Alcohol, Oxidative Stress, and Cell Injury
Alcohol, Oxidative Stress, and Cell Injury
Alcohol, Oxidative Stress, and Cell Injury
Abbreviations: ALD, alcoholic liver disease; GSH, glutathione; CYP2E1, cytochrome P4502E1; Sod 1, superoxide dismutase; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; 3NT, 3-nitrotyrosine; TNF , tumor necrosis factor alpha; ROS, reactive oxygen species; HER, 1-hydroxyethyl radical; NF- B, nuclear factor-kappaB; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; MDA, malondialdehyde; HNE, 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal; MAA, malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde. From the Department of Pharmacology & Biological Chemistry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY. Address reprint requests to: Arthur I Cederbaum, Department of Pharmacology and Biological Chemistry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Box 1603, One Gustave L Levy Place, New York, NY 10029. E-mail: arthur.cederbaum@; fax: 212-996-7214. Research in the Authors laboratory was supported by grants from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Copyright 2006 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/hep.20957 Potential conict of interest: Nothing to report.
tration. In these studies, alcohol-induced liver injury was associated with enhanced lipid peroxidation, protein carbonyl formation, formation of the 1-hydroxyl ethyl radical, formation of lipid radicals, and decreases in hepatic antioxidant defense, especially GSH.9-13 Replacement of polyunsaturated fat (required for lipid peroxidation to occur) with saturated fat or medium chain triglycerides in the diets fed to rats intragastrically lowered or prevented the lipid peroxidation and the alcohol-induced liver injury.14 Addition of iron, known to generate OH and promote oxidative stress, to these diets exacerbated the liver injury.15 Importantly, addition of antioxidants such as vitamin E, ebselen, superoxide dismutase, GSH precursors prevented alcohol-induced liver injury.16-19 Because alcohol-induced liver disease has been linked to oxidative stress, we investigated the effect of a compromised antioxidant defense system, Cu, and Zn-superoxide dismutase (Sod 1) deciency on alcohol-induced liver injury.20 C57BL/129SV wild-type (Sod 1 / ) and Sod1 knockout (Sod 1 / ) mice were fed dextrose or ethanol (10% of total calories) liquid diets for 3 weeks. Histological evaluation of liver specimens of Sod 1 / mice fed ethanol showed the development of liver injury ranging from mild to extensive centrilobular necrosis and inammation (Fig. 1). Sod 1 / mice fed ethanol showed mild steatosis; both Sod 1 / and Sod 1 / mice fed the dextrose diet had normal histology. Alanine aminotransferase levels were signicantly elevated only in Sod 1 / mice fed ethanol. Ethanol consumption increased levels of protein carbonyls and lipid peroxidation aldehydic products in the liver of Sod 1 / mice. Hepatic adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content was reduced dramatically in the Sod 1 / mice fed ethanol in association with a decrease in the mitochondrial reduced GSH level and activity of MnSOD. Immunohistochemical determination of 3-nitrotyrosine (3NT) residues in liver sections of the Sod1
Fig. 1. Photomicrographs of liver samples stained with hematoxylin-eosin. (A) Sod 1 / mice after 3 weeks of ethanol feeding (10% of total calories) with severe centrilobular hepatocellular necrosis and inammation (arrows). (B) Sod 1 / mice after 3 weeks of ethanol feeding (10% of total calories) with mild, focal areas of necrosis. (C) Sod 1 / mice fed the dextrose diet. The histological picture shows no signs of pathological changes in the liver. (D) Sod 1 / mice fed ethanol (10% of total calories) for 3 weeks show moderate fatty liver only. (E) Sod 1 / mice fed the dextrose diet show no pathological changes.
