GEF Programme 120524 Final e
GEF Programme 120524 Final e
GEF Programme 120524 Final e
Wednesday 27 June | Pre-conference meetings of project workgroups, Registration 17:00-18:00 and Reception for Speakers Thursday 28 June | Morning: Plenary | Afternoon: 4 Workshops and 4 Interview Sessions Friday 29 June | Morning: 2 x 4 Workshops | Afternoon: Plenary Saturday 30 June | Morning Follow up workshop of projects for those interested
Day One
08:00-09:30 09:30-12:30 09:30-09:40
Morning Session | International Conference Centre Geneva - 17 rue de Varemb, Plenary Room 1bis
OPENING | S.D. Shibulal, CEO and Co-Founder, Infosys Technologies, Co-Chair Global Ethics Forum, India (confirmed) Plenary Keynote The Responsibility of Politics, Business and Civil Society for Transformation and Development
The private sector has an important role to play for sustainable and ethical development and the Millennium Development Goals, in cooperation with political actors and civil society. Martin Dahinden, Director-General of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) (confirmed)
Plenary Panel I Managing the Sustainability Crisis: Next Steps after Rio+20
The Rio+20 Summit ends a few days before the Global Ethics Forum conference 2012. The outcomes, and lack of outcomes will be analysed from the perspective of ethical transformation What new accountability mechanisms are necessary to support the ethical transformation towards sustainability? What are the next steps towards a green economy and post-fuel business operations? What does the age of less mean for consumers? Moderator: Christoph Stckelberger, Prof., Executive Director and Founder of S.D. Shibulal, CEO and Co-Founder, Infosys Technologies, Co-Chair Global Ethics Forum India/global (confirmed) Mervyn King, Co-Chair Global Ethics Forum, Judge, Chair of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), UK/South Africa (confirmed) Thierry Berthoud, Director Energy &Climate, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (Switzerland/global) (confirmed) Germano Badi, Entrepreneur, Instituto Brasileiro de tica nos Negcios Brazil (confirmed) Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud, Director Corporate Relations, WWF International Switzerland/global (confirmed)
11:15-11.45 11:45-13:00
Networking refreshment break Plenary Panel II Managing the Debt Crisis: Financial Transformation Towards an Ethical Economy
The global economy is heavily influenced by crisis-ridden financial markets and indebtedness. Regulators, investors, producers and consumers have to include long term values in their financial decisions. The financial crisis, the debt crisis, the Euro crisis and imbalances in currency exchange rates between the North and South show the need for a new currency system, backed up by new financial policies and based on long term values. What are these values and how they can be implemented? What are the barriers that hinder financial transformation? What are the roots of the current financial crisis and what new systems and mechanisms are necessary in support of transformation towards ethical financial markets and ethical economy? Moderator: Myret Zaki, Deputy Editor in Chief of the magazine Bilan, Geneva (confirmed) Thomas Myers, certified public accountant, banking expert who has testified widely on subprime securities fraud, USA (confirmed) Antonio Usama DeLorenzo, Associate Partner, Presidium LLP (United Arab Emirates), former Regulator with the Securities Commission Malaysia on Islamic Banking (confirmed) Dominique Biedermann, Executive Director Ethos, Swiss Foundation for Socially Responsible Investments Switzerland (confirmed) Chong Zhang, Financial Expert, Director Generis Capital in China China (confirmed)
Workshop A3: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Francophone Africa (in French, translation)
With the economic development, regional and foreign direct investment in Africa, CSR becomes increasingly important. But there are specific challenges in Africa to be considered in order to achieve greatest benefits for society. 1. How to manage the influence of violent conflicts and wars on business? 2. How to respect human rights in countries with weak governmental and legal structures and little means? 3. How to implement CSR and international standards in the informal sector and SMEs? Moderator: Nadia Balgobin, Sustainable Business and Public Sector Management Consultant Switzerland (confirmed) Presentation of Results and Recommendations of the project workgroup (by the moderator): Aliou Barry, General Director Stat View International, Reseau REFID Guine Conakri (confirmed) Mohammed Fikrat, Chairman and CEO, COSUMAR Group, Marocco (confirmed) Philippe Barry, President RSE/CSR Senegal Senegal (confirmed) Lazare Ki-Zerbo, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie OIF/global (confirmed) Aurlien Atidegla, President OSCAF Benin (confirmed)
Refreshment Break
INTERVIEWS: CASES AND BEST PRACTICES OF COMPANIES, PUBLIC SECTOR AND NGOS Companies and representatives of public sector and NGOs share their experiences, efforts and best practices on successful ethical transformation in relation with improving their governance, leadership, operations and social, environmental and economic impacts. These panels are planned to be webcast to the network members and globally.
