Frank of Ucadia 11-18-10
Frank of Ucadia 11-18-10
Frank of Ucadia 11-18-10
Im Frank OCollins, I live in Australia, Ive been doing this now for over 25 years. Ucadia started from an attempt to answer the question, what is the purpose of life. The journey started with the writing of The Journey of UCA, which is on the site, followed by the 23 chapters of The Journey of Self. It was a personal quest to find out how things work. When I finished I saw that life could be described as a dream; that we may be able to describe the universal laws that apply to every level of matter; but thats not necessarily how people view the world. We are all born from culture, from a context. We learn things from many different sources. So its not good enough to simply say, here is a set of ideas. We come from a cultural context. When I finished I realized that there was a strand of a very small group of people that had consistently hidden behind good people, and who have shown a consistent thread of severe mental illness, and yet they have been the driving force keeping the world divided. A pattern emerged that showed that many events such as oil spills and wars were efforts to maintain control. Thats where came from, trying to expose not one particular group, but a thread of mental illness, a force of evil. But people need money, we live in societies, and the people in control are in control of the only systems on the planet. The Federal Reserve is a good example; there is no alternative. So we need to show how we can have banking without rape and plunder, and without that, then its just a lot of hot air. This is not a cult, Im no different from you; the whole purpose of Ucadia is to end a world of madness. Martin Luther challenged the Roman cult to its core, which is exactly what were doing. The nature of argument is this: unless you refute, you agree; and a maxim of law is, one who does not assert his rights has none. Unless we challenge it, it stands as the Rule of Law. No one has challenged the Roman cult to its core since Martin Luther. Today, for the first time in history, there is a superior form of law in 23 volumes, three of which are complete, a fourth is being finalized. The first is Divine Canon Law, the second Natural Law, the third being Positive Law, fourth Ecclesiastical, and there will be a fifth, Administrative Law. I assure you, the Roman cult knows that the challenge has been set. The Covenant of One Heaven is a covenant that brings to an end, and fulfills, all covenants. It is a crucial part of the lawful, legal end of trusts, of all testamentary trusts, of all claims, to bring back balance. Given that law is an argument, its not possible to simply say that the Roman cult is mentally ill, and that what theyve done is false. One has to present an argument and allow for a rebuttal, and may the strongest win. We have prevailed. There are four days of Notarial procedure that are taking place. The first was the day of Divine Agreement. Thats happened. The second is the day of Divine Protest and Dishonor, December 21, 2010. The third, and this is purely notarial procedure, is the Day of Judgment, December 21, 2011, and fourth is the Day of Redemption, Dec. 21, 2012. When you go to court, you can feel that there is power. I want to reveal the source of that power. The papal bull Unum Sanctum is the first express trust in history. Curia (as in court clerk) is the Latin word for trustee, and the trust they administer is Unum Sanctum, the first trust claiming the world. We live in a world of estates, and you may know that one of the hottest topics today is the concept of a letter establishing an estate, and in resurrecting your position in an estate [although Frank doesnt use his name, thats David Clarences work.] But what is an estate? Well, there is a second form of trust that
dominates the world today, and that is a testamentary trust. The concept is that the grantor, or testator, writes a testament, or will, and on their death a trust is created in the conveyance of property from a living trust to the testamentary trust, to be administered by executors and administrators, with beneficiaries. Given that the testator is deceased, the nature of the deed can rarely be changed, the trust can continue in perpetuity, and the role of executors and administrators is rarely challenged. Look at the origin of the three testamentary trusts. Go to and click on Papal Bulls on human skin. Check that out. Then click on list of papal bulls and go to the last three. The first is Romanus Pontifex. It starts with the words, for a perpetual remembrance which is a testament, and there are only three bulls in the history of the church that start this way. This is the first trust, which is the land, or real property. The next Bull, in 1451, is Aeterni regis, or, the Eternal Crown. It was created in granting the concept of the crown of Aragon. It created a commonwealth, which means common, as in communist, and wealth., so its the voluntary servitude of wealth. It gave the title Sovreign, the first use of that word in history, to the crown of Aragon, to administer the slaves (real property) of the planet. The third bull, of 1537, is called Convocation, which has been corrupted from its original form, we just know that it was created at this time. It was created at the Council of Trent, which was called to deal with the loss of England and Ireland due to Henry VIII and how to deal with those states which had ceded from the Holy See, [the Papacy], and whose souls were lost at sea. It created a third trust, for those souls so they could be salvaged. And that is the function of a CQV trust. Now go back to the home page and click on the last link, Triple Crown of Pontiff. It is the crown of Baal, or satan. It was worn by the popes, up until the last three. The Unum Sanctum is connected to the first crown; the second crown having been established in 1481, under Sixtus, and the third being established in 1537 under Pope Paul. To relate it to the present day, the first trust is related to when a child is born, and it denies us our beneficial entitlement. The second crown, created in 1481, is the bull that sells our flesh as slaves, that treats us as slave to this sovereign. This crown was under the control of the British Monarchy until 1975, when Franco was made King, and the Vatican gave it to him as King Carlos. The third crown of 1537 was granted to Henry VIII, and its purpose was to salvage the souls lost at sea, which is the very definition of what a CQV is all about. Eventually it came under the control of the Rothschilds, who bankrupted England in 1815, and who issued their currency based on sin, around the world. They also established the BAR association, so when the judge sits there in the black robes of Saturn, they are representing a reaper of souls. They are using these ecclesiastical powers to issue summons/warrants etc. Now lets go to, click on Positive Law, Index, Article 100-Cestui Que Vie Trust Canon 1283 A Cestui Que Vie Trust is a fictional concept being a Temporary Testamentary Trust, first created during the reign of Henry VIII of England through the Cestui Que Vie Act of [between 1537 and 1540] and updated by Charles II through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 wherein an Estate may be effected for the Benefit of a Person presumed lost or abandoned at sea and therefore assumed dead after seven years. Additional presumptions by which such a Trust may be formed were added in later statutes to include bankrupts, minors, incompetents, mortgages and private companies.
