areas, including areas that connect
landscapes and seascapes, through identifying areas of high
but threatened biodiversity value and biodiversity corridors
that link protected areas as a system. The notable progress
in the establishment of terrestrial and marine protected areas
reported in the Global Biodiversity Outlook 3 (CBD 2010)
may be attributed to explicit policies on protected areas,
with many countries in Asia and the Pacific using legislation
to establish protected areas (CBD 2010). Existing policies
on protected areas may need further improvement, yet they
provide a good foundation for attaining the global objective
of biodiversity conservation. Commitments like the Convention
on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Ramsar Convention on
Wetlands, the World Heritage Convention and new funding
mechanisms often drive both the establishment and
improved effectiveness of protected areas. A shift from
revenue generation to a conservation policy mandate has
effectively reduced associated illegal land-use change.
Medium term
Long term
Improved management of protected
areas including biodiversity corridors
Community-based management
of ecosystems
Policy cluster
Habitat management
Sustainable use
Species conservation
Box 10.9 Promoting sustainable use of biodiversity: payment for ecosystem services in China and Viet Nam
China: A national environmental policy framework that
promotes eco-compensation as a key principle aims to
promote sustainable use of natural resources and more
balanced growth across regions. China has been implementing
some of the largest payment for ecosystem services schemes
in the world. For example, more than US$15 billion has been
spent since 1999 on the conversion of cropland to forest and
grasslands. This programme pays farmers to withdraw land
from agricultural use and afforest or plant grasses on sloping
and marginal cropland covering more than 9 million hectares.
Similarly, almost US$2 billion has been invested in a forest
ecosystems compensation fund, which pays households,
communities and local governments to protect key forest
areas, now covering 44 million hectares. The success of these
schemes has created a healthy debate in the government on
how to make improvements and has provided the impetus
for exploring and developing other market-based tools and
innovations to address the countrys challenge of balancing
growth with environmental concerns. Recently, the government
has called for emission-fee reforms for key natural resources,
improved resource taxation and fees for mineral resource
use, which will expand the horizon for eco-compensation
mechanisms. These policy experiences are contributing to the
drafting of a national law on the eco-compensation framework.
Viet Nam: Under funding from the US Agency for International
Developments Regional Development Mission for Asia, the
Asia Regional Biodiversity Conservation Programme has
implemented a successful pilot project on payment for forest
environmental services in Lam Dong Province, which has
The policy cluster on access and benefit sharing for the equitable
use of genetic resources includes recognition of the rights of
indigenous stewards of ecosystems, intellectual property rights
protection and regulations preventing biopiracy. The policy
cluster draws heavily on the outcome of CBD negotiations on
access and benefit sharing, notably the Bonn Guidelines (CBD
2002) and the subsequent international regime. Adoption of the
Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and
Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (CBD
2011) will guide the ongoing effort for developing national and
regional agreements. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN) draft agreement on Access to Biological and Genetic
Resources, combined with draft policies and laws on access to
genetic resources, benefit sharing and traditional knowledge
in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Mongolia, Nepal and Sri Lanka, will
provide additional incentives for implementation.
The principal benefits of these policies include providing an
additional incentive for indigenous communities dependent on
natural resources to maintain a full range of biological diversity,
a fair and equitable return from investors that stand to make
Medium term
Long term
Development of communication
tools with the public
Rainwater harvesting
Policy cluster
Promotion of public-private
Water-use eciency
Water quality
The historic Iwabuchi floodgate, in Tokyo, remains crucial for communities living along two of Japans rapidly-flowing, flood-prone rivers. Juergen Sack
Box 10.11 The Yellow River, China: balancing environmental and human needs through quotas and pricing reform
Several provinces share water from northern Chinas Yellow
(Huang) River. The river began exhibiting a partial failure
to reach the sea in 1972 and continuous interruption was
observed after 1987. The annual frequency of cut-off days
reached its peak of 226 days in 1997, and the severe
reduction in flow impaired the ecosystem health of the river
basin as well as its services to society.
In 1998, the National Development and Reform
Commission, formerly the State Development Planning
Commission, and the Ministry of Water Resources issued
annual water-use quotas and a distribution scheme for
the river, as well as the Implementation Regulation for
Water Resource Allocation among Provinces in the Huang
River Basin. These management policies determined total
water withdrawals on the basis of hydrology, the need
for sediment transport and other ecological factors, and
established annual provincial water withdrawals including
a seasonal distribution plan for greater withdrawal in the
rainy season than in the dry season.
In March 1999, the Yellow River Water Conservancy
Commission issued the first water withdrawal quota
Medium term
Long term
Use of industrial by-products
industrial symbiosis
Policy cluster
Reduction of waste and hazardous chemicals
Implementation arrangements
Box 10.13 Ship breaking in South Asia: implementing a new international environmental agreement
Normally, recycling of materials is regarded as an
environmental benefit, but in some cases, such as ship
breaking and recycling of e-waste and batteries, the long-term
exposure and labour-intensive methods used in developing
countries result in negative local impacts on the environment
and human health. Since the 1980s, the global centre of
ship dismantling and recycling has been South Asia, with
Bangladesh, India and Pakistan accounting for 7080 per cent
of the international market. The industry not only provides
large volumes of recycled iron and steel, plus other materials,
but also creates jobs for thousands of workers from the
poorest segments of the population. The direct and indirect
beneficiaries in Bangladesh alone are estimated to be half a
million people. The majority of workers are young, male and
functionally illiterate, often living in cramped shacks near the
recycling yards, thus adding to health concerns.
Obsolete ships contain a wide range of hazardous materials
for which there are no adequate treatment facilities or
occupational health and safety measures in the South Asian
yards. Ship breaking is regarded as a pollution haven
industry, often seeking out jurisdictions with lax environmental
controls. However, in 2009, the Bangladesh High Court
directed that all ship breaking yards without Department of
Environment clearance should close within two weeks, and
Environmental governance
The global goal on governance relates to strengthening the
multiple dimensions of sustainable development (Box 10.5).
Four key policy clusters were identified that could accelerate
its achievement (Figure 10.5). Capacity development, access to
education and information remain as underlying enabling factors
for the effectiveness of each policy cluster.
The policy integration and mainstreaming cluster aims to
integrate sustainable development functions, which are
commonly fragmented between different ministries and agencies
with weak coordination. Increased policy integration and
strengthening the capacity of environment and related ministries
and agencies at different levels of government can promote
win-win opportunities for environment and development. This
integration would not only strengthen the organizational capacity
and decision-making influence of environment ministries,
but also enhance accountability regarding the potential
environmental and social impacts of development projects.
Medium term
Long term
Policy cluster
Box 10.14 Low-carbon green growth in the Republic of Korea and China
The Republic of Korea has formulated a National Strategy for
Green Growth with an overall vision of becoming a global green
leader by 2020, focusing on the following broad objectives:
mitigation of climate change and energy independence,
creation of new engines for economic growth, improvement in
quality of life and enhancement of international standing. The
strategy is supported by a Green Growth Framework Act and a
five-year action plan with targets for greenhouse gas emission
reductions, carbon absorption by forests and afforestation.
The National Peoples Congress has set China on a more
sustainable and low-carbon development path through the 12th
Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development
(20112015). Among its binding targets are a 16 per cent
Transferability considerations
Japan: energy efficiency and mass transit systems Top Runner programme
(UNEP 2011)
Thailand: energy efficiency and mass transit policies (Aumnad 2010)
Singapore: managing motorization in sustainable transport planning (Han 2010)
Feed-in tariffs have been adopted in Australia, China, Japan, India, Indonesia,
Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand (IEA/OECD/World
Bank 2010; ADB 2009c)
Viet Nam: payment for forest environmental services (PFES) in Lam Dong
Province (Winrock International 2011; George et al. 2009); REDD+, transparent,
equitable and accountable benefit distribution system (UN-REDD 2011)
Potential and limitations of PES as a means of managing watershed services in
mainland South East Asia (George et al. 2009)
ASEAN: access and benefit sharing of genetic resources in South East Asian
countries (ACB 2011 pp.724)
South East Asia: protected areas and development in the Lower Mekong (ICEM
East Asia: the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas and the East Asian
Regional Action Plan (IUCN-WCPA 2011)
Indonesia: transboundary haze management (ADB 2008b)
Promote community-based
management for better water
India: Andhra Pradesh (Gupta 2010; Narain 2003; Ballabh 2002; Mollinga 2001;
Parthasarathy 2000; Shashidharan 2000)
Climate change
Table 10.2 Transferability of priority policies in Asia and the Pacific continued
Freshwater continued
Utilize economic instruments and
approaches to enhance efficient
use of water
China: quotas and pricing reform for the Yellow River (Box 10.11)
Cambodia: Phnom Penh (ADB 2009c)
Philippines (IFAD 2011)
Strengthen international
collaboration, including
technology transfer and financial
support as well as information
sharing and policy transfer
Samoa, Tonga and possibly other Pacific island countries (ESCAP 2011a)
China: National Development and Reform Commission (ESCAP 2011a)
Republic of Korea: Presidential Committee on Green Growth (ESCAP 2011a)
Policy integration and
mainstreaming; decentralization
according to principle of
Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines have recent experience
East Asia: sub-national own-source revenue (World Bank 2005 Chapter 6)
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Main Messages
Europe has strong environmental governance
structures and mechanisms in place. In particular,
the European Union (EU) has been implementing
robust environmental policies over the last four
decades. Regular monitoring, reporting and
assessment required by legislation is an integral
part of EU environmental governance, helping to
inform policy makers whether policies are effective,
and to identify emerging issues. This concept
has already or is being emulated in neighbouring
countries and, although to a lesser extent, through
the pan-European Environment for Europe ministerial
process that was initiated in 1991. Moreover, since
the 2002 Earth Summit in Johannesburg, the EUs
agenda has been increasingly oriented to external
multilateral policies.
Both EU and non-EU European countries are also
well on track to meet their own Kyoto targets.
European countries are implementing climaterelated policies ranging from carbon taxes to
emissions trading schemes, stimulating renewable
energy systems and local voluntary efforts by
municipalities. More recently, climate change
adaptation strategies are being developed. Largescale reductions in anthropogenic greenhouse gas
emissions can only be achieved through a tightly
coordinated combination of different policies
targeting different economic sectors and sources of
emissions. The EU, with some of its neighbouring
countries, is also a major donor to various global
efforts to combat climate change.
Table 11.1 Country groupings used in various environment-related reporting and policy initiatives in Europe
European Free
Trade Association
(EFTA) countries
European Union
member countries
Western Europe
Central Europe
Eastern Europe
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United
Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary,
Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia
EU candidate countries
EU potential candidate
Partner countries
of the EU European
Neighbourhood Policy
Pan-European Environment for Europe (EfE) process of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Member countries include all those listed above in the GEO-5 country groups (excluding Holy See) plus Canada, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
United States of America, Uzbekistan
* Turkey is already an EEA member country (and thus part of EEA-32).
Source: UNECE 2012; EEA 2010h; UNEP 2007b
Table 11.2 Selected themes, goals and policy options and examples of success
Themes and international
Climate change
United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC 1992)
Articles 2 and 4.8
Air quality
Agenda 21 (UNCED 1992)
Chapter 9 Paragraph 27
Policy cluster/approach
Combating climate change by
creating and using markets
Johannesburg Plan of
Implementation (JPOI)
(WSSD 2002) Paragraph 26
Comprehensive legislation on
chemicals through commandand control-regulations
Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD 1992) Articles
8, 10 and 11
Regional goals/targets
Policy options
Examples of success
EU 20-20-20
Reduce EU greenhouse gas emissions
to 20% below 1990 levels by 2020
(30% if other industrialized countries
make similar commitments and
developing countries contribute
Lower EU energy consumption by
20% compared with projected levels
for 2020, through increased energy
Meet 20% of EU energy needs from
renewable sources by 2020 (EC
Have EU national adaptation
strategies in place by 2015
(ECouncil 2007)
EU Emissions Trading
Transferring innovative
climate insurance
(Box 11.3)
EU by 2020
Reduce, compared to 2000:
number of years of life lost due to
particulate matter by 47%:
number of premature deaths due to
ground-level ozone by at least 10%
forest area affected by ozone by 15%
forest area affected by acidification
by 74%
freshwater area affected by
acidification by 39%
area affected by eutrophication
by 43%
(EC 2005)
SO2 reduction
EU overall goal
Get all water, including lakes, rivers,
streams and groundwater aquifers,
into a healthy state by 2015 (ECouncil
By end 2012
Specific targets for 2020 adopted in
the EU 2012 Blueprint to Safeguard
Europes Water Resources (EC 2011a)
Denmarks accounting
system for nitrogen use
in agriculture (Box 11.6)
Water metering in
Armenia (Box 11.7)
Waste prevention
Extended producer
responsibility (Box 11.8)
Trends in municipal
waste processing in the
EU (Figure 11.12)
Registration, Evaluation,
Authorisation and
Restriction of Chemical
substances (REACH)
EU by 2020
At least 15% of degraded ecosystems
Forest management plans in place for
all publicly owned forests and forest
holdings above a certain size that
receive EU Rural Development Policy
funding (EC 2011c)
Transboundary EU
Natura 2000 network
and national non-EU
country networks
National ecological
network of Ukraine (Box
Conserving farmland
with a high nature value
in Portugal (Box 11.10)
Pan-European Forest
Europe process
Climate change
The EU-15 is well on track to meet its Kyoto target; indeed, overcompliance may even be achieved when the Clean Development
Mechanism, Joint Implementation mechanism, and carbon
removals such as forestry activities, are factored in (EEA 2010j).
None of the Central and Eastern European countries have faced
any problems in meeting their Kyoto Protocol obligations as their
targets were set before the fall in emissions associated with the
collapse of the Soviet bloc. In addition, regional emission targets
for the post-2012 period have been set (Box 11.1).
Energy industries
1 800
1 600
1 400
1 200
1 000
Industrial processes
A recent report by the EU calls for the total elimination of fossil-fuelpowered cars in cities by the year 2050. Robert Bremec/iStock
Scope changes
2 000
1 500
1 000
EU ETS cap phase 3 (which ends in 2020) and beyond, based on an annual linear reduction
Source: EEA 2011b
Figure 11.3 Electricity capacity in the EU-27 from biomass, on-shore wind and photovoltaic sources, 20052010
Installed capacity, gigawatts
Feed-in biomass
Onshore wind
Feed-in onshore wind
Feed-in photovoltaic
Source: Ragwitz et al. 2012
Air quality
2008 Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) Directive merges much of the
existing air quality legislation to develop long-term, strategic
and integrated policy advice.
Such European approaches have been instrumental in
providing the impetus for the development of a suite of air
quality policies through the establishment of binding emission
and air quality standards. Three outstanding environmental
success stories are described here: vehicle emissions and fuel
standards, the EU Industrial Emissions Directive and local air
quality management policies.
European vehicle emission and fuel standards
Historically, road transport has contributed substantially to
atmospheric pollution by producing emissions of lead (Pb),
nitrogen oxides and particulate matter (Chapter 2). Reduction of
these emissions has been achieved through the establishment
of EU directives controlling both fuel and vehicle emissions,
with fuel policy focused on banning lead and limiting sulphur
content (ECouncil 1999, 1998). European Vehicle Emission
Standards (Euro standards) control exhaust emissions of
nitrogen oxides, non-methane volatile organic compounds and
total hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and particulate matter
from new vehicles sold within the EU. Since the establishment
of the Euro 1 standards in 1992, more stringent ones have been
introduced, tightening controls on different pollutants, vehicle
categories, weights and classes, engine volumes and fuel types;
Euro 5 standards have been in force since 2007. Figure 11.4
shows the vehicle stock allocated to the Euro standards that
have been established to date. Figure 11.5 shows the timeline
for the introduction of increasingly stringent Euro standards
in the EU and their transferability through the subsequent
1995 2009
cars, petrol
1995 2009
cars, diesel
Euro 1
Euro 2
Euro 3
Euro 4
Euro 5
1995 2009
trucks, petrol
1995 2009
trucks, diesel
Harmful air pollutants can be transported across countries, continents and even oceans, affecting air quality far from the original source.
Jarek Szymanski/iStock
Euro 2
Euro 4
Euro 3
Euro 5
Euro 6
European Union
Hong Kong, China
Republic of Korea
Viet Nam
Sri Lanka
1. Petrol only.
2. Diesel only.
3. Whole country.
4. Agra, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hydrabad, Kanpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Pune, Sholapur, Surat. All other Indian cities are Euro 2.
Note: The level of adoption varies. If no annotation is given, Euro standards have been adopted country-wide for both petrol- and diesel- fuelled vehicles.
Source: CAI-Asia 2011
1980s: SO2 emissions fell dramatically in Western Europe (red and orange), while continuing to increase in the southeast (blue).
1990s: Emission reductions slowed in some Western European countries (yellow and green), but accelerated in Central and Eastern Europe
(red and orange), while emissions that had been rising in parts of the southeast also began to fall rapidly.
2000s: SO2 emissions began to stabilize in most of Europe (green); but began to increase (from green to blue) in the North East Altantic due
to shipping activity, and in the Balkans due to recovering industry.
Source: Vestreng et al. 2007
city decreased in 2006 by 100000 per day and 8.5 per cent
the share of clean vehicles in the private fleet increased
from 5 per cent in 2006 to 14 per cent in 2008;
average pollutant concentrations decreased in the inner city
by 10 per cent for nitrogen oxides, 15 per cent for carbon
monoxide and 1520 per cent for particulate matter.
Both air quality management policies were found to be
even more effective if supported by additional measures
such as green area networks, clean fuels, clean vehicles,
extension of public transport and promotion of cycling and
walking. Nonetheless, the congestion tax has been shown
to generate a net social benefit of around US$95 million
(70 million) per year in the form of shorter and more
reliable travel times, reduced greenhouse gas emissions,
health and environmental benefits, greater traffic safety,
increased public transport and higher government revenue
(Eliasson 2009).
By sharing the benefits and responsibility of sustainably comanaged water resources, economic development is fostered,
establishing a connection between economic activities and the
environment. River basin management plans also encourage
public participation in working and expert groups. However, this
approach still faces serious limitations due to the magnitude and
complexity of the problems it seeks to address and the significant
Figure 11.7 Complex links between objectives and actors involved in managing the Tisza Basin
Landscape productivity
Profits on small
and medium farms
Landscape water
storage capacity
Soil quality
Community actors
Lobbying capacity
of community
Pressure for
Sustainable flood
suciency in
Agricultural intensity
controlled flow
Water steering
Water stored
in landscape
water sources
Crop yeld on
big farms
Area for
intensive use
Profits on
big farms
capacity of
frequency and
Pressure for
flood protection
Crop damage by
Flood damage
to buildings and
development in
Flood protection
Source: Adapted from Sendzimir et al. 2008
Price per m3
Price per m3
Price per m3
Seasonal rate
Water consumption
Water consumption
Belgium, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta,
Portugal, Spain
Water consumption
France, Greece
Water consumption
Source: Adapted from Chesnutt et al. 1997
Other recovery
of products
Product use
Source: EC 2010b
Figure 11.12 Trends in municipal solid waste treatment in the EU, 19952008
Municipal solid waste treatment, %
Deposit on or in land
Material recycling
Habitats Directive:
Sites of Community Importance
Czech Republic
Thanks to improved biodiversity and conservation efforts, the Alpine
ibex, once restricted by poaching pressure to Italys Gran Paradiso
National Park, has now recolonized most of the European Alps.
United Kingdom
Source: EEA 2010f; ETC/BD et al. 2008
bad 37%
Favourable 17%
inadequate 28%
Favourable 17%
Unknown 31%
bad 22%
inadequate 30%
Agri-environment measures
The need to preserve high nature-value farmland (Doxa et
al. 2010; EEA 2009a) in the EU was agreed in 2003 and
included in the Kyiv Resolution on Biodiversity (UNECE 2003);
it is also highlighted by the EU as a key action to prevent the
abandonment or intensification of these lands (EEA 2009a).
