Video Connectivity Using TMDS IO in
Video Connectivity Using TMDS IO in
Video Connectivity Using TMDS IO in
Transition Minimized Differential Signaling (TMDS) is a standard used for transmitting video data over the Digital Visual Interface (DVI) and High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI). Both interfaces are commonly used by consumer electronics including flat panel TVs, PC monitors, DVD players, PC desktops, and video game consoles. This application note describes a set of reference designs able to transmit and receive DVI or HDMI data streams up to 700 Mb/s using the native TMDS I/O interface featured by Spartan-3A FPGAs.
The DVI and HDMI protocols use TMDS at the physical level. TMDS throughput is a function of the serial data rate of the video screen mode being transmitted. This in turn determines the Spartan-3A FPGA speed grade that must be used to support this throughput.
Common video screen modes corresponding to these data rates are listed in Table 2. Table 2: Common Video Screen Modes
Screen Mode VGA (640x480@60 Hz) 480p(1) (720x480@60 Hz) Pixel Rate 25 MHz 27 MHz 50 MHz 65 MHz 74.25 MHz 74.25 MHz Serial Data Rate 250 Mb/s 270 Mb/s 500 Mb/s 650 Mb/s 742.5 Mb/s 742.5 Mb/s Color Depth 24 bits 24 bits 24 bits 24 bits 24 bits 24 bits
SVGA (800x600@60 Hz) XGA (1024x768@60 Hz) HDTV 720p(1) (1280x720@60 Hz) HDTV 1080i(1) (1920x1080@60 Hz interlaced)
Copyright 20082011 Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx, the Xilinx logo, Artix, ISE, Kintex, Spartan, Virtex, Zynq, and other designated brands included herein are
trademarks of Xilinx in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Figure 1 shows the topology for an established TMDS link between the transmitter (Source) and receiver (Sink).
X-Ref Target - Figure 1
D[7:0] D[1:0]
D[7:0] D[1:0]
D[7:0] D[1:0]
D[7:0] D[1:0]
D[7:0] D[1:0]
D[7:0] D[1:0]
Pixel Clock
Clock Channel
Figure 1:
Four channels of serial data establish a single link of DVI or HDMI video transmission. In DVI, three channels are designated for the red, green, and blue color components (RGB 4:4:4) in each video pixel data. HDMI also uses three RGB channels by default, but they also can be optionally used to carry Luminance and Chrominance components (YCrCb 4:4:4 and YCrCb 4:2:2). The fourth channel transmits a clock toggling at the pixel data rate. For a pixel having 24-bit color depth, each color component originates as 8-bit data, which is then is converted into a 10-bit symbol using an 8B/10B encoding scheme. The 10-bit symbol is then serialized and transmitted onto one of the TMDS data channels. This 10:1 serialization ratio results in a 10x faster bit rate than the actual pixel rate.
XAPP460 (v1.1) June 24, 2011 2
Logic Construct During the video frame transmission, the active pixel symbol is periodically interlaced with four distinct control tokens representing blanking intervals. These control tokens provide accurate video line scan (HSYNC) and frame update (VSYNC) information. Control tokens are also used to identify word boundaries for synchronization purposes. For DVI transmission, the full video blanking period is used only to transmit control tokens. An HDMI transmission also defines a Data Island in the blanking period to transmit packets of audio data and auxiliary data. The auxiliary data includes InfoFrames and other descriptive data. This is the main difference between the two protocols.
Logic Construct
This section describes the use of the Spartan-3A family's built-in resources to construct a soft DVI/HDMI transceiver. The transmitter and the receiver designs are covered separately.
Transmitter Design
Video transmission over the TMDS link is logically divided into an encoder and serializer stage as illustrated in Figure 2. The encoders convert pixel data from a video source, HDMI Auxiliary/Audio data, and HSYNC and VSYNC into three 10-bit symbol streams. The serializer performs a parallel-to-serial conversion on all three streams and then sends them out onto three channels of differential output pairs. The serialization ratio is 10:1 per channel. Figure 2 also shows how the transmitter is physically implemented, with the design of the encoder and serializer logic located in the FPGA logic while the dedicated I/O Block (IOB) contains the ODDR2 double data rate output registers and the TMDS differential output buffers.
FPGA Logic
RED[7:0] GREEN[7:0] BLUE[7:0]
Video Source
30:3 Serializer
Figure 2:
TMDS Transmitter
Logic Construct
DVI Encoder
The DVI encoder outputs pixel data during the active video period and control data during the blanking period. Figure 3 shows the relationship of Video Data Enable (VDE) to these two states. VDE, HSYNC, and VSYNC are generated by the Video Timing Controller shown in Figure 2.
X-Ref Target - Figure 3
Active Pixels Each pixel represented with one of 460 unique TMDS Symbols
Figure 3:
Figure 4 shows the encoder layout for all three channels. The encoder logic is identical for all three pixel components. The state of VDE defines the active video and the blanking periods and enables the output of either video pixel data or control data. HSYNC and VSYNC are encoded on the blue channel for transmission during the blanking period. Control signals C0 and C1 are encoded and output during the blanking period on the green and red channels. The DVI specification reserves the use of control symbols C0 and C1, so these are a value of 2'b00 at the input of each encoder.
X-Ref Target - Figure 4
C0=0 C0=0
C0 C1
C0=0 C1=0
C0 C1
Figure 4:
The incoming video pixel values for each channel are encoded using the TMDS encoding algorithm defined in the DVI specification. Each 8-bit value is converted into one of 460 unique 10-bit symbols. This encoding scheme serves to achieve an approximate DC balance and limit the number of state transitions to five or fewer per symbol. The status of the 2-bit control bus for each channel is transmitted during the video blanking period. This data is represented by four distinct 10-bit control tokens predefined as: 10'b1101010100, 10'b0010101011, 10'b0101010100, and 10'b1010101011. Each token has seven or more state transitions. The difference in the number of state transitions between video symbols and control tokens will be used to synchronize the transmitting and receiving devices.
