Semester 1 and 2 Final Exam Oracle PL SQL

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A program which specifies a list of operations to be performed sequentially t o achieve the desired result can be called: Mark for Review declarative nondeclarative procedural (*) low level 2. Which lines of code will correctly display the message "The cat sat on the ma t"? (Choose two.) Mark for Review DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The cat sat on the mat'); (*) DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(The cat sat on the mat); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The cat' || 'sat on the mat'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The cat sat ' || 'on the mat'); (*) 3. PL/SQL can be used not only with an Oracle database, but also with any kind o f relational database. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) 4. When an exception occurs within a PL/SQL block, the remaining statements in t he executable section of the block are skipped. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False 5. A variable must have a value if NOT NULL is specified. True or False? True (*) False 6. Identify which of the following assignment statements are valid. (Choose thre e.) Mark for Review v_last_name := Chandra; v_blackout_date := '31-DEC-2006'; (*) v_population := 333444; (*) v_music_type := 'ROCK'; (*) 7. Which statement most closely describes "data type"? Mark for Review It is the value of a variable. It specifies a storage format, constraints, and a valid range of values for a va riable. (*)

It allows different kinds of data to be stored in a single variable. It is used to test if errors have occurred. 8. What is the output when the following program is executed? set serveroutput on DECLARE a VARCHAR2(10) := '333'; b VARCHAR2(10) := '444'; c PLS_INTEGER; d VARCHAR2(10); BEGIN c := TO_NUMBER(a) + TO_NUMBER(b); d := a || b; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(c); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(d); END; Nothing. The code will result in an error. c=777 and d=333444 (*) c=777 and d=777 c=333444 and d=777 9. Valid identifiers begin with a Mark for Review Number Letter (*) Special character 10. Assume there are 5 employees in Department 10. What happens when the followi ng statement is executed? UPDATE employees SET salary=salary*1.1; All employees get a 10% salary increase. (*) No rows are modified because you did not specify "WHERE department_id=10" A TOO_MANY_ROWS exception is raised. An error message is displayed because you must use the INTO clause to hold the n ew salary. 11. Which rows will be deleted from the EMPLOYEES table when the following code is executed? DECLARE salary employees.salary%TYPE := 12000; BEGIN DELETE FROM employees WHERE salary > salary; END; All rows whose SALARY column value is greater than 12000.

All rows in the table. No rows. (*) All rows whose SALARY column value is equal to 12000. 12. The following anonymous block of code is run: BEGIN INSERT INTO countries (id, name) VALUES ('XA', 'Xanadu'); INSERT INTO countries (id, name) VALUES ('NV','Neverland'); COMMIT; COMMIT; ROLLBACK; END; What happens when the block of code finishes? You have nothing new; the last ROLLBACK undid the INSERTs. You have the rows added twice; there are four new rows. You have the two new rows added. (*) You get an error; you cannot COMMIT twice in a row. 13. How many ELSIF statements are you allowed to have in a compound IF statement ? Mark for Review (1) Points Only one As many as you want (*) They must match the same number as the number of ELSE statements. None; the command is ELSE IF; 14. Which kind of loop is this? v_count := 1; LOOP v_count := v_count + 1; EXIT WHEN i > 20; END LOOP; Mark for Review (1) Points FOR loop IF-THEN loop Basic loop (*) WHILE loop CASE loop

15. What will be the value of v_sal_desc after the following code is executed? DECLARE v_salary NUMBER(6,2) := NULL; v_sal_desc VARCHAR2(10); BEGIN CASE WHEN v_salary < 10000 THEN v_sal_desc := 'Low Paid'; WHEN v_salary >= 10000 THEN v_sal_desc := 'High Paid'; END CASE; END; High Paid Low Paid Null The code will fail and return an exception (*) 16. What kinds of loops can be nested? Mark for Review BASIC loops WHILE loops FOR loops All of the above (*) 17. In a WHILE loop, the statements inside the loop must execute at least once. True or False? Mark for Review True False (*) 18. Which of these constructs can be used to fetch multiple rows from a cursor's active set? Mark for Review A CASE statement An IF .... ELSE statement A basic loop which includes FETCH and EXIT WHEN statements (*) A basic loop which includes OPEN, FETCH and CLOSE statements 19. You want to display all locations, and the departments in each location. Exa mine the following code: DECLARE CURSOR loc_curs IS SELECT * FROM locations; CURSOR dept_curs(p_loc_id NUMBER) IS SELECT * FROM departments WHERE location_id = p_loc_id; BEGIN FOR loc_rec IN loc_curs LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(; FOR dept_rec IN dept_curs(-- Point A --) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(dept_rec.department_name); END LOOP; END LOOP; END; What should you code at Point A? Mark for Review p_loc_id

location_id null LOOP ... END LOOP; loc_rec.location_id (*) 20. Examine the following declaration of a cursor with a parameter. What should be coded at Point A? DECLARE CURSOR emp_curs(-- Point A --) IS SELECT * FROM employees WHERE job_id = p_job_id; Mark for Review (1) Points p_job_id ST_CLERK' p_job_id VARCHAR2(25) p_job_id VARCHAR2 (*) job_id VARCHAR2 21. Examine the following code. To display the salary of an employee, what must be coded at Point A? DECLARE CURSOR emp_curs IS SELECT * FROM employees; BEGIN FOR emp_rec IN emp_curs LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( -- what goes here ? ); END LOOP; END; salary emp_curs.salary emp_rec.salary (*) employees.salary emp_rec.salary IN emp_curs Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 22. Examine the following code: DECLARE CURSOR c IS SELECT * FROM employees FOR UPDATE; c_rec c%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN c; FOR i IN 1..20 LOOP FETCH c INTO c_rec; IF i = 6 THEN

UPDATE employees SET first_name = 'Joe' WHERE CURRENT OF c; END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE c; END; Which employee row or rows will be updated when this block is executed? Mark for The first 6 fetched rows will be updated. No rows will be updated because you locked the rows when the cursor was opened. The 6th fetched row will be updated. (*) The block will not compile because the cursor should have been declared .... FOR UPDATE WAIT 5; None of the above. 23. The employees table contains 11 columns. The following block declares a curs or and a record based on the cursor: DECLARE CURSOR emp_curs IS SELECT * FROM employees; v_emp_rec emp_curs%ROWTYPE; A twelfth column is now added to the employees table. Which of the following sta tements is true? The declaration of emp_rec must be changed to add an extra field. The block will still work correctly without any changes to the PL/SQL code. (*) The block will fail and an INVALID_CURSOR exception will be raised. An extra scalar variable must be declared to correspond to the twelfth table col umn. 6 24. Which of these exceptions can be handled by an EXCEPTION section in a PL/SQL block? Mark for Review A SELECT statement returns no rows A SELECT statement returns more than one row Any other kind of exception that can occur within the block All of the above (*) None of the above 25. Which of these exceptions would need to be raised explicitly by the PL/SQL p rogrammer? Mark for Review OTHERS A SELECT statement returns more than one row. A check constraint is violated.