Agri-environment measures, an optional policy tool for farmers
(Ziolkowska 2009), provide compensation payments covering
implementation costs and associated income losses to farmers
who commit to preserving the environment and maintaining
their farmlands through environmentally friendly practices for
at least five years (Box 11.10) (Ziolkowska 2009). Under the EU
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Member States are obliged
to co-finance these measures: between 2007 and 2013, nearly
22 per cent of the expenditure on rural development, some
US$27.3 billion (20billion), was devoted to them (EC 2010a).
Securing financial support and avoiding delay in payments is
necessary to ensure farmer commitment (Whittingham 2007;
Pinto et al. 2005).
In terms of biodiversity conservation, agri-environment measures
are at their most successful over large areas (Whittingham 2007),
where they also contribute to the maintenance and enhancement
of landscapes, protection of the historic environment and of
natural resources, and the promotion of public access to the
countryside (EEA 2009a). Their high costs, however, may limit
their replicability in non-EU European and developing countries.
Other limitations to their spread include potential loss of
income for farmers and the difficulty predicting their effects on
biodiversity (Ziolkowska 2009; Whittingham 2007).
Forest Europe
Although forests currently (2010) cover 45 and 38 per cent of
Europes and the EU-27s territory respectively, only 26 and 4 per
cent of these forests are considered to be undisturbed by humans
(Figure 11.15) (Forest Europe et al. 2011). Most European forests
are heavily exploited and the share of old-growth stands, crucial
for forest species, is critically low. Nonetheless, Europes total
forest area is increasing thanks to national policy initiatives
coordinated in the Forest Europe framework a voluntary
pan-European policy process for establishing sustainable
management of the regions forests.
The Forest Europe process develops common strategies to
meet challenges such as climate change and the protection of
biodiversity and freshwater, both in Europe and globally (EEA
2010h, 2010a). Since 1990, it has established a collaborative
research network on forest ecosystems, a set of pan-European
criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management, and a
series of action programmes tackling cross-sectoral cooperation
and national forest programmes (EEA 2008). Sustainable forest
management, as defined by the Ministerial Conference on
the Protection of Forests in Europe, has been recognized as a
commendable example of the ecosystem approach advocated by
the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (EEA 2008).
Finland is the most forested European country with some 73 per cent
of its land covered by forest. Samuli Siltanen/iStock
Western Europe
100 million hectares
Central Europe
54 million hectares
Eastern Europe
828 million hectares
Undisturbed by people
The Forest Europe framework has developed indicators that provide guidance for policy development and assess progress towards sustainable
forest management. Jens Stolt/iStock
The absence of a legally binding agreement on forests at a panEuropean level cannot be considered a limitation to successful
policy implementation, but at some point it could slow the
process down, as common benchmarks and well-defined targets
for evaluating effectiveness and efficiency are lacking. In order to
improve and accelerate the process, in June 2011 the Ministerial
Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe adopted
the Oslo Ministerial Mandate for Negotiating a Legally Binding
Agreement on Forests in Europe.
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Main Messages
Despite their heterogeneity, countries in Latin
America and the Caribbean share a number of
common environmental challenges. These include
climate change, biodiversity loss and concerns over
water and land management. Coastal and marine
issues, urbanization, poverty and inequity are also of
high priority.
The policies and instruments showcased in this
chapter require sound environmental governance
to ensure their effectiveness. Strong institutional
settings and policy frameworks are the foundation
for this, while public participation, monitoring
and evaluation, education, and a culture of
environmental awareness are fundamental for its
efficient functioning.
Policies in the region can only be effective if they
succeed in bridging the gap between science and
policy making. Robust policies rest on evidencebased research designed to meet the needs of
policy makers. Such research should include, where
relevant, local and indigenous knowledge, which is
an important feature of the region. Researchers and
policy makers need to collaborate to acquire the
Latin America and the Caribbean is the most urbanized region in the developing world. While urbanization exerts great pressure on natural
resources and ecosystems, properly managed cities can also be part of the solution to global environmental challenges. Aurelio Scetta
islands (Mahon et al. 2011), so coastal and marine issues are also
addressed. The following section appraises a number of policy
options for the region according to the selected themes, and also
addresses key points related to marine and coastal policy.
Environmental governance
(government, private sector,
civil society)
Policy framework
Environmental policies
Legal framework (international
agreements, laws and regulations)
Institutional mechanisms
and innovation
Environmental sector
Plans, programmes and projects
International actions in
Social norms
And behaviour
Source: Singh 2008
Institutional settings
The Regional Biodiversity Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (PROMEBIO) has been formulated as a
regional programmatic instrument to generate information that enables the management of biodiversity
and natural resources, helps the various key stakeholders and decision makers at both regional and
national levels to incorporate the issue into their strategic agendas and decisions, and makes a significant
contribution to the process of environmental integration in Central America (CCAD-UNDP/GEF 2005).
Bird Caye National Park and Gladden Spit Marine Reserve are co-managed by Friends of Nature, a local
non-governmental organization, through agreements with the government authority the Forestry and
Fisheries Department. Friends of Nature manages the areas, enforcing fishing rules andregulations, which
enhances policy effectiveness through local legitimacy and reduces tension between local fishers and federal
authorities. Links to fishing communities and international research organizations facilitate the combination
of scientific and localknowledge for improved understanding of local environmental conditions(Gray 2008).
In the Mexican state of Morelos, a new system of formal environmental education has been developed
focused on the particularities and features of the natural environment surrounding the public schools. This
programme has proved to be of interest to educators, environmental activists and international organizations
worldwide (Hurtado Badiola 2008).
E-government web
In 2005, the National Environmental Authority (ANAM) implemented an e-government web-based platform
that allows public access to proposed regulations, environmental studies, scientific reports and other key
documents including administrative fines and complaints. This is fostering active interaction with nongovernmental organizations, the media and the general public (ANAM 2009).
Co-management of resources is aptly demonstrated in the Mankt Mangrove in Saint Lucia, where
participatory and collaborative approaches and methods have been used for reconciling economic and other
human activities with conservation imperatives (Brown and Renard 2000).
These are private-public, long-term financial partnerships to protect critical watersheds, attracting
voluntary contributions from large downstream water users who benefit from upstream water preservation
activities including reforestation, ecotourism and water-flow monitoring. They also support green economic
opportunities with a positive impact on local communities, such as sustainable farming (Calvache et al. 2011).
System of Environmental-Economic
Accounting (SEEA)
This system adjusts national accounts to reflect environmental damage and the depletion of natural
resources, such as water and minerals, which cost Mexico nearly US$90 billion annually, or 8% of the
countrys gross domestic product (GDP) from 2005 to 2009 (INEGI 2011). This is attributed to the globalization
of markets, weak and poorly implemented policies and failure to enforce existing laws
The Caribbean Sea Commission, established by the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) in 2006, was set up
to help advance work on the Caribbean Sea Initiative. This body has the potential to bring greater coherence
to the policies and other governance structures associated with the Caribbean Sea (Mahon et al. 2011).
In Peru, the Manual for Investigating Environmental Crimes has been developed as a tool for obligatory use by
environmental prosecutors. It is intended to guide investigation and punishment of environmental crimes in
the Peruvian Amazon and other key ecosystems, as well as to bring greater coherence to approaches aimed at
environmental crime prevention (Avina 2011).
Positive steps were made in resolving a decades-old pollution problem in the Riachuelo watershed of Buenos
Aires with the ruling adopted by the Supreme Court of Argentina in the Mendoza case. Residents sued the
federal government for damage to their health, resulting in a ruling that held the City of Buenos Aires and the
federal government responsible for the damage to and reparation of the watershed, and the setting up of an
authority to address the environmental health issues. This authority has embarked on a range of clean-up and
restoration efforts (Staveland-Saeter 2011; di Filippo 2000).
Costa Rica has been a pioneer and leader among Latin American
countries in the design and development of systems of payment for
environmental services. Francisco Romero/iStock
Caribbean Sea
regional policy cycle
Several community organizations in the peri-urban areas of the city of Cochabamba have engaged in different ways
of guaranteeing the water supply for domestic consumption. The result is a network of providers, distributors,
committees and various types of arrangements that alleviate basic needs. At the same time, a metropolitan area
master plan is under development (GIZ/PROAPAC 2011).
The Fund for the Protection of Water (FONAG) is a trust fund to which water users in Quito, Ecuador, contribute. This
fund is used to co-finance activities, projects and programmes for the rehabilitation and conservation of 65000
hectares of watersheds that supply Quito and surrounding areas. Similar funds have been developed in Colombia
and Peru (Cisneros and Lloret 2008).
Water is one of the components of the National Environmental Indicators system. This uses indicators for
situational assessments of water resources in terms of availability and quality. Indicators reflect pressures on the
availability for different uses, its state, and action being taken to preserve water. Also reflected by the indicators
are factors that affect water quality, the condition of water bodies in the country, and action being taken to stop
their deterioration and allow recovery (SEMARNAT 2009).
Rainwater harvesting is one of the most successful water management practices in the region because of its
relatively low cost and its technical feasibility for multiple uses. In the Caribbean, rainwater harvesting is a source
of water for around 500000 people. Brazil has a programme for the construction of a million rural cisterns; Mexico
and Peru have capacity-building and demonstration centres (CEHI/GWP-C 2010; GWP-C 2010; UNEP 2010b; Colegio
de Postgraduados 2004).
Traditional projects to enhance irrigation systems used to focus mainly on improving the collection, transmission
and distribution of water, with water use at the plot level seldom addressed. Recent projects have contributed to
the efficiency of irrigation systems, increasing water availability at the plot level by up to 50% by means of best
practices in surface irrigation and with adequate technology (PROAGRO/GTZ/DED 2010).
The condominium sewerage system was developed in Brasilia and Salvador de Bahia as a mechanism to expand
sewer services for 1.5 million condominium residents. One of the benefits of this policy is that providers and users
need to reach an agreement to facilitate service expansion and adaptation to local needs. Thus, the condominium
becomes not only a physical unit of service provision, but a social unit for facilitated collective decisions and the
organization of communal action. Additionally, this system provides a discount of 40% on the standard sewerage
charge for households (Melo 2005).
The Coastal Zone Management Unit in Barbados, established 25 years ago, has two strategic objectives:
sustainable use of the coastal management area by implementing policies that maintain and, where possible,
enhance environmental quality while still enabling economic development; and
an effective legal and administrative structure to implement integrated coastal management.
Pursuing its objectives, the unit works with the Town and Country Development Planning Office. The unit provides
technical expertise to make an informed and just assessment when the site chosen for development falls within
the coastal zone management area (CZMU Barbados 2011).
The management plan of the Guapi-Iscuande Integrated Management Unit has enabled ecosystem conservation,
support to communities, and rational and alternative use of environmental resources by all involved stakeholders.
The plan started in 2000 and has helped to design environmental agendas with local communities including
indigenous and ethnic groups, as well as fostering the creation of a local committee for integrated coastal zone
management (INVEMAR 2011).
This regional policy framework, which entered into force in 1986, is a comprehensive, umbrella agreement for
the protection and development of the marine environment. The convention is supplemented by three protocols:
the Protocol Concerning Co-operation in Combating Oil Spills; the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas
and Wildlife; and the Protocol Concerning Pollution from Land-Based Sources and Activities (UNEP-CEP 2011a;
UNEP 2000).
Paute River in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador, where sustainable water resource management plays a vital role in food security and energy, and in
supporting valuable ecosystem services for the Santiago Morona region and beyond. Ammit/iStock
Despite notable progress, a significant portion of the regions most vulnerable people largely in the growing number of informal settlements,
or favelas still lack access to clean water and sanitation systems. Luoman/iStock
% of population
Figure 12.5 Estimated population density in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2010
The establishment of marine protected areas is a common way for governments to regulate activities affecting coral
and marine resources. In the Montego Bay Marine Park, a tax of 0.1% on tourist equipment helps to cover the parks
costs and sustain the parks activities (Reid-Grant and Bhat 2009).
Established in 1997 by the governments of the eight Central American countries, the Mesoamerican Biological
Corridor acts as a primary pathway between large and important areas of habitat, predominantly protected areas.
By promoting greater opportunities for local residents to participate in planning and management, the corridor is
helping to promote a greater sense of human well-being while ensuring that the biological heritage of the region is
protected and enhanced (Lpez and Jimnez 2007; Bennett 2004).
A voluntary agreement created the corridor to encourage regional management for the Eastern Tropical Pacific
seascape. The initiative has included more than 80 non-governmental organizations, research organizations,
local community groups and the private sector in promoting regional cooperation for training, education and the
conservation of coastal-marine resources (UNESCO 2011).
Brazils Amazon Region Protected Areas (ARPA) programme is the largest worldwide initiative in tropical forest
conservation, aiming to protect 600 000 km of biologically important areas between 2003 and 2018. ARPA has been
innovative in
developing decision support tools in protected area management;
developing financial mechanisms to allow protected areas to be sustainable in the long term; and
engaging a wide range of stakeholders in the decision-making process.
ARPA has the potential to avoid 5 billion tonnes of carbon emissions by 2050 (Simpson 2010; Azevedo-Ramos et al. 2006).
The 240 000-km2 Dry Chiquitano Forest ecoregion has adopted an ecosystem-based framework and has highlighted
the importance of certain key factors in ecosystem management, including participation of local communities,
decentralization of decision making, setting priorities based on ecological integrity, and planning at multiple
temporal and spatial scales (Vides-Almonacid et al. 2008).
The ecosystem approach has been applied to the management of water resources in the La Plata river basin. This
region is considered important for protection because of poverty, the presence of indigenous communities, and likely
effects of climate change in the area. Management approaches include integrated water resources management as a
key component (Bello et al. 2009; Forero 2008).
The ecosystem approach is being applied to improve the management of multiple-use marine and coastal protected
areas in Chile. Key factors that have been given attention are research, incorporation of local communities in
management of the ecosystem, and incorporation of the areas into national land-use plans (De Andrade 2008).
To protect the water resources that originate in micro-watersheds in the hills above Heredia, the water authority
established a scheme to pay landowners in the upper watershed to reforest the land (US$1 000 per hectare per year
under a five-year contract), and to prevent cattle ranching close to the streams (US$100 per hectare per year for ten
years). A hydrological tariff, derived from fees charged to water authority customers, supports the scheme. Customers
pay approximately US$0.05 per m3 for the ecosystem services delivered by landowners (Jindal and Kerr 2007).
Sustainable financing
Trinidad and Tobago
The Green Fund of Trinidad and Tobago was established by the government under the Finance Act 2004, Part XIV
Green Fund Levy and is capitalized by a turnover tax on corporations operating in the country. The purpose of the
fund is to ensure that there is a sustainable source of financing available to support targeted efforts to conserve
biodiversity and promote ecosystem management in Trinidad and Tobago (UNEP 2011b).
National law on access and benefit sharing Under the Peruvian Law for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (Law 26839), the state and the
native and peasant communities participate in the protection and promotion of plant genetic resources, and the
knowledge, innovations and practices associated with those resources (UNEP 2003).
Table 12.4 Land case studies in Latin America and the Caribbean
Multi-scale land-use planning
Economic and ecological zoning in the San Martin region contributed to the development of the conceptual and
methodological basis for the National Framework for Land Use Planning. Zoning promotes the inclusion of disaster
risk management and climate change adaptation in the participatory process of its design and implementation
(Castillo 2011).
Sustainable mining
In 2008, the State Council approved a mining policy that established principles designed to promote the
sustainable development of mining in Cuba by creating quality control systems and environmental protection
measures, regulating mine closures and determining the recovery of environmental liabilities, among others (ECLAC
Indigenous land management of traditional communal lands of the Bolivian Amazon has been developed to
improve the well-being of people living in rural and indigenous communities, and to help protect forest services
(Sabogal et al. 2008). Other initiatives involve community forest management plans in Oaxaca, Puebla and
Quintana Roo, Mexico; in the Maya Biosphere Reserve in El Petn, Guatemala; and in Amazonian communities in
Brazil and Peru (UNEP 2010b).
The definition of activities and land uses for this policy were based on three criteria: land suitability; the interests
of different stakeholders including tourism, fisheries, agriculture, maritime security and conservation; and other
significant issues identified on the basis of their recurrence, intensity or extent. An integrated assessment was
prepared that included the most significant interactions between terrestrial and marine ecosystems (SEMARNAT 2011).
AgroSandals, Jamaica, the Nevis Model of Hotel/Farmer Partnership, and the Tri-Lakes Project in Guyana aim for
sustainable agriculture while linking agriculture with tourism and culture, in association with the private sector,
community members and government agencies. Programmes have reported good returns: in Jamaica, for example,
farmers sales income increased more than 55 times in the first three years of the initiative, from US$60000 to
US$3.3 million (Harvey 2011).
While ensuring national food security under a trade embargo, Cubas transition to organic agriculture has also
had a positive impact on peoples livelihoods by guaranteeing a steady income for a significant proportion of the
population. Moreover, the lack of synthetic pesticides in agricultural production is likely to have a positive longterm impact on peoples well-being, since such chemicals are often associated with negative health implications
including some forms of cancer (UNEP 2011d).
The Regional Integrated Silvo-pastoral Ecosystem Management Project is piloting the use of payment for ecosystem
services to induce the adoption of silvo-pastoral practices in degraded pastures in Colombia, Costa Rica and
Nicaragua. In Nicaragua, the area of degraded pasture fell by two-thirds, while pastures with high tree density
increased substantially, as did fodder banks and hedges. The project developed an environmental services index
and pays participants for net increases in points (Pagiola et al. 2007).
The adoption of conservation tillage and less aggressive pesticides caused, respectively, a dramatic decrease in soil
erosion and contamination risk in Argentina throughout 19562005. The risk of water and wind-related erosion fell
considerably in response to the expansion of zero-tillage agriculture in the last two decades (Viglizzo et al. 2011).
Various Brazilian organizations united to develop a project on integrated crop-livestock zero-tillage systems in
the Brazilian Cerrado. Rotating such annual crops as maize, soya and rice with no tillage allowed intensification
of land use, increased productivity per hectare, and reduced the need for clearing additional land for pasture or
arable land. Estimates indicate that this resulted in a reduction in clearance of 0.252.5 hectares for every hectare
involved in the project. Reported effects of integrating crops and livestock with zero tillage showed less use of
leaching herbicides, lower fertilizer use and lower greenhouse gas emissions (Landers 2007).
Climate change
The promotion of community-based conservation of the Maya nut tree focuses on rural indigenous women
and children, and on increasing agro-ecosystem resilience through the support of different sectors (Buffle and
Vohman 2011).
This programme brings together efforts on integrated environmental management; cleaner production, recycling
and reuse; reduction of pollution; enterprise management; natural resources protection and biodiversity access
and management; and introduction of environmental education at all levels (AMA et al. 2009).
Efforts have raised local awareness of mangrove habitat as an adaptive climate change management tool and
widened the scope of conservation effort through different community initiatives (WWF 2011).
The Japan International Cooperation System Company has helped to plan the introduction of clean solar
energy systems in one of 13 islands that form the Galapagos archipelago (UNDP 2010a).
This project is a participatory process for the protection, development, management and use of the resources
of the Aripo Savannas Environmentally Sensitive Area over a 1015 year period (CANARI 2011).
The Sustainable Social Housing Initiative has brought sustainable building practices to social housing
programmes, including design criteria and construction practices (UNEP and UNOPS 2011).
Coastline protection
The Barbados waterfront promenade (boardwalk) was built as an adaptation measure to protect 1.2 km of
coastline. The islands coastal resources support diverse ecosystems and the critical tourism industry (Toba 2009).
The Ministry of Finance in Peru introduced disaster risk reduction in the assessment of public investments
with a strong programme for capacity building. The initiative was replicated by the government of Costa Rica
(ISDR 2011).
Forecasts of hydro-meteorological events, volcanoes, tsunamis and droughts have been implemented by
Cuba, Mexicos National Centre for Disaster Prevention (CENAPRED) and the Caribbean Disaster Emergency
Management Agency (CDEMA), to enable populations to protect themselves from injury and disease
(CENAPRED 2011; Rubiera 2010).
The aim of the Central American Early Warning System (SATCA) is to strengthen early warning systems across
disaster-prone Central America, to enhance humanitarian preparedness and build risk reduction capacities
among local and regional actors.
