Mauboussin Life of Game
Mauboussin Life of Game
Mauboussin Life of Game
August 5, 2004
Michael J. Mauboussin
Statistics provide a way to understand a game or situation that our intuition may not capture. By and large, intuition and tradition have played a larger role than statistics in shaping sports measurement, management, and play. The same is true in business and investing. Teams are stronger or weaker across a range of performance variables, or dimensions. Because teams have different strengths across dimensions, you cant really say there is one best team. The problem looks like a game of rock, paper, and scissors. The same psychological traps are at play in sports, business, and investing. Many sports and business organizations are too short-term oriented, and inappropriately focused on outcome versus process.
Legg Mason Capital Management
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Winner Chowan 21 Randolph Macon 10 Emory & Henry 33 Methodist 37 Ferrum 19 C. Newport 16 Bridgewater 58 Catholic 32 LaSalle 33 Marist 33 Central CT 14 Monmouth 12 Georgetown 17 Lafayette 41 Columbia 16 ote: The quick brown Harvard 28 jumped over the lazy Northeastern 41 odle to increase market
Loser Randolph Macon 20 Emory & Henry 7 Methodist 30 Ferrum 34 C. Newport 17 Bridgewater 12 Catholic 20 LaSalle 31 Marist 31 Central CT 29 Monmouth 10 Georgetown 10 Lafayette 10 Columbia 27 Harvard 13 Northeastern 20 JMU 24
Winner JMU 48 Liberty 49 Hofstra 34 Villanova 23 Temple 44 Mid TN State 27 Troy State 33 Marshall 27 Kansas State 42 Univ. of California 52 Virginia Tech 31 Miami FL 38 Univ. of Florida 19 LSU 21 Univ. of Oklahoma 59 UCLA 23 Univ. of California 34
Loser Liberty 6 Hofstra 42 Villanova 32 Temple 20 Mid TN State 36 Troy State 20 Marshall 24 Kansas State 20 Univ. of California 28 Virginia Tech 49 Miami FL 7 Univ. of Florida 33 LSU 7 Univ. of Oklahoma 14 UCLA 24 Univ. of California 20 USC 31
Prediction: Chowan by 307 points over USC Univ. of California would beat themselves by 89 points
Source: Kenneth Massey, Rating the Competition, Presented at A Complex Look at Sports Conference, June 17, 2004. Used by permission.
Massey reviewed a number of mathematical techniques to rank teams, including a least squares, maximum likelihood, and Markov chains. While Massey ratings are designed to measure past performance, they also have predictive value. Massey noted that his best maximum likelihood model correctly predicts the outcome of roughly three-quarters of pro baseball games and about two-thirds of NFL games. University of Michigan social scientist Scott Page opened his talk by challenging three widely held premises: there is a best team; you can rank teams; and settling it on the field is better than looking at statistics. The issue of multi-dimensionality creates the main problem when determining the best team. Teams are stronger or weaker across a range of performance variables, or dimensions. Examples of performance variables in football include running offense, running defense, and special teams. Since teams of similar ability have different strengths across performance variables, the problem of determining which team is better is difficult. Page suggested the problem looks like the rock, paper, and scissors game. Page introduced the group to Colonel Blotto, a two-player competitive game model. Heres a simple version: Both players get 100 playing pieces There are three locations to place the pieces The player who places the most pieces on a location wins that location The player who wins the most locations wins the game
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Page suggests that you can think about each location as a dimension. Given these rules, one can choose some really bad strategies (100, 0,0akin to having a great quarterback with no offensive line) but by-and-large 3 winning is random if two teams have similar abilities. (See Exhibit 2. ) Even if teams have uneven ability, it often takes a lot more ability to make a difference. Exhibit 2: Colonel Blottos Pinwheel: When Ability is Similar, Winning is Random
Suboptimal strategy
Source: Scott E. Page, On the Possibility of Value in Sports, Presented at A Complex Look at Sports Conference, June 17, 2004. Used by permission.