A SQL UPDATE statement does not update any rows. (*) A row is FETCHed from a cursor while the cursor is closed. 26. User-defined exceptions must be declared explicitly by the programmer, but t hen are raised automatically by the Oracle Server. True or False? Mark for Revie w True False (*) 27. Using nested blocks, when is it necessary to label the outer block?. Mark You must always label the outer block. You must always label both blocks. You must label the outer block when two variables with the same name are declare d, one in each block. You must label the outer block when two variables with the same name are declare d and you need to reference the outer block's variable within the inner block. ( *) Block labels are just comments and are therefore recommended but never needed. 28. Which of the following keywords MUST be included in every PL/SQL procedure d efinition? (Choose three.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) REPLACE BEGIN (*) IS or AS (*) DECLARE END (*) 29. Procedure SOMEPROC has five parameters named A, B, C, D, E in that order. Th e procedure was called as follows: SOMEPROC(10,20,D=>50); How was parameter D referenced? Positionally Named (*) A combination of positionally and named A combination of named and defaulted Defaulted

30. Which of the following can NOT be used as the datatype of a procedure parame ter? Mark for Review A non-SQL datatype such as BOOLEAN The name of another procedure (*) A large object datatype such as CLOB A PLSQL record defined using %ROWTYPE 31. Examine the following code: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION add_func (p_param1 NUMBER, p_param2 NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN RETURN (p_param1 + p_param2); END; What will be displayed when the following SQL statement is executed? SELECT add_func(6, add_func(3,) FROM dual; Mark for Review (1) Points 23 11 66 17 (*) An error message will be displayed because you cannot nest user-defined function s. 32. In which DML statements can user-defined functions be used? Mark for INSERT and UPDATE, but not DELETE. INSERT only. All DML statements. (*) UPDATE only DELETE only Incorrect. Refer to Section 8. 33. How do you specify that you want a procedure MYPROCA to use "Definer's Right s"? Mark for Review (1) Points CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE myproca AUTHID CURRENT_USER IS... CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE myproca

AUTHID OWNER IS... GRANT DEFINER TO myprocA; ALTER PROCEDURE myproca TO DEFINER; Definer's Rights are the default, therefore no extra code or commands are needed . (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 8. 34. You want to see the names, modes and data types of the formal parameters of function MY_FUNC in your schema. How can you do this? (Choose two) Mark for Revi ew (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) Query USER_PARAMETERS Query USER_SOURCE (*) Query USER_FUNCTIONS SHOW PARAMETER my_funct; DESCRIBE my_funct; (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 8.

Section 9 35. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE can be invoked from inside a private packaged function. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False Incorrect. Refer to Section 9. 36. Package MYPACK contains procedure MYPROC. You can see which parameters MYPRO C uses by executing: DESCRIBE mypack.myproc. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 9. 37. MARY wants HENRY to be able to query her EMPLOYEES table. Mary executes the following code: DECLARE v_grant_stmt VARCHAR2(50); BEGIN v_grant_stmt := 'GRANT SELECT ON employees TO henry'; DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(v_grant_stmt); END; Mary has successfully granted the privilege to Henry. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 9. 38. Examine the following code: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE emppack IS PROCEDURE upd_emp (p_empno IN NUMBER, p_salary IN NUMBER); END emppack; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY emppack IS -- Line A PROCEDURE upd_emp (p_empno IN NUMBER, p_salary IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN IF NOT sal_ok(p_salary) THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20201,'Invalid salary'); END IF; END upd_emp; FUNCTION sal_ok(pf_salary NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS BEGIN IF pf_salary > 50000 THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE RETURN TRUE; END IF; END sal_ok; END emppack; What must be coded at Line A for this package to compile successfully? FUNCTION sal_ok; FUNCTION sal_ok(pf_salary NUMBER); FUNCTION sal_ok(pf_salary NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN; (*) PROCEDURE upd_emp (p_empno IN NUMBER, p_salary IN NUMBER); Nothing is needed at Line A 39. When a user session changes the value of a package variable, the new value c an immediately be seen by other sessions. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) 40. Your schema contains four packages, each having a specification and a body. You have also been granted privileges to access three packages (and their bodies ) in other users' schemas. What will be displayed by the following query? SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_OBJECTS WHERE object_type LIKE 'PACK%' AND owner <> USER; Mark for Review (1) Points 14 7 3 6 (*) 0 41. In the following code: CREATE TRIGGER mytrigg INSTEAD OF INSERT OR UPDATE ON my_object_name FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ... my_object_name can be the name of a table. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 10. 42. You can use a trigger to prevent rows from being deleted from the EMPLOYEES table on Mondays. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False Incorrect. Refer to Section 10. 43. User AYSEGUL successfully creates the following trigger: CREATE TRIGGER loc_trigg BEFORE UPDATE ON aysegul.locations BEGIN .... AYSEGUL now tries to drop the LOCATIONS table. What happens?