Logic Construct
HDMI Encoder
The HDMI protocol is derived from and shares many aspects with the DVI protocol, including the physical TMDS link, the active video encoding algorithm, and the control token definitions. HDMI carries much more data than DVI by transmitting auxiliary data (InfoFrames) and audio data during the video blanking period. Figure 5 shows the HDMI encoding scheme for video and audio data relative to VDE and Aux/Audio Data Enable (ADE).
X-Ref Target - Figure 5
nd ba rd ble ua m G a nd o Pre ba de o rd a Vi d e ua at Vi d G D o n d di la I s / Au b a n a a t Au x a r d b l e D u e G am t i v d re Ac l a n d P Is n a la at I s D ta a D
The HDMI encoder converts each 8-bit pixel component into one of 460 unique 10-bit symbols using an encoding algorithm similar to the one used by the DVI specification. A representative flowchart describing this algorithm is shown in the HDMI 1.3 specification. The information contained in each segment of the HDMI data stream is described in the following paragraphs. Active Video Data. Video pixels are encoded using the same algorithm used by DVI. Each 8-bit pixel component is converted into one of the 460 unique 10-bit symbols. A similar process flow chart is illustrated on page 82 in HDMI specification, version 1.3. Data Island Preamble. An advanced indication that the Data Island period (containing audio samples and InfoFrames) will follow. Contains eight identical, consecutive control tokens on the green and red channels only. Data Island Guardband (Leading). Provides design with a means of synchronization between transmitter and receiver. Guardband has a 2 pixel duration. Active Aux/Audio Data. Auxiliary data (InfoFrame) and audio data encoded as 10-bit TERC4 symbols. The TERC4 encoding scheme consists of 16 unique 10-bit characters converted from 4-bit auxiliary or audio data. Transmitted on the green and red channels only.
Vi de o
e tiv
G ua rd ba nd
Video Guardband => case (TMDS Channel Number): 0:q_out[9:0] = 0b1011001100; 1:q_out[9:0] = 0b0100110011; 2:q_out[9:0] = 0b1011001100; endcase Active Video Data (TMDS Code)
Figure 5:
Vi de o D at a
Data Island Guardband => case (TMDS Channel Number): 0:q_out[9:0] = n.a.; 1:q_out[9:0] = 0b0100110011; 2:q_out[9:0] = 0b0100110011; endcase Active Aux/Audio Data (TERC4 code)
Logic Construct Data Island Guardband (Trailing). Indicates the end of the Data Island and has a two-pixel duration. Transmitted on the green and red channels only. Video Preamble. An advanced indication that the Active Video period will follow. Contains eight identical, consecutive control tokens on the green and red channels only. Video Guardband (Leading). An advanced indication that the Active Video Data period will follow. Control Tokens are also managed by the HDMI encoder and: Indicate the start of the blanking period in the data island preamble Indicate control bus {C1, C0} status Provide HSYNC and VSYNC on the blue channel Output reserved tokens for {C1, C0} = 2'b00 on the green and red channels Output Video and Data Island Preambles on the green and red channels
Figure 6 shows the HDMI encoder layout. Similar to the DVI encoder (Figure 4), the video timing signals HSYNC and VSYNC are transmitted on the blue channel (channel 0). HDMI encoding differs from DVI in that the other two channels are assigned to transmit the preamble control tokens. Before the blanking period transits into the active video period, at least eight video preambles followed by two video starting guardbands have to be transmitted ahead. Similarly before a frame of auxiliary data starts, exactly eight consecutive data island preambles followed by two Data Island starting guardbands have to be transmitted first. To transmit the video and data island preambles at the correct time, the video/blanking and blanking/auxiliary data transitions need to be predetected. This can be done by creating a certain amount of delay between the video/audio data and the control buses as shown in Figure 6.
X-Ref Target - Figure 6
Preamble Look-up
If(VDE) CTL[3:0] <= 4b0001 Else if(ADE) CTL[3:0] <= 4b0101 Else CTL[3:0] <= 4b0000
Figure 6:
The gaps are achieved using SRL16 based delay lines for all 40 bits of the video and auxiliary signals. In this design, the SRL16 is configured to provide 10 taps delay. This accommodates the required eight consecutive preambles plus two cycles of internal pipeline delay in these encoders.
Logic Construct By postponing the video and auxiliary signals fed into the 8B/4B/2B to 10B encoder, the preambles look-up table controlled by the non-delayed version of VDE and ADE provides the appropriate predetection of the video/blank/auxiliary transitions. Figure 7 shows a simulation of the preamble data generation on the green channel. With the right amount of delay between the transitions of the CTL[3:0] bus and VDE_DLY/ADE_DLY, exactly eight consecutive data island preambles are transmitted before the data island guardbands containing the auxiliary TERC4 symbols. The HDMI encoder transmits HSYNC and VSYNC through the blue channel. These signals are transmitted for the entire video blanking period including the data island and the preamble periods. During the data island period these signals are encoded using the TERC4 scheme together with two MSB bits from Aux0. Therefore only Aux0[3:2] are valid for the blue channel. The HDMI specification defines these two bits as sampled audio and InfoFrame headers.