The more dimensions a game has, the less predictable it becomes. We should expect (and see) more upsets in high dimension games like football than in low dimension games like tennis and wrestling. No surprise then that the betting line, which reflects the experience and intuitions of bettors, often doesnt match the computer rankings. Bettors may be able to aggregate dimensions better than the ranking models or polls can. Page then discussed what he calls the general managers backpack problem. General managers have to put together a team of players with varying dimensions within a finite (except for the Yankees) budget. This problem is extremely hard to solve, especially when the solution relies to some degree on what other teams are doing. Paradoxically, Page noted that if you add complexityfor example, make the strength of one dimension contingent on anotherthe problem becomes simpler. To illustrate, the ability to run the fast break in basketball is more valuable with good defensive rebounding. Skillful general managers select teams to take advantage of these contingencies. This line of thinking might help explain why the Detroit Pistons upset the heavily favored Los Angeles Lakers in the 2004 NBA championship.
Go For It
The next pair of speakers, Cal Berkeley economist David Romer and USC footballs offensive coordinator Norm Chow, discussed football play calling in general and kicking strategy in particular. This pair offered the clearest dichotomy between statistics-driven theory and intuition-and-habit-driven practice. Romers paper, Its Fourth Down and What Does the Bellman Equation Say?, analyzes pro football play 4 selection. His data come from all NFL games in the 1998-2000 seasons, and provide expected points for various positions on the field and down situations. Romers analysis shows that NFL coaches call plays too conservatively: they dont go for first downs frequently enough and too often settle for field goals when they 5 should attempt to score a touchdown. Exhibit 3 summarizes Romers findings and recommendations.
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Source: David Romer, Its Fourth Down and What Does the Bellman Equation Say?, Working Paper, February 2003. Used by permission.
For example, of the 532 fourth downs in the offenses half of the field where Romers analysis suggests going for it, teams only went for it eight times. In the 183 fourth downs with five or more yards to go where the analysis indicates teams should go for it, they did so only 13 times. Romer notes that this sub optimal play calling might cost NFL teams one game per year. Players, coaches, and fans often find Romers work objectionable, pointing to factors like momentum, third versus fourth down plays, and selection bias (the data are true only for average teams). Romer addresses these concerns head on, making a case that the objections are either weak or invalid. Take the issue of momentum. Convention holds that if a team stops its opponents fourth-down attempt, it gains an energy and emotional edge. Romers skepticism about this stems from two sources. First, while the analysis doesnt take into account the deflating downside of a fourth down failure, it also doesnt incorporate the lift from a successful fourth down play. Second, other studies of momentum found weak evidence for momentum effects in the data. Said differently, statistics reflect emotion. In stark contrast to Romer, coach Chow emphasized the role of emotion. He clearly believes in momentum and streaks, notwithstanding that both Romers analysis and a substantial body of evidence suggest sports outcomes 6 are generally consistent with probabilities. Chow also underscored the risk aversion inherent in sports. Coaches generally eschew new strategies because they dont want to loseat least not in an unconventional fashion. What John Maynard Keynes said about investing applies to sports: worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for the reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally. Chows take on statistical analysis brought Camerers point about perception into sharp focus. The approach most 7 coaches use is reminiscent of Fisher Blacks famous 1986 paper Noise discussing how investors operate: Because there is so much noise in the world, people adopt rules of thumb. They share their rules of thumb with each other, and very few people have enough experience with interpreting noisy evidence to see that the rules are too simple. Like many practitioners, Chow relies heavily on rules of thumb and traditional approaches. That said, Chow and his teams have been very successful, so his intuition and pattern recognition skills are probably well honed.
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This approach allows Oliver to rate teams and players. For example, he has developed a software program, Roboscout, to help predict game outcomes. (See Basketball on Paper includes some analysis that applies well beyond basketball and sports. The first is another take on streak data. Stephen Jay Gould said that streaks are luck imposed on skill. Oliver shows this with data in Exhibit 4. Streaks fall within the realm of statistics: probability shows that the longest streaks accrue to the best performers (in Olivers example, teams with higher win percentages). Exhibit 4: Chance of at Least One Winning Streak of the Shown Length in 82-Game Season
Source: Dean Oliver, Basketball on Paper (Washington, D.C: Brasseys, Inc., 2004), 70. Copyrighted material, used by permission.
