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Cement Citect Training

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Introduction....................................................................................................................... 2 Definition of Terms........................................................................................................... 3 Create a New Project Folder ............................................................................................. 4 Configure an I/O Device:.................................................................................................. 6 Configuring Clusters......................................................................................................... 8 Configuring Tags: ........................................................................................................... 13 Creating Graphic Pages................................................................................................... 18 7-1. Creating Graphic Pages, Creating a new page........................................................ 18 7-2. Creating Graphic Pages, Saving your page............................................................. 20 7-3. Creating Graphics pages, Setting up the Grid......................................................... 22 7-4. Creating Graphics pages, Configuring button ........................................................ 23 7-5. Creating Graphics Pages, Configuring Symbol Sets .............................................. 31 7-6. Creating Graphics Pages, Aligning Objects............................................................ 33 7-7. Creating Graphics Pages, Formatting with Rectangles........................................... 35 7-8. Testing Graphics Pages, Computer Setup Wizard.................................................. 38 7-9. Testing Graphics Pages, Runtime:.......................................................................... 41 7-10. Creating Graphics Pages, Analog Indicators & Controls: .................................. 43 7-11. Creating Graphics Pages, Configuring Text: ...................................................... 48 7-12. Creating Graphics Pages, Creating Colors: ........................................................ 49 7-13. Creating Graphics Pages, Configuring Numbers:............................................... 50 7-14. Creating Graphics Pages, 3D rectangles............................................................. 51 7-15. Creating Graphics Pages, Pumps & Piping......................................................... 52 7-16. Creating Graphics Pages, Managing True Colors: ............................................. 57 8. Accessing Alarm and Trend Display Pages.................................................................... 59 8-1. Configuring Alarms ................................................................................................ 60 8-2. Configuring Trends................................................................................................. 60 9. Configuring Security....................................................................................................... 61 10. Using Find and Replace .............................................................................................. 62 11. Genies: ........................................................................................................................ 63 11-1. Understanding Genies:........................................................................................ 64 11-2. To create a new Genie: ....................................................................................... 65 11-3. Opening a Genie: ................................................................................................ 66 11-4. Saving a Genie: ................................................................................................... 66 11-5. Defining Substitutions for Genies:...................................................................... 67 11-6. Using Genies:...................................................................................................... 68 a. To paste a Genie onto a graphics page: .................................................................. 69 b. Genies properties: ................................................................................................... 70 c. Creating a Genie controller:.................................................................................... 71 d. Using structured tags with Genies: ......................................................................... 71 12. Super Genie:................................................................................................................ 72 12-1. Using Super Genies: ........................................................................................... 72 a. Using Super Genies without Genies ....................................................................... 76 b. To create a new Super Genie: ................................................................................. 76

To open an existing Super Genie:........................................................................... 76 To save the current Super Genie:............................................................................ 77 Arrays:..................................................................................................................... 77 To attach a new Super Genie .................................................................................. 78 To detach a Super Genie:........................................................................................ 78 Nesting Super Genies:............................................................................................. 79 Super Genie areas: .................................................................................................. 79 Super Genie environment variables:....................................................................... 79 Using structured tags with Super Genies:............................................................... 79 13. Runtime....................................................................................................................... 80 13-1. Runtime, Trends.................................................................................................. 82 13-2. Runtime, Process Analyst ................................................................................... 83 14. Administrative Tools .................................................................................................. 87 14-1. Administrative Tools, Configuring the Menu..................................................... 88 14-2. Administrative Tools, Tag Debug....................................................................... 91 15. Backing Up Your Project............................................................................................ 92 16. Restoring Your Project ............................................................................................... 93 17. Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................... 95

c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k.

Citect quick start

1. Introduction
We would like your experience with Citect to be a pleasant one so , this tutorial is to help new users get familiar with some of the fundamental features of Citect. Repetition is an important part of learning or memorizing. One way you can speed up your familiarization is to take a few minutes to click through all the menus and (briefly) try and figure out what each item might be for, if you cant make. sense of something, dont be concerned just move on to the next one anyway. You may not consciously remember everything you see, but it helps to set a framework for when you revisit these items in the tutorial and in this way you will remember them much better. By completing this tutorial you will learn the following 1. 2. 3. 4. Creating a New Project Setting Up Communications with a PLC Adding and Configuring tags Creating New Graphics pages

Use Templates Button Commands Disabling Buttons Dynamic Symbols Drawing objects Manipulating objects Copy, Paste, Align, Send to Back, Color Fill, Control Commands, Setting values Drawing Text Displaying analog values Drawing Pipes Grouping Objects Defining Alarms Configure an alarm page Storing Trend Data Configuring a trend page 5. Operating Runtime Displays 6. Using Administration Tools Creating Runtime Menus Tag Debug Utility 7. Backing up and restoring a project

2. Definition of Terms
Click Double Click Right Click Check Type Text Drag Alt+Tab = Briefly press left mouse button = Press left mouse button twice quickly = Briefly press right mouse button = A tick or cross in an options box = Type in the word Text = Position mouse, click and hold left mouse button, move mouse, then release mouse button. = Press the Alt key, hold it down, then press the Tab key.

Single Click Right Click

Double Click

Click and drag Type

CitectHMI/SCADA is made up of a several configuration tools and a runtime section.

Citect Explorer Top level configuration interface. Citect Project Editor Mainly used for entering database type information. Citect Draw Used for creating graphics. Citect Runtime Provides the active operator interface.

You can switch between these applications:

1. using the icons at the top left of each application, or 2. hold down the Alt key, then press Tab until the application you want is selected, then release the alt key (Alt+Tab). 3. Clicking on the icons that appear near the start button as shown below.

To make sure that you have selected the correct icon you can let the mouse hang over the icon for about 2 seconds and a tool tip will appear to guide you.

3. Create a New Project Folder

1. Run the Citect Explorer. 2. Click on Start 3. Click Programs 4

4. Click Citect 5. Click CitectSCADA 7 6. Click CitectSCADA Explorer. 7. On the Tool Bar, click on the New Project icon .

In the New Project Dialog Box, type Tutorial in the Name field to give the new project a name, give it a description, then click OK.


You might like to click on the help botton located on many of the dialogs as this will show you some of the other options available to you. Project folders store all of the citect SCADA files for your project including graphic pages ,tag definitions,code etc. You can combine multible configuration projects into a single run time project using the "include" function descriped in the online help. Use the example project to get ideas and learn how things are, made by pulling them apart. CitectSCADA allows CitectSCADA allows you to quickly and easily switch between different projects, simply by selecting them in the Project List you to. sure all pages are saved or closed in the Graphics Builder before changing projects. you backup a project, everything related to that project, including custom Cicode or VBA is backed up and easily transported to other computers. The only exception is any 3rd party items which need to be installed separately such as ActiveX objects. networking your system, the project does not need to be copied to every computer Refer to the Help topic: Using CitectSCADA, Administering projects,Managing your projects, Linking projects.

4. Configure an I/O Device:

Make sure the Tutorial project is selected in the project list on the left-hand side and Double click on the Communications folder.

Double click on Express I/O Device Setup.c lick on the Help

On the Express Communications Wizard, just press the Next button for these windows.

When you see the window below click Disk I/O Device, click Next.

When you see the page below click on Citect Generic Protocol.

On the final two screens you just need to press the Next & Finish buttons

5. Configuring Clusters
Clusters define where server processes (IO communications, data logging, alarming, etc), are run, and how different server processes interact with each other for redundancy purposes (refer to the online help for more details). Every CitectSCADA system must have at least one cluster defined, and we must assign our new IO Server to a cluster.
If the Project Editor is not visible, then use Alt+Tab until it appears. Click on Servers then Clusters (in Citect Project Editor toolbar at the top of the screen). Alternatively, you can double-click Clusters in the Project Explorer Communications menu.

In the Clusters form that appears, define a cluster called MyCluster, give it an appropriate description, then Click Add.

Close the Clusters window by clicking on the close box or pressing ESC. Click on Servers again, then Network Addresses.

In the Network Addresses form, enter the Name MyAddress, the Address, and an appropriate Comment.


When you are finished, click Add, then close the form. This assigns the loopback TCP/IP address to the system. We will then use that address for our server processes. Lastly, we need to assign both a Cluster and a Network Address to the IO Server that was created earlier by the IO Device Express Setup Wizard. Click on Servers, then I/O Servers on the Project Editor menu.