X-Ref Target - Figure 7
1,609,200 ns
1,609,300 ns
1,609,400 ns
1,609,500 ns
1,609,600 ns
Figure 7:
Logic Construct
db{p group 0} datain[29:0] FIFO Q CE pclk PMUX dataint[29:0] syncp[4] pclkx5 syncp pclkx5 db{n group 0} dataint syncp[4] pclkx5 db{p group} D CE pclkx5not db{p group 1} dataint syncp[4] pclkx5not db{n group} D CE pclkx5 db{n group 1} PMUX syncn pclkx5 5-Stage Sequence Counter syncp[4:0] pclkx5not db{p group 2} PMUX syncp pclkx5 pclkx5not 5-Stage Sequence Counter syncn[4:0] db{n group 2} PMUX syncn pclkx5not D Q D Q D Q Q syncp PMUX D Q Q syncn PMUX D Q D Q
Figure 8:
30:3 Serializer
The Spartan-3A family provides up to eight Digital Clock Manager (DCM) blocks. In this application, a DCM is used to synthesize the pixel clock (pclk) multiplication. The DCM synthesizes the pclkx5 and pclkx5not clock. pclkx5not is phase-shifted 180 relative to pclkx5. These clocks drive the Stage sequencers that determine bit positions and the bit select multiplexers that shift the bit out. The basic building blocks of the serializer are shown in Figure 8. An asynchronous FIFO and a set of latch registers are used to transfer the 10-bit encoded symbols from the pclk domain into the pclkx5 and pclkx5not domains. As a result, there is no phase alignment requirement between pclk and pckx5. This approach is highly recommended to avoid any bit errors due to alignment skew at high frequency, such as the 371.25 MHz here. The FIFO can be constructed using either the FPGA internal block RAMs or the unique Xilinx distributed RAMs by leveraging the look-up tables in the fabric. The FIFO is only used as a data bridge between the two clock domains. Average reads and writes are guaranteed to have the same speed by using clock enables. Thus, the depth requirement is shallow and a complex flow control mechanism is not needed, permitting the FIFO to free run. A soft serializer design is often required to be bound together with the hardened IOB resources. By using distributed RAMs, this requirement can be relaxed, permitting more flexibility with
Logic Construct placement of the serializer within the FPGA. While the block RAM offers much deeper depth, its location inside the FPGA is fixed. It cannot provide the same location flexibility as distributed RAM. Moreover, the placement of the block RAM with respect to the IOB can create timing barriers if the selected IOB is far away. For this application, using distributed RAM to construct the FIFOs is recommended. Other than the pixel or auxiliary data itself, a DVI/HDMI transmitter is specified to forward the pixel rate clock through an additional differential pair. Unlike other differential signaling standards such as LVDS, the DVI and HDMI specifications do not have any phase alignment requirement between the TMDS clock and the TMDS data. The only requirements are: Pixel rate matching frequency Period jitter <= 0.25 UI [Ref 2], [Ref 3] (unit interval or bit time)
Although there are many ways to generate the forwarding clock, Xilinx recommends using the scheme shown in Figure 9. The pixel clock is routed from an external source (such as an oscillator) into the FPGA through an input pad (IPAD), global clock buffer (BUFG), and a clock network to drive an IOB ODDR2 register directly. The ODDR2 C0 input is connected to the BUFG output. The C1 input is driven through a local inversion inside the IOB. The D0 and D1 inputs are connected to logic 1 and logic 0, respectively. This guarantees the generated forwarding clock has the minimum amount of accumulated jitter by minimizing the number of logic components in the path to the TMDS output buffer.
X-Ref Target - Figure 9
C0 C1 D0 D1
Figure 9:
TMDS Clock
The 30:3 serializer needs to operate at five times the pclk frequency, or 371.25 MHz, for the HDTV mode. Because it also directly drives the ODDR2 registers inside the IOB blocks, it is important to group the serializer components close together and locate this group as close as possible to the IOBs. Figure 10 shows the serializer floorplan grouped this way.
Logic Construct
30:3 Serializer
Figure 10:
The serializer components can be grouped and placed in a rectangular area with a user constraint file (UCF) using statements:
INST "dvi_tx0/serialise/*" AREA_GROUP = "AG_serializer"; AREA_GROUP "AG_serializer" RANGE = SLICE_X4Y143:SLICE_X15Y136;
The serializer with 12x8 slices is gathered into the AG_serializer group and placed near the relevant IOBs. Another aspect to consider is the placement of the DCM and BUFGs. Both BUFGs for pclkx5 and pclkx5not should be placed on the same side as their source DCM, for example, on bank 0 as shown in Figure 11.
Logic Construct
pclkx5 BUFG
pclkx5not BUFG
Figure 11:
The corresponding UCF statements for the transmitter DCM and BUFG placements are:
INST "DCM_SP_INST" LOC = "DCM_X1Y0"; INST "pclkx5notbufg" LOC = "BUFGMUX_X1Y0"; INST "pclkx5bufg" LOC = "BUFGMUX_X2Y1";
Using these statements will achieve the minimum skew between the two clocks.
