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Amniotic Fluid Embolism: Irene Stafford, MD, Jeanne She Eld, MD

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Obstet Gynecol Clin N Am 34 (2007) 545553

Amniotic Fluid Embolism

Irene Staord, MD*, Jeanne Sheeld, MD
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75390-9032, USA

Amniotic uid embolism (AFE) is a catastrophic syndrome occurring during labor and delivery or immediately postpartum. Although presenting symptoms may vary, common clinical features include shortness of breath, altered mental status followed by sudden cardiovascular collapse, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), and maternal death. It was rst recognized as a syndrome in 1941, when two investigators described fetal mucin and squamous cells during postmortem examination of the pulmonary vasculature in women who had unexplained obstetric deaths [1]. Since then, many studies, case reports, and series have been published in an attempt to elucidate the etiology, risk factors, and pathogenesis of this mysterious obstetric complication. The incidence of AFE has been reported in the range of 1 in 8000 to 80,000 deliveries [2]. Two recent large population-based cohort studies have demonstrated the rate of AFE to be 14.8 and 6.0 per 100,000 in multiparous and primigravid deliveries, respectively [3,4]. The true incidence is unclear because this syndrome is dicult to identify and the diagnosis remains one of exclusion, with possible under-reporting of nonfatal cases. There have also been discrepancies in the published maternal mortality rates associated with AFE. In a well-dened United States national registry examining 46 cases of AFE within a 5-year span, maternal mortality rates were reported at 61%, with a neurologically intact maternal survival rate of 15% [5]. Investigators from the United Kingdom report a maternal mortality rate of 37% in their registry of AFE, with 93% of survivors remaining neurologically intact [6]. Other retrospective studies reporting from databases derived from hospital charts have reported maternal mortality rates between 13% and 26%, with normal maternal outcome in 87% of survivors [3,4]. Fetal outcome is poor when AFE occurs before delivery. The fetal

* Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Stafford). 0889-8545/07/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ogc.2007.08.002 obgyn.theclinics.com



survival rate approaches 40%, though with 29% and 50% of surviving neonates developing neurologic abnormalities [5,6]. Although the United States national registry did not nd any maternal demographic risk factors for AFE, they found that 70% of cases occurred during labor, 19% were recorded during cesarean section, and 11% of cases occurred immediately following vaginal delivery [5]. Other studies have also found an increased frequency of AFE in women who underwent cesarean delivery, with rates between 20% and 60% [4,7]. Approximately 50% of these cases were associated with fetal distress, suggesting that amniotic uid embolus and associated hypoxia preceded cesarean delivery. This interpretation is supported by studies from the United Kingdom in which only one of the ve cesarean deliveries in the registry was performed before the diagnosis of AFE [6]. Rupture of membranes was a consistent nding among 78% of women in the United States AFE registry, with onset of symptoms occurring within 3 minutes of amniotomy in 11% of cases [5]. Another study found maternal age (mean age, 33 years) and multiparity (mean parity, 2.6) to be associated with AFE [4]. Conicting data have been reported on multiple gestation. The frequency of twin gestation in the national AFE registry was not increased from baseline population estimates but found to be approximately threefold higher in one retrospective analysis [4]. In the large cohort study examining the association between AFE and the induction of labor along with other risk factors, AFE was found in twice as many women who underwent medical induction of labor. This association was even stronger for fatal cases (odds ratio, 3.5). Increased rates of AFE were also found in women who had placenta previa, placental abruption, cervical lacerations, or uterine rupture and in women who underwent operative vaginal delivery [3]. Although eclampsia was also strongly associated with AFE in this study, no risk factor has been consistently substantiated in the literature. Etiology and pathogenesis The mechanism of disease for AFE is poorly understood. Early studies describe the histologic presence of amniotic uid components in lung tissue during postmortem examination in obstetric patients who had unexplained death [1]. This nding was followed by reports of amniotic uid debris found in maternal circulation in fatal and nonfatal cases of AFE [8,9]. Conventional wisdom describes the eux of amniotic uid components into maternal vasculature as driven by a pressure or electrochemical gradient by way of lacerations in the lower uterine segment, endocervical vessels, and placental site [9]. Plugging of the cervical vasculature by amniotic uid elements has been described, although the mechanism by which this leads to AFE is unclear. In addition, elements of amniotic uid have been isolated in blood and sputum of pregnant women who did not have clinical evidence of AFE [10,11].



