Website Planning Worksheet
Website Planning Worksheet
Website Planning Worksheet
2. Site Organization
This is a sample of web page titles. Please enter pages you desire in the empty boxes, add pages you would like to see and cross out the rest.
4. Masthead Graphic
It is very helpful if you will include a copy of your company's letterhead, brochures, catalog, etc. so we can see how you present your company image. __ Company Logo incorporated in the masthead graphic? If so, please enclose a color copy. __ Photo or drawing of product? __ Typeface preference __________________________________________ __ Preferred colors in palette (PMS or RPG colors?) _______________________________________ __ Other ideas _________________________________________________________
6. Navigation System
The navigation system of all our Standard Website Packages includes:
Links from the front page and sectional pages to every page in the system to enable Web search engines to "spider" and index content on every page. "Site Map" with a brief word or two indicating each page -- or, in larger sites -- each section of the website. This appears at the bottom of every page. In some sites we put this both top and bottom. Included in sites of 8 pages or more. Search Engine is useful on larger sites of 12+ pages to help visitors quickly find what they're looking for. (Extra charge)
Web Page titles which show at top of Web browser only Top-of-page graphic based on the design of the masthead graphic Page Title in larger type. Heading Font Style: ________________ Text. Body Font Style: ___________________ Standard company ID near bottom of page E-mail response link to the following e-mail address: _________________________ Copyright and trademark information in small print at the bottom of every page. What registered trademarks, trademarks, and service marks does your company want to indicate here?
Do you have any trademarks or service marks? If so, please list them here and indicate which are registered trademarks.
Clipart tends to look a bit tacky on websites. We recommend photos. Photos you supply either by sending the photos themselves for us to scan and return, or by sending the digitized images on a diskette.
9. Response Forms
What is the purpose of your response form? __ __ __ __ Forum and/or Blog for visitors to record comments Request for information Newsletter Survey of customer preferences
Advertising your Website to Web search engines that index the Web Giving customers a good reason to come by offering them something Purchasing Web advertising Becoming active in several of the thousands of Internet news groups and mailing lists Developing a "signature" mini-ad attached to all your e-mail messages Making your website part of one or more of the many "malls." Including your e-mail and Web site on all your company's corporate identity E-mail campaign with a newsletter every season.
13. Maintenance
Target Date____________________ Package prices include minor updating over the first six months of the contract. This covers minor price changes, product changes, etc. It does not include major changes, such as changing newsletter content (which essentially involves constructing a new webpage), which is billed at our hourly rate.
Target Date for final payment to be made and your Web Site to be advertised: _____________
On behalf of my organization I approve the above plan which I have developed with Shire Enterprises, Inc. to construct a website, and I authorize Shire Enterprises, Inc. to use this Website Planning Worksheet as the basis of the project. Signature ____________________________________________________________ Date _________________
These are the items that will make up the package you'll be sending to us:
Website Planning Worksheet Website Store Planning Worksheet (if applicable) Website Design Contract (after its been drawn up) Website Content Worksheet which will define for us the: o Written content for your webpages (preferably on a CD.) o Photos or graphics to be included. Send us a CD or ZIP file with your graphics in any popular format, such as GIF, JPEG, PNG, etc.). o Your company logo (if any), and tell us the PMS or RPG color. Samples of your printed materials -- brochures, letterheads, cards, booklets, etc. -- so we can see how you present your company image. Check for at least 50% of the total cost.
You may send your package via regular post, UPS or FedEx to: Gary Kopycinski Shire Enterprises, Inc. 20 Ash St. Park Forest, IL 60466 We are looking forward to receiving your materials and constructing your accessible website!