knockout mice treated with ethanol showed a signicant increase of 3NT staining in the centrilobular areas (Fig. 2). A rather moderate ethanol consumption promoted oxidative stress in Sod 1 / mice, with increased formation of peroxynitrate, protein carbonyls, and lipid peroxidation and subsequent liver injury. Although this review focuses on ethanol-induced oxidative stress in the liver, ethanol also produces oxidative stress in other tissues, including the brain, heart, pancreas, and testis.21-25
ALD.26,27 This stimulation is mediated by bacterial-derived endotoxin, and ALD is decreased when gram-negative bacteria are depleted from the gut by treatment with lactobacillus or antibiotics.28 Destruction of Kupffer cells with gadolinium chloride attenuated ALD.26 A major advance was the nding that anti-TNF antibodies protect against ALD.27 NADPH oxidase was identied as a key enzyme for generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Kupffer cells after ethanol treatment, because diphenylene iodonium chloride, an NADPH oxidase inhibitor, lowered 1-hydroxyethyl radical (HER) production and ethanol-induced liver injury.29 Moreover, in mice decient in a subunit of NADPH oxidase, p47phox, the ethanol-induced increase in ROS and TNF and liver injury
Fig. 2. Photomicrographs of immunohistochemical staining of 3NT residues in proteins of liver specimens. (A) An increase in the level of 3NT staining in the centrilobular area in liver of Sod 1 / mice (arrows) after 3 weeks of ethanol feeding (10% of total calories). (B) Sod 1 / mice fed the dextrose diet. (C) Sod 1 / mice fed ethanol (10% of total calories) for 3 weeks. (D) Sod 1 / mice fed the dextrose diet.
was decreased.30 The role of TNF in ALD was further validated by the ndings that the ethanol-induced pathology was nearly blocked in TNF receptor1 knockout mice.31 Interestingly, although liver pathology was blunted in the TNF receptor1 knockout mice fed ethanol, no decline was seen in the intensity of free radical signals, consistent with the hypothesis that free radicals act as redox signals for TNF production but do not directly damage cells.32 The transcription factor nuclear factor-kappaB (NFB) regulates activation of many inammatory genes, including TNF . Endotoxin activates NF- B, leading to the hypothesis that inhibition of NF- B would prevent ALD.33 Administration of an adenovirus encoding the transgene for the I B superrepressor to rats chronically infused with ethanol blunted the ethanol-induced activation of NF- B, TNF production and pathological changes. A general scheme to explain these results is that chronic ethanol treatment elevates endotoxin levels, endotoxin activates Kupffer cells to produce free radicals via NADPH oxidase, the free radicals activate NF- B, leading to an increase in production of TNF , followed eventually by tissue damage.34 Recent reviews on the roles of Kupffer cells in ALD can be found in Wheeler et al.35and Takei et al.36
a role for iron as a direct agonist to induce intracellular signaling for NF- B activation in Kupffer cells by an oxidant-dependent process.45,46 Oral iron chelators such as deferiprone attenuated these effects, reducing the elevations in non-heme iron, lipid peroxidation, and liver fat accumulation and injury.44,47 ROS production, lipid peroxidation, and interaction with iron chelates were found to be enhanced with microsomes from ethanol-treated rats. This was associated with elevated levels of CYP2E1 and could be blocked by inhibitors of CYP2E1 or by anti-CYP2E1 immunoglobulin. In HepG2 cells expressing CYP2E1, addition of an iron chelator, ferric-nitrilotri-acetate, produced greater toxicity than that found with control HepG2 cells. This enhanced synergistic toxicity was associated with increased lipid peroxidation and oxidant stress and could be blocked by anti-oxidants. Damage to the mitochondria played a critical role in the CYP2E1 plus iron dependent toxicity. In the CYP2E1-expressing HepG2 cells, synergistic interactions between iron and polyunsaturated fatty acids were observed.48 The proceedings of a recent symposium on the role of iron in alcoholic liver disease can be found in Alcohol 30, No. 2, 2003.