The loopback address 127.0.0.

In the IO Servers form, use the pull-down lists to select MyCluster as the Cluster Name, and MyAddress as the Network Address. Leave the Port and Peer Port blank, and enter an appropriate Comment.


Since the definition for IOServer already existed, we must Replace this information, and not Add it. Otherwise we will end up with two definitions for the same IOServer. Click Replace, then close the form. We need to repeat this exercise for CitectSCADAs other core server tasks, namely Trending, Alarming and Reporting. Select each of them from the Servers menu on the menu bar, and configure them as shown below:

This identifies the Alarm Server process to run on the computer with MyAddress TCP/IP address, within the MyCluster server group, in the Primary mode. The Server Name MyServer will be used by networked clients to connect to this server


to acquire the alarm information for display purposes. Refer to the online help for details on Primary and Secondary server functions.

We have now completed our Server setup and are ready to define Tags which will link to our PLC (in this case a disk based simulator).

6. Configuring Tags:
Variable Tags are a core building block for a CitectSCADA project. Tags provide the link between statuses, operator commands and the real-world. We will create three tags to represent our pump, a Run/Stopped status tag, an Auto/Manual control tag and a Speed control tag.o Click on Tags (in Project List pane on left-hand side) Double Click on Variable Tags (in right-hand pane)


This will bring the Project Editor to the foreground and display the Variable Tags dialog. If it does not appear, use Alt+Tab to switch the view to the Project Editor.r

The Project Editor is mainly for editing database type information. The Variable Tags Database has one record for each Tag you define. Each Tag has multiple fields. (Variable Tagname, Data Type, Address etc) You can see the record number indicated in the bottom left of the dialog box.

Do NOT press ENTER before filling in all the required fields. Each time you press ENTER a new record will be added to the project creating duplicates which will cause compilation failures. it is better to use the Add button instead of the ENTER key. If you add an extra record by mistake, you can use the Delete button to mark it for deletion. Once marked for deletion the record will be ignored. standalone systems. For networked or redundant systems, refer to the online help. 14

If you press delete by mistake you can press it again to undelete. To view records marked for deletion go to Tools, select Options and check Show Deleted. To permanently remove deleted records from the project, go to File then select Pack.

CAUTION Where a drop down is provided you should use it. If you mistype data into fields that require specific settings you may cause compile errors.

Next you will configure three tags as shown below. Remember to fill in the form before pressing Add or Enter. Use the Tab key or the mouse to move between fields. To make corrections after you have pressed add, you can move to the Tag or record by using the scroll bars on the right hand side, then press Replace when you have made the changes. The cursors have been added as a guide to show you where you should type and where you should click.


You can save a lot of time configuring tags by entering similar types of Tags together and just changing the parts that are different before pressing Add. Use the mouse to highlight the parts that you want to change, then just overtype. Eg; Pump_1_CMD can easily be changed to Pump_1_M. Highlight CMD then type M. If you arrange your variables in your PLC into blocks where all the Digitals are contiguous and all the Integers are contiguous then the performance will be significantly improved as the CitectSCADA software will be able to read large blocks of data in a single communication message instead of multiple messages. It does not matter what order the addresses are entered into the variables records, what matters is the contiguous block of addresses in the PLC. If you are having difficulty reading from the screen grabs here is the information in plain format.
variable tag name I/O Device Name Raw Zero Scale Eng Zero Scale Eng Units Comment Pump_1_CMD IODev Data Type Address Raw Full Scale Eng Full Scale Format DIGITAL D1

Pump 1 Command On/Off


variable tag name I/O Device Name Raw Zero Scale Eng Zero Scale Eng Units Comment

Pump_1_CMD IODev

Data Type Address Raw Full Scale Eng Full Scale Format


Pump 1 Mode Auto/Manual

Close the Variable Tags window by clicking on the close box or pressing ESC.
variable tag name I/O Device Name Raw Zero Scale Eng Zero Scale Eng Units Comment

Pump_1_Speed IODev

Data Type

INT I1 32767 500 ###.#EU

Address Raw Full 0 Scale Eng Full Scale 0 RPM Format Pump 1 Speed (0 500 rpm)

The format field defines the default style of displaying this variable. # defines number of haracters. Eg; ###.## would have 3 digits to the left of decimal and 2 digits to the right. Adding EU to the end specifies that Engineering Units will be appended to the value at runtime. Eg; 123.12 RPM. DIGITAL types of tags can only have two states: On or Off. INT (integer) or other numerical types of tags can have a range of numerical values. INT tags can display decimal places provided the RAW scale has a larger range than the ENG scale.


Note: Engineering Units which are not included with CitectSCADAs default pull-down list can be typed in manually. Any text can be entered as engineering units.
When you are finished, use the scroll bar on the right to scroll through each tag (record) and double check that you have entered the correct information. On the last tag, check that the number of tags (records) = 3.

7. Creating Graphic Pages

Before you start lets take a look at what you will create.

This page contains a number of buttons that allow the operator to control the pumps mode and operation, as well as a slider to control its speed. The pump itself will animate red or green depending on whether it is running or not and the lights, bar graph and number will indicate its mode, operation and speed.


Creating Graphic Pages, Creating a new page

Switch to the Graphics Builder click on the Graphics Builder icon.


Click on the New Page icon.

Click on the Page button.

In the Use Template dialog, make sure Standard is selected in the Style box, then Double Click the Normal template as shown.


Instead of double clicking on Normal we could single click on Normal and then click OK but that takes more time. The fastest way to drive any application is with the keyboard. Most programs have shortcut keys you may be surprised how quickly you can learn them . Templates provide a vast range of pre-built functionality, making the task of building a new project with CitectSCADA extremely fast. All pages must be based on a template, even if it is a blank template. If you want to customize the look and feel of your pages, you can create your own templates from scratch, or copy the existing ones and modify them. NOTE: Never modify templates, symbols or other items in the Example, Include or CSV_Include projects! These projects will be automatically reloaded when you upgrade to the next version and your changes will be lost. Always copy items to your local project before modifying them. You can move the Toolbox by placing the cursor on the title bar, hold down the left mouse key whilemoving the mouse. If your toolbox does not appear, it can be toggled by pressing the F3 button, or selecting it from theView menu.


Creating Graphic Pages, Saving your page

We are using the built-in templates to get a jump-start on your page. There are navigation buttons already configured for you and using templates helps to ensure a consistent look and feel throughout your project. This is very important if you want to make it easy-to-use for your operators.


Templates are displayed pretty much as they appear at runtime. ###.## indicates dynamic values that will change at runtime. +1, +2 etc are Animation Numbers that are used as references for graphics objects that will be displayed at these locations in runtime. Animation Numbers are not displayed at runtime. (x) is a script that is executed with the page.
It is good practice to save your graphics pages regularly, so lets begin the habit right now. Click on the Save icon on the menu bar. Type MyPage in the Page edit box, then press OK.



Creating Graphics pages, Setting up the Grid

Firstly we will setup a grid which will allow our cursor to snap to uniformly positioned locations on the screen, making it easier to size and position objects in relation to each other. On the toolbar, click View, then Grid Setup.

In the Grid Setup form, change the size of the grid from 8 x 8 pixels, to 5 x 5 pixels as shown below. Select Snap to Grid, then click OK to close the form.

Now we are ready to create and position our graphics objects.



Creating Graphics pages, Configuring button

Next we will configure some buttons to control the mode of the pump. On the Toolbox click on the button icon.

To draw the button, click and hold the left mouse button while moving the mouse then release the left mouse button. ie; click and drag the mouse.


position and sizeof the currently selected object are shown at the bottom right of the graphics builder status bar.

Once you release the mouse button, the Button Properties dialog popup will appear. Double Click on the word button in the Text edit box. This is a quick way to select a complete word. Next type Manual. Finally, click on the Input tab at the top of the form to configure the action the button will perform.


Click on the Insert button. Click on Insert Tag option.

In the Insert Tag Dialog Double Click on Pump_1_M


Pump_1_M will be inserted into the Up Command edit box. Click your mouse to the right of the Tag Pump_1_M and type = 1.

