2010.07.12 - Litton Loan Servicing
2010.07.12 - Litton Loan Servicing
2010.07.12 - Litton Loan Servicing
Blvd Ap1811
Thankyou for returningthe signedLoan Modification Agrcementto our office confirming your agreement with Litton Iran Servicing,LP! As prcmise4 attaohed a copy ofyour Agreement. is
Auditor/ContiollerBecorder Recoding Requested and by Aner Recordrng Retum To: Bro$n & Associates 2316Soulbmore Pasadena, ?7502 TX
6t23t2010 9:31IiM EM
C Priorily Mail
litles: 1
Pages: 7
, Parcel: 0 thenthis HomeAffordable respects, to lf my represeniations Section1 continue be true in all material in (1) ("Agreement') as set forth in Section3, amendand supplement the will, Modifcation Agfeement and by The and lvlortgage the Property, (2) the Notesecured the lvlortgage. lModgage Notetogether, on " terms are to as they maypreviously havebeenamended, feferred as the "LoanDocuments Capitalized givento themin LoanDocuments havethe meaning and usedin thisAgreement notdeflned will to the of I understand afterI signand fetumhvo copie,s thisAgreement the Lender, Lender send that set will This Agreement not take effectunlessthe prcconditions me a signedcopy of this Agreement. beensatisfied. forthin Section have 2 '1. and agree: I to My Representations. cedity,represent Lendef, A. B. C. D. underthe Loan hanjship, as a result,(i) | am in default and I am expe encinga financial liquidassetsto income accessto sufficient of Documents, (ii) | do not havsufflcient and payments or in the neaa future; now mortgage makethe monthly and the Pfopertyhas not been I live in the Pfopertyas my p ncipal residence, conoemneo; of There has been no changein the owne.ship the Pfopertysince I signedthe Loan Documents; (and I underctand I am that for I haveprovided documentation all incomethat I receive unlessI choseto fely on suchincome to childsupportor alimony not required disclose program ('Program")); fof Modification whenrequesting quality the HomeAffordable to
of eachis referrcd as '1." Forpuposes thisdocument io or executing is documeni. tl tf thee is moretha. oneBorower tvlortgagor plu?l(suchas \de) andviceve'sawhere (sucb aPprcpriate. as'l) shallinclude the wordssigniiying singular the I MaeFreddie MacUNIFORIU HOME AFFORDABLE ll'IODtFtcATION AGREEMENTSingle Family-Fannie IVIULTISTATE Form 3157 3/09 {rev.8/09) INSTRUMENT
Loan Number
E. F. G. 2.
Underpenaltyof pedury,all documents and information have provided Lenderin I to connection this Agreement, with including documents the and information regarding my eligibility the Program, trueand correct; for are lf Lenderrequires to obtaincreditcounseling connection the program, will do me in with I so;and I have made or will make all paymentsrequiredunder a T al Period Plan or Loan Workout Plan.
Acknowledgemenls and Prcconditions Modification.I understand acknowledge to and that: A. lf priorto the Modification Effectjve Dateas set forthin Section the Lender 3 determines that any of my rcpresentalions Section arc no longertrue and corect, the LoanDocuments in 1 will not be modified thisAgreement terminate.In thatevent,the Lender haveall and will will provided the l-oanDocuments; of the rights and rcmedies by and B. I understand the LoanDocumenits not be modified that will unlessand until(i) I receive from the Lender copyof thisAgrcement a signe(jby the Lender, and (ii)the lvlodiilcation Effective Date(as defined Section has occurred.I furtherunderctand agreethat the Lender in 3) and wjll not be obligated boundto mLke modification the Loan Documents I fail tb of any of if meetanyone ofthe requkements under Agreement. this
The Modification. If my representations Section1 continue be true in all matedal in to rcspecis and all preconditions the modification fofth in Section2 have been met, the Loan to set Documents automatically will becomemodified 121112009 "Modification (the Effective Date") on and all unpaid latechafges that remain ufpaidwill be waived. I understand if I havefailedto that makeany payments a precondition this modiiication as io undera workoutplan or trial period plan,thismodiflcation nottakeeffect.Thefirstmodified payment be due on will will 1t1t2010. A. The newMaturity Datewill be'.1l1l20a\7 principal B. The modified balance my l\lotewill include amounts arearages of all and thatwill be pastdue as ofthe lvlodification Effective Date(including unpaid and deferred interest, fees, escrow advances othefcosts,butexcluding and unpaid charges, late collectively, "Unpaid paidto the Lender not previously Amounts") anyamounts less but crcdited my Loan. to (the The newprincipal balance my Notewill be $205,081.46 "NewPrincipal of Balance"). principal I underctand by agreeing add the Unpaid that to Amounts the outstanding to balance. addedUnpaid the Amounts accrue interest basedon the interest in efiectunder rate thisAgreement.alsounderstand thismeansinterest nowaccrue the unpaid I that will on principal lnterest without that is addedto the outstanding balance, whichwouldnot happen thisAgreement. C. fnierestat the rate of 4.750%will beginto accrueon the New PdncipalBalanceas of paymeni the New Pdncipal 1211/2009 the firsi new monthly and on Balance be due on will 111i2410. payment My schedule the modified fof Loanis as follows:
Date Change
12J112009 '12J112014
$1,346.08, 1 t 1 2 A 1 A
1t1t2015 265
*Theescrowpayments pedodically accordance applicable and may be adjusted in with law payment thereforc totalmonthly my maychange accordingly.