The effects of ethanol on total hepatic GSH levels are variable, with reports of decreases, no effects, or even an increase.60-62 Lowering of mitochondrial GSH by chronic ethanol treatment has been a more consistent observation and appears to be a key lesion contributing to ALD.63,64 Because liver mitochondria lack catalase, mitochondrial GSH in association with glutathione peroxidase is the major mechanism by which H2O2 is detoxied by mitochondria. Fernandez-Checa and collaborators63-65 have extensively documented that chronic ethanol intake either in the LieberDeCarli model or the intragastric infusion model selectively lowers levels of mitochondrial GSH in hepatocytes. A progressive depletion of mitochondrial GSH occurred with ethanol intake that preceded signs of liver injury in ethanol-fed mice.64 Depletion of mitochondrial GSH by chronic ethanol feeding occurs preferentially in pericentral hepatocytes, where most of the liver injury originates.66 This depletion by ethanol is attributable to defective transport of GSH from the cytosol into the mitochondria and can be prevented by uidization of the mitochondrial membrane by S-adenosylmethionine.66,67 Lowering of mitochondrial GSH by ethanol has been suggested to sensitize hepatocytes to TNF -induced cell death, and replenishment of mitochondrial GSH with S-adenosylmethionine protects hepatocytes from alcohol-treated rats to TNF toxicity.67 Bailey et al.,68 however, found that mitochondrial GSH levels were increased after chronic ethanol feeding in the LieberDe Carli model by approximately 25%. This nding was suggested to reect an adaptive response to counteract ethanol-related increases in mitochondrial production of ROS. Deaciuc et al.69 reported no change in mitochondrial GSH levels after 7 weeks of ethanol intake. Thus, the effects of ethanol on mitochondrial GSH, as with total GSH, remain controversial. Recent reviews on mitochondrial GSH and the effects of ethanol have been published by Reed70 and by Fernandez-Checa and Kaplowitz.71
tent of protein carbonyl groups in mitochondrial proteins as compared with cytosolic proteins after ethanol treatment.68 Increased superoxide, H2O2, and hydroxyl radical production were observed in mitochondria from ethanol-fed rats.76,77 Bailey and Cunningham78 and Bailey et al.79 have proposed that the excess of reducing equivalents generated when ethanol is oxidized by liver alcohol dehydrogenase produce a more reduced electron transfer chain, which will facilitate transfer of an electron to molecular oxygen to produce superoxide. ROS generation will be further elevated after chronic ethanol consumption because of the decreased activity of the respiratory chain, resulting in accumulation of reduced respiratory carriers in complexes I and III. Similar experiments with hepatocytes from chronic ethanol-fed rats showed an enhanced production of ROS by ethanol.80 Increases in ROS production by ethanol metabolism were associated with small decreases in hepatocyte viability and increases in mitochondrial protein carbonyl levels reecting oxidized protein accumulation.68 Thus, the mitochondria contribute to the increase in oxidant levels in hepatocytes exposed to ethanol acutely or chronically. An exciting advance in this area is the use of mitochondrial proteomics to identify alterations to the mitochondrial proteome in the development of ALD.81 A single oral dose of ethanol had no effect on nuclear DNA integrity of mouse liver, whereas hepatic mitochondrial (mt) DNA was extensively damaged and depleted/ degraded.82 This mtDNA depletion was prevented by 4-MP, indicating a role for ethanol metabolism. Ethanolinduced mtDNA depletion was also found in brain, heart, and skeletal muscle.83 Daily ethanol administration for 4 days caused a longer-lasting depletion of mtDNA in mouse liver, perhaps because of an impaired ability to synthesize mtDNA.84 This was associated with an increase in lipid peroxidation and CYP2E1 protein levels. A so-called common 4,977-base pair mtDNA deletion was also found to be more prevalent in patients with alcoholinduced liver disease than in controls.85 Feeding rats the LieberDecarli diet caused a signicant decrease in mtDNA levels after 4 to 6 months, in association with an increase in 8OHdG levels, indicative of an increase in oxidative modication of mtDNA.86 Despite dramatic changes in mtDNA elicited by ethanol, signicant ALD is not observed in these models; therefore, the role of mtDNA deletion and oxidation in the pathophysiology of ALD remains to be determined. Ishii and colleagues87,88 showed that incubation of rat liver hepatocytes with 50 mmol/L ethanol increased dichlorouorescein uorescence, a measure of ROS, largely H2O2 production.87,88 This increased uorescence occurred within only 20 minutes of ethanol incubation.