Day Two
Workshop B4: Ethical Finance: Lessons from Transparency Initiatives in the Extractive Industries
Extractive industries have been heavily criticised and a debate continues on appropriate balance of foreign and national investment in the sector for economic development with positive national and community benefits. At the same time various standards and mechanisms for the respect of ethical and environmental standards are in place in order to have common platforms for reporting on and evaluation by companies of their performance and impacts. 1. What are successes in the ethical and environmental standards in the extracting industries? 2. What are lessons to be learnt and improvements to be made in existing and new initiatives? Moderator: Teodorina Lessidrenska, Program Executive, GRI Ambassador for Russia Bulgaria/USA/global Tamara Bergkamp, Reporting Framework Coordinator, The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) The Netherlands/global (confirmed) Ccile Epondo Fouda, Head of Communication Department, National Hydrocarbons Corporation-SNH, Cameroon (to be confirmed) Lorenz Kummer, Policy Advisor Extractive Industries, SWISSAID Switzerland (confirmed) Eleni Regli, Investor Relationship Management, Responsible Resources & Roots Engagement Switzerland/global (confirmed) Ian Doyle, Associate, Lifeworth Consulting Switzerland/global (confirmed) 10:15-10:45 10:45-12:30
Workshop C2: Business Schools with a new Paradigm of Sustainable Global Responsibility
Since the financial crisis in 2007 management education has been challenged worldwide to reflect on new education models and values. The 50+20 project will present new models at the Rio+20 Conference. It is a project of the World Business School Council for Sustainable Business (WBSCSB), the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI) and Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). 1. What is the paradigm shift and ethical frame of this new model? 2. How can this initiative be promoted and supported? Moderator: Deon Rossouw, Prof., CEO EthicsSA, South Africa, (confirmed) Presentation of Results and Recommendations of the project workgroup: Anders Aspling, General Secretary of Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative GRLI (confirmed) Prabhakar Krishnamurthy, Prof. of Management India (confirmed) Dr. Michael Hopkins, CEO MHC International Ltd, Founder & Director, MHCi/Univ of Geneva, CSR Advanced Diploma & CSR Summer School Switzerland/global (confirmed) Ian Doyle, Associate, Lifeworth Consulting Switzerland (confirmed)
Afternoon Session |
14:00-16:30 14:00-14:20
CONCLUSIONS AND COOPERATION: NEXT STEPS Plenary Summary and Outlook of the conference From Seeds to Trees: How to Mainstream Best Practices and Make Ethical Transformation Sustainable?
Ambassador Walter Fust, President (confirmed) Dr. Ibrahim Souss, President, Institute for Global Dialogue and Peace, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates(confirmed)
Plenary Reports and Follow up Results, Products and Recommendations from 12 Workshops A1-4, B1-B4 and C1-C4
Moderator: Christoph Stckelberger, Prof., Director and Founder Panel with the 12 workgroup moderators: developing presenting and discussing main reactions and consequences for follow up of the Global Ethics Forum projects.
Day Three
Morning Session | Ecumenical Centre Geneva, 150 route de Ferney, first floor, Rooms II and III
(10 walking distance or two bus stops from the International Conference Centre Geneva)
08:30-14:30 NEXT STEPS Workshops on demand of participants for follow up The possibility is offered for networking and concretization of cooperation projects among those conference participants who would like to do so. Rooms will be made available and the details will be included in the documentation given to the participants 13:00-14:30 Networking Snacks / Lunch
The Global Ethics Forum is a project of, the global ethics network and Swiss Foundation based in Geneva. More information about the Global Ethics Forum can be found at:
Organisation Co-Chairs of the Global Ethics Forum conference 2012 S.D. Shibulal, CEO and Co-Founder of Infosys Technologies, India Mervin King, Chair of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) UK/global, Former Judge in the SA Supreme Court, South Africa Walter Fust, President,, Switzerland Steering Committee Christoph Stckelberger, Prof., Executive Director and Founder (Moderator) Anders Aspling, Secretary General Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative GRLI Jacques Spelkens, Dr., Head of Social Innovation, GDF Suez Nadia Balgobin, CSR Expert and Consultant Deon Rossouw, Prof., CEO Ethics South Africa Institute Contact: For the conference programme: +41 22 791 60 43 Christoph Stckelberger, Prof., Director and Founder of, [email protected] Teodorina Lessidrenska, Dr., Programme Executive Business Ethics, [email protected] For the conference organization and media: +41 22 791 62 49 Lucy Howe Lopez, Programme Coordinator, [email protected] Rosa Abaa Hnseler, Project Assistant, [email protected] Stephen Brown, Dr, Media Coordinator, [email protected] Nadia Gianoli, Communications, [email protected]
State of Geneva
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