Lorin Nmber:
that D,
ng term of the loan. My modified loan wjll not havea negative amodization feature uld allowme to pay lessthan tlte interest due resulting any unpaidinterest be in to to theoutstanding principat balance. be in defaultif I do not complywith the terms of the LoanDocuments, modified as by
It rate of interestis permiltedunderthe Loan Documents, then in the event of def+lt undefthe LoanDocuments, amended, interest will be due will be the aate as the that setfprthjn Section 3.C. F. I agieeto pay in full the DeferedPrincipal Balance any otheramounts oweounoer and still the Loan Documents the ea.liestof: (i) the date I sell or transferan irterest in the by Propedy,(ii) the date I pay the entire InterestBearingprincipalBalance, (iii) the new of N4aiudty Date. pfepayment Principal, Lendermayapptythat paftialprepayment G. lf I makea partial of the first to any Deferred Principal Balance belbreapplying suchpadialprepayment otheramounts to due. AdditionalAgreements.I agreeto the following: A. That all persons who signedthe Loan Documents theirauthorized or fepresentative(s) have signedthis Agreement, unless(i) a borrower co-borfower deceased; the borrowe. or (ii) is and co-bofrcwer divorced are and the property has beentransferedto one spousein the divorce decree, spouse the who no longerhas an interest the propedyneednot sign this in (although non-signing Agreement the spousemaycontinue be heldliablefor the obligaiion to underthe LoanDocuments); (iii)the Lendefhaswaived requirement writing. or this in B. That thisAgfeement shallsupercede termsof any modiflcation, the forbearance, period Trial Plan,or Workout PlanthatI previously entered with Lender. into C. To comply, exceptto the extentthat they are modified thisAgreement, all covenants, by with agreements, and requirements Loan Documents of including agreement make all my to payments taxes, insu[ance premiums, of assessments, Escrowltems, impounds, and all otherpayments, amount the ofwhichmaychangeperiodically the termof my Loan. over D. Funds for Escrow ltems. I will pay to Lendefon the day payments due undefthe Loan afe Documenis amended thisAgreement, the Loanis paidin full,a sum (the"Funds") as by until io provide .layment amounis for of due for: (a) taxesand assessments otheritemswhich and can attainpriority overthe Mortgage a lienof encumbrEnce the Prcpefty, teasehold as on (b) payments groundrentson the Property, any; (c) premiums any and all insurance or if for requited Lender by underthe LoanDocumentst mortgage (d) premiums, any, or insurance if any sums payableto Lendefin lieu of the paymentof mortgage premiumsin insu|ance accordance with the Loan Documents; (e) any community and association dues,iees, and assessments Lender that fequires be escrowed.Theseitemsare called to "Escrow ltems." I shall prcmptly fu.nishto Lendefatt noticesof amounts be paid underthis Section to 4.D. I shall pay Lendefthe Fundsfor EscrowltemsunlessLender wajvesmy obligation pay to to LenderFundsfor any or all Escrowltems at any time. Any such waivermay only be in w.iting. In the eventof such waiver,I shall pay directly, when and where payable, the amounts due for any Escrow ltemsfor whichpayment Fundshas beenwajvedby Lender of and,if Lendefrequires, shallfurnish Lenderreceipts to evidencing suchpayment withinsuch time pe od as Lendermay requ;re. My obligation makesuch payments to and to pfovide receipts shallfof all purposes deemedto be a covenant agreement be and contained the in
this lfa
Loen Number
Loan Documents, the phrase"covenant agreement'isusedin ihe LoanDocuments. as and lf I am obligated pay Escrowltems direcfly, to pursuant a waivef,and I fail to pay me to amountdue for an Escrowltem,Lendermay exefciseits rightsundefthe Loan Documents and this Agreement pay such amountand I shallthen be obligated repayto Lender and to any suchamount Lendermay revokethe waivea to any or all Escrcwltemsat any time as Dya nolce gtvenrnaccordance the LoanDocuments, uponsuchrevocation,shall with and, I payto Lender Funds, in suchamounts, are thenrcquired all and that underthisSection 4.D. Lendermay,at any time,collect and hold Fundsin an amount(a) sufficient permitLender to to applythe Fundsat the time