Depletion of GSH led to enhanced uorescence and loss of hepatocyte viability induced by ethanol. Ethanol caused a decline in the mitochondrial membrane potential ( m) and triggered opening of the mitochondrial permeability pore. These effects were blocked by an inhibitor of ethanol metabolism (4-MP) and an antioxidant.89 The decline in m and the increase in membrane permeability subsequently led to cytochrome c release, activation of caspase 9, and then caspase 3, followed by apoptosis. Interestingly, mitochondria from chronic ethanol-fed rats are more sensitive to the mitochondrial permeability pore induced by calcium and other apoptotic stimuli than control mitochondria.90 Ethanol-induced oxidative stress causes mitochondrial dysfunction, and mitochondrial depolarization and permeability changes are early events in ethanol-induced hepatocyte injury. Recent reviews on ethanol, mitochondria, and ROS production can be found in references 91 through 94.
Nitrosative Stress
Depending on conditions, nitric oxide either can be hepatoprotective or might potentiate liver injury.95-98 Chronic ethanol administration increases NO production in rat liver.99 Peroxynitrite, derived from the interaction of NO with superoxide, has been suggested to play a role in ethanol-induced hypoxic liver injury.100 Reports also show that the ethanol-induced increase in NO lowers superoxide levels and is therefore protective.101 The role of NO in ALD is not clear. Nanji et al. showed that an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase increased the severity of ALD in the intra-gastric infusion model, whereas L-arginine supplementation completely prevented the liver injury.102,103 The authors concluded that NO was protective against ALD, although which isoform of nitric oxide synthase was responsible for the protection was not identied. In contrast to this protective role of NO, inducible nitric oxide synthase was shown to be required for ALD, because ethanol toxicity was signicantly blunted in inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) knockout mice.104 A similar protection was found if wild-type mice were treated with a relatively specic iNOS inhibitor, 1400W. However, N(G)-nitro-L-arginine-methyl ester, a more effective inhibitor of endothelial nitric oxide synthase than iNOS, enhanced liver damage.104 The concept that NO produced from endothelial nitric oxide synthase may be protective, whereas NO derived from Kupffer cell iNOS is critical for ALD, was advanced to explain the divergent inhibitor results.104 What regulates this balance or distribution of NO production in ALD is not known. A recent study found that sildenal was protective against the ethanol-induced hypoxia via delivery of NO to in-
crease blood ow; it also increased the pathology score, thus acting as a two-edged sword.105 Chronic ethanol consumption increased the sensitivity of rat liver mitochondrial oxygen consumption to inhibition by NO.106 State 3 respiration, as well as respiratory control ratios, were depressed by 30% to 40% in mitochondria from the ethanol-treated rats, as was cytochrome oxidase activity. Generation of NO from an NO donor progressively inhibited mitochondrial respiration, and there was a greater inhibition of respiration in mitochondria from the ethanol-fed rats. This greater sensitivity of mitochondria from ethanol-treated rats to NO was suggested to contribute to ethanol-induced hypoxia and to depression of the energy state of the liver.106 In a follow-up study, mitochondria isolated from iNOS knockout mice fed ethanol chronically did not exhibit this increased sensitivity to NO as did mitochondria from wild-type controls.107 Somewhat surprisingly, ethanol feeding did not decrease state 3 mitochondrial respiration in mice as it does in rats; this needs to be further studied because impairment of mitochondrial function is believed to be an important component in alcohol-induced liver injury.