The Rainforest Alliances Climate Module assists farmers identify the risks and impacts of climate change
on their farms and communities, and to promote the adoption of good agricultural practices that reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, increase carbon sequestration and enhance the capacity of farms to adapt to
climate change (Rainforest Alliance 2011).
The Bolsa Floresta programme focuses on reducing deforestation in protected areas using four mechanisms:
direct payment of grants to smallholder farmers in exchange for forest protection; investments in social
improvements in communities; payments to local associations to strengthen local organization and control
of the Bolsa Floresta programme; and payments to communities employing sustainable production methods.
The programme addresses broad social concerns, which is likely to make the strategy more sustainable in the
long term. The programme has reached 32 000 people (Amazonas Sustainable Foundation 2011).
The Atencin a Crisis pilot project focuses on two interventions: vocational training and a productive
investment package to improve the resilience of poor rural households to natural risks and economic
downturns (World Bank 2011a).
The Colombian National Coffee Federation has provided local communities with basic infrastructure,
improving living conditions on productive agricultural farms. It has also set up a research centre to generate
appropriate, competitive and sustainable coffee production technology (Armenteras et al. 2005).
Chalaln Ecolodge is a community business focused on enjoyment of and in-depth learning about the
rainforest under the guidance of local indigenous people. It represents a new community business model that
integrates environmental issues into design and operation (UNDP 2010b).
Implemented by the Andean Community of Nations, pilot projects aim to demonstrate the costs and benefits
of adapting to rapid glacier retreat in the tropical Andes, and to generate a knowledge base that can then be
used to design projects in other vulnerable communities faced with similar challenges.
Brazil has been encouraging renewable energy through energy auctions, which offer a range of sources such
as natural gas and hydro. In 2008, it obtained positive results for biomass, and in 2009 for wind energy, when
more than 1 800 megawatts of wind generation was traded (La Rovere et al. 2011; Szklo et al. 2005).
Energy guidelines
In 2006, Uruguay released its Energy Strategy Guidelines to accelerate the transition to renewable energy
sources and reduce dependence on oil. These guidelines promote the use of alternative energy sources,
especially biofuels, wind energy and biomass as an energy source for industry (PNUMA et al. 2008).
Rapid-transit buses
Colombia (also Ecuador, Chile, Mexico)
TransMilenio is a sustainable urban mass-transport system in the metropolitan area of Bogot, Colombia.
The project aims to shift the transport paradigm in urban areas from individual and private to public and
inclusive. It replaces the conventional transport system with a bus rapid-transit system, a dedicated track
for special buses. First Curitiba and Bogot, then Ro de Janeiro and Porto Alegre have implemented these
systems. Six other cities in Colombia, Guayaquil and Quito in Ecuador, Mexico City, and Santiago de Chile
have their own bus rapid-transit systems (Grtter Consulting 2006/2010; LIMA 2010; WRI 2010, 2008; Det
Norske Veritas 2006).
Electricity saving
The National Electrical Energy Conservation Programme (PROCEL) is a labelling and reward programme,
created in 1985, consisting of a number of sub-programmes in industry, sanitation, education, construction,
public buildings, municipal action, promotion of information, technological development and dissemination
of experiences and successes (Szklo et al. 2005).
Cuba introduced the Cuban Energy Saving Programme (PAEC) in 1997. During the course of just under a
decade, less efficient incandescent light bulbs were replaced free of charge with compact fluorescent ones
(UNEP 2011c). In 2004, the energy efficiency programme, Energy Revolution, was introduced, under which
household appliances throughout the country have been replaced with more efficient ones at subsidized
prices (Revolucin Cubana 2011).
Disaster risk
Climate change
Increasing resilience and decreasing vulnerability are universal goals that
lie at the heart of, and are common to, development, environmental
sustainability, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
This common ground oers many entry points for integrated intervention.
Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD 1992)
Article 10
Climate change
United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC 1992)
Article 3 Paragraphs 13
water resources
Efficient, cost-effective
and sustainable use of
resources and capabilities;
reduces water-related
conflicts; increases
stakeholder participation
Protects watershed
habitats; offers potential
benefits to biodiversity
by protecting freshwater
Increases resilience of
water supply to climatic
changes; reduces the
vulnerability of agricultural
activities to water-related
climate change impacts
through payment
for ecosystem
services (PES)
Protects watersheds,
which can promote
a sustainable water
supply and provide water
purification services
Reduces economic
drivers of biodiversity
loss; protects
ecosystems and species
Maintains ecosystems
that provide carbon
sequestration services;
can potentially reduce
carbon emissions caused
by deforestation
reduction from
land-use change:
forest management,
native forest
protection and
Forest protection
and recovery reduces
terrestrial habitat
losses of key fauna and
maintains supporting
ecosystem services for
Safeguards existing
carbon stocks; improves
carbon sequestration
Policy clusters
The full effects of decisions taken, or not taken, today will affect the
opportunities available to young people and their future families. The
Brundtland Commission summed this up in its definition of sustainable
development: satisfying the needs of the present generation without
compromising the chance for future generations to satisfy theirs.
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North America
Main Messages
We acknowledge that the advancement of the concept of a green economy in the context of sustainable
development and poverty eradication can significantly address current challenges, deliver development
opportunities and multiple benefits for all nations.
Develop and implement integrated land management and water-use plans that are based on sustainable use of
renewable resources and on integrated assessments of socio-economic and environmental potential.
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation
(JPOI) (WSSD 2002) Paragraph 26c
Improve the efficient use of water resources and promote their allocation among competing uses in a way
that gives priority to the satisfaction of basic human needs and balances the requirement of preserving
or restoring ecosystems and their functions, in particular in fragile environments, with human domestic,
industrial and agriculture needs, including safeguarding drinking water quality.
Land use
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation
(JPOI) (WSSD 2002) Paragraph 40b
Develop and implement integrated land management and water-use plans that are based on sustainable
use of renewable resources and on integrated assessments of socio-economic and environmental
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation
(JPOI) (WSSD 2002) Paragraph 40b
With a sense of urgency, substantially increase the global share of renewable energy sources with the
objective of increasing its contribution to the total energy supply.
North America
Environmental governance
Land use
Environmental governance
North America
Early projections of the average cost for the first phase of the
programme ranged from a high of US$307 per tonne of sulphur
dioxide removed to US$180 per tonne (1995 dollars). Ellerman et
al. (2000) estimated that the actual costs were closer to the low
end of the projections, in the range of US$186210 per tonne. In
addition, a 2011 US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) review
of the direct benefits to human health and the environment of the
Clean Air Act estimates that these will reach almost US$2 trillion
by 2020 while implementation costs are US$65 billion a benefitcost ratio of 30:1. This was probably due to the flexibility afforded
to producers to find low-cost compliance measures, although
other factors such as unanticipated technical improvements,
lower transport costs and increases in coal production and use
efficiencies also played important roles (Chestnut and Mills
2005). Although the costs of many regulatory programmes tend to
be overestimated while they are being developed, recent research
found that this has been especially the case for market-based
programmes (Harrington et al. 2008).
The success of the sulphur dioxide trading programme has in part
prompted several jurisdictions in Canada to increase the use of
market-based instruments. As of 2007, the Alberta greenhouse
gas emissions trading system, for example, requires large
industrial emitters that have been established more than eight
years to reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions by 12
per cent per year relative to a 20032005 baseline (Can LII 2011),
and purchase carbon offsets or else pay a tax of US$15 per tonne
of CO2-equivalent. While the programme may result in reduced
emissions compared to the business-as-usual alternative, it has
been heavily criticised for permitting overall increases in carbon
emissions by only targeting emissions intensity. In this sense it is
not a typical cap-and-trade programme.
A less developed scheme, but one that is emblematic of the
readiness of some states and provinces to compensate for
perceived federal inaction, is the Western Climate Initiative,
which combines seven US states and four Canadian provinces.
continue to provide large subsidies for the production of nonrenewable energy, often in the form of low tax rates for capital
investment (Kenny et al. 2011; Congressional Budget Office
2005), despite the commitment to the contrary made by the
G20 economies in 2009 in Pittsburgh (G20 2009). While some
potentially environmentally harmful subsidies may have social
or other worthwhile objectives, many may not be equitable, may
no longer fulfil their original purpose, or may have unintended
outcomes as a result of market distortions. There are many
instances where subsidies have either directly or indirectly
distorted the market or caused unintended consequences: for
example, declining block rate structures for water use, where
marginal costs decrease as a function of the total amount of
water used, encourage overconsumption.
Payment for ecosystem services, which in one form or another
has been used for years but has lately triggered considerable
renewed interest, is designed to safeguard or increase the
provision of an ecosystem service for which there is high demand
but currently no market mechanism. The US Conservation
Reserve Program, which provides continuous direct payments
to farmers for withdrawing land from production and engaging
in soil restoration, is a long-standing and successful example.
The US Economic Research Service (ERS) conservatively
estimates the programmes benefits to be US$1.3 billion per
year, excluding carbon sequestration, ecosystem protection and
other less easily quantified benefits (Hellerstein 2010). Other
significant ecological benefits include the reversal of landscape
fragmentation, maintenance of regional biodiversity, creation
North America
North America
Land use
Vancouvers Sky Train, a light-rail rapid public transit system, contributes towards the achievement of British Columbias ambitious greenhouse gas
reduction targets. Wade Jabbour
North America
Box 13.3 Marylands Smart Growth programme: financial incentives and planning
Marylands Smart Growth programme targets state resources
to support development in areas where infrastructure already
exists and to avoid the high cost of building infrastructure far
from traditional population centres. Priority funding areas are
identified within existing communities and other areas where
local county and town governments want state investment to
support growth and development (Sartori et al. 2011; Lewis
et al. 2009). This approach capitalizes on the influence of
state expenditure on economic growth and development.
Development is more likely to occur in these planned areas,
slowing the conversion of resource-rich land.
In addition, Smart Growth helps protect valuable natural
resources, purchasing land and easements in designated Rural
Legacy areas that have been selected based on the extent of
the development threat and the value of their agricultural,
forestry and natural resources. These areas attract both
North America
Source: Base from ESRI, 2001; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,1998; and Environment Canada,1995.
North America
Canada and the United States are endowed with diverse and
abundant renewable energy resources. Transforming that vast
potential into a sustainable energy system requires mobilizing
political will, behavioural change and smart, comprehensive policies
that support renewable energy. There are several environmental
issues associated with the current energy system, including climate
change, elevated water consumption and air pollution.
Since fossil fuel consumption is the major contributor to
increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide
(CO2), experts contend that policy interventions should be
strengthened, not just to increase renewable energy production,
but to substitute renewable energy for the current carbonemitting energy systems (Delucchi and Jacobson 2011; IPCC
2011; Jacobson and Delucchi 2011; Schneider et al. 2000).
Renewable electricity technologies offer an effective means
of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, thus providing a tool
for climate change mitigation (Awerbuch 2006). This section
highlights practical lessons learned as well as comprehensive
and emerging novel approaches from North Americas electricity
sector. It has become clear that even partial mitigation of the rate
of climate change requires more carbon-free sources of electricity
(Schiermeier et al. 2008). In addition, policy innovation and
technical improvements are rapidly advancing in this sector,
thus providing the clearest examples for emulation.
North America
A large-scale oil refinery complex in the Alberta oil sands, Canada, near
Fort McMurray. Dan Barnes/iStock
North America
Figure 13.2 Proposed renewable energy zones, potential transmission expansion and the growth of wind
power in Texas
Transmission line
Competitive renewable
energy zone
Panhandle B
Panhandle A
Central West
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Source: Zarnikau 2011
Texass comprehensive policy package which mandates renewable energy production, consolidates the siting authority and spreads
transmission costs across all consumers is a novel approach that has provided impressive results. Wind power deployment has grown
from a capacity of 50 megawatts in 1999 to more than 9 272 megawatts in early 2010, accounting for 8.4 per cent of the states total
electrical generation in the first quarter of 2010. While there have been challenges in grid integration and additional transmission
expansion is currently under way, projections based on the current policies indicate that Texass wind energy will continue to expand
and that solar energy deployment is expected to boom. The achievements and forecasts indicate that if the policy regime is properly
designed, market-based initiatives can realize significant and rapid renewable energy development (Zarnikau 2011).
Cross-cutting issues
Increasing the deployment of renewable energy can provide a
number of benefits to support the other internationally agreed
goals. Wind and solar photovoltaic renewable energy can
decrease water stress since it uses less water than conventional
thermo-electric forms of generation (Roth and Ambs 2004).
Benefits for land use include relative reductions in greenhouse
gas emissions, thereby decreasing potential climate change
impacts (Turney and Fthenakis 2011). However, land use
for expanding renewable energy systems may require the
disturbance of additional areas, depending on the particular
technology being deployed (Fthenakis and Kim 2009). At the
same time, an integrated approach to siting renewable energy,
increased transparency and collaboration between agencies may
lead to improvements in environmental governance.
This chapter has suggested that there are many policies and
market instruments that have contributed, however uncertain
the causality, towards achieving the internationally agreed
goals. It is unlikely the policies were instituted with the global
goals in mind, however; rather, the impetus probably came
from bi-national, national and sub-regional institutions and
governing bodies. It is important for all levels of governance
and decision making to set clear short-, medium- and long-term
environmental goals and specific targets as a crucial means of
inducing a change in behaviour among public and private actors.
Performance indicators are necessary to evaluate policy progress
and clearly identify successes and shortcomings, and it is also
essential to work towards synergy between the goals adopted
under climate change and other environmental themes, while
keeping in mind the potential contradictions between different
environmental goals at least in the short term, for example in
North America
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West Asia
North America
Main Messages
Initiatives to introduce policy mixes to achieve a
higher level of integration at different sectoral levels
remain modest. West Asia has, however, made some
progress on environmental governance and tends to
rely on command-and-control measures rather than
market-based instruments.
Financial investment has enabled some countries
to make good progress towards Millennium
Development Goal targets for water supply and
sanitation (MDG 7c), but more efforts are still
needed, especially in Yemen. In the past four
decades, water policies have focused on supply
infrastructure, especially in urban areas, aiming
to overcome shortages through technical solutions
including desalination. Coordination with other
policies that prioritize balancing water supply
with demand is crucial. The success of water
policies in the region is contingent on political,
financial and human commitment, reliable
assessment of supply and demand, effective legal
and institutional arrangements and active publicprivate sector partnerships.
National action plans to combat land degradation
and desertification should be integrated with the
sustainable use of natural resources, biodiversity
conservation and plans to reduce the impacts of
Profits from the export of petroleum have made many countries in the
region dependent on a continued oil boom. Ryan Lindsay
West Asia
climate change
Figure 14.2 Domestic water supply and sanitation in West Asia, 19902015
Water supply coverage, %
United Arab
2015 (estimate)
Source: CEDARE and AWC 2004
Sanitation coverage, %
United Arab
2015 (estimate)
Source: CEDARE and AWC 2004
West Asia
West Asia
Desalination remains the most practical way of meeting rising demand for
water in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Tanuki Photography
year period, and at the same time increased incentives and loans
for modern irrigation systems, provided subsidies for animal
feed imports while banning the export of fodder, and established
strategic food reserves (AFED 2010). Further measures have been
implemented to freeze the amount of land used for agriculture;
promote cultivation under glass; improve the coordination of the
agricultural sector with other relevant policies; and encourage
agricultural investment abroad by forming committees and
setting aside funds to encourage the private sector. These
measures have contributed to reducing the amount of irrigated
land, the production of wheat and groundwater mining, and
increased interest in the reuse of treated water (Hussain et al.
2010). Future action includes evaluation of irrigation costrecovery options, groundwater metering and setting limits on
water allocation to the various sectors.
West Asia
Fields in Halabiye, Syria, where scientists are working with farmers to breed more robust crops. Joel Carillet/iStock
West Asia
Tomato crops by the Dead Sea. Here, drip irrigation uses nearly 50 per cent
less water than traditional irrigation. Ricardo De Mattos
Energy resources
West Asia is one of the major players in the global energy market,
having 52.2 per cent of world oil reserves and 24.6 per cent of
world gas resources (OAPEC 2009). The region produces nearly
17.3 million barrels of oil a day, accounting for 27.6 per cent
of world oil exports. Rapid economic development, population
growth, urbanization, and changes in standards of living in West
Asian countries have led to increases in energy demand (Figure
14.3) (IEA World Energy Agency 2010). Despite rich renewable
resources, the energy sector is characterized by heavy reliance
on fossil fuels. In addition, the regional economy is still largely
dependent on fossil fuels to fulfill increasing energy demands.
The use of fossil fuels is always accompanied by considerable
environmental impacts including deteriorating local air quality
and rising greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere,
contributing to climate change.
Energy consumption rose steadily in most of West Asia
between 2004 and 2008, increasing by some 20 per cent
over the period (Ruble and Nader 2011). But with accelerating
rates of development and rapid urbanization in the majority
of the region, energy demand is now increasing drastically
in all sectors, including electric power production, domestic
energy use and transport. In view of energy security and safety
80 000
70 000
60 000
50 000
40 000
30 000
20 000
10 000
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
Source: IEA 2010
West Asia
issues, the sharp increase in oil and gas prices, climate change
and environmental considerations, as well as technological
advances, energy planning in several countries is now addressing
more decentralized energy generation options. The region is
characterized by rich renewable resources including solar, wind,
geothermal and, to some extent, biomass, and over the past
decade has been shifting its policies towards diversification
of energy sources and placed energy efficiency and renewable
technologies high on national policy agendas. Some examples
of renewable energy initiatives include Jordans objective to
generate as much as 7 per cent of its energy from renewable
sources by 2015 and 10 per cent by 2020, while solar capacity
is expected to reach 300600 megawatts over the same period;
Abu Dhabis aim of generating up to 7 per cent of its energy
from renewable sources, with planned investments reaching
US$22billion; Syrias intention to generate 7.5 per cent of
its electrical energy from renewable resources by 2020; and
Lebanons target for renewable energy of 10 per cent of total
energy supply by 2013 and 12 per cent by 2020 while also
aiming to reduce energy consumption by 6 per cent by the 2013
(Ruble and Nader 2011; Verdeil 2008).
Successful energy policies in the countries of West Asia cluster
around two main areas:
energy efficiency in the building sector including systems for
space heating and cooling, and measures for promoting the
use of renewable energy resources; and
energy generation mixes and targets for clean energy
production, which require governmental commitment and
advanced legislation.
West Asia
Solar water heating has become an increasingly common and costeffective way of meeting domestic energy demand. Igor Bystrov
The main challenges to the widespread use of solar waterheating systems include fossil fuel or electrical energy
subsidies, lack of financing schemes and incentive
programmes, low levels of public awareness, limited
distribution and the need for a larger number of qualified
personnel to design, size, install and maintain the systems.
The role of government is indispensible in developing the
market through establishing energy standards and labelling
programmes, regulatory instruments to mandate installation in
Year of implementation
Note: KISR Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research; MEW Ministry of Electricity and Water; MPW Ministry of Public Works.
Source: Hajiah 2010
Sunrise in Bethlehem, which enjoys the extended periods of high solar intensity characteristic of the region. Pavel Skopets
West Asia
Occupied Palestinian
Scientists say that a species of coral in the Red Sea could stop growing
by 2070 if current warming trends continue. Claes Torstensson
West Asia
Box 14.10 Marawah Biosphere Reserve, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
The Marawah Marine Protected Area, the largest in the region
with a total area of 4255 km, became the first UNESCO
Marine Biosphere Reserve in the region in 2007. Marawah
itself, just one of 20 islands that make up the protected area,
is flanked by Jarnain Island to the north, Abu Al Abyad Island
to the east, the mainland to the south and Sir Baniyas to the
west. The protected area is a representative example of the
Gulf region, containing coastal areas, salt flats (sabkhas),
shallow waters and shallow islands as well as seagrass
habitats. The island hosts a significant population of dugongs,
four species of marine turtle, 70 species of fish, and coral
reefs and expanses of mangrove (Avicennia marina) that are
important habitats for many terrestrial and marine species.