Mark for Review (1) Points An error message is displayed because you cannot drop a table that is associated with a trigger. The table is dropped and the trigger is disabled. The trigger is dropped but the table is not dropped. Both the table and the trigger are dropped. (*) None of the above. Incorrect. Refer to Section 10. 44. There are five employees in department 50. The following trigger is created: CREATE TRIGGER upd_emp AFTER UPDATE ON employees BEGIN INSERT INTO audit_table VALUES (USER, SYSDATE); END; A user now executes: UPDATE employees SET salary = salary * 1.1 WHERE department_id = 50; How many rows will be inserted into audit_table? Mark for Review (1) Points One (*) Two Five Six None of the above Incorrect. Refer to Section 10. 45. What is wrong with the following code? CREATE TRIGGER call_trigg AFTER LOGOFF ON SCHEMA BEGIN CALL drop_proc; END; Mark for Review (1) Points You cannot code an AFTER LOGOFF trigger

When using CALL, you must not code BEGIN When using CALL, you must not code END; The CALL statement must not end with a semicolon ( All of the above (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 10.

Section 11 46. You have created several directory objects in the database, as pointers to o perating system directories which contain BFILEs. Which data dictionary view wou ld you query to see these directories? Mark for Review (1) Points USER_DIRECTORIES USER_BFILES ALL_DIRECTORIES (*) USER_EXTERNAL_FILES ALL_BFILES Incorrect. Refer to Section 11. 47. The JOB_APPLICANTS table contains two columns: (applicant_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, resume CLOB) For applicant_id 100, we want to modify the value of the RESUME column value fro m "I worked for Oracle" to "I worked for Oracle for five years". Which of the following will do this successfully? (Choose two.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) UPDATE job_applicants SET SUBSTR(resume, 21,14) = 'for five years' WHERE candidate_id = 100; UPDATE job_applicants SET resume = 'I worked for Oracle for five years' WHERE candidate_id = 100; (*) DECLARE

v_locator CLOB; BEGIN v_locator := 'I worked for Oracle for five years'; UPDATE job_applicants SET resume = DBMS_LOB.WRITE(v_locator) WHERE candidate_id = 100; END; DECLARE v_lobloc CLOB; BEGIN SELECT resume INTO v_lobloc FROM job_applicants WHERE applicant_id = 100; DBMS_LOB.WRITE(v_lobloc,14,21,'for five years'); END; (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 11. 48. An INDEX BY table of records can store a maximum of 255 records. True or Fal se? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 11. 49. Which of the following will declare a composite PL/SQL data type named COMPO _TYPE, containing two fields named FIELD1 and FIELD2? Mark for Review (1) Points DECLARE compo_type (field1 NUMBER, field2 VARCHAR2(30)); DECLARE TYPE compo_type IS (field1 NUMBER, field2 VARCHAR2(30)); DECLARE TYPE compo_type IS RECORD (field1 NUMBER, field2 VARCHAR2(30)); (*) DECLARE compo_type IS RECORD

(field1 NUMBER, field2 VARCHAR2(30));

Incorrect. Refer to Section 11.

Section 12 50. User BOB wants to know which objects reference his DEPARTMENTS table. Which of the following must he execute to populate the DEPTREE_TEMPTAB table? Mark for Review (1) Points BEGIN utldtree('DEPARTMENTS'); END; BEGIN deptree_fill('TABLE','BOB','DEPARTMENTS'); END; (*) BEGIN deptree_fill('TABLE','DEPARTMENTS'); END; BEGIN ideptree('TABLE','BOB','DEPARTMENTS'); END; 1. PL/SQL is an Oracle proprietary, procedural, 4GL programming language. True o r False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)

2. Errors are handled in the Exception part of the PL/SQL block. True or False? True (*) False 3. You need to declare a variable to hold a value which has been read from the S ALARY column of the EMPLOYEES table. Which of the following is an advantage of d eclaring the variable as: employees.salary%TYPE ? Mark for Review (1) Points It is shorter than coding NUMBER(8,2)

If the SALARY column is ALTERed later, the PL/SQL code need not be changed. (*) It executes much faster than using NUMBER(8,2) It allows the software to perform implicit data type conversions. 4. Type of a variable determines the range of values the variable can have and t he set of operations that are defined for values of the type. Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False 5. When an exception occurs within a PL/SQL block, the remaining statements in t he executable section of the block are skipped. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 6. 6. Which of the following are valid identifiers? (Choose two.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) yesterday (*) yesterday's date number_of_students_in_the_class v$testresult (*) #students Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 2. 7. If today's date is 14th June 2007, which statement will correctly convert tod ay's date to the value: June 14, 2007 ? Mark for Review (1) Points TO_CHAR(sysdate) TO_DATE(sysdate) TO_DATE(sysdate,'Month DD, YYYY') TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'Month DD, YYYY') (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.

Section 3 8. Which one of these SQL statements can be directly included in a PL/SQL execut able block? Mark for Review (1) Points DELETE FROM employees WHERE department_id=60; (*) SELECT salary FROM employees WHERE department_id=60; CREATE TABLE new_emps (last_name VARCHAR2(10), first_name VARCHAR2(10)); DROP TABLE locations; Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 2. 9. What keyword goes at the beginning of the following SQL statement? _____ INTO test1 a USING all_objects b ON (a.object_id = b.object_id) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET a.status = b.status WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (object_id, status) VALUES (b.object_id, b.status); Mark for Review (1) Points INSERT UPDATE DELETE MERGE (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1. 10. You declare an implicit cursor in the DECLARE section of a PL/SQL block. Tru e or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)


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Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indica tes a correct answer. Section 4 11. Examine the following block: DECLARE v_counter PLS_INTEGER := 1; BEGIN LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_counter); v_counter := v_counter + 1; EXIT WHEN v_counter = 5; END LOOP; END; What is the last value of V_COUNTER that is displayed? Mark for Review (1) Points 5 6 4 (*) This is an infinite loop; the loop will never finish. Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 3. 12. What kinds of loops can be nested? Mark for Review (1) Points BASIC loops WHILE loops FOR loops All of the above (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 5. 13. What is the correct form of a compound IF statement? Mark for Review

