Sales Force Formulas Developer Cheatsheet
Sales Force Formulas Developer Cheatsheet
Sales Force Formulas Developer Cheatsheet
A formula is an expression that derives its value from other elds, expressions, or values. Formulas can be used in a number of contexts, such as custom elds for auto-calculating values, as criteria for data validation and workow, as well as the expression language in Visualforce. DATE
Getting Started
You can build formulas if youre using a part of the platform that supports them. For example, when creating a new eld you can create a validation rule that determines when data is valid: AND(LEN(AccountNumber__c) > 0, NOT(ISNUMBER(AccountNumber__c))) In Visualforce you can use formulas in any component that supports expressions by including the formula inside {! } characters. Heres an example of a Visualforce page that dynamically renders as a PDF or HTML, depending on whether a parameter render is passed: <apex:page renderAs="{!IF($CurrentPage.Parameters.render == 'pdf','pdf',null)}"> Something here... </apex:page> You can also create elds of type formula, to auto-calculate values within a record. For example, heres one calculating a line item value: Unit_Price__c * Units_Sold__c Not all formula functions are supported in all contexts.
International Functions
ISBLANK Determines whether an expression has a value and returns TRUE if it does not. If it contains a value, this function returns FALSE. Determines whether an expression has a value and returns a substitute expression if it does not. If the expression has a value, returns the value of the expression. Returns the previous value of a eld.
Math Operators
PRIORVALUE + * / ^ () Calculates the sum of two values. Calculates the difference of two values. Multiplies its values. Divides its values. Raises a number to a power of a specied number. Species that the expressions within the open parenthesis and close parenthesis are evaluated rst. All other expressions are evaluated using standard operator precedence. CASE
Logical Functions
AND Returns TRUE response if all values are true; returns a FALSE response if one or more values are false. Checks a given expression against a series of values. If the expression is equal to a value, returns the corresponding result. If it is not equal to any values, it returns the else_result. Determines whether expressions are true or false. Returns a given value if true and another if false. Compares the value of a eld to the previous value and returns TRUE if the values are different. If the values are the same, this function returns FALSE. Checks whether the formula is running during the creation of a new record and returns TRUE if it is. If an existing record is being updated, this function returns FALSE. Determines whether a text value is a number and returns TRUE if it is. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. Returns FALSE for TRUE and TRUE for FALSE. Determines whether expressions are true or false. Returns TRUE if any expression is true. Returns FALSE if all expressions are false.
Logical Operators
= and == <> and != < > <= >= && || Evaluates whether two values are equivalent. Evaluates whether two values are not equivalent. Evaluates whether a value is less than the value that follows this symbol. Evaluates whether a value is greater than the value that follows this symbol. Evaluates whether a value is less than or equal to the value that follows this symbol. Evaluates whether a value is greater than or equal to the value that follows this symbol. Evaluates whether two values or expressions are both true. Use this operator as an alternative to the logical function AND. Evaluates whether at least one of multiple values or expressions is true. Use this operator as an alternative to the logical function OR.
Text Operators
& Concatenates two or more strings.
Math Functions
ABS CEILING EXP FLOOR LN Calculates the absolute value of a number. The absolute value of a number is the number without its positive or negative sign. Rounds a number up to the nearest integer. Returns a value for e raised to the power of a number you specify. Returns a number rounded down to the nearest integer. Returns the natural logarithm of a specied number. Natural logarithms are based on the constant e value of 2.71828182845904. Returns the base 10 logarithm of a number. Returns the highest number from a list of numbers. Returns the lowest number from a list of numbers. Returns a remainder after a number is divided by a specied divisor. Returns the nearest number to a number you specify, constraining the new number by a specied number of digits. Returns the positive square root of a given number.
Text Functions
BEGINS BR CONTAINS FIND GETSESSIONID HYPERLINK IMAGE INCLUDES ISPICKVAL LEFT LEN Determines whether text begins with specic characters and returns TRUE if it does. Returns FALSE if it does not. Inserts a line break in a string of text. Compares two arguments of text and returns TRUE if the rst argument contains the second argument. If not, returns FALSE. Returns the position of a string within a string of text represented as a number. Returns the users session ID. Creates a link to a URL specied that is linkable from the text specied. Inserts an image with alternate text and height/width specications. Determines whether any value selected in a multi-select picklist eld equals a text literal you specify. Determines whether the value of a picklist eld is equal to a text literal you specify. Returns the specied number of characters from the beginning of a text string. Returns the number of characters in a specied text string. Converts all letters in the specied text string to lowercase. Any characters that are not letters are unaffected by this function. Locale rules are applied if a locale is provided. Inserts spaces or characters you specify to the left-side of a text string. Returns the specied number of characters from the middle of a text string given the starting position. Returns the specied number of characters from the end of a text string. Inserts blank spaces or characters that you specify to the rightside of a text string. Substitutes new text for old text in a text string. Converts a percent, number, date, date/time, or currency type eld into text anywhere formulas are used. Also, converts picklist values to text in validation rules, formula elds, and eld updates. Removes the spaces and tabs from the beginning and end of a text string. Converts all letters in the specied text string to uppercase. Any characters that are not letters are unaffected by this function. Locale rules are applied if a locale is provided. Converts a text string to a number.
Advanced Functions
LOWER GETRECORDIDS INCLUDE LINKTO REGEX Returns an array of strings in the form of record IDs for the selected records in a list, such as a list view or related list. Returns content from an s-control snippet. Use this function to reuse common code in many s-controls. Returns a relative URL in the form of a link (href and anchor tags) for a custom s-control or Salesforce page. Compares a text eld to a regular expression and returns TRUE if there is a match. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. A regular expression is a string used to describe a format of a string according to certain syntax rules. Returns a script tag with source for a URL you specify. Use this function when referencing the AJAX Toolkit or other JavaScript toolkits. Returns a relative URL for an action, s-control, or a le in a static resource archive in a Visualforce page. Returns a value by looking up a related value on a custom object similar to the VLOOKUP() Excel function. TRIM LPAD MID RIGHT RPAD SUBSTITUTE
Encoding Functions
HTMLENCODE Encodes text and merge eld values for use in HTML by replacing characters that are reserved in HTML, such as the greater-than sign (>), with HTML entity equivalents, such as >. Encodes text and merge eld values for use in JavaScript by inserting escape characters, such as a backslash (\), before unsafe JavaScript characters, such as the apostrophe (). Encodes text and merge eld values for use in JavaScript within HTML tags by inserting escape characters before unsafe JavaScript characters and replacing characters that are reserved in HTML with HTML entity equivalents. Encodes text and merge eld values for use in URLs by replacing characters that are illegal in URLs, such as blank spaces, with the code that represent those characters as dened in RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identier (URI): Generic Syntax. For example, blank spaces are replaced with %20, and exclamation points are replaced with %21.
Summary Functions
Only used in the context of creating custom summary formulas for summary reports. PARENTGROUPVAL PREVGROUPVAL A summary function that returns the value of the selected summary eld from the parent grouping level that you specify. A summary function that returns the value of the selected summary eld from the previous summary row at the grouping level that you specify.