West Asia
West Asia
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Reserves (SCENR) of the State of Qatar, Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi (EAD), National Coral
Reef Institute (NCRI) and Emirates Wildlife Society in association with the World Wide Fund for
Nature (EWS-WWF) and with support from Dolphin Energy Ltd
Sgouridis, S. and Kennedy, S. (2010). Tangible and fungible energy: hybrid energy market and
currency system for total energy management. A Masdar City case study. Energy Policy 38(4),
Shahin, W. (2010). Jordans Energy Efficiency Strategy. National Efficiency Plan for Regional
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Shams, A.J. and Uwate, K.R. (1996). Bahrain Fish Release Activities: 1994 to Present. Directorate
of Fisheries, Ministry of Works and Agriculture, State of Bahrain
Sheppard, C., Al-Husiani, M., Al-Jamali, F., Al-Yamani, F., Baldwin, R. , Bishop, J. , Benzoni, F., Dutrieux,
E., Dulvy, N.K., Durvasula, S.R.V., Jones, D.A., Loughland, R., Medio, D., Nithyanandan, M. , Pilling,
G.M., Polikarpov, I., Price, A.R.G., Purkis, S., Riegl, B., Saburova, M., Namin, K.S., Taylor, O., Wilson, S.
and Zainal, K. (2010). The Gulf: a young sea in decline. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60, 1338
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West Asia
Main Messages
The selection of freshwater, climate change and
environmental governance as priorities by all
regions suggests a recognition that these issues
have reached a point of global importance requiring
responses that could have relevance worldwide.
Climate change exerts extreme pressure on ecological
systems, including on freshwater by exacerbating
problems of water supply and demand. Two regions
considered climate change to be cross-cutting, and
assessed how policies in each theme help to attain
international goals related to climate change.
The selection of themes
Latin America
and the
North America
West Asia
Environmental governance
Climate change
Air pollution
Oceans and seas
Chemicals and waste
Selected as a theme
Regional Summary
Regional Summary
North America
Regional Summary
West Asia
Legislative and institutional frameworks for developing
sustainable energy systems are needed to achieve global goals.
Environmental governance
At the regional and global levels, environmental governance has
evolved into a set of organizations, policy instruments, financing
mechanisms, rules, procedures and norms that regulate the
processes of environmental protection.
Absent or inadequate governance is one of the major issues in
sustainable development, and many proactive efforts are being
made to overcome these barriers, including multi-level/multistakeholder participation; increased introduction of the principle
of subsidiarity; governance at local levels; policy synergy
and removal of conflict; strategic environmental assessment;
accounting systems that value natural capital and ecosystem
services; improved access to information, public participation
Air pollution
Europe was the only region to select air pollution as a priority
theme and perform an appraisal of policy options.
Successful policies include fuel and vehicle emission standards;
control of industrial pollution through technical emission
controls, best available techniques, fuel switching and reduced
sulphur content in liquid fuels; and local air quality management
plans including adequate monitoring and information systems
and appropriate institutional mandates for local authorities.
Land policy has a role in preventing environmental degradation
and its social and economic costs.
Clear and protected rights, and effective rules defining access
and regulating land, water and other natural resource use, are
all essential means of ensuring long-term sustainable land
and resources management. Successful policy options include
integrated watershed (catchment) management; resourceefficient urban growth; protecting prime agricultural land;
improved forest management; payment for ecosystem services
and REDD+; and agroforestry and silvo-pastoral practices.
The equitable and sustainable management of freshwater is a
major challenge for all water users, with most governments, from
the local to the international level, facing the need to realign
the availability of water with human and economics-based
Regional Summary
Many of the policies selected as promising are based on wellstudied and accepted management concepts such as integrated
water resources and coastal zone management, and protected
areas. However, some common conclusions were identified
across the regions, indicating that the application of these
management concepts can be innovative if certain principles
are adhered to.
Regional Summary
Regional Summary
Enforcement officers on a survey mission at the Myanmar-Thailand border discuss joint action to combat transnational crime through regionally
organized law enforcement, October 2011. UNODC
Future work
Regional Summary
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AFED (2010). Report on the Arab Water Sustainable Management of Scarce Water Sources.
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Ajonina, G., Tchikangwa, B., Chuyong, G. and Tchamba, M. (2009). The challenges and
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ecosystems vulnerability and adaptation to climate change impacts: experience from Cameroon.
In The Relevance of Mangrove Forests to African Fisheries, Wildlife and Water Resources. Nature
and Faune (eds. Bojang, F. and Ndeso-Atanga, A.). Vol. 24 pp.1625. Food and Agriculture
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Haas, R., Resch, G., Panzer, C., Busch, S., Ragwitz, M. and Held, A. (2011). Efficiency and
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lessons from EU countries. Energy 36, 21862193
Hajer, M., (2003). Policy without polity? Policy analysis and the institutional void. Policy
Sciences 36, 175195
Hogl, K. (2002). Patterns of multi-level co-ordination for NFP-processes: learning from problems
and success stories of European policy-making. Forest Policy and Economics 4, 301312
Hussain, G., Alquwaizany, A. and Al-Zarah, A. (2010). Guidelines for irrigation water quality and
water management in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: an overview. Journal of Applied Sciences
10, 7996
IEA (2011). Policies and Measures Databases.
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IEA, OECD and World Bank (2010). The Scope of Fossil Fuel Subsidies in 2009 and Roadmap
for Phasing Out Fossil-Fuel Subsidies. Joint Report prepared for G20 Summit, Seoul, 1112
November 2010
Inman, D. and Jeffrey, P. (2006). A review of residential water conservation tool performance and
influences on implementation effectiveness. Urban Water Journal 3, 127143
IPSRM (2010). Assessing Global Land Use and Soil Management for Sustainable Resource
Policies. International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management (IPSRM/UNEP), Paris, France
Jnicke, M. (2011). The Acceleration of Innovation in Climate Policy. Lessons from Best Practice.
FFU Report. Freie Universitt Berlin, Berlin
Kraberg, A.C., Wasmund, N. Vanaverbeke, J., Schiedek, D., Wiltshire, K.H. and Mieszkowska,
N. (2011) Regime shifts in the marine environment: the scientific basis and political context.
Marine Pollution Bulletin 62(1), 720
Krausmann, F., Gingrich, S., Eisenmenger, N., Erb, K.-H., Haberl, H. and Fischer-Kowalski, M.
(2009). Growth in global materials use, GDP and population during the 20th century. Ecological
Economics 68(10), 26962705
CEDARE and AWC (2004). Report on the Status of the Water in the Arab Region. Cairo Egypt.
Lenton, T.M., Held, H., Kriegler, E., Hall, J.W., Lucht, W., Rahmstorf, S. and Schellnhuber, H.J.
(2008). Tipping elements in the Earths climate system. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America 105(6), 17861793
Cimorelli, A.J. and Stahl, C.H. (2005). Tackling the dilemma of the science-policy interface in 14
environmental policy analyses. Bulletin of Science Technology Society 25, 276284
Cisneros, J. and Lloret, P. (2008). El Fondo para la proteccin del agua. Mecanismo financiero
para la conservacin y el cuidado del agua en Quito, Ecuador. In Seminario Internacional
Cogestin de cuencas hidrogrficas experiencias y desafos USAID. Quito http://orton.catie. (accessed 9 December 2011)
Devyatkin, V. (2009). Actual Ways of Improving Legislation of Russian Federation Towards
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of the Russian Parliament on Industrial Policy, 19.02.2009 (in Russian). Federal governmentfinanced agency Research Center on resources efficiency and wastes management issues,
Limburg, J.E., ONeill, R.V., Costanza, R.C. ABD Farber, S. (2002). Complex systems and
valuation. Ecological Economics 41, 409 420
Liu, J., Daily, G.C., Ehrlich, P.R. and Luck, G.W. (2003). Effects of household dynamics on
resource consumption and biodiversity. Nature 421, 530533
McGee, G., Cullen, A. and Gunton, T. (2010). A new model for sustainable development: a case
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12, 745762
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Ellerman, A.D. and Buchner, B.K. (2007). The European Union emissions trading scheme:
origins, allocation, and early results. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 1, 6687
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Forest Europe, UNECE and FAO (2011). State of Europes Forests 2011. Status and Trends in
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in Europe, Oslo
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GEO Data Portal (2011). UNEPs online core database with national, sub-regional, regional and
global statistics and maps, covering environmental and socio-economic data and indicators.
United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva. (accessed 15
December 2011) (now called Environmental Data Explorer)
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MLJ (2011). The Constitution (Seventy-Third Amendment) Act, 1992. Ministry of Law and Justice,
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September 2011)
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NDRC (1998). Annual Water Use Quota and its Distribution Scheme for the Yellow River.
14 December 1998. National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Water
Resources of the Peoples Republic of China
Regional Summary
Price, A.R.G. (2002). Simultaneous hot spots and cold spots of marine biodiversity and
implications for global conservation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 24, 2327
Rietbergen, S., Hammond, T., Sayegh, C., Hesselink, F. and Mooney, K. (2007). Island Voices
38 Island Choices: Developing Strategies for Living with Rapid Ecosystem Change in Small
Islands. IUCN, Gland
Rockstrm, J., Steffen, W., Noone, K., Persson, ., Chapin, F.S., Lambin, E.F., Lenton, T.M.,
Scheffer, M., Folke, C., Schellnhuber, H.J., Nykvist, B., De Wit, C.A., Hughes, T., Van Der Leeuw,
S., Rodhe, H., Srlin, S., Snyder, P.K., Costanza, R., Svedin, U., Falkenmark, M., Karlberg, L.,
Corell, R.W., Fabry, V.J., Hansen, J., Walker, B., Liverman, D., Richardson, K., Crutzen, P. and
Foley, J.A. (2009). A safe operating space for humanity. Nature 461(7263), 472475
Rodionov, S., and J. Overland. (2005). Application of a sequential regime shift detection method
to the Bering Sea ecosystem. ICES Journal of Marine Science 62(3), 32832
Scheuer, S. (2005). Water. In EU Environmental Policy Handbook: A Critical Analysis of EU
Environmental Legislation (ed. Scheuer, S.). European Environmental Bureau, Brussels
Sheppard, C., Al-Husiani, M., Al-Jamali, F., Al-Yamani, F., Baldwin, R. , Bishop, J. , Benzoni, F., Dutrieux,
E., Dulvy, N.K., Durvasula, S.R.V., Jones, D.A., Loughland, R., Medio, D., Nithyanandan, M. , Pilling,
G.M., Polikarpov, I., Price, A.R.G., Purkis, S., Riegl, B., Saburova, M., Namin, K.S., Taylor, O., Wilson, S.
and Zainal, K. (2010). The Gulf: a young sea in decline. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60, 1338
Stalk, A. (2004). Management of the Free Basic Water Policy in South Africa. Master project.
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UNDESA (2010). World Population Prospects, the 2010 Revision (WPP2010). Population
Division, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York. http://esa. (accessed 15 December 2011)
Part 2: Policy Options
Chapter 16:
Global Responses
Imagine our descendants in the year 2200 or 2500. They might liken us to
aliens who have treated the Earth as if it were a mere stopover for refueling, or
even worse, characterize us as barbarians who would ransack their own home.
Living up to the Anthropocene means building a culture that grows with Earths
biological wealth instead of depleting it. Remember, in this new era, nature is us.
Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel Lauriate
Cathy Keifer/iStock
Coordinating lead authors: Begum Ozkaynak, Laszlo Pinter and Detlef P. van Vuuren
Lead authors: Livia Bizikova, Villy Christensen, Martina Floerke, Marcel Kok, Paul Lucas,
Diane Mangalagiu, Rob Alkemade, Trista Patterson, John Shilling and Darren Swanson
Contributing authors: Andrea Bassi, Fabio Feldmann, Jill Jger, Washington Ochola,
Weishuang Qu, Kilaparti Ramakrishna, Claudia Ringler, Pinar Ertor (GEO Fellow) and
Natalia Pervushina (GEO Fellow)
Chapter coordinators: Matthew Billot and Nalini Sharma
Regional Summary
Main Messages
Meeting an ambitious set of sustainability targets
by the middle of the century is possible but current
supporting policies and strategies are not adequate
to achieve this. Scenario studies show that without
greater efforts to implement appropriate short-term
policies, to shift investments to achieve necessary
long-term structural changes, and to introduce
behavioural transformations, it will not be possible to
meet sustainability targets. These relate to international
agreements on environmental protection and human
development for issues like atmosphere and climate
change, land and food security, water and biodiversity.
Transforming both consumption and production is
important. Scenario studies suggest that targets can
be met, but only if measures are taken to influence the
levels and patterns of consumption and production.
Most current policies focus on changes in production
processes to achieve targets, but fail to address
consumption. However, changes in consumption
levels and patterns have great but as yet unrealized
potential to reduce environmental pressures.
Effective implementation of wide-ranging technical
and policy measures needs to be supported by a
shift in underlying motivations and value patterns.
Changes need to be both short and long term, and
Policy commitments or
planetary boundaries
ble w
o ng
short-term l ition
t ra ns
al w
Source: Adapted from PBL 2012
Feedback and
Rules and
Farmers thresh their rice harvest in Punakha, Bhutan, the first country
to include the concept of happiness in its national measurements of
development. Gill Fickling/UN Photo
Box 16.1 A possible vision of the world on a path towards sustainability in 2050
The year is 2050. What appeared to be so improbable at the
start of the second decade of the century is turning out to be
possible, after all. Changes have been great, and there have
been deep losses. Although people expect and are prepared
for far greater changes than any yet experienced, a sense of
possibility abounds as there have been so many successes.
Climate change is still a problem, but emissions have nearly
halved compared to four decades ago. Basic drinking water
and sanitation needs of even the poorest have been met.
Learning and mimicking natures resilience has helped restore
ecological function in areas once considered irretrievably
lost. The most devastating projections for ocean acidification,
groundwater salinity, desertification and land degradation have
not materialized with real implications for the food system
worldwide. An eco-efficient, highly diversified agricultural
system ensures that food shortages are infrequent, local,
and mostly due to extreme weather events. Civil instability
and conflict over resources, food and water is now rare. More
humans enjoy a higher quality of life for longer than ever before,
without denying future generations the same possibility.
Most of the worlds citizens are actively and personally
engaged with humanitys goal of living within planetary
limits. Peak oil and peaks in the supply of some other natural
resources have come and gone, but thanks to radical changes
in lifestyle and resource productivity, have not led to the
disruption of absolute scarcity. Leadership is everywhere; as a
result, diverse, innovative, bottom-up initiatives abound and
are spread through social networks, faster than ever before.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC 1992) Article 2
Cancun Agreements (UNFCCC 2010) Article 1
Paragraph 4
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air
Pollution (CLRTAP 1979) Article 2
Prevent dangerous
anthropogenic interference
with the climate system
Stabilizing greenhouse gas emissions at a level that would hold the increase in
global average temperature below 2C above pre-industrial levels
Limiting the concentration of pollutants (such as PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, O3, CO,
Pb) in line with WHO guidelines
FAO World Food Summit Plan of Action (FAO 1996) Sustain forest cover
Paragraph 33g
Eradicate hunger
Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people who suffer from
hunger, and eradicate hunger by 2050
By 2020, at least halve and where feasible bring close to zero the rate of loss of
all natural habitats, including forests, and significantly reduce degradation and
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI)
(WSSD 2002) Paragraph 25d
UN Millennium Declaration (UN 2000) Paragraph
UN Millennium Declaration (UN 2000) MDG 7
Target 7c
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Aichi
Biodiversity Targets (CBD 2010)
Target 5
By 2020, prevent the extinction of known threatened species, and improve and
sustain their conservation status, particularly of those most in decline
Promote the maintenance of the quality, diversity and availability of fishery resources
in sufficient quantities for present and future generations
By 2020, use and produce chemicals in ways that lead to the minimization of
significant adverse effects on human health and the environment
Protect human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants
Monitor and control the trade in Promote shared responsibility in the international trade of certain hazardous
chemicals in order to protect human health and the environment from potential
certain hazardous chemicals
harm and to contribute to their environmentally sound use
Prevent and minimize waste and maximize reuse, recycling and use of
environmentally friendly alternative materials
Figure 16.4 Population and income projections in the scenario literature, 20002050
Population, billion
20 000
16 000
12 000
8 000
4 000
Note: The shaded areas indicate the 1090th percentile literature range.
CO2 emissions,
billion tonnes
Conventional worlds
Conventional worlds
Sustainable worlds
Sustainable worlds
Note: Emission and temperature scenarios cover a longer time period than other scenarios in this chapter
because of inertia in the climate system. The shaded areas indicate the 10-90th percentile literature range.
Conventional worlds
Sustainable worlds
Masdar City, under construction near Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, will rely entirely on solar and other renewable energy sources, with the
ambition of becoming the first zero-carbon, zero-waste city in the world.
Figure 16.7 An example of primary energy use and annual change in CO2 emissions in sustainable world scenarios
Energy consumption, exajoules
1 000
Low carbon
Natural gas
Conventional worlds
Sustainable worlds
1970 1980
2030 2040
The category Low carbon refers to renewable energy, nuclear power and fossil fuels in combination with carbon capture and storage
and eciency, and illustrates the level of transition required. Dierent models and studies suggest dierent combinations.
Source: PBL 2009
Tea plantation in Limuru, Kenya. The overall productivity of Kenyas tea plantations is considered among the highest in the world. Jason Jabbour
Figure 16.8 Food consumption and child undernourishment under different scenarios
Calories available, per person per day
6 000
5 000
4 000
Conventional worlds
Sustainable worlds
3 000
2 000
1 000
Note: Scenarios selected from GEO-4, the IAASTD study and the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment are those that most reflect the sustainable
and conventional worlds on the basis of storyline or quantitative elaboration. The shaded area shows the range in the literature.
GEO-5 results as discussed in box 16.2.
Source: Hughes et al. 2011; IAASTD 2009a; UNEP 2007; FAO 2006b; MA 2005a
(based on FAO)
Natural area
Box 16.2 Integrated simulation of the 2050 targets for climate, food and land
Can very high investments in agriculture and water productivity
help to achieve the sustainability objectives discussed earlier
in this chapter? Here, this question is explored using the
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) IMPACT
model (International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural
Commodities and Trade) (Nelson et al. 2010; Rosegrant et
al. 2008). Previous analyses have shown the importance of
economic development in reducing hunger and malnutrition
(Nelson et al. 2010).
Compared to a conventional world scenario, economic growth
in developing countries is assumed to be higher and population
growth to be lower overall (Nelson et al. 2010). Additional
investments in agricultural research and development will
lead to rapid increases in agricultural production: as a result,
by 2030, grain yields are 15 per cent greater than in the
corresponding conventional world scenario and by 2050, they
are 35 per cent greater. Furthermore, livestock numbers are up by
30 per cent. It is also assumed that the UNFCCCs agreed limit of a
2oC temperature rise relative to pre-industrial levels has been
achieved, and that there is full access to safe drinking water by
2050, and that all girls have access to secondary schooling by
2030. Finally, the water efficiency improvements suggested by
the sustainable water withdrawal scenarios are also included
(with the exception of a constant irrigated area) (Box 16.3).
Table 16.2 Selected indicators for the conventional and sustainable world scenarios
Source: New calculations IMPACT model; Nelson et al. 2010; Rosegrant et al. 2008
8 000
7 000
6 000
5 000
4 000
3 000
2 000
1 000
Conventional worlds
Sustainable worlds
Figure 16.11 Water withdrawals under conventional world and sustainable world scenarios, 20052050
Conventional world withdrawals, km2
6 000
6 000
5 000
5 000
4 000
4 000
3 000
3 000
2 000
2 000
1 000
1 000
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Source: New calculations for GEO-5; WaterGap model from Alcamo et al. 2003 and Flrke and Alcamo 2004
America America
America America
America America
1 = current
1 = current
Note: By using a Box-Whisker plot the five-number-summary can be depicted, i.e. the minimum,
lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and the maximum are presented in the same graph. The
uncertainty ranges expressed in the plot represent dierent model runs categorized as baseline
and challenge scenarios by two global hydrological/water models taking into account dierent
Source: Arnell et al. 2011; Alcamo et al. 2007, 2005b; UNEP 2007
Terrestrial biodiversity
Figure 16.13 Changes in the extent of forest up to 2050 in different global scenarios, and estimated rates of
species loss
Upper and lower forest area projections,
million km2
100 000
10 000
Plants and
1 000
birds and
Lizards 10
0.10 Mammals
Climate change
Land-use change
Combined drivers
Fossil 20th
record century
The graph oers a comparison of extinction rates in the distant and recent past, with projections of species committed to extinction during the 21st century
according to dierent global scenarios. The extinction rate caused by each driver and the total extinction rates are dierentiated when possible.