Amniotic uid contains various concentrations of fetal squamous epithelial cells, lanugo hair, vernix, mucin, zinc coproporphyrin, prostaglandins, and platelet activating factor. One possible mechanism of disease includes the eect of direct procoagulants found in amniotic uid on maternal systems. The presence of vasoactive substances, such as platelet activating factor, in the placenta and amniotic uid has been shown to cause increased vascular permeability; bronchoconstriction; platelet aggregation; recruitment of leukotrienes, cytokines, and thromboxanes; and the cascade of prostaglandin production [12]. In one small study examining the eect of autologous fetal membranes on the coagulation prole in pigs, ndings were signicant for decreased platelets, brinogen, and antithrombin III. Although these laboratory abnormalities are consistent with AFE, the syndrome of AFE could not be elicited in this study [13]. Similar studies involving primates also failed to model the syndrome despite procoagulant eects of autologous amniotic uid [1416]. Currently, there is no suitable animal model for amniotic uid embolus secondary to the limitations of autologous amniotic uid. Laboratory testing for the fetal antigen sialyl Tn has shown some diagnostic value with AFE [1719]. Sialyl Tn is a fetal antigen present in meconium and amniotic uid detected most accurately with the TKH-2 monoclonal antibody [19,20]. In a small Japanese case series, seven of nine women who had the diagnosis of AFE had elevated serum levels of fetal antigen compared with control subjects. In addition, special imunohistochemical stains for the presence of fetal antigen in lung tissue were positive in women who had a history of AFE [18]. An anaphylactic or complement activation reaction to sialyl Tn may explain the mechanism of disease. In one small series, complement activation was found along with high levels of sialyl Tn. Levels of complement C3 and C4 were twofold to threefold lower than normal [17]. When these markers were used for evaluation of anesthesia-induced allergic anaphylaxis, however, similar results were found [17,21]. An alternative immunologic mechanism for AFE involves the possibility of anaphylaxis with massive mast cell degranulation, independent of antigen-antibodymediated classic anaphylaxis. In early studies, immunohistochemical staining in postmortem cases of AFE revealed elevated numbers of mast cells in the pulmonary vasculature [22]. Tryptase has been examined as a factor involved in anaphylaxis because it is specic to mast cells and has a longer half-life than histamine. In one study using serum tryptase and urinary histamine concentrations as markers for mast cell degranulation, no dierence was found between women who had a history of AFE compared with control subjects [17]. Other investigators, however, found elevated tryptase levels in women who had AFE, but these values were compared with nonpregnant control subjects [23,24]. Of note, in some cases when complement is involved in classic antibody-antigen anaphylaxis, mast cell degranulation can occur [25]. The studies evaluating serum tryptase levels in AFE cases did not simultaneously measure complement levels [23,24].



Clinical presentation Although AFE typically occurs during labor and delivery or immediately postpartum, rare cases of AFE have been reported after midtrimester termination, transabdominal amniocentesis, trauma, and saline amnioinfusion [2630]. Classic presenting symptoms of AFE include respiratory distress, altered mental status, profound hypotension, coagulopathy, and death [2]. Historical studies have described the presenting symptom as primarily respiratory distress, whereas other studies describe the most common presenting symptom before delivery to be altered mental status. Seizure or seizure-like activity was reported as the initial symptom in 30% of patients involved in the United States national registry, followed by dyspnea (27%), fetal bradycardia (17%), and hypotension (13%) [5]. Over 50% of postpartum patients who had AFE presented with postpartum hemorrhage secondary to coagulopathy [5]. Other signs and symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and headache. Diagnostic criteria used for the United States and the United Kingdom registries for AFE are listed in Box 1. Due to the vast overlap of the symptomatology of AFE with other disease states, consideration for the dierential diagnosis of AFE is warranted. A dierential diagnosis for possible AFE is shown in Box 2. Clinical features of AFE include profound cardiovascular changes. According to the United States national registry, all patients who had AFE experienced hypotension. Most women (93%) had some level of pulmonary edema or adult respiratory distress syndrome along with hypoxia [5]. One explanation for these ndings includes the possibility of severe bronchospasm related to the presence of fetal elements in the pulmonary vasculature; however, only 15% of patients were found to have bronchospasm [5]. Transesophageal echocardiograpy and pulmonary artery catheters have demonstrated transiently elevated pulmonary artery pressures in cases of AFE along with left ventricular dysfunction, supporting the notion that these pulmonary ndings are consistent with cardiogenic shock. There have also been reports of isolated right ventricular dysfunction with high

Box 1. Diagnostic criteria for amniotic uid embolism Acute hypotension and/or cardiac arrest Acute hypoxia diagnosed by dyspnea, cyanosis, and/or respiratory arrest Coagulopathy or severe clinical hemorrhage in the absence of other explanations All of these occurring during labor, cesarean delivery, or dilation and evacuation or within 30 minutes postpartum with no other explanation for the ndings



