Learning AmiBroker - Three Stages of Knowledge

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Learning AmiBroker - Three Stages of Kno ledge

Considering learning AmiBroker in stages, something like the following: Beginning Stage Time required: 10 to 20 hours Guidance: Read UserGuide Section Introduction, and Getting Started Sections Read and Do UserGuide/Tutorials of Interest. Capablilities: data source Setup and use of AmiBroker and AmiQuote for updating quote data from preferred How to setup and work with watchlists How to use Chart Window, Parameters, Preferences, Menus How to Create charts, apply technical indicators, save and recall them from layouts There is a lot of ready-to-use capabilities in AmiBroker you should learn. Not all of these are important and sections can be skipped or delayed until needed. You will need to edit AFL programs to make changes or build entire programs to get the most out of AmiBroker. So Learning AFL can be done a little at a time, by instruction and by example, using code from existing programs and using the manual to find out how to use the built-in functions.

Intermediate Stage Time required: 50 100 hours Guidance: Tutorials - work on most of the tutorials in www.amibroker.com/guide/tutorial.html or UsersGuide/ Tutorial section Read: UsersGuide/ Amibroker Reference Guide UsersGuide/ AFL/ Basics UsersGuide/ Calculating multiple-security statistics with AddToComposite UsersGuide/ AFL/ AFL Tools Capabilities: Customize charts Install and Edit AFL programs to adapt and modify programs Run programs in various AA Windows scan, explore, backtest, optimize

After you get to the Intermediate Stage, we will install various AFL programs from AmiBroker s library and some that I have collected and developed. At this point, users should be able to help each other with basic experiences and programs they have worked on and help others. Continue to learn by collecting programs and reviewing AFL code to understand techniques and formulations. Suggestions for Learning AFL 1. Set an objective to learn AFL for specific things. Then try the examples in the user manual and tutorials. 2. Follow the website discussions which will clarify how to use AB for various tasks. 3. Folllow the website discussions which are a continuous tutorial for learning AFL and technical analysis.

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Whe e o Go fo Help
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