specified procedures underthe ReatEstateSetflement Aci ("RESPA") (b) not to exceed maximum and the amounta lendercan requireunderRESPA. Lendefshallestimate amountof Fundsdue on the basisof curent data and reasonaote the estirnates expenditures futureEscrowltemsof otherwise accofdance of of in with applicable Ihe Fundsshallbe held in an institution whosedeposits are insuredby a federalagency, instrumentaliiy, entity(including or Lender, Lendefis an institution if whosedeposits so arc insured) in any Federal or HomeLoanBank.Lender shallapplythe Fundsto pay the Escror[/ Itemsno laterthanthe iime specified underRESpA.Lender shallnot chargeme fof holding and applyingthe Funds,annuallyanalyzing escrowaccount, verjfyingthe Escrcw the or Items,unlessLendefpays me interest the Fundsand applicable permitsLenderto on law make such a charge. Unlessan agreement made in writingor appticable requtres is law interestto be paid on the Funds,Lendershall not be requifed pay me any interestof to earnings the Funds. on Lender shallprovide without me, charge, annualaccounting the an of Fundsas required RESPA. by lf thereis a surplus Fundsheldin escrow, deflned of as underRESPA, Lendershallaccount to me for the excess fundsin accodancewith RESPA. thereis a shodaqe Fundsheldin lf of escrow, defined as undefRESPA, Lendershaltnotiryme as required RESPA, by and tshall pay to Lenderthe amountnecessary make up the shortage accordance to in with RESPA, payments. thereis a deficiency Fundsheldin escrow, but in no morethan12 monthly lf of as definedunderRESPA,Lendershall noiify me as rcquiredby RESPA,and I sha pay to Lenderthe amountnecessary make up the deficiency accordance to in with RESPA, in but paymentsno morethan12 monthly Upon payment full of all sums secufedby the Loan Documents, in Lendersha prompfly refund me any Funds to hejdby Lender. E. That the Loan Documents composed duly valid,binding are of agreements, enfofceable in accoadance theirtefms with and arc hefebyreaffirmed. That all termsand provisions the Loan Documents, of exceptas expressly modified this by Agreemeni, remainin full forceand effect nothing thisAgreement in shall be undeFtood or construed be a satisfaction feleasein wholeor in partof the obligations to or contained the in Loan Documents; that exceptas otheMisespecifictly and provided and as expressly in, modified this Agfeement, Lenderand I will be boundby, and will comptywiih, alt of by, the the tefmsandconditions ofthe LoanDocuments.
Loan Numbe
G. That,as of the lrodiftcation Effective Date,not\,vithstanding otherprovision the Loan any of Documents,agreeas follows: lf all or any pad of the proierty or any interest it is soldor I in tEnsferredwithout Lender,sprjor written consent,Lende.'may, at its option, require immediate payment full of all sumssecuredby the Mortgage.liowever,Lenoersha in not exercise optionif stateor federattaw, rutesor regutation-s this prohibit exercrse such the of optionas of the dateof suchsale or transfer. lf Lenderexerci;esthis option,Lendersha,l give me noticeof acceleration. The noticeshallprovjde periodof not less than 30 days a from the datethe noticeis delivered mailedwithinwhichI mustpay all sumssecufeooy or the L4ortgage. fail to pay these sufis priorto the expiration th;s period,Lendermay lfl of invoke any rcmedies permitted the l\Iortgage by without further notice dimanu on me. or H. That, as of the Modification Effective Date,I understand ihe Lenderwill ontyallowthe that transfer assumption the Loan,inctuding Agreement, a tEnsferee ;y property and of this to of as permitted undea the carn St. GermainAct, 12 U.S.C.Section1701j_3. A buyer of tEnsferee the prcpeftywill not be permitted, of underany othercircumstanie, assume to ne Loan. Exceptas notedherein,this Agreement may noi be assigned of assumeo a to, oy, buyeror tEnsferee the pfoperty. of I. That,as of the Nrodificatioh Effective Date,if any prcvision the Noteor in any addendum in oi amendment the Noteallowed the assessment a penalty full or partial to for of for prepaymeni ofthe Note,suchprovision nullandvoid. is J. That, I will cooperate fully with Lenderin obtaining tifle endorsement(s), simitar any or tifle product(s), lnsu|ance and/orsubordination