(1) Points IF condition THEN statement1 ELSE statement 2; IF condition THEN statement1 ELSE statement 2; END IF; IF condition; THEN statement1; ELSE statement2; END IF; IF condition THEN statement1; ELSE statement2; END IF; (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 1. 14. What value will v_answer contain after the following code is executed? DECLARE v_age NUMBER:= 18; v_answer VARCHAR2(10); BEGIN v_answer := CASE WHEN v_age < 25 THEN 'Young' WHEN v_age = 18 THEN 'Exactly 18' ELSE 'Older' END CASE; END; Mark for Review (1) Points Exactly 18 Young (*) Null Older Incorrect. Refer to Section 4 Lesson 2. 15. In a WHILE loop, the statements inside the loop must execute at least once. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Correct

Section 5 16. Examine the following code. To display the salary of an employee, what must be coded at Point A? DECLARE CURSOR emp_curs IS SELECT * FROM employees; BEGIN FOR emp_rec IN emp_curs LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( -- what goes here ? ); END LOOP; END; Mark for Review (1) Points salary emp_curs.salary emp_rec.salary (*) employees.salary emp_rec.salary IN emp_curs Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 3. 17. Consider the following cursor: CURSOR c IS SELECT e.last_name, e.salary, d.department_name FROM employees e JOIN departments d USING(department_id) WHERE e.last_name='Smith' FOR UPDATE; When the cursor is opened and rows are fetched, what is locked? Mark for Review (1) Points The whole EMPLOYEES table is locked. In the EMPLOYEES table, only the 'Smith' rows are locked. Nothing in the DEPARTM ENTS table is locked. Each 'Smith' row is locked and Smith's matching rows in DEPARTMENTS are locked. No other rows are locked in either table. (*)

The whole EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables are locked. Nothing is locked because the cursor was not declared with NOWAIT. Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 5. 18. How many explicit cursors can be declared and used in a single PL/SQL block? Mark for Review (1) Points One or two. Only one. As many as needed. (*) Up to eight cursors. None of the above. Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 6. 19. Examine the following declaration of a cursor with a parameter. What should be coded at Point A? DECLARE CURSOR emp_curs(-- Point A --) IS SELECT * FROM employees WHERE job_id = p_job_id; Mark for Review (1) Points p_job_id ST_CLERK' p_job_id VARCHAR2(25) p_job_id VARCHAR2 (*) job_id VARCHAR2 20. An explicit cursor must always be declared, opened and closed by the PL/SQL programmer. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) 21. Which of the following cursor attributes is set to the total number of rows returned so far? Mark for Review %ISOPEN %NOTFOUND

%FOUND %ROWCOUNT (*) 22. Examine the following trigger. It should raise an application error if a use r tries to update an employee's last name. It should allow updates to all other columns of the EMPLOYEES table. What should be coded at line A? CREATE TRIGGER stop_ln_trigg BEFORE UPDATE ON employees BEGIN -- Line A RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20201,'Updating last name not allowed'); END IF; END; Mark for Review (1) Points IF UPDATING LAST_NAME THEN IF UPDATING('LAST_NAME') THEN (*) IF UPDATE('LAST_NAME') THEN IF UPDATING THEN Correct 23. You want to prevent any objects in your schema from being altered or dropped . You decide to create the following trigger: CREATE TRIGGER stop_ad_trigg -- Line A BEGIN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20203,'Invalid Operation'); END; What should you code at Line A ? Mark for Review (1) Points AFTER ALTER OR DROP ON SCHEMA INSTEAD OF ALTER OR DROP ON SCHEMA BEFORE ALTER OR DROP ON SCHEMA (*) BEFORE ALTER, DROP ON SCHEMA AFTER ALTER, DROP ON SCHEMA Incorrect. Refer to Section 6 Lesson 2.

Section 7 24. What will happen when the following code is executed?

DECLARE e_outer_excep EXCEPTION; BEGIN DECLARE e_inner_excep EXCEPTION; BEGIN RAISE e_outer_excep; END; EXCEPTION WHEN e_outer_excep THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Outer raised'); WHEN e_inner_excep THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inner raised'); END; Mark for Review (1) Points The code will fail to compile because e_inner_excep cannot be referenced in the outer block. (*) The code will propagate the e_outer_excep back to the calling environment. The code will execute successfully and 'Outer Raised' will be displayed. The code will fail to compile because e_inner_excep was declared but never RAISE d. Correct 25. How can you retrieve the error code and error message of any Oracle Server e xception? Mark for Review (1) Points By using the functions SQLCODE and SQLERRM (*) By using the functions SQLCODE and SQLERR By using RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR By defining an EXCEPTION variable and using PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT Incorrect. Refer to Section 7 Lesson 2. 26. Department-id 99 does not exist. What will be displayed when the following c ode is executed? DECLARE v_deptname departments.department_name%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT department_name INTO v_deptname FROM departments WHERE department_id = 99; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20201,'Department does not exist'); END; Mark for Review

(1) Points ORA-01403: No Data Found ORA-20201: Department does not exist ORA-01403: No Data Found ORA-20201: Department does not exist (*) None of the above Incorrect. Refer to Section 7 Lesson 3. 27. While a PL/SQL block is executing, more than one exception can occur at the same time. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) Correct

Section 8 28. Procedure SOMEPROC has five parameters named A, B, C, D, E in that order. Th e procedure was called as follows: SOMEPROC(10,20,D=>50); How was parameter D referenced? Mark for Review (1) Points Positionally Named (*) A combination of positionally and named A combination of named and defaulted Defaulted Correct 29. Which of the following is NOT correct coding for a procedure parameter? Mark for Review (1) Points (p_param IN VARCHAR2) (p_param VARCHAR2)

(p_param VARCHAR2(50)) (*) (p_param employees.last_name%TYPE) (p_param IN OUT VARCHAR2) 30. Which of the following keywords MUST be included in every PL/SQL procedure d efinition? (Choose three.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) REPLACE BEGIN (*) IS or AS (*) DECLARE END (*) 31. Which of the following best describes a stored function? Mark for Review A subprogram that must return exactly one value. (*) A subprogram that must have at least one IN parameter. A subprogram that has no OUT or IN OUT parameters. A subprogram that executes automatically when a DML statement is executed on a t able. A subprogram which invokes another subprogram. 32. When must AUTHID CURRENT_USER be included in an autonomous transaction subpr ogram? Mark for Review (1) Points When declaring Definer's rights When declaring Invoker's rights (*) When using COMMIT or ROLLBACK When using GRANT on the subprogram 33. The function avg_ann_sal returns the average annual salary for a particular department. The example below is a valid use of of this function. True or False? SELECT first_name, last_name FROM employees WHERE avg_ann_sal(20) > 15000; Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False