Box 2. Differential diagnosis for women presenting with possible amniotic uid embolism Pulmonary thromboembolism Transfusion reaction Hemorrhage Air embolism Anaphylaxis High spinal anesthesia Placental abruption Peripartum cardiomyopathy Eclampsia Myocardial infarction Septic shock Uterine rupture

right-sided pressures and tricuspid regurgitation [14,3137]. In the United States registry, all but two patients experienced cardiac arrest or serious cardiac arrhythmia, with 50% of these events occurring within 5 minutes of symptom onset [5]. Myocardial hypoxic injury may be related to decreased cardiac output and impaired lling, resulting in decreased coronary artery perfusion. Dilation of the right ventricle with subsequent leftward displacement of the interventricular septum may also contribute to myocardial dysfunction [31]. Initially, pulmonary and systemic pressures may be elevated. Although the etiology of these changes is unclear, small studies have reported vasoconstrictive eects of amniotic uid in animal models [33,38]. This vasoconstriction is often followed by profound hypotension and shock, most likely resulting from cardiogenic or obstructive causes as described earlier. After initial survival, hypoxia relates more to noncardiogenic shock, whereby severe alveolar-capillary membrane leak leads to increase pulmonary edema and decreased oxygenation [14]. In the presence of DIC, hemorrhagic shock may further complicate the management of the patient who has AFE. DIC is a common feature of AFE. According to the United States registry for AFE, 83% of patients demonstrated laboratory abnormalities or clinical ndings consistent with DIC, regardless of mode of delivery. Onset was variable, with 50% of cases occurring within 4 hours of presentation, often within 20 to 30 minutes of symptom onset [5]. The presence of clotting factors in amniotic uid has been linked with the possible activation of the clotting cascade in the pulmonary vasculature of aected women [38,39]. Additional data report that increased levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor1 antigen in amniotic uid may become active in maternal circulation, leading to consumptive coagulopathy [40]. Within the national registry,



75% of patients who presented with hemorrhage and isolated coagulopathy died despite appropriate aggressive management. Management Currently, there are no proven laboratory tests that conrm the diagnosis of AFE. Most events occur in an unpredictable manner and have variable presentation. The initial management goal includes rapid maternal cardiopulmonary stabilization with prevention of hypoxia and maintenance of vascular perfusion. In cases of refractory hypotension, vasopressors may be necessary. Central monitoring for cardiovascular status may assist in these endeavors. Eighty-seven percent of patients in the national AFE registry suered cardiac arrest. Of these, 40% occurred within 5 minutes from symptom onset. The most common dysrhythmia was found to be electrochemical dissociation, followed by bradycardia and ventricular tachycardia or brillation [5]. Ionotropes may need to be added to improve myocardial function. Initial laboratory data should include complete blood count, arterial blood gas, electrolytes, and a coagulation prole. A tryptase level is available at some hospitals, in addition to TKH-2 monoclonal antibody to fetal mucin. With or without evidence of hemorrhage as a presenting symptom, blood products should be ordered expeditiously in anticipation of profound bleeding and DIC. Uterine artery embolization and recombinant factor VII have been used in cases of severe coagulopathy resistant to conventional blood and product replacement [4143]. Transthoracic or transesophageal echocardiography is often necessary to evaluate cardiac function and to guide treatment, along with a 12-lead ECG. When ischemia or infarction is suspected, cardiac isoenzymes and troponins should be obtained. A chest radiograph should be ordered to evaluate the possibility of pulmonary edema and cardiac enlargement. Diuretics may be used with caution for pulmonary edema. Other case reports have described the use of continuous hemodialtration, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation in cases of AFE [4446]. In one report, early transesophageal echocardiogram demonstrating severe pulmonary vasoconstriction and cor pulmonale led to successful rescue using cardiopulmonary bypass [45]. According to the national registry, 70% of patients were in labor when AFE occurred. When fetuses are undelivered, the fetal mortality rate approaches 20% [47]. Of the surviving fetuses recorded in the registries, 30% were severely acidotic, with a 12% perinatal mortality rate [5,6]. In cases of cardiac arrest, administration of all cardiac support measures, including medications used in resuscitation, should be without delay. The patient can be placed in the left lateral decubitus position before chest compressions to avoid compression of the inferior vena cava by the gravid uterus. In cases in which asystole or malignant arrhythmia is present for greater than 4 minutes, perimortum cesarean delivery should be considered



[48]. Uterine evacuation after unsuccessful resuscitation may not only be therapeutic for the mother but also improve neonatal outcome [48,49]. Intact fetal survival has been shown to be possible when delivery is accomplished within 5 minutes of maternal cardiac arrest [48]. Signicant maternal morbidity is associated with AFE. Over 75% of patients in the United Kingdom registry required intensive care management, with an average length of stay of 5.2 9.7 days among survivors. An average of 34 U of blood products was required in these patients [6]. In the United States AFE registry, only 15% of patients who had cardiac arrest survived neurologically intact [5]. Other sequelae include liver hematoma, renal and multisystem failure, and ischemic encephalopathy. There are no data to support recurrence risk for subsequent pregnancies in women who survive [37]. Overall morbidity and mortality of AFE has improved with early recognition of the syndrome and improved resuscitative eorts involving multiple disciplines of medicine. In cases recorded within the United Kingdom registry, women who survived AFE had a shorter time frame between symptom onset and treatment (41.5 minutes versus 108 minutes) [6,50]. Although there are many new research developments in this eld, the etiology and the pathogenesis of AFE remain unclear. Currently, there is no gold standard diagnostic test. AFE remains a diagnosis of exclusion dependent on rapid bedside evaluation and judgment. Ideal management includes prompt evaluation of and intervention for each of the pathologic events found in this complex obstetric condition. References
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