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Tons of occult symbolism are apart of our human history. Elites and other individuals have utilized it for an
abundant of reasons. They include architecture, design, and for the promoting of New Age tenets (like the
law of attraction or gathering energies from the heavens unto the Earth). That's weird in some cases, but
it's true. A lot of these symbols hide their true meaning from the public. For example, Fred Gettings from
his book entitled "Secret Symbolism in the Occult Art" (on pg. 7) wrote that: "Each of these sciences or
arts is very ancient, and each has developed its own specialized system of secret
symbolism...They are occult mainly because they are...based on the assumption that the
principles and truths of this hidden world may be representated in terms of symbols." Therefore,
on many levels, symbols represent hidden information. The images above are made up of obelisks and
pyramids. The image on the left is the Kowloon building. The image on the right is the Tower in Atlanta,
Georgia. It has a pyramidal cap on the top of one building. It also has an octognal benben on one building
as well. The obelisk is of course a phallic image representing in ancient times of Osiris, Baal, etc. The
obelisk to occultists deal with reproduction in forming completion as well. The Washington Monument,
The Cleopatra Needle from London, New York's St. Paul Cathedral, The Vatican obelisk, and others are
places where modern pillars exist today. The pyramid was an image for eons as found in Egypt,
Mesopotamia, ancient America, and other locations globally even in China. It has many meanings from a
burial, pointing to the star patterns in the solar system, to the harreshing of energies. Max Thoth in his
book called "Pyramid Prophecies," outlined that the pyramid in ancient times represented the energy of
the ancients revealed. One common thread among the pyramids worldwide are that it takes great
mathematical intellect to develop them, they have great geometric patterns, and they played a huge role
in the development of civilizations (throughout human history). What's the connections of this symbol then
and now then? Back then and now, pyramids and obelisks are expressions of not only human creativity,
but human opinions about Nature including specific agenda some individuals desire for the world. That
agenda is the promotion of paganism or the worship of Nature including the support of a new world order
(aka globalization).

The elite keep on shoving their evil in our faces. Now, this shirt is promoted by Macy's, which was a store
orginally created ironically by a Quaker. This shirt is entitled Illuminati Knight. It also has the words of the
Bohemian Grove on it. The Illuminati is an old order of pro-Enlightenment members who wanted to
destroy Western civilization in order to create some utopian society. The Bavarian Illuminati was banished
by the late 1700's, but its principles are apart of many occult Secret Societies to this day. The Bohemian
Grove is a sick, occult group where numerous world leaders have sex with prostitutes. It was created in
Northern California during the late 1800's. They have the Cremation of Care ritual where a human in
effigy is burned on an owl statue (the owl is utilized to mean Minerva or Wisdom). The Grove have many
cliques and meetings where American policy is influenced from the choice of Arnold Schwarzenegger to
be Governor of California to some of the stages of the Manhattan Project. This shirt is propaganda to
mock those who sincerely expose the new world order. We should expose the Illuminati, the Bohemian
Grove, and all evil in the world. There is shirt with a hand image where an image of an eye is in the
middle of it. This symbol is called by many named in the occult like the hamsa (which is meant to have
protection from "black luck" or the evil eye). This image is found in ancient pre-Columbian America as
well. Macy also is selling a shirt with the words Knights Templar (a group accused of heresy. This
group has influenced the development of the Rosicurcians and Freemasonry even if they deny it. For
example, Knights Templar is a known degree in certain quarters of Freemasonry. The Demolay
Masonic group celebrate the murdered leader of the Templars named Jacques Demolay, and there are
other connections). There is a skull on the Knight Templar Macy shirt. The Cult of the Serpent shirt
has an All Seeing Eye, a moon, and the sun (which are all Masonic symbols. The moon is feminime
while the sun is masculine). Albert Pike wrote that the Serpent according to the Egyptians was about
Divine Wisdom, but the Serpent in the Bible is in reference to Satan. Macy's Iron Brotherhood shirt
has a cross, with a fleur de ils, a skull, and 2 serpent spinning around each other. The serpents look
similar to the cadaceus symbol of the occult. The cadeceus (which is a logo of the medical industry)
refers to Mercury or the transmission of "knowledge" to people. Macy's "Italia" shirt has a double
headed eagle on it. Manly P. Hall wrote that the double headed eagle (as found in the logo of the 33rd
degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry) was the alchemical symbol of the union between the
masculine and feminine principles in the individual. Ancient civilizations were using it for thousands
of years. Macy's Order of Merlin shirt has a skulls and others have the Prince Charles coast of arms
(including wings looking similar to the wings of Hours even on hats. Some have accused Prince
Charles' coat of arms as the Antichrist's emblem. Time will tell if that's true or not). You couldn't make
this stuff up. Macy must really embrace illuminist principles to do something like this.
The image on the left is a natonal symbol. It has the lion standing up. A lion
standing up is an old symbol of Britian as well. The symbol on the right is apart of
the National Guard Bureau. It has the eagle representing strength and protection. It
has 2 fasces in an X pattern. The fasces historically was utilized in ancient Rome
and the Nazi Empire. The fasces revolving around the meaning of fascism.