The Xilinx ISE timing analysis tool can trace pclk through the DCM as well as the BUFGs and then automatically add pclkx5 and pclkx5not constraints. Thus, there is no need to explicitly list the frequency limits of pclkx5 and pclkx5not in the UCF. Timing on these FIFO paths must be carefully considered: dataint outputs to db at the latching registers relative to pclkx5 and pclkx5not Read address ports ra to db at the latching registers relative to pclkx5 and pclkx5not
Logic Construct These are multicycle paths since they are clock enabled through the syncp[4] or syncn[4] pulses, which toggle once only every five pclkx5 or pclkx5not clock cycles. For paths that are latched by pclkx5, the frequency constraint only needs to be set to pclkx5/5. For paths that are latched by pclkx5not, it is necessary to set the constraint to pclkx5/4.5 because pclkx5 and pclkx5 are 180 degrees out of phase. For this application, all the FIFO paths are constrained to pclkx5/4 as shown in this example:
######################################################################### # MultiCycle Paths # # Although these flip-flops are in clkx5 and clkx5not domains, they are # clock enabled through sync pulses that toggle only every five clock # cycles. # # Because the sync pulse to clkx5not timing is set to occur one half # clock earlier than the pulse to clkx5, the timing is then 4.5 cycles # of clkx5not. # # Set the timing to meet 74.25 * 5/4. # ######################################################################### TIMEGRP "bramgrp" = RAMS(dvi_tx0/serialise/dataint<*>); TIMEGRP "fddbgrp" = FFS(dvi_tx0/serialise/db<*>); TIMESPEC "TS_ramdo" = FROM "bramgrp" TO "fddbgrp" TS_PCLK * 1.25; TIMEGRP "bramra" = FFS(dvi_tx0/serialise/ra<*>); TIMESPEC "TS_ramra" = FROM "bramra" TO "fddbgrp" TS_PCLK * 1.25;
Receiver Design
The receiver needs to recover the bit sampling clock using the incoming pixel clock, and then apply this bit sampling clock to recover the serial data stream back into 10-bit word aligned symbols. This process is known as clock and data recovery (CDR). After this step, a channel deskew circuit removes allowed skews among the three data channels. Finally the 10-bit symbol is converted back to its original form containing: 8-bit video pixel data (recovered using either the DVI or HDMI decoder) 4-bit auxiliary data (InfoFrames and sampled audio data recovered through the HDMI decoder) 2-bit control data (HSYNC and VSYNC recovered using either the DVI or HDMI decoder)
Logic Construct
BLUE[7:0] GREEN[7:0] RED[7:0] AUX0[3:0] AUX1[3:0] AUX2[3:0] ADE VDE HSYNC VSYNC HDMI
B+ B-
Channel Deskew
G+ G-
30 bits
R+ R-
Figure 12:
TMDS Receiver
Logic Construct makes it possible to implement video connectivity in a low-cost device, like a Spartan-3A FPGA. The first challenge to recovering the transmitted data is how to locate the open eye when the phase relationship between the sample clock and data is unknown. This uncertainty yields only two possibilities: The clock is positioned in the data's open eye (S1 in Figure 13) The clock is positioned in the data's jitter zone (S2 in Figure 13)
Jitter Zone
UI=1.3 ns
Jitter Zone
UI=1.3 ns
Open Eye
S1 S2 T1
Open Eye
Figure 13:
The video data transmitted over the TMDS channels is essentially random, but the four distinct control tokens are periodically transmitted and can be used to detect the position of the clock relative to the data. The DVI specification ensures the minimum blanking period is at least 128 pixels for the transmission of the control tokens, but the HDMI specification reduces the control token period to 12 pixels while allowing the rest of blanking period to transmit audio or auxiliary data. Thus, the detection method must recognize the occurrence of either 128 or 12 control tokens from the transmitter. If the control tokens are detectable within a time limit, the clock is assumed to have arrived in the open eye position. Otherwise, the clock is assumed to have arrived in the jitter zone. While shifting the clock phase, the beginning positions of the open eye (T1) and jitter zone (T2) are recorded as shown in Figure 13. Therefore, the middle of the open eye is calculated to be (T2T1)/2. Below is the detailed process: If the clock initially arrives at marker position S2: a. The phase is incremented toward T1. b. c. T1 is recorded. The phase is continuously incremented until T2.
d. T2 is recorded. e. The phase is decremented back to (T2 T1)/2. If the clock initially arrives at marker position S1: a. The current open eye is abandoned and the next eye is used. b. c. The phase is incremented toward S2 where the next jitter zone starts. The phase is incremented until T1.
d. T1 is recorded. e. The phase is continuously incremented until T2. f. T2 is recorded. g. The phase is decremented back to (T2 T1)/2. The algorithm requires two UIs for the phase shift to handle both cases discussed above. The phase shift step resolution affects the precision of the algorithm, and the maximum phase shift range determines its success.
XAPP460 (v1.1) June 24, 2011 14
Logic Construct A finite state machine (FSM) can be built to implement the algorithm as illustrated in Figure 14.
X-Ref Target - Figure 14
Found Jitter Zone Flag Set Phase Shift Decrement Found Valid Eye Open Search Time-out Search Time-out And Phase Shift Count Full
Jitter Zone
Eye Open
If Found Jitter Zone Flag Set, Found Valid Open Eye True, Else, Found Valid Open Eye False
Figure 14:
With the phase alignment problem resolved, the complete CDR circuit is now ready for construction as shown in Figure 15.
X-Ref Target - Figure 15
C0 Alignment R/G/B+ R/G/B TMDS
1:10 Deserializer
10-bit Out
Figure 15:
XAPP460 (v1.1) June 24, 2011
Logic Construct The operation of the CDR logic is as follows: 1. The pixel clock and data are fed into the FPGA through a pair of dedicated internal TMDS input buffers. 2. The clock is fed into the BUFG and then into the DCM. 3. The pixel clock is buffered by the BUFG and drives the FPGA logic. 4. The data is fed into an IDDR2 register first before it is passed to a 1:10 deserializer. The DDR technique reduces the bit sampling rate by half. 5. The DCM CLKFX and CLKFX180 ports output CLK5X and CLK5X180, and both provide 5X multiplication. Together, they provide the actual 10X bit rate. 6. The IDDR2 register has a unique C0 alignment feature that allows synchronization of the CLKFX180 sampled data in the CLKFX domain. Thus, the deserializer logic only needs to deal with the CLKFX domain. 7. The rest of the FPGA logic is divided into the CLK5X and the pixel clock domains. 8. CLK5X is needed only to drive the 1:10 deserializer while everything else is driven by the pixel clock. Using CLK5X to drive the 1:10 deserializer greatly increases the timing slack and makes the implementation achievable in the FPGA. 9. A set of distributed RAMs is used in the deserializer as a dual port FIFO to cross the data from CLKFX domain back to the pixel domain. 10. The word boundary detection is also based on the detection of control tokens. It works together with the phase alignment unit to provide the final recovered 10-bit data. This CDR circuit is duplicated for each of the three data channels. Each CDR unit has its own TMDS input buffer, IDDR2 register, 10:1 deserializer, DCM, word boundary detector, and phase alignment state machine. By using the DDR technique, the 10:1 deserialization is clocked by a pair of 5X clocks. There is no need for 10X clocking using this approach. The Spartan-3A FPGA Family: Data Sheet [Ref 6] gives the typical phase shift range of the DCM in number of steps: [INTEGER (15 x (TCLKIN 3 ns))]. TCLKIN is the pixel clock period, which is about 13 ns. Thus, the DCM can shift roughly 150 or a total of 300 steps. Each step is averaged to between 15 ps to 35 ps, So the actual phase shift range is from 15 x 300 = 4500 ps (4.5 ns) to 35 x 300 = 10500 ps (10.5ns). Ensuring the two UIs in the HD video (1.3 + 1.3 = 2.6ns) are adequately covered. After all three channels are aligned, a group of three 10-bit data is sent to the last two processing stages: the channel deskew and the 10B/8B decoder to generate the final 24-bit color components and the video timing information.