So, when someone says heres a silver bullet, go set up an estate (e-state), a testamentary trust, never mentioning CQV.if I were the executors, I would let a few of those go through, then I would round up the rest, [just like they always do with new remedies]. Why? Because there is no way that Executor letter addresses the CQVs, because in using it, one is implying a level of incompetence, because a sign of competence is to squash all three CQVs. Competence with the law is the only silver bullet. To establish a basic level of competence with the law, the first thing you have to do is to let the system know that you are no longer subject to that system of CQV. Thats accomplished by Article 133, the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll. You inform them in the appropriate way on the appropriate documents that you are a trustee of real property, and that you are joined together: your soul has not been sent off to Rome, contrary to the BAR associations claim; your flesh is not locked in the vaults of the Federal Reserve; your mind is very much here, and the land is still at your disposal. The first part of responding is to be competent in reading this; an immediate, specific relief you can do is to issue an EDP to any summons, etc., and there is relief in following through, making sure your trust is registered, whether it be the establishment of a trust account/bank account; or register it so you can receive the benefits youre entitled tonot coercive benefits, not punitive benefitsyou have a choiceits not all or nothing. The remedy promised by the estate idea cuts you off. It doesnt allow you to distinguish between positive and punitive; it puts you into a gray area. Our process allows you to pick and choose, so you can select the beneficial entitlement of your higher estate, which has been denied. But I refuse to accept the benefit of being thrown into prison. Once you establish your standing as holding real property, then the UCC and the property laws work for you. When the CQVs have been collapsed, they cant treat you as bonded, as a slave. And once you show through the EDP that Spirit is the source of this as much as the flesh, then clearly, you have a soul, and their Talmudic law can do nothing to you. When you read Article 84, What is a Trust, Article 85 What is a divine trust, youll start to see there is very specific remedy there. I want to look now at 2 areas; foreclosure and taxes. Before we do, we need to cover Article 101, Mortgage. What is a mortgage. The way it is sold is not what it is. Canon 1305 A Mortgage is a complex bundle of rights, encumbrances and transactions involving primarily a lease, a lien and a loan issued through a Temporary Testamentary Trust known as a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust under Estate Law. So if you have a 25 year mortgage, you have a 25 year fixed lease.You never own that property. Never. You have equitable title, which is a fixed lease. A lien is placed against the property, and the loan is also owed to the bank. The landlord, when you set up a 25 year lease, is not the county, province, or state, it is the bank. Thats the creation of the CQV. What happens, and what they dont tell you, is that when you go and obtain a mortgage, the title of the property is conveyed to the bank, and you become tenant of the bank. The interest on the loan is the rent, the principal is the loan. Its one thing to expose the fraud by the bank, which is clear, but the issue is the rent. Principal is something totally different.
