Dia Psur 6-15-04
Dia Psur 6-15-04
Dia Psur 6-15-04
Michael J. Klepper, MD President and CEO Integrated Safety Systems, Inc. Research Triangle Park, NC
ISS, Inc. 2004
Purpose and Origin of the PSUR Format and Content Strengths and Weaknesses Utility for Providing Important Medical Information
Periodic Reports
For marketed products Quarterly for first three years, annually thereafter (US) - current PSUR - every 6 months for first 2 years, annual for 3 years, then every 5 years US Traditional Adverse Drug Reaction Periodic Report very different than PSUR PSUR currently used in European Union, Japan, other countries
ISS, Inc. 2004
Origin of PSUR
1992 - International Reporting of Periodic Drug-Safety Update Summaries (Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences [CIOMS] II) 1996 - Guidance for Industry E2C Clinical Safety Data Management: Periodic Safety Update Reports for Marketed Drugs
Origin of PSUR
2001 - Current Challenges in Pharmacovigilance: Pragmatic Approaches (CIOMS V) 2002 Draft Consensus Guideline Addendum to ICH E2C Clinical Safety Data Management Periodic Safety Update Reports for Marketed Drugs
ISS, Inc. 2004
Based on CCSI (expected/unexpected based on country-specific product information)
ISS, Inc. 2004
Tabulation of AEs including a tabulation for nonserious, listed reactions Analysis of individual case histories
ISS, Inc. 2004
Aggregate data to better identify new safety signals especially rare adverse events Worldwide data safety signal strengthened if seen in more than one country Multiple sources of information - also strengthens the safety signal
Spontaneous reports Healthcare professionals, Consumers (US) Literature Studies Animal Findings ISS, Inc. 2004
Resource intensive Quality dependent Garbage in garbage out No set numerator or denominator to calculate accurate incidences Retrospective, potentially biased Safety signal identification (not verification) Label change required before information can be used officially
ISS, Inc. 2004
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