1:10 Deserializer
As a part of the CDR circuit, the 1:10 deserializer illustrated in Figure 16 is built using a series of pipeline registers.
Logic Construct
D[9] CLK5X
D[7] CLK5X
D[5] CLK5X
D[3] CLK5X
D[8] CLK5X
D[6] CLK5X
D[4] CLK5X
D[2] CLK5X
Figure 16:
1:10 Deserializer
Inputs Q0 and Q1 directly link to IDDR2 outputs Q0 and Q1. By using the C0 alignment feature, Q0 and Q1 are synchronized to CLK5X. A 5-stage sequence counter generates a sync pulse used to latch all pipeline outputs into a 10-bit output. An asynchronous FIFO is used to transfer the data from the CLK5X into the CLK domain. The FIFO is constructed using distributed RAMs described in Serializer and Clocking Schemes. The FIFO output forms a stream of 10-bit raw characters ready for word boundary detection.
..... raw[18:9]
raw[9:0] = = Control Token? raw[10:1] = = Control Token? ..... raw[18:9] = = Control Token?
Figure 17:
After the 10-bit word is regrouped, it is output to the phase alignment unit. Once the phase alignment is achieved (that is, a valid eye open is detected), a LOCK signal is generated to lock the word boundary. The 10-bit word is then considered valid for the second receiver stage for channel to channel deskew. The CDR processing flow is completed.
Logic Construct
DCM Reset
The DCM plays a vital role in the CDR circuit. However, the clock coming from a DVI or HDMI cable is not always steady enough to satisfy CLKIN jitter and period requirements of the DCM. Consequently, the DCM might go out of lock or invalidate its CLK5X outputs. This can occur in two common situations: The cable is unplugged so that there is no more valid input on CLKIN The CLKIN frequency changes due to a screen mode switch, for example, 480p is switched to 1080i
When either situation occurs, a reset is desirable. The Spartan-3A FPGA User Guide [Ref 7] describes two sets of status indicators that are available from the DCM: LOCKED output: Indicates if the DCM as a whole is locked into CLKIN STATUS port: Indicates the status of individual DCM components STATUS[1]Whether CLKIN is toggling or not STATUS[2]Whether the DFS outputs (CLK5X and CLK5X180) toggle or not
These indicators have to be monitored together to precisely generate the desired reset at the right moment. The reset pulse must last at least three cycles of CLKIN and is only effective if CLKIN actually recovers and retoggles. A simple state machine with three states (Figure 18) is built to actively monitor these cases and generate the proper reset pulse. Because the TMDS clock is not always stable, a separate steady clock source is needed to drive the state machine.
X-Ref Target - Figure 18
UN-LOCKED or CLKIN Stops or CLK5X Stops
Wait for Time-out, for example, 216 Cycles
Figure 18:
Channel Deskew
Both DVI 1.0 and HDMI 1.3 specifications require the receiver to tolerate channel-to-channel skew up to 0.6 Tpixel. The channel deskew circuit shown in Figure 19 uses a handshake negotiation scheme between all three channels to remove any skew beyond the specification limit.
Logic Construct
Blue bluevld
Channel Deskew
GREEN greenvld
Channel Deskew
RED redvld
Channel Deskew
Figure 19:
Channel-to-Channel Deskew
Each channel receives a signal from the phase alignment units to indicate if the incoming 10-bit symbols are valid. If all channels are valid (have achieved phase alignment), a FIFO inside each deskew module starts passing data through (continuously writing in and reading out). When a control token is detected in any of the FIFO outputs, the read out flow is suspended and a ready signal is generated to indicate the arrival of a particular marker in the video stream. The read out flow resumes only when this marker has arrived on all three channels. Thus, the relevant skew has been removed. The FIFO uses the distributed RAM resources and provides a depth of 16 words. Theoretically, the circuit can remove up to 16 pixels of channel to channel skew.
DVI Decoder
The DVI decoding process is simple, having only two steps: 1. Detect the control tokens a. VDE is driven Low indicating a blanking period b. The two-bit control bus (HSYNC and VSYNC) is remapped for the blue channel 2. Decode a. VDE is driven High b. 10-bit TMDS symbols are converted back to 8-bit pixel components The decode algorithm is defined in the DVI specification.
HDMI Decoder
The HDMI decoding process is more complex. Besides video pixels and control tokens, auxiliary data in the data island and guardband tokens must be processed. The processing flow for decoding HDMI is: 1. Detect the control tokens a. VDE is driven Low indicating a blanking period b. c. ADE is also driven Low The two-bit control bus is remapped: HSYNC and VSYNC for the blue channel CTL0 and CTL1 for the green channel
Logic Construct 2. Decode a. If the video preamble flag is set: b. VDE is driven High indicating an active video period ADE is driven Low 10-bit TMDS symbols are converted back to 8-bit pixel components ADE is driven High indicating a data island period VDE is driven Low 10-bit TERC4 symbols are converted back to 4-bit auxiliary data CTL2 and CTL3 for the red channel Video preamble indicating the beginning of the video period Data island preamble flag indicating the beginning of the data island period
Like the transmitter design, the three deserializers in the receiver require careful placement because of their fast operating speed at CLK5X. It is also important to group each deserializer into a small rectangle near its associated IOB. Figure 20 shows an example of this kind of placement.
