I Supplementation VDA4902 en 2007-09-11
I Supplementation VDA4902 en 2007-09-11
I Supplementation VDA4902 en 2007-09-11
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1 VDA goods tag .............................................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Labelling bins with the VDA goods tag ................................................................................. 3 1.2 Sample of VDA goods tag size 210 mm 148 mm.............................................................. 5 1.3 Data elements in the standard 210 148 mm goods tag..................................................... 5 1.4 Size and contents of 2D barcode PDF417 ........................................................................... 6 1.5 Sample of VDA goods tag size 210 mm x 74 mm (KLT label) ............................................. 8 1.6 Data elements in VDA goods tag size 210 mm 74 mm (KLT label) .................................. 8
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The transport label uniquely identifies means of transport and load carriers in the internal material flow and in transit between the supplier, forwarder and recipient of the goods. All suppliers must therefore ensure that all means of transport and load carriers carry a current, accurately completed, barcoded goods tag in accordance with VDA Recommendation 4902 Version 4 (or later version). It must be ensured that all the details on the tags match the contents of the packs or load carriers. To guarantee correct identification, suppliers must remove out-of-date goods tags and labelling from packages or load units before using them. STIHL reserves the right to charge suppliers with the extra costs arising from disruption due to missing or illegible labels. VDA Recommendation 4902 Version 4 describes two label sizes: Size 210 mm x 148 mm (see page 5) Size 210 mm x 74 mm (KLT label) (see page 9)
As a general principle, the A5 sheet (size 210 mm 148 mm) should always be used as the main goods tag on packages. The KLT label size 210 mm 74 mm should be used in connection with the VDA small load carrier (KLT) system (VDA 4500). The KLT label should be inserted into the label pocket provided.
When using boxes, the KLT labels should be affixed either with adhesive across the whole label or by four adhesive dots at the corners. In addition to labelling the transport unit, it is essential for every single KLT to be identified by a VDA goods tag.
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Adhesive stickers should not be attached when using VDA small load carriers. Please refer to VDA Recommendation 4902 Version 4 (or later version) for the grade of paper to be used. Please pay attention particularly to chapter 6.1.5, Methods of Attachment. If the label holders provided on large load carriers cannot be used, the VDA goods tags should be attached using easy to remove, fully removable adhesive labels or adhesive dots.
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Required / Optional R R
No No
Supplier address (short form) Net weight Gross weight Number of packages Customers part number
The delivery note number must match R the data in the delivery note or electronic data From the delivery schedule header R Net weight of load carrier in kg Gross weight of load carrier Number of packages delivered STIHL material number in ############ format from the delivery schedule classification Per load unit / bin according to the delivery packing specification Material short text from call-off data R R R R
No No No No Yes
(9) (10)
(14) (15)
(16) (17)
Internal part number used by the supplier Supplier identification P YY.MM.DD (date of production) D YY.MM.DD (date of dispatch) The date of dispatch is acceptable if the date of production can be calculated from it. Revision status / change status material or drawing The package ID number is numeric and uniquely identifies the package within a year. This number is allocated per package by the supplier and should be used once a year only. The package ID numbers must be quoted on VDA 4913 and on the electronic document accompanying the goods / delivery note and they must match. S = packages without sub-packaging M = load unit containing only one part number G = mixed load unit / pallet Batch number / manufacturer ID number
No Yes No
No Yes
Yes No
The 2D barcode in PDF417 format on the goods tag contains the data on the slip in coded form. This enables the package data to be captured very efficiently during incoming goods processing. The structure and contents are based on the GTL (Global Transport Label) standard. PDF Header and Trailer The actual PDF barcode user data are preceded by a header identifying the data format. This is followed by the data fields, each of which is specified by an identifier (e.g. P = customers part number). Due to use of the ANSI data code, the identifiers sometimes differ from the identifiers defined according to VDA (e.g. ANSI 16K = delivery note; VDA N = delivery note).
Control character [)>
Example [)>
Format Header (Record separator, HEX 1E, ASCII 30) Data Code (according to ISO 15434)
Data Element Separator (HEX 1D, ASCII 29) Identifier + Data + Separator Format Trailer (refer to Header) Message Trailer (End of Transmission, HEX 04, ASCII 04)
16K1234567 GS
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Place of storage / place of assembly Application code Delivery note number Customers part number Change index Change status Customers packaging number Supplier number Date Licence plate
Text Text Num Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
STIHL packaging according to EDI Guideline STIHL supplier number YYMMDD 1J = Single Label 5J = Mixed Label 6J = Master Label Format '9999999v999' + unit of quantity According to Standard Country Code list SA 512, item 10
E2 4L
Text Text
K 5K
Num Num
Other data fields can also be transmitted (as optional fields), but these must be agreed with STIHL beforehand. Example of data flow for the above package
[)>RS 06GS 2LD5GS G 20LD5 S G 21L S 4WSGS 16K908146943GS P11210201218AGS G 21P01 S 2PE01GS BEF1GS V57349611GS 12D070131GS G 1JUN123456789987654321 S
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Licence plate identifier (1J = Single Label, 5J = Mixed Label, 6J = Master Label) DUNS number ISO allocation point DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) = companys unique number (see also http://www.dnbgermany.de/German/Database/duns.htm ) unique 9-digit package number
Required / Optional R R
Barcode No No
The delivery note number must match the data in the delivery note or electronic data STIHL material number in ############ format from the
Quantity per package Description of delivery or service Suppliers article number Supplier ID Date
delivery schedule classification Quantity / number of parts in package Material short text from call-off data
Yes No No Yes No
(14) (15)
Internal article number used by the O supplier Supplier identification R P YY.MM.DD (date of production) R D YY.MM.DD (date of dispatch) The date of dispatch is acceptable if the date of production can be calculated from it. R The package ID number is numeric and uniquely identifies the package within one year. This number is allocated per package by the supplier and should be used once a year only. The package ID numbers must be quoted on VDA 4913 and on the electronic document accompanying the goods / delivery note and they must match. S = packages without subpackaging M = load unit containing only one part number G = mixed load unit / pallet Batch number / manufacturer ID number R
No Yes
Batch number
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