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Another form of analysis is reversion to the mean. Based on NBA data, Oliver shows that both losing and winning teams tend to revert back to averagea .500 win percentageover time. These analyses clearly parallel aspects of business and investing. Exhibit 5: Five Years After: Most Teams Approach 0.500
Source: Dean Oliver, Basketball on Paper (Washington, D.C: Brasseys, Inc., 2004), 112. Copyrighted material, used by permission.
Cal Tech economist Colin Camerer gave the most eclectic talk of the day. As noted, Camerer started by underscoring why statistics might help us see whats going on in sports. He then went on to document a case where a sports market was inefficient, followed by a case where the sports market was efficient. The inefficiency Camerer described is based on the disposition effectthe notion that once we make a financial decision, we often refuse to reverse that decision until it works out. In stock market terms, the disposition effect predicts that people dont sell a stock if they have a loss but rather wait to get even or post 9 a gain to dispose of the shares. Empirical studies of investor behavior support the theory. Camerer and his colleagues studied whether or not the disposition effect operated for NBA draft picks. Specifically, they determined whether high draft picks played more than they should based on their contribution. The study confirmed that indeed high draft picks played more minutes than warranted for about the first three years. Pro basketball managements are not immune to the disposition effect. As an illustration of market efficiency, Camerer shared a case from horse race betting. Quite by accident, he discovered one day that bets could be cancelled. That gave him an idea: what would happen to the odds of two comparable horses if he placed a big bet on one of them and then cancelled it at the last minute? Would technical traders read the inflows and odds changes as likely asymmetric information, or would the fundamental bettors use the opportunity to change their betting strategy? Camerer selected two horses with similar, relatively low probabilities of winning. He placed a large bet on one of them (determined via a coin toss) which he later cancelled just moments before betting closed. The experiment showed that while some bettors did follow the money trail, the odds the horse would win improved considerably. But after canceling the bet, he showed that the odds returned to their premanipulation levels. Enough people bet on the other horse (a relative bargain) to offset those who tried to take advantage of the perceived smart-money trend. His work demonstrates the large degree of efficiency in 10 pari-mutuel markets. Another of Camerers topics was how many steps people tend to look ahead. General equilibrium theory assumes individuals have a complete understanding of their preferences for their futurea clearly unrealistic assumption. But how far do people look out? Camerers research shows that people tend to look out one or two stepsand rarely more.
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The Lessons
Statistical techniques clearly factor more prominently in the world of business and investing today than they did a generation ago. Perhaps sports analysis is just catching up to these other markets. But it is worth noting that there are some significant challenges in intelligently using statistics in sports, business and investing. These include: 1. Predictions help shape the outcome. In capital markets, researchers and practitioners have identified many anomalies and trading strategies that delivered excess returns based on past results. But herein lies the paradoxin exploiting market inefficiencies, practitioners make the market more efficient. Likewise, if your strategy on the field (based on past statistics) becomes predictableyou never bunt or you go for it in certain fourth down situationsand your opponent knows that, they will change their strategy to offset your moves. In a sense, past inefficiencies disperse, and the market becomes more efficient. In some spheres, like weather forecasting, predictions and outcomes are independent. In markets and sports, there is at least the potential for significant interdependence: predictions help shape outcomes. 2. Statistics are context dependent. To derive meaning from statistical comparisons, the data need to exhibit sufficient stationaritythat is, the samples must be drawn from statistically similar populations. But in the real world, data are often nonstationary, making comparisons perilous or even nonsensical. Its pretty easy to find nonstationarity in the world of investing. Take the ubiquitous price-earnings ratio. Pundits frequently compare todays multiple to the multiples of past periods. But significant items like inflation, taxes, and the composition of assets muddy these comparisons. In the world of sports, its hard to compare players across time due to changes in rulesfor example, expansion of the lane and the shot clock in basketballor locationsome ball parks are more hitter or pitcher friendly than others. Naturally we can adjust for this context dependence, but that adds another challenge. 3. The role of probability. Most of the analysis of hot handsfor example, the idea that a basketball player will more likely make his or her next shot after making a bucketfinds that outcomes are consistent with the 11 players ability, or probability of success. Said differently, one should expect hot hand streaks given a players field goal percentage average. In reality, though, the vast majority of sports fans and players still perceive the hot hand to exist. This suggests we humans dont have a clear-cut sense of probabilities. Working off probabilities is terrific if youre assured a large sample. But what if you have a limited sample size? Economics suggests that you still need to think probabilistically, although we now have substantial evidence that humans dont make decisions this way. In fact, humans are risk adverse. This may explain why, for example, NFL coaches make conservative decisions. As a result of this human psychological feature (as well as others), we tend to misspecify probabilities and outcomes, which leads to the next challenge and opportunity. 4. The role of psychology. Sports, business, and investing are all activities we do with others. Even though our understanding of psychological influences has grown measurably in recent decadesDaniel Khaneman and Amos Tverskys seminal work in Prospect Theory played a large role in that effortwe still operate in largely sub optimal ways. So the final challenge and opportunity is to understand psychological factors and to try to use them in our favor. Evaluation horizon is a good example. Research shows that investors suffer from myopic loss aversion frequent portfolio evaluation triggers aversion. As a result, long-term investors are willing to pay more for a risky asset than short-term investors. You can think of these psychological pitfalls on two levels: first, the errors we each make as individuals overconfidence, framing problems, etc.second, the pitfalls related to collective behaviorthe roles of influence and imitation. Both levels are vitally important to understand.
