Mayan Time Scale For Man's Evolution On Earth
Mayan Time Scale For Man's Evolution On Earth
Mayan Time Scale For Man's Evolution On Earth
The Mayan Calendar Comes North June 22, 2004 - 21/2 hr. video presentation by Ian Xel Lungold in Canada
Recognition of Patterns⇒ being Certain⇒ being Centred⇒ Peace of Mind Excerpts For further ref :
We're on schedule! From bottom to top of the time scale – the trend: things are getting better!
9th Conscious Co-Creation all of the time Universal Consciousness Cycle- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 260 days long. 1 day or night = 20 days. October 28, 2011 ends the
will start February 10, 2011 Mayan Calendar and time/space. 3D consciousness is superseded.
8th Ethics is overcoming Power Galactic Consciousness Cycle- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 years 1 month long. 1 day or night = 360 days. Day 1: Y2K fears.
started January 5, 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2011 November 28, 2005: 4th Day ends and 4th Night starts. Ethics. Power élites
2000 2006
in trouble. 2007: 5th Day will see global teleportation of 3D objects.
7th Power overcame Law Planetary Consciousness Cycle- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 244 years long. 1 day or night = 19.7 years. The Industrial Revolution
started 1755AD WW2 started in Europe, machines replacing manual labour. Day 4: 1874-1894,
Rockefeller, Carnegie, Westinghouse, J.P. Morgan flouted Law. 1913:
e=mc2. 1924: Hubble’s deep space telescope. Day 7: the computer -
technological evolution. 1992: brought global consciousness.
6th Law overcame Reason National Consciousness Cycle- 1 4 5 7 4,869 years long. 1 day or night = 397 years. Day 1: Menes founded Egypt
started 3115BC Rome - the nation was produced from this consciousness. LAW: right and
wrong, crime and punishment began. Day 5: consciousness⇒fall of Rome
5th Reason Cultural Consciousness 1 3 5 7 105,115 years long. 1 day or night = about 7,692 years. Its brand of
Cycle- consciousness was shared Reason. Agriculture was its mainstay. Day 7:
started 102,000 years the great Library of Alexandria commenced in ±10,308BC (Edgar Cayce);
ago the Great Pyramid of Gizeh completed in 10,396BC (Edgar Cayce)
4th Tribal Consciousness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.9 million years long; 1 day or night = ±146,150 years. Fire introduced
Cycle- 800,000 years ago. The tail gave way to the mind. Day 7: homo sapiens.
started 2 million years Similarities and differences were noticed – not to react, but to decide.
3rd Familial Consciousness 1 3 5 7 39 million years long. 1 day or night = 3.1 million years. Stimulus/individual
Cycle- started 41 million response
years ago
2nd Mammalian Consciousness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 day or night = 63.4 million years. Day 5: our Solar System formed. During
Cycle- Day 5, life emerged from the oceans to the shores. Disasters wiped out 97
started 820 million years ago per cent of life during Day 6
1st Cellular 1 5 7 I day or night = 1.26 billion years. Day 7: the first live cell evolved.
Consciousness Cycle- our solar 820
system million
started 16.4 billion years formed years fits Throughout all 9 Consciousness Cycles, Creation (not Time) is
ago very accelerating by a factor of 20. Action/Reaction
nicely in
this box.
9 Levels of progressively 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 days / 6 nights = 13 periods/steps/stages. each “day" is a
enlightened ⇑ period of enlightenment / each "night" is a period of applying this
consciousness increase in consciousness