34. You want to remove the procedure NO_NEED from your schema. You execute: DROP PROCEDURE no_need; Which Data Dictionary views are updated automatically? USER_PROCEDURES USER_OBJECTS USER_SOURCE All of the above. (*) None of the above. 35. The following package specification has been created: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE mypack IS FUNCTION myfunc(p_funcparam DATE) RETURN BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE myproc(p_procparam IN NUMBER); END mypack; Which of the following will correctly invoke the package subprograms? (Choose tw o.) mypack.myfunc('22-JAN-07'); mypack.myproc(35); (*) IF NOT mypack.myfunc(SYSDATE) THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Message'); END IF; (*) myproc(40); v_num := mypack.myproc(22);

Incorrect. Refer to Section 10 Lesson 1. 36. Package OLDPACK is in your schema. What will happen when the following state ment is executed? DROP PACKAGE oldpack; Mark for Review (1) Points The body will be dropped but the specification will be retained. The specification will be dropped but the body will be retained. Both the specification and the body will be dropped. (*) The statement will fail because you must drop the body before you can drop the s

pecification. Incorrect. Refer to Section 10 Lesson 2. 37. We never need to use a forward declaration when invoking a public subprogram . True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False Incorrect. Refer to Section 10 Lesson 3.

Section 11 38. Why is it better to use DBMS_OUTPUT only in anonymous blocks, not inside sto red subprograms such as procedures? Mark for Review (1) Points Because DBMS_OUTPUT cannot be used inside procedures Because anonymous blocks display messages while the block is executing, while pr ocedures do not display anything until their execution has finished Because DBMS_OUTPUT should be used only for testing and debugging PL/SQL code (* ) Because DBMS_OUTPUT can raise a NO_DATA_FOUND exception if used inside a package d procedure Incorrect. Refer to Section 11 Lesson 2. 39. A cursor is declared in a package specification. User SIOBHAN opens the curs or and fetches the first three rows from the cursor's active set, but does not c lose the cursor. User FRED now connects to the database. FRED can immediately fetch the next thre e rows without opening the cursor. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) 40. What is the event that will cause the trigger on the emp_details view below to fire? CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER new_emp_dept INSTEAD OF INSERT ON emp_details BEGIN INSERT INTO new_emps VALUES (:NEW.employee_id, :NEW.last_name, :NEW.salary, :NEW.department_id);

new_depts SET dept_sal = dept_sal + :NEW.salary WHERE department_id = :NEW.department_id; END; An attempt to update salary column on the new_depts table A new employee is added to the emp_details table A procedure calls the new_emp_dept trigger. An attempt to add a row in the emp_details view (*) An attempt to add a row in the new_depts table.

41. Examine this code: CREATE TRIGGER new_trigg AFTER CREATE ON reserved_word BEGIN ... Which of the following can be used in place of reserved_word? (Choose two.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) TABLE SCHEMA (*) USER DATABASE (*) TABLE employees

42. There are five employees in department 50. The following trigger is created: CREATE TRIGGER upd_emp AFTER UPDATE ON employees BEGIN INSERT INTO audit_table VALUES (USER, SYSDATE); END; A user now executes: UPDATE employees SET salary = salary * 1.1 WHERE department_id = 50; How many rows will be inserted into audit_table? One (*) Two Five

Six None of the above 43. After the following SQL statement is executed, all the triggers on the DEPAR TMENTS table will no longer fire, but will remain in the database. True or False ? ALTER TABLE departments DISABLE ALL TRIGGERS; Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False 44. The following objects have been created in a user's schema: - a function FUNC1 - A package PACK1 which contains a public procedure PACKPROC and a private funct ion PACKFUNC - a trigger TRIGG1. The procedure and functions each accept a single IN parameter of type NUMBER, an d the functions return BOOLEANs. Which of the following calls to these objects ( from an anonymous block) are correct? (Choose two.) Mark for Review pack1.packproc(25); (*) SELECT func1(100) FROM dual; trigg1; IF pack1.packfunc(40) THEN ... IF func1(75) THEN ... (*) 45. A procedure includes the following code: CURSOR loc_curs IS SELECT location_id, city, country_id FROM locations; Which of the following changes to the LOCATIONS table will allow the procedure t o be recompiled successfully without editing its code? (Choose two.) RENAME locations TO new_locations; ALTER TABLE locations ADD (climate VARCHAR2(30)); (*) ALTER TABLE locations DROP COLUMN city; ALTER TABLE locations DROP COLUMN postal_code; (*) 46. Procedure B has the ZERO_DIVIDE pre-defined exception added to its EXCEPTION section. It is compiled successfully. In Timestamp Mode, Procedure A, which is dependent on remote Procedure B, will compile and execute successfully. True False (*) Correct 47. Below are the steps to obfuscate a PL/SQL subprogram using the wrapper utili ty. What is the missing step? 1. Create a text file containing your complete unwrapped source code.

2. Execute WRAP to create a second text file containing the wrapped code. 3. Connect to the database and execute the wrapped text file as a script to comp ile the wrapped code into the Data Dictionary. Validate the wrapped code at the operating system level. Create the wrapper using DBMS_DML. Verify the code was hidden in USER_CODE. Grant EXECUTE privileges on the subprogram. Log into the database server computer. (*) 48. Identify examples of benefits of using PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL. (Choose three) Modify source code to optimize frequently-used elements at the top. Control what PL/SQL does with useless code. (*) Backward compatible with previous versions of the Oracle database. (*) Separating compiled code so that separate units may be repeated as needed. Copy compiled code from one subprogram into another subprogram. (*) 49. The two statements below are equivalent. True or False? DBMS_WARNING.SET_WARNING_SETTING_STRING ('ENABLE:SEVERE','SESSION'); and ALTER SESSION SET PLSQL_WARNINGS = 'ENABLE:SEVERE'; Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) 50. How would you determine the current Oracle database version? Mark for DBMS_D B_VERSION.RELEASE DBMS_DB_VERSION.VERSION (*) DBMS_DB_VERSION.VER_LE_10 DBMS_DB_VERSION.VER_LE_11 1. Which statements are optional in a PL/SQL block? (Choose two.) Mark for Revie w (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) DECLARE (*)