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5. Circumstance- versus attribute-based thinking. In a very relevant article, Clayton Christensen and his 12 colleagues discuss a three-step process for theory building. First, you describe what you want to understand in numbers, then you classify the phenomena into categories based on similarities, and finally you build a theory that explains the behavior of the phenomena. Once the theory is in place, researchers often find anomalies that force them to rethink and restate the descriptions and categories. Perhaps the papers most important message is that good theories require proper categorization, and as theories improve, categories typically evolve from attribute-based to circumstance-based. Theories built on circumstance-based categories tell practitioners what to do in different situations. In contrast, attribute-based categories prescribe action based on the traits of the phenomena. Most theories in business (management fads), investing (style boxes) and sports (kicking versus going for it) are attribute-based theories. In every case, there is room to evolve toward better, circumstance-based frameworks. So these five issues are relevant for everyonesports people, academics, business people and investors.
++++++++++++++++++++ The views expressed in this commentary reflect those of Legg Mason Capital Management as of the date of this commentary. Any such views are subject to change at any time based on market or other conditions, and Legg Mason Wood Walker, Incorporated disclaims any responsibility to update such views. These vi ews may not be relied upon as investment advice and, because investment decisions for the Legg Mason Funds are based on numerous factors, may not be relied upon as an indication of trading intent on behalf of any Legg Mason Fund.
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Michael Mandelbaum, The Meaning of Sports (New York: PublicAffairs, 2004), 5. See 3 The pinwheel relies on barycentric coordinates to represent various Colonel Blotto strategies. For example, the coordinate in the bottom left hand corner is 100, 0, 0. The top corner is 0, 100, 0, etc. As you move away from corner 1, the number in slot 1 declines proportionately until you reach the opposite side, where the value for slot 1 is 0. This holds for each corner. The point in the middle is 33 ?, 33 ?, 33 ?. The dark region shows where the winning strategy is random. The light areas in the corners show sub optimal strategies. See 4 See 5 When asked about Romers paper, New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick said: I read it. I dont know much of the math involved, but I think I understand the conclusions and he has some valid points. See David Leonhardt, Incremental Analysis, With Two Yards to Go, The New York Times, February 1, 2004. 6 See for a review of the literature. 7 Fisher Black, Noise, Journal of Finance, 1986. 8 Dean Oliver, Basketball on Paper (Washington, D.C: Brasseys, Inc., 2004), 63. 9 Terrance Odean, Are Investors Reluctant to Realize Their Losses? Journal of Finance, 53, October 1998, 1775-1798; Colin Camerer and Martin Weber, The Disposition Effect in Securities Trading: An Experimental Analysis, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 33, 1998, 167-184. 10 Colin Camerer, Can Asset Markets be Manipulated? A Field Experiment with Racetrack Betting, Journal of Political Economy, June 1998, 457-482. 11 See 12 Clayton M. Christensen, Paul Carlile, and David Sundahl, The Process of Theory-Building, Working Paper, 02-016. See
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