X-Ref Target - Figure 20
Blue CLKX5
Blue IOB
Figure 20:
Deserializer Placements
Each deserializer is only 4x12 slices. Like the transmitter, the two BUFGs for each channel's CLK5X and CLK5X180 need to be placed on the same side of the FPGA. Because each channel has its own DCM, the BUFGs should also be on the same side as their source DCM. Figure 21 and Figure 22 show an example of this placement for all three channels.
XAPP460 (v1.1) June 24, 2011 20
Logic Construct
TMDS Clock
Blue Channel
Figure 21:
X-Ref Target - Figure 22
Figure 22:
The Corresponding UCF statements for the DCM and BUFG placements are:
INST "hdmi_rx0/dec_b/dcm_rxclk" INST "hdmi_rx0/dec_r/dcm_rxclk" INST "hdmi_rx0/dec_g/dcm_rxclk" INST INST INST INST INST INST "hdmi_rx0/dec_b/clkx5not_bufg" "hdmi_rx0/dec_b/clkx5_bufg" "hdmi_rx0/dec_r/clkx5not_bufg" "hdmi_rx0/dec_r/clkx5_bufg" "hdmi_rx0/dec_g/clkx5not_bufg" "hdmi_rx0/dec_g/clkx5_bufg" LOC = "DCM_X1Y3"; LOC = "DCM_X2Y0"; LOC = "DCM_X1Y0"; LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC = = = = = = "BUFGMUX_X1Y10"; "BUFGMUX_X2Y11"; "BUFGMUX_X1Y0"; "BUFGMUX_X2Y1"; "BUFGMUX_X1Y1"; "BUFGMUX_X2Y0";
The Xilinx ISE timing analysis tool can trace the pixel clock through relevant DCMs and then automatically adds constraints for the CLK5X clocks. Thus, there is no need to explicitly list the frequency limits of the CLK5X clocks in the UCF. Like the transmitter design, the receiver uses asynchronous FIFOs to cross data from the CLKX5 domain to the PCLK domain, creating multicycle paths. But the receiver uses three FIFOs, and each of them needs to be separately constrained. For example:
####################### # RX multicycle paths ####################### TIMEGRP "rxdes_fifo_b" TIMEGRP "rxdes_fifo_piped_b" TIMEGRP "rxdes_fifo_g" TIMEGRP "rxdes_fifo_piped_g" TIMEGRP "rxdes_fifo_r" TIMEGRP "rxdes_fifo_piped_r"
= = = = = =
TIMESPEC "TS_rxdes_fifo_b" = FROM "rxdes_fifo_b" TO "rxdes_fifo_piped_b" TS_PCLK; TIMESPEC "TS_rxdes_fifo_g" = FROM "rxdes_fifo_g" TO "rxdes_fifo_piped_g" TS_PCLK; TIMESPEC "TS_rxdes_fifo_r" = FROM "rxdes_fifo_r" TO "rxdes_fifo_piped_r" TS_PCLK;
This section summarizes the implementation of the Transmitter Design and the Receiver Design into real hardware.
Figure 23: Spartan-3A FPGA Starter Kit Adapter Board Depending on which assembly options were installed, the adapter board enabled either transmitter or receiver operation. However, the design did not address many DVI and HDMI requirements. Also, the termination resistor placement forced by the intermediate expansion connectorand the frequency response of the expansion connector itselfwere impediments to operation at high bit rates. Signal integrity concerns aside, the standard Spartan-3A FPGA Starter Kit uses a lower speed grade (-4) device, which supports TMDS signaling up to 640 Mb/s (Table 1). The higher speed grade (-5) provides for TMDS signaling up to 700 Mb/s. Both are adequate for SD (480p) video and other low resolution graphics applications such as VGA and SVGA. The higher speed grade (-5) device further enables XGA graphics applications. The adapter board serves as a temporary solution while the evaluation board is designed for operation across the full range of bit rates.
Evaluation Board
The goal of the evaluation board is to enable evaluation of TMDS transmitter and receiver functions across a wide range of bit rates. This includes evaluating the internal serializer and deserializer performance, TMDS electrical and protocol compatibility, and auxiliary functions such as data display channel (DDC), hot plug detect (HPD), and consumer electronics control (CEC), which are sideband communication schemes used in DVI and HDMI.
Implementation TMDS_33 outputs are supported only on banks 0 and 2 (top and bottom). TMDS_33 outputs require VCCO = 3.3V and VCCAUX = 2.5V/3.3V. TMDS_33 inputs require VCCO = 2.5V/3.3V and VCCAUX = 3.3V. TMDS_33 signals require 50 termination to 3.3V at the receiver.