When the project is running, pressing on the Manual Button will set the tag Pump_1_M to a value of 1 to represent Manual mode. Repeated pressing of the button will continue to set the same value of 1 into the tag. Therefore we need a second button to set the tag to a value of 0 or Auto mode. We will achieve this by copying the first button and modifying the copy. We do this because it is often quicker to make copies of objects than to draw them from scratch. Here is a quick way to make a copy and position an object.
Place the cursor over the Manual Button. Hold down the Ctrl key. Hold down the left mouse button. Move the mouse to position the copy. Release the left mouse button.

You dont need to be precise with position at this time we will fix that later using an alignment tool. If you move the mouse immediately after holding down left mouse button, then you will only see the outline of the object as it is moved. If you wait half a second before moving the mouse you will see the object itself being moved, making it easier to position it in its new location. The + sign will appear on the hand after pressing the Ctrl Key indicating a change of mode (copy rather than move).


Double Click on the new button. In the Up Command edit box, replace the = 1 with a = 0. This will turn the digital tag Pump_1_M false to represent Auto mode.

Click on the Appearance Tab to change the text label on the button. If you dont see the expected property sheet as you go through these exercises, then you may need to locate the correct sheet by looking at the screens on the page then click on the horizontal & vertical tabs to find the right sheet. Copying objects also ensures that their dimensions are identical to each other, creating a more visually appealing user interface. There are many ways to copy objects. Ctrl + D will duplicate the currently selected object. Ctrl + C will copy an object to clipboard. Ctrl + V will paste an object from clipboard. These last two work in almost all windows programs so are well worth remembering. You can also select Copy, Paste or Duplicate from the Edit menu or by using the icons on the menu bar. 27

Double Click on the word Manual in the Text edit box, replace the text with Auto, then click OK.

We now have two buttons that will set the control mode of the pump to Auto or Manual. Next we need a control to turn the pump on and off. Instead of using two buttons, one for on and another for off, this time well use just one button. Make a copy of the Auto Button (hold the Ctrl key, then click and drag the Auto Button to create a copy in a new location).

Change the button Text to read On/Off, then click on the Input tab.

In the Up Command edit box replace the current text with Toggle(Pump_1_CMD).


You can also use the Insert button to lookup the Toggle function and paste it into the Up Command.

We will now inhibit the Manual On/Off button from working while the pump is in Auto mode and well add a tool tip on the way to explain this to operators.

Click on the Access Tab at the top of the button form. In the Tool tip edit box type Must be in Manual to turn off and on then click the Disable tab (on the right side of
the dialog).


Click on the Insert icon Click Insert Tag. Double Click on Pump_1_M and Add the text = 0 after the tag. Click OK when youre finished.

When Pump_1_M is 0 or FALSE (ie. in Auto) this button will be disabled. The buttons appearance will be altered using the Embossed style to indicate that it is disabled and it will not highlight when the cursor moves over it. The tool tip will still work normally.


7-5. Creating Graphics Pages, Configuring Symbol Sets

Next we need some indicators to tell us when the pump is on, off, auto or manual. On the Toolbox click on the Symbol Set Tool.

Position the cursor next to the Manual button, then click to place the symbol on the page. In the ON symbol when edit box type Pump_1_M = 1 then click OK.


Copy the Symbol Set and place the new one next to the Auto button. Again, dont worry about positioning the symbol perfectly,we will align the objects shortly. In the ON symbol when edit box replace the expression with Pump_1_M = 0 then click OK.

Make another copy of the symbol set and position it next to the On/Off button. In the On symbol when edit box replace the text with Pump_1_CMD then click OK.

At Runtime, when Pump_1_CMD is on (ie. equals 1) the Red Light will be displayed. DIGITAL tag types do not require =1 in their symbol detection logic because CitectSCADA knows that they only have two states corresponding to the two symbol states available. This is a little different to when we were writing commands to the tag and we had to explicitly tell CitectSCADA which state to set the DIGITAL tag to.



Creating Graphics Pages, Aligning Objects

It is worthwhile making your pages look aesthetically pleasing as it will encourage operators to use the system. It also makes it faster to find information on the screen. Making sure everything is drawn precisely, aligned correctly and evenly spaced also helps to make your pages look professional. You can align objects manually by dragging them around the screen until you have positioned them satisfactorily, and for which the Grid is an excellent assistant, however sometimes we want to align a group of objects quickly relative to each other. For this we use the Align tool. Select all three buttons by clicking on each of them, while holding the CTRL key down for the last two. All three buttons should have a selection indication at their button left, and be bounded by a large transparent rectangle identified by the four corners, and four center points as shown below.

Another way to select multiple objects is to drag the cursor around them while holding the left mouse button down to lasso the objects. You will need to be careful not to select additional objects if you use this method. From the Graphics Builder toolbar, select Arrange, then Align. An alignment popup form will appear, asking you how you would like to arrange the selected objects. Select Left for the horizontal alignment, and Even for the vertical alignment.


Repeat this exercise for the lights to the right of the buttons. Try selecting a button and a light and aligning them vertically by Centre before aligning all three lights Evenly. Keep going until you are satisfied with the arrangement of the objects on your screen. You may notice that the lights are not perfectly in line with the center line of the buttons. This is because the hot spot or anchor point for this symbol is in the top left of the symbol rather than in the middle. To correct for this we will use the zoom and the nudge tools. To make sure your objects are aligned or positioned perfectly you can use the Zoom tool. From the Menu select View, Show Zoom. The zoom tool will display an enlarged view of the region around your cursor. You can alter the magnification by clicking in the top left corner of the zoom window.

You can change the size of the zoom by placing the cursor over one corner until the resize cursor is shown, then hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse. You can move the zoom window by placing the cursor on the title bar (the big blue bar at the top) then hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse.

Since the lights are in the correct position relative to each other, we will select all the lights so that we can move them together as a group. Place cursor above and to left of top button, hold down left mouse button and move mouse, then release mouse button to lasso all three buttons.


If you have the Grid tool turned on, press F8 to disable the Snap to Grid function, otherwise the buttons will only move to the nearest grid position. You can now precisely position the lights by placing the cursor over the selected objects (make sure the hand cursor appears) then press Enter (or hold down left mouse button), next use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the buttons one pixel at a time in the direction that you want. Use the zoom box to see exactly where the objects are positioned to the nearest pixel. Press enter again to set the position (or release left mouse button if you used that method). Save your page.

7-7. Creating Graphics Pages, Formatting with Rectangles

Next we will create a grey background to highlight our control panel. Press F8 to turn the Snap to Grid selection back on. On the Toolbox click on the Rectangle Tool.
Click and drag to place a rectangle around your buttons and lights.

Click and drag to place a rectangle around your buttons and lights.


Windows XP style buttons have a grey border around the button. If you do not want a grey background for your buttons it is suggested that you uncheck the XP Style option underthe Appearances tab of your buttons.

When the Rectangle Properties dialog popup appears, change the Style to Solid, the Corner Radius to 4, the Line Color to Grey, and the Fill Color to grey as shown below.

When you are finished, click on the 3D Effects vertical tab on the right hand side of the form. Once a rectangle has been created you can click and drag the node points (1 per corner and 1 per side), to modify its size and shape.


Holding the Ctrl key down while placing a rectangle or Oval forces the object to have the same vertical and horizontal dimensions. This allows you to easily create squares and circles respectively. Select Lowered from the various 3D Effects available, and retain the default depth and color options, then click OK.

The rectangle should now cover all of your buttons and lights, obscuring them from view. We need to send the rectangle to the back layer to allow the buttons and lights to appear in front of it. Select the rectangle by clicking on it, then click the Send-to-Back button , or alternatively select Arrange, then Send to Back from the menu bar.

Your page should now look similar to the above. Save your page.


7-8. Testing Graphics Pages, Computer Setup Wizard

Its time to test your configuration and see how your page looks and feels to an operator. Firstly however, we need compile the project to make sure we have not made any configuration errors, and then we will run CitectSCADAs powerful Computer Setup Wizard to configure how you want this computer to behave within your overall CitectSCADA network. Switch to the Citect Project Editor using Alt+Tab. From the File menu, select Compile.

Alternatively you can use the compile button on the menu bar. You should see a compilation progress bar, followed by a Compilation Success popup.

If your compilation fails, you can double-click on an error to take you directly to the location of the incorrect configuration, or you can review your work using this document to ensure that you have performed all steps correctly.
We will now setup our Computers role within the CitectSCADA network. Switch to Citect Explorer using Alt+Tab.