Cellular Repair
The 26S proteosome is important for the catabolism of damaged proteins produced by oxidative stress for which improper removal can result in cell toxicity.108 Chronic ethanol consumption causes protein accumulation in the liver because of a decreased rate of protein catabolism.109,110 Chronic ethanol consumption in the intragastric infusion model, but not in the oral LieberDeCarli model, caused a decrease in chymotrypsin and trypsinlike activities of the proteosome.111 An inverse correlation was found between proteosomal chymotrypsin activity and hepatic lipid peroxidation, suggesting that ethanolinduced oxidative stress can inactivate the proteosome.112 This may contribute to the accumulation of proteins, especially oxidized proteins, in the liver. Intragastric ethanol administration had no effect on proteosome activity in CYP2E1 knockout mice,113 and chlormethiazole, a CYP2E1 inhibitor, prevented the ethanol-mediated decrease in proteosome activity.114 These results suggest that CYP2E1-derived oxidant stress plays a role in the inactivation of the proteosome by ethanol. Another consequence of the lowering of proteosome activity by ethanol would be an elevation of CYP2E1 levels, because CYP2E1 is degraded by the proteosome.115,116 The ubiquitin-proteosome system and its role in ethanol toxicity has recently been reviewed.117 Oxidative DNA adducts, mutagenic apurinic/apyrimidinic sites, and expression of DNA repair enzymes such as
8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase/lyase1, endonuclease1, polymerase , and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase were elevated by ethanol.118 The latter repair enzymes are a sensitive marker for oxidative stressinduced DNA damage.119 Interestingly, no increase in any of these endpoints was observed in ethanol-treated CYP2E1 knockout mice, but it was observed in NADPH oxidase knockout mice.118 The increase in expression of DNA repair enzymes was abolished by treatment with a broadspectrum P450 inhibitor. The authors indicated that CYP2E1 is required for the induction of oxidative stress to DNA and may play a role in ethanol-associated hepatocarcinogenesis. These studies emphasize the importance of cellular repair enzymes such as the proteosome and DNA repair enzymes in preventing ethanol toxicity and indicate a key role for CYP2E1-derived oxidants in modulating the activity or up-regulation of these cellular repair enzymes.
centage of the total protein. Recent reviews on how immune reactions toward the liver elicited by acetaldehyde, MDA, HNE, and HER protein adducts contribute to the pathogenesis of ALD can be found in Albano133 and Duryee et al.134
Interest in CYP2E1 revolves around the ability of this P450 to metabolize and activate many toxicologically important compounds such as ethanol, carbon tetrachloride, acetaminophen, benzene, halothane, and many other halogenated substrates.135-138 Procarcinogens including nitrosamines and azo compounds are effective substrates for CYP2E1.139 Toxicity by these compounds is enhanced after induction of CYP2E1, for example, by ethanol treatment, and toxicity is reduced by inhibitors of CYP2E1 or in CYP2E1 knockout mice.140 CYP2E1 displays high NADPH oxidase activity because it appears to be poorly coupled with NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase.141 The increase in ROS production and lipid peroxidation found with microsomes from chronic ethanol-treated rats was blocked by chemical inhibitors of CYP2E1 and antiCYP2E1 immunoglobulin G.48,141 CYP2E1 is induced by ethanol, several low-molecular-weight compounds and under a variety of metabolic, nutritional, and pathophysiological conditions.135-138,142 In the intragastric model of ethanol feeding, large increases in microsomal lipid peroxidation have been observed, and the ethanol-induced liver pathology has been shown to correlate with CYP2E1 levels and elevated lipid peroxidation.10,13,15,113,143 Experimentally, a decrease in CYP2E1 induction was found to be associated with a reduction in alcohol-induced liver injury. CYP2E1 inhibitors blocked the lipid peroxidation and ameliorated the pathological changes in ethanol-fed rats.114,144,145 A CYP2E1 transgenic mouse model was developed that over-expressed CYP2E1. When treated with ethanol, the CYP2E1 over-expressing mice displayed higher transaminase levels and histological features of liver injury compared with control mice.146 Conversely, studies by Thurman and colleagues147,148 suggested that CYP2E1 may not play a role in alcoholinduced liver injury based on studies with gadolinium chloride or CYP2E1 knockout mice. These issues have been discussed elsewhere.149,150 Clearly further studies are necessary to resolve the above discrepancies. As summarized in this review, several mechanisms contribute to alcohol-induced liver injury, and ethanol-induced oxidant stress is likely to arise from several sources, including CYP2E1, mitochondria, and activated Kupffer cells. Bradford et al.118 recently reported that, whereas NADPH oxidase but not CYP2E1 was important for eth-