These requirements influence power supply design for the system and also place some restrictions on pin assignments. For a simple design that both transmits and receives TMDS signals (such as an evaluation board), it is easiest to use 3.3V for VCCAUX and for the VCCO on all four banks of the device. However, the TMDS_33 requirements allow additional flexibility for VCCAUX and VCCO in mixed voltage environments, especially when transmit and receive capabilities are not implemented concurrently. For SD video support, the lowest speed grade (-4) devices are more than adequate. Several additional TMDS electrical considerations are addressed at the board level. One of these is the 100 channel differential impedance. This differential impedance includes the differential pairs on a board (at both transmitter and receiver), the connectors, and the cabling. The HDMI specification defines impedance requirements at several points on the signal path (all 100, but different tolerances) including the cable and connectors. The tightest tolerance noted in the specification is 10%. This tolerance was used when determining the differential pair trace geometry for the evaluation board. Estimating a differential impedance of 100 is usually not as simple as assuming a differential pair where each conductor has a characteristic impedance of 50 Under certain . circumstances this estimate might be acceptable, but in most situations use an impedance calculator or field solver to determine impedance. For the evaluation board, where the differential pairs were routed on outer board layers, an approximation for the differential impedance of a microstrip pair was used to estimate the differential impedance (see Equation 1):
S 0.96 --- H 1 0.48 e Z diff = 2Z 0
Equation 1
S = edge to edge trace/trace separation H = edge to edge trace/plane separation A proven board stack-up and trace geometry was used. As a result, the calculated differential impedance for the differential pairs on the evaluation board is approximately 93, which is within the target of 100 10%. Impedance discontinuities on differential pairs routed to the HDMI connectors (and half of the pairs routed to the expansion port) were minimized by routing entirely on the top layer of the board so that no vias are required. Another board-level consideration is skew minimization. The HDMI specification does not define specific skew requirements. Instead, the specification requires limits on skew as measured at the output connector of a transmitter, and requires tolerance for skew as measured at the input connector of a receiver. Skew might result from delay mismatches in connectors, board routing, package substrates, and actual transmitter/receiver implementation. At the transmit connector, the HDMI specification requires the intrapair skew to be 15% or less of a bit time (approximately 215 ps at 700 Mb/s) and interpair skew to be 20% or less of a character time (about 2.90 ns at 700 Mb/s). At the receive connector, the HDMI specification requires the intrapair skew tolerance to accommodate the maximum transmit intrapair skew plus 112 ps, and the interpair skew tolerance to accommodate the maximum transmit interpair skew plus 1.78 ns. In a typical application, the distance between the TMDS device and the connector is quite short, and the number of pairs is low, making it very easy to equalize traces. For the evaluation
Implementation board, the single layer routing and consistent trace geometry made it easy to match all TMDS signals to lengths of within 5 mils of each other. As a result, the trace skew becomes a negligible part of the overall skew budget providing as much slack as possible for potential skew sources in the transmitter and receiver. The length of the pairs routed to the expansion port entirely on the top layer of the board were matched to within 10 mils of each other. The length of the remaining pairs were also matched to 10 mils, but the length of the two sets are not matched to each other.
For LVCMOS (CTSCB3LV) *Stuff Series as 30.1 *DNS Parallel For LVDS (CTS635) *Stuff Series as 0 *Stuff Parallel as 100 X1
1 2 3 EN N/C GND VCC OUT_N OUT_P 6 5 4
Figure 24:
Figure 25:
Reference Design
Using the information provided in the Evaluation Board section, a reference application design was created for demonstration and evaluation purposes.
VDE, HSYNC, VSYNC Spartan-3 FPGA Logo Map DVI/HDMI Receiver Video Pixels [23:0] Aux/Audio Data [11:0] (HDMI Only) ADE (HDMI Only) DVI/HDMI Transmitter
TMDS In [3:0]
Spartan-3A FPGA
Figure 26:
Resource Utilization
The FPGA resources used by the reference designs described in this document are listed in Table 3. Table 3: FPGA Resources Used by Each Design
DVI Transmitter (alone) LUTs Flip-Flops BUFGs DCMs Block RAM 357 167 3 1 0 HDMI Transmitter (alone) 507 184 3 1 0 DVI Receiver (alone) 995 555 7 3 0 HDMI Receiver (alone) 1183 579 7 3 0
The final resource usage is very application dependent. For instance, in the pass-through evaluation design, the transmitter and the receiver share the same clocking resources for the pixel clock and X5 clocks. So the transmitters actual BUFG and DCM count is the same as the receiver alone.
The Spartan-3A FPGA design and evaluation board described in this application note demonstrates a TMDS video connectivity solution useful for consumer DVI/HDMI applications. This application note provides only the physical layer solution for the DVI/HDMI interface. It does not address all required or optional protocol aspects for achieving compliance: Required DDC sideband protocol (I2C) Monitor discovery for the transmitter EDID data structure for the receiver
Optional HDCP content protection Leveraging the DDC side band protocol to exchange encryption keys Content encryption engine for the transmitter Content de-encryption engine for the receiver
Required HDMI audio/auxiliary packaging and channelization See Chapters 7 and 8 in the HDMI specification, version 1.3
Optional deep color mode Beyond 24-bit color HDMI specification, version 1.3 and above only
Optional Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) HDMI specification, version 1.3, supplement 1
There are, however, no known technical difficulties for FPGA users to implement these features themselves.
Limited Characterization
These test results were derived from a transmitter only Spartan-3A FPGA design using an onboard oscillator as the pixel clock source. The video source signal was provided by a SMPTE HD color bar generator. The test instrument used was a Lecroy SDA9000 scope with a DVI/HDMI characterization software package installed. The characterization tests are based on DVI 1.0 and HDMI 1.3 specifications. The receiver was not characterized due to the limitations of the available test equipment.
Result: PASS Figure 27 illustrates the measurement for this test. The base and top histogram peaks reflect the VL and VH ranges.
Limited Characterization
Figure 27:
Figure 28:
XAPP460 (v1.1) June 24, 2011
Limited Characterization
Result: PASS Figure 29, Figure 30, and Figure 31 illustrate the measurements for the red, green, and blue channels.
X-Ref Target - Figure 29
Figure 29:
X-Ref Target - Figure 30
Figure 30:
Limited Characterization
Figure 31:
Figure 32:
Limited Characterization
Result: PASS The jitter measurement is set to be relative to an Ideal Recovery Clock as defined in both DVI and HDMI specifications [Ref 2], [Ref 3]. Figure 33 illustrates the measurement for this test.
X-Ref Target - Figure 33
Figure 33:
Result: PASS The eye mask is automatically set using the Lecroy DVI/HDMI software package, meeting specifications of both DVI and HDMI. Figure 34, Figure 35, and Figure 36 illustrate the eye diagrams the red, green, and blue channels, respectively.