In the Project List tree make sure the Tutorial project is selected. In the menu bar, click the Computer Setup button. 38

The Computer Setup Wizard is typically run onlyonce per project

fo ea

Check Express Setup then click Next.c

Click the Project Name Drop Down and select Tutorial, then click Next.


Multi-Processing is used to distribute server tasks across multiple computers and cannot be selected for Standalone applications.h computer on which CitectSCADA

Check Server and Display Client, then click Next. Make sure you left the Multi-Process box unchecked.

Change the networking selection from the default of Discovery to No Networking, then click Next. This will isolate this CitectSCADA on the network tio allow it to run as a Stand-alone system. For the next seven screens just click Next then click Finish.



Testing Graphics Pages, Runtime:

Press the Run button. The Runtime Manager dialog will appear, showing the startup process and status.

If you have not inserted a protection key you will see the following message.

Click OK to run the project in demonstration mode.

Demonstration mode allows integrators, partners and customers to build and test CitectSCADA projects without requiring additional licenses for these purposes. Demonstration mode will not allow networking or redundancy functionality to run. Demonstration mode requires a Runtime restart after 15 minutes.

The default startup page contains a number of menu items which can be configured in runtime. To configure the page navigation portion of this menu, click on Pages. 41

Click Update Page List on the Pages menu will force CitectSCADA to update its menu to include any unlisted (eg. new) pages. Click it now.

Returning to the Pages menu you will now see your page included in the navigation menu. Click on MyPage now.

Your new page will now display. Click on the Manual button then the Auto button


and check to see that the appropriate light turns red. Also check that the On/Off button becomes unavailable for selection/clicking while in Auto mode. Move the mouse over the On/Off button and wait a couple of seconds to see that the tool tip appears.

See what happens if you click on the On/Off button. Click on Manual, then try clicking on the On/Off button again. If youve made it to this point, give yourself a gold star and take a moment to stretch your muscles.

7-10. Creating Graphics Pages, Analog Indicators & Controls:

To switch from runtime back to Graphics Builder, press Alt+Space together, then click on Graphics Builder.


Select the grey rectangle you have already created and copy it by dragging it and holding the Ctrl key down on your keyboard (alternatively use standard windows copy and paste controls). Position it to the left of the existing rectangle and drag the resize nodes to change it to a tall, narrow rectangle as shown below. Use the Zoom and nudge, Align, or Grid tool to precisely position the Rectangle in line with the existing rectangle.

Double-click the rectangle to access the rectangle properties form. Select the Appearances tab on the horizontal tabs, and the General tab on the vertical tabs.


Change the Filled Color to bright green. Check the Gradient Fill option and select bright red as the Gradient Color. From the pull-down options, change the Gradient Direction to vertical. Once finished configuring the rectangles appearance, click on the Fill tab and select the Level tab on the right hand side of the dialog. Use the Insert button to insert the tag Pump_1_Speed. Change the Background Color to black then click OK.

This rectangle will fill and change color as the pump speed increases. Next we will create a slider to allow operator control of the pump speed.will


You will need to know the how far (in pixels) the slider needs to move. To find this out (make sure you still have the gradient rectangle selected) take a look at the bottom right corner of the Graphics Builder. The status bar will show you the width and height of the selected object. Write down the height of the rectangle.

NOTE: If the status bar is not visible, go to the View menu on the menu bar and click on Show Status Bar.
On the Toolbox click on the Static Symbol tool.

When the Symbol selection popup appears, use the scroll bars to locate the thumbs library and then Click on thumbs in the Library list box to select that library.


Use the scroll bars to locate pointer2_e_r, then Double Click on Pointer2_e_r to place it on the page. Position the pointer at the left bottom side of the gradient rectangle using Zoom and Nudge or the Align tool. Double Click on the Pointer Symbol to open the Symbol Properties form. Click on the Slider Tab, then click on the Vertical Tab on the right hand side. Use the Insert button to insert the Pump_1_Speed tag. Make sure Continuous update of tag is checked. In the At Maximum edit box type the height in pixels that you wrote down earlier. Click on OK.

Now is a good time for a regular page save. Click the save icon. You can run the project again to test these changes before continuing to the next chapter. If CitectSCADA is still running from your previous test, you will need to press the Run icon and change pages before updates are picked up by the running system.



Creating Graphics Pages, Configuring Text:

Now we will place some text above the buttons to label the controls.
Click on the letter A on the Toolbox.

Type Pump 1. Note: If you do not see the letters that you type it is most likely because the currently selected color is the same as the background.
Place the cursor above the buttons and click to position the text. Select Bold, font size 22 (point) and change the Foreground color to red. Click OK.

Flashing colors must be specifically assigned to the default palette. This means that the total number of flashing colors available to you is restricted to 80, which is more then enough for most projects. To create a flashing color, firstly click on the palette location you wish to assign it to, then click Add. Select Flashing from the check-box options. Now Select the first Color (On State color). click on Off State. Now Select the second Color. The palette will display the color as two triangular colors in the one square, just like those on the bottom row of the palette (see picture on next page). Colors will not flash in development mode only in runtime.


If you have upgraded from a previous version of CitectSCADA and used Flashing\ Color labels, you will need to reassign those labels to new palette flashing colors as the old method of flashing colors is no longer supported.


Creating Graphics Pages, Creating Colors:

CitectSCADA supports True Colors. This allows far greater flexibility for importing images, as well as managing those colors quickly and easily. The default palette contains 128 commonly used colors, however this does not restrict the number of colors you can actually use in your project. Double-click on the Pump 1 text on your graphics page to open the Text Properties dialog again. Click on the Foreground color.

Flashing colors Click on Edit. You can use a variety of options in this color editing dialog to adjust the color to any of the 32 million true colors available (provided your computer supports 32bit colors). In our case, we will simply Slide the Shading Cursor on the right-hand side down to a darker shade of red, then click OK to finish.


Once you are satisfied with your dark red text we will add a 3D Effect of Black Shadowing using the 3D Effects tab on the right side of the Text Properties dialog popup. Save your page.

7-13. Creating Graphics Pages, Configuring Numbers:

On the Toolbox, click on the number tool. Click below the gradient rectangle to place the number. Use the Insert Tag button to enter the tag Pump_1_Speed. Click OK. The Number tool is actually the Text tool. When you access it the number tool icon you are presented with the Display Value instead of the General Appearance sheet. via sheet

Click on the General Tab on the right hand side and set the font to Black, 12 point.



Creating Graphics Pages, 3D rectangles

Next well add some cosmetics. Draw a large rectangle that covers all the things you have drawn so far.
Set the Line color to Light Grey (see next page). Check the Filled check-box and set the Filled color to Light Grey also. Set the Corner Radius to 8, and activate the Gradient Fill with a medium grey hue. Click on 3D Effects tab and select Lowered.

Click OK when finished.


Since it will be difficult to see your work with the large rectangle in front of it, we need to send it to the back. Make sure the new rectangle is selected, then click on the Send to Back button on the Tool Bar, or select Send to Back from the Arrange menu.


Creating Graphics Pages, Pumps & Piping

Next we will add a picture of the pump and some piping.

Click on the Symbol Set tool. Click below the new rectangle to place the symbol set on the page.


Click on the Set button next to the Off Symbol edit box to change the Off symbol from a black light to a red pump.

In the Library list, use the scroll bars to scroll down and then click on pump_base_medium. In the Symbol window, Double Click on the left_red symbol.

Click on the Set button next to the On Symbol edit box to change the On symbol from a red light to a green pump. Using the same technique as above, locate the left_green pump then Double Click on it. Use the Insert button to insert the tag Pump_1_CMD. Click OK.


Configuration of the pumps animation is now complete. We now need to add incoming and outgoing pipework to the pump to complete the page.

Click on the Pipe Tool in the ToolBox.

Pipes are 3D rendered polylines with node points that identify bends or junctions. Pipes can be color filled the same as any other drawing object in CitectSCADA, and will render the flooded color in 3D.


We will now draw the following pipework :

To draw the left hand pipe: 1. Hold down the Ctrl Key (Forces only horizontal and vertical lines to be drawn). 2. Place cursor on top of the Pump, hold down left mouse button and move mouse sideways. Release mouse key when you have moved far enough to draw the first leg of the pipe. 3. Move mouse diagonally to the left (release the Ctrl Key to allow diagonal pipes), and click again to create another bend in the pipe. 4. Continue until you are satisfied with your pipes route and Double Click to end the pipe.