anol-induced liver injury in their model, CYP2E1 but not NADPH oxidase was critical for ethanol-induced oxidative DNA damage and ethanol-associated hepatocarcinogenesis. An approach that our laboratory has used to understand basic effects and actions of CYP2E1 is to establish HepG2 cell lines that constitutively express human CYP2E1. We have characterized the toxicity of ethanol, polyunsaturated fatty acids, iron, the effect of GSH depletion, and the production of ROS and development of a state of oxidative stress in these cell lines. Results are summarized in recent reviews.149-151 Damage to mitochondria by CYP2E1-derived oxidants is an early event in the overall pathway of cellular toxicity. Similar ndings were obtained with primary hepatocyte cultures after induction of CYP2E1 by treatment with pyrazole. Adaptation to oxidant stimuli is critical for short- and long-term survival of cells exposed to oxidative stress. We found that the levels of GSH and several antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione transferase, catalase, and heme oxygenase-1 were up-regulated in the CYP2E1- expressing cells. This upregulation was prevented by antioxidants, suggesting that ROS generated by CYP2E1 were responsible for the transcriptional activation of these antioxidant genes. Because of this activation of antioxidant genes, the CYP2E1expressing cells were less sensitive to toxicity by H2O2, menadione, or HNE than control cells. We believe that the upregulation of these antioxidant genes reect an adaptive mechanism to remove CYP2E1-derived oxidants. Hepatic stellate cells are central to the brotic response of the liver to injury. A co-culture system was developed to evaluate whether mediators (ROS, cytokines) whose production may be elevated by CYP2E1 in liver cells can diffuse to hepatic stellate cells and activate smooth muscle actin and collagen production. Indeed, levels of smooth muscle actin and collagen were increased when hepatic stellate cells were co-cultured with CYP2E1-expressing HepG2 cells compared with control HepG2 cells or HepG2 cells expressing a different P450, CYP3A4. These increases were blocked by catalase or vitamin E, suggesting that the CYP2E1-expressing cells release ROS, such as H2O2 and lipid peroxidation products that stimulate type 1 collagen synthesis by stellate cells.149-151 A working model of CYP2E1-dependent oxidative stress and toxicity is shown in Fig. 3. Ethanol increases levels of CYP2E1, largely by a posttranscriptional mechanism involving enzyme stabilization against degradation. CYP2E1 generates ROS such as O2 and H2O2 during its catalytic cycle. In the presence of iron, which is increased after ethanol treatment, more powerful oxidants including OH, ferryl species, and 1-hydroxyethyl radi-
cal, are produced. Initially, the liver cells respond to the CYP2E1-related oxidative stress by transcriptionally inducing antioxidant enzymes via their antioxidant response elements. Ultimately, these protective mechanisms are overwhelmed, and the cells become sensitive to the CYP2E1-generated oxidants. These various oxidants can promote toxicity by protein oxidation and enzyme inactivation, oxidative damage to the DNA, and disturbing cell membranes via lipid peroxidation and production of reactive lipid aldehydes, such as MDA and HNE. Mitochondria appear to be among the critical cellular organelles damaged by CYP2E1-derived oxidants. A decrease of mitochondrial membrane potential and perhaps the mitochondrial membrane permeability transition causes release of proapoptotic factors, resulting in apoptosis. A decrease in ATP levels will cause necrosis. Some CYP2E1-derived reactive oxygen species, such as H2O2, LOOH, and HNE, are diffusible and may exit hepatocytes and enter other liver cell types such as stellate cells and stimulate these cells to produce collagen and elicit a brotic response. We believe that the linkage between CYP2E1-dependent oxidative stress, stellate cell activation, and mitochondrial injury and GSH homeostasis contribute to the toxic action of ethanol on the liver.