Limited Characterization
Figure 34:
X-Ref Target - Figure 35
Figure 35:
X-Ref Target - Figure 36
Figure 36:
Design files are available in and can be downloaded from Table 4: Reference Design Files Contained in
Module Name DVI Transmitter DVI transmitter top Wrapper DVI encoder 30:3 Serializer DVI Receiver DVI receiver top wrapper DVI decoder instantiating the CDR and channel deskew circuits Channel deskew module DCM reset state machine Phase alignment state machine 1:10 deserializer DVI Common Modules Width configurable distributed RAM Video Timing Controller SMPTE HD color bar generator DVI Evaluation DVI Evaluation design DVI transmitter only instantiating its own video timing controller and HD color bar generator HDMI Transmitter HDMI transmitter top Wrapper DVI encoder 30:3 Serializer HDMI Receiver HDMI receiver top wrapper HDMI decoder instantiating the CDR and channel deskew circuits Channel deskew module DCM reset state machine Phase alignment state machine 1:10 deserializer HDMI Common Modules Width configurable distributed RAM hdmi_demo/rtl/common/DRAM16XN.v hdmi_demo/rtl/rx/hdmi_decoder.v hdmi_demo/rtl/rx/decode.v hdmi_demo/rtl/rx/chnlbond.v hdmi_demo/rtl/rx/dcminit.v hdmi_demo/rtl/rx/phsaligner.v hdmi_demo/rtl/rx/tmds_1c_1to10.v hdmi_demo/rtl/tx/hdmi_encoder.v hdmi_demo/rtl/tx/encode.v hdmi_demo/rtl/tx/serdes_4b_10to1_fifo.v dvi_demo/rtl/dvi_demo.v dvi_demo/rtl/dvitx_demo.v dvi_demo/rtl/common/DRAM16XN.v dvi_demo/rtl/common/timing.v dvi_demo/rtl/common/hdclrbar.v dvi_demo/rtl/tx/dvi_decoder.v dvi_demo/rtl/tx/decode.v dvi_demo/rtl/tx/chnlbond.v dvi_demo/rtl/tx/dcminit.v dvi_demo/rtl/tx/phsaligner.v dvi_demo/rtl/tx/tmds_1c_1to10.v dvi_demo/rtl/tx/dvi_encoder.v dvi_demo/rtl/tx/encode.v dvi_demo/rtl/tx/serdes_4b_10to1_fifo.v Path and Filename
Reference Design Files Table 4: Reference Design Files Contained in (Contd)
Module Name Width configurable delay lines using SRL16 HDMI Evaluation design Path and Filename hdmi_demo/rtl/common/srldelay.v hdmi_demo/rtl/hdmi_demo.v
The reference design matrix is shown in Table 5. Table 5: Reference Design Matrix
General Developer Name Target Devices (stepping level, ES, production, speed grades) Source Code Provided Source Code Format Design Uses Code/IP from an Existing Reference Design/Application Note, 3rd Party, or CORE Generator software Xilinx Spartan-3A Family FPGAs Yes Verilog No
Simulation Functional Simulation Performed Timing Simulation Performed Testbench Used for Functional Simulations Provided Testbench Format Simulator Software Used/Version (e.g., ISE software, Mentor, Cadence, other) SPICE/IBIS Simulations Yes Yes No Verilog Cadence IUS version 6.2 No
Implementation Synthesis Software Tools Used/Version Implementation Software Tools Used/Versions Static Timing Analysis Performed XST ISE 10.1i Yes
Hardware Verification Hardware Verified Hardware Platform Used for Verification Yes Spartan-3A TMDS Characterization Board
1. CEA-861-D, A DTV Profile for Uncompressed High Speed Digital Interfaces, Consumer Electronics Association, 2. Digital Visual Interface, Revision 1.0, Digital Display Working Group, 3. High-Definition Multimedia Interface Specification Version 1.3a, HDMI Licensing, LLC, 4. XAPP224, Data Recovery. 5. XAPP861, Efficient 8X Oversampling Asynchronous Serial Data Recovery Using IDELAY. 6. DS529, Spartan-3A FPGA Family: Data Sheet. 7. UG331, Spartan-3 Generation FPGA User Guide. 8. IEC 61000-4-2, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)- Part 4-2: Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity test, Commission Electrotechnique Internationale,
Revision History
The following table shows the revision history for this document.
1.0 Initial Xilinx release.
Description of Revisions
Changed 750 Mb/s to 700 Mb/s in Summary. Deleted first row and notes from Table 1, and revised 666 Mb/s to 700 Mb/s and 622 Mb/s to 640 Mb/s in the remaining two rows. Modified step 4 in Clock and Data Recovery. Modified first sentence in Floorplanning. Revised 622 Mb/s to 640 Mb/s and 666 Mb/s to 700 Mb/s, and deleted last sentence from fourth paragraph in Proof of Concept Boards. Deleted first sentence from third paragraph in TMDS Electrical Considerations. Revised 200 ps at 742.5 Mb/s to 215 ps at 700 Mb/s and 2.70 ns at 742.5 Mb/s to 2.90 ns at 700 Mb/s in tenth paragraph under TMDS Electrical Considerations. Deleted last sentence from first paragraph and second paragraph in Evaluation Board Preliminary Results. Deleted Expansion Board Considerations section. Deleted third sentence from first paragraph in Limited Characterization.
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The information disclosed to you hereunder (the Materials) is provided solely for the selection and use of Xilinx products. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) Materials are made available "AS IS" and with all faults, Xilinx hereby DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising under, or in connection with, the Materials (including your use of the Materials), including for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. Xilinx assumes no obligation to correct any errors contained in the Materials or to notify you of updates to the Materials or to product specifications. You may not reproduce, modify, distribute, or publicly display the Materials without prior written consent. Certain products are subject to the terms and conditions of the Limited Warranties which can be viewed at; IP cores may be subject to warranty and support terms contained in a license issued to you by Xilinx. Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe or for use in any application requiring fail-safe performance; you assume sole risk and liability for use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications: