Mayan Time Scale For Man's Evolution On Earth

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Mayan Calendar Time Scale for Man's Evolution on Earth

The Mayan Calendar Comes North June 22, 2004 - 21/2 hr. video presentation by Ian Xel Lungold in Canada
Recognition of Patterns⇒ being Certain⇒ being Centred⇒ Peace of Mind Excerpts For further ref :
We're on schedule! From bottom to top of the time scale – the trend: things are getting better!

Consciousness and Calendars:

Consciousness is the awareness of being aware. Noticing yourself noticing something. And… Consciousness is not just us; It is everything.
Calendar: the absolute dead centre of any, every, civilisation's consciousness. Pivotal.

9th Conscious Co-Creation all of the time Universal Consciousness Cycle- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 260 days long. 1 day or night = 20 days. October 28, 2011 ends the
will start February 10, 2011 Mayan Calendar and time/space. 3D consciousness is superseded.
8th Ethics is overcoming Power Galactic Consciousness Cycle- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 years 1 month long. 1 day or night = 360 days. Day 1: Y2K fears.
started January 5, 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2011 November 28, 2005: 4th Day ends and 4th Night starts. Ethics. Power élites
2000 2006
in trouble. 2007: 5th Day will see global teleportation of 3D objects.
7th Power overcame Law Planetary Consciousness Cycle- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 244 years long. 1 day or night = 19.7 years. The Industrial Revolution
started 1755AD WW2 started in Europe, machines replacing manual labour. Day 4: 1874-1894,
Rockefeller, Carnegie, Westinghouse, J.P. Morgan flouted Law. 1913:
e=mc2. 1924: Hubble’s deep space telescope. Day 7: the computer -
technological evolution. 1992: brought global consciousness.
6th Law overcame Reason National Consciousness Cycle- 1 4 5 7 4,869 years long. 1 day or night = 397 years. Day 1: Menes founded Egypt
started 3115BC Rome - the nation was produced from this consciousness. LAW: right and
wrong, crime and punishment began. Day 5: consciousness⇒fall of Rome
5th Reason Cultural Consciousness 1 3 5 7 105,115 years long. 1 day or night = about 7,692 years. Its brand of
Cycle- consciousness was shared Reason. Agriculture was its mainstay. Day 7:
started 102,000 years the great Library of Alexandria commenced in ±10,308BC (Edgar Cayce);
ago the Great Pyramid of Gizeh completed in 10,396BC (Edgar Cayce)
4th Tribal Consciousness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.9 million years long; 1 day or night = ±146,150 years. Fire introduced
Cycle- 800,000 years ago. The tail gave way to the mind. Day 7: homo sapiens.
started 2 million years Similarities and differences were noticed – not to react, but to decide.
3rd Familial Consciousness 1 3 5 7 39 million years long. 1 day or night = 3.1 million years. Stimulus/individual
Cycle- started 41 million response
years ago
2nd Mammalian Consciousness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 day or night = 63.4 million years. Day 5: our Solar System formed. During
Cycle- Day 5, life emerged from the oceans to the shores. Disasters wiped out 97
started 820 million years ago per cent of life during Day 6
1st Cellular 1 5 7 I day or night = 1.26 billion years. Day 7: the first live cell evolved.
Consciousness Cycle- our solar 820
system million
started 16.4 billion years formed years fits Throughout all 9 Consciousness Cycles, Creation (not Time) is
ago very accelerating by a factor of 20. Action/Reaction
nicely in
this box.
9 Levels of progressively 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 days / 6 nights = 13 periods/steps/stages. each “day" is a
enlightened ⇑ period of enlightenment / each "night" is a period of applying this
consciousness increase in consciousness

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