Many of these issues can be studied using animal models; however, extrapolation of ndings from animals to humans will be a difcult task because ROS production and antioxidant status in humans are affected by numerous nutritional, environmental, and drug inuences that are difcult to reproduce in animals. Scattered data suggest that the blood of human alcoholics contain lipids modied by radicals and other reactive molecules as well as immune molecules targeted at such modied lipids and proteins.57,85,126,132 Many reports exist that various parameters of oxidative stress, such as ethane exhalation, lipid hydroperoxide levels in serum, 4-HNE protein adducts, salicylate hydroxylation products, and decreases in serum selenium and vitamin E levels, are elevated by alcohol in humans.152-157 Meagher et al.158 showed that alcohol increased urinary isoprostane levels in a time- and dosedependent manner in volunteers given alcohol acutely.158 These data indicate that ROS and other reactive molecules are indeed formed in human alcoholics. Other questions that should be addressed in future research include the following: How do reactive nitrogen species (e.g., nitric oxide) play a role in alcohol-induced oxidative stress in addition to ROS? What is the link/balance between ROS and reactive nitrogen species (RNS)? What is the impact of possible interactions between alcohol and environmental inuences such as smoking, use of other drugs or medications, and viral infections (e.g., hepatitis C) on ROS production, oxidative stress, and tissue injury? These interactions must be better dened because most alcoholics are exposed to 1 or more of these inuences in addition to alcohol. How is oxidative stress affected by interactions between alcohol and nutritional factors, such as the levels and specic types of fats ingested? And how much iron is safe in a heavy-drinker? Why does CYP2E1 have a short half-life and what determines its rapid turnover? More mechanistic details on the regulation of CYP2E1 and how ethanol modulates this regulation are needed. A valuable addition would be the development of specic, nontoxic inhibitors of CYP2E1. The effects of ROS produced in the hepatocyte and ROS produced by non-parenchymal cells in the actions of ethanol need to be determined in view of recent results described in Bradford et al.118 What are the priming or sensitizing factors for ethanol-induced oxidant stress and cell injury? What are the interactions between TNF, CYP2E1, mitochondrial GSH, iron, electron transfer chain, NO, and
acetaldehyde that are responsible for ethanol-induced tissue injury? Can markers predictive of individuals particularly sensitive to ethanol-induced oxidative stress and tissue injury be developed, such as polymorphisms in alcohol dehydrogenase isoforms, CYP2E1, antioxidant enzymes, cytokines? What are the effects, if any, of the sex, age, and race in the ability of ethanol to generate oxidative stress? What are the effects of antioxidants (e.g., vitamin E, vitamin C, or carotenoids) in heavy drinkers? This question is important because some antioxidants can be toxic under certain conditions. Whether oxidative stress in ALD is clinically relevant based on several human clinical trials remains unclear, and more data in this area are needed. The ability of alcohol to promote oxidative stress and the role of free radicals in alcohol-induced tissue injury clearly are important areas of research in the alcohol eld, particularly because such information may be of major therapeutic signicance in attempts to prevent or ameliorate alcohols toxic effects, for example, by antioxidants, iron chelators, inhibitors of CYP2E1 or of cytokine production/actions or GSH replenishment. As basic information continues to emerge regarding the role of oxidative stress in disease development and the mechanisms underlying ROS-related cellular toxicity, these ndings will lead to more rational antioxidant therapeutic approaches. Moreover, these ndings could result in the development of more effective and selective new medications capable of blocking the actions of ROS and consequently the toxic effects of alcohol.
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