BEGIN EXCEPTION (*) END; Incorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson 3. 2. The P in PL/SQL stands for: Mark for Review (1) Points Processing Procedural (*) Primary Proprietary Correct

Section 2 3. Which of the following are valid identifiers? (Choose two.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) yesterday (*) yesterday's date number_of_students_in_the_class v$testresult (*) #students Correct 4. What is the data type of the variable V_DEPT_TABLE in the following declarati on? DECLARE TYPE dept_table_type IS TABLE OF departments%ROWTYPE INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; v_dep t_table dept_table_type; ... Mark for Review (1) Points Scalar Composite (*)

LOB Correct 5. When you use a function to convert data types in a PL/SQL program, it is call ed ______ conversion. Mark for Review (1) Points Explicit (*) Implicit TO_CHAR Correct 6. When nested blocks are used, which blocks can or must be labeled? Mark for Re view (1) Points The inner block must be labeled, the outer block can be labeled. Both blocks must be labeled Nested blocks cannot be labeled The outer block must be labeled if it is to be referred to in the inner block. ( *) Correct 7. Which of the following should NOT be used as the name of a variable? Mark for Review (1) Points A table name. A table column name. (*) The database name. Correct

Section 3 8. The following table has been created: CREATE TABLE student_table (stud_id NUMBER(6), last_name VARCHAR2(20),

first_name VARCHAR2(20), lunch_num NUMBER(4)); Which one of the following INSERT statements will fail? Mark for Review (1) Points INSERT INTO student_table (stud_id, last_name, first_name, lunch_num) VALUES (143354, 'Roberts', 'Cameron', 6543); INSERT INTO student_table VALUES (143354, 'Roberts', 'Cameron', 6543); INSERT INTO student_table (stud_id, lunch_num, first_name, last_name) VALUES (143352, 6543, 'Cameron', 'Roberts'); INSERT INTO student_table (stud_id, last_name, lunch_num) VALUES (143354, 'Roberts', 6543, 'Cameron'); (*)

Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1. 9. Assume there are 5 employees in Department 10. What happens when the followin g statement is executed? UPDATE employees SET salary=salary*1.1; Mark for Review (1) Points All employees get a 10% salary increase. (*) No rows are modified because you did not specify "WHERE department_id=10" A TOO_MANY_ROWS exception is raised. An error message is displayed because you must use the INTO clause to hold the n ew salary. Correct 10. Which one of these SQL statements can be directly included in a PL/SQL execu table block? Mark for Review (1) Points SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE employee_id=100; DESCRIBE employees; UPDATE employees

SET last_name='Smith'; (*) DROP TABLE employees;


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Test: PL/SQL Institute Exit Exam

Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indica tes a correct answer. Section 4 11. What will be the value of variable c after the following code is executed? DECLARE a BOOLEAN := TRUE; b BOOLEAN := NULL; c NUMBER; BEGIN IF a AND b THEN c := 2; ELSIF a OR b THEN c := 0; ELSE c := 1; END IF; END; Mark for Review (1) Points 1 Null 0 (*) 2 Correct 12. Examine the following block: DECLARE v_counter PLS_INTEGER := 1; BEGIN LOOP

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_counter); v_counter := v_counter + 1; EXIT WHEN v_counter = 5; END LOOP; END; What is the last value of V_COUNTER that is displayed? Mark for Review (1) Points 5 6 4 (*) This is an infinite loop; the loop will never finish. Correct 13. In a FOR loop, an implicitly declared counter automatically increases or dec reases with each iteration. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False Correct 14. Examine the following code: DECLARE v_salary NUMBER(6); v_constant NUMBER(6) := 15000; v_result VARCHAR(6) := 'MIDDLE'; BEGIN IF v_salary != v_constant THEN v_result := 'HIGH'; ELSE v_result := 'LOW'; END IF; END; What is the final value of v_result? Mark for Review (1) Points HIGH LOW (*) MIDDLE Null

Correct 15. In the following code fragment, you want to exit from the outer loop at Line A if v_number = 6. Which statement would you write on Line A? <<big_loop>> WHILE condition_1 LOOP <<small_loop>> FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(i); -- Line A END LOOP; END LOOP; Mark for Review (1) Points IF v_number = 6 THEN EXIT; EXIT outer_loop WHEN v_number = 6; EXIT big_loop WHEN v_number = 6; (*) EXIT small_loop WHEN v_number = 6; Correct

Section 5 16. What is one of the advantages of using parameters with a cursor? Mark for Re view (1) Points You can use a cursor FOR loop. You can declare the cursor FOR UPDATE. You do not need to DECLARE the cursor at all. You can use a single cursor to fetch a different set of rows each time the curso r is opened. (*) It will execute much faster than a cursor without parameters. Incorrect. Refer to Section 5 Lesson 4. 17. The employees table contains 11 columns. The following block declares a curs or and a record based on the cursor: DECLARE CURSOR emp_curs IS SELECT * FROM employees; v_emp_rec emp_curs%ROWTYPE; A twelfth column is now added to the employees table. Which of the following sta

tements is true? Mark for Review (1) Points The declaration of emp_rec must be changed to add an extra field. The block will still work correctly without any changes to the PL/SQL code. (*) The block will fail and an INVALID_CURSOR exception will be raised. An extra scalar variable must be declared to correspond to the twelfth table col umn. Correct 18. How many explicit cursors can be declared and used in a single PL/SQL block? Mark for Review (1) Points One or two. Only one. As many as needed. (*) Up to eight cursors. None of the above. Correct 19. Place the following statements in the correct sequence: OPEN my_curs; CLOSE my_curs; CURSOR my_curs IS SELECT my_column FROM my_table; FETCH my_curs INTO my_variable; Mark for Review (1) Points C,D,A,B C,A,D,B (*) A,C,D,B C,A,B,D Correct 20. What is wrong with the following code? BEGIN FOR emp_rec IN (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE ROWNUM < 10