Release the Ctrl Key. Select a pipe highlight colour of light grey, then click OK to close the property dialog. Repeat this process to create a straight pipe on the right-hand side of the pump. Dont worry if you add a small section to one end of the pipe when you double-click as the pump or tank symbol will conceal it. Select both pipes by Holding down the Ctrl Key and clicking on each pipe. Release the Ctrl Key. Click the Group button on the tool bar (or select Group from the Arrange menu). Click the Send to Back button on the tool bar (or select Sent to Back from the Arrange menu).


When items are grouped, doubleclicking on them will only access the group configuration. To access the individual objects within the group, hold the CTRL key down while double-clicking the object. Double Click on either of the pipes that you have drawn. You will notice that the configuration dialog displayed is for Group Properties rather than Pipe Properties. All configuration you now perform will apply to all objects contained within the group, in this case, the two pipes. Click on the Fill Tab. Insert Pump_1_CMD tag into the ON color edit box. Make sure the Off Color is grey and set the On Color to Green. Click OK.

Your configuration of the pipework is now complete. We just need to add a Tank to the page, and our graphics configuration is complete.


Click on the Static Symbol Tool in the ToolBox. Using the scroll bars, locate the tanks_cylindrical symbol library, and then Double Click tank_wide_large. Click and drag the tank to position it over the end of the righthand pipe.

Save the page. Your graphical configuration for this tutorial is now complete. You can test this by running the project again, and then continue to the following sections which address color management, alarm handling, and trending, as well as customizing the navigation menu and Administration Tools. If youd like to practice the skills you have just learned, try adding a bar graph to the tank to indicate level (you can add a slider to simulate a level transmitter).

7-16. Creating Graphics Pages, Managing True Colors:

CitectSCADA comes with two excellent tools for adjusting colors, making it very easy to manipulate images from shades of red to green to yellow and so on, even for very complex true-color images.
We will manipulate a simple image in this example, but the same principles apply to any true color image that you create or import to the application. Click on the Slider symbol to select it. From the Edit menu, select Cut Link. This will sever the symbols link with the library and allow us to manipulate it as a stand-alone object. If we did not sever this link, then we would have to modify the object in the library rather than on the page, which would distribute the change to all instances of the object throughout the project.


From the Tools menu, select Swap Colors.

Making sure that the Swap Range option is selected, select any shade of red for the From Color, and any shade of blue for the To Color, then click OK. The slider should now be a fully-tinted blue variation of the original red object. For more flexible color management, you can use the Adjust Colors tool, also available from the Tools menu. This tool allows you to select from a flexible range of colors for migrating from one hue to another, as well as adjusting saturation and


darkness at the same time. This can be very useful when one color range does not translate well to another. The parameters shown below will generate a similar result as the above Swap Colors for changing the red slider to a blue one.

8. Accessing Alarm and Trend Display Pages

CitectSCADA comes with a number of pre-built pages. If you do not specifically define these pages in your project to create your own look and feel, then CitectSCADA will use its defaults instead. This includes: Alarm Summary Alarms Disabled Alarms Hardware Alarms Trends Double Trends Popup Trends Instant Trends Administration Tools These pages provide comprehensive functionality and can be accessed directly from the navigation menu provided at the top of each page, or via the alarm icons at the bottom left of each page. However to make these pages useful, we must first define some alarm and trend tags in the project.



Configuring Alarms

Switch to Citect Project Editor On the Project Editor Menu, click on Alarms then click on Digital Alarms
Fill in the Digital Alarms form for a single alarm as shown below. Remember it is better to use the drop downs to ensure data is entered correctly. When the form is complete press Add.

Remember that pressing Enter will add another record to your alarm list, so make sure the form is complete first, or use the Add button.

Click on the close icon to close the Digital Alarms form.


Configuring Trends

Now we need to configure a trend tag to store trend data. Switch to Citect Project Editor (click on icon or use Alt+Tab keys).


On the Project Editor Menu, click on Tags then click on Trend Tags:

Fill in the Trend tag form as below then click Add. Remember to use drop downs where possible.

There are many more trend features available in Citect. Press F2 with this form open to see some of the advanced possibilities. Pressing F2 again will return you to the basic menus.
Click on the close icon to close the Trend Tags dialog.

9. Configuring Security
Lastly, we need to define security login credentials to access all of the functionality available from the built-in pages. Switch to Citect Project Editor.


On the Project Editor Menu, click on System then click on Users.

Fill in the User form as below then click Add.

The password fields contain * to hide passwords from prying eyes. Do not type *, instead type citect into this field. The asterixes or hidden characters will appear as you type. This user has been configured for maximum security privileges throughout the project and will be able to access the advanced tools available from the navigation bar.

10. Using Find and Replace

Finally, we are going to change the Pump_1_CMD tag to Pump_1_RUN to better represent its function. Rather than searching the entire project for each place this tag is used, we are going to use the project search and replace feature to perform this exchange for us.


Switch to Citect Project Editor. On the Project Editor Menu, click on Edit then click on Replace (or use Ctrl-R).

Type Pump_1_CMD in the Find box, and Pump_1_RUN in the Replace with box. Make sure Current Project is selected, along with all search options checked. Click Find. The utility will display a list of all locations where the Pump_1_CMD tag is found. Click Replace all. Confirm the replace when prompted, and switch to the graphics builder to save changes to your page. Congratulations. You have completed the offline configuration portion of this tutorial. The following sections show you how to configure the online portions of the project.

11. Genies:
Genies - collections of associated objects, which you add to your graphics pages when you configure your system. You can add any number of Genies to a graphics page (for example, multiple pumps on the same page). Super Genies - dynamic pages (usually pop-ups), to which you can pass information when the page displays in the runtime system. You can use Super Genies for pop-up type controllers (to control a process, or a single piece of plant floor equipment). You can also use a combination of Super Genies and Genies to use the features of 63

both. Most implementations of Super Genies are attached to a Genie. CitectSCADA has included libraries of Genies and Super Genies that you can use in your CitectSCADA system, and you can easily define your own. You can construct a single Genie (or Super Genie) for complex entities such as loop controllers, custom controls and indication combinations.

Note the following: If you modify a Genie or Super Genie after you have used it in your project, all occurrences of the Genie or Super Genie are automatically updated throughout the project (with the exception of Super Genie Environment Variables). If you modify a Genie when the project is running in the background, you must perform an Update Pages to see the changes in the runtime project. If a runtime page containing the Genie is displayed when the change is made, it will not be updated until you exit then re-display it.

11-1. Understanding Genies:

Genies work by substituting common information into each related object (in a group of objects). For example, a typical configuration that displays a pump and its speed, uses two objects: (1) a text object that shows the speed, and (2) a symbol object that indicates the state of the pump (by displaying different symbols)


To implement the above arrangement without the use of Genies, you would have to configure the Text and Symbol separately, for each instance on the page. This demonstrates that some common combinations of objects have mostly the same configuration in each instance. The concept of a Genie allows this partial configuration to be done, with provision for insertion of the specific information where required. The power of a Genie is that objects are defined only once. Every time you place the Genie onto a page, you will only have to specify the substitution information. Creating a new Genie is similar to creating a page, with graphical objects, but with no background. Typically you would create a new Genie using the Graphics Builder, add the objects, defining the Genie substitutions, and save the Genie in a Genie library.

11-2. To create a new Genie:

1 From the File menu select New. 2 Click the Genie button. 65

3 Now you can create your Genie objects (defining your substitution strings).

11-3. Opening a Genie:

You can open an existing genie to work with it.

To open an existing Genie:

1 Click the Open tool or choose File | Open. 2 Select the Genie tab. 3 Select the Project and Library in which the Genie is stored. 4 Select the Genie. 5 Click OK. To delete a Genie from the project, select the Genie name, and click Delete. If you modify a Genie or Super Genie after you have used it in your project, all occurrences of the Genie or Super Genie are automatically updated throughout the project (with the exception of Super Genie Environment Variables). If you modify a Genie when the project is running in the background, you must perform an Update Pages to see the changes in the runtime project. If a runtime page containing the Genie is displayed when the change is made, it will not be updated until you exit then re-display it.