Equilibrium is a film with occult symbolism and programming displays on many levels. It was a 2002 film
about a futuristic world where emotions are suppressed and people don't know how to feel. The elite runs
this society. It's basically the outline of the eptiome of a terrible Big Brother state. Ephilution has created
an excellent commentary on the film as it relates to programming (according to Fritz Springmeier such MK
Ultra style programming occurs by the Illuminati) and tons of other information. The movie describes this
world of having books, art, music, and other forms of feeling forbidden. They are punishable by death if
they violate the rules. Cleric John Preston (played by Christian Bale) is a top government agent
responsible for killing rebels. Preston resists when he misses his drug called Prozium. These events
occur during WWIII. An easy reference of programming here is that the public is forced to take sedatives
to be compliant in the Brave New World like state. In the banning of feelings, love and compassion are
gone (which have nothing to do with destructive wars at all). Wars are caused by a few evil people, not by
sincerely expressing your emotions at all. The police in the movie are militarized with overcoats and
motorcycle helments (similar to the militarized police in the US). Today, the promotion of mandatory drug
use is here as shown in the movie. The movie shows the flag of Libria. This flag is of course a Teutonic
cross. The Teutonic Cross, Templar Cross (embraced by the Vatican and even Nazis for a time. That's
why Heinrich Himmler wanted the SS to be a seccessor to the Tuetonic Knights of the Middle Ages), and
others are related to Freemasonry. In fact, the 33rd Degree Logo of Freemasonry (with the words Ordo
Ab Chao or Order out of Choas and Deus Meumque Jus meaning God's morality is my right) has a
double headed eagle on a Templar Cross. This cross has sword on it as well. The movie promotes a new
society out of the ashes of war, which is similar to the Phoenix story of a mystical bird rising above the
ashes. The film calls the leaders of this Big Brother state as the Tetragrammaton (or the first 4 letters of
the name of God in the Hebrew language). The film has Papal links like the head of state called "Father."
The leaders were clerical dress (and call each other cleric). These leaders look like Jesuit priests with
their clerical dress indeed. The film promotes the view that a break away person from the elite can save
us. Yet, a mere human being can never save us. Only God can save us. Also, we need to do individual
independent action and not totally have reliance on a human being.

Car logos are known to have symbolism. One of the easiest to see is the Chrysler logo. It looks similar to
the false Egyptian god called Ra (or Horus. Horus is notriously pictured with wings. Chrysler also has a
symbol as a Pentagon with a star in it). Bentley, Mini, Aston Martin, and other car companies' logos look
like the winged image of Horus as well. Even the Mazda truck is closely similar to the god called Ahura-
Mazda. This god is found in the Zoroastrian religion. In Zoroastrianism, they believe that there is an evil
god and a good god. This good god is the good of light of Ahura. Of course, Lucifer shows a false light.
According to, the 32nd degree ritual in Scottish Rite
Freemasonry have members praising Mitra (according to the link Mitra is defined as the fire, the dawn,
and the morning star). Mitra is similar to Mithra of the Persian god of the Mystery Religion. 2 Cor 11:14
says that: "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor 11:15 outlines
that: "Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness;
whose end shall be according to their works"). The Romans called Mithra as the sun god. It isn't a secret
that high level Freemasonry Manly P. Hall praised Lucifer. Dodge famous image is that of a ram. Its horns
are made to point up up and downward. Other car images look exactly like the Coat of Arms of European
Nations (from Chevron, Porsche Buick, and to others). Peugeot is a car company with a lion standing,
which is the logo of the UK. Saab has the logo of a dragon with a crown on its head. Mitsubishi has 3
diamonds as its symbol looking like a Pyramid. Some have called this image the triceps or used for
protection magically in the Middle Ages.

By Timothy

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