Note: For 20th-century extinctions, mammals fall into the upper bound, and birds and amphibians into the lower bound.
Source: CBD 2010b; Pereira et al. 2010a
Million km2
Aquatic biodiversity
Figure 16.15 Marine catches with and without a reduction in fishing effort, by region, 19502050
Conventional worlds, with fishing eort maintained
Million tonnes
Million tonnes
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
and Black Sea
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measures to close the gap
and energy
Increase crop yields and overall agricultural productivity by, for example,
closing the yield gap in developing countries
Encourage planting crops and crop varieties that are better suited under
changing climatic conditions
worlds A
worlds B
Economic sector
Environmental sector
Forest area, billion hectares
Waste generation, million tonnes per year
Ratio of footprint to biocapacity
Primary energy demand, million tonnes of oil-equivalent per year
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Global Responses
Coordinating lead authors: Ivar Baste, Maria Ivanova and Bernice Lee
Lead authors: Satishkumar Belliethathan, Ibrahim Abdel Gelil, Joyeeta Gupta,
Peter M. Haas, Zerisenay Habtezion, Achim Halpaap, Jennifer Clare Mohamed-Katerere,
Peter King, Marcel Kok, Marcus Lee and Trista Patterson
Contributing authors: Vivien Campal, Bradnee Chambers, Melissa Goodall (GEO Fellow),
Slobodan Milutinovic and Felix Preston (GEO Fellow)
Chapter coordinators: Matthew Billot and Nalini Sharma
Main Messages
Environmental degradation heightens risks
and reduces opportunities for the advancement
of human well-being, especially for poor and
vulnerable populations. Harmful environmental
changes are taking place in an increasingly
globalized, industrialized and interconnected world,
with a growing global population and unsustainable
production and consumption patterns. The
degradation of ecosystem services is narrowing
development opportunities and could threaten
future human well-being.
The prospect for improving human well-being
is dependent on the capacity of individuals,
institutions, countries and the global community
to respond to environmental change. Innovative
and transformative policies and technologies
could assist society to overcome current
barriers to achieving sustainable development.
A more balanced approach to addressing
environmental, economic and social concerns
could also help.
Even though national and regional responses
have begun to address environmental challenges,
a polycentric governance approach is needed to
attain effective, efficient and equitable outcomes.
This approach recognizes a diversity of settings and
assumes multiple centres of activity and authority,
which, given the range of capacity needs, are
critical to generate adequate responses to
environmental challenges.
Global Responses
Global Responses
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses the opening high-level segment of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP16) in Cancn, Mexico, urging
governments to mobilize the highest level of political will, and to deliver progress towards an eventual international treaty. Paulo Filgueiras/UN Photo
Global Responses
International soft law instruments and institutions: Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and Agenda 21 from the United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED, 1992); Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI); Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs); Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD); and UN system entities
Science processes: Group on Earth Observations and its Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS); Inter-Agency and Expert Group
(IAEG) on MDG indicators coordinated by the United Nations Statistics Division
Inter-agency bodies: Chief Executive Board for Coordination (CEB); High Level Committee on Policy (HLCP); Executive Committee on Economic and
Social Affairs (ECESA)
broadly defined
International soft law instruments and institutions: Declaration and Programme of Action from the Stockholm Conference on the Human
Environment; UNEP; Global Environment Facility (GEF); the environment-related portfolio of 44 UN system entities including the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the World Bank Group.
Science processes: Global Environment Outlook (GEO) (UNEP); International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management (UNEP); Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment (MA)
Funds: Environment Fund (UNEP); GEF Trust Fund; World Bank environmental and natural resource management (ENRM) lending portfolio; the
environment portfolio of other UN Multi-Donor Trust Funds (MDTF) administered by UNDP
Inter-agency bodies: Environment Management Group (EMG)
Multilateral environmental agreements: Vienna Convention (1985) and Montreal Protocol (1987); United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC, 1992) and Kyoto Protocol (1997)
International soft law instruments and institutions: a broad range of UN system entities, including FAO, the United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD), UNDP, UNEP and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as well as the World Bank have programme activities
related to atmosphere
Science processes: Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) under the Montreal Protocol (UNEP); Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) administered by WMO and UNEP; World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
Funds: Montreal Fund (UNEP); GEF is the financial mechanism for the UNFCCC; Clean Development Mechanism (CDM); Special Climate Change Trust
Fund (SCCF), Adaptation Trust Fund and Least Developed Countries Trust Fund (LDCF) administered by the GEF; Environment Fund (UNEP)
Inter-agency bodies: Working Group on Climate Change under the High-Level Committee on Policy (HLCP) of the Chief Executives Board for
Coordination (CEB), and UN Energy
Multilateral environmental agreements: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD, 1994)
International soft law instruments and institutions: A broad range of UN system entities, including FAO, the International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD), UNDP, UNEP, UN-Habitat, World Health Organization (WHO), World Food Programme (WFP) and the World Bank, have
programme activities on land-related issues
Science processes: Covered by the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) and Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA).
Funds: GEF as the financial mechanism for UNCCD; Global Mechanism (UNCCD); Environment Fund (UNEP)
Inter-agency bodies: EMG Issue Management Group on Land
Multilateral environmental agreements: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS, 1994); International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL, 1973); International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation (OPRC,
1990); Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (LDC, 1972); International Convention for the
Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water and Sediments (2004); United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-navigable Uses of
International Water Courses (1997) (not entered into force)
International soft law instruments and institutions: International Oceanographic Commission, administered by UNESCO; Global Programme of
Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA) administered by UNEP; FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible
Fisheries; a broad range of UN system entities including FAO, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), UNDP, UNEP, UNESCO, WMO and the
World Bank, have programme activities related to oceans and water
Science processes: Regular process for global reporting and assessment of the state of the marine environment (UNCLOS); Group of Experts on
Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP); World Water Development Report (UNESCO); and covered by the GEO and the MA
Funds: GEF international waters focal area; Environment Fund (UNEP)
Inter-agency bodies: UN-Oceans and UN-Water
Multilateral environmental agreements: Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (1971); World Heritage Convention (WHC, 1972); Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES, 1973); Convention on Migratory Species (CMS, 1979); Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD, 1992) and the Cartagena Protocol (2000); Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources (ITPGRFA, 2001)
International soft law instruments and institutions: Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture under FAO; United Nations Forum
on Forests (UNFF); a broad range of UN system entities, including FAO, IMO, UNDP, UNEP, UNESCO, United Nations University (UNU), United Nations
World Tourist Organization (UNWTO), WHO, WMO, World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Bank, have programme activities related to
Science processes: Intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services (IPBES); Global Biodiversity Outlook
(CBD); Global Forest Resource Assessment; State of the World Fisheries and Aquaculture; State of the Worlds Plant Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture; State of the Worlds Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture; International Assessment on Agricultural Science and
Technology for Development (IAASTD), and covered by GEO and the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA)
Funds: GEF as the financial mechanism for CBD; Environment Fund (UNEP)
Inter-agency bodies: EMG Issue Management Group on Biodiversity; Biodiversity Liaison Group
Table 17.1 Core elements of the UN system-wide environmental response regime continued
Chemicals and
Multilateral environmental agreements Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal
(1989); Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
(1998); Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs, 2001).
International soft law instruments and institutions: Negotiation of a convention on mercury (UNEP); Strategic Approach to International Chemicals
Management (SAICM); a range of UN entities, including FAO, International Labour Organization (ILO), UNDP, UNEP, United Nations Industrial
Development Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), WHO and the World Bank, have programme activities
related to chemicals
Science processes: Covered by GEO
Funds: GEF is the financial mechanism for the POPs Convention; Environment Fund (UNEP)
Inter-agency bodies: Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC)
The late Mrs Indira Gandhi, then Prime Minister of India, addressing the
UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm on 5 June 1972.
Yutaka Nagata/UN Photo
Global Responses
Environmental treaties
Today, there are more than 500 international treaties and other
agreements that relate to the environment, of which 323 are
regional and 302 date from 1972 and the early 2000s. The
core of the global environmental legal framework, however,
is made up of a more limited number of treaties with a
growing number of ratifications (Figure 17.1). Most of the new
agreements have established new, independent bureaucracies
and this proliferation has fragmented authority in international
environmental governance. Thus, while the creation of the
various environmental conventions and protocols can be
viewed as an achievement, it also raises the need for continuing
support in developing countries when national administrations
become overloaded with reporting requirements and countless
international meetings (Najam 2005; Biermann 2004).
A distinguishing feature of the more effective treaties is their
development through the interplay of organized scientific
communities (Haas and Stevens 2011) and a moderate to strong
international institution (Biermann and Siebenhner 2009;
Haas 2007). The scientific community informs treaties that
reflect an understanding of the problems and their solutions,
while the institutions integrate the science into draft treaties,
help promote the ideas of the scientists, coordinate meetings,
compile information repositories, provide incentives to states
to participate in negotiations and assist member states in
complying with their obligations. Innovation in technology,
networking, coordination and knowledge management can help
this process. Chapter 16 has also pointed to the critical role
Source: UNEP Environmental Data Explorer, compiled from various MEA Secretariats
Box 17.1 Diffusion of policy tools worldwide the case of strategic environmental assessment
One widely used policy tool across all regions is strategic
environmental assessment, which helps to integrate national
environmental policies. This goes beyond environmental
impact assessments to ensure that environmental, social
and economic information is incorporated into decision
making in a unified manner. The process involves analysing
the likely impacts of decisions; fostering public participation;
developing and comparing alternatives fostering; recording
the impact, options and comments from the public in a report;
ensuring that the report is taken into account when making
final decisions; and informing the public about the decisions.
Strategic environmental assessments were initially
implemented in Europe, but have since spread to many
Financial flows
Global Responses
2005 2009
Table 17.2: Financial resources available to selected global multilateral environmental agreements, 2010
Cluster: Atmosphere
US$, million
Cluster: Biodiversity
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
(Rotterdam Convention)
Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal (Basel Convention)
Other agreements
Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention)
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification,
Particularly in Africa (UNCCD)
Source: Ivanova and Delina forthcoming in 2012.
Global Responses
1 834 200
3 880
356 428
1 209
6 547
1 149
19 167
3 078
USD, million
3 070
8 401
Figure 17.4 OECD countries aid commitments to UNCCD, CBD and UNFCCC, 19982009
US$, million
UNCCD (desertification)
CBD (biodiversity)
UNFCCC (climate change)
Source: OECD 2011a
Global Responses
2011 (UNDP 2011), which shows that countries with a very high
Human Development Index (HDI) score are projected to be less
affected by environmental risks than those in all other categories
(Figure 17.5), and demonstrates the need for a set of goals for
sustainable development that promotes a balanced integration
of its environmental, social and economic dimensions.
Effective monitoring of environmental outcomes requires
establishing quantifiable metrics or conditional states that can
be measured, such as the nitrate concentration in a body of water
or the number of species inhabiting a specific area (Jordan et
al. 2010). Methodological techniques such as gap analysis,
distance-to-target comparative analysis and benchmarking can
provide valuable insights into how countries perform relative to
each other. Common indicators can facilitate knowledge transfer as
they help governments at all levels to identify and share successful
implementation strategies (Strange and Bayley 2008). The MEAs
have been developing global goals that focus on articulating the
desired state of the environment, reducing pressures and creating
joint measures, together with technical assistance and capacity
building to scale up implementation. Increasingly, these goals
have been specified so that results can be identified through
quantifiable metrics or conditional states that can be measured.
Base case
Environmental challenge
Environmental disaster
Box 17.4 Response option 1: Framing environmental goals in the context of sustainable development and
monitoring outcomes
Establish a sustainable development goals framework that
integrates the contribution of the environment to development
and poverty reduction. A process could be initiated to revisit
and extend the MDGs in the form of Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) with clear, measurable indicators, keeping in
mind the need for a coherent and balanced integration of the
environmental, economic and social pillars of sustainability.
These goals could serve as a common reference point for
action and accountability for a wide range of actors, including
intergovernmental institutions, the private sector, civil society
Global Responses
The five successive Executive Directors of UNEP gathered together in Glion, Switzerland, for the Global Environmental Governance Forum in June 2009,
where they lent their voices and support for an international agreement on climate change. Satishkumar Belliethathan/Global Environmental Governance Project
Global Responses
Aerial view of Mal, capital of the Republic of the Maldives. In September 2011, the country launched an online campaign seeking help from the
worlds top experts on how to achieve carbon neutrality by 2020. Lucyna Koch/iStock
Box 17.6 Response option 3: Investing in enhanced capacities for addressing environmental change
Establish a UN system-wide framework for capacity building.
Such a framework would strengthen the national capacity
required to implement environmental policies and could be
an integral part of a system-wide strategy on the environment
established within the wider institutional framework for
sustainable development.
Adopt a green economy roadmap, possibly within the context
of a sustainable development goals framework. A roadmap
would set out how human well-being can be enhanced
through public and private investments in the sectors of the
economy that cover demand for, and supply of the goods,
services and technologies needed to address unprecedented
levels of environmental change, and that advance the
sustainable use of natural resources. A combination of
market-based mechanisms and regulatory structures might
be needed to create employment and economic activities,
but the appropriate policy mix would depend on national
circumstances and contexts. The full spectrum of available
measures includes public investments, green accounting,
subsidies, taxes, charges, sustainable trade, creation of new
markets, planning, standards, regulations, technological
innovation, technology transfer and capacity building.
Establish policy banks. This would enable the sharing
of examples of sound environmental policy, design and
implementation from different regions, including a green
economy roadmap. This could provide opportunities for
learning, adaptation or replication at an unprecedented
scale, with the early involvement of multiple stakeholders
facilitating the development and uptake of relevant reforms.
Matching needs to the right policy tools is unlikely to occur
organically without facilitation or brokerage. Governments
Global Responses
what is protected and what is not (Li and Correa 2009; Barton
2007; Hutchison 2006; Commission for Intellectual Property
Rights 2002). The impact of intellectual property (IP) rights on
the technological advancement of developing countries varies
according to the sector (Barton 2007), with countries like
China and India making significant advances in technological
development and acquisition despite the barriers (Puustjarvi
et al. 2003). Maskus (2010) argues that although patents and
IP rights may not in fact restrict access to environmentally
sustainable technologies, there may be needs for beneficial
differentiation in patent rights such as ex ante extensions of
patent terms tied to licensing commitments, expedited patent
examinations in environmentally sustainable technologies,
investments in patent transparency and landscaping efforts, and
facilitation of voluntary patent pools.
Technological innovation has the potential to reduce the cost of
achieving global environmental objectives (OECD 2010). The costs
of implementing green policies have often turned out to be far
lower than those projected, in part due to technological advances.
Investment in research and development (R&D) is mostly
undertaken by the private sector and is increasingly global in
nature, but government actions and public policy can help leverage
the power of markets to solve environmental challenges through
innovation. Efforts to increase the flow of technology to developing
countries and economies in transition include the UNFCCC decision
to create a new Technology Mechanism (Box 17.7).
International cooperation is needed to build and strengthen
innovation links between different sectors, especially between
Global Responses
Aerial view of oil rigs in the Niger Delta, close to a village. Over recent decades, the delta has faced extensive environmental degradation,
undermining sustainable environmental management and the right to access to a clean environment. Eric Miller/Still Picturesock
Box 17.9 Response option 5: Strengthening rights-based approaches and access to environmental justice
Recognize the links between human rights, environmental
rights and the responsibilities of states, which can set the
basis for better environmental performance where these rights
are incorporated in decision making. Improving understanding
of how this can be achieved through learning from best
practice at inter-state and inter-regional levels should be
facilitated. Existing human rights platforms could provide the
basis for dialogue between diverse actors, including states,
academics and communities, and strengthen and clarify
Develop a global legal instrument, or a series of regional
instruments, to strengthen access to information, public
participation and access to justice in environmental matters,
based on Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration and taking into
consideration experience gained with the UNECE Aarhus
Convention (1998).
Create a shared legal normative basis for action. Globally,
a number of soft law norms have emerged to protect the
environment in an equitable and responsible manner. There is,
Global Responses
The future in our hands: access to information and technology is vital; open communication and diffusion of knowledge with ever increasing public
participation can lead to collective action from global to local level and vice versa. Peeter Viisimaa/iStock
Vancouver, Canada, used the 2010 Winter Olympics to boost its efforts
to become a greener, more sustainable and more resilient city.
Amanda Mitchell
Global Responses
Five years on, it is clearer than ever that there is no global panacea
or single, overarching solution to environmental challenges.
Rather, collective action built around strategies, values,
principles, investments and measures, supported by a diverse
range of competencies and capacities, needs to be woven into
the fabric of nations, international society and its institutions.
Ultimately, the prospect for improving human well-being is
critically dependent on the capacity of individuals and countries
as well as the global community to respond through mitigation
and adaptation to environmental change. While the modalities
of multilateral cooperation need to be kept under review to ensure
their effectiveness, the key challenge of addressing capacity
issues in the developed and developing world remains.
Rio de Janeiro, host to the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. Zxvisual/iStock
Global Responses
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The objectives, scope and process for GEO-5 were defined and
adopted in a Final Statement by the Global Intergovernmental
and Multi-stakeholder Consultation that took place in March
2010 and included 91 governmental representatives and 55
other main stakeholders.
establishing three overarching advisory groups: a HighLevel Intergovernmental Advisory Panel to provide guidance
to experts; a Science and Policy Advisory Board to ensure
the scientific credibility of the process; and a Data and
Indicators Working Group to provide core data support to
the process;
subjecting the assessment to extensive scientific expert peerreview and government review;
continuing to target institutional capacity building by engaging
developing country experts; and
communicating key messages and findings to target
audiences in an accessible manner.
1st Intergovernmental
and Multi-stakeholder
High-Level Intergovernmental
Advisory Panel established
of experts
1st meeting of
Advisory Panel
of experts
(Author groups)
1st Science
and Policy
1st Production
Author working
group meetings
Preparatory Phase
Content Development
GEO-5 fellows
1st External
2nd meeting of
Advisory Panel
Part One
2nd External
Final editing,
QA and
SPM Launch at
12th of
Special Session
3rd meeting of
Advisory Panel
Final Inter-sessional
meeting of UNCSD
meeting to endorse SPM
Author sign-o
Production Phase
GEO-5 Author teams
Chapter 1 Drivers: Susana B. Adamo, Columbia University, USA; Jane Barr,
independent expert, Canada; David Laborde Debucquet, International
Food Policy Research Institute, USA; Elizabeth R. Desombre, Wellesley
College, USA; Thomas Dietz, Michigan State University, USA; Matthew
Gluschankoff, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA; Konstadinos
Goulias, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA; Jason Jabbour, UNEP,
Kenya; Yeojoo Kim, Korea Environment Institute, Republic of Korea; Marc
A. Levy, Center for International Earth Science Information Network, USA;
David Lpez-Carr, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA; Catherine
P. McMullen, independent consultant, Canada; Alexandra C. Morel, Centre
for International Earth Science Information Network, USA; Ana Rosa
Moreno, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico; Siwa Msangi,
International Food Policy Research Institute, USA; Matthew Paterson,
University of Ottawa, Canada; Batimaa Punsalmaa, Water Authority,
Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism, Mongolia; Eugene A. Rosa,
Washington State University, USA; Paul F. Steinberg, Harvey Mudd College,
USA; Ray Tomalty, McGill University, Canada; Craig Townsend, Johns
Hopkins University, USA.