FOR UPDATE NOWAIT) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(emp_rec%ROWCOUNT || emp_rec.last_name): END LOOP; END; Mark for Review (1) Points You cannot use FOR UPDATE NOWAIT with a cursor FOR loop using a subquery. You cannot reference %ROWCOUNT with a cursor FOR loop using a subquery. (*) The field EMP_REC.LAST_NAME does not exist. You cannot use ROWNUM with a cursor FOR loop. The cursor has not been opened. Correct

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Test: PL/SQL Institute Exit Exam

Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indica tes a correct answer. Section 5 21. Examine the following code: DECLARE CURSOR c IS SELECT * FROM employees FOR UPDATE; c_rec c%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN c; FOR i IN 1..20 LOOP FETCH c INTO c_rec; IF i = 6 THEN UPDATE employees SET first_name = 'Joe' WHERE CURRENT OF c; END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE c; END; Which employee row or rows will be updated when this block is executed? Mark for Review (1) Points The first 6 fetched rows will be updated.

No rows will be updated because you locked the rows when the cursor was opened. The 6th fetched row will be updated. (*) The block will not compile because the cursor should have been declared .... FOR UPDATE WAIT 5; None of the above. Correct

Section 6 22. In the following code: CREATE TRIGGER mytrigg INSTEAD OF INSERT OR UPDATE ON my_object_name FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ... my_object_name can be the name of a table. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) Correct 23. Examine this code: CREATE TRIGGER new_trigg AFTER CREATE ON reserved_word BEGIN ... Which of the following can be used in place of reserved_word? (Choose two.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) TABLE SCHEMA (*) USER DATABASE (*) TABLE employees Correct

Section 7 24. What will happen when the following code is executed? DECLARE e_excep1 EXCEPTION; e_excep2 EXCEPTION; BEGIN RAISE e_excep1; EXCEPTION WHEN e_excep1 THEN BEGIN RAISE e_excep2; END; END; Mark for Review (1) Points It will fail to compile because you cannot have a subblock inside an exception s ection. It will fail to compile because e_excep1 is out of scope in the subblock. It will fail to compile because you cannot declare more than one exception in th e same block. It will compile successfully and return an unhandled e_excep2 to the calling env ironment. (*) Correct 25. There are no employees in department_id 99. What output will be displayed wh en the following code is executed? DECLARE v_count NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_count FROM employees WHERE department_id = 99; IF v_count = 0 THEN RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('No employees found'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Department 99 is empty'); END; Mark for Review (1) Points No employees found No employees found Department 99 is empty Department 99 is empty (*) The block will fail because you cannot explicitly RAISE a predefined Oracle Serv er error such as NO_DATA_FOUND

Incorrect. Refer to Section 7 Lesson 3. 26. Which of these exceptions would need to be raised explicitly by the PL/SQL p rogrammer? Mark for Review (1) Points OTHERS A SELECT statement returns more than one row. A check constraint is violated. A SQL UPDATE statement does not update any rows. (*) A row is FETCHed from a cursor while the cursor is closed. Correct 27. Which of these exceptions can be handled by an EXCEPTION section in a PL/SQL block? Mark for Review (1) Points A SELECT statement returns no rows A SELECT statement returns more than one row Any other kind of exception that can occur within the block All of the above (*) None of the above Incorrect. Refer to Section 7 Lesson 1.

Section 8 28. You have created procedure MYPROC with a single parameter PARM1 NUMBER. Now you want to add a second parameter to the procedure. Which of the following will change the procedure successfully? Mark for Review (1) Points ALTER PROCEDURE myproc ADD (parm2 NUMBER); The procedure cannot be modified. Once a procedure has been created, the number of parameters cannot be changed. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE someproc (parm1 NUMBER, parm2 NUMBER); (You do not need to repeat the detailed code of the procedure, only the header) REPLACE PROCEDURE someproc

(parm1 NUMBER, parm2 NUMBER) IS BEGIN ... CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE someproc (parm1 NUMBER, parm2 NUMBER) IS BEGIN ... (*) Correct 29. What are the type of parameter modes? Mark for Review (1) Points CHARACTER, NUMBER, DATE, BOOLEAN CONSTANT, VARIABLE, DEFAULT LOCAL, GLOBAL, BOTH IN, OUT, IN OUT (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 8 Lesson 3. 30. A programmer wants to create a PL/SQL procedure named EMP_PROC. What will ha ppen when the following code is executed? CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE emp_proc IS v_salary employees.salary%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT salary INTO v_salary FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 999; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The salary is: ' || v_salary); END; Mark for Review (1) Points The statement will raise a NO_DATA_FOUND exception because employee_id 999 does not exist. The statement will fail because the last line of code should be END emp_proc; The statement will fail because you cannot declare variables such as v_salary in side a procedure. The procedure will be created successfully. (*) The statement will fail because the procedure does not have any parameters. Incorrect. Refer to Section 8 Lesson 1.

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Test: PL/SQL Institute Exit Exam

Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indica tes a correct answer. Section 9 31. Why will this function not compile correctly? CREATE FUNCTION bad_one IS BEGIN RETURN NULL; END bad_one; Mark for Review (1) Points You cannot RETURN a NULL. You must declare the type of the RETURN before the IS. (*) You must have at least one IN parameter. You must code CREATE OR REPLACE, not CREATE. The body of the function must contain at least one executable statement (as well as RETURN). Incorrect. Refer to Section 9 Lesson 1. 32. What will happen when the following procedure is executed? PROCEDURE log_usage (p_card_id NUMBER, p_loc NUMBER) IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION BEGIN INSERT INTO log_table (card_id, location, tran_date) VALUES (p_card_id, p_loc, SYSDATE); COMMIT; END log_usage; Mark for Review (1) Points The subprogram will fail because the PRAGMA statement must be before IS. The subprogram will fail because it is missing AUTHID CURRENT_USER before IS. The compilation will fail because a semicolon after AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION is re quired. (*) The program will compile successfully.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 9 Lesson 6. 33. The following code shows the dependencies between three procedures: CREATE PROCEDURE parent IS BEGIN child1; child2; END parent; You now try to execute: DROP PROCEDURE child2; What happens? Mark for Review (1) Points You cannot drop CHILD2 because PARENT is dependent on it. CHILD2 is dropped successfully. PARENT and CHILD1 are both marked INVALID. The database automatically drops PARENT as well. CHILD2 is dropped successfully. PARENT is marked INVALID. CHILD1 is still valid. (*) The database automatically drops CHILD1 as well. Incorrect. Refer to Section 9 Lesson 4. 34. A benefit of user-defined functions is that the function can accept any SQL or PL/SQL data type. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) Correct