11-4. Saving a Genie:

1 Click the Save tool, or choose File | Save. 2 Select the Project and Library in which to store the Genie. 66

3 Enter a name for the Genie in Genie. 4 Click OK. (To create a new library for the Genie, click New.)

11-5. Defining Substitutions for Genies:

To define a Genie, you use substitution strings for the properties of the objectsthat will be specific to each instance. You can use substitution strings for any text property in any object (in the group of objects). To specify a piece of text as a substitution string, enclose the string between percentage (%) characters. For example, to create a standard Genie, you can use two substitution strings one substitution string for the status variable tag, one for the speed variable tag:


Note: You are not restricted to using only variable tags as substitution strings. Any expression can be substituted, such as constants or labels. Only fields that accept text can have Genie tag substitutions. You can also define substitutions to variables that arent in the current project by using the IFDEF function.

11-6. Using Genies:

Once you have created (defined and saved) your Genie, you can use it on any graphics page. To use a Genie, paste it onto a page using the Paste Genie tool. Once the Genie is pasted, configure it by double-clicking the image. For example, each time you use the above Genie, you only have to enter two values in a single dialog - one for the speed variable tag (%SpeedTag%) and one for the status variable tag (%StatusTag%) - instead of properties for each object in the group.


Double-clicking a pasted Genie displays the Genie Properties. To display the properties of the individual objects in the Genie, hold the Control (CTRL) key down and double-click the specific object. If, however, a link to the Genie has been retained, most of these properties will be read-only. The above example is a simple use of a Genie - it only contains two objects and two substitution strings. You can define Genies that use many objects, with substitution strings for any text property (or properties) of an object. Note: If you use structured tags, you can use substitution strings within a tag name to construct more sophisticated Genies.

a. To paste a Genie onto a graphics page:

1 Click the Paste Genie tool (in the toolbox), or choose Edit | Paste Genie. 2 Select the library (from the Library list) that contains the Genie. 3 Select a Genie thumbnail from the Genie list in the Paste Genie dialog. 4 Double-click the thumbnail or click OK.


Use the Paste Genie dialog box to add a genie to your graphics page (or template). A table of Genies in the project, showing attached Super Genies. To add a Genie, use the scroll bar to locate the thumbnail image of the Genie, then select the Genie and click OK (or double-click the thumbnail image). Note: To edit the Genie, select it and click Edit. To create a new Genie, click New Library: The library where the Genie is stored.

b. Genies properties:
The Genie dialog box displays the substitution strings that you have entered for the Genie. The substitution tags you see on the form are defined in the Genie. The values you enter next to the tags will be substituted into the Genie (and possibly Super Genie, if one is attached). Note: To display the properties of the individual objects in a Genie (instead of the Genie Properties), hold the Control (CTRL) key down and double-click the object. If, however, a link to the Genie has been retained, most of these properties will be read-only.


c. Creating a Genie controller:

1. Save the Super Genie (you should limit the name of the Super Genie to eight characters). 2. Create a Genie that uses a Super Genie functionto display the Super Genie. 3. Choose Edit | Attach Super Genies. 4. Click Add. The Select Super Genie dialog is displayed. 5. Select the Super Genie that you saved in step 1 to add your Super Genie to the list for this Genie, and then click OK. 6. Save the Genie. The Super Genie appears in the Paste Genie dialog.

d. Using structured tags with Genies:

When you define a Genie, you can add a prefix or suffix to a Genie property to generate the complete tag when the Genie is used. For example, if you define a Genie property as %tag%_PV, and then use DEV1 for the tag, the Genie will generate the complete tag DEV1_PV. You can add extra information at the beginning (prefix), or on the end (suffix) of the Genie property, or use both a prefix and suffix in the same Genie property. For example, if you have defined a loop controller with three bar graphs (created using the fill property in a rectangle) to display the tags DEV1_PV, DEV1_SP and DEV1_OP, you can configure a Genie as follows: Each rectangle has a separate Genie tag: Level expression Level expression Level expression %PV_Tag% %SP_Tag% %OP_Tag%

When you configure the Genie (with the Genie dialog), you have to enter three separate tags: DEV1_PV, DEV1_SP and DEV1_OP. However, if you use structured tags, you can configure the rectangles as follows: Level expression %Tag%_PV Level expression %Tag%_SP Level expression %Tag%_OP In this case, you only have to enter one tag (DEV1) to generate six objects. The Genie automatically concatenates DEV1 with either _PV, _SP, or _OP, depending on where the tag is substituted. As well as a reduction in configuration time, this Genie is easier to maintain. Note: The above example illustrates the power of Genies. The more complex and


the greater number of objects in a Genie, the greater the advantage of using structured tags. You can also make complex Genies by using multiple variables for a Genie property. For example, %Area%_TIC_%Occ%_PV or any combination of prefix, suffix and number of Genie variables.

12. Super Genie:

If the selected Genie is attached to a Super Genie, a thumbnail image of the Super Genie is displayed; otherwise this field is blank.

12-1. Using Super Genies:

Individual pages (popup controllers, loop tune pages, etc.) are often used to control and monitor devices. Super Genies are ideal when there are many devices of the same type, because you can re-use them many times without reconfiguring them for each device. Configure the common information once; the device-specific information is passed to the Super Genie at runtime. For instance, you might use a Super Genie to configure a single popup page for controlling all electric pumps that have the same functionality. The best way to configure this controller is: In the Graphics Builder, select File | New Super Genie, draw your controller and fill out the associated properties forms as follows:

Save it in a Super Genie library using an exclamation mark (!) prefix. This keeps the pages hidden in the configuration environment (theyre visible only if attached to a Genie controller). 72

Select File | New Genie, and draw the button that the user will click at runtime to display the popup controller. This button is called a Genie controller.It will call a Super Genie Cicode function, which performs the substitutions and displays the popup.

Because the Super Genie function call is made from the Genie Controller, you only have to configure it once. Save your Genie to a Genie Library. Like Genie libraries, Super Genies libraries are global and can be used between CitectSCADA projects. With the Genie open, select Edit | Attach Super Genie, and select the Super Genie you just created. From now on, pasting this Genie will always call the new Super Genie. By attaching each of your Super Genies to a Genie, you ensure that your Super Genies are stored in an orderly way in Genie libraries. This makes them easy to maintain and easy to paste into your projects. A Super Genie can be attached to more than one Genie controller. Paste the Genie wherever you want the user to be able to use the popup controller. Select Edit | Paste Genie, browse for the Genie you just created, and select it. A new page in your project will automatically be created for the Super Genie.


To implement the above situation without Genies and Super Genies, you would have to manually configure a separate page for each pump in your application, and a separate button to call each page. Using a Super Genie, you only have to configure one page manually. The rest are created automatically. Note: All variable tags used in a Super Genie must be defined in the variable tags database. Alarm tags can also be used (allowing you use alarm tag properties). Because of the overhead required for Super Genies, you should restrict the number of Super Genie variables. Arrays do not suffer the same limitation and perform well even with hundreds of variables. Using tags through Super Genies at runtime increases your dynamic license point count. Super Genies called after you have reached your point limit will return #COM. Defining Substitutions for Super Genies: Super Genie substitution is more rigid and complex than that of Genies. Most importantly, you can only use Super Genie substitution in the properties of an object that accept tags, commands and expressions. (You can also use Super Genie substitution in log messages for object touch and keyboard commands, tool tips, page keyboard commands, or as part of the comment for Trend objects, and Color Floods.) You cannot use the Super Genie syntax in a report, alarm, 74

trend, or background Cicode function. To mark a tag as a substitution string, enclose the tag between question mark (?) characters, in the following format: ?<Data Type> <Substitution String Number>? where: Data Type is optional and can be any data type supported by CitectSCADA. In practice, only explicitly specify type when the type is STRING. Substitution String Number determines which variable tag (1 to 256) will be substituted when the Super Genie is displayed (using the Super Genie functions). If you use more than one substitution string in your Super Genie, your numbers should be sequential. This will make the Super Genie functions easier to use. For example, to define substitutions for the pop-up controller, use a substitution string for the variable tag, as follows:

Note: This Super Genie should be saved as a page - called SGenie1 - as opposed to a Super Genie, so that the Super Genie can be used without a Genie controller.