Chapter 2 Atmosphere: May Antoniette Ajero, Clean Air Initiative-Asia
Center, Philippines; Susan Casper Anenberg, US Environmental Protection
Agency, USA; Paulo Artaxo, University of So Paulo, Brazil; Geir Braathen,
World Meteorological Organization, Switzerland; Luis Abdon Cifuentes,
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile; Lisa Emberson, Stockholm
Environment Institute, UK; Sara Feresu, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe;
Kevin Hicks, Stockholm Environment Institute, UK; Msafiri Jackson, Ardhi
University, Tanzania; Johan C. I. Kuylenstierna, Stockholm Environment
Institute, UK; Yousef Meslmani, Atomic Energy Commission, Syria; Nicholas
Muller, Middlebury College, USA; Frank Murray, Murdoch University,
Australia; Seydi Ababacar Ndiaye, Labo de Physique et de lAtmosphre
et de lOcan, Senegal; Emily Nyaboke (GEO Fellow), Intergovernmental
Authority on Development Climate Prediction and Applications Centre,
Kenya; Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand; T.S.
Panwar, The Energy and Resources Institute, India; Linn Persson, Stockholm
Environment Institute, Sweden; Drew Shindell, NASA Goddard Institute for
Space Studies, USA; Sara Terry, US Environmental Protection Agency, USA;
Eric Zusman, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan.
Chapter 3 Land: Magdi T. Abdelhamid, National Research Centre, Egypt;
T. Mitchell Aide, University of Puerto Rico, USA; Bjrn Alfthan, UNEP/GRIDArendal, Norway; Fethi Ayache, Universit de Sousse, Tunisia; Asmeret Asefaw
Berhe, University of California, Merced, USA; Saturnino (Jun) M. Borras Jr.,
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Philippines; Chizoba Chinweze, Nnamdi Azikiwe
University, Nigeria; Tahia Devisscher, Stockholm Environment Institute, UK;
Tom P. Evans, Indiana University, USA; Jana Frlichov, Charles University,
Prague, Czech Republic; Lawrence Hislop, UNEP/GRID-Arendal, Norway; Carol
A. Hunsberger, Carleton University, Canada; Jason Jabbour, UNEP, Kenya; Shashi
Kant, University of Toronto, Canada; David Lpez-Carr, University of California,
Santa Barbara, USA; Hillary Masundire, University of Botswana, Botswana;
Juan Albaladejo Montoro, Centro de Edafologa y Biologa Aplicada del Segura,
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas, Spain; William K. Pan, Johns
Hopkins University, USA; Narcisa G. Pricope (GEO Fellow), University of Florida,
USA; Roberto Snchez-Rodrguez, University of California, Riverside, USA; Bjrn
Schulte-Herbrggen, UNEP-WCMC, UK; Jessica Smith, UNEP-WCMC, UK; Carlos
Souza Jr., Amazon Institute of People and the Environment, Brazil; Tracy L.
Timmins (GEO Fellow), University of Calgary, Canada; Hctor Francisco del Valle,
Centro Nacional Patagnico, Argentina; Joris de Vente Centro de Edafologa y
Biologa Aplicada del Segura, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas,
Spain; Leo C. Zulu, Michigan State University, USA.
Chapter 4 Water: Maite Aldaya, Botn Foundation, Spain; Hermanni Backer,
Helsinki Commission, Finland; Erica Brown Gaddis, SWCA Environmental
Consultants, USA; Paul Roger Glennie, UNEP-DHI Centre for Water and
Environment, Denmark; Yi Huang, Peking University, China; Hans Gnter
Brauch, Freie University of Berlin, Germany; Peter Koefoed Bjrnsen,
UNEP-DHI Centre for Water Environment, Denmark; Salif Diop, UNEP,
Space Studies, USA; Derk Loorbach, Dutch Research Institute for Transitions,
Netherlands; Neeyati Patel, UNEP, Kenya; James Reynolds, Duke University,
USA; Johan Rockstrm, Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden; Jan
Rotmans, Dutch Research Institute for Transitions, Netherlands; Vladimir
Ryabinin, World Meteorological Organization, Switzerland; Jiansheng Ye (GEO
Fellow), Lanzhou University, China.
Chapter 8 Data Needs: Charles Davies, UNEP, Kenya; Jaap van Woerden,
UNEP, Switzerland; Ashbindu Singh, UNEP, USA.
Chapter 9 Africa: Ameer Abdulla, International Union for Conservation of
Nature, Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Spain; Osman Mirghani
M. Ali, University of Khartoum, Sudan; Adnan A. Awad, University of
the Western Cape, South Africa; Habtemariam Kassa Belay, Center for
International Forestry Research, Ethiopia Office, Ethiopia; Kerry W. Bowman,
University of Toronto, Canada; Rannveig K. Formo, UNEP/GRID-Arendal,
Norway; Marina Gomei, World Wildlife Fund, Italy; Charlotte Karibuhoye,
Foundation Internationale du Banc dArguin, Senegal; Winnie Lau, Forest
Trends, USA; Masego Madzwamuse, independent consultant, South Africa;
Clever Mafuta, UNEP/GRID-Arendal, Norway; Jennifer Clare MohamedKaterere, independent expert, South Africa; Francis Mwaura, University of
Nairobi, Kenya; Valerie Rabesahala, independent consultant, Madagascar;
Sachooda Ragoonaden, Indian Ocean Commission, Mauritius; Bevlyne
Sithole, Shanduko Centre for Agrarian Research, Zimbabwe.
Chapter 10 Asia and the Pacific: Iskandar Abdullaev, Deutsche Gesellschaft
fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Uzbekistan; Raquibul
Amin, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Thailand; Yumiko
Asayama, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan; Magnus
Bengtsson, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan; Robert
Dobias, USAID/Climate Change Adaptation Project Preparation Facility
for Asia-Pacific, Thailand; Mark Elder, Institute for Global Environmental
Strategies, Japan; Rodrigo Fuentes, ASEAN Biodiversity Centre, Philippines;
Anirban Ganguly, The Energy and Resources Institute, India; Prodipto
Ghosh, The Energy and Resources Institute, India; Guibin Jiang, Research
Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
China; Mikiko Kainuma, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan;
Yatsuka Kataoka, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan;
Peter N. King, Institute for Global Environmental Studies, Thailand; Robert
Kipp, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan; Marie Leroy,
Institute for Political Studies, Science Po, France; Keping Ma, Institute of
Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; Vishal Narain, Management
Development Institute, India; Simon Hoiberg Olsen (GEO Fellow), Institute
for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan; Shavkat Rakhmatullaev,
Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH,
Uzbekistan; Nilapha Ratanavong (GEO Fellow), Regional Resource Centre
for Asia and the Pacific, Thailand; Jianbo Shi, Research Center for EcoEnvironmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; Diana
Suhardiman, International Water Management Institute Southeast Asia,
Indonesia; Poh Poh Wong, University of Adelaide, Australia; Shiqiu Zhang,
Peking University, China.
Chapter 11 Europe: Thomas Bernauer, Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology, Switzerland; Olga Chkanikova (GEO Fellow), Lund University,
Sweden; Sophie Cond, National Museum of Natural History, France;
Karine Danielyan, Yerevan State University, Armenia; Nicolai Dronin,
Moscow State University, Russia; Lisa Emberson, Stockholm Environment
Institute, UK; Joyeeta Gupta, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands;
Naira Harutyunyan, Central European University, Hungary; Anastasia
Idrisova, Central European University, Hungary; Pavlos Kassomenos,
University of Ioannina, Greece; Olena Maslyukivska, National University
of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine; Ruben Mnatsakanian, Central
European University, Hungary; Nora Mzavanadze, Central European
University, Hungary; Alexander Orlov, The State University of New
York, Stony Brook, USA; Mirjam Schomaker, independent consultant,
Switzerland; Jerome Simpson, The Regional Environmental Center
for Central and Eastern Europe, Hungary; sa Swartling, Stockholm
Environment Institute, Sweden.
Chapter 12 Latin America and the Caribbean: Andrea Brusco, UNEP, Panama;
Ligia Castro, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, Panama; Antonio
Clemente (GEO Fellow), Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America
and the Caribbean, Panama; Keston Finch, The Cropper Foundation, Trinidad
and Tobago; Elsa Galarza, Universidad del Pacifico, Peru; Silvia Giada,
UNEP, Panama; Alexander Girvan, The Cropper Foundation, Trinidad and
Tobago; Mayte Gonzlez, The Nature Conservancy, Panama; Keisha Garcia,
The Cropper Foundation, Trinidad and Tobago; Mark Griffith, UNEP, Panama;
Gladys Hernndez, Centro de Investigaciones de la Economa Mundial, Cuba;
Guillermo Castro Herrera, International Sustainable Development Center,
Panama; Paul Hinds, College of Science, Technology and Applied Arts of
Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago; Martha Macedo de Lima, Barata
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil; Arturo Flores Martnez, Secretara de Medio
Ambiente y Recursos Naturales SEMARNAT, Mexico; Graciela Metternicht,
UNEP, Panama; Ana Rosa Moreno, Universidad Nacional Autnoma
de Mxico, Mexico; Ernesto Guhl Nannetti, Institute for Sustainable
Development CIDES, Colombia; Keith Nichols, Organisation of the Eastern
Caribbean States, St. Lucia; Rodrigo Noriega, International Sustainable
Development Center CIDES, Panama; Daniel Fontana Oberling, Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Martin Obermaier, Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Mary Otto-Chang, independent consultant, Jamaica;
Aida Pacheco, Universidad del Pacifico, Peru; Maurice Rawlins (GEO Fellow),
The Cropper Foundation, Trinidad and Tobago; Andrea Salinas, UNEP,
Panama; Asha Singh, CaribInvest (West Indies) Limited, Guyana; Michael
Taylor, University of West Indies, Jamaica; Elisa Tonda, UNEP, Panama;
Angel Urea, Panama Canal Authority, Panama; Oscar Vallarino, Panama
Canal Authority, Panama; Ernesto Viglizzo, National Institute of Agricultural
Technology, Argentina; Jessica Young, MarViva Foundation, Panama; William
Wills, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Joanna Noelia Kamiche
Zegarra, Universidad del Pacifico, Peru.
Chapter 13 North America: Robert Adler, University of Utah, USA; Jane
Barr, independent expert, Canada; John Campbell, US Forest Service, USA;
James Dobrowolski, US Department of Agriculture, USA; Jos Etcheverry,
York University, Toronto, Canada; Catherine Hallmich (GEO Fellow),
Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Canada; Jim Lazar, The
Regulatory Assistance Project, USA; Philippe Le Prestre, Universit Laval,
Canada; Lailai Li, Stockholm Environment Institute, Thailand; Alexander
Kenny, Center for International Sustainable Development Law, Canada;
Lori Lynch, University of Maryland, USA; Russell M. Meyer, Pew Center on
Global Climate Change, USA; Robin Newmark, US Department of Energy,
USA; Janet Peace, Pew Center on Global Change, USA; Julie A. Suhr Pierce,
US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service,
USA; Marc Sydnor, University of Denver, USA; Stephen Yamasaki, EcoTerra
Solutions, Canada.
Chapter 14 West Asia: Asma Abahussain, Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain;
Ibrahim Abdel Gelil, Arabian Gulf University, Egypt; Mohamed Abdulrazzak,
Independent Expert, Saudi Arabia; Anwar Abdu Khalil, Arabian Gulf
University, Bahrain; Mohammad S. Abido, Damascus University, Syria;
Fouad Abousamra, UNEP, Syria; Mukdad Al-Khateeb, Environment Research
Center, Iraq; Maha Al-Sabbagh, Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain; Lulwa
N Ali, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait; Mahmoud Al-Sibai,
Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands, Syria; Hashim
Al-Sayed, University of Bahrain, Bahrain; Abdullah Droubi, Arab Center for
the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands, Syria; Amr El-Sammak, Arabian
Gulf University, Egypt; Ahmad Fares Asfary, Independent Expert, Syria;
Nesreen Ghaddar, American University of Beirut, Lebanon; Mohamed Abdel
Raouf Abdel Hamid Aly, Gulf Research Center, Egypt; Amir Ibrahim, Tishreen
University, Syria; Mohammad Abdul Rahman Hassan, Dubai Municipality,
UAE, Muhyiddine Jradi, American University of Beirut, Lebanon; Ahmed
Khalil, Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment
of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, Sudan; Abdel Hadi Mohamed, Arabian
Gulf University, Sudan; Amr El-Sammak and Ahmed Ali Salih, Arabian Gulf
University, Sudan.
Chapter 15 Regional Summary: Jane Barr, independent expert, Canada;
Ludgarde Angle Elisa Coppens, UNEP, Kenya; Nicolai Dronin, Moscow
This glossary is compiled from citations in different chapters, and draws from glossaries and other resources available on the websites
of the following organizations, networks and projects:
American Meteorological Society; Asian Development Bank; Center for Transportation Excellence (United States); Charles Darwin University
(Australia); Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research; Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially
as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar); Edwards Aquifer Website (United States); Encyclopedia of Earth; Europes Information Society; European
Commission Environment A to Z; European Environment Agency; European Nuclear Society; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations; Foundation for Research; Science and Technology (New Zealand); Global Earth Observation System of Systems; Global Footprint
Network; GreenFacts Glossary; Illinois Clean Coal Institute (United States); Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; International Centre
for Research in Agroforestry; International Comparison Program; International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements; International
Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University (United States); International Strategy for Disaster Reduction; Lyme
Disease Foundation (United States); Millennium Ecosystem Assessment; Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe;
National Safety Council (United States); Natsource (United States); Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; Professional
Development for Livelihoods (United Kingdom); Redefining Progress (United States); SafariX eTextbooks Online;;
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in
Africa; United Nations Development Programme; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change; United Nations Industrial Development Organization; United Nations Statistics Division; US
Department of Agriculture; US Department of the Interior; US Department of Transportation; US Energy Information Administration; US
Environmental Protection Agency; US Geological Survey;; Water Footprint Network, the Netherlands; Water Quality Association
(United States); Wikipedia; World Bank; World Health Organization and World Intellectual Property Organization.
The number of individuals or related measure of quantity (such
as biomass) in a population, community or spatial unit.
Abrupt change
The change that takes place so rapidly and unexpectedly that
human or natural systems have difficulty adapting to it.
Change in natural chemical balance caused by an increase in the
concentration of acidic elements.
A measure of how acid a solution may be. A solution with a pH of
less than 7.0 is considered acidic.
Adjustment in natural or human systems to a new or changing
environment, including anticipatory and reactive adaptation,
private and public adaptation, and autonomous and planned
Adaptive capacity
The potential or ability of a system, region or community to
adapt to the effects or impacts of a particular set of changes.
Enhancement of adaptive capacity is a practical means of coping
with changes and uncertainties, reducing vulnerabilities and
promoting sustainable development.
Adaptive governance
A governance approach that incorporates methods of adaptive
management, adaptive policy making and transition management
for addressing complex, uncertain and dynamic issues. Adaptive
Aquatic ecosystem
Basic ecological unit composed of living and non-living elements
interacting in water.
Arable land
Land under temporary crops (double-cropped areas are counted
only once), temporary meadows for mowing or pasture, land
under market and kitchen gardens, and land temporarily fallow
(less than five years). The abandoned land resulting from shifting
cultivation is not included in this category.
A term used by scientists to name a new geologic epoch
(following the most recent Holocene) characterized by significant
changes in the Earths atmosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere
due primarily to human activities.
The total human presence throughout the Earth System including
its culture, technology, built environment, and activities
associated with these. The anthroposphere complements the
term Anthropocene.
109 (1 000 000 000)
The increase in concentration of a chemical in organisms. Also
used to describe the progressive increase in the amount of a
chemical in an organism resulting from rates of absorption of
a substance in excess of its metabolism and excretion.
The capacity of ecosystems to produce useful biological materials
and to absorb waste materials generated by humans, using
current management schemes and extraction technologies. The
biocapacity of an area is calculated by multiplying the actual
physical area by the yield factor and the appropriate equivalence
factor. Biocapacity is usually expressed in units of global hectares.
Biodiversity (a contraction of biological diversity)
The variety of life on Earth, including diversity at the genetic
level, among species and among ecosystems and habitats. It
includes diversity in abundance, distribution and behaviour.
Biodiversity also incorporates human cultural diversity, which
can both be affected by the same drivers as biodiversity, and
itself has impacts on the diversity of genes, other species
and ecosystems.
Fuel produced from dry organic matter or combustible oils from
plants, such as alcohol from fermented sugar or maize, and oils
derived from oil palm, rapeseed or soybeans.
Gas, rich in methane, which is produced by the fermentation
of animal dung, human sewage or crop residues in an airtight
Biogeochemical cycles
The flow of chemical elements and compounds between
living organisms (biosphere) and the physical environment
(atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere).
Biological corridor
A section of habitat designated to restore or conserve the
connection between habitats that have been fragmented by
human or natural causes.
Organic material, above and below ground and in water, both
living and dead, such as trees, crops, grasses, tree litter and roots.
The build up of certain substances in the bodies of organisms at
higher trophic levels of food webs. Organisms at lower trophic
levels accumulate small amounts. Organisms at the next higher
level of the food chain eat many of these lower-level organisms
and hence accumulate larger amounts. The tissue concentration
increases at each trophic level in the food web when there is
efficient uptake and slow elimination
The largest unit of ecosystem classification that is convenient to
recognize below the global level. Terrestrial biomes are typically
based on dominant vegetation structure (such as forest or grassland).
Ecosystems within a biome function in a broadly similar way, although
they may have very different species composition. For example, all
forests share certain properties regarding nutrient cycling, disturbance
and biomass that are different from the properties of grasslands.
The part of the Earth and its atmosphere in which living
organisms exist or that is capable of supporting life.
Biotechnology (modern)
The application of in vitro nucleic acid techniques, including
recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and direct injection
of nucleic acid into cells or organelles, or fusion of cells beyond
the taxonomic family, that overcome natural physiological,
reproductive or recombination barriers and that are not
techniques used in traditional breeding and selection.
Black carbon
Operationally defined aerosol based on measurement of light
absorption and chemical reactivity and/or thermal stability.
Black carbon is formed through the incomplete combustion
of fossil fuels, biofuel and biomass, and is emitted as part of
anthropogenic and naturally occurring soot. It consists of pure
carbon in several linked forms. Black carbon warms the Earth
by absorbing sunlight and re-emitting heat to the atmosphere
and by reducing albedo (the ability to reflect sunlight) when
deposited on snow and ice.
Blue water
Fresh surface and groundwater, in other words, the water in
freshwater lakes, rivers and aquifers. The blue water footprint
Civil society
The aggregate of non-governmental organizations and
institutions representing the interests and will of citizens.
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
The mechanism provided by Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol,
designed to assist developing countries achieve sustainable
development by permitting industrialized countries to finance
projects for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in developing
countries and receive carbon credits for doing so.
Climate change
The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change defines climate
change as a change of climate which is attributed directly or
indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the
global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate
variability observed over comparable time periods.
Climate proofing
A shorthand term for identifying risks to a development project,
or any other specified natural or human asset, as a consequence
of climate variability and change, and ensuring that those
risks are reduced to acceptable levels through long-lasting
and environmentally sound, economically viable, and socially
acceptable changes implemented at one or more of the following
stages in the project cycle: planning, design, construction,
operation, and decommissioning.
Climate variability
Variations in the mean state and other statistics (such as standard
deviations and the occurrence of extremes) of the climate on all
temporal and spatial scales beyond that of individual weather
events. Variability may be due to natural internal processes in the
climate system (internal variability), or to variations in natural or
anthropogenic external forcing (external variability).
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
A group of chemicals, consisting of chlorine, fluorine and
carbon, highly volatile and of low toxicity, widely used in the
past as refrigerants, solvents, propellants and foaming agents.
Chlorofluorocarbons have both ozone depletion and global
warming potential.
A term in chemistry that refers to one of many variants or
configurations of a common chemical structure.
Carbon stock
The quantity of carbon contained in a pool, meaning a reservoir
or system which has the capacity to accumulate or release carbon.
Conservation tillage
Breaking the soil surface without turning over the soil.
Catchment (area)
The area of land from which precipitation drains into a river,
basin or reservoir. See also Drainage basin.
Cross-cutting issue
An issue that cannot be adequately understood or explained
without reference to the interactions of several of its dimensions
that are usually defined separately.
A problem-solving and production process that involves
outsourcing tasks to a network of people, also known as the
crowd. This process can occur both online and offline.