Canon 1305 The first component to a Mortgage is a Lease formed through the creation of a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust whereby the higher Estate such as a State, Territory or Nation conveys Title to the financial institution as Landlord and the borrower as Tenant. Article 108 on foreclosure: Canon 1374 A Foreclosure is a formal hearing relating to a standard Mortgage requested by a financial institution or interested party to deprive a tenant of their Right of Redemption, also known as "equity of redemption", declare them "delinquent" and therefore terminate their tenancy without legal recourse, permitting them to be legally evicted. It is a fundamental principal, beyond common law, to the very essence of trust law, contract law, and property law, that a long-term tenant has a right to redeem their position and to retain right of use of the property. This right is so strong, even if youve been evicted, if you redeem your position as a tenant to the rent, you can resume right of use and return to the property. Notice I said tenant. This goes to the heart of how you can save, or regain, your home. Because youre showing competence and knowledge. I cant teach you competence, you have to read and understand. But the bank convinces you that unless you pay the entire amount, principal, interest, and sometimes penalties, youll be evicted; that is a lie; worse, it is intimidating you under extreme duress. It is extreme fraud, not just fraud, because as a long-term tenant, you have a sacred right to redeem your position. Why? Because you dont own it! Youre making money for the landlord. If a state did not uphold that principle, they would not remain in office. You have the right to not only bring the rent up to position, but you also have the right to offer a consideration to the court, by nominating your budgetary position, recording with the court a budgetary consideration, and then its up to the bank to refute it. If you can only afford $50 per week for a short time, you have the right, under the right of redemption, to have that recorded with the County Recorders office, and to see that consideration is placed. But once you understand the fraud that has been done, there are many ways to approach this, to your advantage. Re: taxes, go to Article 107. Canon 1357 Tax is a form of charge imposed by the Executors and Administrators of an Estate upon beneficiaries for their use of property of the Estate by enforcing the Landlord Tenant relationship. Canon 1358 The original principle of Tax as first invented with the creation of large Deceased Estates under Testamentary Trusts was that the Landlord in fulfilling their obligations for the upkeep and maintenance of the land had the right to demand tenants pay for the estimated loss of value of property through their use, apart from their payment of rent for the right of use. Hence Taxo in Latin literally means to estimate or value (loss). Canon 1363 Under the modern inferior Roman legal system, almost all revenue of an Estate is now classed as taxes, which is both confusing and deliberately misleading. However, from all the variety of taxes, there exists just three (3) base forms of tax, being Rent Tax, Compensation Tax and Duty Tax. Canon 1364 Rent Tax is the deliberate fraud of misnaming rent charged to a tenant by the landlord, being the executors of the (deceased) Estate of the province or nation, for use of some property. Both Income Tax and Company Tax are forms of Rent Taxes. Canon 1365 Income Tax is a Rent Tax by the executors of the estate for use of their property in the form of the (dead) body corporate, also known as a corporation of the first
Cestui Que (Vie) Trust formed on the presumption that the beneficiary is dead, abandoned, a minor or incompetent. Here again, we find that these hidden CQV trusts are at the center of their power, so when you remove them, they have no lawful, legal basis in which to claim income tax. I will point out that anyone who is a member of a society has a moral duty to support that society, but that does not exonerate a system that treats its own as slaves, dead, or incompetent, or allows certain members who know of the fraud to avoid the tax, while those who work the hardest must pay the most. That is immoral. Become competent by becoming knowledgeable, which is the single most frustrating thing to do. Question: what if you are mortgage-free? Frank: in that case the property gets conveyed back to the county or the state, and youre a tenant of the state/county, with a 99 year lease. If you arent being attacked by the system over mortgage, taxes, or the like, then in my opinion, the best thing you can do is learn and help others and avoid creating controversy in your life. If you lost your house in a foreclosure, theres no reason why you cant get it back, using the Right of Redemption. A judges foreclosure order is an incompetent administrative act because they have not told you the essence of what a foreclosure is. They lied and told you to pay all or lose all. Caller: what do you think of the concept of social credit/sweat equity? Frank: I think its fantastic, and while Ive been working hard on an alternative system, using the property rights that weve established in One Heaven to replace the Roman system, theres nothing better to bring life back into a community than when people realize weve been brainwashed to believe were incompetent. We have the tools today, where 50 people could remake an entire community in a short time, if they all worked together. Social credit and barter among people is part of the healing, because when theyve taken everything, they force us to wake up and start working together. Caller: Would you talk about the source of One Heavens Canon Laws? Frank, Sure; It comes from a study of the present legal system; Blacks Law, case law, American Jurisprudence, English law, and the thousands of books used in their system. Among their millions of pages you will find every definition there is, in Positive Law, in fewer words, and differently structured. It comes from hard work and the use of ciphers to decode this esoteric knowledge, which is embedded. Normally in court, only the judge has even a clue about whats going on, and if youve read Positive Law three times from cover to cover, you know more about Positive Law than a Supreme Court Justice in Washington, DC. Question: Tell us about your ties to the Vatican. Frank: Im the black sheep of the family. Weve had priests and bishops in the OCollins family for over a thousand years. My uncle Jim was a bishop and secretary to Pope John 23rd, there have been Jesuits, and my uncle John is the second leading theologian in the Catholic Church, after his friend Pope Benedict. But this doesnt mean I have any special privileges, or that they respect me any more or less. Put it this way; the Rothschilds sent their own relatives to the gas chambers in WWII, so blood connections dont mean anything to these people. Ques: will there be an ID card with a photo likeness available from UCADIA? Frank: Absolutely. Youre not going to be cutting off your nose to spite your face by claiming to be trustee of a superior trust. Their whole system is based on trusts. We know that the first form of law in the system is corporate; where does that come from?
Corporate and person are just other words for describing a trust corpus, otherwise known as a body corporate. If theres a corporation in existence, there is a trust to which it belongs. So everything is trust law. The transition from being a slave with no rights, to having superior rights and being responsible for your own good conduct is a gradual transition. We need to balance the desire to provide information with the need to make sure people dont go off the deep end with our work, so were working on setting in place people who will be community leaders with access to these tools, who will help others, much like the earlier call about social credit, so that its done at a community level, rather than being centrally controlled. If you are part of a community group, wed like to help you and your community to grow autonomously. [Frank discusses prophecy and the role of UCADIA in that. The dead shall rise refers to the fact that, when one of us sends an EDP to the powers that were, we literally rise from the dead, fulfilling prophecy. He also discusses the Bible, in particular the King James version. He says he doesnt want to denigrate Catholics who have faith.]