If you do not specify a data type, it will default to TYPELESS. Typeless substitution allows you to pass tags of BYTE, BCD, DIGITAL, INT, UINT, LONG, LONGBCD, or REAL types, but not STRING. When you make a typeless substitution, CitectSCADA will automatically try to convert the substituted 'data' to the correct type at runtime. For example, the above diagram uses ?Digital 1? as the substitution string. At runtime you would get a hardware error if you passed a variable declared as INT. If instead, you used ? 1?, at runtime you could pass a variable of any type but STRING. Note: You might want to use typeless substitutions because they offer more flexibility, but you should be aware that errors can be harder to find.

a. Using Super Genies without Genies

You do not have to implement Super Genies as attachments to Genies. Instead, you can save an unattached Super Genie as a normal CitectSCADA page. This method has the advantage that you do not have to define a controlling Genie, but the disadvantage that you cant use the Paste Genie tool to place it. If you configure a Super Genie in this way and name the page with an ! prefix to hide it, you must select List System Pages from the Graphics Builder Options menu to edit the page. At all times, the first eight characters of the Super Genie name must be unique for each Super Genie. All Super Genies supplied with CitectSCADA are attached to Genies (as controls for the Super Genie).

b. To create a new Super Genie:

1 Click the New tool, or choose File | New. 2 Click Super Genie. 3 Now you can create your Super Genie page (defining your substitution strings). Note: For the Super Genie to display in the Paste Genie dialog, create a Genie to use as the Genie controllerand attach the Super Genie to it. The first eight characters of the Super Genie name must be unique for each Super Genie.

c. To open an existing Super Genie:

1 Click the Open tool or choose File | Open. 2 Select the Super Genie tab. 3 Select the Project and Library in which the Super Genie is stored. 4 Select the Super Genie and then click OK.


Note: To delete a Super Genie from the project, select the Super Genie name and click the Delete button.

d. To save the current Super Genie:

1 Click the Save tool or choose File | Save. 2 Select the Project and Library in which to store the Super Genie 3 Enter a name for the Super Genie in the Super Genie field (you should limit the name of the Super Genie to eight (8) characters) and then click OK. Using Constants and Arrays with Super Genies: The ability to pass constants into Super Genies is restricted in that, the constant association can only be where you can enter a normal Cicode tag keyboard command, symbol address field etc. All types of constants are supported: STRING, INTEGER, DIGITAL, REAL, and LONG. To pass a constant you need to format the argument in the Ass function to include a single quote on either side. For example, to pass the constant data 1.2345 into a Super Genie, you would call the Ass function like this: Ass(hWin, nArg, "1.2345"); To pass a variable tag, you don't need the single quotes. For example, to pass variable tag TAG1 into a Super Genie, you would call the Ass function as follows; Ass(hWin, nArg, "TAG1");

e. Arrays:
Super Genies can accept array elements or entire arrays as substitution. Passing an element of an array is straight forward, and is done by reference to the element, as shown here: AssPopUp("MyPopUp", "DigArray[42]"); To pass an entire array to a Super Genie, only the array name is used. For example: AssPopUp("MyPopUp", "DigArray"); When passing an entire array, the Super Genie must be configured to accept an array - instead of a single value. The following syntax must be used for the Super Genie substitution string: ?<Data Type>[<array size>] <Substitution String Number>? [<element>] Only arrays of data type DIGITAL, INT, REAL, and LONG are supported. Note: The <array size> is optional and if not defined then will default to 2048


digital, 128 integer or 64 real elements. You would only use it to check the range of the array - so that if an array smaller than expected is passed into the Super Genie, out of range values will default to 0 (or a null string) rather than generate a Cicode error. For example, to display element [3] in the first substitution tag (which is a digital array), the following syntax could be used: Alternatively, the following syntax could be used to ensure that an array of the expected size is being passed into the Super Genie: Expression ?DIGITAL[4] 1? [3] Attach Super Genie dialog box: You use the Attach Super Genie dialog box to attach a Super Genie to the current Genie. Attached Super Genies A list of Super Genies attached to the current Genie.

f. To attach a new Super Genie

1 Click Add. 2 Use the Select Super Genie dialog box to select the Super Genie to attach. 3 Click OK to save the changes, or click Cancel.

g. To detach a Super Genie:

1 Click Remove. You will not be asked to confirm if you want the attachment removed. 2 Click OK to save the changes, or click Cancel. Select Super Genie dialog box: The Select Super Genie dialog box lets you select a Super Genieto attach to the current Genie. A table of Super Genies in the project. To select a Super Genie, use the scroll bar to locate the thumbnail image of the Super Genie, then select the Super Genie and click OK (or double-click the thumbnail image). Note: To edit the Super Genie, select it and click Edit. To create a new Super Genie, click New. Library The library where the Super Genie is stored.


h. Nesting Super Genies:

CitectSCADA allows you to nest Super Genies. Nesting refers to where one Super Genie is embedded in another. For this to work, the embedded Genie controller (for the embedded Super Genie) must use AssChain functions instead of Ass functions.

i. Super Genie areas:

When you display a Super Genie, the area of the Super Genie is inherited from its parent. For example, if the parent page is in area 1, when you display a Super Genie it will also be area 1. This allows you to call the same Super Genie from different pages in different areas. The inherited area may be avoided by defining the Super Genie to have a specific area. Then, every instance of the Super Genie will have the same area, no matter which area its parent is from. Super Genies will only inherit areas if their area is blank.

j. Super Genie environment variables:

When you define a Super Genie, you are actually creating a Super Genie template, similar to a page template. When a Genie controller calls the Super Genie, this template is used to create a new Super Genie page. At this point, any environment variables saved with the template are copied across to the Super Genie page. However, if subsequent changes are made to the environment variables of the template, the environment variables of the Super Genie page is unchanged. To update the Super Genie page environment variables with changes made to the template, you must find and delete the Super Genie page (remember it may be prefixed with an exclamation mark (!)) and then use the Genie controller to call the Super Genie again. This will create a new Super Genie page that has the updated environment variables.

k. Using structured tags with Super Genies:

Super Genies do not support direct concatenation of the Super Genie tag with other information (as do Genies). For example, ?INT 1?_PV is not valid and will generate a compiler error. However, you can concatenate the tag using a Cicode expression. You must use a unique Super Genie variable for each real tag, and concatenate the tag with the Ass Cicode function. For example, if you have defined a loop controller with three bar graphs (created using the fill property in 79

a rectangle) to display the tags DEV1_PV, DEV1_SP and DEV1_OP, you can configure a Super Genie as follows: Each rectangle has a separate Genie tag Level expression Level expression Level expression ?INT 1? ?INT 2? ?INT 3?

If you do not use structured tags, you can call the Ass function for the above Genie as follows: AssPage("PageName", "DEV1_PV", "DEV1_SP", "DEV1_OP"); To concatenate information for the Genie, you could also write your own Cicode function, as follows: FUNCTION AssMine(STRING sPage, STRING sTag) AssPage(sPage, sTag + "_PV", sTag + "_SP", sTag + "_OP"); END With this function, you can call your AssMine() function (for example, from a command button), and pass a single tag (DEV1), as follows: AssMine("PageName", "DEV1"); Writing your own Cicode function to call a Genie provides extra flexibility; however, you can also use a Genie (for example, from a button command) to call the Ass function, as follows: Execute command AssPage("%Page%", "%tag%_PV", "%tag%_SP", "%tag%_OP"); When you use the above Genie, you only enter the page name and tag once. You must pass the tag name (by enclosing it in quotation marks) to the Super Genie functions.You cannot pass the tag values. For example, if you pass %tag%_SP (no qoutes), the value of the variable and not the tag name is passed to the Genie, and the association will fail.

13. Runtime
Now its time to run your project and test it to make sure that you have completed the tutorial correctly.


Click on the Runtime icon. Use the navigation menu to access your graphics display called MyPage. Click on Auto button then click On Manual. Click On/Off. You will see that both pipes change color as the group properties you configured will be applied to everything in the group, in this case both pipes.

You will also see an alarm is generated and displayed on the alarm bar at the bottom of the page when you switch to Manual mode. The Alarm icon at the bottom left will flash to indicate that you have new, unacknowledged alarms. Click on this Alarm icon to view the Alarm page. If you try to acknowledge the alarm from the alarm menu at the top of the screen, or by right-clicking on an alarm, you will notice that you do not have access to these features. By default you require a privilege level of 1 to use these features.