Cultural services
In the context of ecosystems, the non-material benefits for
people, including spiritual enrichment, cognitive development,
recreation and aesthetic experience.
Early warning
The provision of timely and effective information, through
identified institutions, that allows individuals exposed to a
hazard to take action to avoid or reduce their risk and prepare
an effective response.
Earth System
The Earth System is a complex social-environmental system of
interacting physical, chemical, biological and social components
and processes that determine the state and evolution of the
planet and life on it.
An approach to landscape management that simultaneously
advances agricultural production, conservation of biodiversity
and ecosystem services, and sustainable rural livelihoods.
Ecological footprint
A measure of the area of biologically productive land and water
an individual, population or activity uses to produce all the
resources it consumes and to absorb the corresponding waste
(such as carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel use), using
prevailing technology and resource management practices. The
ecological footprint is usually measured in global hectares.
A dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism
communities and their non-living environment, interacting as
a functional unit.
Ecosystem approach
A strategy for the integrated management of land, water and
living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable
use in an equitable way. An ecosystem approach is based on
the application of appropriate scientific methods, focused on
levels of biological organization that encompass the essential
structure, processes, functions and interactions among and
between organisms and their environment. It recognizes that
humans, with their cultural diversity, are an integral component
of many ecosystems.
Ecosystem function
An intrinsic ecosystem characteristic related to the set of
conditions and processes whereby an ecosystem maintains
its integrity (such as primary productivity, food chain and
biogeochemical cycles). Ecosystem functions include such
processes as decomposition, production, nutrient cycling,
and movements of nutrients and energy.
Ecosystem health
The degree to which ecological factors and their interactions
are reasonably complete and function for continued resilience,
productivity and renewal of the ecosystem.
Ecosystem management
An approach to maintaining or restoring the composition,
structure, function and delivery of services of natural and
modified ecosystems for the goal of achieving sustainability.
It is based on an adaptive, collaboratively developed vision
of desired future conditions that integrates ecological, socioeconomic, and institutional perspectives, applied within
a geographic framework, and defined primarily by natural
ecological boundaries.
Ecosystem resilience
The level of disturbance that an ecosystem can withstand without
crossing a threshold to become a different structure or deliver
different outputs. Resilience depends on ecological dynamics
as well as human organizational and institutional capacity to
understand, manage and respond to these dynamics.
Ecosystem services
The benefits of ecosystems. These include provisioning services,
such as food and water regulating services, such as flood and
disease control cultural services, such as spiritual, recreational
and cultural benefits and supporting services, such as nutrient
cycling, that maintain the conditions for life on Earth. Sometimes
called ecosystem goods and services.
Travel undertaken to witness the natural or ecological quality of
particular sites or regions, including the provision of eco-friendly
services to facilitate such travel.
In issues of water quality, refers to liquid waste (treated or
untreated) discharged to the environment from sources such as
industrial process and sewage treatment plants.
El Nio (also El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO))
In its original sense, it is a warm water current that periodically flows
along the coast of Ecuador and Peru, disrupting the local fishery.
This oceanic event is associated with a fluctuation of the intertropical surface pressure pattern and circulation in the Indian and
Pacific Oceans, called the Southern Oscillation. This atmosphereocean phenomenon is collectively known as El Nio-Southern
Oscillation, or ENSO. During an El Nio event, the prevailing trade
winds weaken and the equatorial countercurrent strengthens,
causing warm surface waters in the Indonesian area to flow eastward
to overlie the cold waters of the Peru current off South America. This
event has great impact on the wind, sea surface temperature and
precipitation patterns in the tropical Pacific. It has climatic effects
throughout the Pacific region and in many other parts of the world.
The opposite of an El Nio event is called La Nia.
Emission inventory
Details the amounts and types of pollutants released into the
Endangered species
A species is endangered when the best available evidence
indicates that it meets any of the criteria A to E specified for
Environmental health
Those aspects of human health and disease that are determined
by factors in the environment. It also refers to the theory and
practice of assessing and controlling factors in the environment
that can potentially affect health. Environmental health includes
both the direct pathological effects of chemicals, radiation
and some biological agents, and the effects, often indirect,
on health and well-being of the broad physical, psychological,
social and aesthetic environment. This includes housing, urban
development, land use and transport.
Environmental monitoring
Regular, comparable measurements or time series of data on
the environment.
Environmental policy
A policy aimed at addressing environmental problems
and challenges.
Fairness of rights, distribution and access. Depending on context,
this can refer to access to resources, services or power.
The degradation of water or land quality due to enrichment by
nutrients, primarily nitrogen and phosphorous, which results in
excessive plant (principally algae) growth and decay. Eutrophication
of a lake normally contributes to its slow evolution into a bog or
marsh and ultimately to dry land. Eutrophication may be accelerated
by human activities that speed up the ageing process.
Combined loss of water by evaporation from the soil or surface
water, and transpiration from plants and animals.
E-waste (electronic waste)
A generic term encompassing various forms of electrical and
electronic equipment that has ceased to be considered of value
and is disposed of.
External cost (also externality)
A cost that is not included in the market price of the goods and
services produced. In other words, a cost not borne by those who
create it, such as the cost of cleaning up contamination caused
by discharge of pollution into the environment.
Where non-linear change is driven by reactions that either
dampen change (negative feedbacks) or reinforce change
(positive feedbacks).
Floods (river, flash and storm surge)
Usually classified into three types: river flood, flash flood and
storm surge. River floods result from intense and/or persistent
rain over large areas. Flash floods are mostly local events
resulting from intense rainfall over a small area in a short period
of time. Storm surge floods occur when floodwater from the
ocean or large lakes is pushed on to land by winds or storms.
Food security
Physical and economic access to food that meets peoples
dietary needs as well as their food preferences.
Land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5
metres and a canopy cover of more than 10 per cent, or trees able
to reach these thresholds in situ. It does not include land that is
predominantly under agricultural or urban use.
Forest degradation
Changes within the forest that negatively affect the structure or
function of the stand or site, and thereby lower the capacity to
supply products and/or services.
Forest management
The processes of planning and implementing practices for the
stewardship and use of forests and other wooded land aimed
at achieving specific environmental, economic, social and/or
cultural objectives.
Forest plantation
Forest stands established by planting and/or seeding in the
process of afforestation or reforestation. They are either of
introduced species (all planted stands), or intensively managed
stands of indigenous species, which meet all the following criteria:
contain one or two species, are of similar age and regularly spaced.
Planted forest is another term used for plantation.
Fossil fuel
Coal, natural gas and petroleum products (such as oil) formed
from the decayed bodies of animals and plants that died millions
of years ago.
Fuel cell
A device that converts the energy of a chemical reaction directly
into electrical energy. It produces electricity from external supplies
of fuel (such as hydrogen) and oxidant (such as oxygen). A fuel
cell can operate as long as the necessary flows are maintained.
Fuel cells differ from batteries in that they consume reactant,
which must be replenished, while batteries store electrical energy
chemically in a closed system. One great advantage of fuel cells
is that they generate electricity with very little pollution: much of
the hydrogen and oxygen used in generating electricity ultimately
combine to form water. Fuel cells are being developed as power
sources for motor vehicles, as well as stationary power sources.
Genetic diversity
The variety of genes within a particular species, variety or breed.
GEO Data Portal (now Environmental Data Explorer)
The source for datasets used by UNEP and its partners in the Global
Environment Outlook report and other integrated environmental
assessments. Its online database holds more than 500 different
variables, including national, sub-regional, regional and global
statistics as well as geospatial datasets (maps), covering themes
such as freshwater, population, forests, emissions, climate,
disasters, health and GDP.
Global commons
Natural un-owned assets such as the atmosphere, oceans, outer
space and the Antarctic.
Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)
A network aiming to link existing and planned Earth observing
systems (e.g., satellites and networks of weather stations and
ocean buoys) around the world, support the development of
new systems where gaps currently exist, and promote common
technical standards so that data from the thousands of different
instruments can be combined into coherent datasets. It aims to
provide decision support tools to policy makers and other users
in areas such as health, agriculture and disasters.
Global hectare
A hypothetical hectare with world-average ability to produce
resources and absorb wastes.
Global (international) environmental governance
The assemblage of laws and institutions that regulate societynature interactions and shape environmental outcomes.
Global observation system
A set of coordinated monitoring activities that would collect much
needed data at a global scale on a variety of indicators such as
biodiversity, water quality and quantity, atmospheric pollution,
land degradation and chemical release.
Global public good
Public goods that have universal benefits, covering multiple
groups of countries and all populations.
Global warming
Increase in surface air temperature, referred to as the global
temperature, induced by emissions of greenhouse gases into the air.
The increasing integration of economies and societies around
the world, particularly through trade and financial flows, and the
transfer of culture and technology.
The act, process, or power of governing for the organization
of society/ies. For example, there is governance through the
state, the market, or through civil society groups and local
organizations. Governance is exercised through institutions:
laws, property-rights systems and forms of social organization.
Greenhouse effect
A process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is
absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and is re-radiated
in all directions. Since part of this re-radiation is back towards
the surface and the lower atmosphere, it results in an elevation
of the average surface temperature above what it would be in the
absence of the gases.
Greenhouse gases (GHGs)
Gaseous constituents of the atmosphere, both natural and
(1) The place or type of site where an organism or population
occurs naturally.
(2) Terrestrial or aquatic areas distinguished by geographic, living
and non-living features, whether entirely natural or semi-natural.
All of the Earths water, including surface water (water in oceans,
lakes and rivers), groundwater (water in soil and beneath
the Earths surface), snow, ice and water in the atmosphere,
including water vapour.
Habitat fragmentation
Alteration of habitat resulting in spatial separation of habitat
units from a previous state of greater continuity.
Lack of oxygen. In the context of eutrophication and algal
blooms, hypoxia is the result of a process that uses up dissolved
oxygen in the water. Algal blooms cause water to become more
opaque, thereby reducing light availability to submerged aquatic
vegetation, and interfering with beneficial human water uses.
When the bloom dies off, algae sink to the bottom and are
decomposed by bacteria using up the available oxygen. Hypoxia
is particularly severe in the late summer, and can be so severe
in some areas that they are referred to as dead zones because
only bacteria can survive there.
Hard law
Legally binding obligations that are precise (or can be made
precise through adjudication or the issuance of detailed
regulations) and that delegate authority for interpreting and
implementing the law. In the context of international law, hard law
refers to treaties or international agreements, as well as customary
laws. These documents create enforceable obligations and rights
for states and other international entities. See also Soft law.
A potentially damaging physical event, phenomenon or human
activity that may cause the loss of life or injury, property damage,
social and economic disruption or environmental degradation.
Hazardous waste
A used or discarded material that can damage human health and
the environment. Hazardous wastes may include heavy metals,
toxic chemicals, medical wastes or radioactive material.
Improved sanitation
Improved sanitation includes flush lavatories; piped sewer systems;
septic tanks; flush/pour flush to pit latrines; ventilated improved pit
latrines (VIP); pit latrines with slab; composting lavatories.
Heavy metals
A subset of elements that exhibit metallic properties, including
transitional metals and semi-metals (metalloids), such as arsenic,
cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel and zinc, that
have been associated with contamination and potential toxicity.
High seas
The oceans outside national jurisdictions, lying beyond each
nations exclusive economic zone or other territorial waters.
Human well-being
The extent to which individuals have the ability to live the kinds
of lives they have reason to value; the opportunities people
have to pursue their aspirations. Basic components of human
well-being include: security, meeting material needs, health and
social relations.
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
Organic and human-made substances composed of hydrogen,
chlorine, fluorine and carbon atoms. As the ozone-depleting
potential of HCFCs is much lower than that of CFCs, HCFCs were
considered acceptable interim substitutes for CFCs.
Hydrological cycle
Succession of stages undergone by water in its passage from
the atmosphere to the Earths surface and its return to the
atmosphere. The stages include evaporation from land, sea
or inland water, condensation to form clouds, precipitation,
accumulation in the soil or in water bodies, and re-evaporation.
IPAT formulation
Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology. An equation
developed in the 1970s to describe humanitys influence/impact
on the environment.
Legal regime
A system of principles and rules governing something, and which
is created by law. It is framework of legal rules.
Jevons paradox
The proposition that technological progress that increases the
efficiency with which a resource is used tends to increase (rather
than decrease) the rate of consumption of that resource.
Measure of political acceptability or perceived fairness. State law
has its legitimacy in the state; local law and practices work on
a system of social sanction, in that they derive their legitimacy
from a system of social organization and relationships.
Joint Implementation
A mechanism provided by Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol,
whereby a country included in Annex I of the UNFCCC may acquire
emission reduction units when it helps to finance projects that
reduce net emissions in another industrialized country.
Leverage point
A place in a systems structure where a relatively small amount of
force can effect change. It is a low leverage point if a small amount
of force causes a small change in system behaviour, or a high
leverage point if a small amount of force causes a large change.
Life-cycle analysis
A technique to assess the environmental impacts associated
with all the stages of the life of a product from raw material
extraction through materials processing, manufacture,
distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or
recycling (cradle-to-grave).
Kyoto Protocol
A protocol to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) adopted at the Third Session of the
Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan. It
contains legally binding commitments in addition to those included
in the UNFCCC. Countries included in Annex B of the protocol (most
OECD countries and countries with economies in transition) agreed
to control their national anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse
gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3) so that the total
emissions from these countries would be at least 5 per cent below
1990 levels in the commitment period, 2008 to 2012.
Land cover
The physical coverage of land, usually expressed in terms of
vegetation cover or lack of it. Influenced by but not synonymous
with land use.
Land degradation
The reduction or loss of the biological or economic productivity
and complexity in croplands, pastures, forest or woodlands
resulting from climate variability, natural processes, and
unsustainable human activities.
Land use
The functional dimension of land for different human purposes
or economic activities. Examples of land use categories include
agriculture, industrial use, transport and protected areas.
Land-use planning
The systematic assessment of land and water potential,
alternative patterns of land use and other physical, social and
Non-state actors
Non-state actors are categorized as entities that (i) participate or act
in the sphere of international relations; organizations with sufficient
power to influence and cause change in politics which (ii) do not belong
to or exist as a state-structure or established institution of a state; do
not have the characteristics of this, these being legal sovereignty and
some measure of control over a countrys people and territories.
No-till (zero tillage)
A technique of drilling (sewing) seed with little or no prior land
preparation, which has a positive impact on soil erosion.
Nutrient pollution
Contamination of water resources by excessive inputs of nutrients.
The approximately 20 chemical elements known to be essential
for the growth of living organisms, including nitrogen, sulphur,
phosphorus and carbon.
Oil sands
A complex mixture of sand, water and clay trapping very heavy
oil, known as bitumen.
Organic agriculture
A production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems
and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity
and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of
synthetic inputs.
Organic carbon (OC)
Organic carbon, as used in climate research, usually refers to
the carbon fraction of the aerosol that is not black. This term
is an oversimplification because organic carbon may contain
hundreds or thousands of different organic compounds with
varying atmospheric behaviour. It is the quantity that results from
thermal analysis of carbon aerosols.
Bodies of individuals with a specified common objective.
Organizations could be political organizations, political
parties, governments and ministries; economic organizations,
federations of industry; social organizations (non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) and self-help groups) or religious
organizations (church and religious trusts). The term
organizations should be distinguished from institutions.
Organochlorine compounds
Any of a class of organic chemical compounds containing carbon,
hydrogen and chlorine, such as dioxins, poly-chlorinatedbiphenyls (PCBs) and some pesticides such as DDT.
The excessive use of raw materials without considering the longterm ecological impacts of such use.
The situation that occurs when humanitys demand on the
Ozone layer
A region of the atmosphere situated at an altitude of 1050
km above the Earths surface (called the stratosphere) which
contains diluted ozone.
Policy bank
A repository of good practices in policy development and
implementation, supported by facilitation services that help
stakeholders to identify relevant policy lessons and tools and
adapt them to local needs.
Participatory approach
Securing an adequate and equal opportunity for people to
place questions on an agenda and to express their preferences
about a final outcome during decision making to all group
members. Participation can occur directly or through legitimate
representatives. Participation may range from consultation to the
obligation of achieving a consensus.
Particulate matter (PM)
Tiny solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in the air.
Pastoralism, pastoral system
The husbandry of domestic animals as a primary means of
obtaining resources.
Ground covered with grass or herbage, used or suitable for the
grazing of livestock.
Payment for environmental services/payment for ecosystem
services (PES)
Appropriate mechanisms for matching the demand for
environmental services with incentives for land users whose
actions modify the supply of those environmental services.
Soil, silt and rock located in perpetually cold areas, and that
remains frozen year-round for two or more years.
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
Chemical substances that persist in the environment,
bioaccumulate through the food web, and pose a risk of causing
adverse effects to human health and the environment.
Microscopically small plants that float or swim weakly in fresh or
saltwater bodies.
Planetary boundaries
A framework designed to define a safe operating space for humanity
for the international community, including governments at all levels,
international organizations, civil society, the scientific community and
the private sector, as a precondition for sustainable development.
Any form of intervention or societal response. This includes not
only statements of intent, but also other forms of intervention,
such as the use of economic instruments, market creation,
subsidies, institutional reform, legal reform, decentralization and
Policy dialogue
A platform for major stakeholders, such as government authorities
and non-governmental organizations, for awareness raising,
capacity building, policy-preparation and policy-implementation.
Policy diffusion
The process of a policy being taken up, copied, implemented in
other areas, fields, regions or sectors.
Having many centres, especially of authority or control.
Any substance that causes harm to the environment when it
mixes with soil, water or air.
The presence of minerals, chemicals or physical properties at
levels that exceed the values deemed to define a boundary
between good or acceptable and poor or unacceptable quality,
which is a function of the specific pollutant.
The state of one who lacks a defined amount of material
possessions or money. Absolute poverty refers to a state of lacking
basic human needs, which commonly include clean and fresh
water, nutrition, health care, education, clothing and shelter.
Precautionary approach/principle
The precautionary approach or precautionary principle states
that if an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm
to the public or to the environment, in the absence of scientific
consensus that the action or policy is harmful, the burden of
proof that it is not harmful falls on those taking the action.
The act of attempting to produce a description of the expected
future, or the description itself, such as it will be 30C tomorrow,
so we will go to the beach.
Premature deaths
Deaths occurring earlier due to a risk factor than would occur in
the absence of that risk factor.
Primary energy
Energy embodied in natural resources (such as coal, crude oil,
sunlight or uranium) that has not undergone any anthropogenic
conversion or transformation.
The act of attempting to produce a description of the future
subject to assumptions about certain preconditions, or the
description itself, such as assuming it is 30C tomorrow, we will
go to the beach.
Protected area
A clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and
managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the
long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem
services and cultural values.
Propagation of effects
An impact at one level in a system, even a very small one, may
lead to larger changes as this impact moves up (or down) through
a system.
Provisioning services
The products obtained from ecosystems, including, for example,
genetic resources, food and fibre, and freshwater.
Public-private partnership
A contractual agreement between a public agency (federal, state
or local) and a private sector entity. Through such an agreement,
the skills and assets of each sector (public and private) are
shared in delivering a service or facility.
Public sector
The portion of society that comprises the general government
sector plus all public corporations including the central bank.
Purchasing power parity (PPP)
The number of currency units required to purchase an amount
of goods and services equivalent to what can be bought with
one unit of the currency of the base country, for example, the
Radiative forcing
A measure of the net change in the energy balance of the Earth
with space, that is, the change in incoming solar radiation minus
outgoing terrestrial radiation.
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
in Developing Countries. REDD+ involves enhancing existing
forests and increasing forest cover. In order to meet these
objectives, policies need to address enhancement of
carbon stocks by providing funding and investments in
these areas.
Planting of forests on lands that have previously contained
forest, but have since been converted to some other use.
Remote sensing
Collection of data about an object from a distance. In the
environmental field, it normally refers to aerial or satellite data
for meteorology, oceanography or land cover assessment.
Regulating services
The benefits obtained from the regulation of ecosystem
processes, including, for example, the regulation of climate,
water and some human diseases.
Renewable energy source
An energy source that does not rely on finite stocks of fuels.
The most widely known renewable source is hydropower; other
renewable sources are biomass, solar, tidal, wave and wind.