agreement(s) a|e necessary requircdby that or the Lendeis procedufes ensufethat the modified to mortgage loan is in firct lien position and/oris..fuily enforceable upon modiflcation that il underany circumstance not and and withstanding anything else to the contraryin this Agreement, iender does nor recerve the suchtitleendorsement(s), insurance title product(s) and/orsubordination agreement(s), then the termsof thisAgreement not become will effective the l\4odification on Effective Dateand the Agreement be nullandvoid. will K. That I will executesuch olher documents may be reasonabjy as necessary either (i) to consummate terms and condjtions this Ag.eementior (ii) correctthe terms and the of conditions this Planif an er|or is detected of afterexecution ihis Agreement.I undeFtand of thata corrected Agreement be provjded me and thisAgreement be voidand of no wilj to will legaleffect uponnotjce ofsuch error. lf I electnotto signanysuchco.rected Agreement, the termsof the o ginalLoan Documents sha continue ful iorce and effect,s;ch termswilt in not be modified this Agreement, by and I will not be eligiblefor a modiflcation unoerthe HomeAfiordable program. Modification L. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, (,,MERS,,)a separate Inc. is corporation organized and existing underthe lawsof Delaware has an address and and telepho;enumber;t p.O. Box 2026, Flint, l\,11 48501-2026, (888) 679-MERS. In cases wheie the loan has been rcgistered with l\rERS who has ontytegaltifleto the interests granted the boffower the by in mortgage and who is actingsolelyas nominee Lenderand Lender'ssuccessorc for and assigns,|\4ERS has ihe right to exerciseany of alt of those interests, including, not but limitedto, the righi to forectose and sell the property; and to take any actionrequired of Lender including, not timited releasing canceling mortgageloan. but to, and the
l,oanNumbe M. That Lenderwjll coJlect an.l ,ecord personal jncludjng, not timitedto, Information, but my name.address, telephone numbr, sociat sFcurily numUer. creOit,icol.in"orn..p"yr.ni history,govemment monitoring information, infornraiion-aOoril"c"ount oatances and actrvity. In addition, understand^and "nA I consent the discioiureoi my-personar to rntormation and the tefmsof the Triatpeiod ptanand thi" fr,oain"ution n!r."r"rit ty renOerto (a) tne u s Depadment the Treasury, FannieMae and rr"ooiJ of (b) rr,r""ln'"onn."tionwith theif fesponsibjtities underthe Home nffodability and Stabilityptan; G) a;y rnvesror, rnsurer, guarantor servicef or that owns,insures, guarantees, services first trenor subordinate or my Iien.ljf appticable) mortgage. toan(s);1ct;companiestf,"i p-".f"rin servtcesfor the HomeAffofdable programand the SeconO Uodification "upp"n f[n fVoOiflatonprogram; and (e) any HUDceriified housing counselor. N. I agreethat if any document felatedto the Loan Documents and/orthis Agreement lost, is mrsptaced, misstated, inaccurately reflectsthe kue and correcttermsanOconditions the of toanas modjfied, is otheruise or missjng, twi compry;iG i;;'rJnOJri r"qr"", ,o acknowJedge, initiat,and detivef to flie Lendeririy Ao"r."|.dtion"tne Lender "*""rtu, deems nece-ssary. the originalpromissory note is replace;,the LenderherebyIndemnifies me ,lf agarnst any rossassociated with a demand the originar on note. AI documents Lender the requests me undefthisSection of 4.N. shallbe referrecito ,,Documenis..agreeto deliver as t the. Documents reDlacemenf
Lo-an Nurnber:100777655
public,personaly a Notary
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foregorng paragraph ts
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I I-IEREBY CERT|Fy that on thisday,before me,an officer dulyauthorized the Stateand in County aforesaid lakeacknowledoements, to personally appejredLorin. fowe, nssiitantSecretary well known me bethe to to person 1. Thatsheexecuted samein my presence the freelyandvoluntarjly 2. Ihat she is the pfopercorporate officer perform to suchacts: (a) (b) Thatsuchactwastakenur o''t uestedin her by saidcorporations proper by resolution its goafdo, o,'r!fl;;ln"t'v of Thatshesigned proofto attesito the truthofthesefacts. thjs
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