Click on the Logon button or pull-down menu on the navigation bar. This will produce a Login form in which you can enter your user name and password as shown below:


Once logged in, try accessing the alarm acknowledgement features again. This time they will work. You will notice that the alarm changes color once acknowledged, and disappears when you return the pump to automatic. If the pump returns to automatic and you have not acknowledged the alarm, it will remain on the screen until you do acknowledge it. This ensures that the operator never misses an alarm incident.


Runtime, Trends

From the navigation menu, select Configure Trend Groups from the Trends navigation menu.

Type in a name for your first trend group, nominally Pump 1. Then use the build buttons to add Pump_1_Speed to the group.
When you are finished, click Add, then close the window by clicking on the close icon


Now select Single Trend from the Trends navigation menu. Use the Trend Groups button to select a trend group for display. By manipulating the pump speed via the slider on MyPage, you should now see the trend value changing on the graph. There are many powerful features available on this page, including: Trend cursor Click and slide along the graph to locate the cursor which displays tool-tips to describe each pen at that location History mode Allows you to quickly and easily access historical data Zoom in/out Allows you to quickly and easily zoom the trend graph by highlighting an area and pressing the zoom button Scaling Allows you to change the minimum and maximum ranges for each pen Export Allows you to export raw time-stamped data to the clipboard or a file Take some time to get used to these features as they are key components to assisting you in analyzing and interpreting your production information.


Runtime, Process Analyst

CitectSCADA has facility for viewing trends and alarms. The Process Analyst is an ActiveX object that can be embedded on your own page, or you can use the default page provided.

Click on the Process Analyst button to display this page. Initially this is an empty


container ready to be configured.

Click on the Add Pens button.

Click on Search to find all configured trend pens. Select the Pump_1_Speed pen and click Add. Now change the Type from Trends to Alarms. Repeat your search and select Pump_1_Manual from the alarm list. Click Add then, when you are finished, click OK.

A new display pane will be added to the page displaying both the Pump_1_Speed analogue pen as well as the Pump_1_Manual digital alarm pen. If the gridlines do not appear, click on the graph area and it will refresh the display. Experiment with some of the control buttons (described on the next page), or clickand- drag on the graph itself to move through history. Display/remove pen cursor. Once displayed, click and drag the cursor to reposition it on the graph. Display/remove pen cursor labels. Once displayed, click and drag them to reposition them on the graph. Toggle the object pane at the bottom of the page which lists display pens. This creates more room for the graph pane.
Toggle Auto-Scroll.


Zoom in 50% Zoom out Zoom using a click-and-drag zoom box

We will now modify the appearance of the Process Analyst display. Click on the Properties button.

Expand the tree to Pane 1 and modify the background colour. You can select from the colour palette, or create new palette items by entering the Red, Green and Blue values directly. 85

In this case, enter 250, 250, 190, then click Add to Custom Colours. Select this new colour and click OK to record the change. Click Apply to see the effect on your Process Analyst view.
Now select Pump 1 Speed in RPM beneath Pane 1 in the properties tree.

Change the line color to bright red and the width to 2. Click OK to see the effect on your Process Analyst view and close the properties window. Finally, resize the Object pane to maximize the graph pane while still showing the list of pens.


Your Process Analyst view is now complete, but before you leave the page, click on the Save button. This will allow you to save the Process Analyst configuration you have just entered, and retrieve it again later on. Fill in the file name and click Save. This will allow you to return to this view quickly at a later time using the Load View button.

14. Administrative Tools

CitectSCADA comes with a number of commonly used administrative and debugging tools built into its default menu. Select Admin Tools from under the Tools menu. If you are not logged in, the menu options will be greyed out and inaccessible. If required, login as the Administrator as shown previously.

Once logged in with the appropriate privilege level, the Admin Tool menu will change colour to blue and become accessible. As well as access to common applications and file management tools, this page also allows access to System Setup (The Computer Setup Wizard), runtime and communications statistics, and online menu configuration.



Administrative Tools, Configuring the Menu

In the Citect Configuration box, select Configure Menu.

Expand the menu system by clicking on each + item. Each menu Button is a separate pull-down menu on the navigation bar. By right-clicking on each item, you can modify the items in its pull-down menu.


Right-click on Pages under the Generic node. Select Delete Button from the available options. This will remove the entire Pages pull-down menu. We will now create our own Pages menu.

Right-click anywhere in the left-hand pane and select New Button from the available options.


Right-click on this new Button and select New Item from the available options.

Right-click on this new Item and select Edit Item from the available options. Type MyPage as the Action, and select True from the pull-down list for the Checked option. Click OK. Actions must refer either to the name of a page to display or a Cicode function. If specifying a Cicode function, it must be prefixed by a question mark ("?").


This pull-down item is now configured to display MyPage when it is selected from the navigation bar. Double-click on the New Item, and change its name to My Page. Double-click on the New Button, and change its name to My Menu.

Click on the icon to close the Menu Configuration dialog. When prompted, make sure you save the changes you have made. These changes will take effect when you next change pages. Select a new page from the navigation bar, and verify that your new menu appears with the new page as shown below.


Administrative Tools, Tag Debug

Finally we will look at an extremely useful testing and commissioning tool the Tag Debugger. Select Tag Debug from the Tools menu.


In the dialog provided, type in Pump_1_M (alternatively use the Browse feature to navigate and select the same tag), and then click Read.

If the pump is currently in Manual, the Tag Value should return a 1. If it is Automatic it should return a 0. Verify that the correct value was returned by checking the state of the lights on My Page. Change the value to the opposite state by typing a 1 or 0 into the Tag Value to replace the value that was read. Click Write. Verify that the new value was written to the tag both by clicking Read again, and by checking the state of the lights on MyPage. WARNING Tag Debug is a powerful utility that can access any tag in the CitectSCADA system and both verify its state/value as well as change it. As such, it should be used with caution, especially when changing values for tags which control equipment!

15. Backing Up Your Project

It is important to keep backup copies of your project, so that you can always recover from a disaster with minimum effort. Make sure you are in the Citect Explorer and have the Tutorial project selected.


Click on the Backup icon.

Use the Browse button to locate a directory where you want to save your files to. Alternately you can type the directory and filename into the Backup File edit box. If the directory does not exist CitectSCADA will automatically create it for you when it saves the file. Click OK and when the Backup Complete message pops up, click OK on that also.

16. Restoring Your Project

With any software, it is good practice to check and make sure you can restore from your backup copies. It is very rare to experience problems restoring from a CitectSCADA backup but the time taken to check is a tiny fraction compared to the time it would take to recreate the project from scratch.


Click on the Restore icon (it is next to the backup icon) or on the menu bar click Tools then Restore.

Click on the Browse button to locate your backup file. We will restore to a New project, test it, then delete it, as this is a much better test than restoring over the existing project and less chance of anything going wrong (eg; what if the power fails half way through restoring over the top of your existing project or your backup has a fault in it?). Make sure New Project is checked. In the Name edit box type a name for the new project eg; Tutorial Test then click OK. When the restore is completed (click OK on the Restore Complete Dialog), click on the Tutorial Test project to switch to that project, then change to the Citect Project Editor to compile the project before clicking on the Computer Setup Wizard and repeating the Setup steps identified earlier in this tutorial to configure the computer to run the Tutorial Test project in stand-alone mode.


Click on the Citect Runtime icon to make run your project and prove your backup and restore operation was successful. To delete the Test_tutorial project, click File on the Citect Explorer menu, then click Delete Project.

17. Troubleshooting
If you experience results that are different to what you see in the tutorial 1. Go back and double check what you have done. Most likely you have done something different from the instructions. 2. The tutorial largely assumes CitectHMI/SCADA is freshly installed and default settings havent been changed. By taking a closer look at the screens in the tutorial you may be able to identify any differences. 3. If problem is in Runtime, shutdown runtime and restart it. 4. Read the Online Help. Most dialog boxes have a help button that provides context sensitive help with just a mouse click. 5. Read the CitectHMI/SCADA knowledgebase. This is available on the CitectHMI/SCADA software CD or from the website www.citect.com.


6. Worst case, start again, just create a new project and call it Tutorial2. The upside to this is the extra practice will make you more proficient. If nothing appears to happen when you press a button, do not press it repeatedly in the hope that something will happen chances are your PC is busy trying to do what youve already asked it to do.


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