The capacity of a system, community or society potentially exposed
to hazards to adapt by resisting or changing in order to reach and
maintain an acceptable level of functioning and structure.
The capacity of a system to withstand the impacts of drivers
without displacement from its present state.
Results-based management
A managerial approach that builds on defining realistic expected
results, monitoring progress towards their achievement,
integrating lessons learned into management decisions and
reporting on performance.
Related to or located on the bank of a natural watercourse,
usually a river, but sometimes a lake, tidewater or enclosed sea.
River fragmentation
Degree to which river connectivity and flow regimes have been
altered, usually by dams and reservoirs.
Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine
Environment (ROPME) Sea Area
The sea area surrounded by the eight Member States of
the Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine
Environment (ROPME): Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar,
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
A portion of rainfall, melted snow or irrigation water that flows
across the grounds surface and is eventually returned to
streams. Run-off can pick up pollutants from air or land and carry
them to receiving waters.
An integration of urban and rural development in terms of
sustainable resource use and the convergence of human well-being.
A loosely defined strip of transitional vegetation that separates
the Sahara desert from the tropical savannahs to the south.
The region is used for farming and grazing, and because of the
difficult environmental conditions at the border of the desert, the
region is very sensitive to human-induced land-cover change. It
includes parts of Senegal, the Gambia, Mauritania, Mali, Niger,
Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Chad.
The process by which water-soluble salts accumulate in the
soil. Salinization may occur naturally or because of conditions
resulting from management practices.
The spatial, temporal (quantitative or analytical) dimension used
to measure and study any phenomena. Specific points on a scale
can thus be considered levels (such as local, regional, national
and international).
A description of how the future may unfold based on if-then
propositions, typically consisting of a representation of an initial
situation, a description of the key drivers and changes that lead to
a particular future state. For example, given that we are on holiday
at the coast, if it is 30C tomorrow, we will go to the beach.
Seagrass bed
Profusion of grass-like marine plants, usually on shallow, sandy
or muddy areas of the seabed.
Secondary pollutant
Not directly emitted as such, but forms when other pollutants
(primary pollutants) react in the atmosphere.
Relates to personal and environmental security. It includes
access to natural and other resources, and freedom from
violence, crime and war, as well as security from natural and
human-caused disasters
In GEO-5, sequestration refers to the capture of carbon dioxide
in a manner that prevents it from being released into the
atmosphere for a specified period of time.
Solid material that originates mostly from disintegrated rocks and
is transported by, suspended in or deposited from water, wind,
ice and other organic agents
Strictly, the act or process of depositing sediment from
suspension in water or ice. Broadly, all the processes whereby
particles of rock material are accumulated to form sedimentary
deposits. Sedimentation, as commonly used, involves transport
by water, wind, ice and organic agents.
Service advertising
Advertising with a central focus on public welfare.
Sex-disaggregated data
Data separated by sex/gender in order to allow differential
impacts on men and women to be measured.
Shared waters
Water resources shared by two or more governmental jurisdictions.
Species richness/abundance
The number of species within a given sample, community or area.
Strategic environmental assessment (SEA)
A range of analytical and participatory approaches that aim to
integrate environmental considerations into policies, plans and
programmes and evaluate the links with economic and social
considerations. An SEA is undertaken for plans, programmes
and policies. It helps decision makers reach a better
understanding of how environmental, social and economic
considerations fit together.
Stratospheric ozone depletion
Chemical destruction of the stratospheric ozone layer,
particularly by substances produced by human activities.
Structural adjustment
A process of market-oriented economic reform aimed at reducing
inflation and creating conditions for economic growth.
Supporting services
Ecosystem services that are necessary for the production of all other
ecosystem services. Some examples include biomass production,
production of atmospheric oxygen, soil formation and retention,
nutrient cycling, water cycling and provisioning of habitat.
Surface water
All water naturally open to the atmosphere, including rivers,
lakes, reservoirs, streams, impoundments, seas and estuaries.
The term also covers springs, wells or other collectors of water
that are directly influenced by surface waters.
A characteristic or state whereby the needs of the present
population can be met without compromising the ability of future
generations or populations in other locations to meet their needs.
Sustainable development
Development that meets the needs of the present generation
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs.
Sustainable agriculture and livestock production
Management of agricultural and livestock resources to satisfy
human needs while maintaining or enhancing environmental
quality and conserving natural resources for future generations.
Sustainable forest management (SFM)
The stewardship and use of forests and forest lands in a way,
and at a rate, that maintains their biodiversity, productivity,
regeneration capacity, vitality and potential to fulfill, now and in
the future, relevant ecological, economic and social functions,
at local, national and global levels, and that does not cause
damage to other ecosystems.
Symbiotic relationship
A relationship between two different organisms living in close
physical association, typically to the advantage of both
These arise when two or more processes, organizations,
substances or other agents interact in such a way that the
outcome is greater than the sum of their separate effects.
A system is a collection of component parts that interact with one
another within some boundary.
A system of nested categories (taxa) reflecting evolutionary
relationships or morphological similarities.
The TechnoGarden scenario depicts a globally connected world
relying strongly on technology and highly managed, often
engineered ecosystems, to deliver ecosystem services.
Physical artefacts or the bodies of knowledge of which they
are an expression. Examples are water extraction structures,
such as tube wells, renewable energy technologies and
traditional knowledge. Technology and institutions are related.
Any technology has a set of practices, rules and regulations
surrounding its use, access, distribution and management.
Technology effect
Reducing the net or at least per-person impact of resource
consumption due to technological innovations.
Technology transfer
A broad set of processes covering the flows of know-how,
experience and equipment among different stakeholders.
Temperate region
The region in which the climate undergoes seasonal change in
temperature and moisture. Temperate regions of the Earth lie
primarily between 30 and 60 latitude in both hemispheres.
Thermohaline circulation (THC)
Large-scale density-driven circulation in the ocean, caused by
differences in temperature and salinity. In the North Atlantic, the
thermohaline circulation consists of warm surface water flowing
northward and cold deep water flowing southward, resulting
in a net poleward transport of heat. The surface water sinks in
highly restricted sinking regions located in high latitudes. Also
referred to as the (global) ocean conveyer belt or the meridional
overturning circulation (MOC).
The level of magnitude of a system process at which sudden or rapid
change occurs. A point or level at which new properties emerge in
an ecological, economic or other system, invalidating predictions
based on mathematical relationships that apply at lower levels.
Tipping point
The critical point in an evolving situation that leads to a new and
sometimes irreversible development.
The policy or practice of making only a symbolic effort.
The study or detailed description of the surface features of a region.
Toxic pollutants
Pollutants that cause death, disease or birth defects in
organisms that ingest or absorb them.
Traditional or local ecological knowledge
A cumulative body of knowledge, know-how, practices or
representations maintained or developed by peoples with
extended histories of interaction with the natural environment.
State of being transformed. In the context of GEO-5,
transformation refers to a series of actions that explores
opportunities to stop doing the things that pull the Earth System
in the wrong direction and at the same time provide resources,
capacity and an enabling environment for all that is consistent
with the sustainable-world vision.
Non-linear, systematic and fundamental changes of the
composition and functioning of a societal system with changes
in structures, cultures and practices.
The loss of water vapour from parts of plants, especially in leaves
but also in stems, flowers and roots.
1012 (1 000 000 000 000)
Trophic level
Successive stages of nourishment as represented by the links of
the food chain. Put simply, the primary producers (phytoplankton)
constitute the first trophic level, herbivorous zooplankton the second
and carnivorous organisms the third trophic level.
Tropospheric ozone
Ozone at the bottom of the atmosphere, and the level at which
humans, crops and ecosystems are exposed. Also known as
ground-level ozone.
Urban sprawl
The decentralization of the urban core through the unlimited
outward extension of dispersed development beyond the
urban fringe, where low density residential and commercial
development exacerbates fragmentation of powers over land use.
An increase in the proportion of the population living in urban areas.
Virtual water trade
The idea that when goods and services are traded, the water
needed to produce them (embedded) is traded as well.
An intrinsic feature of people at risk. It is a function of exposure,
sensitivity to impacts of the specific unit exposed (such as a
watershed, island, household, village, city or country), and the ability
or inability to cope or adapt. It is multi-dimensional, multi-disciplinary,
multi-sectoral and dynamic. The exposure is to hazards such as
drought, conflict or extreme price fluctuations, and also to underlying
socio-economic, institutional and environmental conditions.
Wastewater treatment
Any of the mechanical, biological or chemical processes used to
modify the quality of wastewater in order to reduce pollution levels.
Water conflict
A confrontation between countries, states, or groups over water
Water footprint
An indicator of water use that looks at both direct and indirect
water use of a consumer or producer. The water footprint of an
individual, community, nation or business is defined as the total
volume of freshwater that is used to produce the goods and
services consumed by the individual, community or nation, or
produced by the business.
Water quality
The chemical, physical and biological characteristics of water,
usually in respect to its suitability for a particular purpose.
Water scarcity
Occurs when annual water supplies drop below 1 000 m3 per
person, or when more than 40 per cent of available water is used.
Water security
A term that broadly refers to the sustainable use and protection
of water systems, the protection against water related hazards
(floods and droughts), the sustainable development of water
resources and the safeguarding of (access to) water functions
and services for humans and the environment.
Water stress
Occurs when low water supplies limit food production and economic
development, and affect human health. An area is experiencing water
stress when annual water supplies drop below 1700 m3 per person.
Area of marsh, fen, peatland, bog or water, whether natural or
artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or
flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water to
a depth, at low tide, that does not exceed 6 metres.
Wooded land, which is not classified as forest, spanning more
than 0.5 hectares, with trees higher than 5 metres and a canopy
cover of 510 per cent, or trees able to reach these thresholds in
situ, or with a combined cover of shrubs, bushes and trees above
10 per cent. It does not include areas used predominantly for
agricultural or urban purposes.
Albania 292
Algeria 245, 292
alien species 75, 114, 134, 136, 138, 143, 151, 157, 159160,
222, 263, 265, 270, 391
Amazon 72, 72, 83, 86, 107, 154, 202203, 228, 320, 321, 330,
334, 338, 429, 449
Andean Community 225, 320, 332, 338
Angola 241, 251
Antarctic 25, 36, 5152, 5152, 54, 58, 61, 77, 119, 119, 168,
181, 196, 199, 200201, 200
Antigua and Barbuda 324
Antropocene 195
aquatic 43, 51, 100, 102103, 108, 112113, 114, 115, 119,
127, 129, 134135, 136, 143, 146, 149, 168, 170, 180,
196, 329, 362, 426, 440, 442
arable 14, 51, 88, 226, 242, 304, 333334, 364, 405, 433
arable land 14, 226, 304, 333334, 405, 433
Arctic 36, 38, 51, 76, 77, 77, 113, 113, 121, 143, 178, 197,
199200, 208
Argentina 69, 86, 150, 321, 321, 330, 332, 334, 335
Armenia 292, 294, 305, 413, 449
Asia and Pacific region 71, 76, 172, 206, 260, 262263, 274,
275, 280281, 403, 411412
Asia and the Pacific 41, 6869, 68, 71, 73, 104, 105, 114,
187, 227, 259260, 262263, 267, 268269, 271, 276,
280281, 282283, 401, 401, 403, 408411, 445
Asian Development Bank 225
Association of Caribbean States 371
Association of Southeast Asian Nations 225, 271
atmosphere 15, 25, 3133, 33, 34, 35, 36, 41, 43, 46, 4849,
51, 5658, 61, 7677, 118, 144, 149, 195196, 196, 197,
199, 203203, 218, 220,312, 375, 385, 401, 420, 425,
426, 442, 462, 462, 467, 467
atmospheric 25, 3234, 3335, 36, 38, 41, 43, 43, 44, 47,
49, 51, 51, 5659, 59, 60, 60, 61, 73, 100, 111, 124, 143,
149, 152, 196197, 199, 200, 268, 298, 298299, 365
atmospheric brown cloud 58, 60
Australia 9, 24, 36, 57, 7374, 88, 102, 106, 107, 114, 143
144, 153, 203204, 203, 272273, 278, 282283, 295,
297, 367, 412
Austria 292, 293
Azerbaijan 292
Bahamas 324
Bahrain 375, 380, 380, 383, 387, 391392, 392, 394, 396
Bangladesh 109, 181, 208, 271, 277, 277, 280, 282
Barbados 101, 324, 327, 329, 338, 339
Barbados Programme of Action for Small Island Developing
States 101
barley 4, 25
Belarus 292, 295, 306
Belgium 292
Belize 149, 321, 327, 330, 338
Benin 236
Bhutan 283, 424, 448
Bioaccumulation 178, 185
Biocapacity 206, 207, 443
biodiversity 5, 26, 3334, 34, 36, 41, 43, 44, 7273, 77, 81,
8485, 87, 89, 100, 115, 122, 125, 133135, 136137,
139, 139140, 140, 141, 143157, 144, 146, 148, 150,
151, 154, 157, 158, 159160, 198, 196197, 196, 200,
200, 200, 207209, 218, 219, 222, 225226, 234, 236,
238, 239250, 242244, 248, 263, 266270, 269,
271, 282, 291, 292293, 294, 298, 308313, 309, 310,
318319, 320, 321, 329, 329, 330331, 331333,
335336, 338, 329, 342, 355, 359, 362,374, 381382,
384, 391, 392393, 393, 396, 400402, 401, 403406,
408, 410411, 414, 420, 425, 426, 431432, 434, 436,
439440, 440, 442, 444445, 447, 451, 458, 461, 462,
463, 466467, 467, 471
biofuel 4, 15, 25,26, 66, 68, 71, 76, 80, 8284, 84, 8586, 88, 89,
91, 139, 152, 221, 224, 237, 266, 296, 302, 338, 435, 439
biomass 4, 10, 1416, 34, 47, 49, 61, 73, 121122, 143, 146
149, 153,157, 197, 204, 341, 367, 386, 428, 430, 442443
biophysical 5, 12, 14, 25, 6667, 69, 78, 81, 91, 146, 149, 195,
241, 382, 395, 432
biosphere 13, 27, 58, 182, 195196, 196, 197, 207, 331, 334,
361, 393, 423
biotechnology 138, 150, 480
black carbon 32, 41, 47, 56-58, 56-57, 59-60, 197, 199, 220, 431
blue water 102104, 102
Bolivia 324, 330, 334, 334, 338, 340, 341
Bosnia and Herzegovina 292
Brazil 910, 13, 1516, 69, 72, 83, 84, 86, 145, 150, 168,
174, 182, 297, 319, 321, 324, 327, 330, 332, 334, 335,
338339, 340342, 449
BRIC 16, 168, 174
Bulgaria 292
Burkina Faso 245, 246248, 250
e-waste 24, 169, 175, 177, 184, 187, 188, 277, 283
early warning 128, 338, 339, 402, 471, 476
Earth System 5, 12 130, 193195, 196, 199202, 206210,
208, 253, 401, 420, 422, 446, 451, 471, 482
Ecological footprint 11, 77, 144, 159, 206, 207
economic downturn 338, 358
habitat loss 134, 139, 142, 148, 150, 158, 158, 329, 329, 332,
342, 439440
habitat fragmentation 263
Haiti 24, 117, 227
herbicide 25, 69, 150, 180, 334
Honduras 330, 341
human health 16, 23, 26, 3233, 35, 4143 41, 43, 46, 4649,
49, 51, 54, 5657, 8182, 100, 100, 102, 108, 110,
112, 114, 116, 126127, 128, 135, 146, 150, 150, 168,
170172, 172173, 175, 178, 178, 181186, 186188,
204, 206, 220, 223, 237, 238, 251, 264, 274, 276278,
290, 292, 298, 306, 308, 342, 350, 352, 354, 356, 395,
426, 477478
human rights 4, 7, 24, 86, 154, 234, 238, 241, 246247, 246,
249, 253254, 402, 477478, 479480
Hungary 292, 303, 482
husbandry 147, 151, 336, 385, 435
272273, 275, 275, 277, 279, 280, 282, 283, 297, 298,
434, 445, 450, 456, 463, 477
Indonesia 14, 72, 82, 84, 86, 182, 187, 262, 267, 268, 268, 280,
282283, 403, 447
industrialization 23, 50, 118, 274, 390, 404
invasive species 4, 5, 15, 114, 124, 139, 139, 143, 150, 151,
222, 270, 329
Iran 73, 74, 88
Iraq 375376, 390, 393
Ireland 292
Italy 16, 292, 309, 367, 412
meat 7, 13, 14, 19, 83, 270, 335, 383, 432, 435
mega-cities 284
methane 5, 12, 37, 49, 76, 298, 299, 300, 431, 435
migration 6, 7, 8, 9, 20, 201, 217, 228, 335, 389, 439
Millennium Development Goals/MDG 7, 34, 34, 135, 171, 184,
218, 225,
mining 103, 109, 113, 188, 265, 266, 306, 333, 334
mitigation 434, 435, 438, 439, 442, 444, 458, 465, 468
model/modelling 25, 50, 58, 59, 129, 241, 291, 355, 432
Monaco 292, 295
Mongolia 271, 282
monitoring 293, 297, 302, 321, 338, 339, 381, 470, 471, 471
Montenegro 292, 295
Morocco 245, 292, 465
Mozambique 243, 246, 246, 251
multilateral environmental agreements 100, 127, 171, 171, 176,
320, 462, 463, 467
Myanmar 412
Oats 4, 25
Oil 14, 13, 24, 25, 77, 82, 84, 86, 237, 240, 242
Oil sands 367
Oman 375380, 390, 407
Organic agriculture 334, 335, 336
Organic carbon 73, 76
Organochlorine 113, 113, 180
ozone depleting substance 32, 57
ozone layer 33, 35, 51, 52, 54, 57, 58, 201
Tajikistan 292
technology transfer 58, 265, 282283, 337, 341, 345, 409, 476,
Thailand 40, 145, 262, 282283, 412
threshold 33, 42, 46, 54, 59, 83, 140, 146, 158, 198, 208, 401,
425, 429, 443, 446, 450
tipping points 4, 23, 33, 37, 158, 206, 401, 422
Togo 250
Tonga 282283
traditional knowledge 135, 137 151, 154155, 158, 160, 222,
240, 269, 420, 448, 475
Trinidad and Tobago 322, 330
tropospheric ozone 32,34, 41, 43, 48, 49, 49, 50, 57, 58, 59, 61, 220
Tunisia 245, 292
Turkey 73, 292
Turkmenistan 292
vegetation 39, 49, 69, 74, 76, 77, 88, 148, 203204, 203,
332, 361, 382, 383, 414
Viet Nam 270, 280, 282, 403
payement for ecosystem services 271
virtual water 98, 104106, 105, 106, 128, 381
wastewater 48, 104, 109, 110, 129,265, 273, 274, 324, 327,
376, 379381, 380, 402, 408, 430, 438, 442
water footprint 104105, 105
and demand 103
Network 219
water quality 100,100, 105 109110, 113114, 116, 119, 120
121, 122, 127, 128129, 205, 221, 236, 237, 238, 240,
252, 351, 358360, 362, 369, 403, 406, 412, 426, 436
water quantity 79
water stress 74, 369, 115, 123, 129, 436438, 437, 438, 442, 444
water thermal/hydro power 121
water competition and conflict 125
well being 2, 17, 26, 33, 36, 6769, 77, 85, 104, 126127,
134135, 194, 199, 201, 203204, 222, 206208,
234236, 247, 266, 270, 313, 322, 332, 382, 395, 418,
421, 425, 445,450451, 458459, 461, 470472, 471,
475, 478, 482
biodiversity 139, 146147
environmental 81
Ogoni people 246
Global Biodiversity Assessment 140
environmental sustainability 26
measures of 26
water 101, 122, 128
economic 332
terrestrial 339
land policy 334
organic agriculture 334
ecological 477
environmental justice 477
West Asia/West Asian countries 68, 73, 102, 105, 107, 114, 225,
372, 374376, 376, 377, 382, 384388, 385, 391396,
395, 401, 406413, 427
rainfall 38
wheat 4, 25,49, 59, 69, 239, 381, 381, 406, 433
Zambia 465
Zimbabwe 182, 248, 465