Section 10 35. Package HRPACK contains the following public function: FUNCTION empfunc (p_deptno NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN UPDATE employees SET salary = salary * 1.1 WHERE department_id = p_deptno; RETURN SQL%ROWCOUNT; END empfunc; What will happen when the following SQL statement is executed? SELECT department_name, hrpack.empfunc(department_id) FROM departments;

Mark for Review (1) Points The SELECT will fail because you cannot return SQL%ROWCOUNT from a packaged func tion. The SELECT will fail because you cannot call packaged functions from within a SQ L statement. The SELECT will fail because you cannot execute a DML statement from within a qu ery. The SELECT will succeed because it is referencing a different table from the fun ction. (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 10 Lesson 3. 36. What is wrong with the following syntax for creating a package specification ? CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE mypack IS g_constant1 NUMBER(6) := 100; FUNCTION func1 (p_param1 IN VARCHAR2); FUNCTION func2; END mypack; Mark for Review (1) Points You cannot declare constants in the specification. A package must contain at least one procedure. The RETURN datatype of the functions must be specified. (*) The first line should be: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE SPECIFICATION mypack IS Nothing is wrong, this code contains no errors.

Incorrect. Refer to Section 10 Lesson 1. 37. In a package, public components are declared in the specification but privat e components are not. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False


Section 11 38. When a user session changes the value of a package variable, the new value c an immediately be seen by other sessions. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 11 Lesson 1. 39. An Oracle directory called FILESDIR has been created by executing: CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY filesdir AS 'C:\NEWFILES'; Which of the following will create a new text file called C:\NEWFILES\EMP_REPORT .TXT ? Mark for Review (1) Points UTL_FILE.CREATE('FILESDIR','EMP_REPORT.TXT'); UTL_FILE.FOPEN('C:\NEWFILES\EMP_REPORT.TXT','w'); UTL_FILE.FOPEN('FILESDIR','EMP_REPORT.TXT','w'); (*) UTL_FILE.OPEN('FILESDIR','EMP_REPORT.TXT','c'); Incorrect. Refer to Section 11 Lesson 2.

Section 13 40. You want to prevent any objects in your schema from being altered or dropped . You decide to create the following trigger: CREATE TRIGGER stop_ad_trigg -- Line A BEGIN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20203,'Invalid Operation'); END; What should you code at Line A ? Mark for Review (1) Points AFTER ALTER OR DROP ON SCHEMA INSTEAD OF ALTER OR DROP ON SCHEMA BEFORE ALTER OR DROP ON SCHEMA (*) BEFORE ALTER, DROP ON SCHEMA

AFTER ALTER, DROP ON SCHEMA Incorrect. Refer to Section 13 Lesson 4.

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Test: PL/SQL Institute Exit Exam

Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indica tes a correct answer. Section 13 41. User AYSEGUL successfully creates the following trigger: CREATE TRIGGER loc_trigg BEFORE UPDATE ON aysegul.locations BEGIN .... AYSEGUL now tries to drop the LOCATIONS table. What happens? Mark for Review (1) Points An error message is displayed because you cannot drop a table that is associated with a trigger. The table is dropped and the trigger is disabled. The trigger is dropped but the table is not dropped. Both the table and the trigger are dropped. (*) None of the above. Incorrect. Refer to Section 13 Lesson 5. 42. There are 3 employees in department 90 and 5 employees in department 50. The following trigger has been created: CREATE TRIGGER upd_emp_trigg AFTER UPDATE ON employees FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ... A user now executes: UPDATE employees SET department_id = 50 WHERE department_id = 90;

How many times will the trigger fire? Mark for Review (1) Points Once Three times (*) Four times Five times Eight times Correct 43. A trigger can be created in the database or within an application. True or F alse? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False Correct 44. Examine the following code: CREATE TRIGGER emp_trigg -- Line A BEGIN INSERT INTO log_table VALUES (USER, SYSDATE); END; Which of the following can NOT be coded at Line A? Mark for Review (1) Points BEFORE UPDATE ON employees AFTER INSERT OR DELETE ON employees AFTER SELECT ON employees (*) BEFORE DELETE ON employees AFTER UPDATE OF last_name ON employees Incorrect. Refer to Section 13 Lesson 2.

Section 14

45. A single procedure can be both a referenced object and a dependent object. T rue or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False Correct 46. Procedure B has the ZERO_DIVIDE pre-defined exception added to its EXCEPTION section. It is compiled successfully. In Timestamp Mode, Procedure A, which is dependent on remote Procedure B, will compile and execute successfully. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) Correct

Section 15 47. Native machine code PL/SQL will always execute faster than bytecode PL/SQL b ecause it need not be interpreted at run time. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False Correct 48. The two statements below are equivalent. True or False? DBMS_WARNING.SET_WARNING_SETTING_STRING ('ENABLE:SEVERE','SESSION'); and ALTER SESSION SET PLSQL_WARNINGS = 'ENABLE:SEVERE'; Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) Correct

49. Below are the steps to obfuscate a PL/SQL subprogram using the wrapper utili ty. What is the missing step? 1. Create a text file containing your complete unwrapped source code. 2. Execute WRAP to create a second text file containing the wrapped code. 3. Connect to the database and execute the wrapped text file as a script to comp ile the wrapped code into the Data Dictionary. Mark for Review (1) Points Validate the wrapped code at the operating system level. Create the wrapper using DBMS_DML. Verify the code was hidden in USER_CODE. Grant EXECUTE privileges on the subprogram. Log into the database server computer. (*) Correct 50. To include selections of code for compilation based on user-defined values, use the PLSQL_CCFLAGS parameters. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False

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